Southern Breeze

Published on May 19, 2020


Southern Breeze 3

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

As we gathered for breakfast, the captain suggested that while we had met a lot of friendly men, we might try to meet with men we hadn't met yet. "Remember, you can't have too many friends," he proclaimed. I wasn't that interested since I liked several men.

However, I sat with a group of younger men who were into gaming a lot. The leader of the group called himself by his game persona, Uber-Thor. Several of them had the pasty look of guys who don't leave the basement much. Uber-Thor was having an animated conversation with the man who sat on his other side. I talked to the guy on the other side, Arthur.

Art was about six-four and didn't appear to have a muscle in his body. He was not a social butterfly, but we did manage to talk. He had a job for a virus protection firm. He mostly talked shop and stared at my cock. He seemed to like it a lot. He was nude too except he wore an antique Rolex of the sort you see on Antiques Roadshow.

"Is that an antique watch?" I asked

"Yes, it's a RAF watch of 1942. My grandfather was over there in 43, but American fliers didn't get Rolexes," he replied. "When I saw it, I bought it in honor of him."

"My granddad was in the Pacific on a destroyer. I'm not sure he got near land often," I said. "He said it was good because the ship was safe. That is until his ship was hit by a Japanese dive bomber." I told him I had a little piece of the plane back home. Art became animated while we discussed World War II. The "I don't give a shit" geeky attitude vanished. He looked me in the face a few times before he returned to his detailed study of my cock.

When I left the dining room. He came with me. We stopped to watch the birds hunting for fish in the wake of the ship.

"You have a beautiful cock," he said. That comment came out of nowhere.

"I noticed you liked to look at it," I said.

"You noticed?"

I smiled. "Art you aren't the most subtle man I have ever met," I replied. "On this cruise, that is not a problem. I took it as a compliment."

"I would like to get to know it better," he said. "Do you top?"

I nodded. "Do you bottom?" I asked.

"That's the problem. I sort of bottom, but it hasn't been that good," he replied. "You seem like a nice man. The guys who fucked me weren't that nice. I was sort of a joke to them."

"I fuck men who want my cock in them. It's for mutual enjoyment," I said. "Would you enjoy mine?"

"I think so. I want to enjoy it," he said.

"Things don't always turn out the way you want, but we could try," I said. "I need to warn you. I don't get much warning before I shoot. I can't pull out when I'm shooting. Some guys are uncomfortable when I'm breeding them."

Art smiled and said, "I think I would like some cum from a nice guy in my ass."

We went to my cabin. He was a greedy sucker and wanted it all. Luckily, he felt the same way about getting fucked. He wanted every inch of my tool in him. I soon had him on is back with his legs spread wide.

"You know there is no way you can keep my cock out of your ass from this position. I'm going to push it in, but I want you to relax your sphincter when I reach it. I want you to open it wide and let me in," I explained. I positioned my cock at his ass and pushed his rosebud in. My knob stopped at his tightly clenched sphincter.

"Once I'm in you I will thrust until I pop. Once I shoot off I either pull out or churn it up some. Some guys like my man seed coating every inch of their fuck tunnel," I explained. When I mentioned churning and coating, Art relaxed, and I slid in deep. He moaned as I became fully embedded. Maybe a minute later Art tightened his sphincter to hold me in. His cock had softened a little when I first entered, but now he was rock hard and dripping precum. As I admired that display, I shot off. Art immediately reacted to that. I continued to thrust as I unloaded.

I pulled out and saw that he was still hard. A coating of precum shimmered on his cock. A few seconds later I sat in his cock, I skewered myself on it and he was shooting off when he was four inches in me. Once he stopped shooting, I squeezed my sphincter to milk the last drops of cum from his balls. He was crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"It was wonderful. I didn't know I could feel so much," he whispered. I was still three quarters hard, so I slipped back into him. Art moaned. He deserved a soft landing.

"Squeeze it and get the last drops out," I said. I stroked his cock and a few more drops of sperm emerged. I collected it on a finger and licked it off.

"Is it okay?" he asked.

"It sure made a pretty display splattered your chest. It tastes good too," I said.

"Could we do this again sometime?" he asked. I said that would be fine. He left for his cabin.

That afternoon I was in one of the whirlpools and Art and his friend, Tommy, joined us. Tommy was tall, slightly hunched over, and covered in mousy brown hair. He was a librarian. He was an English Major who didn't want to teach, and a library was the best option for making a living.

