Southwestern Road Trip

By Queer Wolf

Published on Sep 29, 2014


I know, it's been months. Can't say for sure if I will do another chapter. I have an outline in my head but my heart isn't really this story anymore. So, don't count on it.

Hugs, Tag_m

Cypress put his fingers down inside the wide, brightly colored waistband of my briefs, lifted the fabric and tugged it down, allowing my cock rise up off my belly a couple of inches. "Gosh it's so big Kip," he said as I hefted my butt off the bed and the boy slid my briefs down under my cheeks. Cypress kept his eyes on my crotch as he tugged my briefs down and tossed backwards over his head, not caring where they landed. I of course opened my legs once they were freed up so my balls were at full hang. "Your balls are big too Kip. I bet you make a butt load of cum." That said Cypress took hold of the sac and hefted them and fondled them. "They're so smooth too. Do you shave em or something?" "I sure do; so boys like you can feel their softness." Cypress giggled at that as he set them back gently then went for my cock. He stroked me a few times, commented that I wasn't very hairy and it looked like I shaved my pubes too. I agreed that I did. He then got his face down closer and, like I had done, nuzzled his face in my hair, against my cock and even pressed his face against my balls, breathing deeply as he did it. "You smell different than a boy Kip. I like how boys smell in their crotch but I really love how you smell. It makes me hot." That said, he hauled 7 ½ inches of raging hard cock upright and lowered his head to it. I watched intently, always enthralled the first time a boy put his mouth over my cock and watching a boy as cute, adorable, huggable and hot as Cypress made it all that much more intense. I felt a shudder run through my body as his mouth closed down over my cock head and the boy started sucking me. Cypress did a very credible job considering my cock was probably half again as thick as any boy he had sucked so far, aside from maybe his cousin and I never did get any confirmation that they'd engaged together. Cypress actually stroked my cock as he sucked me and made a few "yummy" sounds. Watching his beautiful face as he sucked me made my heart beat a little faster and my cock swell just a little more. He finally stopped after a brief bit stating his mouth got sore so I brought him back up to lie on me and we kissed some more. Being fully naked, our hard cocks side by side, and being able to fondle his boys' little bare butt was amazing. It didn't take long before Cypress was gently moving his hips, fucking his boner onto my belly and all the while he was moaning softly. I kneaded his butt cheeks, pulling them open and letting them close. I ran my fingers up and down his crack and when the boy moved his legs off to each side I took that as an invitation to explore his most secret spot. I kept his cheeks spread and sent a finger inside, found his puckered little hole and rubbed against it. "Ohhh god Kip," cypress moaned loudly then crammed his mouth against mine and moved his hips backwards, pushing against my finger. I quickly pulled my hand back, soaked my finger in spit and put it back and pushed the tip inside his compact body. Needless to say it was tighter than a camel's ass in a sandstorm. "I need to cum Kip. Can we make me cum?" Indeed we could. I rolled him to our sides, kissed him deeply then took my finger tip out of his butt and retrieved the bottle of lube from my bag. "Uumm are you gonna fuck me Kip?" There was a little trepidation in the boys' high pitched voice. "I would love to fuck you baby boy but that will be totally your decision. No, right now I'm just gonna make you cum really good. Have you ever fingered your butt hole?" He shook his head. "Well I think you're in for a treat sweet cheeks." I had Cypress roll onto his back and spread his legs and pull them back. God what a sight that was. I asked him when he showered and he said just before he came over. I set the lube down, lay down at his butt and shoved my tongue against hole and began rimming him with a vengeance. I love boy hole and Cypress's tight little puckered muscle was perfect. I licked up onto the underside of his young balls then back down to the hole. I didn't stay long; just enough to send his heat level up another notch which was quite evident when I saw his eyes. I lubed my finger the poured some in my hand and moved into place. I had the boy put his feet against the front of my hips then wrapped my slippery hand around his raging hard cock and as I stroked up over his sensitive cock head I slipped the lubed finger up his tight little ass. Well I'm here to tell you it got the desired effect. Cypress practically squealed and shoved his little ass right up off the bed at the double onslaught of his organs. I stroked the boys' cock while I finger fucked his ass and earned enough moans to qualify for the Guinness record. I watched the emotions play across his smooth young face and knew that the boy wasn't going to last very long. I