Southern Chastity

By Locked Cub

Published on Apr 13, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

This is a text that is based on real events that I have experienced, or my friends have experienced, drawing on journals, conversations, and social media posts over the years. I have embellished the story here and there to craft the narrative. My goal is to post every four days till the story is complete.

You can follow @lockedstories on twitter for announces of new chapters and new stories. I would appreciate any feedback at from readers on what they like, don't like and things they might like to see chronicled.

Southern Chastity

Chapter 18: Memorial Day Weekend

It was Wednesday, May 20th, and Jay, Bo, and I were over to clean John's house as usual. We had just arrived and stripped down and were kneeling in our spots when John came downstairs to greet us as he normally did.

"Rise boys," he said.

We got to our feet to face him and he smiled.

"As you all know, I work for a law office downtown. One of my colleagues that I used to work with at another firm will be coming over on Monday to hang out at the pool for the Memorial Day holiday. He is a fellow dom and has been wanting to come to visit and see some of my subs for some time now. I would like to have you all there if possible."

"Sir," Jay spoke up.

"Yes Jay," John replied.

"Unfortunately, I was asked to work that day as we have a major contract we are trying to close at the office," he replied and bowed his head. "I am sorry for the inconvenience."

John reached his hand out and brought it gently under Jay's head and pushed it up facing him.

"Do not feel ashamed, Jay," he said. "This is short notice and I understand. What about you two?"

"I am off of work and can be here for as long as you need me," Bo said.

"I can be here as well," I replied.

"Good," John said. "I will need you both here at 10 am, then. I will have you set up to serve us lunch on the back patio and then you will be available for any requests that are made of you that afternoon."

"Yes, Sir," we both replied.

"Please have the pool house door open and the bed stripped of the top sheets," John continued. "It may be used in addition to the dungeon area. Set out the lube and toys, as usual, Bo."

"I understand, Sir," Bo replied.

"Jay," John said, turning to him. "I will expect you to clean up on your own when you get off of work. That will include washing the pool house sheets and cleaning up the main floor and the second floor. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," he replied.

"Very well," John said, folding his hands over his chest. "Recite the creed for me boys."

We chanted in unison, "I am a sub in training under the supervision of Sir John. My goal is to serve men in the best way I can and derive pleasure from that service. My chastity cage and collar are a symbol of that service and I desire one day to be in permanent chastity and receive my formal graduation collar as proof of my commitment."

"Excellent," he replied. "I'm heading back upstairs to work on a few things."

"Thank you, Sir!" we all said.

After he had left, we headed back to get our supplies from the isolation room closet and get to work cleaning the house.

The rest of the week was pretty mundane. I cleaned my apartment on Saturday and got the laundry done and I decided to stay in and play video games that evening instead of going out. Sunday, I got up and cleaned myself up and out and trimmed my beard, hair, and groin in preparation to visit John for my one-on-one.

When I arrived at his house and knelt in my spot, as usual, I noticed that the lights were on and some equipment had been set out near the fuck table. John came down the steps after a few minutes and was in some gym shorts and a tank top.

"Rise boy," he said to me and I stood to face him.

"Today we are going to explore electro-play," he said. "Have you ever had this done to you before?"

"No Sir," I replied.

I had seen videos of people tied down and probes and pads applied to their body and electricity applied through them, but I had never been with anyone that had ever tried to do that with me before.

"We will start slow, then," he replied. "Come over and get on the table."

I walked across the room and laid down on my back. He secured a blindfold over my eyes and then bound my arms and wrists to the table. He then told me to pull my feet back and push against the table to lift my ass. As I did, I felt a metal butt plug go in with some wires coming out of it, and then he told me to put my legs down and then he secured them.

"There are many forms of electro-play, boy," John said. "The plug that I put in you is bipolar and will deliver a mild charge to your sphincter. Prepare yourself."

After a second, I felt the plug send a charge through my nerve endings and my ass muscles contracted, and the plug was forced in a bit. I gasped at the new feeling that was powerful and also stimulating. When the charge ended, my muscles relaxed, and the plug moved out some. The pulses came in waves. I felt a contraction and movement of the plug, as well as a firing of my nerve endings in my anal area, and the plug also hit my prostate gland as well. After only a few pulses, my nub was starting to dribble precum out of it.

