Southern Chastity

By Locked Cub

Published on Jun 11, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to support the archivist and keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

This is a text that is based on real events that I have experienced, or my friends have experienced, drawing on journals, conversations, and social media posts over the years. I have embellished the story here and there to craft the narrative. My goal is to post every four days till the story is complete.

You can follow @lockedstories on twitter for announcements of new chapters and new stories. I would appreciate any feedback at from readers on what they like, don't like and things they might like to see chronicled. If you do not want to wait for the story to be completed on Nifty, you can find the entire story here in eBook and print form:

Southern Chastity

Chapter 33: Winter Wonderland

Saturday, January 23, 2016, I woke up to find snowflakes falling and some snow accumulating on the ground. For those in more northern climates, this might not seem like a big thing, but here in Atlanta, snow is an uncommon occurrence. We usually only see it a few times a year, and if it is more than a dusting, it can cause havoc since we do not have the infrastructure to handle removing it.

Fortunately, it looked like it was just going to be something to look at and not worry about. It was still cold out, though, so I had not made any plans to do anything for the weekend. I was sitting on the floor in nothing but my cage and collar as usual playing a videogame when my phone went off. I looked down to see a message from Mateo.

"What are you up to today, Matt?" he asked.

"Not much here," I replied. "Watching the flakes fall from the sky out the window and playing some games. How about yourself?"

"Not too bad here," he said. "Gabriel just left here and I am a bit bored."

Gabriel was the name of a guy that Mateo had met two weeks ago when we both went out to the Eagle. We had been hanging out on the upper back deck drinking when a rather fit Hispanic man approached us. The first thing I noticed was his eyes. They were a deep brown, but something about the shape or look of them just made you want to take a second glance at him when he walked by. He had a cropped goatee, short hair, and his tight jeans outlined a nice package as well. I had noticed him first, but when Mateo turned to look at him, the poor boy was speechless.

Gabriel had come up beside Mateo and squeezed his ass and then looked down and saw our collars. Once he saw we were labeled as 'Chastity Subs', it immediately piqued his interest. Mateo was just staring with his mouth a bit open. I swear I could see drool starting to form at the corner of his mouth. Gabriel must have picked up on it too because he smiled and brought his hand up and drew his thumb across Mateo's mouth.

"You like what you see here, boy?" he had asked him.

Mateo smiled and nodded.

"This is my sub brother Mateo, Sir," I stepped in to reply. "My name is Matt. Mateo's usually more talkative, but I think you may have broken him with that grope."

Gabriel chuckled. "Well glad to meet you both and I hope I have not broken you there Mateo. Although, I would sure like to try."

Gabriel gave Mateo a sly look and moved to kiss him and Mateo closed his eyes and returned the gesture. While they made out, Gabriel reached down and started to squeeze and feel Mateo's cage under his pants and Mateo let out an audible grunt in response. Gabriel pulled back and looked at him and smiled.

"Just checking to make sure that collar was accurate," Gabriel replied.

"Yes, Sir, it is," Mateo said as he was getting lost in Gabriel's eyes. "I am about two weeks into a month lock-up."

"Very nice, boy," Gabriel said as he ran a finger down Mateo's chest.

Gabriel smiled as his finger continued down and when he reached his waist, he started to unbuckled Mateo's pants. He pulled open the fly of his jeans and reached in and pulled Mateo's underwear down and under his cage to reveal his leaking nub. Gabriel ran his hands over the cage and collected some of the precum and brought it up to his lips and tasted it.

"You taste good, boy," Gabriel said. "Are you exclusive to your dom?"

"No, Sir," Mateo responded. "We are encouraged to service all men that are interested."

"Well, I am interested," Gabriel said.

Some of the guys around us started to notice Mateo's caged nub hanging out and Gabriel stepped in a little closer and took Mateo's hand and brought it over his groin. Gabriel must have been getting hard because the look Mateo had told me he wanted to drop to his knees and worship the man's cock right there.

"How'd you like to come home with me tonight boy?" Gabriel asked.

"I'd love to, Sir," Mateo replied.

"Go ahead Mateo," I said. "I'll be ok here."

Mateo looked at me and smiled and Gabriel came in for another kiss as he pulled Mateo's pants back up. When he pulled back, Mateo re-buckled his belt and gave me a wink as he passed by and followed Gabriel down the staircase.

Mateo had told me later that Gabriel was hung like a horse and fed him one load and fucked two into his ass before the evening was over. They had seen each other twice since then and I got the impression that this was turning out to be a more long-term connection.

"You get to service Gabriel again?" I texted Mateo as I paused my game.

"Yes!" Mateo replied. "He stayed overnight and my ass is full and happy."