found his prostate and massaged it sending waves of new and powerful feelings through his virgin body. "Oh fuck Kip," he whimpered, "you're gonna make me cum, I'm gonna cum." He was right and about 20 seconds later he groaned loudly, his cock thickened in my fingers and I felt his little prostate harden. I watched a large drop of sperm spit out of his cock, split in two then fall onto his chest. Cypress was humping his slender hips up off the bed in an effort to fuck my fingers. A little more sperm oozed out of his cock before the boy finally relaxed back on the bed, panting heavily, the show pretty much over. I left my finger in his ass and began stroking my cock, reveling in the silky feel of his hole, reveling in the beauty of the young boy and reveling in the sight of his growing boy parts. Cypress finally opened his eyes and watched me and despite having cum a few hours before I found that I got to that point fairly quickly, attributing it to all of the things I just mentioned. "Gonna cum Cypress," I moaned. The boy propped himself up on an elbow and reached out to cup my balls. "Will this help," he asked. It did. A moment later a thick wad of sperm shot out onto his chest. The first one stayed pretty much in a single glob although of course there was the tail end of it that ran down over my fingers. The second and third jets didn't go as far but they broke up into a horde of droplets that rained down on the boy like so much soot in a smog filled city. After that it was a few burps of cum and the rest just oozed out and down. My continued jacking off caused my cum to flip off my fingers onto Cypress's cock, balls and belly. "Gosh Kip that's a lot of cum," Cypress said, clearly in awe. I held my cock down and wiped the spermy head across the boys' smooth balls then leaned forward placing my hands on the bed alongside his head and lowered my body onto his. Needless to say I kept most of my weight off of him but it allowed us to kiss, which we did. Cypress tossed his arms around my neck and cooed softly while offered each other little kisses. "What that fun for you baby boy," I asked him and he nodded his head. "Very fun Kip. There is a real sensitive spot in my butt that you kept rubbing on and it was driving me wild." I explained the prostate gland to him then added that was why I wanted to do what I did, to show him how much pleasure was available to him. "Does it feel that good when you get fucked?" "It does but it isn't always the prostate getting rubbed that causes the feeling. There are other things as well." "Like what Kip?" "Well, why don't we go take a shower and I'll show you some more things." The hot young boy was very enthusiastic about that. I moved from above him then took his hand and led him to the shower. I was fortunate that I had a room with separate tub and shower. The arrangement allowed plenty of movement in the shower for 2 people instead of having to maneuver around each other to get to and from the water. We got soaked and of course I offered to wash the boy. I can't imagine anyone not wanting to wash a boy. Running soapy hands over that kid's body would make a stone statue come alive. Cypress had already showered and washed his hair just before coming to visit me so I started at his narrow shoulders, gently digging my thumbs and fingers into growing muscle and earning the moans and groans that come from having that exercise performed on you. "Oh gosh kip that feels so good," he said drawing the word "so" out. I worked my way down his back and onto his deliciously small butt. Cypress had a dynamite ass. As I've said, first of all it was small. Secondly he had a decent amount of gluteal cleavage but not too long. If you've ever really paid attention to boys' butt you know that they're almost as varied as boys' cocks. Cypress had cheeks that sort of seemed like they were pushed together ever so slightly which helped accentuate the dimples on the side of those glorious orbs. Additionally they pushed out from the small of his back just enough to start to give the illusion of a bubble butt but wasn't a bubble butt. I can't say it any differently than, to me, the kid had the most perfect ass I'd ever seen on a boy his age. That all said, I spent a little extra time rubbing, kneading and fondling his flesh before trailing a finger up and down his crack and eventually finding his most secret spot. Cypress stepped one foot out to give me better access to his puckered little muscle. I didn't focus on it at first but simply let my soapy hands run back and forth across it and accosted his balls from behind. Needless to say it got me the requisite moans and comments on how good it felt. I then worked just at his hole while my other soapy hand moved around front to wash and fondle his balls, which were by then at full hang due to the heat, and his cock which was at full hard due to a different kind of heat. I finally stopped and moved him back under the spray to get him rinsed and of course he rewarded me with a mouthful of tongue and lips, tight hugging and plenty