Southbrook Falls

By moc.liamg@19rkba

Published on Jan 7, 2007


This story involves a lot of sex between minors. If you are offended by this, or if you are too young to read this type of material, it would be a good idea to leave.

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The three girls lay in a heap on the shower floor, using each others breasts as pillows. The warmth of their heads sheltered the nipples beneath, allowing them to soften. Hannah lay with Lauren's head spread over her chest. The warmth of her smooth, wet neck on her right breast was strange contrast to the slippery, rough mass of hair that covered Hannah's right breast. The slight weight of Lauren's head caused Hannah to breathe deeply, her chest rising and falling dramatically. Each movement caused movement over her breasts, giving her just enough of a tingle to bring her back to a fully aroused state.

Lauren had Hannah's head on her right breast, so Lauren started to run her fingers through Hannah's hair. Hannah had Tiffany's head on her leg. Hannah couldn't stop running her fingers over her shaved mound, and couldn't help feeling especially naked. They had used a cheap razor, and it left little bristles that annoyed her. Her thoughts wandered; her dad had an electric shaver at their house, so she would probably use that.

Tiffany was the first to move, lifting her head off of Hannah's leg and lightly sliding Lauren off of her boob. She stood above the two other girls and kind of ruined the moment. "Alright, you lesbians, who wants to get Richard over here?" The other girls groaned and agreed sarcastically; they didn't want to directly admit that they wanted to fuck Tiffany's boyfriend.

Tiffany dried off and danced off to the kitchen, where the phone was. Hannah and Lauren followed, but not as quickly. When they got to the kitchen, Tiffany was already in the middle of a conversation with Richard. The twisted cord ran through her legs.

"...Uh huh, yeah. You want to know something?...I'm naked right now...mmmm, yeah I just got out of the shower...I'm still really wet though," she put a special emphasis on "wet". "So what are you doing?...Well, I was planning on going swimming later, and I thought that you might be interested...Yeah...No, they're not home...Yeah, just come over now...Okay, bye." She hung up and screamed.

"Okay, I have a bit of a problem," said Tiffany. "I obviously just invited Richard over, and I obviously just flat out told him I was horny and wanted to fuck him in the pool." The other girls grinned and nodded. "I'm not sure if having two other girls in the pool watching would make him uncomfortable, but I don't want to take the risk. Could you two PLEASE just stay in my room? You can watch the whole thing, and do whatever you want with each other, as long as you keep the lights off."

Hannah and Lauren didn't agree reluctantly. They giggled, and scampered up to Tiffany's room. Tiffany went out the back door, and looked up to the window of her room. The yellow square went black. Tiffany smiled and walked over to the pool. Her swimsuit was at the bottom, and so were Hannah's and Lauren's. She didn't want to greet Richard naked, and she really didn't want him to see the other suits. She had to dive to the bottom to retrive the surprisingly small bundle of swimwear. She brought it into the house to sort it out, hiding the other two from view. Just as she tied the top on, the doorbell rang. She slipped on the thong and ran to the door, her adrenaline rushing, and her pussy tingling.

She opened the door and threw her arms around Richard. He embraced her wet, swimsuit-clad body, and felt his dick grow. He didn't know what was going to happen, but he had a feeling it wouldn't involve clothes. Tiffany looked up to him, and they kissed. They didn't make out, but it was a slow, romantic kiss.

"So, you going to change into a swimsuit?" asked Tiffany.

"I have it on under this," he replied.

"Let's go then," she said, dragging him behind.

They wasted no time in getting in the pool, leaving it completely dark. They embraced, this time making out for literally ten minutes. They didn't want to seperate, to break the moment. They eventually did seperate, but only to catch their breath.

Lauren and Hannah watched impatiently from the window. "Come on Tiffany," said Hannah, "Get naked and start fucking each others' brains out!" The two girls were still completely naked.

Tiffany and Richard pulled apart, and she discreetly slipped off her swimsuit. It was pitch black out, and you couldn't see anything. It was literally complete blackness.

