Southbrook Falls

By moc.liamg@19rkba

Published on Feb 20, 2007


Warning-Sexually explicit material involving minors. Do not read if you are under 18, or if you are offended by this. Feedback welcome at

Tiffany came back to the computer with some chips and salsa, to find everyone surfing for porn. They sat around for a while and masturbated to to the pictures, and Tiffany jacked Richard off, and the cum landed in Lauren's hair. It took her a while to notice, but she hardly cared. Lauren just picked up her panties off the floor to clean herself off.

They watched the video, over and over, until Lauren was pure red. "I should get my last dare," she said.

"Go for it," said Tiffany confidently.

They all sat in a circle, and Lauren found the bottle. She spun it, and crossed her fingers. The first spin landed between herself and Hannah, so it didn't count. The second spin landed on Tiffany.

"Shit," she mumbled.

"Okay, Tiffany," said Lauren, with the most obnoxious smile, "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Tiffany responded gloomily.

"Follow me," said Lauren.

Everybody followed Lauren the short distance back to the living room, where everyone's bags lay in a corner. Lauren dug out her own bag and pulled out a purple silk drawstring bag. She opened it, removing a silver dildo.

"I dare you," said Lauren, "To put this in you, turn it on, and wear it for an entire school day."

Tiffany was horrified, and everyone else was shocked.

"Fine," she said, trying to sound confident, "anything else?"

"Yeah," said Lauren. "You have to tell five people at school. Two of them have to be guys. You have to show both of the guys, and any girl who asks you to prove it. Oh, and you can't tell any of us. We already know."

Everyone was open-mouthed. Tiffany tried to protest a little, but Lauren quickly pointed out, "You made me post a porn video of myself on a public site. Any person with a computer can see me fingering myself 24-7. Flashing a couple people is NOT as bad."

Tiffany shut up. She quickly did the math; school started in only a month. "Fine," she said.

The phone rang loudly, making everyone jump. Tiffany put a finger to her lips, and picked it up.

"Hi mom," she said.

On the other end, Tiffany's mom was saying, "Tiffany? are you alright? Well, we are still tied up down in Madison. Um, I'm really sorry, but we have to stay at least another day. The car broke down, and we just don't have a way to get back."

"Oh," said Tiffany, excited, but trying to sound disappointed.

"Alright, well, are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, Mom, I'll be fine," Tiffany promised, as cum dripped out of her and ran down her leg.

They hung up, and Tiffany screamed. "They're not coming back for a day!"

Everyone was really excited, and Tiffany had another plan. "Hey, everyone, I have a fun dare for all of you."

"Okay?" asked Lauren.

"Okay. Wanna go for a naked bike ride?" asked Tiffany?

"Where?" asked Richard.

"Just follow me."

Everyone was a little skeptical, but agreed anyway. They followed Tiffany to her garage, where Lauren's bike was anyway. Tiffany used her own, too, and Richard and Hannah used Tiffany's parents' bikes. They went out the back door, and got on the street. No one was even worried about people being awake; there weren't even stores open this late.

They peddled behind Tiffany, but no one knew where they were going, except Lauren. She smiled as they made the left-hand turn onto the old highway out of town. The moon was the only light they had, but it was hard to judge the distance to the top. Everyone was a little disoriented heading up a hill in almost total darkness.

Tiffany had about three or four orgasms just from her pussy rubbing on her seat. She could tell that the other girls were having the same "problem". They had their backs arched and were breathing through their teeth. Richard was just enjoying the show, his boner waving high above his seat.

Once at the top, they ditched their bikes, and followed Tiffany, who expertly navigated her way through the dense forest to the small clearing. Tiffany had a small bag tied to her handlebars which contained a flashlight, her camera, and the dildo that Lauren gave her. The moonlight gave them just enough light to see the reflection off the water, and the reflection of sweat on their bodies.

Hannah and Richard were more than a little confused. Tiffany took Richard's hand and led him to the warm spring. Lauren did the same for her new sex buddy, Hannah. They all sat together, feeling the water seep up, tickling their sensitive genitals, and washing the dried cum off. The sensation started to get Tiffany horny, and she slid across the pool sit in Richard's lap. His hardened dick was pressed between his stomach and her back. He had his hands around Tiffany's stomach, and was messaging her inner thighs. She turned around and started to grind against his legs, the water making him more and more slippery.

