Southern Couple

By Adam

Published on Jul 20, 2002



I wanna thank everyone who e-mailed me again, because I appriciate feedback so much, I really do,and it makes me want to write more when I know people are reading and enjoying. Anyways I just wanted to say I appriciated it, and I'm glad to know that so many people continue to like the story.

  • Southern Couple -

  • Chapter 3 -

  • By Baby Brown -

Justin couldn't even think of what to do. It was only 10:45 and even though he knew he should get to bed if he wanted to be awake for practice tomorrow, he couldn't help but sit up and think. Because he couldn't get Brian, or the date off of his mind. It was picture perfect, as stupid as that might seem. But to him it was, he couldn't have asked for a better night.

He was a little disappointed that it had ended so early though, he blushed as he thought about making out with Brian some more. Stripping to his boxers he crawled into bed and turned off his light, at least he could try and get some sleep, and if he ended up staring at the ceiling for a few hours thinking about Brian and how perfect he was it wouldn't be his fault.

Meanwhile at Brian's house the same type of scenario was being played out. Brian was undresing to his boxers and as he crawled in bed he couldn't help but wonder what Justin was doing. He also couldn't help but think about how lucky he was to find Justin, he knew, from personal experience, how hard it was to find someone gay, especially someone interested in a relationship.

He thought back to his first boyfriend, how it just hadn't worked out. He shook that out of his head though, because the last thing he wanted to do was start thinking about the past and make it cloud his judgment about the future. Justin wasn't his old boyfriend, Justin was okay with being gay, and things weren't going to turn out bad this time. He knew something between Justin and him had clicked, and that was good enough to send him into dream world.

The next morning Justin was anxious to get ready to go to practice, he told his mom he was going to stick around afterwards because the guys would be coming up to practice some basketball and that he would just walk home with them. His mom gave him a  kiss on the cheek, smiled and pulled out of the parking lot. Justin smiled, it wasn't getting to easy to lie to his mother, not that he really enjoyed it, but more that he enjoyed being about to spend time with Brian with out her questioning it.

When he walked into the locker room he noticed that no one was there. He realized they were probably down on the field already and took about cleaning up the locker room, making sure their clothes were all together in piles for when they came back in. He tried to figure out what was Brian's stuff, but couldn't amid all the mess, so he didn't bother making any pile looker nicer than any other, just in case he chose the wrong pile.

When he was finished he wheeled out the laundry cart so that he woudln't have to do it later, and then went outside to watch the practice. As he took a seat on the bleachers he immediately recognized Brian, after all, it's not that hard to notice the quarterback, his jersey being a different color for practice.

Justin smiled, but didn't try and make it obvious, just in case someone was watching him. Brian didn't even look up though, Justin could tell he was intent on practicing.

As the whistle blew for a break, Justin smile as Brian made his way up the bleachers, taking his helmet off as he got closer. He also noticed that Howie was following him, his helmet off as well. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, but when Brian stopped, leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, he figured it obviously wasn't a bad thing. And Howie didn't seem to mind either.

"Hey baby." Justin blushed at the comment, and Brian and Howie both snickered.

"Hi" He finally managed to get out, without blushing even more.

"So, Brian tells me you two had a good time last night. That true?" Howie smiled as Justin looked at him nervously, Brian supressed his laughs.

"Um, well, yeah, I guess, I did, I think he did." Brian burst into laughter as Justin fumbled with a way to answer Howie's question.

"Dude, it's cool, just asking you a question. Come on dude, ya gotta be able to handle a joke or you'll never get along with me and AJ." Howie laughed and patted him on the back. The coach blew his whistle for the practice to resume and Howie took off down the bleachers. Brian snuck in one last kiss and then headed back down, leaving Justin to watch again.

Justin opted to head back inside and busy himself with something in the lockerroom. Figuring that sense he hadn't showered since the night before he could shower while they were all practicing. So he slipped out of his clothes, set them aside, grabbed a towel and headed into the lockerroom showers. The water felt amazing, he never would have figured that a locker room shower head would be so nice, but it was.

He hardly even heard the noise of the locker room door opening, and some one else entering the showers. When he felt a hand on his shoulder he turned to see Howie standing there.

"Just to let you know, the others offensive players are gonna be in here any second." Howie laughed and went to his own shower and began to clean off. Justin shut off the water and grabbed a towel, he wrapped it around his waste and went to his clothes. The other offensive players came into the lockerrom and began undressing, not paying any attention to Justin in his own little corner.

After he was dry he set his towel down and quickly dressed, he knew he didn't have much time before some of the guys would be done showering and he would have to get them towels of their own. He put his shoes on and then walked back over to the showers. He stood at the exit and waited for someone to come out. He didn't even bother with his wise cracks, he wasn't really in the mood. He handed everyone a towel as they walked out. Howie was the last of the offensive players to emerge, dripping wet, he managed to splash Justin a little bit before taking the towel and wrapping it around his waste.

"What? No comment about my cock, or my ass...or my body?" He asked with a smirk.

"Not today." Justin replied with a smile.

