Southern Chastity

By Locked Cub

Published on May 3, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to support the archivist and keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

This is a text that is based on real events that I have experienced, or my friends have experienced, drawing on journals, conversations, and social media posts over the years. I have embellished the story here and there to craft the narrative. My goal is to post every four days till the story is complete.

You can follow @lockedstories on twitter for announcements of new chapters and new stories. I would appreciate any feedback at from readers on what they like, don't like and things they might like to see chronicled. If you do not want to wait for the story to be completed on Nifty, you can find the entire story here in eBook and print form:

Southern Chastity

Chapter 23: Jay's Graduation

Saturday, September 5 was Jay's graduation day. John had told Bo and me to be at his house by 1 pm to help set up and that the ceremony would begin promptly at 2 pm. When I arrived, Bo's car was already in the street and I found him undressing and putting his clothes in his bin when I walked in the side door.

"Hey," I replied with a wave. "I can't believe it's time for Jay to move on."

"Yeah," Bo said as he locked his bin. "I'm a bit sad, but I am also happy for him."

"So, you went through this before when Johnny graduated," I said. "Is there anything I need to know?"

"Just follow my lead," Bo said. "The ceremony will mostly revolve around Sir and Jay. We will watch from our spots, but there will be a few places where we will participate. I will leave that as a surprise though."

"Ok," I said.

"I think you will enjoy it," Bo said with a grin.

After I was undressed and my clothes were put away in my bin, we entered the dungeon area. John was already downstairs and setting things out. He was in some sweatpants and a tank top and glanced our way as we closed the door behind us.

"Good to see you boys," he said. "I was just refilling some of the lube containers and bringing down some paperwork. Bo, since you have been through this before, why don't you take charge and help Matt get the room set up. I need to go upstairs to take a shower and get dressed."

"Yes, Sir," Bo said.

"You do remember everything that happened when Johnny graduated, right?" John asked.

"Yes, Sir," Bo said. I will make sure the room is ready to go."

"Good boy," John said, and he patted Bo's shoulder as he passed by to go back upstairs.

"Ok, Matt," Bo said. "Let's get started."

Bo walked back to the isolation room and as we entered, there were three bags on the counter next to the door.

"Those are for us," Bo said, "but, we will get back to that. Go ahead and grab some hand towels and set them out at the table and bench."

I went and did as he said as he grabbed some folding chairs and brought them back out to the dungeon area. He set them out next to one another near the fuck table and then helped me as we wiped down all the equipment and made sure everything was clean and sanitized.

After we were done, he brought out a box and opened it. Inside were some banners that were folded up. One was black with silver trim and said, 'Graduation Day'. We hung this on one wall horizontally. The other four were vertical banners that were red, yellow, green, and black and trimmed in silver as well. These were hung on the wall next to the door we used to enter beside where our portraits hung. As the banners unrolled, I noticed that they had names on them in black marker.

"Part of the graduation is adding your name to your colored banner," Bo said as he helped me to hang the red one. "If a master is here to collar you, they will add their name to the black banner with a silver pen."

"Pretty cool!" I said as we finished hanging the rest of the banners.

There were five names listed on the red banner, ending in Dan. The yellow banner also had five names with Ryan and Johnny the most recent ones added. The green banner had four names listed ending with Nick. Nine names were listed on the black banner.

"Sir has had quite a lot of graduates," I said as I looked over the names.

"Indeed," Bo said as he reached out and touched the green banner. "It won't be long till I will be up here as well."

"Anything else we need to do?" I asked.

"The bags!" Bo said with a smile.

He led me back into the isolation room and we opened the bags that had our names on them. Inside mine was a nice black leather jock with yellow trim and stripes on the front. It had five snaps along the top, two down the side, and one at the bottom that held a detachable cover piece. Beneath this was a flat piece with an opening that I would be able to put my nub through and it had two small straps on either side of the hole that could attach to the base ring of my cage. Along the back of the waist, it said 'Boy Matt', and the detachable cover said 'Chastity Boy' near the top. Bo had a similar one that was green with his name. Also in the bag were two colored leather armbands and ankle bands.

