Southern Chastity

By Locked Cub

Published on Jun 8, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to support the archivist and keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

This is a text that is based on real events that I have experienced, or my friends have experienced, drawing on journals, conversations, and social media posts over the years. I have embellished the story here and there to craft the narrative. My goal is to post every four days till the story is complete.

You can follow @lockedstories on twitter for announcements of new chapters and new stories. I would appreciate any feedback at from readers on what they like, don't like and things they might like to see chronicled. If you do not want to wait for the story to be completed on Nifty, you can find the entire story here in eBook and print form:

Southern Chastity

Chapter 32: The Christmas Party

John's holiday party was scheduled for the Saturday after Christmas. I had met with Mateo and Max and with permission from John, we had decided to decorate the house a bit to get the theme going. We also agreed to wear some red and green Christmas socks that I found as well. They would be beneficial for an idea I had to run by the guys. So, it was that we had scheduled to meet in the dungeon at 10 am that Saturday. I had a few boxes of decorations that I had brought over to the house in my car and I was unloading them when Max arrived first.

"Hey bro," Max said as he waved at me. "You need some help?"

"Yeah," I replied. "I need everything in the back here brought inside."

"Sounds like a plan!" Max said as he started to help.

Mateo arrived soon after Max and between the three of us, we were able to get everything inside. I had garland to hang around the dungeon area and down the staircase and I had Mateo tackle that. Max and I set out the lube and various toys that the guests might like to use on us, and we also laid out hand towels for cleanup as needed as well. I had a few knick-knacks that I had brought as well, such as some tabletop light-up trees and some small wreaths. By the time we were all done and ran the vacuum one last time, the place looked cool at a lowered light level.

"This turned out nice!" Mateo said as he looked around.

"I'm pleased as well," I said. "Come over here guys, I need to show you some things."

The guys walked over to where I was on the side of the room and I pulled out the socks I had brought for us.

They came up over your thigh and were red and green with some Christmas Trees on them. I had ordered them special online and they had our names at the top. Mine said 'Sub Matt', and the other two said 'Sub Mateo' and 'Sub Max'.

"Oh, these are cool!" Max said.

"Well, just wait," I said, pulling out three markers as well. "I cleared this idea with Sir. Keep these markers in your left sock. The guests will give you a hash mark on your ass for every load you take and on your chest for everyone you swallow. The sub that has the most hash marks will get a special present from Sir."

"I'll take that bet!" Mateo said with a smile as he grabbed a marker.

"I think my piggy ass can best you," Max said with a smile taking a marker as well.

"Well," I replied with a grin. "Don't fight over the cock just yet guys. There will be plenty to go around from my experience at these parties."

"Yeah," Mateo said. "Hugo said he will be here, so I hope you two are ready to be split in two."

"Unless he decides you're his bitch," Max replied slyly.

We all laughed and set things on the shelving unit for the moment.

"I brought some salads for lunch if you all are up for it," I replied.

"Salad?" Mateo asked with a grimace.

"Mateo, we are on the bottom diet today," Max said as he poked him. "Nothing heavy."

"I guess," Mateo said, rubbing his belly slightly defeated.

The three of us were sitting on the floor around the table next to the wall eating when John came downstairs to check on us.

"Nice job boys," John said as he looked around.

He had some sweatpants on and a t-shirt, but his hair looked disheveled like he had just woken up.

"Thanks, Sir," I replied as I set my fork down and stood to face him.

My fellow sub brothers joined me, and John walked over to us.

"The first guests will not be here till 4 pm," John said. "So, you have some hours to kill. I would like you to please do a thorough cleaning of the first and second floors after you finish your lunch. I might have some people staying the night if they so choose."

"Yes, Sir," we replied.

"I have ordered some food that will be delivered about 3:30 pm as well," John said. "Matt, please see to it that it is accepted and set out for the guests. I believe you know where the folding tables are at."

"I do, Sir," I replied.

