Southbrook Falls

By moc.liamg@19rkba

Published on Nov 11, 2006


WARNING--This story contains three underage girls having sex with each other and masturbating with each other. If this offends you, then you should be smart enough not to read it, and not to be on this website. But if you aren't smart enough, this is your warning. Don't read it.

Feedback welcome at Enjoy!

Tiffany loved being home alone. She loved it because she could do anything she wanted until people got back. She could eat all of the ice cream in the fridge, or sit around naked all day. Most of the time she did both. Tiffany had a really big house, and it was a lot of fun to run around naked. But Tiffany's favorite thing to do was to get naked outside. It was a huge rush because it was so risky, and you felt totally free. Today, Tiffany was alone because she was waiting for Lauren to come for the sleepover they had planned. It was getting dark, so Lauren would be arriving soon. Tiffany was, of course, naked, messing around on their piano. She had never learned to play, and she sometimes regretted it. As she pressed a few notes of Mary Had a Little Lamb, she started to wonder about what the evening had in store. They could call anyone and have an orgy in the living room, or better yet, in the back yard. She started to imagine Lauren sucking and licking her all over, her perfect kisses placed on every inch of skin. She felt her nipples protrude, and she started to massage her breasts. It wasn't really like having someone else do it, but it still felt good. She walked out to her back yard, completely naked, and sat with her feet in the pool. as she watched the ripples spread, she calmed down a little. She couldn't wait for tonight. She had a few other plans that Lauren didn't know about, but that she would definately like. Tiffany's only goal was to make tonight as memorable as possible.

Before long, the bell rang. Tiffany dunked herself in the pool and got out quickly with a towel. She answered the door with the towel around her, and let Lauren in.

"I just got out of the shower," said Tiffany.

"Of course you did," Lauren joked.

They giggled and sat down. Lauren was wearing a tight cotton miniskirt from Victoria's Secret, and when she bent over, Tiffany could see a sheer pink g-string. Lauren had dressed appropriately. The girls giggled a little about the gossip that was going around, before Tiffany remembered that she was still wearing the towel. Lauren followed her up to her room so that she could change. Of course, Tiffany changed in front of Lauren, so she dropped the towel, which let her boobs fall free. Tiffany was really horny, and her nipples sticking out an inch didn't help her conceal it. She put on a silk green thong, and a pair of jeans over it. She also put on her most revealing bra that she had, over which she put on a low cut t-shirt. Lauren was practically drooling, she didn't know why they were waiting.

"Can we just fuck already?" she asked.

"We could, but don't you want to get Richard over here?" asked Tiffany.

"Not really."

"We could do Hannah too."

Lauren couldn't resist bringing another girl into the picture, and she quickly agreed. Tiffany smiled and picked up the phone. She only called Hannah for now, she wanted to save Richard for later. Hannah said she would be right over. She had no idea what the girls had in store for her.

Hannah arrived with an overnight bag, wearing a pair of tight sweatpants and a Green Bay sweatshirt.

"Hey Lauren," she said happily.

"Hey," said Lauren, obviously distracted by her mental undressing of Hannah.

"Hey, come on guys, lets go swimming or something," Tiffany interrupted.

"Are your parents here?" asked Hannah.

"Nope. They left for the night."

"Well, I'll just change in their room, then."

The main problem with Tiffany's house was that the only bathroom on the first floor was in her parents' room. Either Tiffany or whoever else was over would change in there, while the other changed in the dining room.

"Um, my swimsuit is upstairs, so I'm just going to change in my room. Lauren, go ahead and change in the dining room," said Tiffany.

The girls dispersed and changed into their swimsuits, then met down by the pool. Lauren was wearing a dark purpla bikini that held her breasts perfectly. Tiffany had never noticed how big they were. She had been too busy between Lauren's legs. Tiffany smiled at that thought. Hannah had bought one of the new seamless bikinis from Victoria's Secret that seemed to be part of her skin. It fit perfectly. Tiffany noticed Lauren staring. Tiffany was wearing a thong-style bikini that really didn't leave much to the imagination. It was a skimpy pink triangle in front that was so small that she actually had to shave so that her pubes didn't come out the top, which was okay, because she did anyway. That triangle turned into basically a thread that didn't cover anything at all in back. The cups showed her boobs on each side of the triangle; they hardly covered her nipples. The material was nearly see-through; you could definately see the outline of her nipples and her slit, if you were looking. Her parents didn't know she owned this suit. In fact, She had a whole box of underwear that she thought were too revealing for her parents, so she hid them.

Tiffany was kind of an underwear fanatic, and she had about every type imaginable. Surprisingly, she normally wore boys' boxers for the freedom and the thicker fabric. Recently, she had been wearing a lot of thongs for her sex life, but that had to cool off sometime.

