Southern Chastity

By Locked Cub

Published on Feb 27, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

This is a text that will have many chapters. It is mostly based on real events I have experienced, drawing on journals and social media posts I have made over the years. I have embellished the story here and there, though. I will try to post at least once a week, but I would appreciate any feedback at from readers on what they like, don't like and things they might like to see chronicled. I have in mind some short stories that will build on experiences covered in this story that may be listed under different categories if it is well received.

Southern Chastity

Chapter 6: The Decision

When I got back home from John's house and walked in the door, I started stripping down before I realized that I did not need to do that anymore. I was surprised how fast I had adapted to the protocols that John had given me. I left my pants and socks on but did remove my shirt and sat down on the couch for the first time in a few days. My chest hair was still a bit matted from the sweat that I built up from the intense time with the milking machine and I ran my hands through it and then adjusted my sore balls.

After catching my breath, I put my cage on the table beside me and stared at the manilla envelope containing the contract for a moment before putting it on the table as well.

"I can think about that later," I said to myself.

I pulled my socks off and threw them on the floor and went into the kitchen to reheat some leftovers. When I brought it in the living room to eat, I instinctively sat on the floor again and put my food on the table.

"Well," I said to myself. "One thing you have learned is that you train quickly."

I laughed and finished my dinner and played some video games.

The following day Chris messaged me at work. "How are you doing bubba? You still locked up?"

"Nope!" I replied. "That session ended yesterday. I am back to my old self again."

"Sweet! You up for coming over for some playtime followed by dinner and drinks? My ass needs some attention." Chris followed that by a devil emoji.

"Grins. That sounds good to me," I texted back. "I can be there about 7 pm if that is ok."

"See you then stud!" Chris replied.

After work I headed home to change and got to Chris and Rick's apartment right on time. When I entered, Chris was running around in his jock, which is pretty usual for him, and Rick was sitting on the sofa in his socks, undershirt and boxer briefs playing a game.

"How are you doing there Matt?" Rick asked without changing his focus on the monsters he was fighting on the TV.

"Not too bad. Little wore out from work, but otherwise good. How are you all doing?" I replied.

"Well, I am working my tush off getting things cleaned up around here," Chris said, poking his head around the corner from the next room. "That one has been playing video games since he got home."

"Whatever," Rick replied. "I bring in the most money for this household anyway."

"Ha!" Chris replied as he re-entered the room. "It's a good thing you have a decent cock to be useful in other areas, Rick."

"You know it," Rick replied. "Thick and girthy and ready to breed that ass."

I rolled my eyes at that comment while I took my shoes off and put them by the door.

"Matt you come with me, this one will be busy for a while," Chris said.

I followed him back to the bedroom and Chris helped pull my shirt off and take my pants and underwear down.

"Now lay down there and let me suck on you for a while," Chris said with a sexy tone.

I collapsed on the bed and he crawled up between my legs with his ass handing off the end of the bed and started to work my cock, which made me groan. Fortunately, the soreness from yesterday's activities had subsided and I was really enjoying the stimulation. I was flexing my feet and listening to the joints pop which I love to do when getting a blow job.

Just then Rick walked in. "Well, that did not take long," he said with a grin.

Rick pulled off one sock and then the other, tossing them with one landing on the floor and one landing on the corner of the bed. He then took his t-shirt off revealing his furry, muscled chest and threw it on the bed. Dropping his underwear last, I saw his engorged member working its way to full staff.

Rick bent down and started eating Chris's ass while Chris went down on me. That got a huge groan out of Chris and he really started to go to work on my hard cock.

After Rick got his ass good and wet, he started fingering Chris. First one digit then two and then three. Chris was moaning more and more each time and grinding his ass back on Rick's fingers as he pushed them in.

"Fuck me babe," Chris said as he came up from my cock.

Rick grabbed some lube from the side table and coated his cock and aimed it for Chris's ready and waiting hole. As he slid his large, thick cock in him Chris gasped and put his head in my crotch for a moment to catch his breath.

Once Rick was balls deep in him, he sat there a moment and then started thrusting fully in and out of Chris. "Fuck, yeah babe," Chris said. "Fuck my ass good."

Rick smiled and groaned as he worked his cock deep into Chris's ass, feeling his big balls slap before pulling out and slamming back in again. Slowly at first, but then picking up the pace as Chris moved backward to meet him on the forward stroke and pulled away for the backstroke.

Chris was in heaven and he continued to work on my cock as well. He knew just how to use his tongue and manipulate my balls with his hands to send me into extasy. I threw my head back and groaned in pleasure, which encouraged him to get into it more.