"Very well," John said. "I am going to go get a shower and then take a nap for a bit. Matt, please ensure I am up at 3 pm."

"I will, Sir!" I replied.

John smiled and turned and went back upstairs and we sat down again to finish our lunch. When we were done, we set to work cleaning the house from top to bottom. John's bedroom door was closed, so I made sure to hold off vacuuming up there till he was awake but managed to clean the rest of the rooms as quietly as I could. By the afternoon, the place was spick and span and ready for the first guests to arrive.

After waking John up and running the vacuum on the second floor, I made my way downstairs in time to hear the door chime. It was at that point that I was a bit perplexed as to what to do. I was naked and did not want to answer the door in that state. John saw me in the hall and came over to me.

"Go ahead and answer boy," John said. "The caterer is a friend and knows you will be undressed."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied and I went over to open the door.

A short, bearded man with thick-rimmed glasses smiled at me. He had a few trays in his hand and started to hand them to me.

"Hello, sub," he replied. "Be careful, these are warm. I will grab the other trays for you."

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied.

Max had come behind me and I passed the trays to him and then turned to get the other ones from the delivery man. After we had everything moved to the kitchen, the man handed me a receipt and winked at me.

"You boys have fun tonight," he said with a smile and left.

I had Mateo and Max help me grab the folding tables and chairs from where they were stored, and we set them out on the far wall of the dungeon area away from the equipment. I wanted to keep some distance from the play area and the food. We then set out all the trays and then brought down the coolers of drinks as well. Alcohol was next and before long, we had quite a spread set up.

I looked at the clock and noticed that it was almost 4 pm, so we turned and put our socks on and slid our markers down the back of one of them and then went and knelt in our squares on the floor to await the guests. After about ten minutes, we heard footsteps coming down the staircase and when the door opened, we saw two pairs of bare feet walk by.

"You may rise boys and stand at attention," John said.

When I got to my feet, I saw that Greg was standing next to him.

"Max and Matt, I believe you know Greg," John said.

"Yes, Sir!" we both replied.

"Greg, this is my newest sub, Mateo," John said, reaching out to grab Mateo's shoulders.

Greg smiled and nodded and then John showed him over to the food and they grabbed some meatballs and some cheese and crackers before beginning to talk and catch up. A few minutes later I heard the doorbell chime and another set of footsteps come downstairs. This time Todd came through the door into the dungeon.

"Todd!" Greg exclaimed. "How have you been bud?"

Todd smiled and walked by us and went over to hug Greg. "Doing well my friend."

"I hear you collared yourself one of John's boys," Greg said.

"Indeed, I did," Todd replied. "Moved Bo in and he's already fitting in nicely."

"He's got a nice ass that one," Greg said with a smile. "I'm a little envious."

"Well stop by whenever you want," Todd said. "You can always use it again."

Gregg laughed. "I'll take you up on that!"

Todd turned to grab some food and looked over at me and smiled and gave me a wink. Once he had his plate full, he came over and stood in front of me.

"You ready for today, boy?" he asked.

"We all are, Sir!" I replied.

"Good sub," Todd said. "How about you fetch me a whiskey on the rocks."

"Right away, Sir!" I replied.

Hugo was the next to arrive and as soon as he saw Mateo he grinned.

"I do like the look of that cage on you boy," Hugo said as he came over and squeezed Mateo's cage.

"Thank you, Sir!" Mateo replied with a grimace.

I returned with Todd's glass and turned to see the door open again. In walked Kenny and Jack and John came over and greeted them. I was just returning to my position next to my sub brothers when John moved to the center of the room to make an announcement.

"I'm glad to see you all here," John began. "Dusty is running a little late and said he would be here shortly. I think you all know one another and at least two of my subs here. Their names are on their socks and each has a marker inside one of them. I have a little competition that I am playing with them. If they give you a good blowjob, give them a hash mark on their chest and if you breed them, give them a hash mark on their ass."

"What's the prize for the most loads?" Jack asked with a grin.

