Southbrook Falls

By moc.liamg@19rkba

Published on Apr 15, 2009


The next morning, the girls woke up really early in Amy's room. They all managed to find some suitable clothes to wear, and Amy and Megan climbed out the window to get home before anyone noticed they were gone. It was pretty normal for Lauren to spend the night without saying anything, so Tiffany's parents didn't interrogate her. Tiffany and Lauren took a shower together, then they were off to school.

The day went pretty normally until the last class of the day: gym. Megan, Tiffany, and Lauren all sat in the girls' locker room before gym started, and Megan got undressed. The gym teacher was a woman, so she had to stay in the girls' locker room. Lauren and Tiffany had their swimsuits on under their clothes, so they could change quickly, but Megan got undressed all the way, and the three slipped into the hallway while no one was looking.

Tiffany got out her cell phone and called the school, then the extention for the PA system.

"Mrs. Jacobson," Tiffany said in a masked voice, "We need you to please move your van to the West parking lot to make room for a delivery truck. Thank you."

Sure enough, Mrs. Jacobson came out of the girls bathroom, and angrily stomped off to the parking lot, as the girls hid in an open closet.

Megan walked into the boys' locker room, completely naked, followed by Tiffany, who had a video camera in her hand. No one noticed at first, but someone said something, and all eyes were on Megan. She kept strutting past the boys, and their dicks popped up at a glance. They were all wide-eyed as their gazes traveled over her smooth, round breasts, to her shaved pussy, to her plump, heart-shaped ass. She grinned at a kid named Matt, who she really liked, and his dick shot up, too. She blushed, and walked out the other end of the locker room, into the pool room.

The boys all followed her, and tried to get their swimsuits on to cover their huge boners. Megan made a subtle "come here" motion to Matt, who blushed and followed her as she dove deep into the pool. At the bottom of the deep end, Tiffany had sunk a swimsuit for Megan before school. Megan swam down and slipped it on as a shocked Matt followed her beautiful ass. At the bottom of the pool, their lips met, and Megan gave Matt's rock-hard dick a squeeze. They scrambled to the surface for air.

She pulled Matt over to her, and whispered to him, "Thursday at my house."

He grinned, and swam away. Everyone was in the pool by now, and the guys were giving Megan lots of curious looks. A few of them were whispering to the girls, who didn't know about it.

Everyone was too shocked to say anything right then, but everyone knew about what Megan did by the end of the next day. They didn't think that Megan was a whore or anything, but everyone was impressed. they all pretty much agreed that it was a cool way to pick up a guy, and all the guys started to wish that's how they got with their girlfriends. There was absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind that Megan and Matt were fucking.

The next day, Wednesday, after gym, Megan waited for everyone to leave the locker rooms, and she skipped into the guys locker room, half-dressed. Matt was waiting for her, sitting on a bench, slowly putting his stuff away. He caught her in the corner of his eye, and his face lit up as he turned to face her. She blushed, and noticed a slight bulge growing between his legs.

"Hey," she squeezed out.

He smiled, "Hey."

"Expecting another show?" Megan grinned.

"No," he said, "Just hoping."

"Well, we can do all that tomorrow," she promised.

"Yeah, I heard we're going camping over the weekend," Matt said.

Megan sat down beside Matt. "You coming?" she asked.

"Of course," Matt smiled.

"Good," Megan leaned in, "because it wouldn't be any fun without you."

"See you tomorrow," she said, and kissed him lightly.

He sighed as she pulled away and walked out of the room.

On Thursday, the last school day of the week, Tiffany and Lauren told Tara and Nick to wait after school. Matt, Megan, Tara, and Nick were four of the people who were part of Tiffany's dildo dare, and Tiffany still hadn't told Tara and Nick what was happening. They met in the parking lot behind the school, and waited for Matt and Megan to finish making out in the locker room. Nick was giving Tiffany and Lauren a ride home, too.

"Okay, so what's going on?" Tara burst out.

"Well," Lauren said, "We want you to be a part of it, so you can't tell anyone."

"Um, okay," Tara rolled her eyes.

"Alright, a bunch of us meet at one of our houses, and we basically have group sex and play truth or dare for whole weekends," Tiffany said.

"Yeah, right," Nick said.

"What?" Tiffany asked.

"Okay, why would you tell us?" He asked.

"Because you already knew something was up, and since we're friends, I thought maybe you would want in," Tiffany answered, a little shot down.

"Well, if you can prove you're serious, we're in," Tara said.


"Get in the car," Tara said.

They drove way out of town, and parked off a deserted side road somewhere.

"Okay," Tara said, "Eat each other out."

Tara and Nick turned around in the front seats as Tiffany and Lauren unbuttoned their jeans, pulled them down to their knees, and started to sixty-nine.

"Okay, you passed that test," Nick said hastily. The girls wiped their mouths and got dressed again.

"I guess you're serious," he said. "I didn't think you two were the type."

"It's not just us," Lauren said.

"Who else?" Tara asked.

"Megan, her boyfriend, and her whole family, Richard, Hannah, and Richard's sister, Becca," Tiffany answered. "We're going over to Megan's right now, and we're going camping over the weekend, if you want to come.

Tara and Nick looked at each other, and quickly agreed. They all drove back to Megan's house.

When they got there, Megan and Matt weren't back yet, so Dani let them in. Rebecca, Hannah, and Richard all showed up in the same car, so everyone was there except Megan and her boyfriend. It was getting a little borng waiting for everyone to arrive, and a little awkward, since only Dani didn't know what was going on yet. Just as everyone was getting really bored and horny, the phone rang, with a frantic and out of breath Megan on the other end.

"Are we...the...only ones...home?" Megan asked Dani in short gasps.

"Yeah, Meg, Mom and Dad left for the weekend already," she said nervously. "What's wrong?"

" front door," Megan gasped, and she hung up.