The girls just swam around for a while, just chatting. Tiffany, couldn't decide how to get the whole thing started, and Lauren had made it up to her. Lauren was getting impatient. Finally, Tiffany came up with a plan. She climbed out of the pool and subtly loosened her suit before diving in right in front of Lauren and Hannah. The girls screamed as Tiffany's wave splashed into their faces. When the foam settled down, her swimsuit, top and bottom, floated to the top.

Lauren looked shocked, and Hannah was half, laughing, half screaming as Tiffany floated to the surface, completely naked. Tiffany blinked as a familiar cool breeze stripped her nipples and crotch of heat. She was beaming. Hannah kept expecting Tiffany to put her suit back on, but Tiffany just hopped on a lounge raft and lay back.

"You want this?" asked Hannah, holding Tiffany's string that she called a swimsuit out of the water.

"Nope," was the response.

"C'mon, put it on," said Lauren, trying to play along.

Tiffany rolled onto her stomach, her boobs pressed against the raft. "Hey Lauren, does my ass look tan enough to you?" she laughed.

Lauren couldn't keep a straight face. She cracked up. Between hystarical laughs, she managed to grab Tiffany's ass, pretend to inspect it, and say, "Yup, looks done to me." Hannah was really uncomfrotable.

"Oh come on Hannah," said Tiffany, "its not like you've never seen me naked before. Besides, you shouldn't be too surprised, I mean, we all have the same stuff."

"Not exactly," said Hannah, "I never had boobs like those before I hit puberty."

"Why don't you think I've hit puberty?" asked Tiffany, finally sitting up.

"You dont have any hair yet," said Hannah, and after pondering for a moment added, "Unless you shave."

"Yeah, I shave," said Tiffany.

Hannah looked surprised, so Lauren added, "It's pretty normal. I shave too."

"Why?" asked Hannah.

"It feels more sexy," said Lauren, "I've shaved since I was ten. I was an early bloomer, see?" Lauren whipped off her swimsuit before Hannah had a chance to look away. She squealed and giggled, but never even blinked. Her gaze was fixed on Lauren's naked mound.

"Well, let's see yours, Hannah. I can't remember ever having hair," said Tiffany, "I always shaved it off."

"Are you crazy? Why would I show you my privates?" Hannah seemed shocked.

"Why not?" Tiffany answered, "We showed you ours, and like I said, we all have the same parts."

Hannah was thinking about it, but she cought herself and just said that it was too weird.

"Hannah," said Lauren, "we'll leave you alone if you do."

Hannah obviously wanted to, but she didn't want to seem too willing. "Fine," she said, "Just to shut you guys up."

Lauren and Tiffany smiled at each other. Hannah rolled her eyes and put her thumbs in the sides of her bikini. Tiffany couldn't help but notice the size of the bulge in the front of Hannah's suit. She had a big pussy. Hannah was never really the athletic one. That was more Tiffany's thing. Hannah carried a little more body fat, but it just rounded her out. She had a great body.

As the bikini came down, Hannah's thick pubes came into view, followed by the softest, juciest labia that the girls had ever seen.

"Well that beats my skinny cunt," said Lauren. She was practically drooling.

TIffany could only "Hm" in agreement. This made Hannah a lot more confident, and she finally stopped blushing to smile.

"Obviously," said Lauren, "We're going to need to shave you."

Hannah pretended to protest, but she was too excited and just nodded.

Tiffany sighed loudly, "Hannah, do you masturbate yet?"

"Um, no," she answered, "Why? Should I?"

"Yes, you should," said Tiffany. "It's one of the coolest feelings in the world, and you're going to do it right now."

"I don't know if I feel-"

"Shut up," said Lauren. "Now first, it is important that you are completely naked."

"Why?" asked Hannah.

"Because it makes it more fun," said Tiffany impatiently. "Now shut the fuck up and get naked."

Hannah undid the tie on her top, and her breasts sagged. There was a slight hesitation before Hannah threw aside her bikini top, revealing her smooth breasts, marked by triangular tan lines. She was completely naked, and she wasn't sure what to do. Her fingers slowly crept between her pussy lips, and she started to feel around a bit.

Tiffany had gotten distracted by Hannah's naked body, and she finally came to. "Dammit, Hannah, you're doing it all wrong. Come over here, I have a different way for you."

"How?" Hannah's voice cracked with excitement.

"Well, the heat for the pool comes from a few water jets around the edges. If you aim one straight up your pussy, it feels awesome."

Hannah just stood there for a minute, not sure what to do.

"Well, get started," said Lauren. "We're not going to help you."

