Southern Chastity

By Locked Cub

Published on Mar 19, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

This is a text that is based on real events that I have experienced, or my friends have experienced, drawing on journals, conversations, and social media posts over the years. I have embellished the story here and there to craft the narrative. My goal is to post every four days till the story is complete.

You can follow @lockedstories on twitter for announces of new chapters and new stories. I would appreciate any feedback at from readers on what they like, don't like and things they might like to see chronicled.

Southern Chastity

Chapter 11: Cleaning Day

As I got out of bed Wednesday morning, I realized I had not been woken up by my nub all night. That was a welcome change, I thought to myself. I picked my phone up and noticed a text from Sir.

"Boy, be at the house at 7 pm," he said. "Eat first and then come in and take your place in the yellow square and wait."

I knew from my conversations with my sub brothers on Sunday night that Wednesday was a cleaning day. I wondered if I would be seeing them, but at the moment the main thing on my mind was getting cleaned up for work.

After I took my shower and placed my clothes for the day beside the door, I reheated some sausage biscuits from the freezer in the microwave and grabbed some cereal and milk as well as some orange juice. I was sitting forward near the edge of the chair at the kitchen table and my caged nub was hanging off the edge. I groped myself a few times and I immediately swelled in my cage. My balls had a deep slight ache as well.

This was the longest I had gone without blowing my load and I still had several days to go. I had felt this aching sensation before. I called it `blue balls'. I had experienced it before if I had not cum in a day or two. My balls would just feel heavy and a bit sore and if I just busted a nut, it cured it. Since that was not happening till Sunday, four days away, I was going to just have to deal with it, if I could.

After I was done with breakfast, I brushed my teeth and checked myself in the mirror and then I went to the door and dressed and headed out for work.

The day was long and included a lot of paperwork. My eyes were getting a little sore by the afternoon and I got up to go to the break room to grab some coffee. As I was sitting there drinking, my phone dinged with a text message from Bo.

"How is your week going brother?" he said.

"It is going well," I replied. "I had an interview with Sir Greg and his boy Dan that graduated before Jay."

"Oh, I have met Dan before," Bo said. "He's a really nice guy. I hope you learned a lot."

"I did, actually," I said. "It is nice to get the perspective from not only subs but doms as well. It seems like there are a lot of different personalities and expectations that you have to prepare for."

"That is for sure," Bo said.

"Sir told me to come over tonight," I said. "Will I see you there?"

"Yup!" Bo replied. "It is a normal cleaning day for us. He's probably going to have you follow us to see how things are done."

"I figured as much," I said.

"Cool! Well, I will see you later then," Bo replied with a smiling emoji after.

I put my phone down and finished my coffee. I liked Bo and Jay, I thought to myself. I had only known them a short time, but I just felt comfortable around them. It was making this whole experience something I was able to handle. I needed to see about hanging out with them more.

My coworker broke my train of thought as she stuck her head in to ask me something. So, I threw away the disposable cup and returned to my office to complete a few tasks before the end of the day.

After work, I picked up a salad on the way home with some sliced chicken on top. I figured it would be something that would be quick to eat and give me a little roughage and protein. I needed to start to eat a little better. The junk food had gotten a bit out of control lately.

When I got home, I stripped down by the door and then went into the kitchen to eat. I was reading a bit of the news on my laptop to kill the time as well. I had got back to my apartment about 5:45 pm and I needed to leave by 6:40 pm to make sure I got to Sir's place with time to spare. As I was finishing my dinner, I heard a knock at the door which startled me a bit as I didn't expect anyone to be at the door.

I looked through the peephole and saw it was Kenny. I panicked a bit. Should I throw on some pants to greet him? According to the rules I was not allowed to wear clothes inside my house unless there was family around, someone underage or someone that I didn't know, and it would not be appropriate. But I knew Kenny. We had played several times and I had just sucked him off in the laundry the other day. I could also act like I was not there, but that felt wrong as well.

I decided to crack the door a bit and lean around with my head.