A minute or two after Danielle swung the door open, a naked Megan and Matt came tearing through the front door, holding a bundle of clothes.

"What the fuck?" various people wondered.

Megan took a minute to catch her breath, and then stood up. "Well, me and Matt were in the locker room, and we got really tired of waiting to fuck, so we started to mess around. We got naked, and then decided, what the hell, since everyone left, let's do it in the pool. We were in there for like half an hour, and Nick came up with this really funny position. He sat on the end of the diving board, and I sat on his dick, then he would make the diving board go up and down. It was really, really sweet, but really loud. I was screaming, that's all I know. Anyway, the principal or something came in the door, and we turned around and fucking booked. We ran the entire way here, but we cut through a bunch of farms."

Everyone just stood there for a second, then Danielle said, "So, get dressed."

"Actually," Megan said, "We're kind of a step ahead of everyone else here."

"So you guys are-" Danielle began.

"Yeah," Tiffany interrupted. "You don't have to if you don't want to, but we want you to."

"Maybe," Danielle said, "But what about the kids?"

"We're in on it," Amy said.

"Well, I can't just let you have all the fun, then," Danielle laughed.

Nick and Tara were already on the floor, making out, and Tiffany and Richard started after they saw that. Jason and Amy gave a quick glance to their older sisters, then got naked. Everyone had shed their clothes into a corner within a couple minutes, but everyone was just staying with their partner. Tara and Nick, Richard and Tiffany, Hannah and Lauren. Matt and Megan were in a threesome with Danielle, and Amy was joining in wherever she could find someone to suck on. Jason walked over to Lauren and Hannah, and they seperated with a smile, then let Jason in. They lay him down, and Hannah made out with him while Lauren sucked his dick. Everyone just messed around for a little while, but it got old really soon. Tara and Nick wouldn't leave each other.

Tiffany and Lauren eventually got a moment, and went over to pry the two apart. Tiffany took Nick, and started riding his dick, giggling as he came hard in her pussy.

Lauren took Tara, and made her start to finger her. She returned the favor and more, once Tara got comfortable.

"Okay, guys," Tiffany said after a couple hours, "We need to do something fun. How about, we turn out the lights, and everyone runs around, finds a partner, and does them for a few minutes. Then, we switch."

"Okay," said Lauren, "And then write your initials on the person so that we find out who we had in our mouths."

Everyone laughed, and they thought it was an awesome idea. Tiffany hit the lights, and everyone started to scramble for a partner.

Amy stumbled over a couple people who already had partners, and finally found a free body. She immediatly put a hand to the person's crotch to see if they were a boy or a girl. Her hand grasped a guy's hard dick, and his hand cupped her pussy. They immediatly hit the floor, and Amy took the guy's dick in her mouth for a couple seconds, then she got up, and slid him into her pussy. She started to bounce up and down, and she could feel him getting ready to cum. She felt a hot explosion of sperm inside her, and felt herself hit a decent orgasm as the guy shuddered and pulled out. She pulled the cap off a marker that she had in her hand, and wrote AH on the guy's chest, and handed the marker to him. The cold ink tickled her cheek, and she took the marker back.

"SWITCH!" someone yelled.

Tara had just stayed with Nick the first time, and they decided to go out and find someone different. She found someone, and they did a groin check on someone. Girl. They quickly got down, and the girl started to eat her out first. Tara came, and turned around to find her partner. The girl was on her back, waiting for Tara to start, so she took a deep breath, and went in. The girl came hard, and they wrote their initials on each other's hands.

The game continued for hours. Everyone got a huge rush from it, and it was everyone's new favorite game. Tiffany hit the lights, and everyone looked at the initials on their bodies. Amy had someone tell her that she had an MN on her cheek. Matt Norman. Tara had an LR on her left hand. Lauren Rousseau. Everyone had all the guys initials on them, but the guys still wouldn't do anything with each other. Amy counted up her signatures and laughed.

"Just one that I didn't get," She said. "DH"

Danielle smiled, "Sorry, Amy. Next time."

"So, is everyone going camping this weekend?" Amy asked.

Everyone said yes.

"Okay," Nick said. "I'll drive, if you need me to."

"Sure," Tiffany said. "We should use Lauren's dad's van, and take the seats out. We could just have an open back."

"I have a crazy idea," Amy said. Everyone looked at her. "So, we take the van without seats in it, then we drive up without clothes!"

"What if we get pulled over?" Tara asked.

"We won't," Amy said. "And we can put the blinds up.

"I'm in," Megan said.

Most of the other people were in, too.

Everyone called their parents right then, and asked if they could go camping. They made sure their parents didn't think that there would be anyone of the opposite gender, and they were fine with it.

Amy, Lauren, and Tiffany left then to go get the van, and everyone else left to pack stuff. Lauren's dad didn't care, since he didn't use that van anyway. They drove it (illegaly) around to Tiffany's house to pick up all the blankets and cushions that were on her floor, and a few sex toys that Rebecca had brought them. Lauren was bringing the tent, too. It was a big tent with three dividable rooms, so they brought a bunch of Lauren's blankets, too. They got a bunch of food, and some toilet paper.

Everyone met up at Amy's house again, and strapped their food and stuff to the top of the van. They had all dumped their clothes in Megan's closet, cleaned up the house a little, then piled in the van and left that night. Everyone mostly slept in the back for the first few hours. Nick and Tara were in the front seats, totally naked, and they would stop every once and a while to come to the back of the van to fuck.

By morning, they were crossing the border into Minnesota, then into Canada before they could blink. Everyone drifted back off to sleep, except for Megan and Matt. Megan was on the floor, and Matt was on his knees, holding Megan's hips up so he could pound her pussy. They came a few times, then he pulled out, and they cuddled together for the next hour or so.

