Southern Chastity

By Locked Cub

Published on Feb 15, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

This is a text that will have many chapters. It is mostly based on real events I have experienced, drawing on journals and social media posts I have made over the years. I have embellished the story here and there, though. I will try to post at least once a week, but I would appreciate any feedback at from readers on what they like, don't like and things they might like to see chronicled. I have in mind some short stories that will build on experiences covered in this story that may be listed under different categories if it is well received.

Southern Chastity

Chapter 3: My First Steps

It was a typical Monday at work. I had some paperwork to look through and some calls to make, but I was exhausted. The lack of decent sleep from the chastity cage waking me up constantly overnight made it difficult to focus. By noon, I was on my second pot of coffee and thankful that I was able to work from home today.

As I took a break for lunch, I was feeling horny again and decided to jack off a third time. Apparently, yesterday's adventure in chastity had me really pent up. I was grabbing a sandwich when Chris texted me.

"So, how did it go last night?" he asked.

I realized I had forgot to message him when I woke up.

"It went ok, I guess," I replied. "I was up several times during the night, but I did make it till the morning. John let me unlock and cum and I've done it three times so far today. LOL."

"Well damn Matt! Sounds like you got turned on by it. I know it's a kink we play with from time to time and it can be very hot," Chris said.

"Yeah," I replied, "I seem to be really getting into it."

"Just be careful," Chris replied. "It can be a-dick-ting as well. LMAO"

"Uh-huh," I replied with a smiling emoji after.

The rest of the workday was pretty much normal and when I logged off the computer, I went and grabbed a soda and sat down and pulled out my phone to text John.

"All done with work here," I said.

About ten minutes later I got a text back from John. "Sounds good boy. You up for dinner on me? I'd like to talk face to face."

"Sure," I replied.

"Good. Meet me at Jason's Deli across from where we ate last night. I'll be there at 6:30 pm. Text me what you want to eat, and I will order it for you. Also, bring your chastity cage with you. You can leave it in your car."

"Sounds good," I replied, and I texted him what I wanted as well.

It was 5:15 pm now, so I had time to clean up and get dressed. After I jumped in the shower, I checked my cock again. I had been paranoid that I might have got a sore or irritation from the cage given how much it kept me up last night, but it looked normal. No issues or irritations. Of course, I was getting hard again thinking about being in the cage and I started jacking off in the shower. My cock soon erupted with threads of cum leaping to the side wall of the shower and running down as the water mixed with it and washed it away.

"Ugh, that is four times today. Man, that got me horny," I said out loud to myself.

After I was all clean, I toweled off, brushed my teeth, and got my trimmer out and did a little clean up trim on the beard to make it less ragged looking. Then, I rubbed some beard oil in and combed it through, put on some deodorant and got dressed in some tight jeans to show my ass off a bit and one of my t-shirts.

I grabbed my shoes and headed back into the living room and noticed it was 5:45 pm. It would take me about 15 minutes to drive to the restaurant, park and walk in, so I had some time to kill. I decided to re-open the email I had sent John last night to go over what I had come up with in terms of things I was interested in exploring and what my experience level had been in various kinks.


As I mentioned to you at dinner, I have had some experiences and explored a few kinks and fetishes. I would say up till now I have been 40% top and 60% bottom, but that is mostly because, well I am above average endowed, and some people just like to bottom with me. I actually prefer to be more subby in the bedroom and even when I top, I am not aggressive and usually people ride me. I have some leather at home including a harness, wrist straps and vest that I have worn to the Eagle on leather nights. I am very orally inclined and absolutely love to suck cock and eat ass. I'm a very tactile person as well and love to rub hands over someone and such.

I have always been fascinated by the dom and sub dynamic. Although I have never explored it fully, I would be interested to learn what it is like to be a true sub. In other words, in a situation where the dominant is in control of what happens and directing the sub to fulfil his pleasures. I'm into bondage as well, and although my experience is limited, have really enjoyed being tied up with a little light torture in as well using floggers and paddles, for instance. Strapping me down to a fuck bench and having the dom have his way with me is a bit of a fantasy. Wax play might be fun, though with my fur that might be a mess.

I do have some limits, though. I don't ever want to see or do anything with things like blood or scat. I am not a pain freak either, I have a very low tolerance, so I need a safe word and limits on too much pain. My tits are extremely sensitive and directly connected to my cock. So, nipple clamps are insanely painful and usually off limits.

I would like to work on my gag reflex. Although I love sucking cock, it is annoying choking on a nice one. Maybe I just need lessons on how to do it better. I also would love to learn more techniques to please a partner as well and things that can make their toes curl, for instance. I always am up for learning new things for sure whatever it is.

