Southern Couple

By Adam

Published on Sep 25, 2002


I want to thank everyone who wrote back to me about the last chapter. It's good to be back writing, and this was a good story to begin with, so getting back to it has made me happier anyways. Thanks ago, to everyone that is still reading the story, and everyone who stuck with me when I was away for such a long time from the story. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Also I want to thank the people who have been asking me about my other stories, Justin/Brian ones and just other stories in general, I am so honored that some of you like this story enough to find more of mine out there. That means a lot to me, and I really do write for the people who read, because with out them I don't feel it would be worth it. So thanks again for it all. You make me so happy.

~ Southern Couple ~

~ Chapter 8 ~

~ By Baby Brown ~

"So, this may sound stupid, but do you wanna go to homecoming with me?" Justin rolled over to face Brian, a smile plastered all over his face. He let Brian adjust his arms so that he was still holding him and he leaned in for a small kiss. When it was over, he shook his head yes, surprised that Brian would even think that he had to ask.

"Of course we're going to homecoming, but, you didn't need to ask me. I already knew we were going."

"Oh you knew did you?" Brian asked with a smirk, running his hands along Justin's arms, following them to his waist and then his legs. Justin slid as close as he could to Brian and put his head in the nook of his shoulder. "I figured I would ask, ya know, be a sweet guy like I am."

"Mmm, real sweet." Justin replied as he nuzzled Brian's neck.

"You look really cute right now." Brian replied down to Justin, as he stroked his hair. "And as much as I'd like to continue this, I think sleep would some how better the both of us in the long run come tomorrow."

Justin agreed and slid back under the covers, letting Brian envelop him with his arms, soothing him to sleep.

Across the house Lance and Summer are still awake, neither of them really tired after their long day. Not to mention they both are seemingly amazed to get to know each other.

"So, you and Christina didn't really seem to work, and if you don't mind me saying, I never thought she deserved you to begin with. So why'd you even start dating's not like you didn't have any other options lying in wait."

Lance blushed and thought for a second. He had never really given it any thinking, he and Christina just seemed to fit together for some reason, sure, he knew he could have done better, but that wasn't as easily expressed as it was known to himself. He didn't really have to articulate words and sentences when he was thinking to himself.

"I guess because it was simple. With Christina their was nothing new. It was just me and her and we had fun on weekends, we never fought, never argued, never got upset at each other. I guess looking back at it their were so many signs that we shouldn't have been together. We've never told each other that we loved one another, and that's because it would have been a lie." Lance begin, still trying to think about how to continue. "We had sex a lot, it was just something to do, I think that kept us from fighting, I won't lie, we both enjoyed it a lot, but I think I always knew that she was doing it with other guys too. I mean, rumors and jokes can only go on so long, when you keep hearing them around the school it's obvious that some truth is their with it."

"So you stayed with a girl you didn't like, one that you didn't even trust for the sex?" Summer's question was both filled with anger and a little bit of disappointment. She had thought that Lance was better than that.

"Oh, no, don't get me wrong, I liked her, I mean, I still want to be her friend. And I've always liked her as a friend, I've been friends with her forever, I could never lose that connection with her. And I admit that I didn't trust her, but really, she never asked me to. I know that's stupid of me to blame myself for that, but we never committed ourselves solely to each other, and I think we both know that the only reason we stuck together was because it was a comfortable relationship. And sure, their was sex, but that wasn't why I stuck with her. Look at Justin and Brian...they have sex...but they like each other. It's just the same, me and Christina liked each other and we had sex. I don't know, it makes sense to me, I know it just isn't that easy for it to be explained to other people."

"I guess I get it sort of, but I just don't see it. I mean, I'm not a prude, and I'm not a virgin, but I don't see the reason to have sex with some just as a friend. But that's just me, let's not harp on it cuz we can't change that about each other."

Lance smiled, he agreed with that, and even though the two shared different beliefs about it, she was right, neither one of them could change the situation or the other's way of thinking on the topic.

"What about you though, if you liked me for so long why didn't you ever tell me? Even if I was with Christina, I get the idea that you really like me, and I figured you for the type of person who would be forward about it and tell me."

