South African Love

By John Matthews

Published on May 7, 1999


South African Love part 3

John Matthews

Email me at Flames ignored, but haven't received any yet, so YAY!

Thanks to everyone who emailed me and encouraged me to continue. Cheers, Beers and Hugs.

For Horatio - who helped so much. I love you mate!

For anyone who has learned a second language, even to the high degree of fluency I had with Afrikaans, there are two things which are extremely difficult. The first is to do arithmetic; the second is, under stress, not to swear in his mother tongue. I didn't have to do any arithmetic; but I did have to recover from my whole future being reorganised. My lover of 24 hours was committed to me (YAY); my career was assured; I was going to be quite wealthy from salary and grant AND I had been accepted into one of the most influential families of the whole Transvaal, not to mention the Republic.

"Fuck me Chris and call me Neil", I said as I collapsed on the bed.

"So kneel, and it will be my kris that fucks you," responded Piet.

I had to chuckle. His reference to the Malay dagger and one of our favourite positions was rather witty, I thought. His English was perfect of course, and bilingual puns were becoming part of the intimacies we shared.

"Hoe gaan dit?" [How are you?] We were back into our preferred language.

"Well," I said, apart from having my whole future arranged - incidentally just how I would want it - and finding out my father-in-law - can I say that?? - is the director of the Bureau of State Security, and that he is gay, or at least bi, and that he has given his blessing to us - as it were - and I have known you now for approximately 24 hours, and that your father is probably fucking the arse off his secretary next door. and for the first time in the 24 hours I have known you, we are both in bed, awake and not screwing.I would say, that I am basically in a state of shock, apprehension, bewilderment, and just plain spaced out. That's how I am. Humph."

"Ach!" said my Piet. "I thought you might have added horny to that list."

He looked dejected, but the corners of his mouth and the sparkle of his eyes belied that pseudo-emotion. I turned my back to him, and said:

"Nah.I've gone off you. You are now my employee and you have to do what I say."

"Ja baas," I heard behind me. The words seemed to be masking giggles. I was trying to mask my own, but I could feel my chest and arse convulsing as I tried to hold my mirth in.

Suddenly there was not mirth, as I felt myself being thrust onto my stomach and a very hungry torpedo was waiting to be fired.

"Open up, or I will use a crow bar," Piet darkly muttered to me. At least he tried a dark mutter. It was really a hybrid: dark mutter and a rather dingy titter. "Oh well," I said, "If rape is inevitable, lay back and enjoy it."

I rolled over and scissored him between my legs. I pulled him down on me and our mouths locked. Again, my tongue went into that passionate orifice, and again I started to explore. Again I found new and wondrous things of passion with my man, and I just lost myself in my love for him.

"Piet, you are my god," I breathed. I felt tears on my cheeks as I melded into my love for him and his for me.

His tongue licked the tears from my cheeks, and as I opened my eyes, I saw tears glistening like stars of love on his. As I faced him, I moved my legs around his hips and pulled him towards me. His strong cock knew the way, and he entered me. It was like the first time over again. It was the first time. I knew every time he entered me it would be the first time. He just entered me, and as he thrust himself, past my joy gland, past anything physical in my body we were joined. I loved him so much, and I could feel the palpable energy between us. Separate or together; sexually joined or not we were a unit; we were one. At last, I had found someone I could die for.

His thrusting continued. He pounded my arse until I was calling out, nee, screaming out,

"Piet, I love you, I love you..

His cum was magnificent. I felt, or thought I felt, litres of his precious love juice spurting into me. Oh, how I wanted him in me. How I wanted him to stay in me. How I wanted him to be joined to me forever.

His sweat dripped on me. His tears fell on me. His man juice was in me. And suddenly he collapsed on me. His heavy breathing body on mine, crushing me. My arms were around him, hugging him, loving him. He WAS my God. His exhaustion was mine, everything of him was mine, and I unreservedly gave him everything of me.

He took a few moments to recover, and realised he was weighing me down.

"Sorry lover," he whispered, and tried to roll off.

I wouldn't let him go. His hands began to caress me. His mouth nuzzled my neck, and he realised I was still stiff. He started kissing down my torso. A moment of kisses on one tit and then another. He moved to my belly, flagrantly, and without permission using his tongue in a most lascivious manner. My toes curled and my arse puckered. He had found my dick. A naughty little lick to the left, a rather cheeky little lick to the right, and one grand engulfing motion of the mouth, and he had me to the hilt. My man could suck cock. I would love to say that he sucked me for the next ten minutes sending me to heights of ecstasy, but that was not to be the case. He engulfed me, and within seconds I blew. I blew and blew and blew. I was in heaven, I had reached Nirvana, I had seen God. but that was impossible, my God was next to me. Jeeeeesus, I loved Piet.