"I think we are getting the desired effect," John said with a grin.

He took a hand towel and wiped my nub off and let me sit there a minute while the plug pulsed at various rates. I was groaning and moaning after only a few minutes of the stimulation.

John turned off the current and my body went back to rest on the table. I then heard a buzzing sound and a crackle.

I felt the tip of a wand pass over my belly and felt the tingle of electricity. It moved across and over to my shoulders and then back near my nipples and then I felt a sharp charge and a crackle as he passed over my right nipple.

"Fuck!" I yelled and I strained against the restraints.

John grinned. "This is what we call a violet wand. I can control the charge it sends as it moves over your body."

I felt him move the wand over to my arm and it gave me a shock causing me to jump again. He then passed it over my side and hit me with a few more shocks and then I felt the plug start up again. It pulsed in my ass and then I felt more shocks to my side and arms. I was straining against the restraints and it was getting intense.

John pulled the wand off and I was catching my breath when I felt it hit my caged balls with a short jolt.

"FUCK!" I screamed as I forced myself up on the table as much as I could as the plug continued to pulse inside my ass.

The buzzing sound stopped, and the plug turned off and I felt his hands run over my body and rub in slow circles over my chest.

"Breathe deeply for me, boy," I heard his voice say with a soft tone. "Stay with me."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

He moved away for a moment and then came back, and the buzzing sound started again. This time a globe moved just over my body, but not touching it. The hairs on my skin reacted to the very light charge as it moved near my skin and as it came down on my upper arm a jolt went through me and I jumped.

It moved downward again and away from my body and then I felt it make contact with my balls again and I cried out.

"Breathe boy," John said. "You will be ok."

The session continued as he moved the wand around and delivered shocks on various parts of my body. The plug would go through a pulsing routine and then stop as well. I noticed a warming sensation in my ass at the same time from the repeated pulses.

As I started to build confidence and control my movements more, he started to deliver stronger jolts to my nipples, arms, and lower legs. The effect led to my entire body becoming almost hyper-charged and even the touch of his hands would give me a shiver.

The next instrument he used almost felt like a collection of small metal rods all joined near the base and spread out at the top. As they moved over my skin, the electric sensation built and when they made contact, I felt the jolt.

After fifteen minutes, I was reaching my limit. I heard the buzzing stop and felt his hands rub over my body. The sensation was pleasurable and almost electric on its own. He rubbed my balls which were a little sore at this point and then he took my blindfold off.

"How are you feeling, boy?" John asked.

"I'm ok Sir," I said. "That was pretty intense."

"You handled yourself well," he said. "Though the plug has led to a bit of a mess around your nub."

He undid my arm restraints and let me sit up and I noticed not only a pool of precum on my belly but also a large amount of prostate juice.

"Looks like you got your milking today," he said with a grin.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I reached down and collected the fluids with my hands and started to swallow them.

He handed me a hand towel to wipe down with and then helped me off the table.

"On your knees, boy," he said. "Time to drain a load out of my balls."

"Yes, Sir," I replied, and I got down and worked his cock till I had a mouthful of his cum.

He rubbed his hands through my hair and had me stand and hugged me after.

"After-care is very important when it comes to intense play like electro and impact play," he said. "I want you to be honest with me if you ever feel as though things have gone too far."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "I will."

"Very well," he said. "Clean the room and you may go for the evening. I will see you and Bo tomorrow at 10 am sharp."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

John turned and left the room and I wiped down the table and put the dirty towels in the hamper. I looked at the wand that he was using and the attachments as well since I was unable to see them before. It was a strange sensation, but one I would not be opposed to experiencing again.

On the way home, I grabbed some late dinner and ate it while I was watching TV. I was wound up from the play session earlier and decided to play some video games after. It was after 2 am when I finally put things away and started to get ready for bed. I knew I would be tired tomorrow, but I tried to get as much sleep as I could.

Monday morning, I arrived at John's house about five minutes before 10 am and saw that Bo was pulling up behind me.

"Hey bro!" Bo said, waving to me as he closed his car door. "Are you ready for today?"

"Yeah, I think so," I said. "I was up a little late last night, so I am a little behind on sleep, but I drank some coffee before heading over."