"Hey, Kenny. What is up?" I asked.

"Hey Matt," he said. "Listen, I know this is probably not the best time, but I saw you come home a bit ago when I was getting back myself and, well, frankly, I just needed to talk to you about something. Do you have a moment?"

Now I was freaking out a bit in my head. Was I really ready to let him see me naked and in my chastity cage?

"If you are busy," he said, "I understand."

In the back of my mind my subconscious was asking me, "What would Sir want you to do?". And, I knew the answer. He would want me to not be ashamed of my appearance or who I am.

"No, it is completely fine," I said, opening the door just a bit more. "But I don't wear clothes at home, is that going to bother you?"

"Not at all," Kenny said. "You got to be comfortable in your own home for sure!"

"Cool," I replied, and I opened the door to let him in.

As Kenny walked by me, he saw my chastity cage and then as his eyes went back up to my head, he saw the collar on as well labeling me as a `chastity sub'.

"Well, this is new isn't it?" He said, gesturing with his fingers.

"Yeah," I said as I closed the door. "I was collared by a local dom the other day and I will be training under him for a year. He has a lot of protocols like being naked at home and keeping the place clean, but he also requires his subs to be in chastity as well."

"Hey, that is cool," Kenny said, which surprised me a bit. "You know I am a top and I've had boys in chastity play with me before. It's a fun kink. I like your collar too."

"Thanks!" I said walking back to the kitchen to clean up a bit after dinner. "So, what did you need to talk about?"

Kenny walked over to the counter and leaned on it. "My cousin was supposed to be moving out at the end of the week to get into his new place, but they called him yesterday and told him they had a water pipe burst and it flooded the place. They won't have one ready for a while."

"Fuck!" I said. "What the hell is he going to do?"

"I don't know, and while I love him, I can't have him staying with me anymore, I need my life back," Kenny said. "I know you said once you knew someone that worked at an apartment matching company. Do you still have that connection?"

"Oh, yeah!" I said. "Kit works at one down the street. I can call her really quick and see if she can help."

"That would be awesome," Kenny said.

I told him to come into the kitchen and sit at the table and I grabbed my phone and called Kit. She answered and had a few options that would be available by Friday and I put her on speaker phone and Kenny answered some questions on budget and such and we got a plan in place to send some options to his cousin.

After we hung up, Kenny looked relieved. "Dude, you saved my life. Thanks so much."

"Anytime bubba," I said. "And, if you don't mind me asking, when was the last time you busted a nut?"

Kenny grinned. "Last Saturday when you sucked me off!"

"Fuck dude," I said. "That was four days ago. Those balls need better care than that. Come over here to the living room, you are getting serviced right now."

Kenny's grin widened and he followed me into the living room, and I helped him take his pants down and he sat on the couch. He was already hard as a rock in anticipation and I figured this would work to my advantage since I could not take too long as I needed to get over to Sir's place.

I pulled on his shaft a bit watching his foreskin retract and reveal the red and glistening head of his cock below. I licked it and sucked on it and Kenny immediately threw his head back and stretched out his legs.

"You don't know how much I need this right now," he said.

"Oh, I have an idea," I said, thinking about my own caged blue balls.

I worked his shaft and moved up and down on it, reaching up to run and caress his belly and fur. I moved my hands under his hips and grabbed on to his ass a bit for better leverage and started to pick up the pace and deep throat him as much as I could.

Kenny was moaning at this point and put his hand on my neck, guiding me as I pleasured him.

"Fuck, boy," he said with his eyes closed. "Daddy needs to cum in that sweet mouth of yours."

I backed off his cock just long enough to say, "give it to me daddy," before continuing to bob up and down on his engorged cock.

Kenny reached down with both hands and grabbed my head and face fucked me as the orgasm overtook him. I forced my head down on him just as his balls erupted and sent his cum deep down my throat and into my mouth. Pulse after pulse came and I did my best to swallow it all before a small amount ran out the side of my mouth and into my beard. The man was definitely pent up.

