Southern Couple

By Adam

Published on Jul 18, 2002

  • Information -

I want to thank everyone who wrote to me the last time, because you guys made me feel great. I got a ton of e-mails, earlier then I thought I would too. I woke up and they were just in my thanks a lot, and I really appriciate them. Keep 'em coming if you please.

Also, I want you all to hit up Summer, aka SumSum at her website. She's a really talented author, and a good friend, so check out her site and her stories. She'll appriciate it alot.

  • Chapter 2 of Southern Couple -

  • by Baby Brown -

Justin sat down at the dinner table and smiled as Brian pushed the chair in. He couldn't help but smile at everything Brian was doing. He had picked him up, made sure everything was okay for him, made small talk in the car, and even opened his door for him. Not to mention opening the door to the restaraunt and pulling out his chair for him. Brian was truly the sweetest guy he could hope for.

Brian took his seat across the table with a smile on his face too.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Coke please." Brian replied politely, and Justin smiled at that too.

"Water thank you." Justin replied and looked over at Brian. He must have been staring like usual because he practically jumped when Brian tapped him on the shoulder. "huh, what?"

"Are you gonna go up with me?" Brian asked with a goofy grin on his face, he knew Justin was daydreaming, and he couldn't help but laugh, because he knew that he was daydreaming about him. Justin was a cute guy, and Brian couldn't deny that even before he asked him on the date he had been trying to work up the nerves to ask him out.

"Oh yeah, sure" Justin followed him up the buffet bars and walked around grabbing food from various places. He went back to the table and practically choked on his rice when he looked at Brian's plate. It was heaping with chicken and vegetables, Justin could only think that Brian was getting his full meal in one plate.

Brian sensed Justin looking at him, and just smiled. "Hey, I'm a football player, gotta keep on the weight so I can turn it into muscle." Justin just shook his head and went back to eating. He couldn't disagree with that, because he liked to see Brian's muscles anyways. The more the better is all he could say to himself. "So, you ever been on a date before Justin?"

Justin had to think about that. He and Britney had been on a couple dates before he came out, that ended that relationship. And before that he couldn't really think of any. "Not really, at least, not with a guy at all. What about you?"

"I had a boyfriend for a little while, he goes to Oak Ridge though. It didn't last for long though, I think we were both so new to it that we didn't take it in stride. We kinda rushed into the relationship, then realized we were still in the closet, still teenagers and afraid of coming out to our friends and family. So we called it quits." Brian stopped to take a drink, and looked at Justin. Justin definetly looked like he was taking all that was said in. Brian smiled. "I didn't mean to tell you all that at once, the answer to your question is yes though."

"No, I just, are you ready to come out now." Brian looked to see if Justin was leaning towards an answer, if he was nervous when he asked the question, if he was anxious towards the answer, but all he saw was a face, and he didn't know how to answer the question.

He took a second to think about it. He didn't wanna scare Justin off, but on the other hand, he didn't wanna lie about it. "I'm kinda out to my family already, and some of my friends. My parents weren't thrilled, but they love me, and want me to be happy. And my friends just took it in stride, and you know Howie, he thinks it's awesome becuase now he gets the girls who crush over me." Brian laughed, and Justin joined in. "What about you though, you're out right?"

"My friends know, I think my guy friends took it tough at first, cuz they thought I was looking at them sexually every time we went swimming or something. But, my friend Summer, she was awesome about it, she was the first one to hug me and tell me I was still her friend, and that was the best feeling to get. She even told me I could come live with her and her family if my mom ever found out."

"So you aren't out to your parents?" Brian asked, taking another sip from his drink.

"My parent's are divorced, I live with my mom. She means well, but she's so, I don't know, gung ho about me and a wife and kids. Telling her would really crush her, and I don't think she would want a son who was gay."

"Sometimes you have to be yourself though. She's your mom, she'll still love you no matter what." Brian replied and grabbed the check from the table. He and Justin both stood and headed for the cash register. Brian handed the woman his money and walked out the door, Justin in tow with a protesting demeanor.

"How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing, I asked you out on a date, my treat." Brian replied and got into the truck. Justin pulled himself up and into the truck and looked over at Brian, then out the window, and then back at Brian. He wanted to say something, wanted to prove that he should pay for himself, but he couldn't think of a good reason, because their wasn't one. Brian was right, his date, his treat. "So, I was thinking we could go to the park or something, some where quiet where we can talk. Does that sound good to you?"

"Yeah, it sounds nice." Justin smiled and they were off heading to the park. Justin couldn't believe the date was going so nicely. Brian was sweet, kind, and over all a great guy. He was the perfect first date, Justin stopped in mid-thought, he was falling for Brian, more so then just the crush it had started with. After getting to know Brian the crush was growing, and he wasn't so sure that it was just a crush any more.

The car ride to the park was peaceful, Brian turned on the radio and they listened to country, Justin sang along to the songs, which got a big smile from Brian. He had never been able to find anyone who enjoyed country, all of his friends hated it, and finding someone that enjoyed it was nice. It was just another reason he could say he was clicking with Justin. He was getting nervous though, because he couldn't tell if Justin was getting that same feeling or not.

