Southbrook Falls

By moc.liamg@19rkba

Published on Aug 3, 2006


To start with, this is the first story in the series. There are, so far, no sexual situations in the story, so you don't have to be over 18 to read this. There are, however, non-sexual lesbian encounters between teens, so if you're offended by that, then don't read it. Feedback is welcomed at


-Tiffany: The main character of the story. She is short and blonde, fourteen years old. Tiffany is a good friend and very energetic.

-Lauren: The new girl in town. She is the same age as Tiffany, with straight brown hair cut to her sholders. She is very outgoing and really livens up life in Southbrook Falls.

-Hannah: The quiet one. She is still reasonably popular and very kind, she just isn't as outgoing as her friends. She is a thin average height brunette.

-Richard: A good looking guy who drifts in and out of relationships with the main characters of the story.

Southbrook Falls was a small town, having less than two thousand inhabitants. It was well developed, and had all the facilities that a teenager could possibly want: fast food resturaunts, car dealerships, parks, and of course, a mall. There were two elementary schools, but only one middle school and one high school. Each had about 100 students. Therefore, every teenager in Southbrook Falls knew every other teenager, and almost everyone got along with everyone else. There was very little to fight about, granted there was very little at all, so life in Southbrook Falls was very routine.

One notable girl in Southbrook Falls was Tiffany; she extended her popularity to the maximum possible limit considering the size of the school. Everyone knew who she was, and everyone liked her. No one had anything bad to say about her, because there didn't seem to be anything bad to say. Tiffany Ford was perfect. At least to everyone she knew. But perfection is a heavy burden, and it began to weigh on her shoulders. She wanted throw it off and have a little adventure once in a while. The answer to her prayers was revealed soon enough.

The answer to Tiffany's prayers rolled into the driveway down the street in a 1957 Chevy pickup truck in the middle of the morning. It was summer, and Tiffany had been looking forward to a day of relaxing and enjoying the break. Her relaxation was disrupted momentarily by the arrival of this new curiosity. What took place on that day hadn't taken place in four years, and it was definitely one of the most exciting things that had happened that summer. Tiffany went down the street out of curiosity, not caring to change out of her pajamas. What had just arrived was too exciting to miss out on. As she walked up the driveway, she turned to face the new arrival that had left her so stunned: a girl.

"Hi," said the girl, "my name's Lauren Rousseau."

"Uh, hi," said a stunned half-asleep Tiffany.

"What's your name?" asked the girl happily. She acted more energetically than most people ever do, and it was still the morning. This caught Tiffany off guard.

"Oh, right," she finally answered, "My name is Tiffany Ford. I live down the street."

The girl had a strange personality; not ditzy-happy, just happy. Not in an annoying way at all. Tiffany's first impression was from her eyes. They were firey blue and stood out starkly against her light skin and dark hair.

"Do you want any help unpacking?" asked Tiffany, finally remembering her manners.

Lauren smiled, "That would be great, thank you. We don't have a ton of stuff, because it's just my dad and me. I'm going to let my dad carry his own stuff, so if you don't mind, you can help with mine. Tiffany said that she didn't mind, and she grabbed a random box that said "LAUREN" on the top. On the way upstairs, Lauren's dad stopped them to greet Tiffany. He was glad that Lauren was making friends, but said that he wasn't surprised. He moved on with a chuckle.

After Tiffany had finished carrying a particularly heavy box upstairs, Lauren sat down on a pillow and said,"Well, I think that's the last of it. Thank you so much for your help."

"No problem. It's not like I have to do this much or anything. We don't get many new neighbors."

"Really? I guess that makes sense because of how small the town is," said Lauren. After a short silence, Lauren asked, "Do you guys get snow here?" Southbrook Falls was in Wisconsin, so it seemed like an odd question.

"Wait," said Tiffany, "where are you from?"

"I'm from Southern California," said Lauren blankly. Tiffany was impressed by that, and found herself jealous of Lauren. But they didn't have snow in Southern California.

"Yeah, we get snow here, but usually only about three or four feet a year," said Tiffany, trying to show off. It worked.

"Wow," said Lauren, "I've never seen snow before, I can't wait!"

TIffany never thought much of snow. It was always just there. It was normal. She couldn't imagine never seeing snow. But it apparently impressed a girl from Southern California, a world that was viewed by Tiffany and most other teenagers from Southbrook Falls as one of surfing, flirting, and partying. It was amazing to have met someone who had seen all of that and still be mellow about it. It was this intrest in each others' worlds that led to their friendship. They couldn't wait to find out more about the other, or show off a little. They spent hours in Lauren's bedroom telling each other about their lives.

Tiffany went home in the evening to find her parents reading in the living room. She told them about the new girl who had come from Southern California to live down the street from us in a boring small town. They were as amazed as she was. After all, they had lived in Southbrook Falls all their lives, and still probably hadn't seen many more new arrivals than Tiffany.