Rick was working up a sweat and it beaded on his forehead and started to run down the fur on his chest and abdomen. The smell of sex moved throughout the room and I recognized the aroma of Rick's musk. It was intoxicating. This man was so fucking hot. Chris made quite the catch when he napped this one.

Between the slaps and thrusts, I heard Rick begin to pant. "Are you ready for this load?" he asked Chris.

"Blow it in me babe," Chris replied as he backed off my cock and prepared.

Rick slammed his cock into Chris twice and then on the third time kept his shaft balls deep as he erupted his seed, flooding Chris's insides.

"FUCK!" Rick yelled as he came down from the orgasm high.

Rick reached over and grabbed his shirt he had thrown on the bed and wiped his brow and chest. He then pulled out and leaned down and kissed Chris's back gently and nearly lost his balance as he walked over to lay on the bed next to me.

"That was hot," I said to Rick, looking over at the hair matted to his sweaty chest.

"Well, it is your turn now," Rick said with a grin. "He's pre-lubed for sure."

Chris lifted his head off my cock and gave me a grin and I got up and moved around him. While I did so, he flipped over and put his legs on my shoulders, a position that was better suited for me since I am shorter than Rick.

I was hard as a rock from Chris's great blowjob and had no trouble entering his ass that was sloppy with Rick's cum. In fact, I slid in pretty quickly all the way to my root.

"Damn, Rick!" I said. "This is not sloppy, this is flooded."

Rick laughed and winked at me as I started to grind into Chris. I leaned over some and pinned his legs back as far as I could. Chris was pretty bendable, so it was not an issue.

I immediately switched into top mode and started dirty talking and having fun slowing and quickening my pace as I churned Rick's cum in Chris's ass to a froth. But as I was doing so, I had a flash of the contract in my head. It was dated for Sunday and if I was to sign it, I would not see my cock out of a chastity cage again and I would not be fucking again either. This might be one the last chances I had to load someone up.

It was a bit of a mind trip, but Chris snapped me back to reality when he asked if he could flip over on all fours. I pulled out and let him and then climbed up on the bed to mount him doggy style and continue to pound my cock into him.

I was having so much fun and getting lost in my head that I jumped a bit when I felt a finger in my ass. I turned and it was Rick. He was hard again and smiling.

"Sorry," he said. "I'm still horny and I love your furry ass."

"Mount up stud," I said. "You know I love being in the middle of a fuck sandwich."

Rick didn't waste time lubing my hole and Chris moved down a bit so I could hang a little closer to the end of the bed for better access.

I felt Rick's cock enter my ass and I paused as he slowly worked his way in. Then I coordinated my thrusts so that I could enter Chris on the forward thrust and back up on Rick's dick on the backward thrust. The stimulation on my prostate was just want I needed to send me over the edge and I pretty quickly added a second load to Chris's well fucked ass and the contractions my ass made as I pumped my cum into him drove Rick over as well and he flooded my ass with his load as well.

Rick and Chris collapsed on the bed to catch their breath and I sat on the side. I reached down and picked up Rick's sock from the side of the bed and could not resist bringing it to my nose and taking his scent in. I have to admit, I am one of those piggy guys that loves a good man's scent.

"Had those on all day today, Matt. Must be pretty rank,' Rick said.

"Oh, I don't mind," I said, turning and giving him a wink. You smell good."

Chris rolled his eyes. "Ok you two, enough with that shit. I'm hungry!"

He leaned over and made out with Rick a bit and thanked him and then went and grabbed some towels for us to wipe down. Rick put his underwear back on and I threw on my pants and we went back out to sit at the dining table while Chris went to the kitchen to finish making the spaghetti he had in a pot and bringing it out to us.

After dinner, Chris took the dishes into the kitchen to clean up and I went into the living room to sit down on the couch. Rick followed and sat next to me.

"So, how are things going with John?" he asked.

"It's been good. He had me caged for two nights as part of what he calls a trial period. That ended yesterday. I met him at his house, and he told me he was interested in taking me on as a trainee and gave me a contract to look at. It's pretty detailed and has some things that have me a bit nervous," I replied.

"Ahh... the contract," Rick said with a grin. "You must have impressed him to move to that stage."

"Oh, so you know about that?" I asked.

"Oh sure," Rick replied. "I've known John long enough to see several boys contract with him for training and go on to graduation as well."

"Can you tell me more?" I asked.

"Well, it's not a decision you should take lightly." Rick said with a more serious tone. "John has been training boys for a long time. He is fair but firm and he really knows how to mold a boy into someone that can be collared by a dominant for the long term. I've seen the results of his training, and the boys that train with him are completely different people on the other end for sure."

"I guess the thing that is making me the most nervous are some of the more stringent parts of the agreement. For instance, he expects those in training to stay in chastity for longer and longer periods and be permanently locked within a year. It also states clearly that you are not allowed to see yourself out of chastity at any point, so it looks like once you sign the contract, you never see yourself unlocked again. That's a huge deal," I said with some nervousness in my voice.