Nick drove until he had found an uninhabited area with a lake and a river feeding it. He parked the van in the woods near the river, but out of view of it. They were pretty sure no one would find them, but they didn't take any risks.

They set up the camp, which was the one tent, and a ring of stones for a fire pit. In the tent, they carried all the "furniture" in. Tiffany had brought all my blankets from the floor of her room, and people had brought some bean bag chairs, which she quickly fell asleep in. They had the computer there, and of course, the camera. Becca had bought a ton of porn DVDs to watch on the computer.

"Okay," Amy said, collapsing into a bean bag chair, "What are we doing first?"

"I don't know," Tiffany said, "But we should start thinking up some sex games."

"Like truth or dare?" Amy asked.

"No, we won't play that anymore," Lauren said. "Everyone always does the dares, so why don't we make it so that while you're here, you can dare anyone to do anything."

"Okay," Danielle said, "But what if, you could refuse, but then you have to be the entire group's slave for an hour, and you get, like, tied down."

Everyone grinned and started fantisizing.

"Okay, Dani," Amy smiled, "If you think you can handle it, I have our first dare."

"Shoot," Danielle grinned.

"Okay," Amy said, "Triple penetration."

Danielle blinked. "Okay," she said, "Let's go."

Nick, Matt, and Richard went to the middle of the tent where she was, and Richard and Nick got behind her. Nick put some oil on his dick for lube, and Danielle bent over. Richard slid his dick in her pussy, and Nick slid into her tight ass. She groaned as the two boys' dicks started to slide in an out. Matt pulled her head down onto his dick, and her moaning was muffled. He shuddered, and just like that, the camping trip got started for real.

"Dani," Amy started, "Jerk Jason off with your right hand, and get me with your left. Everyone pull out before you cum, and cum all over me."

Everyone grinned at Amy's kinky demands, then kept going. Amy was making a ton of noise at the receiving end of her sisters fingers, and she got the other girls going on themselves, too. After about ten minutes, the guys started getting ready to cum, and Richard pulled out. Amy lay back on the floor, and Richard sprayed all over her cute body, jerking his dick to get more out. She giggled, and dipped a finger in, licking it off suggestively. The other three guys almost got off watching that, and were out of Danielle, and over Amy in a couple seconds. Nick and Matt came hard on Amy, dousing her squirming, ticklish body in their hot cum. Jason took a second longer, not thinking much would cum out, but then he came, and his cum went flying over Amy's body, squirting out again and again, until his orgasm was over. he grinned, then stood back to watch.

The girls all came over next, and squirted what they could on the mess that Amy was becoming. She waited for everyone finished, and giggled as she slid her hands over herself.

"Okay," she said. "Now, all the girls have to lick me off, until I'm happy."

Everyone except Hannah groaned their way over to Amy, and started to lick her up and down, swallowing the mixture of cum that they had helped to make.

"Come on, Hannah," Amy laughed, "I'ts a dare!"

"Ugh, I don't think so," Hannah answered. "That's just too nasty."

"You'll have to be our sex toy for an hour," Amy reminded her.

Hannah didn't believe her. Amy got lost in her oral massage as Rebecca swirled her tounge in her belly button.

A few minutes later, Amy was clean, considering covered in spit as clean.

"Okay, Hannah, time to tie you up," Tiffany smiled.

Hannah chuckled, still not believing it. The girls surrounded her, and lifted her up, carrying her to a couple of trees that were growing next to each other. They took some rope that they brought, and tied her hands above her head, one to each tree. They dodged her kicks, and spread her legs, tying a leg to either tree, too.

"You were serious?!" Hannah shreiked.

"Uh, yeah," Lauren said. "Okay, for the next hour, Hannah is anyone's"

Tiffany smiled and walked over to Hannah, who was looking a little bit terrified. Tiffany straddled Hannah's leg, and slowly slid down it, spreading her juices thin over Hannah's skin. Hannah's nipples stood straight out.

Tiffany swung under Hannah's leg, and flicked her clit with her tongue. Hannah cringed, and took a deep breath. Tiffany kicked it up a couple gears, and had Hannah one lick from a massive orgasm in a few minutes. Finally, to the groans and sighs of everyone watching, Tiffany ran her tongue from the back of Hannah's swollen pussy, up her front, between her firm, throbbing breasts, up her neck, and into her gasping mouth.

Pulling away, Tiffany left Hannah dying for an orgasm.

"So, do you want to cum?" Tiffany teased.

"YES! YES!" Hannah gasped, trying to squeeze her thighs together.

"Will you finish the dares?" Tiffany asked.

"Sure! Whatever! Just FUCK me!" Hannah cried.

"You still have forty-five minutes left, Hannah," Tifany smiled. "What do you want to do?"

"Cum!" Hannah whimpered.

Tiffany licked her finger, and pushed Hannah's clit like a button, sending her into a wild orgasm, thrashing around in her ropes like she was being electrocuted. Juices squirted out of her as her moans were choked by the full-body muscle spasms that rocked her body for the next five minutes.

As Hannah's body started to reax, and she got her breath back, Tiffany asked, "so why didn't you do the dare?"

"I guess I just don't like the taste of guys' cum," Hannah shrugged.

"Okay, you can be done, after the others mess around with you," Tiffany said.

"Who wants to fuck her right now?" Amy asked. Everyone was just ready to let her go and do something else.

"Okay," Lauren said, untying Hannah, "We need a new game though."

"Well, I don't think everyone told us about their first times," Tiffany said.

"I was a virgin until this week," Matt said.

