Southbrook Falls

By moc.liamg@19rkba

Published on May 1, 2007


This story contains sexually explicit content involving minors. If you are under 18, or don't want to read this, Please leave. Feedback welcome at

Tiffany and Lauren got dressed while Megan came back with Lauren's camera. Her clit was puffing out, and it was really obvious that she knew something more than just this dare was going on. She asked Tiffany one more time, while slipping into a cotton thong,

"So what's REALLY going on?" Megan asked.

Lauren and Tiffany looked at each other, and Lauren gave her a look like "what the hell." Tiffany shrugged as she stuffed her gym clothes into her bag.

Tiffany opened her mouth, "Okay, well, you have to promise not to-"

"I know, I know!" squealed Megan. "Just tell me!"

Lauren sighed. "Okay, well, I guess you can just look through these pictures. They should explain everything."

Megan's jaw dropped. "I thought you were just playing a game, and that's it. I thought we were just gonna play truth or dare! I can't believe you DID this!"

Tiffany and Lauren were pretty much terrified.

"So, are you going to tell people, since you don't want in any more?" Tiffany asked sheepishly.

"Who said I didn't want in?" Megan asked, "Wait-can I even be in?"

"Um, yeah," said Lauren.

"Sweet!" said Megan. "Okay, when?"

"Well, we're probably doing something today before my dad comes home," said Lauren. "You want to bring your sister?"

Megan was one of two sets of twins in her family; she and her sister, Danielle were identical twins. The younger twins, Amy and Jason, were girl and boy, and were 11 years old.

"Nah," said Megan. "I'll keep it secret for now."

"Alright," said Tiffany, "Her loss, then."

Megan felt like she was flying home; her adrenaline was pumping, and she was horny as hell. She skipped through the front door, and past her sister, who was on the couch watching tv. She went straight up to her room to get ready for that night. She was thinking, and even though she didn't have a boyfriend, Richard apparently had sex with all of them, so he would probably fuck her too. The thought of him taking her virginity was making her pussy drip. Danielle lost hers when she was nine, and it made Megan really jealous.

She whipped off her clothes, and started to check for any imperfections. She had noticed that everyone in their group was shaved. As she looked at her neatly trimmed pubes, she wondered if it would be good enough. After looking in the mirror for a few minutes, she decided to shave it into a neat little strip, like Becca. She grabbed her razor, and started to strip off little patches of curly pubes. She was making herself super hot, and she couldn't wait until that night. She was just sliding the handle of the razor inside of herself when someone knocked on the door.

"Come on in," Megan said.

"Phone," said Danielle as she walked through the door. She looked a little surprised at Megan being naked, and half shaved, but handed the phone over without much visible reaction.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Um, hi, Megan?" Tiffany's voice asked.

"Oh, hi!"

"I just wanted to tell you, Richard can't make it tonight, so unless you can get us another guy, it's going to be a girls only night."

Megan swore in her head. "Well, no, I don't have a boyfriend. Well, unless..."

Megan whispered her plan to Tiffany. She giggled, and laughed gleefully at the idea. They worked out the details, and hung up to get everything ready. Megan finished shaving, and then put on the clothes which she wore to school.

She went into the younger twins' room and seeing them both there, asked, "Hey, guys, I'm going to my friend Lauren's house. You want to come?"

They weren't suspicious of Megan wanting to spend time with them; they were very close, and they were together almost all the time. They quickly left, without Danielle, as she had other things to do anyway.

At Lauren's house, Tiffany and Lauren were waiting. Lauren was really horny, but Tiffany was still worn out. Richard was there, too, which surprised Megan.

"Oh, hey, Megan," said Tiffany, "Richard made it, so even more fun."

"Okay, great," said Megan.

They were still in clothes, for now, but Tiffany was dressed pretty skimpily. she wasn't wearing any panties under her super tight hot shorts, or a bra under her spaghetti strap. Every time she spread her legs, the crotch of the shorts had too much to cover, and her pussy was revealed for all to see. The same thing happened with her boobs when she leaned too far to any side. The kids were too naive to know that she was doing it on purpose, but she was only flashing Jason.