She giggled and splashed Richard, starting a playful game of tag. She dove to the bottom of the deep end and waited naked, unable to see anything. Tiffany could hear Richard splashing around, trying to find her, but it didn't sound like he was close. Gradually, she felt her lungs start to burn for air, and broke the surface loudly. Immediately, she felt Richard's arms wrap around her, and she was forced back underwater.

When she came up again, Richard embraced her again, and they resumed their kiss. This time, though, Richard was greeted with the feeling not of Tiffany's swimsuit, but of her firm, wet breasts against his chest. He kissed her tenderly in the waist-deep water, his hands finding his way down from her bare back to her waist.

He held her naked body gently at first, since he was still a virgin himself, but soon got more adventurous. Tiffany felt Richard's hands fall from her waist to find her bottom half completely naked, too. She let him feel her ass, let his hands caress her curves in the most intimate places. He held her by the bottom of her ass, and his fingers curved around to tickle her pussy.

Hannah and Lauren, watching from Tiffany's room, strained to see anything. All they could see was Tiffany making out with Richard. They couldn't see in the total darkness that she was standing completely naked, with Richard's fingers almost up her ass.

Tiffany slid her arms from around Richard's neck, to untie his suit. As it came off, she immediately wrapped her hand around his dick, since her sense of touch was the only one that did her any good right now. He was rock-hard, and the slightest touch mad him twitch powerfully. While still making out with Richard, Tiffany guided his dick between her legs. He had to bend his knees a little to be on her level. Once his penis was in place, he stood up swiftly and powerfully, but very gently.

Tiffany grabbed his shoulders from behind, and used them to pull herself up. This was the only way she had of humping. They walked into deeper water, freeing Tiffany from gravity. Her knees bent up until she was no longer standing, but completely supported by Richard. She was able to pull herself upward with ease, now that she was in shoulder-deep water. Her vagina flooded with cool water every time Richard's hot penis left, causing her more pleasure from the changing temperatures. She couldn't keep making out with Richard while she bobbed up and down on his pole, but she hoped that her breasts rubbing up and down his body would be consolation for this. It was for her, because this just caused more pleasure. Tiffany had her knees bent up until her ankles touched her ass, and her back was arched. Richard's penis was a straight arrow through the bends of Tiffany's vagina, and it rubbed especially hard in some places. Tiffany's clitoris was recieving so much stimulation that she was tearing up from sexual pleasure. She was also being pretty loud; her slow groans were really turning Richard on.

She felt herself getting closer to orgasm, and she started saying Richard's name over and over. He just grunted as Tiffany picked up the pace, lifting herself and dropping double time. She froze as she reached her climax, and then just kept going for Richard. He shuddered in a wave, starting at his shoulders, and stopping at his dick. It tensed up and released a wave of steaming hot cum. She could feel it pump into the back of her vagina, and then fill her up and pour out of her hole. Richard looked down at Tiffany, and they found each other's lips, despite the total blackness. Tiffany was free of all her worries as she felt her boyfriend's dick soften and slide out of her.

Richard and Tiffany walked inside, completely naked, holidng hands. They didn't say a word, and they didn't need to. Each was in a happy world of their own, but Richard didn't know that he hadn't taken Tiffany's virginity.

The two looked each other over; Richard had never seen a girl naked in real life, and Tiffany hadn't seen a guy naked, ever. Richard was starting to get hard again, which really excited Tiffany. She couldn't help but wonder what Richard would look like if they shaved him.

Richard had seen naked girls in pictures and stuff, but looking at Tiffany and knowing that she was his, and would do pretty much anything with him was a huge turn-on. He couldn't beleive what had just happened, and was really hoping it wasn't the last time.

When Richard walked further into the house, he could hear faint groaning, and thumping on the floor.

"Hey, Tiff? Do you hear that?" he asked, with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Yeah," said Tiffany. "That's the second half of tonight.

By now, Richard was really confused. As he climbed the stairs with Tiffany, he got really nervous. The lights were all off, there was a funny smell, and someone was obviously having sex in Tiffany's room. Even if Tiffany didn't care, he didn't want to walk in on anyone that he didn't know really well.

