Sowing Wild Oats

By Gadfly

Published on Feb 1, 2003


NOTE: Comments are appreciated (including critiques) to or ICQ#32364537

Ch. 1: You're not young forever

"Hi Rob, why so glum? What's up?" Rick asked as he joined his friend in the coffee shop.

"Not much. I'm bored - no plans for the weekend. Darryl's gone home, along with most of the rest of the world," Rob droned, playing with his coffee.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, my roomie's gone too. I've nothing on after I finish work tonight. Got a bit of studying, but I'll likely finish that while working. Want to hang this weekend?"

"Sure, but we've gotta come up with something interesting..." Rob trailed off.

"You sound like it's more than just this weekend."

"Nahh... well, yes, it is. I graduate this year and then it's onto that 'ladder of success', and I think I'll be bored for the rest of my life."

"Are you sure you're OK? You sound depressed. Why not play some tennis at eleven to get those juices flowing? Can you hang on that long?" Rick had thought of pubbing, but not with Rob sounding so down - it could get really maudlin.

"Tennis? Sure, maybe I just need some exercise to get my head working again. Maybe by then we'll have come up with something to do. My uncle was saying college was the best time of his life and he did things then he still thinks about today. I've only got this year, and nothing really memorable..."

"Come on now, you've got lots of friends, and most of the time we have a great time. What sort of things was your uncle talking about?"

"That's part of the problem, He wouldn't say anything more than that if he tried the same things any other time or place, he'd be in jail, but he looked real nostalgic and had a big grin. When I tried to get him to open up, he told me I'd have to figure it out myself and come up with my own adventures, but that when I'd had a few, he'd tell me about his. He said copying someone else's adventures was as boring as doing nothing, but I should get my mind in gear and sow wild oats while I had the chance."

"He must be some sort of wild and crazy guy."

"Not really. He's fun and has a great sense of humour, but he's as blue chip as my Dad. So, I figure I'll end up the same way. But, he obviously wasn't always that way. I must be old before my time." Rob looked even more depressed.

"Nonsense! We just need to be creative and come up with something. I think you're right - this is the year. My Dad asked me this summer if I'd done anything yet I couldn't 'tell the old man', and when I said no, he looked disappointed. That was weird. Maybe we're expected to do something crazy? Anyway, I must head off to work - let's both try and think of something memorable to do and we'll talk about it tonight. See you on the court."

Rob looked up, "Yeah. I'll cream you again, you know." He grinned.

"Now that's better. Don't be so sure - I've been practising. Bet I'll beat you this time." Rick moved to the door.

"What+IBk-s the bet? Loser buys the beer?"

"Let's go for bigger stakes - we'll decide before the match. I have to go..." and Rick went off, leaving Rob wondering what he should suggest for stakes.

Ch. 2: The bet

Rob got to the court at eleven sharp. It was in total darkness. Rick must be running late, he thought. He'd not come up with any good ideas for the bet, as he had worked on an essay to leave the rest of the weekend clear. He snapped on the lights.

"What the fuck!" he exclaimed, when he saw Rick lying spread-eagle on his back on the court, wearing nothing but a hard-on, socks and running shoes.

"Maybe later." Rick grinned as he got up and dusted himself off. "I've had an idea that should make your uncle and my dad happy when we tell them about it. We should have a lot of fun too. I know I haven't been this turned on in a long time."

"You gone nuts? Where are your clothes? Aren't we playing tennis?"

"No, I'm not nuts. My clothes are locked in my dorm room, and I can't get back in until Sunday night. And yes, we're playing tennis. The stakes are your clothes - winner gets them. Strip off and let's get started if you're going to play."

"Huh? You're gonna play tennis in the nude? What do you mean +IBM my clothes? You're crazy if you think I'm..." Rob paused. "Or, maybe you're right. This would be different. What if we get caught? And, why have you got a boner?"

"I have a boner because of the risk. If you strip off, you'll find out. The breeze helps too. But let's start soon; I'm getting cold." Rick started running on the spot and flapping his arms, while Rob watched, frozen in indecision. "Come on, you wanted to do something freaky. Doesn't this count, or is it too boring? Now get moving - I don't want your clothes all sweaty when I win."

Rob set down the tin of tennis balls and his racket and started to pull off his polo shirt. "No this isn't boring, but I'm confused. How did you get locked out? You sure you don't want me to get you some clothes from my room?"

Jogging more sedately, Rick said, "I thought about what you said this afternoon and figured your uncle was right. We need some adventures. When I was working in the library tonight, I looked up what college kids used to do. There was a lot of naked stuff and things like eating goldfish. I figured that nude tennis fit in nicely, and as it's late on Friday night with most of the campus away and the rest getting drunk, there isn't a whole lot of risk of getting caught. Plus, we needed a better bet than paying for beer. Hell, we have tons of money, so that doesn't mean anything. I figured that if I came here and suggested it, you'd talk me out of it, so I made sure that I, at least, had no choice. After I showered, I put on my shoes and socks, put everything else away and then locked myself out. That way, even if you won't go along with it, I'll get an adventure. So, I'm playing tennis like this - care to join me?" He grinned.

By now, Rob had his shirt off, but was still dubious about proceeding. "Even if I don't strip off, you're playing naked?"

"Duh. What choice to I have?" Rick frowned as Rob pointed back to the dorm. "Why should I get dressed before the game, after going to all the trouble to make sure I can't. Now, are you happy with the stakes, or are you just offering your shirt? I guess you think I'll trounce you for a change."

Rob flushed red and started to remove his shorts. "What are the stakes exactly? Loser goes naked for the weekend? And what are we playing? The usual, best two sets of three?"

"Well, the stakes are negotiable, beyond the basic that the winner gets your clothes. We have the whole weekend. I'd rather leave things open, so we can have other adventures, or chicken out for a bit if it gets to be too much. This is supposed to be fun, so we don't want to get too committed to anything in case it goes sour. Two of three sets is what I had in mind. Why don't we say that the winner also decides the next adventure, just to spice it up a bit."

As Rob threw his shorts over onto his shirt, he laughed, "Spice it up! Next you'll tell me that the TV crew will be here in 5 minutes." As he pulled down his jock, Rob's cock sprang up too, and he gave it a little tug.

"Hey, stop that! No touching your dick unless you win. Winner decides that too." Rick wagged his finger.

"Are you finished making up rules yet? I'm ready to start," said Rob as he threw his jock over onto the pile of clothes. "Who's got first serve?"

Rick laughed again, "No more rules. I get first serve as challenger."

Next: Chapter 2

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