They played Monopoly for a while, and Tiffany purposely lost first. When Jason finally lost, she pulled him aside, into the other room. No one even noticed.

"Hey, Jason," Tiffany whispered, "I want to show you something."

She dragged him down the stairs, into the basement, and sat down on the floor, flashing Jason again, but only for a second.

"Yeah?" he demanded.

"I was wondering, Jason," Tiffany said slowly, "If you've ever seen a girl naked?"

Jason was surprised at the question, but didn't seem to see where this was going. "Well, yeah. I've seen my sisters naked loads of times."

"I bet they got covered up really fast though, right?" Tiffany asked.

"Not always, but that was Amy, and I haven't seen her naked since we were little."

"Well," said Tiffany, "Do you want to see me naked?"

Finally Jason got it. "Um, okay," he said nervously

Tiffany took off her top, exposing her firm round breasts. She smiled at Jason, who was wide-eyed, and slipped off her shorts. She kept her outer lips all closed up, and then, when he thought that was all there was to see, she spread her legs, revealing how deep her vagina was. Jason's pants were tented, and he was totally in shock.

"What do you think?" Tiffany asked, fully exposed in front of this eleven-year-old.

Jason didn't speak.

"Well, aren't you going to be fair and show me yours?" Tiffany asked in response.

"W-what?" he stumbled.

"Come on," Tiffany urged, giving a playful tug on his pants, "No one is going to know."

"I don't know, Tif, I..." he trailed off

"Please?" Tiffany begged jokingly, "I showed you mine, and nothing happened to me."

"But I-"

"Come ON!" Tiffany pushed, "If you don't, I'll put my clothes back on."

Jason groaned, and finally said okay. He unbuttoned his pants, and slid them down hesitantly. His boxers were tented, with an obvious wet mark where the tip of his dick was. Tiffany's nipples jutted out, even though he was just a kid. He carefully slid off his boxers, and kind of curled up in a defensive ball, not wanting to reveal anything. Tiffany pulled his legs down, so she would have 'a better look' and Jason was totally exposed. He looked really uncomfortable at first, but Tiffany's endless compliments helped a lot. He had a pretty big dick for his age, or so it seemed, but he was just getting pubes, so he looked like a kid.

Soon, he was his regular self, and he and Tiffany were having a normal conversation, like they weren't naked. Tiffany carefully changed the subject to something more sexual.

"So, Jason, you never do anything like this with your sisters, right?" she asked.

"I told you, I've hardly ever even seen them naked."

"Oh, yeah," Tiffany said, "Well, do you masturbate?"

"Do I what?" Jason asked, confused.

"Well, okay, do you even know what sex is?"

"Yeah," Jason finally answered.

"Well," Tiffany said, "Masturbating is like sex, but you use your hand."

"Oh, yeah, I just didn't know what it was called," Jason said.

"So you do?"

"No, but I know what it is."

Tiffany sighed. "Well do you want me to show you how?"

"On me or on you?" Jason asked, nervous again.

"Well," Tiffany said, with a smile "Since I don't have a penis, I guess I'll do it on you."

Tiffany slid closer to Jason, and gently grasped his dick. He shuddered, and looked really scared.

"Don't worry," she said.

She started to pump, and all of Jason's nervousness melted away. She used her left hand to roll his balls around, and message his thighs. He started to breathe harder, and his back arched. Tiffany could feel his blood pump faster and faster through his dick. He came in no time, but only a little came out.

Jason was breathing hard, and was really, really surprised.

"How did you like it?" Tiffany asked.

"It was, wow," Jason gasped, struggling for words.

Tiffany waited for Jason to get hard again, and then asked him, "Well, do you want me to show you how girls masturbate?"

Jason's little-kid grin said 'yes' a thousand times.

"Okay, but you're going to do it since I did it to you, so come here," she said.