"Well, you are having a damn good day then," I said. "You are welcome to come over if you want. I never mind company."

"Be right there then," Mateo replied.

Just as I was about to turn back to my game, there was a knock on my door. I got up and went over to see who it was and saw Max waiting on the other side. He did not have a jacket on and looked like he was shivering. I opened the door and let him in.

"What the hell are you doing out in the snow without a jacket, bro?" I asked.

Max hurried by me and rubbed his arms a bit while I closed the door behind him.

"I stayed overnight at Sir Kenny's and he kicked me out early cause work called and he needed to go in for something," Max said. "I just stopped by to see if I could visit for a while instead of driving home."

"Sure," I replied with a smile. "Take off your clothes and you can come over here and play some video games with me. Mateo is on his way over as well."

"Oh, nice!" Max replied as he started to take his pants off. "I hope I'm not interrupting any plans you both had."

"Naa bro," I replied as I went into the kitchen to get a drink. "He was just bored. You want a drink?"

Max was just pulling his underwear off and adjusting his cage when he looked up at me. "Yeah, sure. You got a beer?"

"I'll grab you one," I replied. "Go ahead and sit on the couch."

About 45 minutes later I heard another knock on the door and I opened it to let Mateo in. He smiled at me and when he leaned in to hug me, I could smell the sex on him. He had Gabriel's musk all over his beard and I had a pretty good impression there was some dried cum in there as well.

"I think you got some of Gabriel's seed in there bro," I replied with a smile.

Mateo blushed and rubbed his fingers over his beard and then licked them.

"Yeah, I probably do," he said. "It was a wild night."

"So, tell me more about this guy," Max said with a smile as he came over to greet him.

Mateo smiled broadly and hugged Max too.

"I didn't know you were here," Mateo said.

"Eh, I just got here a bit ago," Max said. "I stayed the night with my man. But, seriously, tell me more!"

I chuckled and went to grab Mateo a drink as well as he undressed and filled Max in on his escapades the night before. He had gone out on an official date with Gabriel last night that led to them sleeping together afterward. Mateo had ridden him twice before they passed out and then woke up his new hot Latin lover with a thirty-minute blowjob followed by another breeding before he had to leave. They had also made plans to see each other tomorrow as well.

"So, when is he going to collar you?" I asked with a grin as I handed him his beer.

"Well, it is a bit early for that," Mateo replied. "But, who knows. I've never fallen for someone this quick before."

"That's how Sir Kenny and I were," Max replied. "After the second date, I was all over his cock and balls and I knew he was the one for me."

"Speaking of hot cock," Mateo said looking at me, "how are things going between Sir Todd, Bo, and you?"

"Well, Bo and I are still seeing each other when we can," I replied. "He has settled into his role as Sir Todd's sub, but he also has a lot more autonomy under him than he did when he was in training under Sir John. Sir Todd and I get along well and he has still been hinting at maybe taking me in. But, regardless, I am sure Bo and I will still be seeing each other."

"Well, that's good," Max replied. "Y'all make a cute couple."

"Thanks," I said with a blush.

The three of us sat down to play some games for a while before ordering some pizza for lunch and breaking out some cards to play poker for a bit. By the afternoon, we were all a bit tipsy from drinking and my supply of beer was running low.

"Well, guys," I said as I came back into the living room from the kitchen, "this is the last beer."

"Boo!" Mateo said with a smirk as he crossed his legs on the floor and stared at his cards.

"Now what are we going to do?" Max asked.

"Hold on," I replied. "I may have a lifeline."

I pulled out my phone and texted Rick to see if he was home. I had already told him that he could borrow my vacuum yesterday because theirs was broken.

"I'm here," Rick replied. "Chris is out visiting his mom. Is it ok to come by to pick the machine up?"

"Well," I said. "Yes, but my sub brothers are here and we are out of beer. Do you think you could pick up a 12-pack for us on your way over?"

"Wait, let me get this straight," Rick replied. "There are three tipsy, horny subs over there right now?"

"There are," I replied with a devil emoji.

"I'll be right over with the beer," Rick replied.

"Well, we are set, boys," I said as I put the phone down. "Rick is on his way over with more beer."

"Wait, your hot dom friend Rick?" Max asked.

"The same," I replied with a smile.

I noticed max's nub react instantly and start to harden a bit in his cage. Mateo noticed the same thing and grinned.

"Well, I'm looking forward to meeting this guy," Mateo replied. "From the look of Max's nub, he must be hot."

Max blushed and covered his cage with his hands and grinned sheepishly.

We continued to play cards for a bit. I could already tell that Max was pretty much a card shark. I had only beat him three times and poor Mateo had yet to win a hand. It was a good thing we were not playing with real money. Max had cleaned Mateo out of the last of his poker chips when there was a knock at the door. I got up and went over and looked through the peephole and saw Rick standing there.