Lauren came over and lay Richard back so his head was resting on the soft moss outside the spring. His bottom half was underwater. As Tiffany slid Richard's dick into herself, Lauren kneeled over his head. He started to lick, and thrust himself into Tiffany at the same time. they continued that for about ten minutes, leaving Hannah to masturbate while watching. Tiffany had cum a few times before Richard came once, but the one orgasm, perfectly aligned with Tiffany's, exhausted him. His softening cock pulled out of Tiffany's hole, and she humped him until she reached another orgasm. Lauren was still getting serviced, but came only a couple of minutes after Tiffany.

Lauren was finished, but Hannah and Tiffany still wanted more. Richard was fully hard again. Since Tiffany hadn't moved from Richard's dick, Hannah moved to kneel over Richard's head, but Tiffany got out and took that position. Hannah grinned as she slid into the water next to Richard.

She slid into his lap, and gripped his penis firmly, guiding him into her silky pussy. Richard moaned quietly. He didn't tell anyone, but Hannah was the best of any of the three. She was soft, tight, warm, wet, and smooth as hell. She was a special treat for him. He went slowly, and bent back, where his girlfriend's crotch was waiting, directly over his face.

Lauren was sitting on a bed of moss, watching the whole thing. She could see the top half of Hannah, groaning and moaning away, and all of Tiffany, closer to orgasm. She was rocking back and forth, concentrating the feeling. Lauren could still hear her faint whimpers. Lauren shuddered. Tiffany really turned her on. Her smooth wet body, rocking in pleasure, her small round breasts stretched tight from her arched back, and her strong thighs and tight ass all flexed hard made Lauren shudder. She thrust another finger into herself.

The four reached their orgasms, and kept switching positions until Richard was exhausted. He hadn't gotten to switch positions much. Each of the girls had had at least five or six turns on his dick, and it was getting really sensitive. They all sat in the warm water and talked, until they couldn't stay awake any longer. After a long, exhausting night that had seemed so short, the four drifted to sleep on the beds of moss. Tiffany had a feeling she was forgetting something, but she fell asleep before she could remember what.

Richard was the first to awake, and just sat, watching the three sleeping girls, all huddled together naked. He was instantly hard. His moment of quiet happiness was broken when a light drizzle started. The girls started to wake up. They were taking their time waking up, but that changed when the rain started falling harder. They were perfectly okay with a little rain, but it kept coming down harder and harder. They decided to go back, and that's when it hit Tiffany. She had forgotten something. They were all naked. That was fine at night, but now, they wouldn't be able to get back.

"Guys?" she yelled through the rain.

They all looked at her, feeling her anxiety.

"We're naked, and it's daylight," she said.

They all looked at each other, and Richard said, "So? Let's try it. It'll be fun."

They were all terrified, but had to agree. It had to be at least noon, but they had to try. They got a break from the rain as they trodged through the woods. Tiffany was the first to emerge, and was struck with horror with the sight.

Their bikes were missing.

Richard, Tiffany, Hannah, and Lauren stood helplessly at the side of the road, staring blankly at the wet grass where their bikes should have been.

"I guess we're walking," someone said.

The four walked in the grass on the side of the road, protecting their feet from the sharp gravel. Richard had a huge boner, and an even bigger grin. He was really enjoying the three wet naked girls, and was purposely walking a little behind. Tiffany was too angry to even yell at Richard, but she was really turned on too. Richard's rock-hard dick was brushing her slippery wet ass, and she wanted nothing more than for him to ram it straight up her hot pussy.

Through the heavy rain, it was almost impossible to hear or see anything. They had to scream to be heard. Suddenly, a car went flying by them on the other side of the road. Everyone's hearts skipped a beat; there was NO chance that that car hadn't seen them.

They were just starting to calm down when the same exact car passed going the other way. They were horrified. The same people had gone by again to watch them! They started to run.

The girls' boobs were bouncing around, slapping against their chests. After a couple minutes, Richard just burst out laughing. He was comfortable, the girls were not.

They neared the edge of town, hiding behind some shrubs. There were people out, walking around. The chance that they didn't know these people was absolutely zero. Fortunately, you could only see about ten to fifteen feet in front of you, because of the dense rain. The only way home was through the city center, and they ran, never looking back. If they saw a yellow raincoat, they backed away until all they saw was a grey sheet. It was so terrifying, yet so erotic, knowing that you had people on all sides of you, but that you were completely naked. They made it to Tiffany's street, and walked along the ditch, ready to dive in if any more cars came. As they ran up Tiffany's sidewalk, a grey figure appeared behind them.