When they pulled down the dirt road that led to the park Brian cut down another small one lane dirt road and parked. It wasn't the main part of the park, in fact, it didn't look like much of a park at all. It was more of a little opening with a table and a grill, probably meant for small picnics. Brian opened the door and Justin followed him to the table. It was dark, and Justin could barely see in front of him. Brian must have sensed that, because he grabbed his hand and helped him up on to the table.

It was silent at first, both of them looking up at the stars, it was a clear night and they were shining bright. But on occasion they would both take looks at each other, and on one they locked eyes and smiled.

"So, if, we were to say, become a couple...would you tell people at school?" Justin asked the question like a shy little boy. He was nervous and timid at the same time, and the look on his face of regret for asking such a stupid question was a funny sight to see. Brian just smiled at him, he already knew the answer to that question.

"Yeah, I think I'd tell people." Brian replied.

"Even though I'll be a sophomore?" Justin shook his head again, he was beginning to regret that he had the ability to talk, it seemed like he only knew how to talk in stupidity.

"You're a cute sophomore, I think people would understand." Justin blushed and Brian smiled. Silence filled between them again, and they went back to watching the stars. After a few minutes Justin began to shiver from the cold, and Brian scooted closer to him and put his arm around him. It was slow at first, he had never really done that with any body, and he knew Justin was knew to it. But instinctively they both made it work, Justin slid closer and embraced the arm, and they sat together, Justin's head lying on Brian's shoulder. "So, now it's my turn for stupid questions."

Brian really didn't know how to ask what he wanted to ask. "Could I, I mean, can I kiss you?" Brian looked away as he waited for a response. He didn't want to see the face Justin was making at the comment. If he had he would have probably liked it. Justin was smiling, an uncontrollable smile and he was blushing too, and Brian was also missing him shaking his head yes. Justin realized he wasn't verbally confirming the question though.

"Yes" Brian turned and smiled, and Justin shook his head to make sure Brian got the message. Brian leaned down and Justin leaned up, and their lips met. It was sweet, and slow, but it was fireworks, not to play off the saying but it was like sparks were flying from their lips. Brian slowly let his tongue part through Justin's lips, and he took control of the kiss, pulling Justin close to him, and holding him tight. Justin melted into the kiss, letting it over take him.

When they finally pulled apart Justin was left wanting more, his eyes still shut and his body still tightly pressed against Brian's. Brian smiled, and leaned down and gave him a gentle peck on the lips and then returned to smiling. Justin opened his eyes, stared up into Brian's, and felt the warmth from that smile, and brought a smile to his own face.

They sat like that for five or ten minutes, neither one of them willing to break the silence of the gaze. Justin felt like he could fall into Brian's eyes, and vice-versa. When the gaze was broken it was for Brian to look at his watch, it was already ten, and although not late, they both had to be up for practice tomorrow, Brian to warm up and Justin to watch.

"I think we should go...practice and all." Brian muttered, he wasn't ready for the date to end. The look on Justin's face told him that he wasn't the only one, and they both walked silently back to the truck. As Brian pulled out he gripped Justin's hand and rubbed it soothingly, Justin smiled, breathed deep and laid his head on Brian's shoulder as he drove. Brian just smiled, wrapped his free hand around him and drove with one hand.

As they began to get closer to Justin's house, Brian looked down at Justin and pulled over. He snuck another passionate kiss, taking his tme to massage Justin's tongue with his tongue, and trail his teeth over Justin's lips, gently but demandingly. Justin sighed when the kiss was broken, and Brian looked down at him. "So, I was wondering, would you be my boyfriend?"

Justin looked up and didn't know what to say. Of course he would be his boyfriend, to him it seemed like a stupid question, but Brian was obviously anxious for an answer, and he suddenly realized that his silence wasn't helping the situation much.


Brian smiled and leaned down for another kiss, Justin was really beginning to like these kisses, Brian could tell. This time when he pulled off Justin almost let out a sort of a whimper, and Brian wanted to laugh, but instead smiled, he thought it was kind of cute. Brian started the car again and turned down Justin's road. As he pulled into the driveway, he killed the lights and Justin looked at him confused.

"What? I'm your boyfriend, what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't walk you to the door?" Justin smiled and they exited the car. Brian followed him to the door step, and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, he could tell Justin was nervous about being at his house with him. "I'll see you at practice tomorrow, if you want I can give you a ride home."

"I'd like that." Justin smiled, and Brian shook his head. He watched him get back in his car and drive slowly down the street, and then Justin entered his house. His mom was asleep, and he silently made his way up to his bedroom. As soon as he hit his bed his face lit up with a smile he had never possessed the ability to make. He couldn't have been any happier.


The story is coming along good, and I just wanna thank everyone who wrote me e-mails or sent me feedback. I was surprised to see so many people liked the story, and I really appriciate the fact that you all spent your time writing to tell me. Thanks again, and I hope you like this chapter as much as the first.

Next: Chapter 3

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