Southern Chastity

By Locked Cub

Published on Feb 12, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

This is a text that will have many chapters. It is mostly based on real events I have experienced, drawing on journals and social media posts I have made over the years. I have embellished the story here and there, though. I will try to post at least once a week, but I would appreciate any feedback at from readers on what they like, don't like and things they might like to see chronicled. I have in mind some short stories that will build on experiences covered in this story that may be listed under different categories if it is well received.

Southern Chastity

Chapter 2: Meeting John

It had been about a week since the Tuesday that Rick and Chris had been at my place and I got to explore a chastity experience. It left me wanting more. I had been texting them both over the past few days asking him questions about how they got into the kink, if there were others we knew that were into it and some dirty talk as well telling Rick at one point I wanted to do it again sometime.

On Sunday, Rick texted me and asked me if I would be willing to meet him at a local restaurant for lunch. He explained that he had a friend that he wanted to introduce him to. I asked what place he had in mind and he mentioned the Mongolian grill located on the west side of Atlanta. I loved stir fry (especially all you can eat), and the place was not too far from my apartment, so I told him I was in and he told me to meet him there at 1 pm.

The restaurant is attached to a small mall with an entrance inside the mall itself. When you enter the mall, there are benches that sit in front of the restaurant and that is where I saw Rick sitting with another man. I have already mentioned that Rick is a big muscle bear of a man. Six-foot-tall, 250 lbs (113 kg) and looks like he could bend iron in two if he wanted to. His friend was similarly built, but maybe not as fit. You could tell he had a little bit of a belly over his muscles, but just as furry and his chest hair was peeking out of his t-shirt that he was wearing. My mouth was watering.

"Hello Matt!" Rick said as he stood up. "This is my friend John."

John got up as well and extended his hand to shake. He had a firm grip and a deep voice. Man, this guy was fucking hot, I thought.

"Nice to meet you Matt," said John.

"Likewise," I replied.

"I already put us on the waitlist, and they handed me this gizmo that is supposed to light up when it's our turn. It should not take too long," Rick said.

I nodded a bit uncomfortably. I am a pretty outgoing guy, but I can be a bit awkward around people I do not know. Perhaps sensing this, John spoke up and asked me how I knew Rick and I mentioned that I had been friends with his boyfriend Chris for several years before they met. John mentioned that he had met Rick at the Atlanta Eagle a few years ago during their monthly leather weekends and they had hit it off pretty quickly.

Before I had a chance to reply, the gizmo started buzzing and flashing indicating it was our turn to be seated. We entered the restaurant and the server showed us to our table. She asked if we had been there before and we all said we had, so she gave us leave to go and fix our bowls to be sent off for frying. I was the first to get back to the table followed by John.

"So, Rick tells me that you had a little fun last week with he and Chris," John said.

"Yes," I replied a little shyly, "we occasionally meet up for drinks and to socialize and to play around as well."

"Ah," John replied, noting I was being a bit hesitant. "How did you enjoy being in chastity and treated as a sub?"

I was not expecting such a direct question, but as I was about to answer Rick came back and sat down.

"So, have you told John about how much fun you had locking up your cock and riding mine?" Rick asked with a grin.

"We were just getting to that in fact," John replied.

I took a drink of the soda the waitress had left at the table for each of us and replied, "I have to admit it was a pretty hot experience. I was leaking precum the whole time."

"That's for sure. It ran down and was all over me and the bedspread," Rick said laughing a bit. "John here is a pretty experienced dominant. He trains and has collared and owned boys in the past. I figured since you were interested in learning more about the lifestyle, you might benefit from talking to him."

"Have you ever been a sub for a guy before?" John asked.

I told him about my experiences growing up. I told him about my own boyfriend I had once that was pretty dominant and how we role placed a lot in the bedroom. However, I had never really explored the fetish to any great detail and had only had my chastity device for a short time.

"Well, chastity devices can be fun, and I do make them a part of boys I work with, but there is a lot more to it as well. I am curious, you said you like to top as much as you bottom and you have role played, but what turns you on more? Are there aspects that you find you want to explore more?" John asked.

I told him I had to admit that I found playing with a true dominant to be very fun. I was much more willing to be the bottom and liked it when someone else set the scene and told me what to do.

"And whose pleasure is most important in a dom / sub relationship you think?" John asked me back.