"You will be able to keep everything in the bag once you graduate," Bo said. "Until then, it's your uniform for the graduation of your brothers and you will return it to Sir at the end of the ceremony."

"Nice!" I said.

We put on our jocks and arm and ankle bands and then we headed back into the dungeon area.

"Now we wait," Bo said.

We walked over to our colored squares near the side of the wall and sat cross-legged on the floor and talked for a while. About 1:40 pm, the door beside us opened and Jay walked in.

"Hey bro," Bo said looking up at him.

"Are you ready for your big day?" I asked.

Jay smiled back. "Yes! I am so nervous."

Jay walked past us and went into the isolation room and put on his jock and bands and then came out and sat next to us in his square.

"I barely slept last night," Jay said. "Master Jeff will be here to collar me!"

"That's awesome!" I said with a huge grin.

Bo reached over and gave him a big hug and had a tear fall down his face. "I am so happy for you bro!"

"So, are you moving down to Savannah?" I asked.

"Yup!" Jay said. Moving out later this month when my lease expires. Master Jeff has already arranged for the moving plans."

"Too cool," I said.

About five minutes to 2 pm, the sound of a bell could be heard coming from a speaker near the ceiling of the room.

"That's our cue boys," Jay said.

He got up on his knees and bowed his head and put his hands behind his back and we did the same. We sat there for several minutes and then heard footsteps coming downstairs. When the door opened, I saw two sets of bare feet come and stand in front of us.

"Rise," I heard the voice of John say.

When I got to my feet, I saw John to my left and Jeff was next to him. John was in his leather chaps and black leather jock and Jeff was in a similar jock as well. They both wore leather vests that said Master down one side and had a leather flag on the other. We stood there at attention with our hands behind our backs for about a minute before John spoke again.

"Boy Jay," he said. "You have completed a year in my service. In that time, you have grown to become a well-trained and experienced sub. Are you ready to proceed to the next step in your journey?"

"Yes, Sir I am," Jay said.

"Step forward," John said.

Jay took a step forward and John went over to the table and grabbed a blindfold which he placed over Jay's eyes. He then led Jay over to the side of the room where the cross was and bound his arms and legs to the X-shaped structure. Jeff walked over to the folding chairs and sat down while he was doing so.

"As part of your service agreement, you have agreed to be in chastity," John said. "You have done so of your own free will as a way to show your status as a sub. You have embraced your new role as the instrument of pleasure for dominant men and your cage is a symbol of this commitment. You have now completed your six-month lock-up session and earned a release."

John reached down and removed the detachable portion of Jay's jock and then handed the piece to Jeff. He then walked over and got the key to the security screw and removed it from Jay's device and took the cage and base ring off his nub and balls which he also handed to Jeff.

"Your brothers have been your support base through your journey, and they will now be called upon," John said. "Boys Bo and Matt, please come forward."

We both stepped out of our spots and walked over to the bound and blindfolded Jay and stood in front of him.

"What is the service creed boys?" John asked.

We all spoke up as one in answer. "I am a sub in training under the supervision of Sir John. My goal is to serve men in the best way I can and derive pleasure from that service. My chastity cage and collar are a symbol of that service and I desire one day to be in permanent chastity and receive my formal graduation collar as proof of my commitment."

"Do you, Boy Jay, now wish to take the next step in your journey and enter into permanent chastity and receive your formal collar?" John asked.

"Yes Sir," Jay said.

"Do you understand the commitment this will entail, and do you do this of your own free will?"

"Yes Sir."

"Boy Bo," John said. "As Jay's sub brother, I will task you with providing Jay with the last manual release he will receive before his permanent cage is installed. Are you willing to do this?"

"Yes Sir," Bo replied.

"Boy Jay," John said. "I will ask one final time. Do you agree to submit to one last manual release from your sub brother before your permanent cage is installed?

"I do Sir," Jay replied.

"Boy Bo, please step forward," John said.