"Oh, I see how it is, you've got the star of the team and now you don't need to check out the Latin Heat of the team." Howie couldn't help but laugh when he finished, giving away to Justin that he was just joking.

"Sorry, I'm a one man kinda guy." Justin replied with a laugh of his own.

"Don't worry, I know you like what you got, and after seeing what you've got going for yourself, Brian's gonna like that too." Howie laughed and Justin blushed. "Oh, and next time you rip on me for shaving down there, I'll let everyone know that you're a hypocrit." Howie walked away leaving Justin blushing even more, not even remembering that he had done that, and then got in a shower to show it off. He was glad it was Howie and not another one of the guys.

After about thirty minutes, which gave Justin just enough time to clean up the offenses mess, he was met with the defense and the special team, along with Brian. They all walked naked into the showers, and Justin waited to see Brian, but he didn't come. Instead he walked up from behind Justin and wrapped his hands around Justin's waist. Justin smiled as Brian picked him up and twirled him around. He let Brian kiss him, and when they pulled apart he waited for Brian to say something.

"You gotta turn around when I walk in, cuz now that we're dating, I don't think we should, I mean, we shoudn't see each other naked unless we've got reason to." Brian wasn't sure how to say it, but he could tell Justin understand. Justin smiled and turned around, and Brian undressed, he could tell Brian was finished because he felt the weight of his uniform on his arms and head.

He took them over to the hamper and threw them in, then went around and picked up everyone else's stuff. When he finished he made his way back to the showers and grabbed some towels, waiting to hand them out. Same as before he handed them out one at a time, and sure enough the others were all out of the shower leaving Brian to be the last out. Justin had noticed he was always the last one out of the locker room.

Justin stood around and waited, but finally gave up and went back to cleaning up the other guys remaining stuff. After the last person left he turned around to see Brian standing there in his towel. He was still a little wet, and Justin couldn't help but stare at how sexy his boyfriend looked.

"So, am I taking you home?" Brian asked with a smile as he made his way over to Justin.

"Yep" Justin replied, and closed the distant between the two of them. They leaned in to share a kiss, and Brian began to explore Justin's body, Justin moaned into the kiss, loving the way Brian's hands felt on his chest and back. He took the oppurtunity to do the same, running his fingers over Brian's wet, naked chest. Brian broke apart and ended the kiss with a small peck. Justin leaned back a little and took all of Brian in.

His muscular chest was something Justin wished he had. Sure he was well built, but Brian was short and ten times as muscular as he was. He smiled as Brian leaned in to resume the kiss and they continued. Their hands found the spots they had occupied and the rubbing and kissing resumed. Justin slowly pulled away from the kiss and lowered himself to his knees. Brian looked down at him, unsure if Justin knew what he was about to do. Brian couldn't deny that he wanted it, and it wasn't like it was his first, regrettfully he had already done it all with his other boyfriend, but he knew Justin wasn't experienced in the situation.

But Brian was sure Justin knew what he was doing when he felt his towel drop off his waist and fall to the floor. He was already hard from the kissing and contact and Justin began to play with his balls as he lightly licked the head of his cock. Brian almost fell to the floor, Justin knew how to start for being new at it.

Brian held still though while Justin slowly took it all in his mouth, Brian let him take it as he wanted to, but after Justin began to work his tongue up and down the shaft at the same time as he sucked, he couldn't help but begin to fuck to the rythym, banging into Justin's mouth slowly at first, but eventually picking up the pace.

Justin got into more, keeping up his own pace.

"Justin, I'm gonna cum." Justin gave one last lick up the shaft and moved back, letting Brian finish with his hand. Brian shot into the towel he was previously wearing, and took a seat on the bench, Justin took a seat next to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "That was, wow, I mean, thank you, and um, yeah." Brian didn't know what to say, it was weird, that was definetly the best head he had ever gotten, but he didn't know what to say to Justin, him being a first timer and all, and his boyfriend. He just hadn't really expected that to happen just yet.

"Welcome." Justin replied happily and smiled. "Sorry about not swallowing, it's just, I didn't know what it would taste like, and I didn't wanna spit it back up or anything." Justin looked down and Brian couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Baby, listen, I'm taking this at whatever pace you wanna go at, if you don't wanna do anything you tell me. Cuz I don't want you to do something your gonna regret later." Brian kissed him on the cheek and smiled. "Now why don't you wait for me to get dressed, and I'll be as fast as I can."

Justin watched Brian walk over to his clothes and get dressed. He smiled, Brian was really a great guy. He was lucky to have found him.

Brian smiled over at Justin as he pulled on his boxers, the whole time thinking how lucky he was with Justin. They were both very lucky.


Wow, I got this one in pretty fast, but I got anxious with all the e-mails from fans and couldn't help but get it out so fast. And I wanna know what you thought about the sex scene, it was short, and I know, but I just thought I would throw a little something in so people wouldn't be so anxious for more sex. I'm trying to make this story a little romantic, so I wanna know if you think I'm doing a good job, or if this sex scene ruined it. Let me know.

Next: Chapter 4

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