Southern Couple

By Adam

Published on Jul 28, 2002



Okay, I wanna thank everyone again for writing me. I know that is like the generic thing I write every time I write a new chapter, but it's the truth. I really do appriciate feedback, and so far I have been lucky not to recieve any bad feedback, although that isn't a bad thing either, cuz it can be constructive. Anyways, I wanna thank everyone who's written, and if you wanna keep sending me feedback I really appriciate it.

I thought I was going to get this chapter out before I took so long on it, but then I didn't have the time and got busy, so I'm sorry for sending it out a little later then usual. But this is actually going to be the pace that I'll continue with, because I'm more busy now then before. I'll try and keep the chapters longer if I can, but I'm not sure if that will work, because then it may take even longer. Time constraints suck...

  • Southern Couple -

  • Chapter 5 -

  • By Baby Brown -

Justin and Brian both practically leapt down the stairs, the energy seconds before drained out of them now back in full force. Justin wasn't about to let his mom in on the fact that he and Brian were doing what they were doing. And he wasn't going to let her think they were doing anything wrong, especially in his bedroom with the door locked. He knew his mom had an imagination, and he could only think of what she would think if she knocked on the door it was locked...drugs...alcohol.....hopefully not sex.

"Hey mom." Justin bounded to her and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Hello mam" Brian replied politely and smiled.

"So, what are you boys up to today?" She asked with a smile as they followed her into the kitchen. "Any plans or are you just working on homework or something?"

"Oh, not much really, I just invited Brian in for a little bit, nothing really planned. But I wanted to ask you if I go to a party this Howie's, it's just some friends and stuff, and I'll be home when ever you want on Saturday. Do you think I could go?" Justin was good at asking questions when he knew his mother would have to say yes.

"I don't know Justin...I don't really know Howie." Justin frowned, maybe he was wrong, but he was almost positive that if he had a friend around his mother would never say no. Brian looked over and saw his boyfriend's frown and figured he could try and work some of his own magic.

"Mam, if you don't mind me saying, Howie's a really great guy. I've known him forever, and trust me, he's a good kid, plus, I'll be there, and I'll make sure Justin doesn't get into any trouble. That is if you let him go, which I'm not trying to intrude and say you should, I'm just helping out a friend." Brian's smile sealed the deal, Justin kept his face straight, knowing if he smiled he would be rubbing it in that he knew his mother was ready to say yes.

"Well, I guess since you are going to be there Brian. No drugs or alcohol will be at the party...right?"

"Oh no mam, we'll be beat after the game, and we don't do stuff like that any ways." Brian replied with a polite tone. Justin wished he would have started to call his mom Lynn like she had asked, but at least Brian's politeness worked magic on her.

"Well that's good to know." Lynn replied with a smile. "I don't mean to hold you boys down here, if you were doing something upstairs go ahead. And Brian, if you would like to stay for dinner we're having lemon pepper chicken and a salad, you're more then welcome to stay."

"I'll have to call my mother mam, but I'm sure she won't mind." Brian smiled and followed Justin back to his bedroom. As soon as they were upstairs and behind a safely shut door they kissed in relief. Justin fell back on his bed, the energy he used to run down the stairs and convince his mother had completely drained, and he was back to a tired individual.

Brian smiled and took a seat next to him on the bed, laughing out loud at the situation.

"What's so funny?" Justin asked without even looking up.

"Just that your mom came should have seen your face when she yelled that she was home." Brian replied laughing even harder.

"That wasn't funny, what if she hadn't yelled, what if she had just come up here and knocked? She would have flipped shit, probably killed me and beat you to a pulp." Justin replied, lightly tapping Brian on the arm. Brian just smiled and moved into a laying position next to Justin. He let Justin crawl over and rest his head on his chest, and he smiled brighter.

"Ya know, I get the idea from your mom that she knows about us. Don't ask me why, but just the way she talks about us having plans, or us doing what ever we were doing, it gives me the idea that she's aware of us being a couple. And I think you should at least tell her your gay, or at least tell her I'm gay, see how she reacts to your friend being gay. Then you can judge if you should tell her about you, and if it works, about us." Justin just lay still, content on Brian's hand in his hair and the silence that went with it.


"Alright, I really don't think you should get comfortable. If you fall asleep like this and your mom walks in on us their isn't going to be any thing to explain. It will be pretty evident that we are a couple." Brian replied at the same time shaking Justin's body. Justin didn't respond, and Brian figured it was useless. He picked up the phone on the side of the bed and dialed his house.

"Hello?" It was his mom.

"Hey mom, it's Bri, I was just wondering if I could stay at Justin's for dinner today. His mother invited me to." Brian waited for an answer. His mother never really cared, although she liked having family dinners, she had become accustomed to her son being every where but home for dinner.

"I don't see why not. But you tell her if you become too much of a hassle for her that she's welcome to send you right back home. Because I really don't know why that woman likes you, I just don't see it." Brian smiled as he heard his mother chuckle. During the laughter he didn't hear the click of another phone being picked up. "Which reminds me, I'd really like to meet the mother of Justin, she must be a very sweet woman. So has Justin told her about you two?"

"No mom, but I really don't have much time to talk, he's asleep right now and I don't wanna wake him up." Brian replied, and as he finished he thought he heard the click of a phone. He shrugged it off and wiated for his mom to say anything if she had anything left to say.

"Alright, I'll see you when you get home."

"Bye mom"

"Bye honey." Brian hung up the phone and looked down at Justin, he smiled and leaned back. If Justin was going to take the risk of getting caught in this position then he saw no reason for him not to take advantage of a nap. He was sure that Justin's mother would holler for them and not come up the stairs.

