Southern Chastity

By Locked Cub

Published on May 15, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to support the archivist and keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

This is a text that is based on real events that I have experienced, or my friends have experienced, drawing on journals, conversations, and social media posts over the years. I have embellished the story here and there to craft the narrative. My goal is to post every four days till the story is complete.

You can follow @lockedstories on twitter for announcements of new chapters and new stories. I would appreciate any feedback at from readers on what they like, don't like and things they might like to see chronicled. If you do not want to wait for the story to be completed on Nifty, you can find the entire story here in eBook and print form:

Southern Chastity

Chapter 26: The Gay Pride Festival

In the United States, pride month is in June, but in Atlanta, it is held in October. There are several reasons for this. The main one was due to a drought one year that forced them to move the event to later to secure the space they needed from the city, but it was also linked to National Coming Out Day in October as well. In 2015, the event was held Saturday and Sunday, October 10 and 11.

The weekend before it occurred, I was down in the laundry washing clothes when Kenny appeared in the doorway in his shorts, t-shirt, and flip-flops. He looked a little sweaty and the front of his shirt and the area around the armpits were wet.

"Heya, Sir!" I said with a wave.

"Hey," Kenny replied with a smile. He then turned behind him and shouted out the door, "hurry it up, Max!"

As Kenny came in and sat down on the bench next to me, Max came running in with a large basket of clothes.

"Don't forget to separate the whites, boy!" Kenny said as Max put the basket in front of the washers.

"Hey, bro," Max said with a smile as he caught his breath and wiped his forehead.

"Good to see you, Max," I replied.

Kenny turned slightly toward me and lifted and bent his leg and rested it on the bench. He took out a washcloth from his back pocket and wiped his forehead as well. I could smell the musk coming off him and it was obvious he had yet to shower today. I always loved the way he smelled, and the aroma sent my nub into swelling mode instantly.

"The boy here has been helping me do some cleaning around the house while I worked on my car," Kenny said.

"Anything wrong with it?" I asked as I adjusted my crotch to accommodate my shifting cage.

Kenny grinned as he saw me adjust, knowing the reason. "No, I just needed to change a worn belt. It did not take long, but the humidity is a bit of a bitch today. Got me all sweaty."

Kenny took the washcloth and ran it under his shirt to wipe down his chest and then he put it under his armpits to soak up the sweat. After he was done, he brought the cloth over to my face and held it over my nose and used his other hand to reach behind my head and force my face forward into it.

"Breathe it in, boy," Kenny said with a low voice. "I know you have been missing my scent."

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. It was slightly pungent but sent signals directly to my brain that had my nub leaking quickly. I reached up and replaced Kenny's hands with my own and held the cloth over my face and continued to take it in. Kenny brought one hand behind me and down the back of my pants and rubbed my ass and with the other, he started to feel my caged nub. The precum was flowing so much that it was starting to wet my pants and show through to the front.

"You got a nice little wet spot forming there, boy," Kenny said.

I pulled the cloth away from my face and looked down to see.

"Ugh, you know how to turn me on," I replied with a smile.

Kenny moved his hand up and rubbed my back and I leaned over and made out with him a bit.

"All done, Sir!" Max said as he turned on the machines that had Kenny's clothes in them.

Kenny broke away from me and turned to face Max.

"Come over here, boy," he said.

Max walked over and stood in front of Kenny and he pulled the front of Max's pants down to expose his nub and adjusted his balls a bit to get them to hang a little lower in the cage. He then brought his face forward and licked the bars and the head of Max's nub a bit, making Max's legs shutter and causing a drop of precum to form at the tip, which Kenny licked clean.

"Max here is about a week into his month-long chastity session and has been very horny," Kenny said with a smile as he pulled Max's pants back up over his cage. "He's been fun to tease."

"I know how it is," I replied, looking up at Max and winking. "You just have to exercise self-control."

"He's learning," Kenny said as he patted the side of Max's thigh. "He stayed with me last night so he could service me as a distraction. Working on getting him to cum from me fucking him. Not got there yet, but we will."

"Yes, Sir!" Max said as he smiled and looked down at Kenny.

