Southern Chastity

By Locked Cub

Published on Feb 19, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

This is a text that will have many chapters. It is mostly based on real events I have experienced, drawing on journals and social media posts I have made over the years. I have embellished the story here and there, though. I will try to post at least once a week, but I would appreciate any feedback at from readers on what they like, don't like and things they might like to see chronicled. I have in mind some short stories that will build on experiences covered in this story that may be listed under different categories if it is well received.

Southern Chastity

Chapter 4: The Trial Period

It was 9 pm or so when I got back into my apartment. I normally go to bed about 10:30 pm or so, and given how bad I slept last night, I was exhausted. About 15 minutes after I got home, I got a text from John.

"Did you make it home ok boy?" he asked.

"I did, Sir," I replied. "Getting ready for bed soon."

"I understand. While we are in this trial period, I want you to start following some protocols at home. I want you to strip and fold your clothes and leave them next to the door whenever you come home. You need to get used to be naked and comfortable in your cage. Please do that now and send me a picture."

I had taken my shoes off by the door, but I returned to the threshold and stripped down entirely. I had to pull on my balls a bit to get them adjusted right in the cage, but once I was comfortable, I moved away from the wall a bit and held up the phone and snapped a picture and sent it off.

"Good boy," John texted back. "I will periodically text you for a picture. I expect a response within a reasonable amount of time. The quicker the better. If you are working from home, you will be naked. If you are in the office, you will find a private place and pull out your chastity cage for the picture. I want you kneeling if possible."

"I understand Sir. I can do that," I replied.

"Second, I don't want you to sit on any furniture in your house. You may sleep in your bed, but I want you to get used to sitting on the floor."

I had returned to the living room and was sitting on the couch when he sent this, so I got up and sat down on the floor in front of the couch and replied back that I understood that as well.

"Finally, tonight's task. From your picture you just sent me it appears your living room needs straightening up. I want you to vacuum the area completely, dust, throw away any trash and make the place as spotless as possible. Do the same for your kitchen, bedroom and bathroom and then send me a picture," John texted.

I groaned at this. I hated cleaning but he was right, the place was a bit of a pig sty. I texted back "Yes, Sir," and then put my phone down to go grab the vacuum. I figured I would do that first to get that out of the way since it was late, and I didn't want to annoy the downstairs neighbors.

The kitchen just needed the dishes done and a wipe down of the surfaces. I put everything in the dishwasher to save time. The bedroom took a while as I had to fold several loads of laundry and put those away. While I was doing that, I noticed I was having to adjust my cage a lot. It was a cheap cage, so I guess it was expected to not fit as well. I was not going to come out of it, but it was pinching a bit here and there.

After my bedroom was presentable, I went into the bathroom and turned on the light. I got on my knees and scrubbed the toilet first, then I moved on to the shower and sink, bagging up the trash as I went.

It was almost 11 pm by the time I was done. I figured it might be late for him, but I texted John pictures of the clean apartment. At this point I was exhausted and a sweaty mess. I turned the shower on just to rinse down really quick and after I dried off, I collapsed on the bed. I remembered to put some lotion around my balls where the base ring to the chastity cage was and then I put a pillow between my legs, my CPAP mask on and fell fast asleep.

I was so exhausted from the night before and from spending a few hours cleaning that I only woke up twice during the night. The first time I had to use a cold washcloth to help my erection subside, but the second time only took a little adjusting of the cage while I was in bed. When the alarm went off at 7 am, I was still a bit tired, but much more rested than before.

I checked my phone and noticed that John had sent me a message at 6 am telling me that I did a good job on the cleaning and that he would check in on me later. So, I got out of bed and took a long hot shower. I was about to get dressed when I remembered the protocol of no clothes in the house. So, I took what I was going to wear and put it on a chair next to my apartment door and then went to the kitchen to put the dishes away from inside the dishwasher from the night before and then start breakfast.

After I was done, I looked down and saw a stream of precum dangling from my caged cock. Normally, I jack off when I wake up, but that was not happening today. I caught the dangling rope of fluids and licked it off my fingers and then grabbed some paper towels to clean up the rest. I decided to make a quick breakfast as a distraction.

I scrambled some eggs and made some toast and poured me a glass of orange juice. I was about to sit down at the table to eat when I remember the other protocol of not sitting on the furniture. Ugh. This was going to be annoying. So, I just ate standing at the kitchen countertop. When I was done, I put the dishes in the dishwasher and went to the door to put my clothes on and head off to work.

This was the first time I had worn my chastity cage under my clothes in public. It did not make a huge bulge in my pants, but I was self-conscious about it all the time. Fortunately, I have a desk job, so I was able to keep hidden most of the time. It was about 10:30 am when I got a text from John asking for a picture. I closed my office door and pulled down my pants and knelt on the floor for a selfie and sent it off within 60 seconds.

"Very well done boy. Very fast too. I am pleased. I hope you have a good rest of the day," John replied.