I thought a bit about this before I replied. "Well, I think it should be pleasurable for both people. But I can see where the dom should be put first. I think it would be hot to really put a lot of effort into pleasuring a guy and to get as much pleasure out of it from the sub role by doing so."

John seemed intrigued and pleased. "That's a good answer boy."

It was the first time he had addressed me as `boy' and I admit I smiled when he said that. John saw me grin and smiled back and turned to Rick and said, "This one may be a good candidate."

I did not know what he meant, but the waitress brought out food at that point and so we started to dig in and Rick began to talk about some things he had been dealing with at work. From there the conversation went to current events and things going on around town. At one point, I mentioned my job that allowed me to work from home about half the time and how liberating it was to not have a dress code or even be in my underwear all day. We laughed about that. It was a pretty nice time and I got comfortable around John. You could tell he was a dominant the way he held himself and the way he talked, but he was nice as well. He was approachable, I thought.

"Well, I need to take a piss," Rick said as he stood up. "I'll be right back." He squeezed John's shoulders a bit and gave him a wink as he left.

"Matt, I will be honest with you. Rick and I go to the same gym and had a conversation about you the other day. He mentioned you were interested in chastity and exploring it and were pretty turned on when he dominated you," John said.

I nodded and smiled sheepishly.

"Well, if you are interested, I think you might be someone I would be willing to take under my wing and train and let you explore some aspects of the kink. What are your thoughts about that?

I grabbed my drink to have something to hold on to and I replied, "that could be fun, but I would want to discuss limits and such."

"Of course! It is very important that we discuss what things you are interested in, not interested in, what limits you have, and what limits I set. But, before we get to any of that, I want to see how disciplined you are," John replied.

"Ok," I said.

"Well, Rick tells me you just got your chastity cage. What is the longest you have worn it for?"

I told him that it had only been about six hours the time that I played with Rick and Chris. Since then I had worn it a few times during the week, but the six hours was about the most I had ever done.

"Do you have any places to go after lunch today and are you working from home tomorrow?" John asked.

I told him I had nothing planned and was going to head back home and that I was working from home tomorrow.

"Then I want you to put your chastity cage on when you get home and take a picture and send it to me. Then I want you to take the keys and put in them in a container with water and freeze them in the freezer. I want you to take a picture of this when you put it in and about an hour later to show me, they are still there and freezing inside the block of ice. I want you to stay in chastity overnight and then text me in the morning when you wake up with a picture of you in your cage. Do you think you can do that?"

Nervously I said I could. It was a big step, but if the keys were in the ice, although I could not get to them immediately, I could always find a way to thaw the ice and get at them if I needed to.

"I will warn you," John continued, "sleeping in a chastity cage the first night can be frustrating. I have had boys that had very sleepless nights due to attempted erections. It helps to sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs and have a cold washcloth handy to soften things up if you get too hard."

"I understand," I replied.

"If you make it through the night and send me a picture of yourself still caged and another with the key still in the ice, then I will know you have some discipline and we can discuss next steps. How does that sound boy?" John asked me.

"I understand and I am willing to do it," I replied.

As if on cue, Rick returned from the restroom. "So, have you tried to collar him yet, John?"

John laughed, "it's a tad bit early for that, but he's going to cage himself up overnight, so we will see how he does."

"Good idea! You might want to text Chris. He had a hell of a night the first time I made him wear his overnight and I had to make him sleep on the couch. Might be worth asking him for any tips. He is a pro at it now," Rick said to me with a grin.

We continued to eat and after we were done, we walked out, and I gave Rick a hug and he left. John then turned to me and we exchanged numbers.

"Looking forward to your text later boy. Don't disappoint me," John said.

"Yes Sir," I replied.

John grinned and said, "good answer."

He waved and headed back into the mall and I exited to get to my car.

The drive back to my car was interesting. I was hard the whole time and I could tell I was precumming again because my pants were wet. I definitely was turned on. It was intimidating as well, though. This would be the first time I had ever worn the device that long and I did not know if I would be able to do it. It was at that point that I realized that I never jacked off in the morning like I usually did. The last time had been before dinner yesterday. When I got into the parking lot of my apartment complex, I texted John to tell him I got home and I would be putting on the device soon, but to ask if I could jack off really quick before.

"No, boy. No cumming. I want you to lock up as soon as you get inside."