Bo got down in front of Jay and reached out and took his balls in his hand. Jay's legs shook a bit and his nub started to stir and began to grow in front of him. He placed the head into his mouth and Jay gasped a bit as Bo started to use his hands to manipulate his swelling shaft.

Bo was careful not to give him a blow job like he would give a dom. He was just jacking his shaft and placing the head in his mouth to catch anything that came out. Jay was starting to squirm from the sensation and it only took a minute before his balls released their stored seed.

"Oh Fuck!" Jay gasped as his body shook.

Standing there watching him, I could only imagine the thoughts going through his mind and the sensations he was feeling. I looked down and saw that Bo had his mouth closed and looked to be holding Jay's load in his mouth.

"Boy Matt, step forward," John said.

I walked over to where Bo was, and he reached out and pulled me close and brought his lips to mine, and shared Jay's cum with me. It was a pretty large load and a bit of it slipped out and dribbled on my beard which Bo licked clean. I was surprised and found it a very sensual experience and felt my nub swell in its cage as I tasted Jay's load for the first time and swallowed it. Bo then pointed to Jay's nub and I used my mouth to clean it of some lingering dribbles of cum.

After we were done, we stepped back, and John directed us back over to the wall to our colored squares where we stood at attention with our hands behind our backs. While we did so, Jeff stood and walked over to stand next to John.

"Boy Jay," John said. "Master Jeff has expressed interest in collaring you and taking you into his home as his sub. Do you accept his offer?"

"Yes, Sir," Jay replied.

"Master Jeff, please install his permanent cage," John said.

Jeff walked over and bent down and reinstalled the base ring on Jay and then slid the cage portion over his nub and installed the security screw. He then reattached the front portion of his jock and removed Jay's blindfold and stepped back. Jay blinked a few times and then looked at the two men.

"You will now receive your formal collar," John said.

Jeff reached up and unlocked Jay's collar and removed the silver tag. He then grabbed a small jar and brought it over to John.

"Inside this jar is your formal tag showing your status as a collared chastity sub," John said. "It sits within five collected loads of Master Jeff which have marked it."

John held the jar and Jeff reached in and pulled a gold tag from the milky white fluids. On the tag, it read 'Boy Jay / CHASTITY SUB / Collared by Sir Jeff'. Jeff put the tag on Jay's collar and reinstalled his lock.

John grabbed a shot glass from the table and poured the vodka that was in it and swirled the jar till it was mixed. He then handed it to Jeff who brought it over to the bound Jay and tipped it into Jay's mouth until he had swallowed it all completely. He then gave Jay a long kiss and then stepped away.

"Boy Jay," John said. "With the acceptance of your collar, you have completed your service to me and are no longer my sub. You are now under the service of Master Jeff. Master Jeff will now consummate the relationship."

John stepped back and turned to sit down in one of the folding chairs. As he did so, Jeff reached up and released Jay's restraints and brought him over to the fuck bench. Jay got on it and Jeff got behind him and brought his face down into Jay's ass and began to tongue his hole.

I could see Jay closing his eyes and gripping the side of the bench from across the room and watched as Jeff lubed up his fingers and started to open Jay up. Jeff took off his jock and his cock was hard as a rock and he lubed it next and then pointed it at Jay's ass.

As Jeff mounted Jay from behind, Jay opened his eyes and gasped a bit. Jeff started to move slowly at first and then picked up the pace and was fucking him hard soon after. The bench was groaning a bit and moving slightly back and forth with the thrusts and Jay started to moan. I have to admit, I was swelled completely in my cage and dripping precum a bit as I watched, and Bo was as well.

After several minutes, Jeff started to pant and he shoved his cock into Jay. His load followed, shooting out to fill him deeply.

"That's my boy!" Jeff said loudly as Jay closed his eyes and bit his lip.

When Jeff came off his orgasm high, he slid out of Jay and grabbed a towel to wipe Jay's ass down a bit. He then got Jay off the bench and embraced him, and they kissed and made out a bit.

When they were done, Jay came over to where John was sitting, and John stood.

"Thank you Sir John for taking the time to train me," he said.