"Hey, Rick!" I replied as I opened the door to let him in.

"Good to see you again cubby," Rick said as he hugged me. "Here's the beer for you boys."

Rick put the box of cans down and Max grabbed it and brought it back into the kitchen. I saw Rick staring at Max's naked ass as he walked by and I patted his belly to distract him.

"Come over here and meet Mateo," I said.

Rick looked over and saw Mateo getting up to come over to him and he crossed over and shook his hand.

"So, you must be the one that replaced Bo," Rick said.

"Yes, Sir," Mateo replied.

"Damn if John wasn't right," Rick said as he bit the front of his tongue a bit and checked Mateo out. "He said he found a hot boy to take Bo's place."

"Thank you, Sir!" Mateo said with a big smile.

Rick reached behind Mateo and started to rub his ass and his middle finger found its way down to Mateo's hole while I went to help Max put away the beer. When I returned, I found Rick had his finger up Mateo's ass and Mateo was bent over the couch moaning a bit.

"Well, that did not take long," I said with a smile.

"Hey, what can I say," Rick replied. "I'm always horny."

Mateo had his eyes closed and was biting his lower lip and moaning a bit as Rick fingered his ass. Rick then kicked his shoes off and bent down and put his face in Mateo's crack and started to lick his puckered hole.

"Fuck!" Mateo replied as his caged nub jumped a bit and a stream of precum started to dribble out and down to the floor.

Mateo spread his legs a bit as he bent over the side of the couch and Rick spread his ass cheeks and started to get his tongue in the boy's hole. Max's nub was leaking as well and mine was not far behind, so we both sat down and watched Rick go at it while collecting our precum and licking it off our fingers.

Rick started to drop his pants and his cock popped out of his underwear fully hard and dribbling precum. He spat on his hand and stroked his shaft and then went back in Mateo's ass a few more times with his tongue before spitting on it a few times as well.

"Mind if I take a ride boy?" Rick asked.

"No Sir," Mateo replied. "I'd love for you too."

Rick smiled and pointed his cock at Mateo's ass and pushed forward. The fucking Mateo had earlier in the day had already loosened him up and he took Rick's cock easily as it slid in him. Rick groaned as he got balls deep and his groin hit Mateo's ass.

"Damn, boy," Rick said as he groped and rubbed Mateo's ass and waist. "Your ass is amazing."

Mateo grinned and flexed his ass muscles a bit which gripped Rick's dick and sent a pulse of energy right through Rick's groin and up to his spine.

"That's a boy," Rick said in reply. "I'm gonna load you up good."

Rick pulled his shirt off and tossed it at me and started to pound Mateo, who let out a huge grunt as the first thrust shoved him into the couch. I picked up Rick's shirt and breathed in his scent and fingered the head of my nub under my cage and started to feel the precum collecting underneath. Rick's pecks flexed a bit and the fur on his chest bristled as he started to build up steam and fuck Mateo hard. The smack of his groin against bare ass echoed across the room and Mateo gripped the cushion and started to bite it a bit.

Rick continued to pound his ass and the couch started to move. I smiled and walked over and sat on it for some stability before turning to face Rick as he continued to assault Mateo's ass. Rick was building up a sweat and I saw it start to bead on his chest and the hair on his body started to moisten. He was in the zone and had his eyes closed and was slightly looking up at the ceiling.

"God damn this is a good ass, boy!" Rick yelled as he pounded.

"It's all for your pleasure, Sir!" Mateo responded between groans.

I looked over at Max and he was groping his cage and fingering his nipples. He was just as turned on as I was. I suspect if we had been uncaged like normal males, we would have shot our loads already by now. Still, the scene was hot and in our semi-drunk state, we were mesmerized a bit by the alpha male rutting in front of us.

I knew Rick was close when he opened his eyes again and looked down at Mateo's ass. He gripped Mateo's waist and started to fuck even harder till I saw his chest swell up and he forced his cock deep into the ass in front of him and he groaned loudly.

"Take that load boy!" Rick yelled as he closed his eyes again and lowered his head to his chest.

He was breathing heavily and held Mateo tight on his cock as he drained it deep inside him. After a few minutes, he had regained his composure and started to pull out. Max immediately ran over to him and got on his knees and Rick turned to let Max suck his cock clean of his remaining load. Mateo opened his eyes and looked at me and smiled and mouthed the words, "fuck that was good". I smiled as he took a deep breath and pulled himself upright again.

"Thank you for your load, Sir," Mateo said as he turned to Rick.

Max sucked the last of Rick's cum off and stood as well and Rick put his hands around both of their waists and looked at me.

