Southern Chastity

By Locked Cub

Published on Jun 4, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to support the archivist and keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

This is a text that is based on real events that I have experienced, or my friends have experienced, drawing on journals, conversations, and social media posts over the years. I have embellished the story here and there to craft the narrative. My goal is to post every four days till the story is complete.

You can follow @lockedstories on twitter for announcements of new chapters and new stories. I would appreciate any feedback at from readers on what they like, don't like and things they might like to see chronicled. If you do not want to wait for the story to be completed on Nifty, you can find the entire story here in eBook and print form:

Southern Chastity

Chapter 31: The New Sub

On Thursday, December 10, Max and I went to John's house to witness the initiation of the new sub to replace Bo. John gave us no indication of who it might be, so my first view of him was when he walked in while we were kneeling beside the door. Max and I had our heads bowed, so all we saw were his feet at first. He had some big ones with a dark complexion and a tiny tuft of hair on each toe.

John welcomed him to the dungeon and let him know the cameras were recording everything and then they went over to the table to our right to go over his contract. It all seemed pretty standard from not only my experience but what I had witnessed when Max came on board. Once the new guy had signed the contract, John locked the black and green collar around his neck.

I saw the two sets of feet then move across the room and heard as John looked through the drawers for the right type size of chastity device. John remarked that as an uncut sub, he would have to make sure he was extra diligent about hygiene and washing while in the cage. I then heard the device installed around his nub.

"You are officially one of my boys now," John said. "Please walk over to the wall and kneel in the green square with your head bowed like your sub brothers."

"Yes, Sir," came the response. It was a deep voice with a slight hint of a southern accent.

The new sub came over and knelt with us for a moment while John got things put away and then John came over and stood in front of us.

"Rise, boys, and look up and face me," John said. "Matt, please come forward and introduce yourself."

I stepped forward and turned and got my first look at him. He was a younger Hispanic man with thick dark hair and beard and deep brown eyes. He was chubby like Bo and had some hair on the upper part of his chest with a little treasure trail moving down towards his belly button. He had big hands to go with his big feet and thicker legs as well. All around, he was very attractive, I thought.

"My name is boy Matt," I said out loud. "I am your sub brother and I have been in training under Sir for nine months."

The new sub smiled at me and I smiled back and then returned to my spot. Max was up next.

"My name is boy Max," he said. "I am your sub brother and I have been in training under Sir for three months."

"Mateo," John said, "please come forward and introduce yourself as well."

Mateo took a step forward and turned to face us. "My name is boy Mateo. I will be your sub brother, and this is my first day!"

"Good job boy," John replied as Mateo returned to standing beside us. "Matt and Max will be your family here while you are training under me, Mateo. They are indeed your sub brothers and you should get to know and rely on them. Matt is the senior sub, and he will be meeting with you after you are done here. I will give you his information and I want you to text him when you leave."

"Yes, Sir!" Mateo responded.

"Very well," John said. "Boys, please recite the creed for Mateo."

Max and I responded. "I am a sub in training under the supervision of Sir John. My goal is to serve men in the best way I can and derive pleasure from that service. My chastity cage and collar are a symbol of that service and I desire one day to be in permanent chastity and receive my formal graduation collar as proof of my commitment."

"Excellent job, boys," John responded. "You may leave now."

"Thank you, Sir," we both responded as we turned to leave and close the dungeon door behind us.

"I'm staying with Kenny tonight," Max whispered to me once we closed the dungeon door behind us and were in the hall and getting dressed. "Do you just want me to come by your apartment and we can invite Mateo over there when he is done?"

"Yeah," I said in a whisper back. "That sounds like a good plan."

Once I got home and undressed, I went over and grabbed a beer to relax. I got a text from Mateo just after I sat down on the couch and I asked him to come over and gave him my address. Max knocked on the door a few minutes later and he came in and grabbed a drink and joined me on the couch to play some video games as we waited.

About fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at the door, and I went over and opened it. Mateo was on the other side and looked a bit shocked to see me naked except for my cage and collar.

"Come on in brother!" I replied as I hugged him.

Max smiled and hugged him as well and he looked a bit nervous.

"Make yourself at home, but be sure to strip down," I replied. "Remember, no clothes on inside."

"Oh, right!" Mateo said as he fumbled with the buttons on his shirt.

"Would you like a drink?" I asked. "I have beer, soda, and water."

"Just a coke if you have one," Mateo said as he put his shirt on the ground and kicked his shoes off and dropped his pants and underwear. "Sorry if I am a bit nervous. I am not used to being naked around strangers."