"Nick and I started in fourth grade," Tara said with a smile. Everyone moved in to listen. "He had this pinball machine, and I finally got the high score on it. I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, my pants got caught on something and fell down, but I was wearing underwear. NIck saw though. He did the whole 'I saw london' thing, but we were both laughing about it. I told him that at least he didn't see my pee-pee, and he didn't know what I meant. I pointed between my legs and told him that was my pee-pee. We got in this argument about weather a vagina was a pee-pee, or if only pee was pee-pee, but I won. He told me that he didn't want to see it anyway, and I started to tease him and say that he did, but I wouldn't show him for anything. He laughed and said that he was going to erase the pinball score that I got, and I freaked out and told him that I would do anything to keep the score. He didn't catch my drift, so I said I would even show him my pee-pee. He brightened right up, and i got really nervous. I pulled off my pants, but it was hard to pull my underwear off. I flashed him a little and put the underwear back on. He said that didn't count, and made me take them all the way off. I even got brave and spread it open with my fingers. He said he had to be fair and show me his pee-pee, but I shreiked and wouldn't let him. We started showing each other like that but we only started having sex in 6th grade, when he snuck over for sleepovers."

"Well that was a good story," Tiffany smiled happily, stroking herself.

"I have a game," said Tara. Everyone jerked their heads over again. "We use the three rooms of the tent, and have the boys on one side and girls on another. Each side sends in one person to the middle room, and they have to cum as much as possible, until they're both worn out.

As usual, everyone agreed, and they ducked inside the tent to start. Everyone wanted to watch some porn before they started, so they got out Dani and Megan's videos from a long time ago, and put the disc in the computer.

The first video was of a prepubescent pair of platinum-blonde twins naked on the floor together. Megan was on bottom, and was was giggling as Dani palmed her little cunt, and slid it around until she was inside, fingering her sister with four fingers until Megan came, and they started to 69. Everyone kept watching the cute little twins roll around together, and did their best not to cum. The boys and girls seperated, the girls taking the video camera to record with. Tiffany also left a glass jar in the middle room for the pairs to cum in.

"Okay, so who's going first," Amy asked.

"We'll give Hannah a break," Tiffany whispered. "Tara, you're up."

Tara grinned and slid into the center of the middle room. Tiffany flicked on the night vision for her video camera, and waited for a boy to emerge from the far room of the tent. Tara was grinning and bouncing happily on the padded floor, cum jar in hand.

Matt came crawling out of the boys' side of the tent, trying to see in the total darkness. The girls grinned as Tara pulled him behind her, and guided his dick into her pussy. Neither could tell who the other was, but they were going at each other hard. Matt was thrusting powerfully into Tara's spread pussy, and Tara was squeezing every muscle that she knew how to try to cum as hard as possible.

Matt gave a hard shudder, and pulled out of Tara as he picked up the jar. He aimed, and shot into the glass container as Tara got herself off behind him, quickly seizing the jar and letting herself pour out into it. Tiffany lit a flashlight, and the two grinned as they realized who they just fucked. Matt swished the cum around in the jar, and Lauren marked a line off on it to show how much there was. Tiffany dumped it out outside the tent, and they turned the lights out, seperating again for round two.

"Okay," said Lauren, "I call next." And she slipped into the center room.

She was joined in a few seconds by Nick, Who lifted Lauren, and started to fuck her while she was in his arms. She couldn't stop giggling, and she came into the jar in a few seconds, then wrapped herself around Nick again, ready for another orgasm. Nick came next, and just barely shot into the jar. They were almost exhausted, but managed to intertwine themselves one more time, and groan as they came together in the jar.

The lights came on, and Lauren and Nick kissed as they saw that they had twice as much cum as Tara and Matt. The two seperated, and someone dumped the cum out before the lights went out again.

"I think Amy should be next," Danielle said.

"All right," Amy smiled, "but you're after me."

Jason had already been chosen by the guys, and Amy was grabbing blindly at him while he tried to find her pussy. They found each others' crotches with their hands at the same time, and went wide-eyed as they felt each others' thin pubes between their fingers.

Amy moved first, naturally, Getting in front of Jason, so he could hit her G-spot better. She could hear the girls giggle as she moaned loudly, nearing orgasm. Jason was flying right through Amy's orgasm, and she had to get off him, and suck his dick while she squatted over the jar. She was up again quickly, on her knees while Jason fucked her from behind. Jason pulled out, ready to cum, but Amy turned around, and licked the bubble of pre cum off his dick, hurling him into an orgasm that sent glob after glob of hot, sticky cum flying into the jar. Jason was spent, and he wanted to stop, but Amy was determined to win, and she lay him on the floor and knelt over his face, letting him get his fingers and his tongue into her. He got a little lucky, and ended up licking her clit while rubbing her g-spot, which made her totally black out, collapsing on his face while he scrambled to catch her cum in the jar.

Amy woke up a couple minutes later, with everyone grinning down at her.

"Whadappened?" she mumbled sleepily.

"Jason just made you cum so hard, you fainted," Danielle smiled.

Amy smiled, remembering the feeling, letting the memory tickle her inside.

"What did you do?" Nick asked.

"I don't know, really," Jason answered. By the look on his face, you would have thought he killed her.

Amy was still coming down, and she was on the ground running her finger through her peach fuzz by her vagina.

"Okay, this game got old fast," Matt said.

"Anyone got another game?" Lauren asked

"How about plain sex?" Tara suggested.

"Okay, but not with your boyfriend or girlfriend," Amy said. "That gets even older."

"What if we picked who we have sex with?" Tiffany spat out excitedly.

"Well geez, Tiff," Amy joked, "I usually do that anyway, but whatever."

"No," Tiffany said," I mean like, go through the girls and have them pick a guy to have sex with, then switch, and have the guys pick."

"Then you go first," Amy said with a grin, "Just to show us how."

"Um, okay," Tiffany said. "I pick Jason."

Everyone kind of formed a circle around the center of the tent, where Tiffany and Jason sat. Tiffany laid back, ready for Jason. He got on top of her, and slid his dick inside.

"Okay, fuck me, Jason," Tiffany groaned.