of moans. He then offered to wash me, which of course, I allowed. Cypress went about doing pretty much what I'd done to him although he took the liberty of slipping a soapy finger up my ass. "Gosh it's really tight on my finger and it's warm in there." I didn't mention the natural occurring 98.8 degree piece to him. He felt on my balls and stroked my hard cock a little then rinsed me. We got out, dried off, then went back to bed to snuggle and huggle and offer gentle kisses. I love cuddling with a boy, especially one that is somewhat small statured so that I can all but envelope him in my arms. Cypress was definitely such a boy. "I just love this Kip, laying here in your arms and snuggling and kissing and stuff. It just makes me feel so good and wanted and stuff. The boys' hands were roaming gently across my body, not exploring really just moving with no real destination or purpose other than to have contact. Needless to say my free hand was doing the same thing. "So do I sweet boy, so do I. You're the most perfect boy in the world to be snuggling with too." I kissed him gently on the mouth and when we broke it he made a "yummy" sound and snuggled his head into the crook of my neck. We lay there quietly, each in our own thoughts. Cypress' roaming hand slid down between us to find my half softened cock. My hand had rested on his delicious little butt and my fingers were trailing around with enough pressure not to be ticklish. Cypress let my cock lay in his hand and he sort of bounced it a little bit. "Kip," he said softly. "Mmm," I replied in a slightly dreamy state, my eyes still closed. "I think I've decided that I want you to fuck me." As much as I wanted to jump for joy I remained calm, didn't jerk back with surprise on my face. "I been thinking for a little while that even though it's interesting to think about putting my cock in another boys' butt I'm much more interested in having a cock in my butt. I can't explain it but it seems like that's what I'm spose to do." He leaned back away from me in order to have eye contact. "Does that make sense?" I kissed his eyelid, then his nose, then his mouth. "It sure does Cypress. What you're discovered is that you might well be a natural bottom. That's the role that you'll be most comfortable with when you're with a boy, or a man. Some guys are like that, other guys are tops, plenty of guys are versatile, they'll play either role but usually a guy prefers one or the other. I'm essentially a top but I don't mind getting fucked from time to time. In fact sometimes I really crave having a cock in my ass." "I see," he mumbled. We lay a bit longer then he said, "I'm kinda scared to do it Kip cuz I know it's gonna hurt; probably a lot." "You're right about that baby boy, it will hurt but it might not be as bad as you think it will be." He leaned back enough to see my face and asked why. "Well," I started, drawing the word out, "What did it feel like a little bit ago when I was working your hole with my finger?" The boy grinned and said it felt awesome. "Was it hot for you, did it get you hot?" "Oh fuck yes Kip I was so hot it was incredible." "So, that is what I would do again, work on your hole, try to get a couple fingers inside you to loosen you up a little bit and in the process get you so far up into a fog of hotness that you would actually tell me to put my cock in you or to fuck you or something along those lines. Then, when I do put my cock in you it won't hurt so much because you're so hot for it. Yeah, it'll still hurt some and what I would do is stop moving, help you get to breathing and get to relax. The pain goes away pretty fast and then it's on to fucking fun. For some guys they don't even want their partner to stop because either it doesn't hurt that bad or they're so hot to get fucked they don't want to wait. It's different for each person and even different each time." Cypress lay there quietly just looking at me, his large dark eyes roaming all over my face as if to memorize every facet of it. The he reached out and rubbed it with the back of his hand, his touch very gentle. "That feels nice sweet boy," I said quietly. "You're so nice and gentle and polite Kip and I feel like I can trust you; I do trust you. I want you to fuck me. I want you to be my first real lover. "That would be my honor Cypress." I leaned in and kissed him, holding my mouth against his and rolled him onto his back. We continued to kiss, gently little pecks, some a little longer than pecks. His hands roamed up and down my back and onto my butt while mine roamed up and down his front while avoiding his cock and his balls. I rubbed down his leg and came back up on his inner thigh, my finger alternating between a light touch and a more firm touch. I finally stopped kissing him on the mouth and gently nudged his head to the side and began nuzzling his neck. "Ohhh gosh Kip," he moaned as I worked on the sensitive crook of his tender neck. I finally let my hand cup his smooth balls and gently tug and fondle the young sperm makers which earned me yet another