"I'll award that at the end of the night," John replied with a grin as well. "It's a secret for now."

The men in the room laughed and started to look at us, but John got their attention again. "As you all know, the boys here are for your entertainment. Please use them as you see fit. They can take your clothes and they will be stored in the isolation room for you. Please mingle and socialize and have a great time. And, of course, Merry Christmas! Make sure your sacks are emptied before the night is done."

Another chorus of laughs and a few cheers came next and then the men started to undress. Kenny was the first to approach me and I helped him as he stripped down. Once I had his clothes, he asked me to grab him a vodka and cranberry and I went to put his things away and fulfill his order. Max and Mateo were busy tending to the other men when we heard the door open again and Dusty came in.

"Well, howdy guys!" Dusty said in his thick, Alabama accent. "Shit, everyone is already naked. I'm late to the party!"

Dusty started to take off his shirt and he snapped his fingers at Mateo who came over and helped him undress and take his boots off. Once he was done, he grabbed a beer from the cooler and walked over to John and Greg to talk.

For the first hour or so, the men mostly mingled and talked. We shuttled between them fulfilling drink orders and cleaning up trash. On one occasion, I looked over to see Max on his knees taking Kenny's piss and Hugo playing with Mateo's nipples, but otherwise, it was a social occasion. Once they had a few drinks in them, though, they started to get a bit more handsy and I was groped on more than one occasion as I walked by.

Mateo was the first to be put on display. Hugo brought him over to the fuck bench and bent him over it and buried his face in the boy's ass. Mateo started to groan, and I can only imagine that Hugo was getting deep with his tongue to open him up. I saw Hugo push his fat fingers into Mateo's ass and start to stroke his cock at the same time. Even though I had seen him hard before, it was still a masterpiece of a dick. He had to be as thick as a beer can and precum started to form on the tip of his sheathed head. He fondled his balls a bit as he worked his way up to three fingers in Mateo before he placed his cock on the entrance to the boy's ass and started to push forward.

"Fuck!" Mateo screamed as Hugo started to split him wide.

"Shut the fuck up!" Hugo yelled as he slapped Mateo's ass.

John came over to me and told me to put a gag on Mateo, so I walked over and grabbed the ball gag from the wall and bent down in front of him.

"Sir wants me to put this on you," I said as I held it up to his eyes.

There were a few tears on his face, and I could tell he was trying hard not to yell.

"Are you sure you are ok?" I asked, a bit concerned.

"I'm good bro!" Mateo struggled to say as Hugo got fully in him and started to slowly pull out. "Please put it on me. I need something to bite down on."

"You got it, bro," I replied, and I fastened it around his head, and he bit down on the ball and closed his eyes.

I moved off as Hugo started to move in and out of Mateo faster. Mateo was grunting loudly even through the gag and I looked over to see Hugo fuck. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I was startled and turned to see Jack behind me.

His broad chest towered over me and he looked at me with his pale eyes and smiled. "How about you jump in that sling over there boy and I'll give you some dick as well."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

Jack followed behind me and once I got up in the sling, he helped me put my legs in the stirrups and locked my wrists in the restraints as well. He then brought my ass forward a bit and then used some lube to work his finger into me. I closed my eyes and bit my lip as I felt his finger rub my prostate and my nub instantly swelled and started leaking.

"I forgot how much you leak there boy," Jack said with a grin as he watched it dribble out over my cage and down my balls.

Jack handed me a bottle of poppers and I took a hit, and he did as well before he put the top back on and then placed his hard cock at the entrance of my ass.

"You know the drill, boy," Jack said looking down at me. "Take a deep breath and keep your voice down."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Jack started to push forward, and I felt his cock push into my ass. I groaned a bit, pulled on the restraints on my arms, and threw my head back a bit as he entered me. Jack reached down and grabbed my waist and guided me back onto him. I watched as my suspended legs started moving towards his chest and made contact as he got fully in me and his balls hit my ass as well. I squeezed my ass a bit and felt him in me and he looked down and grinned.