Kenny collapsed and as I backed off and licked the remains of his load off his softening cock, I saw his belly rise and fall as he tried to catch his breath. His eyes were still closed, and he reached up to wipe his mouth from where a little spit came out when he yelled at his climax.

When he was fully conscious again, he looked down at me and rubbed my head and hair. "Thanks so much for that. I fucking needed that so bad."

I grinned and laughed a bit. "Well, anytime you need to release some steam you know where I live. Now that I am in training to be a sub, I guess it's a good idea to provide service where I can."

Kenny chuckled at that and gave me a wink. "I am going to remember that."

He put his pants back on and gave me a hug and then headed out the door. I went back into the bathroom and rinsed my beard off a bit to get any remaining cum out and then combed my hair. It was time for me to leave, so I went back to the front door and dressed and headed out to Sir's house.

When I pulled in the driveway to Sir's I saw the same two cars there that I noticed last weekend, so I figured Jay and Bo were already here. I got out of the car and walked around and down the hill to the side door and entered. I stripped down and put my things in my yellow bin and then closed and latched the door and then I entered the dungeon area. Jay and Bo were already there and kneeling in their spots. Without speaking, I closed the door behind me and knelt in the yellow square painted on the floor with my hands behind my back and my head bowed and waited.

After a few minutes, I heard footsteps on the staircase and the door opened and Sir's bare feet came into view in front of me.

"You may look up boys," John said.

I looked up to see John in his boxers and t-shirt and a glass of bourbon in his hand.

"I was pleased with your interview report, Matt," John said as he looked down at me. "Did you find the experience worthwhile?"

"I did, Sir," I replied. "You trained Dan very well and I learned a lot from his interview. Greg was equally as helpful, and I was able to orally please him after as well."

"Yes, I know," John said. "Greg was highly complementary of not only your attitude but your service. You made me proud."

I grinned at that statement.

"Starting next week," John said, "you will be expected to be here on Monday and Wednesday evenings no later than 7 pm. Bo and Jay know this routine very well as these are designated cleaning days here at the house. I want you to shadow them today and learn what needs to be done."

"Jay," John said, turning to look at him. "As the senior boy in the house, you will oversee Matt and make sure that he is brought up to speed on everything. If he fails to remember or do anything correctly next week, then you will share in his punishment for failure. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Jay said. "I understand."

"Rise boys and recite the creed," John said.

We all got on our feet and placed our hands behind our backs and raised our heads and faced forward. In the back of my head, I was glad that we had practiced this routine and stance several times at my house while the guys helped me memorize what I needed to say.

We spoke as one, "I am a sub in training under the supervision of Sir John. My goal is to serve men in the best way I can and derive pleasure from that service. My chastity cage and collar are a symbol of that service and I desire one day to be in permanent chastity and receive my formal graduation collar as proof of my commitment."

"Very good," John said. "I am very pleased you have learned this already, Matt."

John took a sip of his drink and looked at us each for a moment.

"Well, I have work to do upstairs in my office," he said. "Jay, you are in charge now. When you boys are done, you have my permission to leave."

John then turned and headed back up the stairs and when he closed the door, we all relaxed.

Bo turned to me first. "You nailed the creed. Well done!"

"Thanks," I said. "But you all are the reason. I appreciate all the help the other day and I have been going over it every day since."

"Ok Matt," Jay said to me. "On cleaning days, we all arrive by 7 pm and kneel in our spot as you did today. If anyone is late, we are all punished. At 7pm, if Sir is home, he will come down and greet us and have us recite the creed. If he is working late or is not home for any reason, then after ten minutes of waiting, we are to rise and recite the creed on our own."

"OK," I said. "So far so good."

"The next step is to come over here," Jay said as he and Bo led me across the dungeon area to the far side.

On the left wall near the end the mirrored surface was cut differently and there was nothing in front of it. Jay pushed on a spot on the mirror and it opened inward to reveal another room. We walked in and Jay turned on the lights.