Jason started out fast, and kept getting faster. Tiffany wiggled around, trying to make it hard for him to fuck her. He shot his load before Amy could orgasm, but Amy pulled his dick out. She went back into the circle with her hand in her pussy, finishing the orgasm.

"Okay, Amy," Tiffany said, "I think it's your turn."

"Okay," Amy smiled. "I pick Richard." Some of the other guys looked disappointed.

Richard smiled, and Amy grabbed him, and put him on bottom. She sat right over his dick, and started going up and down on it, letting out really exaggerated screams. Richard laughed at Amy's sarcasm, and shuddered as he came in her hot pussy. She groaned loudly, still bouncing violently over his crotch. She came, and rolled off him, still orgasming.

"Okay," Amy said, "Lauren is next."

"Well, since I'm a full out lesbian, I could care less," Lauren said, "But I'll take Nick because he has the biggest dick. And because he looks horny."

Nick smiled, and Lauren lay on her back as he started to pound her relentlessly. He placed one hand on her waist, and grabbed at Lauren's chest with the other, squeezing her boobs hard as he came. His cum sprayed out of Lauren, and Nick pulled out.

"I knew you'd been looking at my tits all night," Lauren laughed, wiping her crotch. Tara gave him a playful punch on the arm when he slid next to her again. They lay back and started catching up on their make-up sex.

"Don't get too busy, Tara," Tiffany laughed, "You're next."

Tara crawled out from under Nick and sighed.

"Ugh, well, I guess I pick..." She thought, "Jason because you're so cute."

Jason grinned, and his dick shot up again, ready to play.

Tara got on all fours in front of Jason and said, "Go for it, but I'm about to cum, so go slow."

"No problem," Jason smiled. He grabbed his dick and guided it into Tara's pussy, to the sound of her slow, horny groans.

"Oh, yeah, Jason," Tara squeezed out. "Just a little slower. Right there."

Jason was hardly moving anymore, and Tara had one hand down by her crotch, rubbing her clit.

"Dammit, I'm cumming," Tara said quickly. She started to buck, and sprayed all over Jason's dick. She collapsed onto her stomach, and her whole body started to go into convulsions, and Jason started to pound her faster, turned on by the hot flow of Tara's juices. she was on her stomach, riding out the orgasm, and Jason struggled to get a good angle with her ass in the way. Finally, he started to cum, very quietly compared to Tara, and his cum mixed with Tara's as it flowed out of her pussy.

"Damn, Jason," Tara smiled, "You're pretty hot, too. Your sisters are lucky."

Jason sort of blushed, and they sat down in the circle.

"I want to go next," Danielle said. "I choose Matt."

The whole group started to crack up as Megan's boyfriend started to fuck her twin sister doggy style. After a torturous few minutes, Danielle came with a huge excess of noise, and she pulled Matt's rod out of her, and sucked him off while grinning ear to ear at her sister. Matt's expression, on the other hand, was one of total ecstasy, which really seemed to piss Megan off. As they slid back into the circle, Matt tried to kiss Megan, but she jokingly turned her head to the side.

"We need to get Megan in here now, I think," Amy said, trying to console her sister.

The game went on like that for a while, and all the girls got a chance to pick which guy they wanted to fuck. Megan picked Richard, Rebecca picked Nick, and Hannah, after the girls forced her to, picked Jason, who was buzzing with joy after all the action he got.

But the guys were too worn out by the time it was their turn to go, and they just wanted to go to sleep.

"We have a whole weekend," Matt said. "Let's call it a night."

The group broke off into their usual pairs, leaving Jason, Amy, Hannah, and Lauren without partners. Jason got even more happy, as the girls piled around him as he lay on his blankets, and would take turns rolling on top of him and making out with him until they fell asleep.

Jason woke up, and reached for Lauren's boob, but she wasn't there. He reached for Hannah's boob, but she wasn't there. He really wanted to grab someone's boobs, so he reached for Amy's but she wasn't there, either. Disappointed to say the least, Jason opened his eyes and looked around. Richard, Matt, and Nick were sleeping on the floor around him, but not a single girl in sight. He woke them up, and they opened the door to the tent.

Rebecca was sitting on the ground right there.

"Hey, boys," She said teasingly. "The girls thought that, since they wore you all out last night, they should do something extra special for you to make up for it. So follow me."

The guys were all excited, and they followed Rebecca through the woods for what seemed like forever, until they came to a second clearing that they hadn't seen before. The ground was covered in soft moss and dirt, but more importantly, there were seven naked girls scattered around, all on their backs, legs spread. They all had dixie cups in their pussies, and they were painted green and brown. You could hardly see them from above, because they were painted like the ground, but in huge, rough strokes, and clumps of mud. There were white lines all over, and Rebecca explained.

"Okay, bear with me, we set up a game of golf for you guys," Rebecca said. "We only have one putter, and we found a ball in Amy's suitcase."

"Awesome," Nick said, "So what are the rules."

"You're going to like them," Rebecca chirped.

"WHAT ARE THEY?" the boys yelled together.

"5 strokes or more, and the girl gets to do whatever she wants with you," Rebecca began. The guys frowned.

"Hold on," Rebecca urged, "Four strokes, and you go until the girl cums. Three, until you cum. Two, and you get to do whatever you want to her, for a little bit."

"What do you get if you get a hole in one?" Jason asked.

"An hour in the tent alone, whenever you want, and the girl is like your slave for the rest of the day," Rebecca finished.

"Let's get started," Matt said.

Richard grabbed the putter and the ball, and lined up at Lauren, who was hole one. She had her legs lined up away from Richard, and there was a rock to bounce the ball off. Richard hit the rock, and the ball bounced off Lauren's inner thigh. He smiled as he tapped it in. Lauren laughed out loud as Richard lay on top of her, and rolled over so she was on top.

"I'm still tired," he said with an evil grin. "You can be on top."