"Someone likes being fucked," Jack said.

He pulled out and using his hands on my waist, he rocked me forward and back using the sling to help him fuck me. I heard the chains of the sling start to clang and the smack of my ass on his groin as he thrusted. I looked over and saw Mateo still being railed by Hugo. The fuck bench was starting to groan and creek as Hugo fucked him hard and Mateo had spit dripping out of his gag and his face was red.

I turned back and looked up at Jack who had his eyes closed and had his face slightly turned upwards. He was fucking me with full strokes, and I felt the slam of my ass as it hit his groin. I grabbed the chains that my wrists were secured to and hung on for the ride. A loud groan caught my attention, though and I looked over to see Hugo leaning over on Mateo's back as his cock was filling him up. Mateo was groaning loudly and covered in sweat, as was Hugo. I felt Jack start to pick up the pace and hammer my ass faster and I looked up to see him grinning down at me.

"Here it comes boy!" Jack said as he slammed his cock home and emptied into me.

I could feel his cock pulsing inside me, and he brought it out just enough that it was rubbing my prostate and sending waves of energy through me as well. I groaned a bit as more precum started to flow out and drip down my balls mixed with a little prostate juice. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply and then felt him withdraw and finger my ass. When I looked up, he had a towel in his hand and was wiping his brow. He then brought it down and wiped my crack and then undid my wrist restraints and let me up.

"Turn around boy," Jack said as I got to my feet.

When I turned around, he pulled the marker out of my sock and put a hashmark on my ass, and then put the marker back. He then gave me a spank and asked me to get him a beer. As I walked off, I saw Mateo on the fuck bench. He looked exhausted. He had a hashmark already on his ass and I saw Dusty rubbing his red and dripping hole in preparation for his next breeding. Near the table where the alcohol was at, Max walked over and smiled. He had a hash mark on his chest.

"You looked like you enjoyed that," Max said. "That Jack fella is hot."

"He's got a nice cock too," I replied with a wink. "I'm sure you will probably find out at some point."

Max licked his lips and chuckled. "That is if Kenny let me. He already fed me one load and wanted me in the sling after seeing you up there."

"Well, the night is still young, bro," I replied as I patted him on the shoulder. "You might get that prize before it's all over. But, from the look at poor Mateo, we might both be out of luck."

We both turned to look over and watched Dusty plowing Mateo's sore ass and then went back to work. I had just grabbed Jack's beer and popped the top off the bottle when Todd saw me and came over.

"You busy, boy?" he asked.

"I need to get this beer to Master Jack, but I'm otherwise free Sir," I replied.

"Good, hurry up and come back over here," Todd replied.

"Yes, Sir!" I said as I hurried over to Jack with his bottle.

As I passed the fuck bench I heard Dusty starting to groan and saw his ass clench as he added another load to Mateo. Mateo groaned loudly and clinched the bench. He looked over at me with a tear running down his face and I stopped for a moment, but he held up a thumbs up at me and then turned to look down again. Figuring he was ok; I continued and handed the bottle to Jack and then took my leave to return to Todd.

Todd led me back into the isolation room and closed the door behind us. He then sat down on a padded chair near one of the cages on the floor and looked at me.

"I just wanted some private time with you, boy," Todd said. "How is your training going?"

"Well, Sir," I said as I stood at attention in front of him. "I have about two and a half months to go before graduation."

"So Bo has told me," Todd said as he leaned back and sipped his drink. "I'm still giving serious consideration to taking you on as a collared boy. I know Bo would like this and you and I seem to click well."

"I would be very honored, Sir," I replied.

Todd smiled and spread his legs open and his low hanging balls fell beneath his hardening cock.

"On your knees boy," Todd said. "Show me how much you like sucking my dick."