It was a standard-sized room for what you would normally use for a bedroom, though there were no windows. To my left were two doors. One led to another bathroom and the other was a closet. In the room were cages that were large enough for someone to be locked inside on their hands and knees, but you would not be able to stand up. Along the wall to the left were shelves that had towels, bottles of lube and other boxes that were sealed as well.

To the right as you entered was a white board. On it, Sir had written our names and below this, chores were listed.

"This room is used for isolation and for punishment," Jay said. "So, if you are ever told to report to the isolation room, this is where you will come. You will close the door behind you and kneel on the floor in the center of the room and wait. The closet over there has all the cleaning supplies, vacuums, and rags to dust with. We will grab what we need in a moment. The bathroom beside it is only to be used when you are servicing Sir. Sir will explain more when you have your one-on-one days."

"I understand," I said with a little concern in my voice.

"Here on the white board Sir will list the things we have to do," Jay said. Most of this never changes, but it is a good idea to check the board every cleaning day to make sure nothing has been added or changed. The first thing written is what you do on Mondays and the second is what you do on Wednesdays."

"Ok. I got it," I said as I read the list on the board.

Jay ------- master suite / master bath

Bo ------- main floor bathroom / study

Matt ------- kitchen / living room

"So, if I understand," I said, "I will be cleaning the living room today."

"Correct," Jay said. "Today you will be straightening that area up, dusting, vacuuming and making it look spotless. If you notice, the rooms we are responsible for are based on seniority. The most senior sub is the only one allowed to be in the upper floor of the house and to clean. That would be me. Never go up there, Matt, unless Sir specifically tells you to."

I nodded my head and said, "I understand."

"You and Bo will also have the additional duty of cleaning the basement dungeon," Jay said. "I have the additional duty of cleaning Sir's private office upstairs. We clean and straighten up these additional rooms on both Mondays and Wednesdays. Put off the dungeon till last and Bo can help you when he finishes his duties."

"As you can see," Bo said, "it is pretty straight forward, and we are usually out of here in an hour or two."

"Ok boys, it is time to get to work," Jay said.

I followed them as they went across the room to the closet. We each grabbed a vacuum and a bucket containing cleaning supplies and rags. I then followed them back into the dungeon area and up to the main floor.

"Bo," Jay said, "help get Matt started. I will come downstairs and check on his progress after a bit."

"You got it Jay," Bo said as Jay continued to the second floor.

"Ok Matt," Bo said. "You got the living room here to the right. I have the study here in front. One thing that you should know is if you get the study, then you are also responsible for just dusting and vacuuming in the small guest room you will find on the other side of the kitchen there past the door to the garage."

So, Bo and I started cleaning on the main floor while Jay was upstairs. It only took about 35 minutes to complete and then I headed down to vacuum and straighten up the dungeon area and Bo came down to help me soon after. By 8 pm, we were all putting things away.

"That wasn't too bad," I said.

"Naa," Jay said as he closed the door to the cleaning closet, "it is worse after parties, but normally it's just light cleaning."

"So, are we free to go?" I asked.

"Yup!" Jay said. "I have some errands to run so I am going to head out now."

As Jay went back into the dungeon area and headed for the entrance hallway, Bo turned to me and asked, "do you have anything else to do tonight?"

"Nope," I said. "Nothing planned."

"Why don't you come over to my place then," Bo said. "We can hang out and talk."

"That sounds good," I said.

We walked out of the isolation room and closed the door behind us. We then crossed the room and went into the entrance hallway and got our clothes out of the bins and got dressed. Bo gave me his address and then we headed out to our cars.

Bo's apartment was a little farther south of mine, but it only took about 25 minutes to get there from Sir's place. I followed behind him and parked in the lot beside his car. His complex had about 10 buildings, all three-story with a breezeway in the middle of each building and an iron staircase in the breezeway that you climbed to get access to the floors. Bo was on the second floor of a building on the back of the property, so he had trees behind him.

After climbing the stairs and entering his apartment, we both stripped down and Bo showed me where to put my clothes on a table next to the door.