Rick put his arm around me and brought me in close for a hug. "Well, I would not have introduced you two if I didn't think you might be a good fit for him. I know you do top from time to time, but I also see how much you enjoy bottoming and you get really subby around dominant guys when we have been out at the Eagle, for instance. I can see you becoming really quite the catch for a good dom. But you are right, there are sacrifices that come with that."

"Thanks. I know what you mean, and I'll be honest, the idea isn't something I have dismissed. I'm just going to really have to think about it," I said.

"I'm sure you will make the right decision and personally, I think you would look awesome in a chastity cage full time," Rick said looking at me with a big grin.

I groped his groin and felt his soft, but large cock. Devilishly said, "I bet you would."

"Ho ho!" Chris said as he came into the room with a laugh. "Are you molesting my man, Matt?"

"Hey! He's hot, what can I say," I said with a wink at Rick. "But he only has eyes for you."

Chris grinned. "Yeah, I'm a lucky guy."

"Me as well babe," Rick said as he and Chris kissed.

We played some video games before it was time for me to head back home. It was a work night, after all. I went and got my clothes from the bedroom and was sitting on the bed putting my shoes on when Rick came in.

"I know you are still mulling your decision, Matt. Would you be interested in meeting a sub that John has trained?" he asked.

"That might be good," I replied. "Do you know of one?"

"Actually, a good friend of mine collared one of the boys John trained and I was texting with him just now. He'd be willing to bring him out to the bar tomorrow night after work if you want to talk and ask questions," Rick said.

"That would be awesome, actually," I said with a grin.

"Perfect. I will get things set up and text you the details," Rick said.

I stood up and gave him a hug. "Thanks a bunch."

The next day was Friday and work was a mess. We had some projects that people had gotten behind on and I was trying to sort it all out. As usual, I was the one doing most of the work. At about 4:30 pm, I got a text from Rick.

"So, it is all set. Can you meet us at Woofs at about 7 pm?" Rick asked.

"Sure, that is no problem," I replied. "I will see you all then."

I walked into the bar just a little late due to traffic, which is bad in the city, especially on a Friday night. Across the room in the back bar, I saw Rick waving to me, and I came over to his table. Across from him was a tall, bearded, muscular man, probably in his late 40s if I had to guess, with a tight t-shirt on that showed off his chest and dark colored jeans with boots. Next to him sat a younger man with some scruff on his face who looked to be in his 20s. He had a red and black chainmail collar around his neck with a padlock and a gold tag that said "Boy Dan / CHASTITY SUB / Collared by Sir Greg. He was dressed in a t-shirt as well, but his jeans were tight, and he had a pretty noticeable bulge in his pants that I figured was the chastity cage.

"Matt, this is my friend Greg," Rick said, gesturing to the larger man.

Greg stuck out his hand and I shook it. He had a firm grip and a deep voice replied, "Nice to meet you Matt. This is my boy, Dan," he said putting his hand behind the boy's back.

Dan extended his hand, and I shook his as well.

"Nice to meet you Matt," Dan replied.

"Well, take a seat here next to me Matt," Rick said. "I got a pitcher of beer here if you want to share."

"That would be awesome. Thanks!" I said, grabbing an empty glass and filling it up.

"So, Rick tells me that you are considering training to be a sub under John," Greg asked me.

"Yes, Sir, I am," I replied.

I don't know why I added the `Sir' in the sentence, but it just seemed like the right thing to do. Dan smiled, though, and seemed pleased.

"Well, Dan here finished his training about six months ago and I collared him right after he graduated," Greg said as he slapped his hand on Dan's shoulder. "He's the best sub I have ever had, and I expect he will be around for the long term with me."

Dan looked back at him and said, "Thank you so much, Sir. It's been an honor serving you."

"When do you have to make a decision, Matt?" Greg asked me.

"Sunday," I replied. "Well, actually Saturday night since I have to send him some things by email."

"The addendums, Sir," Dan said to Greg.

"Oh, that's right," Greg replied. "Dan here showed me his contract when I was interested in him. Well, it's a big decision, no doubt. Not everyone is cut out to be a true sub boy. I advise you not to go through with it unless you are totally committed."

"Oh, I understand, Sir," I replied. "It is definitely a big decision."

Just then there was a little commotion at the front of the bar, and it looked like someone people knew walked in.

"Oh hey!" Rick said excitedly. "That's Tom. I have not seen him around in a long time. Let's go say hi Greg and let these two talk, if that is ok that is."

"Sure, I have not seen that guy in ages, and it would be good for these two to have some time alone," Greg said. "Feel free to be open and honest about anything Dan."