He leaned down and kissed Kenny and then turned and then brought a chair over and sat in front of us.

"I want to thank you and Bo for being such good role models for him," Kenny said. "He has learned a lot and I have already noticed a great deal of improvement in his attitude and punctuality."

"He's been a great brother," I replied as I handed the washcloth back to Kenny and he put it back in his pocket.

"Are you going out next weekend for Pride?" Kenny asked me.

"I wanted to, but I have not made plans yet," I replied.

"You should come out with us," Kenny said. "I'm taking the boy out with me Saturday to the vendor fair in the park."

"That sounds like fun," I replied with a smile.

"See if Bo wants to come out as well," Kenny replied. "Would love to have all three of you over for a little fun before we go out."

"I can ask for sure!" I replied.

Max was smiling and pulled his shirt up to wipe his forehead. His furry belly was all matted from sweat and he looked tired.

"Have you ever been to pride here in Atlanta, Max?" I asked.

Max dropped the front of his shirt back down and looked at me. "Nope, this will be my first time."

"Oh, nice!" I said. "Well, this should be a good time, for sure. Are you going to try to brave the Eagle after?"

"Maybe," Kenny said. "It is always a freaking nightmare of people, but we might swing by. I love to show off my boy."

Kenny reached over and squeezed Max's knee and Max leaned over to kiss him again. The bell on my machine went off after and I got up and put my clean clothes in my basket. After I was done, I turned to face Kenny.

"I'll talk to Bo and get back to you later today, Sir," I said.

"Sounds good, boy," Kenny said with a smile and he lightly spanked my ass as I walked past.

I had texted Bo to see if he might be interested in going out with us next weekend, but I did not hear back from him till later in the afternoon when my phone rang.

"Hey Matt," Bo said. "I got your message. Do you mind if I swing by your place? We can discuss that, and I have some things I wanted to talk to you about."

"Sure bro!" I replied. "I'm just cleaning up a bit. Just come on in when you get here."

"Ok," he replied. "See you soon."

I had just turned off the vacuum and was putting it away when there was a knock on the door and Bo entered.

"It smells nice in here!" Bo said as he started to undress next to the door.

"I got a diffuser," I replied. "Pumpkin spice for October."

Bo laughed as he dropped his pants and underwear and folded them and placed them on top of his shirt and shoes. He adjusted his cage a bit and walked over to the kitchen, where I was grabbing a drink.

"You want a coke?" I asked.

"Sure!" Bo replied.

I grabbed one for him too and handed it to him and then opened the can and leaned on the counter.

"So, what is up?" I asked.

Bo opened his can up and took a drink and then swallowed.

"Well, first off, I would love to join you all at pride next weekend," he said. "We can work out the details later. But I needed to ask you about something first."

"Sure, go ahead," I said.

"As you know, I have started to see Todd a bit more," Bo said as he paused to take another sip. "I was over there yesterday evening after work and he invited me to stay the night and I just left there a bit ago."

"Your first sleepover!" I replied with a laugh.

"So many good things to tell you about that later," Bo said, smiling. "But Todd told me he has a place down in the Florida Keys that he goes to regularly and invited me to come with him."

"Nice!" I replied. "You should have fun."

"Well, we got to talking," Bo continued, "and Todd asked if you might be willing to come as well."

"He asked for me specifically?" I asked.

"Yes," Bo replied.

"What about Max?" I asked.

"No, he didn't ask about him," Bo said. "He likes you and would like to get to know you better. He also picked up from the way I talked about you that you and I were a little closer than just sub brothers."

I smiled a bit. I wondered if Bo had noticed that our relationship had grown a lot since we first met in March. I supported him as a sub brother, but I also liked him a lot. We got along well, and I had to admit that I was attracted to him. But, I had never discussed my feelings, as I felt it was a bit awkward given our situation.

"I hope I was not out of line in saying so, but I've been picking up on things the past few months," Bo said.

"Well, I'm glad he is interested in getting to know me more," I replied. "I think he is very attractive and enjoyed servicing him. I'm also glad to hear you say that about us, though. I didn't want to be the first to say anything, but I do care for you a lot and I admit I might have been flirting a bit at times."