"Don't worry," I said as I brought him his drink. "Nothing we have not seen before."

Mateo managed a half-smile and took the drink from me in one hand and fidgeted with his ass with the other.

"Sir plugged you didn't he?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah," Mateo said with a grin. "Fucked a huge load in me and locked it in."

"That's all part of the initiation," Max said.

"How long did it take you two to get used to this thing?" Mateo asked as he pointed to his cage.

"Not too long for me," I replied. "Though it took several weeks to get over waking up at night from attempted erections."

"Yeah, it was the same for me," Max said. "I just had to use some lotion around the base ring at first."

"I guess I will just have to deal with it," Mateo said as he came over and carefully sat in the chair across from where we sat on the couch. He adjusted a few times as the plug pushed deeper into his ass.

"How did you hear about Sir's program?" I asked.

"My buddy Hugo is a dom," Mateo said. "I met him several months back and he told me about it and introduced me to John."

"Sir," I corrected him. "Be careful about that."

"Sir," Mateo said shyly. "Sorry about that. I am still learning. Anyway, Hugo has known Sir John for a while and has attended several parties that have been thrown and thought I would benefit from the program."

"Oh, I know Hugo," I said with a laugh.

"You do?" Mateo asked.

"Oh yes," I replied. "He was at Sir's party this summer. Huge, thick cock and he loved to fuck our sub brother that recently graduated named Bo."

"Yeah that sounds like Hugo," Mateo said. "He nearly had me in tears the first time he fucked me. Nearly ripped me in two."

Max laughed, "Now I am curious to meet this guy."

I smiled, "I am sure you will at some point."

"Anyway," Mateo said as he took a sip of his drink, "I wanted to learn more about what it is like to be a sub. The whole chastity thing is completely new to me, but I'm up for a challenge."

"I was like you at first," I said. "But you will adapt quickly. In the meantime, though, we need to talk about a few things and the first is your appearance."

"Is something wrong?" Mateo asked?

"Nothing about you personally," Max said. "You will need to trim your hair and beard a bit though."

"And your groin area as well," I said as I pointed to his thick bush around his cage.

"If you are up for it, I can help you right now," Max said.

"Sure," Mateo said. "I better get in line quick."

"Can we use your bathroom Matt?" Max asked.

"Go for it," I replied. "You will be in good hands Mateo, don't worry."

The two got up and walked back into the bathroom and I heard them talking and the buzz from the trimmer going for a while. When Mateo came back in, his beard was trimmed back a bit and his hair was shorter. Max had also cut back his groin to just a stubble.

"Mateo wanted to try going short with the pubes at first since he is not used to the cage," Max said.

"You look good Mateo!" I replied. "Quite a sexy sub."

Mateo blushed. "Thanks."

We ran over the basics with Mateo and made sure he had both our contact info. We talked about what to expect and I highlighted some of my experiences over the past nine months, and Max talked about what he had experienced in his time as well. He seemed to get more comfortable as time went along and seemed truly interested in learning quickly and doing the best he could. After about an hour, he had to go, so we wished him well and he left followed by Max shortly after.

The following Monday, we all showed up at John's house for cleaning day. We knelt in our spots till we heard the footsteps of John come down the staircase and some in and stand in front of us.

"Rise boys," John said.

We stood and faced him, and he smiled.

"How is that cage working out Mateo?" John asked.

"Good Sir," Mateo replied. "I am still waking up several times a night, but I will adapt. I know I can."

"Good boy," John replied.

"Matt, please show Mateo the ropes as far as what he needs to do around the house, and then you can come upstairs for your duties," John said.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"Boys, in two weeks I will be having my annual holiday party at the house," John said. "This year it will be Christmas-themed since it will be occurring the day after Christmas. Do any of you have conflicts with this date?"

"No, Sir," came the reply from the three of us.

"Good," John said. "Six people have RSVP'd so far, so it should be a nice event. You will be used as the party favors, but you will also be expected to serve the guests food and drink and see to any other need they may have."

"Yes, Sir!" we replied.

"I will work with Matt on the details," John said. "As senior sub, Matt will be responsible for the entire event and ensuring you other subs know what you should be doing."

"Sounds like a plan, Sir," I replied.

"Very well," John said. "You can get started cleaning. Matt, I will await you upstairs when you have got Mateo started."

"Very good, Sir!" I responded.

Once John had left we relaxed a bit.

"How wild do these parties get?" Mateo asked.

"Just be sure you are well cleaned out and ready to be walking funny," I said with a grin. "Especially if Hugo shows up. But in all seriousness, they are a lot of fun."