"Thank you, Sir," Dan replied.

Greg and Rick grabbed their beers and headed over to the other side of the bar and I moved over to sit closer to Dan.

"So, what was it really like training under John," I asked.

Dan took a drink of his beer and sat it on the table.

"It was the most intense, but rewarding experience of my life," he said. "I had always been very subby, I guess is the best way to put it. But I learned that there were a lot more aspects to it than just what happens in the bedroom. It's a whole new way of thinking and acting around people and a new way to think about what is important in your life as well."

"And you really are in permanent chastity now?" I asked.

Dan laughed and grabbed my hand and put it on his crotch. "Yup, the last time I had a manual release from my nub was six months ago."

I felt the hard cage under his pants. It had to be metal and it felt pretty damn secure. My own cock twitched a bit as I brought my hand back.

"But that's just a symbol of service," Dan said. "Don't get me wrong, it's a head trip. I went from days to weeks to months of chastity before I went permanent, but I also learned to have pretty mind-blowing anal orgasms when I'm fucked. I honestly forget it's there most of the time. The real struggle is learning to put the emphasis on others rather than yourself."

"How so?" I asked.

"I intuitively know when Greg needs a massage, a blow job or when he just needs alone time, and I should just clean the house up. I make sure his every need is met and I really enjoy it. Honestly, I experience almost akin to an orgasm when I am able to please him and bring him to climax or satisfy his needs. I don't need to jack off anymore or look around for short-lived pleasures. I have what I need in him, if that makes sense."

"Sounds like you have a very close relationship," I replied.

"We do," Dan said. "But it is not a boyfriend or husband type of relationship. Greg actually has a guy he is sort of dating, and if it becomes more serious, then I will be his boy too. But it still is a special relationship, and he values me."

"Interesting," I said. "Were you really nervous when John gave you the contract?"

Dan laughed. "Oh, hell yes I was. When Sir handed me that envelope and I was reading it, I nearly freaked out. The thought of long-term chastity alone was daunting, but the idea of total submission was not something I had seriously considered at all at that point."

"What made you decide to go through with it?" I asked.

"Honestly, I just wanted to challenge myself. I really was intrigued by it all and I figured, if I failed, I failed, but at least I gave it a try," Dan said.

"Well, that is a good way to put it, I guess," I said.

"So, how many loads did he pull out of you on the sucking machine?" Dan said with a grin as he picked his glass up to take a drink.

"Ha!" I laughed. "Four. But I had to stop after that, my dick and balls were killing me."

Dan laughed back. "Yeah, you did better than me. I could not make it past three. My poor nub just was too sore."

Dan put his glass down and turned to me a bit more seriously. "But, honestly, Sir only takes in a few boys a year. That he offered the contract to you means he sees promise in you. Take it as a huge compliment, whether you decide to do it or not."

"Thanks Dan," I said as I picked my glass up and clinked it against his. "Cheers!"

"One other thing," Dan said. "If you decide to go through with this you will have the ability to partner and work with those that have graduated from Sir's service. I'd be happy to mentor and help you if you want. But you should also rely on your sub brothers that Sir is also training. Bond with them, they will be there for you. I know my sub brothers Ryan, Hunter, Johnny and Nick are still some of my closest friends and even though most are all collared now we still keep in touch."

"Thanks for the offer," I replied. "That would be awesome."

Dan showed me his phone and said, "Here is my contact info. Feel free to text me if you move forward."

As I put the info in my phone, Greg and Rick sat down and we ordered some food to have with our drinks. I asked Greg about his experience in the scene and how he met Rick. Dan discussed how much he was enjoying serving Greg. We discussed kinks and the scene and what was new in the city. It was a great conversation and evening. At about 11 pm, though, we decided it was time to head out.

We exchanged pleasantries and Dan gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, "good luck fellow sub. You can do this."

I replied back thanks and we all parted ways.

The next morning, I wandered into my living room naked after jacking off in my bed and nearly hitting the wall with my cum. Feeling satisfied and calm, I decided it was time to open up the contract again and look it over in more detail and mull my decision over in my mind.

I sat down on the sofa and brought the table closer and spread out the paperwork before me. The more I read and re-read the more I got not only turned on, but nervous. It was a lot to take in, but Dan put my mind at ease in a lot of ways. I could see myself in his situation, to be honest. That was not something I was averse to. He also had a great point. I could always drop out of the contact. It would be a huge failure to be sure, but it was not like I did not have options. If it was too much, then it was too much.

I slowly started to talk myself into it and by lunchtime figured that I would move forward. However, if tomorrow would be the last time I would see myself out of a chastity cage, I was damn well going to make sure I came a lot today.

Next: Chapter 7

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