"Oh, I know," Bo said with a grin. "We have our responsibilities and duties to Sir and each other as sub brothers, but I do like you. You'd be someone I would love to explore a deeper relationship with within the confines of our current situation, that is."

"I'd like that," I replied.

"I discussed all this with Todd last night," Bo said. "He thought it might be a good idea for you to come down with us and talk about it more."

"When is he wanting to go?" I asked.

"The weekend after pride," Bo said.

"Ok," I said. "Count me in!"

"Yeah!" Bo exclaimed as he came over and gave me a big hug.

He pushed me into the counter a bit and then looked me in the eyes and then moved in to kiss me. I reached around and ran my hands down the fur on his back and felt my nub start to swell as he moved his tongue into my mouth and reached up to bring my head in closer. We made out for a bit until I started to feel liquid running down my leg. I pulled back and noticed it was a stream of precum from his nub. Bo blushed and I reached down and collected it with my fingers and ran it across his lips, which he licked clean.

"Well, I would say let's have some fun in bed, but that is not going to happen," I said with a grin.

"I know," Bo replied as he grasped his cage. "How about we play some video games instead?"

"Deal," I said as I leaned in to kiss him again.

We went over to the couch and sat down and played games for a few hours till he had to head home to get some chores done. After he left, I sat down and turned the TV off. I was glad we got things out in the open, but this was going to be complicated, for sure.

The following Saturday, Bo had made plans to meet me at my apartment at 10 am in the morning and we would walk over to Kenny's place together. I was surprised, therefore, when a knock came on my door at about 9:20 am. I walked over to the peephole and saw it was Bo and let him in.

"You are early!" I replied.

"Yeah, I am sorry," Bo said as he undressed. "I woke up wired this morning for some reason and I just drove over. I debated waiting in the car but wanted to see if you were up."

"It's ok, bubba," I replied, rubbing my eyes. "I just rolled out of bed, though. I need to take a shower still."

"You think I can join you?" Bo said with a sly grin.

"Sure!" I replied grinning back. "It will be a bit tight in there, but there is room."

He followed me back into the bathroom and I ran the water a bit till it was warm and then we both stepped in and closed the door behind us. I did not have a huge shower, but it was a walk-in and just big enough to accommodate the two of us.

"Hand me the soap," Bo said.

He lathered up his hands and ran them over my chest and arms and rubbed my neck after. He then had me lift one leg and then the other and he lathered them up as well. I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips at one point and the water ran over my head and hit him in the face.

"Hey!" Bo said with a laugh.

"Sorry," I replied, grinning.

"Ok, turn around now," he said.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

He ran his hands over my back and massaged my upper shoulders a bit under the warm water that ran over and down my back. He then rubbed my ass and brought the soap up in between my cheeks and fingered my hole a bit making me groan.

"Don't move," Bo said as he reached for the hose attachment I had in my shower to clean my ass out with.

He brought it up to my hole and switched it on to fill my ass with water and had me squat a bit to let it out. After a few times, things were running clear and he had me turn around again.

"Ok, my turn," Bo said, handing me the soap.

We moved around a bit and swapped places and repeated the same process. As I moved my hands over his body, he closed his eyes and bit his lip. I saw his nub swell as I moved down to get his legs and ass. He turned around and I ran my hands over his back and down over his ass, fingering his ass a bit. Bo reacted by backing his ass up a bit to give me more access and I rubbed his hole a bit.

I used the attachment to clean his ass out as well so that we were both ready for Kenny later. After I put it back in its holder, Bo put his arms around my shoulders and leaned in to make out with me a bit. As the water cascaded over his large frame, I felt his tongue enter my mouth and I brought my hands around and rubbed his sides and back. He did the same and we embraced and took in the moment as the steam built up in the room.

"Ok, bubba," I replied, pulling back. "Hand me the shampoo and let me wash my hair so we can get going."

"Boo!" Bo said with a pout and a grin. "You had to kill the moment"

"Hey!" I replied with a laugh. "It's getting to the point where I can barely see you in here."

After we were done, I turned off the water and we both stepped out.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed. "I forgot to get the other towel from the basket."