I got down on my knees immediately and knelt in front of him. He leaned back a bit more and his cock was fully hard and pointing towards the ceiling. I grasped his balls in one hand and then brought my mouth over and around his head and slipped it in between my lips slowly. Todd groaned and grasped his glass as I swirled my tongue around and down his shaft and used my hands to massage his balls as well.

I heard pops from his feet and looked down to see him flinching and stretching his toes and flexing the joints. He spread his legs a bit more and I got down and started to deep throat him a bit. He placed his glass on the floor and then brought his hand down over my head and guided me as I started to move up and down on him.

I felt his cock pulse a bit and tasted the sweetness of his precum and groaned a bit myself as I brought my tongue up and around his head and savored it. Todd looked down at me and I met his eyes and we both smiled at each other. I took his lower shaft in my hands and started to jack it slowly as I worked the head with my mouth. His chest was starting to heave, and he moved his hands down to my shoulders.

I wanted to drain him good and I had learned from Bo that he liked having a finger placed in his ass, so I started to move down and move my index finger into his crack. Todd moaned and shifted forward and gave me more access and I felt his hole. I pulled my finger back and licked it and then returned to rub his hole with it. This produced even more precum and his legs started to quiver. With a little more spit, I was able to push my finger in and turn it till I found his prostate gland.

I started to rub the gland as I worked his cock with my other hand and mouth, and he started to moan and reached up and rubbed his nipples. He flexed his feet again and I watched as his balls started to move a bit as well. Figuring that was my cue, I applied a little more pressure to his prostate and started to work his shaft and was rewarded with a huge spurt of cum that came shooting out of his cock. His ass clenched down hard on my finger and he groaned loudly.

"FUCK BOY!" Todd yelled as his whole body shook.

I managed to pry my finger loose from his tight hole and I continued to stroke his cock and pull all of his load out to swallow. The last bits sat on my tongue and I swirled them around and savored them as I looked up and saw that he was opening his eyes to look at me. He reached down and grabbed my head and brought me up and kissed me and tasted a bit of his cum on my lips.

"Someone has been telling you some of my secrets," Todd said with a grin.

"Bo mentioned that you enjoyed that from time to time," I said as I pulled back.

"I'll be sure to thank him tonight," Todd said.

I knelt again, and he leaned over and grabbed the marker out of my sock and added two hash marks to my chest.

"I know, I know," Todd said as I looked down and then back up at him. "But, that blowjob deserves two hashes."

I smiled and Todd grabbed his drink and took a few gulps and then sighed.

"Ok, boy," he said. "Get back out there."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied with a smile and I returned to the dungeon area and closed the door behind me.

As I walked over to the food table, I saw Mateo was up and mixing a drink for someone.

"Hey bubba," I said as I gently put my hand on his shoulder. "Are you ok?"

"I am, bro," Mateo said with a smile.

His face was still red from the squinting and intensity of the fuck he had earlier, and he looked a bit disheveled, but his large grin and the glint in his eyes told me he was indeed ok.

"I always think I am ready for Hugo and then you get him in you, and you remember just how big he is and how hard he fucks," Mateo said, still grinning. "I'm gonna learn to take him like a champ one day."

I laughed. "That might take a lot of training."

"You're probably right!" Mateo said with a chuckle.

I needed to take a bathroom break, so I excused myself for a moment. When I returned, I saw Greg in the hallway leading back to the dungeon area.

"Where have you been, boy?" he asked. "I lost track of you."

"Master Todd was using me privately, Sir," I replied.

"Ahh, ok," Greg said. "Well how about you put those lips to work on me. It looks like you have already been hard at it today."

I smiled and got down on my knees in front of Greg and licked the underside of his balls. I could smell his sweat and musk and it got my nub instantly swelling again. Greg leaned against the wall and spread his legs a bit to give me better access and I got my tongue into his crotch and bathed his balls before moving up to start to suck on his hard cock next.

"That's a boy," Greg said as he reached down and grabbed my head and started to face fuck me.