I told him about my book and my hope to get it published. Tommy was a bottomless pit of information about obscure aspects of early Southern history. I realized he was the prefect research assistant. Like Art, he was shy, but once he got onto a subject he was interested in, he almost sparkled.

A fourth man asked if he could join us. Bobby Thompson was county clerk from somewhere in Georgia. He was sixtyish and looked a bit like Santa. Old records were his life and we all hit it off. We had been in the water for a while, so I asked them back to my room for a drink. Bobby and Tommy were deep in the closet in small Southern towns. They were excited by nudity, but also uneasy. No one from home would ever see then on the Southern Breeze, but a lifetime of worry doesn't vanish overnight.

I had drinks in the room and ordered a sandwich platter. Adam delivered it. He mentioned this was the end of his shift, so I asked him if he would like to join us. I was not surprised when he said yes. He passed around the tray of sandwiches. That gave all the man a good, close-up look at his cock. He wasn't erect, but a quivering blob of precum at the tip of his knob, invited attention.

Adam seemed to be an odd combination of a boy next door and sex crazed maniac. I think he appreciated men who enjoyed him. He was a handsome. Some handsome men expected to be sought after. They thought that was their due. Adam was sexually generous.

For the ordinary men in my cabin, sex with a handsome young man was unexpected and welcome. They were excited and pleased. Adam sat next to Bobby. Adam was from Georgia and knew of Bobby's hometown.

Bobby asked him if he liked working on an all nude, male ship.

"Well, I have to confess I like men and I really like naked men," Adam explained. "That is a problem in most places. When I signed on to join the Southern Breeze crew, my problem became a positive virtue. Being naked and liking sex is fine, but I careful not to make a pest of myself. My mom taught me manners. If a man tells me not to bother him, I am gone."

"And if a man wants to be bothered?" Bobby asked.

"I try to help him out, of course," Adam said. "A lot of our passengers are big time executives. I like to help them relax."

"Do you help ordinary men that way?" Bobby asked.

"The shipping line's motto is every passenger is a king," Adam replied. "You may have noticed we don't have first-class or second-class passengers. The services are the same for every man, regardless of the size of his cabin."

Tommy laughed. "I thought you were going to say you disregard cock size."

Adam wasn't shy and he went to Bobby, dropped to his knees, and began sucking.

"Be careful, I shoot off easily," Bobby said.

Adam looked up and said, "Be still my heart!" He resumed sucking.

Art whispered to me that Tommy hadn't hooked up or shot off yet.

Tommy got hard watching Adam and Bobby. He was next to me on the bed, so I leaned over and licked his cock. As soon as I wrapped my lips around his knob, Tommy flooded my mouth with precum. Art began sucking me at the same time.

As the middleman in a threesome, all was well with me. I had a friend who was anti-threesomes. He thought the third man was a distraction. Tommy was over ripe, and his cock juices focused me on his him. Art liked my cock and I had the feeling my cock's response to sucking his friend's cock turned him on. In a sense, he was sucking Tommy cock due my cock's reaction to sucking Tommy. Bobby and Adam were clearly enjoying themselves.

"It seems to me that we are all into each other," Art said. "Does anyone object if we really get into each other?" he added, "Lube is free," just in case someone didn't understand what he wanted. We rearranged ourselves.

"It's been a while for me," Tommy said. I straddled him and sat on his erect cock. His tool seemed larger in my ass than it did when I was sucking him. Tommy loved it. Art was behind us. He raised Tommy's legs. I leaned forward and then Art worked his cock into Tommy's behind. I could feel Tommy react as Art began to thrust. I felt Tommy's cock react as Art pushed deep.

Bobby has shot off, so Adam joined us. Seconds later Adam pushed his cock into Art's cum filled ass. You hear about the fellowship of man, but you don't fully grasp it until you have a triple orgasm with men you barely know. For the next hour, the five of used and shared cocks, asses, mouths and what seemed to be quarts of cum. It was a cheerful romp and fun for all.

Bobby told me he had quadrupled the number of cocks that had ever entered his ass and taken fresh cum for the first time. He had never been relaxed enough to enjoy a cock before. Tommy was a happy camper. I had been the first man to drink his man milk from his spigot.

Adam had told us he liked sex. He seemed to have understated his interest in sex. He was willing to share his sperm, cock, and ass with anyone who was near enough. As far as I could tell, he pleased everyone, and he enjoyed all the men.

The party wound down and men returned to their cabins. I was alone except for Bobby. He had fallen asleep. I took a nap next to him.