"It's ok," Bo said. "You dry off first and I'll just use your towel."

I dried off quickly and then handed the towel to Bo, who brought it up to his nose for a moment and then brought it down to dry off. He then wrapped it around his waist and watched as I brushed my teeth.

"At least the weather should be nice today," Bo said.

"Oh yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah, pretty mild and it should be mostly cloudy, so the sun won't be beating down on us," Bo replied.

"Well, that's a plus," I said as I washed my mouth out and put down the toothbrush.

Bo handed me the towel and I hung it over the shower door and then we walked into the bedroom and he watched as I got the clothes out I was going to wear for the day and then we went into the kitchen and I grabbed a glass of orange juice.

"Well, are you ready to head over?" I asked after I finished.

"Whenever you are sexy!" Bo replied with a grin.

We both put our clothes on and then headed out the door to head over a few buildings to Kenny's apartment. When I knocked on the door, I saw it open and Max appeared.

"Hey, guys!" Max said with a grin and he gave us hugs as we walked in and got undressed.

"Kenny's in the bedroom," he said. "Come on back when you are done."

Max walked back into the bedroom and we finished undressing. As Bo and I walked in after him, I noticed that Kenny was laying on top of the covers and stroking his hard cock. Max was kneeling at the foot of the bed and licking his feet.

"Glad to see you, boys!" Kenny said with a smile. "Bo, why don't you come over here and lie down on the bed and put your mouth on my cock. Matt, I didn't take a shower for the past two days, so I'm sure you will enjoy my pits."

Kenny raised his right hand over his head, and I came over and laid next to him and stuck my face under his arm and took a deep breath and started to lick. Meanwhile, Bo came around to his left side and laid down on the bed and took his thick cock in his hand and guided it into his mouth.

"Good boys!" Kenny said as he closed his eyes and let his head fall back.

He wiggled his feet as Max continued to worship them and he reached around and started to rub Bo's back as Bo bobbed up and down on his cock. I was in hog heaven and rubbing his scent all over my beard and face as I licked and nibbled under his arms. I ran my hands through his chest hair and played with his nipples as well. When I gave them a good squeeze, he started precumming more and Bo began to lap it up as he continued to give him head.

"Matt," Kenny said as he opened his eyes, "get down behind my boy and get that tongue of yours to work on his ass. I want it nice and lubed so I can dump my load in it when I am ready."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

I got off the bed and got down behind Max and used my hands to spread his furry cheeks and then dove in with my face and got my tongue in his hole. Max started to groan as Kenny put his feet over Max's face and Max grabbed them and ran his beard over them. I worked my tongue back and forth and used my spit and fingers to open Max up. He started to wiggle his ass a bit and his nub started to swing as well.

"Ok, Boy," Kenny said. "Your brother Bo has me close. Jump on my cock and take my load."

"Yes, Sir!" Max replied with a grin and he climbed up on the bed as Bo backed away.

Max faced Kenny and lowered himself down on his thick ginger cock. I watched as it slid into his ass until it disappeared and only his bush and balls were visible. Kenny started to thrust upward into Max, and he began to bounce a bit in rhythm to Kenny's thrusts. This caused Kenny to start to moan and he closed his eyes again and tilted his head back.

"Daddy's about to cum boy!" Kenny growled.

"Breed me, daddy!" Max replied.

I saw Kenny's ass squeeze and his balls jump and then his taint started to pulse as he exploded into Max's ass. He came so much I saw it start to dribble out the sides and down on the sheets below. Max came down on Kenny's fat cock and sat there till it stopped pulsing. He then leaned down and gave Kenny a kiss, causing the deflating dick to pop out of Max's ass in the process. Bo immediately moved in behind Max and licked his ass clean of the cum that was there and then took Kenny's cock into his mouth after to do the same.

Max rolled off to the side and Kenny looked down at Bo and smiled. "Thank you, boy!"

Bo smiled back and then Kenny looked at me. "And thank you as well!"

Kenny sat there a while to catch his breath and then he got up and had Max follow him into the bathroom.

"You two go wait in the living room, we will be there shortly," Kenny said.