His cock started hitting the back of my throat and I concentrated as best I could to keep from choking. For the most part, I succeeded, but there were a few times I involuntarily gagged and spit ran out of my mouth and down his shaft and balls. He didn't seem too concerned, though, and continued to use my mouth as his personal pleasure toy.

He started to pull on my head harder and his hard cock was deeper in my mouth and I was starting to gag a bit more. He did not let up, though, and assaulted me until I thought I could take no more. It was then that I felt him tense up and blast his cum straight down my throat. I was not ready for it and I coughed right as he did, and it went up my nose and started dribbling out a bit as well. This made me cough more and I ended up with cum all over my beard before he was done.

Greg looked down at me and wiped my cummy nose and then pulled my mouth open and spit. I watched as the liquid came out of his mouth and dribbled down into mine and hit my tongue. He spat it out and then closed and rubbed my face and beard making sure his cum was massaged in. He then slapped my face.

"Good boy," he said as he adjusted his balls.

I got up and he had me hand him the marker and he added a third hashmark to my chest. He then smiled and returned to the room to grab some more food and a drink.

The sex took a brief pause while the men talked and had some more food. When it resumed, Max was on the fuck bench getting railed by Dusty and Mateo was on the cross getting his back flogged by Greg. I, for my part, ended up in the sling and was fucked first by Kenny and then by John before being let up and told to get down on my hands and knees and act as a foot prop for Hugo, who had sat down and was enjoying a cigar with John.

As I sat in that position with Hugo's large feet propped on me, I looked over and saw Mateo's red back as he was strung up on the cross. Greg got him down after spending some time slowly rubbing him down and put him on the fuck bench and started fucking his ass next. After being opened up by Hugo and then Dusty, Greg had no trouble pushing right in. At the same time, Jack moved around to Mateo's head and started to face fuck him. I watched as the fuck bench started to squeak and move back and forth as they used both his holes.

Hugo blew a puff of smoke over me and looked down at me. "How are you doing down there boy?"

I looked back at him and smiled. "Good, Sir. Happy to be of service."

Hugo smiled and blew more smoke in my direction and then crossed his feet on my back and leaned back in the chair and watched the Mateo fuck show continue. I heard a groan and looked over and saw Greg pushing forward and unloading into Mateo's ass. He pulled out and let some of the spurts of cum coat his crack and then he snapped his fingers over at Max and had him get down and lick the cum clean. Just as Max was finishing, Jack grunted and loaded Mateo's mouth up and I heard him cough a bit as it went down his throat.

The men left Mateo on the bench for a while and they sat down and joined John and Hugo for a cigar as well. Max ended up as a footrest for Greg and had his ass pointed at mine and at one point I felt his cage hit mine. I felt some liquid run down my balls and later learned that it was from Max. He had been leaking precum like a sieve and it was everywhere.

John took a deep drag from his cigar and then handed it to Hugo and got up and walked by us over to Mateo. The poor boy was still strapped to the fuck bench and even after being cleaned by Max earlier, some more cum had come out of his ass and was dripping down over his caged balls. He had relaxed and not made a sound for several minutes, but when John lightly started to rub his ass, his eyes popped open and he gripped the bench.

"How's my boy doing there?" John asked.

"I'm ok, Sir," Mateo responded.

"Are you still in the game?" John asked as he moved his thumb down and rubbed Mateo's cummy, stretched hole.

"Ready to serve, Sir" Mateo responded.

"Good boy," John replied as he started to stroke his cock.

It enlarged pretty quickly, and he pointed it at the exposed ass in front of him and it slipped in quite effortlessly. Mateo did not even grunt as John started to fuck him, though his big feet did flex a bit in their bindings. Another waft of smoke came over me from Hugo who was still resting his legs on my back. I looked up at him and he grinned.

"You think you can take me like Mateo can?" Hugo asked.

"A sub's goal is to please his dom," I replied. "My ass is yours if you want it, Sir."

"Good answer," Hugo said with a wink. "We will see."