We were back in each others' arms.

We lay there. Our sweat soaked bodies just breathing together in the bliss of lovers. We were in total harmony, and Piet nibbled gently on my ear lobe. I could feel myself becoming yet again aroused. I let my hand wander down his back and let my fingers move around his beautiful hips and play in the sweat and spunk matted hair above his dick. My fingers traced little swirls in the beautiful bush, and I played with his foreskin. As per usual he had an instant boner. I just loved the way he could be erect in no seconds flat. I knew if I wanted to play with that foreskin, I would have to have him asleep or drunk or both. I just wanted to pull it over the top of his cock and nibble on it.but when he was hard, there was no chance.

"Jannie, take me now," he whispered. I pushed him on his back and kissed him gently. I sucked his lip into my mouth and felt his tongue. It had the taste of my semen, and I relished it. I started to kiss my way down his chest, just so I could nuzzle and savour the man aromas from his arm pits and his crotch. My tongue played with each of his balls, and slid between his legs to his love tunnel. I licked at the warm sweaty hole for a few moments and my tongue slid in. He pulled my hair, forcing me to go deeper. My right hand idly played with his cock as I slid my left hand underneath his arse and inserted a finger beneath my tongue. The finger found his pleasure gland, and he cried out while trying to keep tense and perfectly still. I was hot and he was hot. For me now there was only the consummation of our love. I lifted his legs and my cock, as if guided by the magical sexual radar of lovers, found his hole and I entered him. I entered him very slowly and di not stop until I was all the way in. By holding himself perfectly still, he had wound up is pleasure like a mighty spring, and now I was in him, the pleasure came rolling over him like waves. I was caught up in it as well, and with slow, long, heavy strokes we took each other into bliss. The velvet smoothness of his arse stroked my cock in synch with my thrusts. I kept up the long steady pace, and we were locked together in an ecstasy whose epicentre was our love tools and which radiated out to encompass our bodies like a protective aura of pleasure. We were safe in our little haven of mutual and shared joy. I began to feel the tension build up in me and I wanted to increase the speed of my strokes. However, I held back just to see if I could prolong the pleasure. I did not waver in my rhythm, and neither did my Piet. Suddenly the explosion happened. My balls ached from the effort of blowing what felt like a litre of juice into my love. I bent over to kiss Piet's lips, and I idly caressed his cock with my fingers. He came. The explosion was so mighty and so powerful I thought he was pouring out the man juice I had already pumped into him. His arse clamped down on my cock, and I felt I wouldn't be able to withdraw, even if I had wanted to. I started to lick the cum from his face where it had landed, and from his chest. We had not spoken a word, but our eyes were locked together, even as were our bodies. Love shimmered between us with such electricity and such strength words were not needed, as we were truly in each other's mind.

We rolled to our sides and just lay there hugging. It was one of the most contented times of my life. Our breathing was together, our minds were together, our bodies were joined together, and we just lay there loving each other and being separate, but one. Life was complete, with my lover, my Piet. We drifted off, with a whispered, "I love you" to each other, still together.

We awoke some hours later and it was quite dark. There were rattles and bangs in the kitchen, and we were hungry.

"That sounds like my father cooking," muttered Piet. "He is an excellent cook, but he loves to rattle in the kitchen to wake up anyone who might be resting. He is a bastard like that." Piet's affection for his father was obvious, as his eyes belied his words. I

We had awoken in the same state as we had fallen asleep. Our arms were around each other and my cock was still in my lover's arse. I went to move a little, and it was apparent our stomachs and chests were stuck together with the dried semen.

"I hope my old fellah isn't stuck in there too," I whisper-giggled to Piet.

"I hope he is," riposted my lover.

I felt myself hardening, but I needed a piss. Piet wiggled and worked his arse muscles.

"Come on baby, one more time."

I could feel his boner between our glued bodies.

"Nope," I said. "I have to leak."

"OK, OK.I'll help."

We pulled apart, not without a little yelp of pain on my part, as my bush had become entangled with Piet's, and had kind of managed to get cemented there with spoof. Piet chuckled.

"Ooh, I've got streaks."

"Humph!" I replied.

He threw open the ranch sliders and we walked naked onto the stoop. He grabbed me to him and kissed me, not lightly, not deeply, but lovingly.

"I love you," he said.

"I know," I rather ungraciously replied, "but if you hug me much more, I am going to piss on your leg."