They were horrified at first, then calmed down when they saw it was Rebecca; Richard's sister. (Richard didn't calm down) Rebecca was in college, and they didn't see her much any more. They got mad again when they saw she brought her video camera. It was for one of her classes, and took hi-def video and really good still pictures too. She had apparently followed them from the hill. They looked over to the driveway, where the car they had seen earlier was parked. Their bikes were in the trunk.

"You BITCH!" yelled Richard.

Rebecca couldn't stop laughing. At first everyone was too angry to talk, but calmed down enough to laugh a little. They had gotten out of it okay, so it didn't matter.

They opened the door, and were shocked by the smell. It wasn't bad, but the house definatly smelled like sex.

"Wow, you guys have been busy," said Rebecca, noting the scattered lengere and other assorted articles of clothing. The four just smiled.

"You want to join us?" Lauren asked with a devilish grin.

"What?" said Rebecca, surprised.

"You heard me," she said with a grin.

"Well, we were just in the middle of a game of spin the bottle," said Richard.

"Yeah, but you have to be naked to play," said Tiffany.

"I don't know, guys, I can just watch." said Rebecca.

"Are you afraid to get naked, Becca?" asked Richard. "Because I seem to remember you being afraid to get naked."

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Rebecca.

"When Mom and Dad were gone, and I was always naked, you wouldn't even take off your stupid hat," said Richard.

"It was cold," said Rebecca.

"It's not cold now."

"Look, I just don't want to get undressed," said Rebecca.

"You followed us all the way home, filming us naked," said Tiffany. "You're obviously turned on just a little."

"No, just thought I needed something to blackmail you with."

"So this isn't turning you on?" asked Richard. He pulled Tiffany's naked body into his lap and slid hid penis inside her. "Is THIS turning you on?" he asked.

Rebecca was squirming, but looked uncomfortable. Richard and Tiffany started to get louder. Lauren and Hannah appeared behind Rebecca, and Hannah grabbed her breasts, and started a message. Rebecca was shocked, and tried to squirm away, but gave in to the pleasure, deciding to let it go. A couple minutes after Rebecca got comfortable, Lauren slid her hands up the bottom of Rebecca's shirt, lifting it off. Her pink lace bra was begging to be unclipped, but Lauren knowingly took it a little slow, and instead placed her hands on Rebecca's flat stomach. She slid her hands down into Rebecca's sweatpants, careful to stay out of her panties. She was surprised to find a cashmere thong, but not so surprised that the crotch was a little damp, or that she was a little sweaty down there.

As Lauren started to slowly work Rebecca's pants off, Rebecca moaned, "Quit fucking around; just take it all off."

Lauren and Hannah didn't need to be told twice. Hannah unclipped the bra, and Lauren slid off the panties, tossing them into the "Richard's cum rags" pile. Lauren was a little disappointed to see a very unshaved pussy. Then she was excited, because now she got to do what ever she wanted with it.

Lauren grabbed a comb and a small pair of scissors , and got to work. She used the comb to make sure she didn't cut Rebecca, and cut off the hair that stuck out from the top. That got all of the hair down to about a couple millimetres. Lauren then just used a razor to trim it down to a neat shape, and to get the hair out from between Rebecca's thighs and her labia. She smiled at her work; this was the first time she had left any hair.

After Tiffany and Richard were finished, Lauren asked, "So, Becca, ready for some truth or dare?"

Becca smiled, "Okay," she said.

"I believe that I'm next," said Tiffany, remembering her vibrator dare.

They coninued their game, and fucked Rebecca like crazy. They didn't know if it was just because she was new, or because she was older, but one thing was for sure: Becca was hot. She was beautiful for one, but she got so into the sex, moaning, bucking, and playing with her boobs that even if you wanted to just sit and watch, she would geet you too hot, and you'd forget everything and jump in. Even Richard, who said he and Rebecca had messed around before, but that he didn't want to do anything in front of everyone else, fingered her and ate her out. Becca returned the favor, sucking him off like a pro. They continued for the next month, meeting whenever someones' parents were away, or just gathering in the clearing on the hill, until school started again.

Next: Chapter 6

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