Tiffany decided to go to bed at about eleven. She found herself thinking about the amazing world that Lauren had described to her, and she began to have trouble falling asleep. She lay in bed about an hour, until she finally decided that she had had enough. After checking to see if her parents were asleep, Tiffany opened her window and slipped out. She was careful to leave it open a crack so that she could get back in. She walked around to the back of the house where she kept her bike, and took off down the street.

Everyone in Southbrook Falls was asleep by now, and there were very few exceptions. This was a common routine for Tiffany, her little way of getting the adventure that she longed for. She rode as far as the small lake that the town had been founded on, so small that it didn't really have a name. The local government was supposed to be in the process of giving it a name, but that process was going very slowly. Not that it even mattered; everyone would still just call it "the Lake" no matter what. Anyway, Tiffany was about three miles from her house. She lived at the northern edge of town, while the lake was, naturally, in the very center. She couldn't decide what to do.

She was just about to head home when she rounded a corner and whizzed past Lauren. The two bikes skidded to a halt and then turned around. Lauren let out a sigh of releif.

"Oh Tiffany I am so glad to see you!" gasped Lauren. As the two got off their bikes, she ran over and hugged Tiffany.

"Did you get lost?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah. I guess it was a bad idea to go so far from home before I knew the neighborhood," said Lauren. Tiffany was still concerned;

"How long have you been out here?" "About an hour, I think, but it was so scary! I thought I might not be able to get back."

"Well, I can take you back. How 'bout I show you how to get back so that you never get lost again?" said Tiffany.

"Okay, that would help a lot. I sneak out a lot to do this and it would be really helpful,"said Lauren gratefully.

"Okay," Tiffany began, "First you find the North side of the Lake, which is opposite where we are now. You take the road straight north out of downtown for twelve blocks and turn left on our street. You'll get used to it fast if you sneak out as much as you say."

The two girls rode home together, stopping at Lauren's first. Tiffany rode home by herself and put her bike back behind the house. She found a major problem, though, when she got to the window. It had slipped shut.

Tiffany ran down to Lauren's house,and went around to the side, where the window to Lauren's room was. She tried whisper-yelling because she didn't want to wake anybody up, but couldn't get her attention. The soft blue glow indicated that she was watching TV. Tiffany had no choice but to use a rock. She found a light one and chucked it at the window. It made a loud noise and bounced back. Tiffany saw the blue glow go out and the window slid open.

"Yeah?" whispered Lauren.

"I got locked out," Tiffany explained, "Can I stay with you?"

"Sure. go to the front door," Lauren answered. After waiting a few minutes, Lauren appeared at the door, wearing a dark pair of panties and a tank top. Tiffany came in and they snuck upstairs. Lauren looked around and said, "Well, I really only have one bed. We can share it if you want." Tiffany saw nothing wrong with that, so she said okay and took off her clothes. Lauren got in and they went to sleep.

Tiffany opened her eyes and immediately noticed the bright daylight. She sat up in alarm. Her parents were almost always up by now. How would she get in without being noticed? She left Lauren sleeping and got dressed. Luckily, Lauren's dad was still asleep, and Tiffany was able to leave unnoticed. She walked the distance between the two houses thinking of ways to get out of this. She finally just walked right in.

Her parents were awake, reading as usual. "Where were you?" asked her mother.

"I was outside for a while. I needed some fresh air." There was a nervous pause, until her mother lowered her eyes back to the book she was reading. Tiffany went back into her room and sighed. She was lucky.

She decided to call her boyfriend Richard to tell him about the girl that just arrived. She was shocked to find that he knew. "Yeah, the whole town knows by now. I guess word travels faster than we thought," he said. It shouldn't have surprised her. One year, Tiffany cought a cold, and when she went into town, half the people she saw said that they hoped she got well soon. She didn't even know who many of the people were. Somehow it still did surprise her, and she was sort of disappointed. She had been looking forward to telling people about Lauren. Tiffany invited Richard over and hung up.

Richard arrived, and the two went up to Tiffany's room. They were a typical middle school couple, and had been going out for about three months. "I really want us to last through the summer, Richard," said Tiffany. They sat on her bed and she put her head on his shoulder. "Don't worry," Richard said, "If we keep seeing each other this often, it wont be possible to break up." After a short pause, Tiffany looked up at Richard and said, "I love you." He lifted her chin and kissed her. It started as a tender kiss, but they both started to want more; Tiffany started to step it up, and in moments they were making out. Richard was just starting to feel her up when they were abruptly interrupted.

"Hey Tiffany, I-" Lauren began. She stopped in the doorway to find the two making out on the bed. "Oh, whoops, sorry. I can leave if you want me to," said Lauren. The two lovers had stopped kissing, and Tiffany said,

"No, it's okay Lauren, I wanted to introduce you two anyway. Richard, This is Lauren. Richard is my boyfriend." The two greeted each other and Lauren said,

"Are you sure I can stay? Because I won't mind leaving."