"I hear ya," Bo replied. "I had a cup myself this morning."

We walked around to the side door and got undressed in the entrance hall and put our clothes in our respective bins. After adjusting our cages and collars a bit, we entered the dungeon area. It was still dark in there, so I went and turned the lights on, and Bo opened the back door to let some fresh air in.

"I am going to go out back and get the pool house ready," Bo said. "Why don't you start getting the dungeon set up and then I will join you and we can turn to the pool next."

"Will do!" I replied.

Bo walked outside and I went back into the isolation room and grabbed some clean hand towels to set out near the sling and fuck bench. I also put out the lube and toys as well. I was just wiping down the fuck bench when Bo came in.

"Ok, the bed is ready to be used if needed and the bathroom looks nice and clean out there," he said. "How are we doing in here?"

"I'm just about done," I replied. "Shall we go and pull the solar blanket off the pool?"

"You got it!" Bo replied.

We pulled the plastic cover off and rolled it up and then tested the water to make sure the pH was right, and the temperature was comfortable. I grabbed the skimmer to catch a few stray leaves that had got in and Bo wiped down the chairs and table on the patio.

"I think we are ready!" Bo said.

We walked back inside the dungeon and John was walking around in his boxers with a coffee cup and inspecting everything. We stood at attention next to each other with our hands behind our backs.

"Looking good boys!" John said.

"Thank you, Sir," we both replied.

"Todd will be here in an hour at about 11:30 am," he said. "Please run the vacuum once in the living room and straighten the kitchen."

"Understood, Sir," we replied.

"After you are done with that, the refrigerator upstairs is stocked with alcohol and beer and there are containers that are labeled in there that contain the cheese and crackers, meats, and other foodstuffs," John continued. "I want you to bring the food down and set out here on the counter on the side wall. Grab a cooler from the garage and ice from the deep freezer out there and put the beer and alcohol in this and bring this down as well."

"Yes, Sir," we replied.

"After everything is ready, please kneel in your spots and wait quietly."

"You got it, Sir!" Bo replied.

"I want to emphasize that I want you two on your best behavior," John said. "Todd has been interested in my training program for a while and may look into collaring one of you or one of my future subs at some point. I want him to see how disciplined, respectful, and trained you are."

"Yes, Sir," we replied.

"Ok boys," John said as he snapped his fingers. "Jump to it."

Once we got the upstairs straighten up and the food and coolers set out it was about 11:15 am. So, we washed our hands and then went and knelt in our colored spots on the floor near the wall and waited.

We were there about 20 minutes before we heard footsteps on the staircase. When the door to the dungeon opened, John walked out first, and his friend Todd was behind him. They were both naked. I was struck by how attractive Todd was.

He was about 5'11" (1.8 m) tall and a chubby build. He had a nice tummy and thick arms and legs that showed a little muscle as well. He was quite furry, and his chest had turned white which blended to a salt and pepper below his nipples and then to a deep brown from there on down. He was bald and had a medium-length beard that was shades of brown and gray with some white near his chin. He had deep blue eyes as well. Tattoos of flowers and small animals were on his shoulders and upper thighs and he had a nice set of low hanging balls and his soft cock was swinging as he walked.

"Rise, boys," John said. "This is my friend Todd. Todd, the boy in the yellow collar here is Matt. He has been training with me for almost three months now. The boy in the green collar is Bo. He has been in the training program for about six months."

"Hello, Master Todd!" I replied followed by Bo.

Todd came over and rubbed Bo's belly and then felt my ass after.

"Very nice John," he replied. "I'm looking forward to seeing how well they do!"

"Come over here and grab you a plate, Todd," John said as he directed him over to the wall where the food was set.

Once the two men had their plates full, they grabbed a few beers and went out on the porch beside the pool to eat. Bo and I followed them and stood at attention with our arms behind our backs near the back wall of the house until we were called to get another drink, refill a plate, or throw trash away.

Once they were done eating, John had Bo get down in front of Todd and massage his feet and legs while they drank and relaxed. I cleaned the table at that point and once I was done, returned to my stance near the wall.

"Do you mind if I take Bo here into the dungeon for a while?" Todd asked.