Jason scampered over, and his dick stood up even higher.

"Okay, said Tiffany, spreading her legs out a little, "Let me show you how this works."

Jason sat expectantly, and waited for something to happen.

"I said that you're doing it, Jason," said Tiffany, "So go ahead. I'll explain as you go."

"Alright," Jason said.

He tentatively touched Tiffany's mound, and Tiffany told him that those were her outer lips, and that he should spread them out.

As Jason went deeper and deeper, Tiffany explained what everything in her pussy was, and told him how to give her the most pleasure.

"Okay, that's my clit," she said, gasping for air as Jason rolled the little ball around. "That's the most sensitive part, and the best feeling one, too."

Jason started rubbing it faster, and thrust the fingers of his other hand in and out of Tiffany, like she had taught him earlier. She lay on the floor, finally just enjoying the waves of ecstasy. She came to orgasm, and let Jason keep playing until she was satisfied.

"Mmmm, nice," she said. She brought one of his hands to her mouth and licked a finger off. She dipped a finger in her pussy, and put it by his mouth

"Want a taste?" she asked.

He sucked it off like candy.

"Okay, Jason, are you ready for the next step?"

"Okay," he said, "Sure."

"Well, do you know what the next step is?"

"No," he said, "What?"

"Well, I had blowjobs in mind, but I think you're ready for the next step, even."

"What?" he demanded.

"Okay, calm down," Tiffany giggled. "I want to show you some stuff, but not right away."

"Okay," Jason stammered, "What first?"

"Well, do you want to show your sister some of what I showed you?"


Tiffany smiled, and they both put on clothes. She went upstairs, and returned with Amy. Jason waited in another room while Tiffany got her ready.

"So, Amy, have you ever seen your brother naked?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah, but not recently." she said.

"Have you seen other guys naked?"

"Well, no, I guess."

"You want to?"

"Sure," Amy said coolly, taking Tiffany by surprise, "Who?"

"Well," Tiffany said, "Your brother?"

"Um, okay," she said, "Why?"

"Do you masturbate?" Tiffany asked.

"No," Amy said, "I don't know how, and I guess I never asked."

"So you don't know much about sex?" Tiffany asked. Amy was so innocent, but it seemed like she was pretty eager.

"No," Amy sighed, "But I want to, I've heard it's fun."

"Who said that?" Tiffany wondered out loud.

"Danielle," Amy sighed "She never shuts up about sex, but it's never any details."

Tiffany made a mental note. "Well, do you want your brother to show you all of that?"

"Sweet!" said Amy, "Wait, now?"

"Yeah," Tiffany grinned."

"Okay," Amy said.

Jason walked in a little nervously.

"Oh, hey Jason," Tiffany said, "Amy wants you to show her how to masturbate. Want to show her?"

"Okay," Jason smiled, "Um, it helps to be naked."

Amy was undressed in a flash, and sitting eagerly on the floor, looking up at Jason with huge eyes. Tiffany noted that Amy seemed to already have hit puberty, and that Danielle or Megan seemed to have taught her to shave, because her pubes were neatly trimmed into a strip.

"Okay, what next?" Amy spat out.

Jason took hold of her hand, and guided it into her pussy. He moved it in and out, doing his best to get her to do what Tiffany had shown him.

"Okay, you have to be more, um, I can't explain," he stammered, "Here, let me show you."

Jason replaced Amy's fingers with his own, and resumed, fixing whatever problem he had detected.

"Okay, now you try," he said.

"No, no, you keep going," she said, "It feels way better. Her eyes were tight shut, and she started to moan.

Jason did exactly what he did to Tiffany, and in no time, he had Amy bucking and moaning like crazy. The little eleven year old girl was even making Tiffany hot. Her little body was pretty nice, even if it was little.

After a while, Amy started to moan louder. "Woah, what's happening," she asked, going through her first orgasm. "Jason, that feels really good. What are you doing?"