Mateo smiled and I showed him back into the isolation room and ran down the normal duties he would be doing around the house on cleaning days. Max helped me show him where the supplies were, and we answered any questions he had. After he was set and ready to start, I grabbed what I needed and headed up to the second floor.

When I got to John's office, the door was open. I knocked on the threshold and he looked up and beckoned me in with his hand. As I came in, I looked to my left and saw that the flatscreen TV on the wall was on and it had several cameras showing. I saw several angles in the dungeon on the top row and then images of the various other rooms in the house as well. I could see Matt starting to clean in the kitchen and Mateo was coming up the staircase with a vacuum.

"The whole house is wired," John said to me as he saw me looking. "I like to keep an eye on my subs when I am in here. Plus, the sessions I have with you make good viewing for later.

"Yes Sir!" I replied with a smile.

"Come over here and kneel in front of my chair boy," John said. "My balls are heavy."

I walked around his desk and he pulled his chair out to give me better access to him. He was completely naked already and I knelt in front of him and stroked his thick cock a bit till a bead of precum formed, which I licked off and swallowed. John grabbed the back of my head and forced me down on him to his root, which caused me to gag a bit.

"Still need to work on that gag reflex boy," John said. "But you are doing much better than when you first started with me."

John started to force my head up and down on his shaft and I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing so I could take him better. A mix of saliva and precum started to fill my mouth and dribble down his cock and balls. When he let me up, I went down and licked his balls and brought my tongue up his shaft to savor it all. I could tell he had been sweating today, as he had a good musk built up in his crotch. As I leaned down and swirled my tongue around his balls and shaft, I breathed deep and took it all in.

John looked down at me and smiled. Over the past nine months, I had learned he liked having his balls played with, and I rolled them in my hand as I started to go down on him again. John closed his eyes and leaned back and groaned. I felt his hand on my shoulder and he started to rub it as I continued to work his meat.

I brought one hand up to start to jack him a bit and then brought my face up and over his head to lick and suck on him. He started to flex his legs and groan more and I knew this was a sign he was close. I started to go faster and work his cock with my hand and mouth and was soon rewarded with a large burst of cum that splashed across my beard before I got my face back on his head to suck it down.

"Fuck!" John groaned as he held the back of my head.

He forced me down and I felt more pulses of warm cum hit the back of my throat and dribble down to my stomach. He pulsed at least five or six times before he caught his breath, and I felt his cock start to soften. Releasing his grip on my head, I came off him and used my fingers to collect the part of his load on my beard and savored the taste.

"Well done, boy," John replied. "You may now get up and get to cleaning."

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied with a smile.

I went about getting my chores done upstairs and finished with some time to spare, so I came down to help Mateo, who was in the dungeon dusting.

"How are things going bro?" I asked as I came into the room.

Mateo turned to look at me and smiled. He had been on a small step ladder and was dusting some of the pictures and art hanging on the wall. John had some erotic artwork on the wall that the door to the entrance hall was on and some that extended down the hall to the stairway as well. Pictures of myself, Matt, and Mateo hung over the table that we used to sign our contracts.

"Good!" Mateo replied. "Sir already has my picture hung!"

I walked over and looked. The picture had been taken on Mateo's initiation day and he was standing tall with his feet slightly spread and his hands behind his back. His collar and cage were on full display and he had a slight grin.

"He got a nice one of you!" I replied as I put my hand on his shoulder. "Matt and I are happy to have you on board with us."

Mateo smiled and turned to finish dusting and I grabbed the disinfectant and wiped down the surfaces of the equipment in the room before starting to put my cleaning supplies away. Max walked down just as I finished.

"Well guys," I said, "I have to head off, are you two ok getting things put away on your own?"

"No problem," Matt said. "We got it covered."

"See you Wednesday!" Mateo said.

I waved and headed into the entrance hall to dress and leave. Bo had completed his move to Todd's over the weekend and had invited me to come by after I completed my duties with John to see his new digs. It was not a far drive and after stopping to top off the gas tank, I walked up to the front door and knocked. Bo opened it and smiled.

"Hey, babe!" Bo replied. "Come on in!"

Bo was in some sweatpants and had a tank top on and hugged me as I came in and he closed the door behind me.

"I hope it's not awkward, but Sir allows me to have comfortable clothes on around the house since I'm his boy now," Bo said. "You'll still have to strip down. If that makes you uncomfortable, I will strip as well."

"Not a problem at all," I said as I started to take my pants down. "We talked about this. You are the alpha sub now around here. Just let me know if there are other rules I need to follow outside of what Sir John requires."