"Feel free," John replied. "I will take a dip in the pool while you are entertaining yourself."

Todd got Bo up from the floor and he followed the man into the dungeon area and Todd closed the sliding door behind them. John, meanwhile, went to sit on the edge of the pool and put his feet in.

"Ahh," John said. "This is the perfect temperature."

John looked over at me and snapped his fingers.

"Boy!" he announced. "Come get in the pool and put your face on my cock."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

I waded into the pool. It was a little cool at first and my nub shrunk a bit, but it was not too bad. I came over and put my head between his legs and reached up to grab his cock.

"Put your hands down boy," John said. "I need to piss."

He placed his cock in my mouth and I closed my lips around him, and I felt his stream hit the back of my mouth almost immediately. I concentrated on my breathing and swallowing and drank down his beer piss without spilling any of it. As he finished, I added some suction and licked the last few drops from his head.

"Good boy," he said looking down at me. "You may now touch my cock and start to suck it."

I smiled and reached up and grabbed the base of his cock and started to suck it into my mouth. It began to harden, and I used my hands to move up and down on it till it was engorged fully. John leaned back on his hands and let his head fall back a bit and he closed his eyes while I worked on his shaft.

I reached up and felt his balls and let them roll around in one hand as I used the other to work the root and my mouth to work the head. He was starting to precum and I sucked out the tasty juices from his cock as he groaned a bit.

He sat back up and grabbed my head with his hands and started to face fuck me for a bit. Some of my spit and his precum dribbled out my mouth a bit and down my beard. I gagged a few times when he went in deep and hit the back of my throat, but I was getting a lot better at controlling my gag reflex. One skill I was very grateful he was teaching me.

He started to force me down on him faster and I knew he was getting close. He threw his head back just as his cock erupted and shoved me deep on him, so it went right down my throat. Pulse after pulse filled my belly to join his piss and when he was done, he let me nurse his softening member to get the last bits out.

"Thank you boy," he said. "You can get out and return to where you were."

As I went to get out of the pool and towel off, John slid into the water and started to wade around. I returned to attention with my hands behind my back near the wall of the house after I was dry and was there for about ten minutes till the door to the dungeon area slid open.

Todd walked out and his chest was sweaty, and his fur was matted a bit. He walked over to the showerhead that was positioned on the wall near the pool and turned on the water and rinsed off a bit before stepping in the pool to join John. Bo came out a few minutes later and was equally as sweaty. I figured he must have gotten a workout by Todd.

As he came over to stand next to me, John called out. "Matt! Please get Todd and me another beer."

"Yes, Sir," I replied, and I entered into the dungeon.

As I was walking through the room, the smell of sex and musk was still lingering in the air. A flogger was lying on the floor next to the fuck bench and a bottle of lube next to it. My nub started to swell a bit thinking about what must have been going on in here earlier before I turned my attention to the cooler and the beers and then headed back outside.

For the next hour and a half, John and Todd swam, waded around, talked, and drank. We were brought over to get them snacks or another beer and Bo took Todd's piss at one point as well. If we were not being used, though, we stood at attention near the wall. My legs were getting a bit stiff and sore, but I concentrated on trying not to lock them.

At one point, Todd went over to John and they leaned in to have a private conversation. When they finished, he put his beer down on the side of the pool and looked back at Bo and me.

"Matt!" Todd announced.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

"Grab my towel for me," he said as he moved to the stairs out of the pool and walked up to the patio.

I handed him his towel and as he dried off, he said, "go wait for me in the pool house."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied and I walked over to the building behind the pool and entered through the door and knelt on the floor next to the bed.

Todd came in a few minutes after me and closed the door behind him. He had his beer in one hand and his towel over his other. He turned to the chair next to the door and placed his towel over the cushion and sat down in it facing me. He leaned back and spread his legs. His hardening cock was lifting and starting to point towards the ceiling.

"Come over here between my legs, boy," he said. "Suck my cock."

I crawled over and put my hands on either side of his spread legs and took his dick fully into my mouth. He looked down at me and grinned and took another drink from his beer while he enjoyed the sensation.

Down I went on him and up. I moved side to side and savored the pre-cum that I started to milk from his raw cock. I took him in fully till my nose was in his belly and his cock hit the back of my throat causing me to cough a bit. I rubbed his large balls and my nub started to strain in its cage.