"Hmmmmm." He wondered out loud.

"Let me go.AND I am NOT going to piss on your leg, so you can get that right out of your little mind. You are a pervert!" My body was shaking from trying not to laugh.

"Uh huh," he agreed, nodding his head.

He spun me round, grabbed my cock and started wiggling it.

"C'mon now, Jannie gotta do wee wees."

Now anyone knows how hard it is to piss while trying not to belly laugh, but trying not to belly laugh while your lover is wiggling and at the same time stroking your cock is impossible. I had a boner and a man standing behind me playing silly buggers with it. Sheesh! Talk about impossible! My bladder was about to burst.

I reached behind me and grabbed his nuts and not too gently squeezed. He yelped and let go of my cock. I started immediately to drain the lizard in a marvellous gush of relief.

"Yes!" I breathed. The splash of piss was music to my bladder.

"Jannie has been naughty, so take THAT."

"Jeeesus," I squeaked.

He had impaled me while I was pissing. The stream stopped and then restarted. I rested back against his chest, loving him. He wrapped his arms around my chest and moved his right hand down to my cock to direct the stream. I finally finished and he shook me off. He brushed his finger against my piss slit and took the last drop on his finger and liked it. God, was that a turn on. I was hard again. He was gently pumping my arse and I was all for it.

"Ohh for Chrissake!" Andries de Vries had padded out onto the stoop. He was so quiet he was like a leopard. Went with the job, I supposed. "Get your cock out of Jan's arse and get cleaned up and eat. Nice arse too - wouldn't mind a piece of that," he mused quietly, but loud enough for us to hear.

I wiggled with a mixture of embarrassment and delight, and this was not lost on Piet.

"Piss of old man," he growled, "Jannie is mine."

Andries chuckled, turned around and stalked off, humming 'What is this thing called love?'

"When we get to the farm, I am going to have to put my brand on you."

"You already have, lover," I said as I fondled his cock. "Quick, let's have a shower. I'm starved."

The shower was reasonably uneventful. Piet tried to screw me once, and I told him not before cocktails. He suggested he was trying to give me one, and wasn't that the point of cocktails anyway, to get your cock in some tail.

I told him they were to stimulate the appetite and he said he was so hungry already he could eat anything. Before I knew it he was on his knees chowing down on my cock. My man was insatiable. I knew our life together was going to be good.

Dinner was hilarious. Andries had made it quite formal. He had set the table beautifully and had cooked up a storm. He had made orange duck and stir fry entrees. This was followed by a small Madras curry, which I ate with gusto. (I found out later this was his little joke - Madrasi curry is the hottest of the hot, but he either didn't know or had forgotten I had lived in Cape Town, and when in Joburg would often drive out to Lenasia to get some real food.) Andries was delighted with my appetite. I ate Piet's as well. He knew his father and wasn't sucked in. Marc, Dieter and Henk were all somewhat circumspect with this dish, and ate lots of yogurt with it. Everything was washed down with the delicious Cape wine. The last course was stunning pepper steak - rare - with the crispiest of salads I have ever eaten. The man was a five star chef, and then some.

Though the table was set quite formally, our clothing was not so formal. When Andries caught Piet and me on the stoop, I noticed he only had on a pair of the tiniest shorts which left nothing to the imagination. His chest was hairless, broad and it was obvious he worked out. When Piet and I were dressing after our shower, I suggested we wear shirts. He told me "bullshit" as the night was hot, and we should wear only shorts.

"Only shorts," I asked archly.

"Ja, only shorts. BUT DON'T SIT IN FRONT OF MY OLD MAN!"

I laughed and laughed. I pulled on my tightest shorts - Australian Rules football shorts, as a matter of fact - the tightest and sexiest shorts in the world- ( I had bought them on a trip down under the previous year). They leave like zero to the imagination.

When I walked out of our room, Andries looked me up and down, and Henk whistled.

"Adelaide Crows, huh?" he said. "That's a team that will go far. I hope they get into the AFL."

I didn't have the first idea what he was talking about, and he explained that the shorts I was wearing were the colours of Adelaide, but they still didn't have a team in the National Competition, but were trying to get in. I thought I had just bought some shorts.

I was still confused. Piet explained.

"Pop is the maddest sports fanatic in the world. He knows everything about sports anywhere."

"Ja, I love sport, especially football. Rugby is the greatest game in the world, and the Springboks are the greatest team in the greatest football game in the world. Next comes Australian Rules. That is the cleanest, fastest game."