Tiffany flipped the light switch, and Lauren and Hannah were revealed, entwined on the wood floor. Hannah was buried in Lauren's crotch. Richard jumped back, but his dick sprang straight up. He was trying to hide it, afraid that Tiffany would be angry. Instead, Tiffany gave it a quick jerk, and said, "I'm glad you like it because this is the entertainment for the rest of the night."

Richard got a little more comfortable, and sat with Tiffany on her bed, watching the two other girls fuck on the floor. Tiffany grabbed Richard's dick, pumped it hard for a few minutes, and watched as his cum shot out and covered the girls on the floor. She bent over and licked all the extra off his dick. Richard lay back, overwhelmed so far.

Once Lauren and Hannah had finished with each other, they wiped off their mouths, and smiled. "Hey guys," said Lauren.

"Hey," said Richard. "You're the new girl aren't you?"

"I guess so," said Lauren.

Richard laughed, "Yeah I didn't recoognize you with Hannah on your face."

Lauren smiled. "Let's go downstairs," she said.

The group of naked teens walked into the living room, and got busy immediately. Tiffany put on Richard's boxers, which she just found on the floor, and lay Richard on the couch. She got him hard again by playing with her tits in front of him, then got to the good stuff. He was laying on his back, with his dick laid flat on his stomach, so she sat on his waist. this put Richard's naked dick between Tiffany's ass-cheeks, the head just bearly tickling her pussy. She could feel his heartbeat in his dick, and it turned her on. Tiffany started with her show. She started rubbing her wet cunt through his underwear, soaking them through. Richard was wide-eyed. She was sure to be as loud as possible, so that it would be more erotic for Richard. She undid the button on the front of the boxers, and slid two fingers in. She drove him insane because he couldn't see what was going on in her underwear. He could only see her pleasure. She slid the boxers around to within an inch of showing him everything, but kept it hidden. Finally, without skipping a beat, she took them off, giving Richard the full show. He tensed up a lot, and started humping her a little. She continued to finger herself, and her fluids were starting to drip down onto Richard, mixing with his cum. He finally found a way to get in the action. Richard placed his hands around Tiffany's waist, and massaged her groin with his thumbs while she fingered herself. She was purposely screaming when she reached her orgasm, and Richard was dying for sex. His dick was poking past Tiffany's outer lips, but Tiffany got off him.

She wiped herself off with his boxers, making sure to wipe her pussy. It drove Richard insane. Tiffany couldn't stand torturing him any more, so she dove down on his dick, face first. Her mouth closed over his boiling hot dick, taking more and more in until she almost gagged. She hadn't meant to make him cum so fast, but he did almost immediately. Maybe she had made him too horny. Anyway, the cascade of semen came without warning, and Tiffany struggled to keep it from coming out her nose. She managed to swallow everything, but came up gasping for air. Once she cought her breath, she burped, and the two laughed.

Hannah and Lauren had started to eat each other out on the floor shortly after Tiffany and Richard started. Now, after Tiffany and Richard had finished, the two girls were still going strong, but they had moved to a chair. Hannah sat limp, looking asleep, while Lauren worked vigorously at her crotch.

"Wow," said Richard, apparently looking at Lauren and Hannah.

"I know," said Tiffany. "They've been at it a while, haven't they?"

"No, I meant you," said Richard. "That was amazing!"

"Oh, thanks. You were my first, you know."

"No way!"



Richard lay back, his penis slowly shriveling. That was surprising.

"SO what did you mean by them being the 'entertainment for tonight'?" asked Richard.

"Well," said Tiffany, "were playing spin the bottle."

"Oh," Said Richard.

They waited for the girls to finish with each other, and then sat down on the floor beside them.

"So, we're going to play sort of like truth or dare," said Tiffany. "I'll spin first."

Tiffany gave the empty beer bottle a spin, and it pointed to Lauren. Everyone laughed and giggled at her for a few minutes, but quieted down easily.

"Lauren, truth or dare?," said Tiffany.

"Truth," she said quickly.

"Okay," said Tiffany, "Have you ever had sex with a guy before?"