"Good boy," he said as he continued to drink his beer and watch me.

I used my right hand to grab the base of his cock and hold it steady as I licked and sucked on his head. I moved in circles with my tongue and bobbed to the right and the left, feeling his cock move around my mouth.

His belly lifted and fell as he breathed in and out and groaned a bit, his head moving back slightly and his mouth parting as he bit his bottom lip.

"On the bed boy, face down one leg extended, and one leg bent," he said.

I got up and went over to the bed and as I got into position, he put the beer down on the side table and then climbed up on the bed behind me, straddling my extended left leg. His cock was fully hard and engorged. He had it grasped with his right hand at the root and he slapped it on my furry ass.

He rubbed the end a bit and then stuck it in my hole and guided it in with his hand. The shaft moved forward, and my ass accepted his man dick.

"Uhhh," I grunted as the full length entered me.

I twisted slightly putting my weight on my left arm and my right arm raised and bent with my palm grasping at the bedsheet. I forced my head into the bed to muffle more groans as he got completely inside me down to his balls.

"Aww, yeah," he sighed with a growl in his voice.

My right arm slid down and my upper torso went flat on the bed with my arms on either side of my face.

As he started to pull out, he grabbed my ass with his right hand and spread my cheeks to see his thick shaft as it slid out and then back in. He then pulled completely out and spread my ass wide to expose my hole to enter again.

Deeply he penetrated me, and he brought his thumb near my hole to feel as his dick entered and left me. He played with the entrance to my ass and the sensation had my nub completely strained in its cage and leaking precum into the sheets below me.

Back and forth he went. He was taking his time and enjoying every moment. He groaned and then groped my ass cheeks as he moved it back and forth. He pulled out again and stuck his thumb in my ass and explored the entrance before guiding his dick back in again.

"Daaaghh," I grunted loudly as his dick reached the deepest parts of my ass.

I twisted again, putting my weight on my left side, and turned to look back at him.

"Ohh, fuck," I continued to exclaim as he started to pick up the pace and fuck me deeply from nearly out to completely in.

"You like that dick, don't you boy?" he asked, looking into my eyes.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I twisted back, and my face fell forward and embedded in the sheets again.

My body was being forced forward as he thrusted, and I felt my belly move back and forth. I grabbed the bedsheet to steady myself and allow him to get as deep as he wanted.

He slowed down again and spread my ass with his right hand. He spat on my hole and watched as it became lube for his shaft as he entered. His hand moved up to the small of my back and he applied a firm pressure to slightly arch my ass upward as he moved forward. The effect allowed him to completely fill my ass with his cock to the fullest extent possible.

My eyes were rolling back in my head from the sensation. His cock felt wonderful. I grabbed a pillow in front of me and put my face into it and continued to grunt and groan as he continued his fuck.

He stopped for a moment to adjust. He moved forward and pushed my bent leg up on the bed some. I turned my head to the right, and he used his left hand to push my head into the pillow and he steadied himself on my bent leg with his right hand. He had the position now to start to lift his ass-backward and slam forward, letting his cock enter my ass in one motion.

"FUCK!" I yelled as his thumb moved and entered the side of my mouth.

"That's a boy, take that dick!" he growled as he started to jackhammer my ass.

"Aww, fuck!" was my only reply as I fired to steady myself on the bed, my body moving forward and backward into the sheets.

He adjusted again and brought both arms to my shoulder blades and pushed hard. His ass flew back and forth, and the momentum brought his cock deeply into me time and time again. His large balls were slapping my ass and bouncing with each thrust.

He slowed and brought his cock deeply into me and held it there and he moved his arms back and used his hands to completely spread my ass and watch as his shaft slowly pulled out. He grabbed it at the root and slapped it a few times on my ass and I heard the smack and plop as it bounced on my hole.

"Lay back," he said.

I moved and turned around and he got me on my back with my legs propped on his shoulders. Precum was running out of my nub and had soaked the bed and my groin area. He reached down and grabbed some and leaned forward to feed it to me.