"You are welcome boy," John said as he extended his hand with a smile to shake with Jay and then followed it with a hug.

Jay then came over to stand before us.

"I could not have done this without your support brothers," Jay said with a tear in his eye. "I love you both!"

He gave us hugs and a kiss and both Bo and I had a few tears of our own.

"The final task is to add your names to the banners of honor," John said to Jeff and Jay.

Jay signed his name at the bottom of the red banner and Jeff added his to the black banner.

"Jeff and Jay, please follow me upstairs for a meal that has been prepared in your honor," John said. "Boys, please stay to clean up the room and you may leave."

"Yes Sir," Bo and I replied, and we watched the three of them pass by and head up the stairs.

Once they were gone, I relaxed and wiped my eyes.

"Well, that was amazing," I said.

"Yes, indeed," Bo said with a smile.

We went around the room and gathered up the materials that were set out and wiped down the cross and bench. We then took down the banners and put them away and took off our jocks and arm and ankle bands and put them back in the bags with our names on them.

"Well, that is it," Bo said. "You want to go out for a drink?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea bubba," I said, and we headed for the side door to dress and leave.

The next day, Sunday afternoon, I was at John's house kneeling in my spot as usual for my one-on-one. When he came down, he stood in front of me and told me to stand at attention.

"How are you today boy?" he asked.

"I'm ok, Sir," I said.

"You did well at Jay's graduation," John said as he crossed his hands over his chest. "I will be having the new boy that will replace him come over on Tuesday for his initiation ceremony. That means that when you come tomorrow for cleaning, you will be doing some different duties and doubling up."

"I understand, Sir," I replied.

"Bo will be moving up to cleaning the second floor of the house and I will be busy showing him specific things he will need to do," John said. "You will need to clean the first floor and then move down here, and I will have him come down to help you after."

"I understand," I said.

"You have now completed three months in chastity and are about to start your final six-month session before you decide to move into permanent chastity," John said. "Have you had any issues I need to be aware of with the device?"

"No Sir," I replied.

"Good," John said.

He reached down and grabbed my caged nub and inspected it, putting his fingers through the bars and feeling my balls.

"We have the right base ring size still," he said, "but I think you are now ready for the smallest cage size. I will install that after your manual release."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

"Unfortunately, I am very busy with work today, so this will not be a long session," John said.

He turned and walked over to the counter to grab the key to remove the security screw to my device and then grabbed a blindfold as well. He put the blindfold on me and then brought a chair over and sat in front of me. I felt him removing the screw and the cage came away after. He pulled on my nub and twisted it in his hand as he inspected it to see if there were any sores. I then heard the sound of lube squishing between his fingers and hand and I felt him grab my nub.

I instantly got hard after three months in the cage and gasped a bit. My legs shook a little as he started to stroke back and forth with his hand, and I felt the lid of a glass briefly touch my head. I assumed he was holding that with his other hand to catch any emissions.

It only took about sixty seconds for the feeling of an orgasm to start to build in my balls. I bit my lip and tried to maintain my stance as my nub soon exploded cum. I felt the head of my nub being forced into the glass and heard the 'plop' sound as a few streams of cum hit the side and ran down to the bottom of it. I squeezed my ass a bit as I felt him milk the last bots out of my nub and then he let go and it hung there going soft above the glass.

After a few minutes, I felt a cold washcloth run over my nub and clean it up, and then the new smaller cage went on and I felt him secure it in place with a screw. When he removed my blindfold, I saw him standing in front of me and I looked down at my new cage. It was small enough that only my head was barely showing. I had no hint of a shaft anymore. It was as small as Bo's cage was.

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied after taking a deep breath.

"You are welcome boy," John said as he poured a shot of vodka in the glass and swirled it around with the cum load before feeding it to me. "This will be your final cage that you will wear under my service. You may keep it after you graduate."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

"Now, get on your knees and take my load," he said.

I got down before him and sucked on his cock until it was exploding in my mouth. He then patted my head and told me that I could leave, and he would see me tomorrow for our cleaning day.

Next: Chapter 24

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