"Would you like a coke?" Bo asked.

"Sure!" I said.

Bo walked to the right across a small dining area to the kitchen behind it. The kitchen was a galley type with the stove and fridge on the back wall and the dishwasher and sink on the other. Above the sink was a cutout and counter that looked out into the living area to the left. Down the hall between the living area and the kitchen was a bathroom at the end and you took a left to get to Bo's bedroom. It was small but looked nice. There was a sliding glass door that could be opened onto a small porch as well from the living area.

"Come over here and sit down," Bo said as he handed me the can of soda and directed me to the living area.

He sat on one side of a couch and I sat on the other and we adjusted to face each other.

"Well," Bo said, "talk to me. How are things going?"

"It's going ok," I said. "I am still trying to take it all in. It's been a whirlwind of a couple of weeks."

"I can imagine," Bo said. "You will be surprised how routine it gets over time, though."

Bo reached down and adjusted his chastity cage. He pulled on his balls and moved the ring a bit.

"How is your cage fitting?" he asked after he was done.

"Not bad," I said. "I ordered that strap you suggested, and it is supposed to be delivered tomorrow. But the main issue I have is the precum dribbling. I am having a horrible time avoiding wet spots in my pants at work."

"Yeah," Bo said. "That is a constant battle for some. I am fortunate that I don't leak as much as you do."

"I have tried using a sock down my pants but that tends to make a bit of a bulge," I said.

"Like I mentioned to you the other day, you might end up having to try using something like Depends for Men," Bo said. "It's a pad they make for occasional incontinence. You know, like small dribbles and the like, but it might be good for your issue. It worked for Johnny."

"I'll try anything at this point," I said. "I have been able to suck off a few of my friends the past few days. That was a nice distraction."

"That's a good thing," Bo said. "You get to provide a service to others and a way to burn off some of the pent-up energy you have. I just started my 91-day session in chastity last week, so I expect I'm going to be seeking out a lot of cock in the next few months."

"This seven-day session has been tough on me," I said. "I have a huge case of the blue balls and my release is not till Sunday. I can't imagine three months in chastity yet, let alone six months or permanent chastity."

Bo chuckled, "you learn to deal with it. It isn't pleasant, but you will manage. Plenty of other boys have graduated before you and have as well."

"That's true, I guess," I said. "So, what's your story? Are you from Atlanta?

Bo laughed, "nope! I am from Texas. I was born and raised in Corpus Christi."

"Where is that?" I asked.

"On the coast about 120 miles north of the Mexican border."

"Oh nice!" I said.

"It wasn't too bad," he said. "The summers are freaking hot as hell, but you get the breeze off the bay. I do miss taking the SPID out to Padre Island and having fun on the Gulf Coast, but I like Atlanta a lot more. There is much more of a gay scene here and, frankly, just more to do in general."

"How long have you lived here?" I asked.

"About five years," he said. "I moved out here after college for work. I handle building servers and technology shit. It pays well, so I don't complain. I just hit 30 years old this past January and don't have plans to go anywhere. Well, unless someone collars me after I graduate and pays to move me that is."

Bo chuckled at that last remark.

"Do you think that might happen?" I asked.

"It's always possible," Bo said. "Nick, the sub that graduated and whose spot I replaced, was collared by a master named Adam. Jay told me Adam lived in Seattle and moved Nick out there before Christmas. They still message each other on the phone."

"Oh wow!" I said.

"Yeah," Bo said. "I mean, it is your decision to take the offer of a collar by a master, but it's not always here in town."

"It might be fun to move somewhere new," I said, "as long as it wasn't in the middle of nowhere that is."

"True that," Bo said with a laugh.

Bo pulled out his PlayStation and we played some games for a while and continued to chat. By 10 pm, though, we decided to call it a night. We both had work tomorrow and Bo had his one-on-one day with Sir after. I walked over to the door and put my clothes on, and Bo gave me a hug, and I headed home for the evening.

Next: Chapter 12

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