Inwardly, I was hoping and praying he would not try to fuck me. I pride myself on pleasing a dom, but I was intimidated by the size of Hugo's cock. Fortunately, by this point, he had dropped at least two loads that I knew of and I was hoping he was satisfied for the moment. I turned my head back to watch Mateo, who was gripping the fuck bench hard and had his eyes closed and squinted as John fucked him hard.

John started to slap Mateo's ass and gripped and groped it as his cock slid effortlessly in and out of his used hole. A froth of cum from the previous loads he received was building up and made a squishing sound as he pounded. It dripped down Mateo's balls and onto the floor and started to make a puddle.

John picked up the pace and was fucking Mateo so hard the bench started to move. Mateo started to grunt at each thrust and I had to admit, I was impressed at his ability to take a pounding. Before long John tensed up, though, and then with a final thrust, he groaned and unloaded into Mateo's ass.

He pulled out and a few spurts hit the back of Mateo's ass and what was deposited started to just dribble out. His hole was so stretched he could not hold anything in.

"Max, get over here and clean your brother out again," John said between pants as he caught his breath.

"Yes, Sir," Max said as Greg put his legs down and Max got up and went over to Mateo.

He licked up and down Mateo's crack and swallowed the cum on the outside and then moved down to his caged balls, which made Mateo moan a bit. When he was done, he moved up and started to put his tongue in Mateo's hole, but Mateo groaned a bit.

"Please don't, bro," Mateo said. "I'm sore."

Max rubbed Mateo's ass a bit and when he stood, John asked him to get him a beer and John returned to his seat next to Hugo to finish his cigar.

By the late evening, the air smelled of cigar smoke and sex. The lights were dim, and the lingering smoke mixed with them to give a nightclub feel to the dungeon. Some light electronic music was playing in the background and the crowd had thinned out a bit. John and Hugo were still sitting and talking. Kenny had fucked Max before leaving and Mateo had finally been let off the fuck bench and was on his hands and knees before Todd who had his feet propped on his back. The rest of the men had left, and I was starting to clean up a bit.

"So, who was the winner?" Hugo asked as he blew some smoke out into the room.

"Let's find out!" John said. "Boys, stand at attention in front of me."

I stopped what I was doing and came over and stood in front of John. Max, who was emptying the trash, joined me and Mateo slowly got up from his crouched position to join us. On our chests, Mateo and I had four hash marks and Max had two.

"Looks like we have a tie for first place so far," Todd replied with a smile.

"Turn around boys," John said.

When we turned our asses towards the men, they saw three hash marks on my ass, two on Max's, and four on Mateo's.

"We have a winner!" Todd replied as we turned back around again.

"Indeed," John replied. "With seven loads, Mateo takes the prize."

"Wait a moment," Hugo said as he lowered his cigar and looked at Max. "You only took four loads boy?"

"Yes, Sir," Max replied.

"I think we need to fix that," Hugo said as he got up and handed his cigar to John. "On the fuck bench boy."

Max looked pale and walked over to the bench and got on it. Hugo strapped him in, and I exchanged a serious glance at Mateo before we both turned back to look at Max. Hugo flopped his hardening cock on the back of Max's ass. His thin furry body looked small compared to the large, dark man and the cock laying on his crack. Hugo grabbed some lube and started to push his fat thumb into Max and Max yelped in response.

"Do you need a gag too boy?" Hugo asked.

"Please, Sir!" Max said, his voice quivering.

Mateo took the initiative and went over and grabbed the gag he had in his mouth earlier and brought it up to Max. He moved in close so Max could hear him.

"Prepare yourself, bro," Mateo said as he strapped the ball gag on Max.

Max bit down on the gag and closed his eyes as Hugo pointed his hard, fat cock at his hole and started to push forward. Max grunted immediately and tried to twist his body to push out the invading member.

"Stop trying to torque your body!" Hugo said as he slapped Max's ass. "Remember, this is for my pleasure."