After Kenny and Max got cleaned up, we all piled in my SUV and I drove us into town. Kenny's office is not far from Piedmont Park where the vendor fair was being held, so we had the option of free parking there and it was not a long walk over.

Once we got to the vendor area, I heard a voice call my name and turned around to see Chris and Rick.

"Hey, boys!" Chris announced as he and Rick walked over.

"Are you taking the subs on an outing Kenny?" Rick asked as he put his arm around me.

"They did a good job servicing me this morning, so figured it's a nice reward," Kenny said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes and hugged Rick. "How have you been, big fella?"

"Not bad," Rick replied. "Chris wanted to get out of the house for a bit."

"You headed out to the Eagle after?" I asked.

"Oh, hell no!" he replied. "After last year when we spent an hour looking for a place to park only to be squeezed into the parking lot once we got there, we decided to pass this time around."

"Yeah, I am on the fence for the same reason," Kenny replied.

"Why don't you all come over to our apartment later," Chris said. "We can play cards or something."

"Or something," Rick said with a devilish grin as he stuck his hand down my pants and squeezed my ass.

I returned his glance with a smirk. "Uh-huh," I replied.

"That sounds like fun to me," Bo replied.

"Yeah," Kenny said. "The boy and I are game."

"Cool," Chris said. "Shall we wander?"

"Lead on!" Kenny replied.

The vendors were lined up around the curving path through the park. It took quite a while to work our way down through them all. We stopped for some drinks and snacks along the way and Bo bought a few pieces of art he liked and a neat hemp necklace. On several occasions, Bo took my hand as we walked and snuck a kiss here and there. After making the rounds, we grabbed a spot to sit down for a while and catch up before everyone decided it was time to head out.

The game plan was to go our separate ways for the time being and meet back up at Rick and Chris's apartment about 7 pm. So, everyone exchanged hugs and I drove my crew back over to the apartment complex. Kenny and Max went off to run some errands and Bo asked if he could stay with me, which I said was fine.

When we walked into my apartment, Bo and I got undressed and yawned.

"You up for a little cuddle siesta before dinner?" Bo asked.

"Sure thing!" I replied and he followed me back into the bedroom and we laid down.

I was on my back and had my arm propped behind my head and Bo came in beside me on his side and put his arm around my waist and his leg over one of mine. It wasn't long before he was snoozing with his head cradled on my chest and arm.

I was kind of surprised how quickly he had become affectionate after we brought things out into the open about our feelings for each other. It was still weird, though. I thought of him as my sub brother, but also almost like a boyfriend as well. I was hesitant to push too much, though as he was about to graduate from John's service, and I had no idea where the future would lead to for him. I also had no idea where I would end up either. Still, listening to him snore lightly and feeling his warmth on my body was comforting and I relished the moment.

I had dozed off at some point as I woke up to find Bo running his fingers through my chest hair. I stretched my legs a bit and he looked up at me and smiled.

"You have a good nap?" he asked.

"I did!" I replied as I ran my hand over his head. "How about you?"

"Nicely recharged for the evening," he replied as he came up and kissed me.

"Shall we grab some dinner then?" I asked.

"Sounds like a great plan to me," he said as he got up and sat on the bed.

"Ok," I replied. "Let me hit the bathroom quick and we will be off."

When we got to Chris and Rick's and knocked on the door, Chris opened it and let us in. He was in his boxers and Rick was sitting on the sofa in his boxers and socks. Max was next to him playing a game and Kenny was in the kitchen in his shorts.

"Looks like the gang's all here!" I replied as I started to undress.

"Well, now the party can start since the subs have all arrived!" Rick said grinning back at me.

I rolled my eyes and finished undressing as did Bo. We went over to the kitchen and Kenny handed us both a beer and we went into the living room and sat on the floor in front of Rick and Max.

"On the floor next to your brothers Max!" Kenny said as he swapped places with him.

Max got up and sat next to Bo on the ground and Chris sat in the chair across from us.

"I know you might have had dinner, but I've got some pizza on the way as a bit of a snack," Chris said.

"That's cool," Bo replied. "How much do we owe you?"

"You can work that off this evening I am sure," Chris said with a smirk.