moan. Then I went for his ear, sucking on it and breathing hot air into it which earned me squirming and more moaning. I finally vacated and headed south, stopping at his nipples and giving each one a little sucking and tonguing. His response was fairly predictable. I kissed and licked my way down his belly until his boner poked me in the cheek then turned my head and engulphed his stone hard cock. I cupped his boy bag while I suckled him, reveling in his soft flesh. Cypress put his hands alongside my head to hold me as he fucked his butt up off the bed slightly. "So good Kip," he mewed, "so good." I moved my hand to pull back his foreskin and work on his swollen cock head, first licking it all over, paying attention to the ridge before using my lips to work back and forth over the ridge. "You're gonna make me cum again Kip," he groaned. I stopped immediately and moved down between his coltish legs, pushed them open and then back and began to feast again on his virgin puckered hole. I washed every bit of flesh within 3 inches of his delectable morsel focusing on the hole itself. I worked the tip of my tongue against it trying to get inside. I moved up his perineum to his balls, licked and sucked on them before going back down his sensitive seam of flesh to work on his hole again. "Grab the lube baby boy," I said between swipes of my tongue. He did as I asked so I reached out with my left hand, extending the middle and ring fingers. I didn't have to direct him, the boy knew what to do and a moment later they were smeared with slippery goo. I moved back alongside him and went back to sucking his cock as I slipped the middle digit inside his tight little hole and began fucking him with it. A minute later I managed to get the second finger inside of him. A minute after than he told me he was close to cumming. Keeping my fingers inside of him I got back between his legs, on my knees. "Hold your legs back baby," I said and he did, holding them with his hands. I continued to finger fuck him since the moving around had caused some of his ardor to wane. It didn't take long before his heat level was back up and he announced his impeding orgasm. I got in close, held my cock head up against my hand and in one fell swoop slipped my finger out and my cock head in. "Oowwch," he groaned. I held completely still. "Keep breathing Cypress, slow and easy. Push down like you're taking a dump," I told him. I reached out with my lubed fingers and took hold of his boner and began stroking him, sliding his foreskin back and forth over the head. It took him another full minute to adjust to me. "Okay Kip, go ahead and put it all the way in me." I moved slowly and gently, inserting inch after inch of stone hard cock into the boy's tight as all hell asshole until my hair was against his butt. God what a glorious feeling. In reality an asshole is pretty much like any other asshole. It's the owner of the asshole that makes the difference in my opinion and since Cypress was so goddamned fucking cute it seemed to me that his asshole was sweet as an as asshole could get. "Your cock feels like it's all the way inside my belly," he said softly. I started pull out, stopped about half way then slipped back inside of him a few times. "I'm gonna make a little change Cypress," I told him then slipped my arms under his legs and leaned forward a little bit. I adjusted myself and asked how he was doing. "I'm good Kip," he said. "It doesn't hurt any more in fact it was starting to feel good. So go ahead Kip, love me." And love him I did. I started slowly, like before and gradually moved to pulling out a fair distance then sliding back inside of him. The boy was tight and warm and utterly delicious to look at which made fucking him all that much better. I eventually picked up speed and began pushing back into him with more force. I took the time to press my body against his, cramming every bit of cock I could into his tight little ass and moving my own ass around a little bit then going back to fucking him. "Oh God Kip," Cypress moaned, "God this feels so good. I'm gonna cum soon I just know it. I started to hammer my cock into him, the sound of our bodies slapping together mixed with moans and heavy breathing and overall seemed loud the room. "I'm cumming Kip," the boy blurted out, "I'm cumming, ohhhh," he groaned. I felt his asshole constrict on my cock and knew he was right. I fucked him a little harder and about the 3rd time that his asshole constricted I started to cum. "Here it is baby boy, I'm shooting my sperm into you. And that I most certainly did. I felt a half dozen spasms and knew that each one was at least a teaspoon of gooey good juice. I continued to love him until it was all done, slowed down and finally all but stopped. I stayed above him, panting, and moving my butt ever so gently. Cypress' eyes were closed and he had a soft relaxed expression on his smooth face. I finally stopped altogether and just rested there. "Can you lay your weight on me Kip," he asked in a post orgasmic stupor voice. I gradually