Sowing Wild Oats

By Gadfly

Published on Feb 13, 2003


NOTE: Comments are appreciated (including critiques) to or ICQ#32364537

Ch. 5: Sauna Sprints

Rob made it to the sauna without seeing anyone. It was never busy this late at night, and with the campus almost deserted, the quiet was not surprising. The sauna was off, and would take 5 minutes to warm up. Not knowing what else to do, he decided to have a shower while he waited for Rick and the sauna. He was definitely having an adventure now. No clothes, no access to any, and basically at Rick's mercy. What was Rick going to do next, he wondered?

And then there was tomorrow night's 'exhibition game' for Mary and Beth. They were lucky tonight that Mary and Beth were the only ones that caught them. Would they be even more exposed tomorrow? Would George and Ron play along, or would the whole thing turn out to be an embarrassing mess? He felt himself get even more aroused, but didn't want to cheat on Rick's rules. Where was Rick anyway?

Meanwhile, Rick made his way to Rob's room, not running into anyone. Of course, this was the easy part: going back naked, without even the bundle of clothes for a shield, was going to be more intense. He put both sets of shoes and socks and the tennis gear on Rob's bed, and tossed the shirt and shorts into Rob's closet. Sitting down at the desk, he grabbed some paper and wrote a note:

"This is Rob's room key. Mine is locked inside my room.

Both our roomies are gone until Sunday night. Both of us

are naked, and have no chance of changing that before

our doubles game. The stakes for the bet are your

clothes and all the room keys - they stay at the side of

the court during the match. I beat Rob tonight for the

same stakes - the proof is his jockstrap in the tree by

the court. I suggest also that the losers lose their

body hair - as we're already naked, I wouldn't want you

to think you're the only ones with something to lose.

But it's up to you - bring shaving gear if you agree.

Hope you're up to it, but if you're not, please bring us

Rob's room key at least. Our shoes, socks and tennis

gear are on Rob's bed - we'll need them, or it won't be

much of a match. It was a real rush for both of us, and

you'll find it beats being bored. We figure it's our

last chance for sowing wild oats before we join the rest

of the grey suits. If we don't show, we may be in jail,

so please bail us out. Prepare to be thrashed and


He signed it, stuck Rob's key to the page with tape, and put it in an envelope. Fortunately, George's room was in the same dorm, so he'd have no trouble getting it under George's door, as long as he escaped capture. As long as he still had the envelope, they weren't committed, and he could beat a hasty retreat, but the envelope wasn't much of a shield. Making sure he had the envelope, he peeked out into the hall - all clear. Rick stepped out and pulled the door shut - it locked. Then, he heard voices. He moved off quickly in the opposite direction, debating whether to go back in and wait - no, Rob would be getting impatient. He made the stairwell before anyone appeared and then headed up one floor.

The hallway looked clear; he heard nothing. He quickly moved down to George's room, and shoved the envelope under the door. Now committed, he wondered if George was even there and poised his hand to knock. He paused - what was he doing? Shrugging, he banged on the door, poised to run, listening closely for any response. He heard a "Who's there?" Rick yelled "Special delivery!" and sprinted for the stairwell. He heard a door open just as he made it to the stairwell, but didn't stop, heading straight down for the basement. Heart thumping, he wouldn't have heard the Mormon Tabernacle Choir if they were performing on the stairs, so it was good luck, not good judgement that he remained undetected until he got to the sauna.

Rob was aghast. Were they discovered? "What..."

Rick cut him off, and between pants, said "into the sauna, now. I'll explain..." as he headed in himself.

Rob waited impatiently for Rick to get his breath back, noticing that Rick's member was throbbing intensely, and felt his own start to do the same "Are we on the run - hey, where's my room key?"

"S'ok. I shoved it under George's door with a note. Nothing happened. I'm just spooked. Let me get my breath."

"So now we really are stuck, unless we streak to George's room and ask for my key?"

"You got it, Pontiac." Rick seemed to have regained control, and carried on. "The note told George about the bet and challenged Ron and him. I also asked them to look for us if we didn't show, in case we get into a mess. I gave him the key, so he could bring our shoes and gear. That way, we're committed, but don't have to carry all that stuff around."

"Carry it around? Are we going somewhere? Did you mention Mary and Beth?"

"No, I didn't mention them, as I thought it would spook them. Let it come as a surprise. Mary and Beth might be just the thing for making them go along with it, if they're not sure. Yeah, we're going somewhere - I'm not sure where, but we can't stay here. The note told George that we're naked and locked out, and it won't take him long to figure on trying the sauna. He's no dummy."

"So what if he finds us? He'll see us on the court tonight."

"Think for a minute, will ya? It's one thing to back down from a challenge, quite another to find some of your friends naked and helpless, when you've got a mischievous streak like George does. I think we'd find ourselves tied up and photographed, or worse. We'd not get the doubles game, and probably would not have much fun being the butt of everyone else's fun for a few hours. Remember, George and the rest are probably drunk as skunks right now, just like we'd be if we hadn't decided to play tennis. So, we'd better think fast about where to go, and it's got to be outside this building, 'cause George will find us if we're in it."

"Shit, you're right. If I were in George's shoes, I'd be looking for us now. Let's go sauna hopping - how about Samuels college? You don't need a dorm key to get in there, and if we make it there, we should be safe there for a while. We'd at least have enough time to think before it occurs to George - if he's drunk."

"OK, let's go." Rick got up. "George'll be drunk all right, he said he was joining a bunch down at the Old Grindstone tonight, and you know what that means." Somewhat more cautiously than he arrived, Rick headed out of the sauna with Rob following close behind. They heard footsteps on the stairs as they exited the building. They took off across the quad, hoping to escape what they were sure was George hot on their trail.

Next: Chapter 5

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