Like every good South African, I was a devotee of the Springboks and of Rugby, but in my visit to Australia I had seen a couple of Aussie Rules matches and ventured an opinion.

"I think Aussie rules first, and then rugby."

"WHAT???" he roared.

His basilisk stare would have turned the sphinx stonier. The other four were frozen solid. A pin dropping would have been a cacophony.

I kept his eye and repeated. "I think Aussie Rules first, and then rugby...Dad."

He stared at me, grabbed me and crushed me against his chest. My head came up to his chin. He smelled a bit, but not as perfectly, as his son.

"Piet, you look after this one.I mean it. He is a bull-headed, opinionated bastard. In fact, I think he is a de Vries. He is wrong this time, but he's got guts."

At which point his had ran down my back and into my shorts. He caressed my arse.

Piet leapt in.

"Old man, Jannie is MINE. This is the third time.One more time and I will punch your lights out." His smile took away any sting in the words.

Andries grabbed his son by the back of the neck with his free hand (the other still being on my arse) and pulled him close and kissed him.

"You are a good man and a great son. I love you little one."

"I love you too dad." Piet's arm circled me and we were three hugging together, father, son and son-in-law (sort of). "But keep your fucking hands off my man." The dinner conversation went downhill fast from there. There were many ribald jokes about ring pirates and doughnut punchers. Henk was made to put on his leather jacket, as Andries said he looked hot in it. Henk was less his taciturn self, but was a little uncomfortable sitting in shorts with a heavy leather jacket on at a formal dinner table. His chest was stunning set off against the leather. I thought of an old Boarding School buddy, Chris, who loved leather.

Dieter and I were sat either side of Andries, and every now and then I felt his hand goose my thigh. Each time this happened, I felt my man Piet. He smiled quietly to himself, and every now and then included me into it. Dieter was not as old as me (of course) and I knew from his face every time the old bugger touched him. Marc was blissfully oblivious. Henk kept a quiet smile on his chops, and I knew he knew what was going on. He knew his boss and his playmate. The adoration he felt for his boss was also apparent, as he occasionally smiled at Andries with indulgent devotion. Andries always returned the smile, and the love. However, the old bastard was as randy as a lion in season. Piet told me later that every time I touched him, he saw his father's hand under the table and knew what was going on.

We were sated. I don't think I could have eaten another morsel if my toenails were being dragged out. However, there were still cooking smells wafting from the kitchen. We adjourned to the living area and flopped around on bean bags and other comfortable furnishings. We were all not a little pissed. We would have easily had at least a bottle of wine each. I lolled on Piet and he had his arm around my shoulders.

Marc and Dieter seemed joined at the hip, and the loving looks between each other, caused me to snuggle even closer to Piet. My had just gently stroked his beautiful stomach. Henk sat at a "decent" distance from Andries, but Andries told him to come closer. He shucked off his leather jacket, and cuddled up to the older man. Andries circled him with his arm and kissed him very gently. From where Piet and I sat, we could see movement in Henk's shorts. These guys were in love.

Even over our liqueurs we could still smell the aromas coming from the kitchen. A few relaxing moments and Andries jumped up and said,

"There is still dessert to come."

I mentally groaned. I was so full from his delicious dinner. We just lazed about, hugging, occasionally kissing, and just enjoying each others' company. Marc and Dieter just looked at each other. It was as if they couldn't drinl enough of each others' eyes. (I also found out later that's that what they though about Piet and me.)

After god knows how long, there was a 'tarantara' from the kitchen, and Andries marched out carrying a cake, dusted in white icing sugar with four little dolls on the top. They were all men dolls, placed in twos. Henk was trilling with a rather wonderful baritone voice the wedding march from Lohengrin - you know the one 'dum dum tee dum te dum dum' that is played at all the weddings. Andries said:

"Gentlemen and gentlemen - though we can have no formal ceremony, today is the day when my sons have taken their lives' partners. Sons and lovers, please cut the cake."

Marc and Dieter stood up, as did Piet and I. Andries produced two army knives with (for god's sake) ribbons on them, and from either side the two new couples sliced the cake. (I still have the knife plus ribbon.)

At that moment, we were blood together. All of us. Henk hung back a little, but Andries pulled him in to the circle.

The old man kissed Henk, and produced another knife.

"Do you want to cut cake with me?" asked Andries.

"Yes sir," answered Henk smartly.

" 'Sir' is for work. At this moment I am your man, Andries. Do you want to cut the cake with me?"

"More than anything...more than a career..I want to be with you.I love you." Henk's voice was small. His brown eyes wet with tears. "Yes Andries, I want to cut the cake with you."

To be continued..

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