let the weight off of my knees and elbows and transferred it to Cypress's young body, at least as much as I could and still keep my cock in his butt. "That feels good," the young hottie murmured after I'd settled in as much as I could. He hooked his ankles around my waist and his arms were around my neck. "That was most awesome Kip. I kinda wish that I'd done it before now but I'm also glad that you were my first lover. I don't think another boy would have been as nice and kind and gentle as you were." We kissed lightly, not saying anything more, for a few minutes. "You're still hard Kip." I nodded my head. "Can we do it again? I still have a boner too." "Sure can. Hold on Cypress, I'm going to lift you up." That said I managed to get to my knees which of course seemed to drive my cock a little deeper into the boy. "Oh gosh I sure like this kip," Cypress whispered. His arms were draped across my shoulders, my hands on his tender little butt, noses almost touching. He moved his butt a little bit as if testing the waters and moaned softly. He reached down underneath his butt with one hand to explore where we were connected so I moved my hands to rub up and down back, reveling in the closeness of our bodies. I loved holding a boy like that, our bodies almost as close as they could get while deeply impaling his body. I liked being about to wrap my arm around a boy, to envelope him, to feel the heat from his body melding with mine. His fingers feeling around down made me shiver and I sighed softly when he cupped my balls. "Feels weird Kip," Cypress murmured then rested his head on my shoulder. Since he was so close he began working on my neck, planting soft little kisses. I shivered again, continue to rub his back and down onto the glorious orbs of his small butt. Cypress started to move his butt around; nothing big, just small movements but it was enough to get him interested in taking charge. It didn't take long before soft moans accompanied the soft kisses as new feelings shot through his young body. It didn't take long before his body became more active and the sounds a little louder. "Hold on baby boy," I said, stopping him. "Let me do some rearranging so you can have more control." Again, I held on to the boy and moved, getting first one leg and then the other out from beneath me so that I was sitting, legs out. I then let my upper body rest back on my elbows. "Oh yeah Kip that's great," he sighed. Cypress put his hands backwards on my thighs and began to move and as he did, I let my body rest completely on the bed and watched the boy. Cypress moved slowly, seeming to try out different positions or angles. Maybe he was just basking in the new feelings that were flooding his young inexperienced body. Regardless, the boys' eyes were closed and sometimes squinted shut as those feelings suddenly spiked. I loved watching emotions play across any boys' face but when my cock was causing them, when the boy's eyes were closed and he was just feeling them without other sensory input it was quite beautiful to witness. "Oh man," the boy said, opening his eyes, sort of, and moving his hand around front to rest on my hips. He began to rise and fall using my raging hard cock as a guide. Cypress' eyes were closed, his mouth hung slightly open as his little asshole worked my cock. I began to hear soft mewing sounds coming from him and every once in a while a sharp intake of breath as intense feelings spike in his young body. Then he stopped. The hot young boy then worked at getting his feet moved so that he was squatting and then began to fuck me that way, doing squat thrusts. His boy boner bobbed beautifully as he fucked me and I wished there was a way for me to get it in my mouth. How amazing would that have been but alas I was not that flexible. Cypress continued to fuck me in that fashion for a solid 2 minutes before having to stop because his legs got so tired. He got his feet back underneath his butt and went back to fucking me that way, undulating his narrow hips to and fro, grinding his asshole into pubic bone. I had my hands on his butt gently kneading and massaging, encouraging him to keep going. "Gosh this is a lot of work Kip," he finally said. He lay on me and we kissed then he simply lay there, his head on my shoulder and his tight little hole gripping my cock. I rubbed up and down his back, onto those delicious orbs and back up again. I took a moment to let my fingers explore where my raging boner entered his body and got a few moans from him. I kissed his neck, caused him to giggle and shiver then said, "How about if I finish this for us baby boy?" "That would be great Kip," he replied, his voice noticeably deeper. I sat up and held on to him, Cypress locking his legs around my waist and arms around my neck. Of course we had to deep throat kiss before we moved any further and after a minute of tonguing and soaking each other lips I held Cypress tight and lowered him onto his back. "Love me good and hard Kip. Okay?" I nodded my head and began to fuck him. One of the great things