If I were to explore any of this, though, I would need to request some level of privacy. I have a twin brother who is definitely not into the kinks I am into and having pictures floating around of me in situations could be confused with him. Having said that, I have no issues going to bars and making out with people, groping and talking about sexual stuff. That is no issue at all. I hope that makes sense.

I will say you are hot as hell. I have known Chris and Rick for a while now, but have spent more time with Chris, since I have known him the longest. I appreciate you talking to me and being nice about everything. I have to admit it has been a bit of a turn-on being caged and not having immediate access to the keys. I am sitting here dribbling precum as I type this out in fact.

Anyway... I hope that is enough for you.

After re-reading what I wrote, I wondered what John thought. He seemed like a nice guy, but I did not know much about him other that what was discussed yesterday at lunch. He was a friend of Rick's so that went a long way, but I still had some nervousness deep down.

I went and got my cage from the nightstand and noticed there was some dried precum on it, so I washed it with some dish soap and dried it really well and stuck it in the little bag it came in with the keys and headed out to the car to drive to dinner.

When I walked inside the restaurant, I saw John by the window to my right and I waved and came over. I sat down opposite of him. He was in a business suit which made him look even hotter.

"Glad you could meet me boy," John said.

"I am happy to," I replied. "I like your suit!"

"Thank you very much," John said. "This is my normal work attire. I am a lawyer and work downtown. I have not had a chance to get home and change yet. So, tell me about last night. How did you sleep?"

"Well, I will be honest, it was a bit tough," I replied. "I woke up several times. Chris told me to use some lotion around the base ring to help with discomfort, but I had forgotten before I went to bed. So, the first time I woke up I put some on. However, I woke up several times after. It seems my body was just popping erections all night long."

John grinned. "Well that is to be expected and pretty common, honestly. Your body has natural nocturnal erections and you were probably turned on by the cage as well."

"That is true," I replied with a half laugh.

"So, I read what you wrote to me. It sounds like you are inexperienced but wanting to learn. Let me explain more about myself. I have trained and collared many boys over the years. Most graduate after a year of service to me and are collared by a dominant master. Some have decided to move to more of a dominant role as they got older and others have left the scene or moved away. I am not looking for a partner or a boyfriend."

Rick took a drink of his iced sweet tea and then sat back and continued.

"I have a boy graduating from his service term with me this Saturday, so I will have an opening to take on another very soon. Rick and I had been talking at the gym and he suggested you might be a good fit to take the empty slot. I normally have three boys training with me at a time. Currently, in addition to the one graduating this weekend, I have one named Jay that has been in training with me for about six months and another one named Bo that has been with me for three months. They have designated days they come by my house and have protocols they follow. I have a dungeon in my basement that is private where we explore things that please me and that they are interested in. It also helps them to learn about kinks and techniques that a lot of dominants like to explore. They also have chores to do around the house and tasks that I have them do during the week so they can learn to be a good house sub. We have weekly discussions on their progress and where they need to improve as well. I also require chastity of all my boys, and we work on extending the time in chastity as they near the end of their training period. How does that sound to you so far?" John asked me.

"That sounds interesting," I said. I was starting to realize that this guy was the real deal, and this was not a casual thing for him. I was a little nervous, but deep down I was really interested.

"Do you ever have situations where your boys are there at the same time?" I asked.

"Yes," John replied. "As I mentioned, they all have duties and tasks to perform around the house and they are to make themselves available for my pleasure. Many times, this involves collaborative work. I also have new boys partner with more experienced ones or even ones that have completed their training in the past to learn and grow. I do have parties at my house, on occasion, for my dominant friends and the boys not only help to coordinate and run the event, but they also serve as the party favors. I also will occasionally have the boys come on the same day if there are things they need to work on, and it would work better in a group environment." John replied.

We were interrupted as the waitress brought our food and I took the opportunity to grab a drink from the soda fountain as well.

When I returned, John asked me, "So what are your thoughts, boy? I want you to be honest with me."

"It sounds like it might be interesting. But, is there any way we could do a trial to see if I am comfortable?" I asked.

"Of course!" John said with a laugh. "I need to ensure you are a good fit for my time as much as you are comfortable submitting around me. Would you be interested in having a little session tonight?"

I was kind of surprised he was asking to start this soon, but I was also turned on about the thought of working with him as well. I replied, "Sure that sounds like fun."

"Good. And you brought your cage with you, correct?" John asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Yes, Sir," John corrected me. "Your first lesson is the proper way to address a dominant. If you continue training under me, I will expect you to be courteous and address me and any other dominant or friend of mine as `Sir' at all times no matter where we are or in what situation."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "I understand."

My cock twitched a bit when I said that.

"Good deal boy. Then eat up and tell me more about yourself," John said with a smile.