"You're cumming, or having an orgasm," Tiffany explained, "And it's, like, the entire point of sex."

Jason stopped, and let Amy ride it out.

"Okay," said Tiffany, "I was going to show you some sex positions and stuff, but it would be too weird to have you two screw, so I don't know."

"What are we going to do, then?" asked Jason.

"Well, Jason, you could do Hannah, if you want."

"I don't know, Tiff," he said, "who will be with Amy?"

"Well, we could try Richard," said Tiffany.

Amy grinned.

"Richard! Hannah! Megan! Lauren!" yelled Tiffany.

They down the stairs in a flash.

"Okay," said Tiffany, "We're finally getting to the real sex part, and Hannah is with Jason, and Richard is with Amy."

Amy giggled again, and Tiffany smiled. Hannah and Richard stripped quickly, leaving only Megan clothed. Amy and Jason were left gaping.

"Well, this sucks," Megan said, "They're losing their virginity before me."

"Actually, You're demonstrating." Richard said.

Megan was surprised, and Tiffany gave her a look to dare her to do it.

"Alright," she said.

She got naked, and stood next to Richard to wait for Tiffany to tell her what to do.

"Okay, start with the missionary position," TIffany said.

Megan lay back on the floor, and Richard lay on top of her. She took a deep breath, and Richard thrust into her.

"Okay, this is the missionary position, said Tiffany "And even though most people use it, its really boring, and we don't like it that much."

Amy and Jason just watched with wide eyes and nodded.

"Okay, now they're going to do doggy style, which is really fun."

Richard got behind Megan, and started pounding her pussy. She moaned and groaned like crazy. Amy couldn't stop laughing.

"Okay, now 69 is cool because you can both suck each other off at the same time," Tiffany said with a grin.

They switched positions for the second time, and started to lick.

"Okay, just two more, guys," said Tiffany. "Get up for a minute and Megan, you sit on the couch."

Everyone moved to the couch, and Megan was sitting on the edge of the couch.

Okay, normally, we do this with a table or something, but this will work fine, said Tiffany.

Richard got the picture, and started fucking her standing up, with her sitting on the sofa. She giggled as her hips started to buck.

"Okay, now, let's get you working, Megan," said Tiffany. "This is my favorite. Start giving Richard a lap dance, and we'll see if you're as good at it as I am."

"Um, okay," Megan said.

They switched places, and Richard sat back in the sofa as Megan slid onto his dick. He gave her a couple little thrusts, and she started to go. She worked herself up and down, moving her hips in circles as she moved forward and backward.

"Damn, Megan," said Richard," I think you might be better than Tiffany."

They came, and Richard shot cum out of Megan's pussy. She grinned, and licked some off her finger.

"Okay, kidies," said Tiffany, "Ready?"

"Yeah!" They grinned.

"Alright, Hannah, get ready," Richard said.

"Nah, I don't really feel like it," she said. "Tiff, you can do it, can't you?"

"Um, sure, I guess," Tiffany said, "That okay, Jason?"

"Yeah," he said, "Are we going to do this?"

Tiffany smiled and got down on top of him, pressing her boobs against his chest. He smiled, and tried to thrust inside her, but she moved until Richard and Amy were ready. Tiffany smiled, and both Richard and Jason thrust in. Amy squealed, the foreign sensation shocking her. She felt full in a way that her fingers wouldn't let her, and she sighed happily as Richard started to pump. Jason was going at Tiffany happily, and had switched so he was on top. Tiffany was giggling, enjoying the ride.

After a few minutes of that, Tiffany told Amy and Richard to start to 69, and blow off some steam. She and Jason did the same. Amy looked up at Richard's hard dick, covered in her juices, and took it all down her throat, inch by inch. She licked all around it, while sucking down everything that came out. Tiffany grinned and took Jason into her mouth as he started to tentatively lick at her pussy. He shuddered, and immediately went at Tiffany a lot harder.