"I'm sure," Tiffany said, "Hey Richard, where is Hannah?"

"Well last I heard," he began, "She was coming back from Florida today."

"That's what I heard too. Wanna go see if she's home? We could go to the mall with her," said Tiffany. Everyone agreed, so they got on their bikes and rode the three blocks to Hannah's house. Everyone got around on bikes in Southbrook Falls; cars were rarely used. When they arrived at Hannah's house and she arrived at the door, she immediately noticed Lauren.

"Who is this?" she asked. TIffany began,

"Hannah, this is-"

"Lauren Rousseau," Lauren finished, "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Are you just visiting?" asked Hannah.

"Nope. I moved in down the street from Tiffany," Lauren answered. Hannah looked surprised.

"Well," said Tiffany after a pause, "lets get to the mall."

The mall was a block south from the lake, so it took a few minutes to get there. It wasn't a quiet ride, because Hannah still had so many questions for Lauren. Hannah had never seen anyone new move into Southbrook Falls. She had been the last person to move there, four years ago.

The mall was a one-story plain white brick building with about ten stores and a small theatre. There was also a 50's diner where the group went to eat lunch. After shopping for a couple hours and just hanging out for longer, Richard was starting to wear out from shopping with girls for four hours.

"I have to go, but you girls have fun," he said. After getting a goodbye kiss from Tiffany, he rode his bike down the street toward the lake.

"You girls want to go to Bella's?" asked Tiffany. Bella's was one of the coolest girls' clothing stores in Southbrook falls, and it was the only place in the mall that wasn't owned by a corporation.

"Sure," said Lauren, "I really want to see this store. That is, if it's as great as Tiff tells me it is."

"It is," said Hannah, "but I've been there and theres nothing new right now. I'm going to go to Hollister and look around.

On the way to Bella's, Tiffany and Lauren found themselves talking about Richard.

"He didn't look like a very good kisser," Lauren said jokingly.

"Well you better not know for sure," Tiffany said with a laugh.

In the store about ten seconds later, Lauren said, "Seriously though, he didn't look like a very good kisser."

"Yeah, well what makes a good kisser for you?" Tiffany asked.

"I don't know, They have to be passionate without overdoing it. I think he overdid it." Lauren had picked out an outfit and was changing.

Tiffany said, "Actually, hes a really good kisser. Probably better than you."

"Come in here," Lauren said.


"Just do it."

Tiffany looked around, then ducked under the door to the changing room. When she stood up, Lauren pulled her head closer and kissed her. It was just like how she described. Passionate, complete, but not overdone. Truthfully, it was the greatest kiss Tiffany ever had. But when she overcame the shock of her new friend kissing her, she panicked. she ran out of the store and jumped on her bike, riding away without Lauren.

At home, Tiffany found herself replaying the kiss over and over in her mind. She had to find out what made it so great. She tried to convince herself that she only wanted to know because of Richard, but she couldn't fool herself. She liked it. In fact, the more she thought about it, and she couldn't stop thinking about it, the more she wanted to do it again. But she couldn't accept that she was a lesbian. She probably wasn't, and that wasn't a lie. She was still in love with Richard. Lauren was the only girl that Tiffany was attracted to.

Tiffany spent all night thinking about it, and at one o'clock, she decided to find Lauren. She left a pencil in the window this time to keep it open, and ran to get her bike. She rode as fast as she could to the lake, where she was sure to find Lauren. But she wasn't there. After searching for what seemed like hours, it hit her. After arriving at the mall, she searched everywhere. but Lauren was not here either. After riding down random streets for a very long time, Tiffany finally spotted a bike going around a corner. She turned to follow it, just in time to see it turn abother corner, every time, the bike came closer, until she was riding alongside Lauren. Lauren didn't look at her, she just lowered her head.

"Lauren, I'm sorry," said Tiffany. "I didn't mean to hurt you, you just surprised me and I didn't know what to do." They were no longer moving, and Lauren began to sob. she got off her bike and threw herself into Tiffany's arms.

"I'm so confused," she sobbed into Tiffany's shoulder.

Tiffany just kept repeating "It's okay" over and over. After Lauren started to calm down, Tiffany said, "Let's go home."

Lauren recovered quickly, and was soon back to her usual self, if not a little quieter. When they got back to Tiffany's house, Lauren said goodbye and turned around. "Wait!" said Tiffany, and as Lauren turned around, Tiffany kissed her like she was about to die. Their lips pressed together for what seemed like forever and they started to breathe harder. Tiffany opened her mouth and their tounges started to dance. They made out with more passion than either had ever known.

"I love you Lauren," said Tiffany.

Next: Chapter 2

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