Hannah walked over to one of the jets and leaned back, letting the powerful flow of water directly into her vagina At once, she relaxed, overcome by the new sensation that was making her body pulse involuntarily. All she could say was "Oh, wow" over and over again, until the "wow" disappeared, and it became a repeating "oh, oh". Her noise got louder, higher pitched, and faster paced. Lauren had taken off what remained of her swimsuit, and walked over to Hannah with Tiffany. Lauren and Tiffany each grabbed one of Hannah's small breasts in one hand, and started fingering themselves with the other. Hannah hardly noticed; her eyes were closed, and her screams and moans drowned out all of the background noise. Tiffany felt hannah's body shudder, and she knes she had reached a big orgasm. Thinking Hannah would be spent, Tiffany continued to massage Hannah's boob, and started to concentrate on her own approaching orgasm. Tiffany felt Hannah shudder again, even harder than the first time, and again. This time it was a massive orgasm that finished her off. Hannah seemingly floated away, leaving Lauren and Tiffany standing. They continued pumping their fingers up their holes, until they each reached a single orgasm and pulled out.

They turned toward Hannah, who was floating on her back, trying to slow her breathing.

"That was awesome," she said.

"Yeah. Believe it or not, it feels even better when someone does it for you," said Tiffany.

"Now I can't wait for Richard to get here so I can feel that, too," said Hannah dreamily.

"We don't have to wait for him," said Lauren.

"Well, let's go then," said Hannah, bouncing with joy.

The three girls went inside, and Tiffany went to get shaving cream. She came back to find Lauren and Hannah sitting naked in the living room. Lauren gently Hannah back, and carefully rubbed her nipples into little pebbles. Tiffany sprayed shaving cream in a pile on Hannah's mound, and in a line up her stomach and between her breasts. Lauren got to work on the upper half, while Tiffany lathered up Hannah's pussy. Tiffany started to shave all of the hair off, and she was careful to keep the pubes off of the carpet. Once Tiffany was done, they led Hannah to the shower to wash her off.

Tiffany started the water, and pushed Hannah in without letting it warm up. The three girls shuddered against the cold, but Tiffany let the water stay cool. Their nipples all stood straight out, and their skin formed goosebumps. THe hair and shaving cream flowed down the drain, exposing Hannah's newly shaved mound.

Tiffany pinned Hannah against a wall, and kneeled in front of her. Then, Lauren lay on the floor with her head between Tiffany's knees. She grabbed Tiffany's waist with both hands and pulled her mouth into position. She looked up and realized that Tiffany had already started on Hannah. She was having a hard time deciding if the liquid dripping into her mouth was the shower or Tiffany. Tiffany was buried in Hannah's crotch, forcefully licking up and down her slippery pink slit. She was reaching around, her hands gripping Hannas ass powerfully. Hannah didn't need to be quiet anymore, and she was taking full advantage of that. Her screams rang down to the first floor, and echoed in the girls' ears, making them even hornier. Lauren dove in. TIffany shuddered as Lauren fixed onto her pussy, and then calmed down. Lauren felt a rush of adrenaline that drove her further and further. Lauren would lick harder, and that made Tiffany lick harder, and that made Hannah scream louder.

Hannah felt herself come closer and closer to orgasm, the pressure building up in waves that crashed from deep inside her to the tips of her fingers. SHe was totaly unaware of everything around her, and the pressure went back into her clit, where one last touch of Tiffany's tongue sent it free in a torrent that seemed to explode out of her vagina and boil the blood in her veins. She didn't even notice that the water was still freezing. Her orgasm kept going, and going. Her vision was filled with black spots that came with her heartbeat, which she heard above everything else. Slowly, everything came back into view, and Hannah let out a hugh sigh. She was done. She moved to the side. Tiffany stood up, Lauren got on her knees in front of Tiffany, and hannah lay with her head between Lauren's crotch. Somehow, they all knew to rotate.

Hannah looked up and saw Lauren's pussy taking up most of her view. She hesitated; she had never actually serviced a girl. They had both just eaten her out before. Oh well, now wasn't the time to decide to take things slow.

Lauren was inches away from bringing Tiffany to orgasm, and she was getting really horny. She knew that her clit was sticking out because the cool water tickled it. She was going at Tiffany with nothing else in mind when she felt a soft, warm pair of lips close over her mound. HEr groin muscles tightened, closing her thighs over Hannah's head. She relaxed, and reattached herself to Tiffany. Tiffany was starting to hump lauren's face, and she came to an amazing orgasm. She went completely still, letting Lauren concentrate on Hannah's tongue. Lauren could hardly believe that Hannah had never done this before, because she was good. Lauren had been inches away from orgasm anyway, and she was about to snap. SHe was working on giving Tiffany her second orgasm. She could feel Tiffany's tension rising quickly, until they both orgasmed at the same time. Lauren stood up and the rotation continued.

They rotated about seven or eight more times, and then collapsed. Their dirs and sweat mixed with the freezing water and trickled off their hot bodies and their swollen clits, which were almost painful to touch. They three girls lay with the cold water flowing over them, letting their breathing slow down.

"That...was awesome," said Hannah, pausing to breathe.

The night had just begun.

Next: Chapter 4

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