I grinned when I got the message and pulled my pants up and was just sitting down when my coworker came in the door to ask me something. In the back of my head, I panicked a bit and realized how close I came to being caught, literally, with my pants down. I needed to be sure to lock the door next time.

The rest of the day was pretty mundane. I was done a little early, so I headed back home to beat the traffic a bit. As I was getting to my car in the parking lot, Chris texted me.

"Hey bud, Rick is going to be late getting home tonight. Do you mind if I stop by and hang out a bit?"

I replied, "sure" and was just driving out of the lot when I realized that I was not allowed clothes on in my apartment nor was I to sit on the furniture. I panicked a bit and found a place to pull over to text Chris back.

"Hey, there is just one thing. This John guy that Rick knows is key holding for me for a few days, so I have my cage on and he has some specific protocols I have to follow as well."

"Well that is hot," Chris replied. "What do you have to do?"

"Well, I am not allowed clothes on in my apartment and I can't use the furniture except the bed," I texted back.

"Damn! You already sound like you are in training!" Chris replied with a laughing emoji. "I don't care though. I have seen you naked you know."

"LOL. Well that is true. Ok, well as long as you understand," I replied back to Chris.

"I'll be over about 6 pm and I will bring pizza," Chris texted.

"Sounds good to me!" I replied.

When I got home, I stripped down and folded all my clothes and put them on the chair next to the door and went to the kitchen to grab a beer and relax. I sat down on the floor between my couch and coffee table and watched some TV till Chris arrived.

I heard a knock at the door about 6:10 pm and saw it was Chris through the peephole with a pizza in his hands. I let him in, and he looked at my naked and caged cock and replied, "Look at you being all subby and cute!"

"Yeah, yeah. I know," I replied.

Chris reached down and squeezed my caged balls and said, "Damn, you only had that thing a few weeks and you are already giving the key away, I'm seeing a whole new side to you sexy!"

I blushed. "Thanks, but this is a lot to take in the first time. John seems to be nice and I feel I can trust him. Hell, I gave him control of my keys. But the protocols are something new."

"Eh. You can handle it. I know people a hell of a lot more kinky than you are bubba," Chris said with a laugh. "Let's eat, I am hungry!"

I grabbed some plates for the pizza and Chris took his to the couch. I sat down next to his feet and ate at the coffee table.

"You know, I could get used to you in chastity at my feet," Chris said with a smirk rubbing his foot in the crack of my ass.

"Uh huh," I replied sarcastically as I turned around to face him. "I seem to remember you in chastity too."

"Oh, I know. But I am not now, and it is kind of hot. I think you might need to turn around and get on your knees and give me a blow job right now."

I looked up at him and he put his plate on the side table and gave me this look and pointed at his crotch which was bulging. Not wanting to be a bad host, I grabbed a drink to wash everything down and turned around, got on my knees, and undid his pants. Out popped his cock fully hard and dripping.

"Damn Chris. You are turned on, aren't you?" I asked.

Chris nodded and leaned his head back and I went down on him. He has an average-sized cock, so it was a lot easier to deep throat, but I always loved his balls. They are massive and fun to play with. I took my hands and started to move up and down his shaft and forced my face down on his cock on the downstroke to take him in fully. I continued to stroke his cock and moved my mouth down to suck on his big balls and nibble on them, which I already knew drove him wild.

Chris bit his bottom lip and was groaning and reached down and grabbed my head and pulled it off his cock.

"You think I can fuck you Matt?" Chris asked.

"Sure, I am game, but why don't we go to the bedroom so I can use the bed," I replied.

So, we headed back, and I handed him the lube and hit some poppers and leaned over the side of the bed. Chris took no time in mounting me and I felt his balls slapping mine pretty soon after. The problem was my balls and cock were trapped inside the cage and the slapping of his huge sack sent stimulation into my groin. I could not get an erection, but I swelled to the full extent of the cage and I felt precum start to dribble out.

Chris's cock had a slight downward bend, so every thrust brought the head across my prostate. The sensation was fucking wonderful and I reached down between my legs and grabbed cage. I felt my swollen member behind the bars and precum coated my hand. All I wanted to do at that moment was stroke my shaft.

Chris had a hold of my hips and was pounding me furiously when I felt him tense up. "Fuck!" he yelled. I put my hands by my sides to steady myself as I felt him slam home and his cock started pulsing rhythmically, dumping his load deep in my ass.

After a few more strokes back and forth, he leaned on his arms on my back and let his cock finish releasing its seed. When he finally pulled out, I heard a plop from the cum and lube escaping and landing on the floor.

"Woops!" said Chris laughing. "I think I overfilled you! Sorry about the mess on the floor."

"No need to be sorry," I said, rising up from my crouched position. "I can clean that up."

I walked over to the bathroom and felt the cum dribbling out of my ass and down my legs. I grabbed a towel and wiped it up and then wet it a bit to return and clean the floor. Chris grabbed the edge to wipe down with as well.

"Damn Matt!" said Chris as I was putting the towel in the dirty hamper.

"What is it?" I asked.