Brian woke up with a smile two hours later as he looked down at Justin. Justin was sound asleep, Brian wondered how that was possible with his mother screaming at the bottom of the steps. He just shook Justin lightly and hoped he would wake up with out much of a resistance.

Down the steps Justin's mother was anxious for the two boys to come to the table. She was upset, not upset that her son was gay, but more upset that he hadn't told her, that he hadn't told her that he was in a relationship, she was anxious to know things about her son, and upset that her son wasn't anxious to tell her.

Back up stairs Justin sat up and looked around, blurred eyes focusing first on Brian and the lips coming towards his mouth. He let the lips come in contact with his own, let the lips over power his and let the tongue behind those lips enter his mouth and soothe his own tongue. He whimpered when the lips left his own lips, leaving his lips lonely.

"Your mom called us down for dinner." Brian replied smiling at Justin's cute, 'I just woke up' face.

"kay" Justin rolled out of bed and led the way to the dinner table. Brian followed slowly and took a seat across the table from Justin. He couldn't help but smile, it was just an automatic response. Justin was cute, and sitting at a table with Justin was something that made the whole situation cute. His mother smiled as they took a seat, and they all filled their plates with chicken and the salad. The conversation was light, mostly about the beginning of school and stuff like that, but as it quieted down, Justin's mother couldn't help but let her brain wander into the whole relationship subject.

She wasn't sure exactly how to ask the question, wasn't sure if she should admit that she picked up the phone and over heard Brian's conversation. She was worried it would sound nebby, but she hadn't meant to pick it up, she had only meant to make a phone call, not realizing that Brian was on the phone at the time. She also didn't want her son to feel like she was invading his privacy, that was the last thing she wanted to do.

"So boys, I have a you mind if I ask you something personal?" Justin looked at Brian, not really sure what his mother was talking about, but when Brian shook his head yes, he smiled.

"Yeah...go ahead. " Justin replied, intent on finding out what his mother was so nervous about asking.

"Well, I was going to make a phone call a little bit ago, and when I picked up the phone Brian was on it, I didn't mean to listen, but I heard him say something...and I'm not sure if I heard him right." Brian swallowed a heavy load, knowing full well what Justin's mother was talking about. He was unsure of what the situation was going to turn into, and whether or not he should lie and cover it up before she even asked.

"What did you hear?" Justin asked, looking at his mother. The look on her face showed signs of thought, and he could tell that their were things going through her head quickly. He looked over at Brian, and could tell byt the look on his boyfriend's face that it wasn't something good.

"Brian was talking to his mother, and, well he told her that you still hadn't told me about your relationship. Justin, please tell me the truth...are you gay?"

Justin felt like he was going to throw up, he felt like he was going to cry, he felt like he was going to explode in a million pieces. He didn't know how to answer, he didn't even know how to start, how to form a sentence that would answer that question. He wasn't sure if his mother was angry, or sad, or neutral, for the first time in his life he could read her facial expressions.

Half of him wanted to yell at Brian for exposing him, the other half wanted Brian to hold him and give him the feeling that every thing was okay, that it would be alright. That first half wanted to yell at his mother for hearing things not meant for her to hear. The latter half wanted his mother to ignore what she heard and let every thing be back to normal. He could choose neither of the two choices, because both of them were a mixture of the only choice he had to make.

"Yes" He couldn't look up when he spoke, he didn't want to know what his mother was doing with that word. Brian could only sit silently, it wasn't his place to say anything, it wasn't his place to make a comment about a mother and son situation. He knew how important it could be to come out, and he could tell it was even harder on a mother and son as close as Justin and his own.

"Justin, look at me, please, are you and Brian dating?"

Justin shook his head yes, stilll not able to face his mother.

"Justin, I'm your mother, and I love you, I'm just upset that you didn't tell me. I thought we were closer then that, I thought you knew you didn't have to hide anything about yourself from me." Justin looked up with a shocked expression, he no longer felt the feelings he felt before. Now he felt like a king on top of the world, he had not expected any reaction like that from his mother.

Brian sighed in relief, happy to see that Justin's mother was upset.

"And you Brian, I'm disappointed, such a nice, young man like yourself hiding a secret from the mother of your boyfriend. You two should be ashamed about tip toeing around me." Brian smiled and was happy to see that Justin was doing the same.

"I'm sorry ma'am, your right, we shouldn't have." Brian replied, as sweet and polite as usual.

"I'm sorry too, mom. I didn't mean to hide anything from you. You just don't know how scared I was, I didn't think you would accept it. " Justin replied as he took a sip of his iced tea. His mother smiled at him as she thought of what to say to that. She never expected her son to be afraid to tell her anything.

"Justin, honey, I'll accept anything you choose in life. I just want you to know that, so you don't have to be afraid to hide things from me any more. Plus, what wouldn't I accept? That my son is a polite, kind, talented young man...That my son is dating a polite and generous young man? I would accept all of that in a second. If I can't have a daughter-in-law, I'd be honored to have a polite son-in-law." Justin blushed at all the compliments and all the talk. He was embarrassed to listen to his mother mention son-in-law. Sure he loved Brian, and he knew Brian felt the same way, but being a tenth grader in highschool didn't entitle marriage any where in the picture.


Okay, so this chapter was a big revelation. Justin's mother is cool with the whole relationship. So everything turned out perfect for him. (if only it were that easy in real life). Anyways, I hoped you liked the chapter, and if you did you can e-mail me at

Now I need your help can choose what characters I get more indepth on. Would you guys like me to go more into Howie's character, the whole Lance, Christina, Summer thing, or Nick's character? I'm going to get to it all eventually, and more, but if you would like to find out about one of those characters more then the others...please let me know. And also, if you have any suggestions please let me know, and I'll take some of them into mind.

Thanks again for feedback and reading.

Next: Chapter 6

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