The rest of the day was uneventful and quiet. Our pub quiz was good. All the members of our team knew each other now and we continued to do well. I went to bed after the quiz. I think we all needed a night of rest and I slept very well. I woke early and had breakfast with the Captain and the Senior Engineer, Mr. Jones. The first mate was at the wheel and the Captain and Mr. Jones were out of uniform. It was a modern ship and many of the more tedious duties were automated. Jones told me that any irregularities were alarmed and automatically sent to his phone.

The Captain was distinguished looking and several of the passengers had suggested that the prize for the quiz was a ride on his cock. Mr. Jones was always called Mr. Jones because his first name was Tom. His tolerance for jokes about Tom Jones had vanished years earlier.

Mr. Jones was a ginger bear with the grace an elegance of a brick, a hairy copper colored brick. He was bald and bearded. It was remarked that he might do a comb over with his exceptionally bushy eyebrows. His cock was a two-inch diameter, six-inch long cylinder resting on to navel oranges.

At first, I barely noticed his genitals, but for some reason I started to think more about them. Did his cock get thicker, longer or both when he was excited? I wondered how much cum rested in his balls and how many orgasms it would take to drain them. Mr. Jones seemed like a cheerful man. He had been watching the pub quizzes and knew of me.

After breakfast Jones walked with me around the deck and we eventually stopped in my cabin. "Did you like what you were looking at?" he asked.

"Was I that obvious?" I asked.

"Well, I'm either a beefy old guy who is past his prime, even if I had a prime, or my cock is big enough to interest you," he replied.

"If I told you your cock interested me. Eventually, that interest grew. It grew a lot. Have I insulted you?" I asked.

"If it's just interest, I'm insulted. If you want me to fuck you, you're a prince among men!" he said.

"What if it's too big and I can't take it?" I asked.

"If you want it, you can take it," he replied. "So far, there have been no regrets."

Mr. Jones looked rough and ready, but as a fucker, he was a magician. His cock seemed to shrink when he was forcing it in, and then grow once it was past my sphincter. My entire ass was filled with a giant that wanted to play. He played and I was happy to play with him. He varied his strokes and thrusts and I went to new places.

Looking back, I think his thick cock never gave my prostate a rest. The continual pressure built as he fucked me. Jones wasn't my type, but he was all male without any embellishments other than his cock and cum filled balls. Twenty minutes after his cock popped past my sphincter, he shot off. I had a strange sensation that I could taste it.

It felt as if he ejaculated for five minutes, but I knew that I experienced his orgasm in slow motion.

"Shit, I have had one of those in years," he said as he pulled out. "I feel like I should take a nap." That didn't happen. His beeper went off and he was needed in the engine room. He dressed and left in what seemed like seconds. "You don't let problem in the engine room go unaddressed," he said.

Five minutes later, Tommy knocked on my door. He came in and told me how much he had enjoyed me. "Did you like it? I would love to do it again," he said. "I know I'm a charity case." Of course, he was nude, and his cock displayed his interest.

"You are not a charity case, and I would love to take your cock again," I said. "You could fuck me now, but a guy just screwed me. I don't know if you are into sloppy seconds." Tommy cock twitched, so I knew what he wanted. I pulled my legs up and Tommy slid his tool in deep.

He moaned, "It's beautiful!"

I didn't expect the thrill of Tommy's cock slipping through Jones' cum. It was lovely. There was another knock, it was Bobby. I told him to enter. Tommy then pulled out a little and sat on my cock. Bobby was licking my ass cleaning Jones's cum as it drooled. His tongue tried to get more man seed. Tommy got off my cock and Bobby surprised me by taking his place. I lost it and shot off in Bobby's ass. Bobby surprised me by shooting off hands free as he squirmed on my cock. Tommy intercepted several of Bobby's volleys.

The three of us had a pleasant afternoon of conversation and sex. I tended to think of sex as grand passions and part of the search for the love of my life. This afternoon, the objective was to eventually shoot off, but we were in no rush. This was just three men having fun. It was incredibly intimate. We were using our bodies to explore each other. The cock, mouth and ass are sensitive and responsive. Having a pal explore your body is exciting. It's a thrill to push a friend to an orgasm, knowing that your cock is probing and exploring his most private places.

My ass was still tight enough massage a top's cock as it entered me, it was open to receiving company. For years, my ass had been trying to resist invaders. I now realized the thrill had been in losing the battle. I loved it when a cock slid deep in me. Sometimes it followed the usual path. Other times it found new places to explore. In some ways it was garden variety sex, but it was a beautiful garden.

Next: Chapter 4

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