"Fine with me," Lauren said, and started to work up and down on his rod. She started to rotate her hips, and in no time, she was cumming all over his dick. She kept orgasming, and it was obvious that she was way more horny than he was. It took her a few more orgasms to get Richard to cum, and he decided to let her go. Lauren rolled back into her spot, exhausted, and slid her dixie cup back in.

Matt was next in line. He totally missed his first shot, and it hit Lauren in the leg. He tried to putt around her leg, but that took two more shots. When he finally knocked it in, Lauren was smiling, because he had taken five shots. She let him move on, because she was already too tired. The others made it in two or three strokes, and they fucked Lauren pretty quickly, just to get on to the other girls.

Matt went first on the next "hole", which was Tara. She was really hot to start with, but covered in paint, she was unbelievable. She had a white #2 painted across her tight stomach, and arrows painted down her thighs right at the cup in her pussy. Matt hit the ball, and it bounced off four rocks, and rolled gently into Tara's cup. He just grinned.

"I think I'll take my hour now," He smirked.

"We'll play the other holes for now, I guess," Matt said, moving on to Megan. "Matt, you go first."

The closest to a hole in one anyone got on Megan was Richard, who scored a two. They started to fuck right there, until Richard was satisfied, which took more than a few awkward minutes. Richard waited for the other guys to take their turns, as they all looked jealously at the tent where Matt and Tara were noisily fucking each others brains out, practically bringing down the tent.

Hole four was Amy, and she Matt was back out to enjoy it. There was a big bend in the path to her pussy, and the guys all tried to bounce it off the rock, and Jason took seven strokes. Amy gave him an evil grin, and lay back, forcing him to be on top. She consantly told him how to fuck her, yelling "Faster!" and "Deeper!" until he came deep inside of her, at which point, she licked his dick off, and squeezed his nuts, sending him back off to the guys. Matt and Nick also took over five strokes, and Amy put them through hell with awkward positions that they didn't even understand, making her cum multiple times until she was satisfied. Richard lined up his shot, and got pulled his club back, giving it a firm tap. It bounced off the rock, curved to the left, and glided into Amy's pussy. She just laughed and said, "Finally".

Richard decided to take his hour alone with her later, to keep the game moving, so they moved on to Hannah, hole number 5. Everyone got 3 or 4 strokes on her, too, so no one came out too happy.

Danielle was next, and the Nick and Jason were getting anxious. There were only two more girls to get a hole in one.

Nick messed upon Danielle, too, and so did Richard. They still got to fuck her, but no slave. Jason however, managed to sneak in a hole in one, laughing out loud with joy. He opted to take his hour later, too, and they moved on to Tiffany, who was the seventh, and final hole.

Nick was the only one who hadn't gotten a hole in one yet, and sure enough, he was the first to score one on Tiffany. But then, Jason was the second. and Matt was third. Tiffany was getting really nervous about how the rest of the night was about to go, but she braced herself as her boyfriend also tapped in a hole in one.

Jason was owed an hour with Danielle and Tiffany, Nick had one with Tiffany, Richard had one with Amy and Tiffany, and Matt had just had another with Tiffany. She was booked for the day, it seemed.

Jason took the two girls in together, and zipped the windows shut. Tiffany and Danielle smiled at each other, knowing that Jason probably had a whole list of things just for them to do to each other.

"Who wants to go first?" Jason asked. Neither girl cared. "No, one of you has to decide."

"Fine, Jason," Tiffany said, "I'll go first."

"That's better," he said. "Now what would you like to do first?"

"Isn't that for you to decide?" Tiffany asked.

"I want to know what makes you cum," Jason said.

"Well," Tiffany said, "I always liked to be on top."

"Great," Jason said, and he started to rub her cunt. "Do you like it fast or slow?"

"I like it slow, Jason," Tiffany said, as she laid him back onto the ground. "Slow so that I can feel you cum."

Then she pulled his dick straight up, and stuffed it inside her. He sat up, and Danielle got behind him, like the back of a chair, and started grinding against his back. Jason leaned back into Danielle's soft tits, and used his free hands to knead Tiffany's boobs in front of him. He was in a totally relaxed position, and Tiffany just went on, riding his dick for almost a half an hour, slow as hell, until she picked the pace up a bit. She would let herself slide all the way down, and mash her cunt against his body, then rotate her hips in a circle, bending his dick all over. Eventually, after several of Tiffany's orgasms, Jason came, and leaned back harder into Danielle as his cum ran down his dick. Tiffany let herself cum one more time, then got off Jason, and wiped her cunt off.

"That was hot," Jason said. "I guess you're next, Dani, but I need to get horny again, so you two should fuck to turn me on.

The girls practically tackled each other, they were so turned on. They started to sixty-nine right then, not wasting any time, and kept sneaking glances at Jason's dick to see if it was ready for them. Eventually, though, they got so wrapped up in their own pleasure that they totally forgot about Jason's dick, and their moans were muffled by each other's crotches. They came pretty quickly, but Jason had to practically tear them apart because they were dying for more.

"Okay, okay," Jason laughed, and Danielle laid back on the ground, ready for him.

"Alright, Tiffany, you sit on Dani's face, and she'll eat you out while I fuck her."

Tiffany gladly obliged as Jason entered Danielle, feeling his cum build up from the first moments. He could feel that Danielle was getting close already, too, so he sped up, and heard Tiffany groan louder, indicating that Danielle had started licking her faster. Jason came hard, deep inside Dani, and she arched her back as she came down from her orgasm. She had stopped licking Tiffany's cunt, and was rubbing it with her flat palm, until Tiffany froze, and her back arched, and she was finished, too.

"Shit, I think I'm done, girls," Jason said. "But we still have a few minutes, so whatever you can think of, go ahead."

Tiffany just laid him back, and made out with him as Dani licked off his flaccid cock, lapping out the beads of cum that squeezed out on occasion.