about fucking a boy as small as Cypress is that I can practically envelop him, and I did. With his arms and legs wrapped around me I felt like a mother marsupial, the kind without a pouch. Like a true marsupial Cypress managed to latch onto a nipple and began nursing while I fucked him all the while soft moans and mewing emanated from beneath me. Every so often he'd unleash a moan. "Oh fuck Kip this is so right." "I'm so glad I waited for you to be my first lover." "Fuck me hard Kip," he whimpered, "fuck my ass hard." In between sentences Cypress went back to nursing and whimpering. That the boy was flying high into a fog of hotness was beyond doubt. With his legs wrapped around me he had some leverage and worked at trying to meet my thrusts, to take me deeper inside of him, to help me ram my cock into him harder. I fucked that boy for 15 minutes before I finally let him cum. He had gotten close a few times but I stopped, wanting to carry him further along. When he finally got there he screamed out but thankfully the sound was muffled by my chest. "Oh god oh god oh god," he cried out and then he was actually sobbing. His asshole constricting on my cock took me over the edge and I began firing jet after jet of gooey sperm into the youngster. I swear that Cypress clung to me even harder. As always things slowed down. I continued to move slowly in and out of the boy, wanting to keep the good feelings going as long as possible but I finally stopped. We stayed like that for a solid minute, both breathing heavily but letting it die down. "Can you get me back on your lap Kip," Cypress asked in a soft voice. My answer was simply to begin moving a moment later we were facing each other. He kissed me gently all over my face and neck while cooing to me how great a lover I was, how strong and powerful I was, how he would never find a lover so kind and considerate at me. He stopped and looked me in the eyes. "I swear Kip that if you would let me I would run away from home and live with you for the rest of my life." He then lay his head on my shoulder and sighed heavily. I rubbed his back while thinking about what he'd said. Silly though it sounded, the idea of having that hot young boy in my bed every night certainly gave me pause to think. He was an amazing boy. "I feel your dick shrinking Kip," he said, "It's gonna come out." Indeed it was and a moment later out it popped like a fresh borne babe. We both moaned at the loss. "We should get you into the shower baby boy cuz my cum is gonna start leaking out." "Yeah it sorta feels like I gotta dump," Cypress responded. I rolled over, taking the compact boy with me and scooped him into arms eliciting a giggle, and carried him to the bathroom. The toilet was in its own room and to his credit, Cypress went in and plopped down, leaving the door open. As I went to start the water a loud fart echoed in the toilet bowl which produced gales of giggling from farting boy. I got the water going and a moment later Cypress joined me, letting a couple of toots out as he approached. "Why does getting fucked make me fart Kip," he asked with a grin. I explained the reasoning and he nodded his head in understanding. Inside the shower I treated my adorable young lover to being washed, massage of course being part of it. When I worked his hole and his boy parts he started to get hard but it didn't last long. After rinsing him off Cypress then treated me and when it was done I explored frottage with him although neither of us got hard. A yawn from the boy indicated that sleep wasn't that far off. "I was up til early this morning playing video games," he said by way of explanation. I nodded my head in understanding. Dried off and back on the bed I asked him if he was hungry and he nodded his head so we walked over to the hotel restaurant and both had pie ala mode then returned to the room. We climbed into bed and snuggled in the dim light, gently rubbing each other and offering tender little kisses but it didn't last too long. Cypress drifted off to sleep and I wasn't far behind the boy. I woke from an erotic dream about 1 in the morning and felt Cypress' hand on my hard cock and quickly identified the fact that he was trying to it into his ass from behind. "You'll need the lube baby boy," I said softly. Cypress moved immediately to the night stand where the bottle had been left and quickly slathered my cock and his asshole then backed up to me. I took his top leg and pulled it so that it draped over my thigh. "Let me do this Cypress," I whispered, "It'll be easier." "I want to do this part though Kip," he said, "I want to tease my hole and my balls and stuff." I said okay so we lay there for a good minute or more with the boy rubbing my cock head against his puckered muscle and up against his smooth sac. He worked at pushing his butt back and changing directions as if trying hard to get the head inside then low and behold he did it. "Ouch," he groaned as I penetrated him. Time and movement stopped, of course. I reached over his hip and took hold of his hard