I was frustrated, but it was still a turn on, so I got inside and grabbed some ice and a washcloth and got my erection down to a point that I could put the cage on and close the lock. I then grabbed a water bottle I had and put the key on some thread and suspended it in the middle of the bottle and screwed the lid back on over the wring to help it hang there. I took a picture of my locked cock and then put the water bottle with the key in it in the freezer and snapped a picture of that as well.

"Good job boy. Now wait about an hour and a half and send me a picture of the water bottle again once it is starting to freeze solid," John texted back.

It was 3 pm at this point and I had nothing more to do. I decided to watch some Sunday sports games and I started texting Chris to tell him what happened and ask his advice on sleeping with the cage on. I think he was as turned on about everything as I was and he reiterated sleeping on my side with a pillow will help, but he also told me that I will still wake up several times and just to be prepared. I replied back I was working from home, so I didn't have to worry about being too sleepy or disheveled looking. Chris told me that was a good thing with a big smile emoji. He also told me it would be a good idea to lubricate the ring with some lotion as well to avoid any chafing or pinching. That was good advice, I thought, and I put a bottle of lotion next to my bed for later.

At about 4:30 pm, I checked the freezer and the bottle was pretty much on its way to being solid. I took a pic and sent it off to John then grabbed some chips and a beer and went back to my game.

I got a text back about 15 minutes later. "Boy, now that you have followed my instructions, I want you to sit and think about what kinks and fetishes you have always been interested in and why. I want you to start an email to me and put as much detail into it as possible. If I decide to move forward and work with you, this will be helpful to me as we set guidelines, boundaries and goals for you. Do you think you can do this?"

I replied back that I could, and he sent me his email address to send it to. So, I pulled out my laptop and started to think about anything that I had ever seen in a porn that interested or excited me. I thought about the relationships and sexual experiences I had over the years and put down what I liked and what I did not like and things I always wanted to do or explore. I really got into the assignment and before long I had a nearly written two-page essay. But I figured that it was better to be thorough and I saved and emailed it to John before returning to my sports game.

Chris texted me after I had eaten to see how I was fairing. I told him I had that blue balls feeling, and I really wished I had jacked off this morning, but I was ok. He replied back with an `LOL' and told me to text him if I had any problems.

As I got ready to sleep that night, I took off all my clothes and noticed how crusted my underwear was. I had precummed a freaking ton since the cage when on. I grabbed my caged dick and full balls and gave them a squeeze and then went to brush my teeth and get into bed.

I had grabbed an extra pillow from the closet and stuck it between my legs. Sleeping on my side was not a huge issue. I use a CPAP to sleep at night and am normally on my back or side but never on my stomach, so I figured that would work good anyway. I put on my CPAP mask, got as comfortable as I could and prepared to get as much sleep as I could.

About two hours later I awoke to my dick straining against the cage and some discomfort. I sat there a moment hoping it would go down, but it didn't. I realized I had not used the lotion before I went to bed, so I took my mask off and got up and used a cold rag to help the erection go down. I then grabbed the lotion and rubbed it on my balls and around the ring. I could already tell it was a bit sore in a few places, but I pulled my scrotum around and readjusted till it was comfortable again and then laid down to sleep again.

I woke up three more times that night and had to get up once more to cool my engorged member and reapply the lotion. But, when 7 am came and my alarm went off, although I was groggy from lack of sleep, I was proud I had made it. I went into the kitchen and took a picture of my locked cock next to my watch showing the time and of the key in the water bottle and sent them to John.

John texted back soon after. "Very good boy. I am impressed. Not many people make it the first night or follow instructions as well as you have. I also liked what you emailed me yesterday. You can defrost your keys and unlock and cum now. Text me after you are done with work and we can discuss next steps."

I was very happy. I took the bottle out and put it under the tap and let the water run for a while. Seeing that it was not going fast enough, I got a pan out and started to boil some water and put the bottle in that to speed up the process. It took a while, but I got enough of the water melted to get the key out and unlock my cock.

I got hard immediately, and I looked down to see the imprints of the cage on my skin and a few areas that were red, but no sores or blood or skin broken, which was good. I went back to my room and grabbed my handy fleshjack toy and stuck my cock in it and jacked off till I was shooting my load. I was so horny that I did it again about ten minutes later.

Feeling that my balls were finally well drained, I turned my attention to a hot shower and started brewing some coffee to keep awake for the workday ahead. I was exhausted, but strangely ready to do it all again.

Next: Chapter 3

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