"You just seemed so unapproachable to me. I know you aren't, I mean, for god sakes we are getting along fine right now, and plus I've been an acquaintance of yours long enough to know that you're not like that, but honestly, I've been to shy about it." Summer replied. "I think seeing you tonight a little upset about Christina and Howie was just my booster, it gave me some confidence to get to talk to you. Plus I've had enough waiting, Justin has been trying to help me get with you for a while, and it just never worked out. Ideas are hard to come by. I guess in some unlucky way, I got lucky."

"How do you mean, unlucky? You got to meet me, we're talking, I'm starting to like you, I'm thinking that a date to homecoming might be in order, I would call that a lucky way of getting lucky."

"Well" Summer didn't know what to say, she was talking to Lance Bass, the guy she had crushed on for quite a while was falling for her, he was even hinting at a homecoming date, she couldn't believe her ears.

"I know you can say more than that." Lance joked, and she giggled like a little school girl, something she never thought she would ever do.

"Okay, I guess I am lucky, after all,I never thought I would get a guy like you to talk to me, particularly you. I mean, most guys that fall for me are more of A.J.'s type, ya know, the type of people me and Alicia hang out with. Your not that type, not that I'm complaining, I like your type very much."

"I understand, I'm more preppy, and your more alternative. But on the other hand, I think we'd make a very cute couple at homecoming, and if you haven't noticed, I'm trying to ask you but I just don't have the guts to ask you outright." Lance smiled devishly and Summer laughed at him.

"I think you have plenty of guts. You're just trying to play shy..." Summer replied tickling his sides. Lance smiled and leaned towards her, although caught off guard she was hardly slow in reacting to the motion. She had been waiting for a kiss from Lance Bass forever, and she was going to make this as magical as she had built it up to be.

A door down, behind shut doors it would be a quite different scene. Christina could not be too upset, as she lay naked on the bed, her face down as Howie pounded her for the third time of the night. The first time being when Lance caught her, the second time only moments after she returned to the house, and now for the third time, only twenty minutes later because neither of the two needed much time to reenergize.

And only a door down from that Alicia, Joey, AJ, and Josh were sleeping, funny how three straight guys and a one girl would fall asleep together, all using one another for a pillow. An interesting picture could develop from that situation, boxer clad and other wise naked men with a fully dressed girl. A very hot picture.

Kevin and Chris were sleeping in almost the same position, Chris's head resting gently on Kevin's stomach, only this was more sexual then just comfortable. Kevin's sleeping mind could wander to so many occasions when sleep had occured like this. Both of them so happy to be with each other. Because like Kevin had told Justin earlier in the night, they had not had it so easy on their coming out. So sleeping in each other's arms was so rewarding, even if it wasn't after sex.

Back in the living room of the home, a trashed area with beer bottles and pizza boxes another mess was brewing. Nick and Britney still in their corner were childishly arguing over a lemonade, both of them wanting it, but neither realizing how easy it would be to share. Justin had pointed out their behavior to everyone already, but none of them had seen it, if only they could have stayed awake a little longer. Or paid more attention to the surroundings of the home and not the surroundings of their passions. Not that passions aren't important.

Passions are the most important thing to a teenager in highschool, they control all ideas and thoguhts, make all decisions and in the end...always have a way of making things work out for the better. Even if not at first.

For some reason this chapter was shorter than most, and for some other reason it came off as though it was an ending. Well it is not. I don't plan on ending it yet, I have more ideas to write, especially with homecoming coming up in the story.

So as of right now Justin and Brian are going to homecoming together, and of course Lance and Summer. Let me know if you think anyone else should go. I'm thinking of some other couples to build on. And no, Howie and Christina aren't going to be one. I'm thinking of a new storyline for Howie, and I've already got an idea for Christina. But let me know what you want done with the other characters, and who you would like Britney and Alicia to go with. If you have any ideas for new characters to go with Joey, Josh, AJ, Nick or Howie let me know. Or if you think any of those should go together...let me know.

Well I hope you liked, and the next chapter should be longer.

Next: Chapter 9

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