cock, noting that it was deflating, although not rapidly, and gently stroked him. It took a solid minute before he gave me the go ahead to...go ahead. And I did. Once inside Cypress I began the motion. I liked fucking a boy from this position only because it allowed me to hold him, to kiss on his neck and stroked his cock while I fucked him. As far as it being a good position for fucking; it wasn't in my opinion, but that didn't reduce its fun factor. Cypress reached down between his legs and explored the territory and let the tips rest gently on my cock as it slid in and out of the boy. He went further and captured my balls then hefted and tugged them before letting them go before draping his arm across mine. "This is so nice Kip," he whispered, his voice deepening from the feeling that were ripping through his young body. I like you holding me and well, being fucked at the same time makes it that much better. I kissed his neck causing him to shiver and moan then whispered that I loved it too. We got to the point where he wanted me to fuck him harder and I did the best that I could. I finally made a suggestion. "Perhaps you could roll more onto your belly Cypress." Between us we managed to get him moved so that he was halfway between being on his side and lying flat on his stomach, his right leg and knee along with a pillow keeping him at an angle. I maneuvered to a position of being slightly crosswise to him, braced on my knees and hands. From there I could give the boy the fucking that he wanted. And I did; oh god I did. I hammered Cypress' tight little ass. I pulled almost all the way out of him then slammed back inside, my balls swinging against his. Each time I ramming inside of him Cypress grunted and it was only seconds before he began moaning, and not quietly either. He reached back behind him and put his hand on my hip and butt as if to encourage me onward although I didn't need it. "Oh god Kip, fuck me hard; make me cum Kip, make me cum." Making the boy cum was my goal and it happened about 2 minutes later. Slamming my cock into him caused Cypress' body to move and with his raging boner pressed into the pillow, it created enough friction to bring the boy off. I figured that it would so was glad that we'd stayed in that position despite the fact that I love fucking a boy while he's on his back. I love seeing a boys' face when he gets fucked and when he finally cums. "Oh fuck," Cypress whimpered, "I'm gonna cum kip; I'm gonna cum." And then he cried out, turning his head to look at me. The expression on his smooth young face could easily have been grief and/or pain and, in fact, if his face were the only clue one had, then either of those feelings would have been the first thing that came to mind. The boy was so far up into a fog of hotness that having an orgasm was necessary for relief, not that relief was necessary. I felt his asshole constrict as he cried out, almost sobbing as I continued to hammer his body. About the 3rd such constriction my own orgasm happened, almost catching me by surprise. "Fuck Cypress," I groaned and began injecting jet after jet of sperm into him. I continued to fuck him, moving my own ass in circles or from side to side in order to create new pressures and feelings for the both of us. It apparently worked well for Cypress. "Uugghh cumming `gain," the rest of whatever he wanted to say muffled by the pillow in his face. I felt his asshole constrict yet again and knew that he'd cum again. My orgasm finally subsided and I slowed down while Cypress continued to moan softly. All good things must come to an end and thusly did my nocturnal fucking of the adorably cute young teen. "Go ahead and lay on me kip," Cypress said softly. I did as he asked and once I'd settled in Cypress sighed heavily. We lay there quietly in post coital bliss, comfortable with the silence and with each other. After a solid 2 minutes I felt Cypress shudder ever so gently. I recognized it as crying. I stroked the boys' hair, the side of his face that was turned away from me which caused him to turn to look at me, well, as much as one can look considering the position we were in. "They're happy tears Kip, mostly anyway," he said softly. He stretched his head and kissed me on the cheek then let his head rest on the pillow. I felt my cock shrinking as did Cypress who commented about it and then I popped out of him like a pinched watermelon seed. I rolled off to the side and cypress snuggled right up to me. I could feel the wetness from his sperm on my belly. He kissed me on the mouth then the neck then snuggled his head into the crook of my neck then yawned. I kissed his forehead. "Go back to sleep baby boy," I whispered. "Thank you for loving me Kip," he responded and then, before I knew it, Cypress was sounds asleep again. I marveled at the powers of youth. I eventually fell asleep. I woke about my usual time, 6:30. I rolled over and saw that Cypress was still asleep, breathing deeply and snoring softly. He was facing me so I could see his eyelids flutter as he dreamed the dreams