Amy was dying to try the lap dance thing, so Richard gladly did that next. She bobbed up and down on his dick, giggling at the sight of her brother getting the same treatment. She felt Richard's dick twitch, and send torrents of cum deep inside her, and she felt it trickle out down between their legs. Richard sighed in her ear. Jason had his hands on Tiffany's waist as she slid up and down, and suddenly, he came, sending a trickle of semen midway up Tiffany's pussy.

Jason got to pick the next one, and he chose to have the girls lay on the coffee table. Amy and Tiffany lay next to each other, grinning from ear to ear, as Richard and Jason spread their legs and started to thrust harder, and harder. Jason and Amy came at the same time, and then Tiffany. Soon, only Richard was left, and Amy and Tiffany sucked him off together, giggling the whole time.

Later, as they were all laughing and playing games, Lauren asked, "So, Amy, Jason, did you all enjoy your little party without me being involved in any way?"

Now that they thought about it, Lauren was pretty much standing aside the whole time. "Well, if you want some right now Lauren, I can-" Richard began.

"No, I think that I can teach them something else," said Lauren.

"What?" asked Amy.

"Well," Lauren started, "You may have noticed that we have a slight lack of penises in our group. You, Jason, are going to be hounded for sex by every single female in this room, probably even including your sisters. You don't have a problem. However, Amy, Megan, sorry, there's never enough. We usually ALL fuck each other, especially the girls, because, there's not enough Richard to go around. That might change with Jason, but who knows?"

"What do you mean?" asked Megan.

"Well, unless you want to be bored to tears," Lauren smiled, "It's either go bi, or wear the skin off your middle finger."

"Fine by me," Megan said, "I already knew anyway."

"Okay," Amy shrugged.

"Seriously?" Tiffany asked. "That's just okay?"

"Yeah, sure," said Megan, "Why not?"

Well, that settled that.

That night, everyone headed back to their homes for the night, except for Lauren, who was spending the entire week at Tiffany's because her dad was at a confrence.

"Wow," said Tiffany, "That was a really good idea."

"Yeah, Jason and Amy were pretty cool," Lauren said.

"Sheesh," said Tiffany, "I was down there showing them everything, and think those two are seriously the horniest kids I've ever seen who don't even know what sex was."

"What do you mean," Lauren asked.

"Well, they would have fucked together if I told them to," Tiffany said.

"Man, think of how awesome an all-girl sleepover would be at their house!" Lauren raved.

"You and your dirty lesbian mind," Tiffany smiled.

"Oh, I guess Jason can be there too," Lauren said, "He was cute, the way he was pounding you doggy style."

Tiffany laughed. "I think you could use some of that," she said. "You need to stretch out that tight little pussy."

"Says who?!" Lauren gasped.

"Says Richard," Tiffany grinned, "He says you're so tight, he's always afraid to rip you open or something."

"Oh, as if he doesn't like it!"

"He does," Tiffany laughed.

"Anyway, was Jason any good?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah, actually," said Tiffany. "He really got into it. By the way, you have to find out weather Amy is any good."

"Just ask Richard," Lauren said.

"No, he doesn't know anything!" Tiffany said. "Sex is sex to him"

They got to Tiffany's house, but her parents were fast asleep. The two went to the guest bedroom to sleep, because it was on the first floor, and was like twice as big as Tiffany's. Tiffany was halfway through moving into it, and there were bedspreads, sleeping bags, and pillows covering the floor, as there had been all summer, transforming the entire room into the perfect place for a four-person orgy. Tiffany's parents just thought that she was a slob.

"So, sex isn't just sex to you?" Lauren asked as she pressed Tiffany to the bed.

"No," she said, "It pretty much is, but I care if someone is good or not, unlike most guys."

"Well, let's see if I'm any good," Lauren said, licking one of Tiffany's breasts through her shirt.

Within a couple minutes, Lauren the two were naked on the padded floor, getting down to business as usual. They were in the middle of grinding their pussies together when a voice stopped them in their tracks.

"Hey, you two, are you still awake?"

Next: Chapter 8

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