"You know getting you in John's program was the best idea I ever had," Rick replied with a grin.

"I see that!" I replied as I raised my beer to him.

Rick asked me to grab him a towel and I brought one back to him with a beer as well. He sat down and talked with us until he finished it and then he got up and got dressed and grabbed the vacuum to head home.

"You can come by and get this tomorrow," Rick said to me. "I'll load your ass up then."

"Sure thing, Sir," I replied with a smile.

After Rick left we all sat down to play some more cards. Mateo slowed down his drinking so he could sober up enough to drive home, but Max and I continued till we were pretty much in a fog of alcohol. I can get handsy when I have been drinking and I started to grope Max a bit who was sitting next to me and he was leaning on me and rubbing my belly. Seeing that we were pretty much done playing, Mateo smiled and put his cards down, and announced he was going to go ahead and leave. I gave him a pouting face in return, but he came over and hugged us both and then got up to leave.

"Just be careful getting home in the snow," I replied as Mateo pulled his pants on.

"I will. Don't worry bro," Mateo said.

Once he zipped up his jacket we each hugged him and then I closed the door behind him.

"Kenny just messaged me that it was ok for me to wander back over to his apartment, so I best be going as well," Max said.

"Ok, bud," I replied. "Thanks for coming over and just be careful on those steps out there. They can get slick."

"Will do!" Max replied as he hugged me and left.

After closing the door, I walked over to the couch and collapsed on it. I had just about nodded off when my phone went off again.

"How's your day going babe?" was the text that I received from Bo.

Doing my best to type in my current state, I replied, "Ok. The boys were over here for a while playing cards and Rick came over and bred Mateo before borrowing my vacuum to leave. I'm drunk now."

"Well, that is random and hot," Bo replied with a smiling emoji.

"Do you want some company?" Bo asked. "Sir has given me the evening off."

"Sure," I replied. "The door is open and I'll be on the sofa."

I must have passed out after sending the last text because the next thing I remember was Bo kissing me and rubbing my belly. I opened my eyes to see him as he pulled away from my lips and smiled at me. I was still getting used to seeing him in clothes. After almost a year of never wearing any at home, it had just become second nature to me. He had taken his jacket and shoes off but was still in his sweatpants and t-shirt.

"Hey babe," I replied with a grin.

Bo moved down to the end of the couch and picked my legs up and sat down and put them in his lap and started to rub my feet. It felt good and I closed my eyes and groaned a bit in response.

"Looks like you tied one on today," Bo replied as he looked back at me.

I cracked my eyes open at him and grinned and burped a bit.

"Woops!" I replied as I started to laugh.

Bo's expression was priceless. He had this surprised look on his face and then it turned to laughter immediately.

"Well, alrighty then!" Bo replied.

I rubbed my belly and flexed my foot as he rubbed it.

"I'm glad you came over," I replied.

Bo smiled and put my foot down and crawled over me until his face was over mine.

"I missed you," Bo said as he came in to kiss me again.

We started to make out and I pulled my legs apart so he could put his knees on the sofa. His hands roamed over my body and I felt his cage under his pants hit mine a few times as we shifted around. I wanted nothing more than to pull his cage off and take his cock into my ass, but I knew that could not happen, so I took what I could get at the moment.

Bo broke our embrace and put his head next to mine and started to rub my head. I closed my eyes and hugged him and I nearly passed out again before I felt him rub my face again and I opened my eyes to see him staring at me.

"You are drunk," Bo said with a smile.

"Sorry, babe," I replied. "I'm not being a good boyfriend I guess."

Bo laughed and returned to the end of the sofa and started rubbing my feet again.

"Sir's been talking about you recently," Bo said.

I opened my eyes and propped a pillow under my head so I could see him better and looked down at him.

"Oh?" I replied. "I hope it was good things."

Bo laughed. "Yes, silly. He and Pat broke off seeing each other two weeks ago. They are still friends, but it just did not work out for them. Since then, he has been a bit more affectionate with me and has mentioned collaring you more than once."

"I would like that," I replied.

"Me too," Bo said as he squeezed my feet. "The only thing is would you be upset being the beta in the house?"

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"It's something Sir mentioned the other day when we were talking about you," Bo said. "He sees me as his alpha sub around the house now. I have a lot more privileges than I did when I was under Sir John, but he said if he brought you in, he would like to have a more subordinate sub like you are now. He said you would be the beta in the house."

"If it meant we could live together, then I would be ok with that," I replied. "I'm ok with you being the senior sub in the house."

Bo laughed. "Well, we can talk about it more when you are sober. For the moment, why don't we go back in the bedroom and lie down so I can properly spoon you."

"Deal," I said with a grin.

Next: Chapter 34

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