Not so surprising. Anyway, Lauren spun the bottle and it landed on Hannah.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare," said Hannah, thinking that she couldn't embarass herself more than she had already.

"I dare you to run around the block," said Lauren.

"Um, okay," said Hannah.

"Naked," said Lauren, with a huge grin.

Hannah's jaw dropped. Everyone just cracked up. She knew that they would never let her live it down if she didn't do it. Hannah sighed, and decided that since no one really lived around here, and that those who did would be asleep, she would do it. She stood up and ran out the front door, sprinting down the street. The three remaining in the house couldn't stop laughing. Tiffany locked the front door. After a couple minutes, Hannah came tearing around the other corner, and got to the front porch. She looked terrified to start with, and when she found the door locked, she flipped out. Tiffany flicked the porch light on, leaving Hannah totally exposed. She ran to the back door, and they let her in. Hannah finally smiled.

"That was such a rush!" she said.

"Okay, your turn, Hannah."

Hannah spun the bottle, and as it slowed, Lauren cringed. It landed on her.

"Truth or dare?"

"I guess it's only fair that I say dare," said Lauren.

"I dare you to video tape yourself masturbating, in the middle of the road, under that streetlight. And you have to orgasm."

Lauren cringed again. She had had so many orgasms tonight that she didn't know if she would be able to reach another. Tiffany handed her the camera, and she ran out the door. she took the camera in her left hand, and started fingering herself really fast with her right. She was really putting on a good show, switching between her pussy and her boobs. She eventually put the camera down between her spread legs and spread her pussy wide open. She shoved in two fingers, and started to rub her clit. She seemed to be forgetting that she was in the middle of the road. Tiffany was starting to get pretty horny herself when Lauren finally climaxed. She lay, licking her fingers for a couple seconds before remembering what was going on, and sprinting inside. The first thing that the others did was to check if it was recording. It was, and it was a perfect video. It actually was decently lit, and the close-up of her pussy was crystal-clear. They all cheered and whistled while Lauren let herself calm down.

"Whew, okay," said Lauren. "Did that get you perverts happy?"

Lauren spun the bottle, and it landed on herself, so she went again. Richard had had a constant boner all night. The bottle slowed, and it crept by him to land on Tiffany. Her heart sank; she knew Lauren would have something awful for her.

"Mmmmm, Tiffany," Lauren said, thinking hard. "I think I have something perfect."

"What," said Tiffany nervously.

"Well to begin, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Said Tiffany with false confidance.

"You have to masturbate," Lauren began, "While you watch us fuck your boyfriend."

Tiffany tried to hide her unhappiness, "You're a lesbian! You don't even want to fuck him!"

"He wants to fuck us, though," said Lauren. "Look at his poor dick! It's going to get stretched out."

"You can't just drag him into your sex game," said Tiffany, "He--"

"Fine by me," said Richard.

"Me too," said Hannah.

Tiffany let out an indignant laugh.

Lauren slid her body into Richard's lap, and Hannah came over too. She was waiting to get started before she jumped in.

"Okay," said Lauren, "Get going."

Tiffany sighed and slid a single finger into her hole, letting her mind instinctively push it in and out rythmically. She really wasn't very into it at the moment. She took special note that Richard seemed to be enjoying his lap dance.

Once she was satisfied that Tiffany was going to keep going, Lauren got out of Richard's lap. She replaced her naked ass with her face, which was perfectly fine with Richard. Hannah was still waiting for a place to jump in. Lauren started to work Richard over, and he fell out of reality. Hannah saw her spot, and lay Richard back on the floor. She knelt over his face, and let him lick her wet pussy.

Tiffany, watching the young orgy, couldn't help but get aroused. The three naked bodies writhing in pleasure made her forget for a bit that it was her boyfriend on the floor. She watched Hannah, and imagined that Richard was licking her instead of Hannah. She slid her finger up and down her slit to imitate a tounge.

Lauren could feel Richard tensing up and humping faster, so she stopped. Richard was laying flat on the floor, so she put her face in front of his dick and said, "Hey Tiffany, he tastes pretty good," and then jerked him off the rest of the way. He came hard, and his hot cum sprayed into her open mouth. She heard Tiffany groan loudly.