Jason practically rolled out of the tent, to the naked crowd that was just dying to get in the tent to fuck each other. Richard took Amy and Tiffany in together, and Tiffany immediately volunteered to take the first few minutes off, if Richard wanted to mess around with Amy for a while. He was okay with that, so they got busy.

Amy was naturally pretty agressive, so Richard wasn't surprised when she tackled him, and made out with him passionately, as she slid onto his dick. She was still pretty small, and she cringed in a really cute way when she took his huge rod inside her. But she fucked right through the pain, and was comfortable as anyone after a couple minutes.

"Oh, yeah, Richard," she would groan, "That's fuckin' awesome!" And Richard just laid back and enjoyed the ride. Richard had just closed his eyes when Amy yelped and stopped for a second. He opened his eyes to see Tiffany with her middle finger up Amy's tight little ass. She grinned, and kept going,although her thighs were shaking from the overpowering pleasure. Amy came first, and kept coming over and over, while Richard just laid there with his eyes shut, breathing harder and harder as he got closer to cumming. Amy rocked with another orgasm, and that seemed to set him off. For a moment, both Amy and Richard froze, teeth clenched, backs arched, and then Richard's cum started to spurt out of Amy. They stayed in that position for a while, and eventually Richard's dick went soft, and he pulled out.

"Wow," was all that Richard could say. He was just getting his breath back.

"So, Richard," Tiffany said, crawling on top of him, "You two got me pretty hot. What do you think we should do about that?"

Richard's dick started to creep its way up again. "Well what would you like me to do about it?" he asked.

"I was thinking that you could do some of the work," Tiffany suggested, worn out from the past couple hours.

"Fine by me," Richard said.

Tiffany laid down on her stomach, legs spread wide, and Amy sat so that Tiffany's face was in her pussy. Richard started to fuck Tiffany, and Tiffany went to work on Amy, who was also enjoying her break. Amy kept one hand running through Tiffany's hair, and one playing with her little tits, kneading the nipples into tight little knots. Tiffany began to groan and bite at Amy's clit, which drove her up the wall. she grabbed Tiffany's tounge and rubbed it up and down her naked cunt, jamming it inside of her while Tiffany did her best not to gag. Richard was pounding away hard, with his hands on Tiffany's waist, when suddenly, he pulled out, gave himself a couple extra jerks, and unloaded on Amy's face. She opened her mouth as hot sticky globs of cum ran down her cheeks, and onto her chest. What she couldn't get, Tiffany's tounge got, Amy worked herself into an orgasm.

"I think we're out of time, ladies," Richard said, and with a grin, the three crawled out of the tent together.

"Nick and Matt still have an hour with me," Tiffany said.

By now the other girls were actually starting to feel sorry for her, but no one did anything about it.

"Well," Matt said, "I'll go."

The two crawled into the tent together.

"You can just suck me off to start," Matt said.

"Thanks, but my stomach is getting full too," Tiffany laughed.

Tiffany did it anyway, working Matt's dick hard with her tongue, and swallowing it deep down her throat. He pulled out after a few minutes, and stuck his spit-lubricated rod into Tiffany's raw pussy. He thrust his way through several other guys' semen, feeling it slosh around his dick, still steaming hot. He didn't really mind, but it kind of took away from the overall effect. Matt did what he could to take it easy on Tiffany, and she had him stick his dick between her tits, but nothing really worked too well, and a dissapointing hour later, they crawled out of the tent, Matt still with a boner. Megan was on him in seconds, swallowing his dick down to the balls.

"Alright, Nick, you're up," Tiffany said, cringing at the size of Nick's hard penis.

"Hey girls," Lauren called, "What do you say we give Tiff a break, and the rest of us go in with her?"

The other girls smiled. It was fine with them. Eight girls followed one guy into the tent, and the other boys stared in mild jealousy.

Inside the tent, a giggling circle of estrogen surrounded a beaming Nick. "Alright girls," he said, "We're going to play a game."

"What kind of game?" someone dared to ask.

"I'm going to put on a blindfold and lie down, and one of you is going to do whatever you want to me. You will have one minute to make me guess who you are. If I can guess who it was, we have sex, however you want, but it ends well for both of us. If you can't get me to guess, you make me cum even if it takes an hour, and you aren't allowed to have an orgasm for the rest of the night."

"We don't even have a blindfold though," someone pointed out. They ended up just putting a pair of panties over Nick's head.

The girls drew straws for first turn, and Lauren ended up pulling the short straw. She grinned happily and went down on Nick's massive boner. She pulled it straight up and put the head in her mouth, tounging the piss slit deep, and playing with his balls with both hands. Lauren tried to put as much of her own unique style in, but it was hard. A minute passed, and the other girls pulled her off.

"Okay," Nick said, I guess that that was Lauren by the fact that she's a lesbian and wouldn't want to actually fuck me."

Lauren smiled. No one told Nick he was right, so that he couldn't use process of elimination.

Tara was next. She rolled his dick around in her teeth, grinning wide, before taking the whole package, including some of his balls, into her throat. As she fought the urge to gag, Nick realized who it was and smiled too, then the minute was up and Tara's turn was over.

"My guess," Nick slowly said, "is Tara. She knows what I like."

Tara blushed.

Danielle used her tits, and squeezed Nick's dick between them while sucking on the tip. Nick guessed it was Megan.

Amy went for her all out style, actually fucking Nick for the whole minute while she held his hands on her tiny tits. Nick guessed it was Tiffany. Tiffany was not happy.

Hannah didn't want to go as usual, but ended up just giving a hand job. Nick guessed pretty quickly who she was.

Tiffany went deep throat, but she was spent, and ended up gagging. Nick actually got lucky and guessed her for a second time, and got it right.

Megan fucked Nick as hard as she could, and Nick came hard. Nick guessed that it was Danielle. He had gotten the twins mixed up.