We had a good dinner and I told him about my work, where I grew up, how I came to be in Atlanta and about my family and such. He told me about his life and career as well. He was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama but had been in the city about 15 years and practiced at a law firm downtown. He told me he had a house and a nice bit of private property that was perfect for entertaining.

The more we talked, the more comfortable I felt around him, but you could also just sense his authority. The way he carried himself and the way he talked and acted, you just knew he was all dom and used to being in control. I liked that.

After dinner, we left the restaurant and as we got to the parking lot, he gave me his address and told me to follow him there. He did not live too far away either, which was good.

When I pulled up to his place, I was impressed. It was at the end of a cul-de-sac and surrounded by trees on two sides. The left side had a neighbor, but a high fence was present that protected the privacy of the backyard. The yard sloped down on the right and there was a side door. I would later learn that this was the main entrance to the basement level of the house and gave access to his dungeon area and also allowed you to access the backyard that had a large in-ground pool and a pool house on about a half-acre (0.2 hectares) of land.

He pulled in the garage and had me pull behind him and park in the driveway.

"Grab your cage boy and follow me," he told me.

I grabbed the chastity cage out of my glovebox where I had it stored and followed him as he wound his way to the right and down a small hill to the side door.

"If we continue to see each other, this is where you will enter. You will never use the front door," John said.

He punched a code into the door and the lock opened and he showed me in. A short dark hallway greeted me, but the lights came on automatically when we entered. To the right was a set of cubby holes with four colored bins in them (red, green, yellow and black) behind locked clear doors. Three of them had nameplates above them. The one with the red bin said Jay', the one with the green bin said Bo', and the yellow one was labeled `Johnny'. I assumed these were for the use of his current boys. The black bin had no name plate. At the end of the short hallway was another door.

"Ok, so let's start talking protocol," John said. "The first thing I require of my boys is that they strip down and take off all their clothes. I do not allow boys to be clothed in my house unless I specifically tell them otherwise. These bins to your right are where my boys place their neatly folded clothes and anything else they bring with them like their phone and keys. It is the only space in my house that belongs to them and no one uses them but the assigned boys. The black bin is for potentials, so that is the one you will use tonight."

John reached over and pushed in a code at the side of the door that contained the black bin and the door swung open.

"Please turn your phone off before you put it in the bin," he said.

He then waited and I realized that he meant that I needed to strip now, so I started undressing nervously. I put my shoes and socks in the black bin first followed by my pants and shirt, neatly folded, and then my underwear on top. I put my keys and phone in next (after turning it off) and placed the bin back in its cubbyhole. The only thing I had left was my cage and keys in a small carrying bag.

"Well done boy," John said. "Now, put your chastity cage on and just hold on to the keys for now."

I opened the bag and took my cage out and quickly put it on before my cock had other ideas and started to get an erection. I put on the lock and closed it and pulled and adjusted my balls till they were comfortable and then put the carrying bag in the black bin with my clothes.

John reached over and closed the door to the cubbyhole, and I heard it latch.

"Now, follow me," John said.

He led me through the second door which opened up on a large room painted a dark brown with one wall completely covered in a mirror and the opposite side had blacked out windows and a sliding door that led out into the back yard. There were black racks, drawers, and shelves on the walls with all sorts of sex equipment including gags, whips, hoods, floggers, dildos, and other things I had no idea what were used for. There was a fuck bench, a Saint Andrews cross, a sling, and other equipment in the room as well. The floor looked to be rubber padding in most places with some black painted concrete on the side of the room we were in. To my right, in one corner, was a small table and one chair. On the floor to the left of me against the wall were three painted squares of red, green, and yellow. In the corners near the ceiling were cameras as well. It was a very well-equipped space.

"What do you think, boy?" John asked.

"I'm amazed Sir!" I replied. "I have never seen a set up like this!"

John grinned. "Well, this is my main dungeon area. I can open the doors here on the wall to the right and have access to the pool and backyard for any parties I might throw. There is a bathroom to your left and the door next to it leads to a staircase up to the main level."

"What about the cameras?" I asked.

"Those are for not only security but for also monitoring the space, so I know when my boys come in and out, and for recording sessions as well. I like to record most sessions, but it is never shared publicly," John replied. "Ok, well now that you have seen the dungeon, let me show you upstairs."

He opened the door to my left to reveal a staircase and I followed him up to the main level of the house. To my right was the main living area and to the left was a hall to the front door. In front of me was a small reading room with bookshelves and a small desk and this led to the kitchen and dining area that extended back and connected with the living area again. It was a nice open concept design. Another staircase to my left led up to the second floor where the bedrooms were.

John took his shoes off and placed them on a rack to my right and took off his suit coat and hung it on a hanger on the rack as well. He then went into the living room to sit down and I followed behind him. "I do not allow my boys to sit on the furniture," he said. "You can sit on the floor in front of the couch here."