"Will do," Bo said with a smile.

Once I stripped naked, Bo put my clothes in a basket near the door and then I followed him into the living room. Todd was on the couch watching CNN. He looked up and smiled at me when I came in.

"Good to see you, boy," Todd said.

"You as well, Sir!" I replied.

"Bo, can you grab me another soda?" Todd said as he held out his empty can.

"Yes, Sir!" Bo said.

He walked over and grabbed the can and threw it away and got a fresh one out of the refrigerator. After handing it to Todd, Bo came behind me and put his arms around me.

"Is it ok if I show Matt my room now, Sir?" Bo asked.

"Sure, boy," Todd replied. "You two have fun."

Bo kissed my neck and then led me down a hall and into his bedroom. It was a nice size. He had floor-to-ceiling shelving on the wall to my left as I entered with books and various other personal items on some of them. There was still a lot of empty space though. A queen-size bed sat against the opposite wall and there was a window on the wall opposite of the door with a desk below it. Beside the door was a chest of drawers. On the far end of the shelving was a door that led to his closet that was rather deep and had his clothes and tons of room to spare.

"This is a big room!" I replied.

"Right?" Bo said. "I was shocked. I was expecting to get a small little space, but Todd wanted me to feel at home. I have a cot in his bedroom where I can sleep if he wants me in there and I did that Saturday when his boyfriend came over to stay the night."

"How did that go?" I asked.

"It was good," Bo replied. "He and Pat are starting to see each other more, but this was only the second time he has slept over."

"Did you have to do anything for him?" I asked.

"I gave him a morning blow job Sunday, but that was it," Bo replied. "I think Sir just wanted to get him used to me."

"That's cool," I said.

Bo went and sat on the bed and scooted back some.

"Come sit here," Bo said, patting the area in between his legs.

I walked over and sat in front of him and he put his legs around mine and then leaned over and put his hands around my belly.

"There's plenty of room here if you get Sir's collar too," Bo said as he leaned in and put his head on my shoulder.

I smiled as he rubbed my belly. His hand drifted down and reached my cage and I started to stiffen instantly.

"Hey now!" I replied.

"Oh, you calm down," Bo said with a devilish smile. "Don't forget I am the alpha around here now. I have permission to play with you a bit from Sir."

I rolled my eyes and turned to look at him and he moved in to kiss me deeply. I brought my hand up and behind his head as we made out and he continued to rub my cage until I started to leak a bit. He brought his hand up to his mouth and licked the juices off his fingers and then smiled.

"I love how much you leak," Bo replied.

"Well, the company also has an effect as well," I said with a grin.

We continued to make out a bit until we heard a knock on the doorframe and looked up to see Todd staring at us.

"You having fun playing with the sub there boy?" Todd asked with a grin.

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied as he squeezed my balls and cage.

"Don't torture him too much," Todd said with a wink. "I am about to go lay down for a bit. Be sure to clean up the living room and kitchen before you go to bed boy."

"I will, Sir," Bo replied.

Todd waved at us and then went down the hall to his bedroom. When he had gone, Bo pushed me a bit to get me up and then stood as well.

"Why don't you come and help me," Bo said.

"Be happy to!" I replied.

We walked into the living room and Bo told me to grab the plates and glasses that Todd had out, and I began to wash them in the sink as he straightened things up. When he was done, he came in to check on me.

"When you finish that, please wash the dishes in the sink as well and then dry and stack them, I am going to put the trash out," Bo said.

"Yes, Alpha!" I said with a grin.

Bo winked at me as he slid on some flip-flops to take the trash out and I finished washing things up and drying everything. When Bo came back in, he showed me where to put things away, and then we grabbed some water and headed back to his room.

Bo laid down in bed and had me lay in front of him and he big spooned me as we talked about how his day went. At one point, he wrapped his leg around me, and I felt his cage under his pants rub up against my ass. He started to nibble on my neck and ran his hands over my naked body.

"Are you sure it's ok with Todd to be doing this?" I asked.

"Don't worry," Bo said. "We had a long talk. As long as I am not breaking any of Sir John's rules you have to follow, it's ok. He told me since I have his collar, if he's not using me or wanting to use you, then I do what I want to you."

"Well now," I said with a grin. "What do you want to do to me?"

"I'm content to spoon you, for now, sub," Bo said with a grin.

"Oh, I'm your sub now am I?" I replied with a grin as well.

"At the moment you are!" Bo said as he squeezed me, and I squeezed him back.

We laid there and made out again before passing out.

Next: Chapter 32

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