Max tried to stay still but, as Hugo pushed inside him again he tensed up. I think he realized that he might have met his match.

"Hold on Hugo," John said as he came over to Max.

Hugo pulled out and John bent down, and Max looked at him.

"Are you ok with this boy?" John asked. "Give me a thumbs up or down."

Max grunted and gave him a thumbs up and John patted his head.

"Good boy," John said.

John returned to his seat to smoke and Hugo mounted up and started pushing into Max again. Max groaned and his eyes closed and watered as Hugo pushed his cock into him and split him open. I watched Max's legs shake and his toes curl tight as he was impaled. Even my ass squeezed a bit involuntarily.

Hugo finally got balls deep in him and he reached down and squeezed Max's waist. Max was still shaking a bit and biting hard on the gag. His grip on the bench was so strong I thought he might break the wood in two.

"Here we go boy," Hugo said as he pulled out and started to fuck Max.

Max was groaning loudly, and muffled cries could be heard through the gag as Hugo railed his ass. He was giving no mercy to the boy and was soon pounding him hard enough that the sound of his groin hitting Max's ass echoed off the wall.

"Damn you got a tight ass boy!" Hugo said as he pounded away.

He used to, I thought as I watched. My nub was swollen and poking through the bars of my cage and I looked down and saw that Mateo was the same way. There was a dribble of precum extending from Mateo's cage to the floor. When he saw me looking, he looked down and saw it too and grabbed the stream and licked it clean.

I looked back over at Max and tears were rolling down his face. I didn't think that he could take much more, but Hugo kept pounding away and it took several minutes before his load finally erupted from his balls and filled Max's ass. He pounded him two more times and then pushed in till he was drained and when he pulled out, I saw that Max's hole was red and raw and cum started leaking out.

Max's body went limp on the bench and let out a huge groan. I came over and removed his gag and he gasped and looked at me through tear-filled eyes with a stare that told me he had just been given the fuck of his life. Mateo walked over and bent down and, using his tongue, started cleaning Max's ass of Hugo's cum. I used my hands to wipe Max's face of the tears on it and ran my fingers across his cheek to comfort him.

"Are you sure you are ok?" I asked in a whisper to Max.

"Totally," Max said with a half-smile. "I would have said something if I wasn't."

I patted his face and then walked back over and stood in front of Sir. Once Mateo was done, John had him get Max up and steady him so he could walk over and stand next to me.

"Well, Mateo wins the prize," John said.

He got up and crossed the room and picked up a small box. He brought it over to Mateo and handed it to him and told him to open it. Mateo removed the wrapping paper and opened the small white box and inside was a one-hundred-dollar bill and a note. On the note, it read, 'free pass from duties'.

"That gives you the right to skip out on a day of cleaning," John said. "Your sub brothers will pick up the slack for you on that day as a reward."

"Thank you, Sir!" Mateo said with a smile.

"You boys did exceptionally well tonight," John replied.

"Indeed, you did," Todd said as well, holding up his glass as a toast and winking at me.

"You may continue to clean the room," John replied.

It took us another hour to get things all cleaned up and put away. By the time we were done, only Hugo and John remained, and they were sitting together talking when we came over to them.

"Can we be of further assistance Sirs?" I asked.

John looked up at me and smiled, "No, boys. Hugo here will be staying the night. You can all go home. Thank you for your service and have a good evening."

"Thank you, Sir!" we all replied, and we turned to leave.

Max and Mateo were in front of me when I closed the door to the dungeon behind us and we started to get our clothes to dress and leave.

"I have to say guys," I said. "You all did a great job."

Mateo smiled as he pulled his pants on and Max just collapsed on the floor.

"You look like you might need a few days recovery," I said to Max.

Max looked up at me and smiled. "I just hope Kenny doesn't expect any more ass tonight. I'm tapped out."

Mateo laughed a bit. "You held up well bro."

"Indeed," I said as I laughed as well.

Next: Chapter 33

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