He pointed to an area to the right of a coffee table and I sat down on the floor cross legged as he found a spot on the sofa.

"So, are you ok so far? Are you uncomfortable being naked in front of me? Has anything you have seen so far scared you in any way?" John asked.

"No, Sir," I replied. "To be honest, I have no problem being naked. It is a little weird being so with just this cage on, but I am fine."

"That is good to hear. Well, I think you are pretty good looking. I know a lot of doms look for young, hairless twinks, but I like a furry boy with meat on their bones and older boys tend to be better at following the rules. I am willing to take you on for a trial period till Wednesday evening. During this time, you will remain in chastity and I will give you daily assignments to do at home. This will include reflective writing like you did for me yesterday as well as some other tasks as well to see how obedient you are. If you are successful and please me, then we can talk about moving forward in a more formal fashion. If at any point you want to stop and end the session, we can leave it on good terms, but know that it will mean I may not give consideration to take you on in the future, though."

He paused and allowed me to speak and I said, "I understand, Sir."

"Good boy. Now, on the table there is a box. It is a Bluetooth combination box that I can open with my phone."

As he said this, John picked up his phone and pressed the screen and the box whirred and popped open.

"If you agree to this trial session, I want you to put the keys to your chastity cage in the box and close and lock it. I will let you take the box home with you. If you need to end the session, you can text me and I will open the box and you will have access to the keys. If there is an emergency, you can do the same. If you do not want to start the trial, then close the box, stand and leave the way you came."

He then watched as I took my keys and placed them in the box and closed and locked it.

"Very proud of you boy," John said. "This is your first step. I think you can be molded into a really good sub if that is what you are willing to become, but we will see how things go from here."

He reached down and undid his pants and slid them down and I saw the bulge under his boxers start to grow. He reached in the front slit and pulled out his cock, which was every bit as thick and long as Rick's was. He began to stroke it and it grew to its full 8 inches (20 cm) and at least 5.5 in around (14 cm) in girth.

"Come here boy and show me how well you can suck a man's cock," he said.

I got up and came over to him and knelt in front of him and licked the full length of his cock. Pre-cum had started to form at the tip and I sucked on this taking in the sweet tasting nectar. I brought my tongue down till my nose was deep into his bush and breathed in his scent, which was intoxicating. I began to take in one orb and suck on it and then the other. I worked my way back up his shaft and then took it in my mouth and worked up and down slowly.

John was groaning in pleasure. "Damn, boy. Rick was not kidding when he said you knew how to give a good blow job. I won't have much to teach you there."

I grinned and then continued to work up and down on his shaft using my hands as well and cupping and fondling his balls. I choked and coughed a bit, but it did not stop me from continuing.

John arched back and extended his legs and he let his feet stretch as he enjoyed the sensation. The precum was readily flowing from his large cock and I was in heaven slurping it up. John grabbed my head and guided it slowly up and down his shaft. He brought me down to near his balls and I choked a bit again. "That's ok boy. Take your time. Learn to take it all. You need to learn better breathing techniques. We can work on that."

This went on for about fifteen minutes before I felt his balls start to lift. He grabbed my head and forced me down just as he erupted and the cum shot to the back of my throat. I choked a bit and coughed, but I did not let any of it slip out. He kept cumming and I felt the shots hit my throat and upper palate. He growled and moaned. As his dick stopped pulsing, I let it slide from my mouth, swallowing all of his load in the process and not wasting a drop.

"Damn, boy" John said as he looked down at me. "That was amazing, and I am glad to see you did not leave any behind."

I had a grin on my face. "Thanks, Sir. I really enjoyed that as well."

"Very well," John said as he stood and pulled his pants back up. "Stand up and face me."

He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked at me. "For any dom and sub relationship to work there must be communication from both parties. I want you to be honest with me and speak your mind, when I allow you to, and I promise to stay within the boundaries we may set should I take you on full time."

"I appreciate that Sir," I replied.

He removed his hands and gave a slight slap to my ass. "Good, well take the box with your keys in it and I want you to leave the way you came through the side door. The code to the black bin with your belongings is 7789. You can dress when you get to the entrance hall, just be sure to close the door to the dungeon before you leave. I will text you later with your first task."

"Thanks Sir, I look forward to it," I replied.

I crossed the room and went back down the staircase into the playroom and back into the small hall closing the door behind me. I got my clothes out of the black bin and redressed and headed back outside to my car to drive home.

As I was driving, I reached down and felt the cage. I was already getting hard at the thought of having the cage on not for just one night, but for two nights this time and the keys were much harder to get to as well. Before, I could have just melted the ice whenever I wanted, took the cage off, jacked off, and put it back on and refroze the keys had I wanted. Now, there was no access to them without texting John. This was going to be interesting.

Next: Chapter 4

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