Lauren let Richard have a few minutes to get hard again by watching Tiffany masturbate. She was looking less and less mad every second. Lauren whispered something in Richard and Hannah's ears, and they stood up.

They started with Lauren and Hannah just standing together and making out, but they moved so they were standing directly over Tiffany. Then, Richard got behind Lauren and started fucking her from behind. Cum was dripping down on Tiffany. Then, when he exited Lauren, he entered Hannah, who was standing so that her pussy was only an inch farther reach than Lauren's. So, Richard would go back and forth between the two girls. When he came, he stuck his penis between the two girls' bodies, and shot his load over their stomachs. As he got hard again, the girls played with his cum, smearing it along each others' breasts and feeding it to each other. Lauren let a big glob of it flow down to her crotch, and then drip down onto Tiffany's nose, as she sat, forced to pleasure herself. As the glob of semen made its way between her breasts, she shuddered hard with a big orgasm.

The four sat down in their circle and Tiffany smiled. Richard was already hard again. "Well that was a good one," she said, and spun the bottle again without another word.

"Oh, finally," said Lauren as the bottle finally fell on Richard.

"Okay Richard, truth or dare?" said Tiffany.

"I'll be a man. Dare," he said.

"It's not right now, but I dare you to let Lauren videotape us having sex."

"Why can't we do it right now?" said Richard eagerly.

Tiffany smiled, "You'll see tomorrow, but we can fuck whenever."

"Okay, that was easy," said Richard. He spun, and it landed on Tiffany.

"Truth or dare," he said with a huge grin.

"Dare," she said.

"I dare you to fuck me in the front yard," said Richard.

"Okay," said Tiffany with a smile. They went out the door naked, and got on the ground. Richard kissed Tiffany, and entered her gently. He slowly started to pump in and out, and was in total bliss. Just as he was about to climax, he heard a sound. He looked down the road, and there was a car creeping toward them. The two bolted around the corner of the house so that they wouldn't be seen. To their terror, the car crept to a halt in front of Tiffany's house, and slowly rolled into the driveway. Tiffany was in total shock and terror. There was no way they could get inside before her parents got in, let alone get the lingere picked off the floor and the furniture.

"Shit," she said.

She was panicking. She wouldn't be able to explain this away.

The car slowed to a stop, clicked into reverse, and pulled out of the driveway. It took off in the opposite direction it had come from.

Tiffany and Richard stumbled inside, completely shocked. Lauren and Hannah looked just as stunned.

"Wow," said Tiffany.

"Yeah," said Lauren.

"Okay, Tiffany, you spin next," said Hannah.

She spun the bottle, and grinned the biggest grin as the bottle landed on Lauren.

"Shit," said Lauren.

"I've been thinking about what I would do when this happened," said Tiffany. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," said Lauren.

"I dare you to post that video of you masturbating online," said Tiffany with an even bigger grin.

"Let me see the camera," said Lauren.

She hooked it up to the TV, and they all watched her fuck herself on the big screen. Tiffany took one look at Richard's dick, which was looking like it was about to pop, and couldn't help but relieve him. He was done in a couple pumps, and sprayed all over himself and her. He grinned and wiped everything up with his boxers, as they had all done all night. Everyone's panties were soaked with his cum, too.

"You can do that yourself," said Tiffany. "I don't care."

Richard smiled, "But I like it so much more when you do it!"

The others were still absorbed with the video.

"You can't see your face! You HAVE to post it," said Hannah.

"I guess," said Lauren. "Ugh I hate this dare.

They all went into the office and hooked up the camera. Lauren made a new blog and posted the video there. They watched it one last time, and everyone masturbated. Tiffany felt Richard's hot cum spray her back, and turned around to give him an evil grin. She was running out of things to dry off with that weren't soaked with his cum, so she used someone's bra.

They were finished playing truth or dare, even though Lauren was dying for revenge. Tiffany went into the kitchen to get Vault so they could stay awake. All this sex really took it out of you.

Next: Chapter 5

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