He pointed his cock at my hole and started to enter again. My feet jerked a bit due to the sensation and I threw my head back as I arched them, and the joints in my toes popped. I then looked back up at him as his cock fully entered me and I reached up and felt the thick gray fur on his chest and went for his nipples.

He put both hands on the underside of my knees and forced my legs and back down into the bed, keeping my feet on his shoulders. He arched his back some and then started to fuck hard and fast again as I continued to play with his nipples.

He looked down at me with a serious face. His mouth was parted, and his tongue was at the entrance. He licked his lips and then cracked a wicked smile.

"Your ass was made for fucking and breeding, boy," he said to me.

"It's all for your pleasure, Sir," I replied.

He continued to grin and then I saw his eyes close and his head move backward as he started to fuck harder. The sound in the room was of the smack of his groin as it made contact with my ass and his cock entered fully. It echoed off the walls as did his growing growls and groans.

He moved his hands to my waist and grasped it firmly. He pulled me into him as he thrust forward. He started to pound hard with a medium speed and I knew he was getting close.

He sped up; the smacks were coming three to four a second. His belly was bouncing as his cock was furiously pounding my hole. I felt him tense up as his face distorted and he started to yell.

"FUCK!" he exclaimed as his cock erupted deep inside me. He pushed forward in one last thrust and held it there as it pulsed and delivered its load. His body bent and he grabbed under my knees again and forced my legs flat against the bed and he bent forward as much as my body would allow him to. My feet were pinned as he bit his lip and then groaned again.

"UUGHH!" he replied as the orgasm swept over his body and the cum continued to pulse out.

His head fell and he sat there with his eyes closed as I watched him breathe deeply and his whole body move as his racing heart started to slow again.

"Damn that was good," he replied as he opened his eyes and moved his weight off me.

He grabbed my feet and pushed them forward as he started to move his cock back out. He noticed some cum dribbling out as the head popped out and he brought one hand down and used his thumb to push it back in again.

"That's a real man's seed boy," he said. "It is staying right there inside you."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied looking back up at him with a smile.

Todd got off the bed and grabbed his towel and beer and opened the door. I got up and sat on the edge of the bed and looked out to see Bo in between John's legs acting as a urinal again. I stood up and felt some cum dripping down my leg, so I grabbed a washcloth out of the bathroom and cleaned myself up a bit before heading back out to the pool.

Around 4 pm, the two men got out of the pool for a while and sat in some lounge chairs, and Bo and I massaged their feet and legs. John told us to go grab the cheese and crackers after and they snaked and chatted some more as well. It was a lazy afternoon from that point and we mostly just took the trash away as needed and refilled drinks as they swam some more.

Todd said he needed to head home around 5:30 pm and he got out and dried off followed by John.

"Boys," John said, "go ahead and start cleaning up the dungeon area. Come to the living room when you are done."

"Yes, Sir," we replied, and we headed in to collect the used towels and put away things. We wiped down the equipment with sanitizer and threw away the remains of the food that was left and cleaned the cooler out and replaced what drinks were still left in the refrigerator.

When we were done, we came into the living room and stood at attention with our hands behind our backs. Todd was dressed and John was sitting with a towel wrapped around him.

"Thank you for a lovely time, boys," Todd said. "I look forward to visiting again."

"You are always welcome," John said.

Todd turned and walked by us and as he did he reached around and squeezed Bo's ass and winked at him. He then went out the front door and John closed it behind him.

"Excellent job, boys," he said. "You can go."

"Thank you, Sir!"

As we walked down the staircase, Bo let out a sigh.

"Whew," he said. "My legs are killing me."

"I know the feeling," I said as we entered the dungeon area and closed the door to the staircase behind us. "Looks like Todd took a liking to you."

Bo grinned. "Yeah, we had a good time. He flogged me a bit on the fuck bench and then dumped a load in me. But he took the time to rub my back and ass and after he was done fucking me he brought me over and let me hug him and feel his fur and put my face in his pits. He seemed like a nice guy."

"Yeah," I replied with a grin. "I had a pretty hot time with him on the bed as well. He knows how to hit all the good spots if you know what I mean."

"Well, maybe we will see him again soon," Bo said as we entered the hallway to get our clothes and dress.

"I think he will be a return visitor for sure," I replied.

Next: Chapter 19

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