"Well, you are not caged today then," I replied.

"Nope!" Chris said. "Just you subs!"

Rick reached down and started to rub my shoulders and I turned to look at him.

"Speaking of that," Rick said. "How about you get started here."

Rick pulled his waistband down over his cock and balls and I watched as it stiffened quickly. I turned around and got on my knees and started to lick the head of his dick and play with his balls a bit. As I did so, Bo turned around in front of Kenny and reached up to expose his ginger cock as well.

"I do love a sub with initiative," Kenny said with a smile.

Max turned to watch us as we sucked on the two men and Kenny frowned a bit.

"Boy, quit watching and turn around and start sucking your host's cock!" he said.

Max spun around and Chris pulled his underwear down to expose his member as well. All three men started to groan as we worked on their dicks. Bo was swirling his tongue around Kenny's uncut cock causing it to precum a ton and I was deep throating Rick, who reached down to put his hand behind my head to guide me back and forth on him. From behind me I heard Max cough and choke a bit.

"Looks like you need more practice," Chris said with a smile.

"Yet another reason I am glad he is training," Kenny said, grinning back at Chris.

"You mind if I borrow your sub?" Rick said, looking at Kenny.

"All yours!" Kenny replied and Rick stood up.

"Follow me back to the bedroom boy," Rick said to Bo.

"Yes, Sir!" Bo said as he stood and followed him.

I moved over and took Kenny's hard cock into my mouth and he put both arms on the back of the sofa and leaned his head back. As he did so, he moved forward a bit and it gave me a bit more access to get him deeper into my mouth.

"Bend over the chair boy," I heard Chris tell Max from behind me.

I took a quick look over at them while I was working Kenny's cock and saw Chris spread Max's ass with one hand to bury his face in his ass and tongue his hole and he started to stroke his dripping cock with his other hand.

Kenny grabbed my head and pointed me back in his crotch and I focused my attention on him. As I felt his head hit the back of my throat, I heard Max moan as Chris started to enter him. From the back of the apartment, I started to hear the creak of the bedframe and Rick start to grunt.

I pushed my head down as far as I could go on Kenny and had my nose in his bush. I could smell his sweat from the day, and I felt his full balls as well. I started to move up and down faster and used my hands to help with the stroking motion. Kenny closed his eyes and groaned loudly as I heard Chris start to pound Max's ass and Bo start to cry out from the back bedroom as well.

Rick's voice soon echoed down the hall as he yelled out as he came in Bo's ass. Just as he did so, I felt Kenny's balls move and he reached down and held my head as he exploded as well.

"Fuck yeah, boy!" Kenny growled.

The cum was still pulsing out of his cock and down my throat when I heard Chris announce he was unloading in Max as well. What followed was a series of grunts and groans and heavy breathing from the men as they came down from their orgasm highs. I pulled off Kenny's cock and watched as a few drops of cum ran down his shaft.

"Why don't you two switch out and clean us off?" Kenny said.

I turned and saw Chris with his tongue in Max's ass licking his load out. Chris backed away and Max got off from the chair and knelt in front of Kenny and cleaned his cock and crotch and I moved over and knelt in front of Chris and cleaned him.

"Well, that was enjoyable," Chris said with a smile, looking down at me.

"You got that right," Rick said as he walked into the living room again, naked with his soft cock flopping side to side.

Bo waddled in after him and was catching some cum coming out of his ass.

"Come over here bro," I said to Bo, as I turned around on my knees.

Bo came over and bent over the chair a bit and I stuck my tongue in his ass and lapped at his hole. I could taste Rick's load as it came out and I made sure to clean him out good before I backed away.

"Damn, Rick," I replied as I rubbed Bo's butt. "You came a lot."

"Boy's got quite an ass and knows how to work a real man's cock," Rick said with a smile.

Once the men were sitting down again, we got back on the floor and after the pizza arrived, we all played some video games, had some beer, and socialized a bit. After a few hours, Kenny told Max to get dressed and they headed out first. Bo and I stayed on for a bit longer, though until Rick started to doze off and we took our leave to head back home as well.

Next: Chapter 27

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