Becca just grabbed Nick's balls and squeezed, and Nick knew it was his sister.

"Just for that," he said, "I guess that was Amy."

So the game was over, and Nick had guessed Tiffany, Lauren, Hannah, and Tara. They got it pretty easy. Amy, Danielle, and Rebecca, on the other hand, pretty much had to bend over and do whatever Nick wanted.

"I want to start with Amy, I think." All of the boys were developing a little crush on Amy.

Amy laid down and asked, "How do you want to do this?"

Nick smiled, and said, "I want to be on top. But get on your stomach."

Amy didn't really have tits, but she had a tight little ass, and it was pretty hot. Nick got down and spread her legs, and fucked her like that. He eventually pulled her ass off the ground and they went doggy style, and Nick played with her tits for a while. The other girls went outside the tent and had some fun with the other boys, since Amy could go all day. Nick would stop whenever he was about to cum, so he could go longer. The two went through position after position until Nick finally blew his load, and the two collapsed on the ground, exhausted.

Since they were alone, Amy and Nick finally just rolled onto each other, and made out. Nick forgot about Tara, and just let Amy take him over. He was hard again in a minute, and the two kept fucking until they couldn't any more. With a last kiss, Amy left the tent, and Danielle entered.

Danielle was a whore, and she thought she could handle anything that boys wanted, but she was wrong. Nick started pound her hard, and she was groaning loud. With every innocent little squeak, Nick came closer and closer to orgasm, but he was worn out from Amy, so it took a long time. By the time he was finished, Dani's legs were actually red from friction. She stumbled out, giggling.

Becca came in, and laughed. "Don't think I'm going easy on you," Nick said. He didn't really feel like any more sex, so he just ordered a blow job. She put his sticky, limp dick in her mouth and went to work, and it inflated pretty quick. He took a long time to cum, and she swallowed it all.

Tiffany, Lauren, Hannah, and Tara were pretty average. They switched up the positions every once in a while, but Nick was exhausted. He was having a lot of fun though, and gave all of the girls a good orgasm.

Wandering back outside, Nick saw that they had made a fire, and everyone was making out. A couple of the girls had to partner up, since there weren't enough boys to go around.

"Hey, guys," Nick yelled. Everyone slowly came to a stop. Matt, Jason, and Richard, come with me. The four went into the tent.

"Okay, so the girls did something special for us this morning, so I think we should return the favor." Nick whispered.

Everyone agreed, but they didn't know how.

"What if we make ourselves into giant ice cream sundaes and let them lick us off?" Jason said.

"What if we make THEM into giant ice cream sundaes? Then we can let them have a break." Richard said.

Everyone was in. "Well," Nick said, "I'll put some clothes on and take the car to the store early tomorrow, and we'll do that."

The boys went back out to the campfire and were greeted by the sight of a full out orgy, bathed in flickering orange light that cast shadows on the girl's bodies, concealing most of the action.

They let the girls go until they were tired out, and they came to join them around the campfire.

"This is so much fun," Tiffany said after a long silence. "What should we do?"

Sex was getting boring. "What if we tell our craziest fantasies?" Amy exclaimed.

"Well you know the tradition," Lauren said, "You came up with the game, so you start."

"Thats fine with me," Amy said. "Here we go."

"My wildest fantasy is to be in sex ed class with a bunch of boys, and for me to be the only girl in the room. Then the teacher starts talking and realizes that he forgot all of the diagrams, so he says, 'Amy, could you please come up and be our example.' And I would walk up in my clothes, and the teacher would point out my boobs, and how they would be getting bigger soon. And then she would have me take off all of my clothes and show the boys my body. Then the teacher tells the boys about masturbation, and since he doesn't know how girls do it, I get to sit on the desk, spread my legs, lay back, and give the boys a show. And I scream and watch them squirm around and try to fix their boners."

All of the boys were drooling on their rock hard dicks by now, and Amy noticed.

"And then, the teacher has one of the boys come up to the front, and he has to undress and show everyone his boner, and show them how boys jerk off. And then the teacher explains 'sexual intercourse' and we have to demonstrate for the class. And as we're fucking, he explains all of the different positions, and he fucks me up the ass, and eats me out, and all of the other stuff, and I get to give him a blow job. And then my favorite part. The rest of the class gets a hands on look at a girls body, and I lay back on the desk, and they spread me open, and play with my tits. Then they fuck me or something, and the teacher is super hot, and keeps me after to, like, fuck him on his desk or something."

Everyone was laughing. Amy picked Tiffany to go next.

"That's a hard one to follow," she said. "Lets see... I always have this dream about being shipwrecked on a deserted island alone, and after a year or something, this ship full of super hot horny guys washes up too, and they're all sexually frustrated because they've been floating around forever by themselves, so they want to fuck me hard. So I agree to let them have their way, but only if I get to be their queen. So all of these guys are under my control, and I have them build me a palace out of bamboo and leaves, and every night I get to pick one and spend the night fucking his horny brains out."

The group got a good laugh at that one too, and Tiffany picked Richard to go next.

"Oh man," he sighed. "My biggest fantasy? This has to be it really. I'm alone in the woods with more naked girls than I know what to do with, and I'm totally in love with Tiffany." Everyone groaned in disappointment. "Okay, okay," Richard said, "I guess if could have anything I wanted, I would have eight naked girls, in a giant bed with me, and we're all oiled up and slippery, and it just turns into a giant orgy, and I'm buryed at the bottom, and someone grabbs my dick and shoves it inside them, while slippery naked bodies are sliding all over me."

Everyone approved of his fantasy.

"This isn't that fun, though," Richard said. "I think we need to do something crazy."

"What about going camping naked for a weekend isn't daring enough for you?" Nick asked.

"Yeah but I mean really crazy," Matt said. "Something that could get us in trouble."

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