of a young boy. I felt my heart swell as I looked at him and remember back to when I was buried deep inside his small body, loving him like a boy should be loved. While Cypress was a little younger than my preferred taste in boys, he was an exception and I knew that if I lived within 100 miles of him I would be with him every chance I could get. Cypress was a keeper and I would be more than willing to keep him. I rolled gently out of bed and padded to the bathroom to take a piss, turning the Keurig on as I passed by. I slipped on my briefs, snagged my notebook and went outside to my little patio appreciative of the privacy. Back inside I brewed a cup of coffee then headed back outside to take in the morning and answer email. On the 3rd coffee trip the bed was empty and the door to the toilet closed. I was back out on the patio when Cypress came out clad like me in underwear. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek. "Good morning Kip," he said sweetly as he rubbed his smooth cheek against my more rough cheek. "You seemed to be quite soundly asleep when I got up," I told him, "I trust you slept well." He nodded his head and grinned. "Yep, especially after a wonderful midnight fuck." He kissed me again. "That was awesome Kip. I fell right asleep and didn't wake up until just now." "I'm glad it worked for you sweetie." "Perhaps you should move here," he mused, "And help me sleep every night." I opined as how that was a wonderful notion however unrealistic. "Where are you going from here Kip?" I told him my basic plan which he nodded his head to. He asked where I was planning on getting my next motel and when I told him cypress gave me another of his signature grins. "How would you like to have a boy for the night?" I gave him a perplexed look and he explained. A childhood friend had moved there last summer, a friend that Cypress had done a lot of his early sex stuff with. "He's a little younger than me but he's hella cute. I know he's wanted to be with a man just like I did and as of last weekend he hadn't. I could email him." For a brief moment I wondered what it would be like having a boy each night of my journey, each boy recommended by the previous boy. "Can I use your laptop for a second Kip? I'll show you his picture." I signed out of my email and turned the computer to him. After a few quick keystrokes he turned it back to me. I was looking at another beautiful boy only this one was a corn fed Iowa boy with pure blonde hair, deep blue eyes, to die for lips and a killer smile. "That's Jareth. Cute isn't he?" I allowed as how he was and Cypress said, "But not as cute as me, right?" I leaned over and kissed him on the mouth and told him no one was as cute as him. "So?" I nodded my head and told him to go ahead. A moment later he was finished, saying he gave Jareth my email address. "Gosh I'm starving," Cypress said. I agreed with him and asked if he wanted to shower first and he shook his head. With a leer on his smooth face he said, "Maybe we can eat then shower afterwards then you can fuck me again." I could find no fault with that. However, that didn't come to pass. We were half way through a couple of amazingly delicious omelets when Cypress' cell phone went off. He answered with a typical boys' relaxed attitude then grinned hugely and shook his head impercebly. "No, I'm not a virgin anymore." He looked at me and made a kiss with his mouth. "Huh, oh shit. Okay, thanks Manuel. Why don't you come over you do your chores. Bye." "My mom called Manuel's house to tell me my aunt just dropped my grandmother at my house. I need to get home to sort of keep her company like. She's kind of senile. Manuel told my mom I was in the shower so he covered for me. Dammit I was hoping to get fucked one more time." I had been looking forward to fucking him one more time and I told him so. "Do you need a ride home Cypress?" He nodded his head and said that would be great since he lived a good 14 blocks away. We finished our breakfast and went back to the motel room where Cypress planted his body against me, kissed me deeply and thanked me profusely. "If there is any chance of you coming back here Kip I would love it if you did." I told him that since I had his email I would let him know if that was an option but meanwhile he could email me anytime he wanted. He kissed me again in front of his house and told me to try and hook up with Jareth. "I don't know if you'll be able to fuck him but he'll do just about anything else." I thanked him for the referral and told him I'd let him know how it turned out. And then he was out the door. On my way back to the motel I thought about the past 12 hours and how passionate that young boy had been. It had been a truly memorable experience and I wondered if I would take the time to visit next year. Then I wondered about whether or not I'd end up hooking up with Jareth. ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ THE LINK IS THERE FOR A REASON. USE IT: DON'T BE A MOOCH; DO YOUR PART

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