Chris was pointing at the bed. "Look at that wet spot!"

He was right. I had precummed so much from the fucking that there was a huge wet spot on them.

"Well, you know I precum a ton and I am locked and horny as well," I said with a laugh grabbing my cage and showing how strained I was inside it.

Chris noticed and walked by me into the bathroom and turned on the cold tap and soaked a bit of a washcloth on the counter. He brought it back over and wrapped it around my caged cock and I jumped a bit, but I did start to deflate a bit.

"The struggle is real," Chris said. "I've been there."

After I had deflated a bit, we went to go back to eating and as I sat down, I got a text from John. He wanted a picture of what I was doing. So, I sent him one back of me sitting down on the floor with my pizza. Chris's bare legs and soft cock were in the background behind my head and shoulders.

"Who is that behind you?" he asked.

I replied back that it was Rick's partner Chris and that he had just finished fucking a load into me.

"Good boy. Sounds like you are already being of service. Enjoy your evening and check your email later," John replied back.

"Was that John?" Chris asked.

"Yeah," I replied. He likes me to send him pics when he requests them.

"Was he ok with what we just did?" Chris replied.

"It's not like we are dating or anything. Yeah, he told me it was good I was being of service," I responded.

"Ok. That's cool," said Chris as he reached down and fondled himself.

After we finished dinner, we played some video games for a while. Chris was occasionally playing with his cock and eventually he was hard again.

"I think we need to take a quick break," he said. "You need to suck a second load out of my cock."

I turned to see him at full mast with a devilish grin looking down at me.

"Damn, boy," I said. "What's got into you?"

"Umm... the last time I checked, the one that wears the chastity cage is the boy," he said pointing at me, "and that means you should be ready to take loads whenever."

I laughed. "Ok, you win, but I think this is giving you a bit of a power trip."

"Hey," Chris said with a smirk, "don't ruin this for me. I don't get to top much."

I got up on my knees again and took his cock into my mouth. I could still taste a little bit of the lube and my ass from the last time we played. I did not care, though, as I do love to give blowjobs.

Chris leaned back and stretched his feet out and I used my hands to move up and down on his shaft as I bobbed on his head. I reached up at one point and played with his nipples and that got an immediate reaction as a spurt of precum came out and I sucked it down.

As I was moving up and down and deep throating him, I felt his balls move and knew he was close so I sped up a bit until he was shooting in my mouth. I made sure to stay on him till every last spurt was swallowed and then I sucked a little bit more till he jumped and shoved my face off.

"Hey!" he said. "You know I am sensitive after I cum!"

I was laughing. "You know you love it."

Chris leaned back and put his arms on either side of the back of the couch and stretched to cool off some.

"Seriously, though, thanks," he said. "That was freaking amazing."

"Hey!" I said pointing at my head. "Chastity boy ready to serve here."

"I am starting to see that," Chris said with a wink.

It was getting close to 9 pm, so Chris got up and went and got his clothes on. As he grabbed his keys, I gave him a kiss and a hug and thanked him for the pizza. He grabbed my ass a bit and thanked me for the fuck and then he left.

After cleaning the apartment up a bit from dinner and the activities, I went to my laptop and checked my email. John had sent me a task to complete.


For your task this evening, I want you to define the term sub and the term dom. I want you to be as detailed as you can be. I want you to really think, though, what these terms mean to you, or what you would like them to mean to you.

Send me your response along with a picture of yourself on your knees with your hands behind your back and your head bowed.

Have a good evening.


This one took a bit more thought. I started by doing some research online and reading articles from the mainstream press and BDSM sites. It was fascinating to see common threads in some areas and widely different views in others. However, I was able to put my thoughts together eventually.


I have been sitting here thinking over what at first looks like a simple thing to define. I have been reading definitions online and also thinking about how I feel about the terms as well. Dom to me means the one that has more authority. The sub has the role of giver and the dom the receiver. I see the dynamic as the sub giving of himself to please the dom and in doing so gain pleasure through the giving. I know for me, if I were to take on a totally sub role, that is what I would like it to be. The more I have read, though, the more I understand what you told me about the importance of communication. You must be honest and straightforward with your dom as a sub. You need to listen to them and make sure their needs are met for a healthy relationship to work.


Satisfied with my email, I set up my camera with the timer and took my picture kneeling with my arms behind my back and my head bowed and attached it and sent it off.

I went back to watching some TV and played some games a bit before getting up to get ready for bed. As I was brushing my teeth, I got a text on my phone from John.

"Good answer boy. I appreciate your thoughts. How is the chastity going?"

I messaged him back that I was doing ok and that last night was not as bad as the night before.

"I am glad to hear that," John replied. "I will be working from home tomorrow. After you are done with work, I want you to message me and I will have you come over and we can remove your cage and then discuss next steps."

I replied back, "I will, Sir!"

I got into bed and actually only woke up once during the night this time. It seemed my body was rapidly adjusting to sleeping with the cage on my dick.

Next: Chapter 5

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