Sowing Wild Oats

By Gadfly

Published on Mar 20, 2003


NOTE: Comments are appreciated (including critiques) to or ICQ#32364537

Ch. 8: Looking for Trouble

"No questions, just do as I do." Rob tossed some clothes at Rick and then proceeded to thread one jeans leg through a T-shirt and the other through a pair of boxers, and then tied the legs in a reef knot, along with a towel, pulling it tight, producing a tight ball of clothes. "Over to the light, give me your bundle and then hoist me up," said Rob, continuing to whisper as he pointed at a decorative light about twenty feet in front of the sauna building. It had a crossbar about ten feet up, for propping a ladder, but there was no ladder in sight.

When they got to the light standard, Rick bent down at the knees and Rob climbed on back. Rick straightened up, hanging on to Rob's legs and popped a bundle on each end of the crossbar, then put his hand in front of Rick's face and pointed down, urgently. "Back to the bushes and hide."

"What the fuck! Someone's ripped off our clothes." They heard a yell from the sauna building as they sprinted across to the bushes by the tracks.

"They're not here! Just our shoes and wallets. Shit, I bet it's Steve, getting revenge." A different voice rang out from the sauna.

"Keep it down..." and the voices trailed off. A minute later, a head poked out the door and looked around, then ducked back in. A few minutes passed, with muddled whispers coming from the sauna. Then a blond guy with a swimmer's build appeared, wearing shoes and socks, but nothing else and grabbing his crotch, with a key peeking out. He looked around and headed, crouched, across the courtyard and stopped, looked at the light for a few seconds and then sprinted back to the sauna, without moving his hands. More muddled whispers and two guys appeared: the blond from earlier and a shorter, oriental fellow, both with hands poised over their crotches and looking around furtively.

When they got to the light, the blond crouched down and lifted the other guy, who popped the clothes off to the ground. They almost fell over in their haste to grab the bundles and tore back to the sauna. A minute later, the two, fully dressed, emerged. "I don't get it. Why would Steve steal our clothes and then not hang around to harass us? And why leave them so close?" asked the oriental.

"Beats me. But, it had to be him. He was real pissed when he got back from the pool in only a towel."

As the pair got to the other side of the courtyard, the voices trickled off, but Rob and Rick could just make out an excited mention of 'camcorder'.

Rick looked at Rob and whispered, "Can we go in?" Rob nodded and they went in. Rick turned the sauna back on and laughed, "That was a gas. What ever gave you that idea? It took a lot of nerve -- they could have caught you grabbing the clothes. Hell, they could have nailed us while we put them on the light. We're lucky they didn't scour the grounds for us -- we'd never have gotten away."

"I freaked when I saw the clothes and heard them talking in the sauna, but quickly realised we had to get them out, as we couldn't go in with them there. We couldn't wait too long either, as we're both getting cold. So I emptied the jeans pockets into their shoes and grabbed everything else I could see. I spotted the lamp on my way in, and got the idea of planting the clothes there as I came out. It was all spur of the moment, and I had no idea what was going to happen. You're right; a lot could have gone wrong. We're very lucky they were expecting that Steve guy to go after them."

"Inspired thinking! You made sure it looked like a prank by emptying the pockets, and confirmed it by putting the clothes in easy view. Almost everyone feels guilty about having treated someone badly, and you played up to that. Even better, if we get caught, having these two lose their clothes earlier will just add to our story, and the mystery stripper will never be found. Wonder what they'll do to 'Steve'. They looked like swimmers and mentioned a pool, so maybe we should keep our eyes open."

"Likely nothing, but you never know. They may think they got off lightly, or if they think he videotaped it, may be cautious. I'm not cold anymore, but I am getting tired and hungry. Any ideas?" Rob yawned and rubbed his belly.

"The donut shop is less than a block away, but we have no money. If we stay here, we'll eventually get caught. Even with the campus empty, I'm sure this place will get used again before tomorrow night. Also, there's nothing to eat here. And who knows when George might turn up. Unless you know how to forage in the urban bush, we're going to have to visit someone. So far, only Mary and Beth have seen us, but I don't know where they live. Looks like my great plan has a big hole or two."

"S'allright. We're going to have to trust someone. Susan's out of town... Susan! What would she say if she knew what we're up to?" Rob looked concerned.

"Calm down. She's not here, may never find out, and you've got lots of time to figure out how to handle it. Kathy's out, she broke up with me a couple of weeks ago because she said there 'was no fire'. Anyway she's gone this weekend too."

"Tell her about this weekend - you might get her back. Damn, everyone I can think of would take advantage, just like we figure George would, unless you want to chance Vanya. Or Hans... Yeah, Hans would be better than Vanya if Susan ever found out."

"Really? Hmm, I suppose turning up nude on Vanya's doorstep might be misunderstood, but then..." Rick paused. "But, if we offered to pose for Hans, we'd have an excuse and Hans doesn't want photos. Wonder if he's around?"

"You did say you were thinking of posing for him anyway - was that because of Kathy? Sorry to hear you broke up. I thought you two were good together."

"I thought so too, but I guess I was becoming an old man too fast for her tastes. You're right about Hans, and that's why I was so ready to cut loose this weekend. I had to find out if she was right. Even if she won't have me back, I'll have to thank her for making life more interesting. Your uncle too, if I ever meet him."

"Hans isn't far away, but he's on a busy street, on the other side of the donut shop. We'd have to streak to find out. I'm game, if only to get something to eat." He looked at Rick.

"Oh, the donut shop. I know it's not my turn, but how about a bit of anonymity for the run? We could cover our faces with mud. That way, even if we give someone a thrill, they won't know who we are."

Next: Chapter 8

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