
By Reid

Published on Nov 18, 2000


=DISCLAIMER= This story is meant to imply nothing about the sexuality of the real people involved. Anything mentioned from this point on is purely fictional and not meant in any way but the highest regard.

The lyrics used within are not meant to imply anything about the individual preferences, practices, or lifestyle choices any of the musical artists mentioned. The lyrics are not used for any personal monetary profit...

Thank you for the feedback... all two of you. But in all seriousness, if you enjoy the story then I'm glad regardless of if you contact me.

If you have any objections to my writing, then why in the name of Jesus are you reading this? I know some of you might like Hanson but I don't buy the whole "I didn't know it was a GAY STORY!" defense. So shut up and don't send me any more hate mail you stupid, obesessed little Christian girls.

The mentions of previous works of gay fan fiction are meant in the utmost respect...

Comments, Suggestions, and Criticisms can be sent to

I can be reached on ICQ at 70639912...


|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || The Compound- Chapter 9 || || By Reid || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

How the hell was I going to tell him? My mind and conscience wrestled with whether or not I should tell Devon that Taylor was going to be coming into our sector. Part of me said that it wasn't my business and that Devon would find out soon enough, but another part of me felt like it owed him in some way. Like it was an obligation for me to tell him because it was something he had asked about specifically. It was a tough call and one that I didn't envy myself for having to make and to top it all off, the whole situation was so damn surreal that there was no way I could try to think logically about it. It was one of those rare "wild card" things that you get maybe once in your lifetime and there I was, dealing with my second in the space of about four months.

Devon wasn't the only person I was thinking about. Part of me also was a little worried about Zac because ever since I'd become a fan of Hanson, it always seemed like Taylor was always there and taking what should have been Zac's "special moment". I wouldn't really go out on a limb and call this whole thing a "special moment" but it was definitely something that had to be considered. My sense of responsibility towards Zac had been kicking in and I'd kept a close eye on him to make sure he wasn't feeling indignant or angry about it. Another part of me felt some responsibility towards Taylor to make sure he didn't feel like he'd made the biggest mistake of his life by coming out. It wouldn't be too good if he ended up getting shipped off to a place where he'd have to stare down his younger brother's hate and resentment for the immediate future. Even though I hadn't met Taylor, from what Zac had told me, he'd been a wonderful older brother and didn't deserve to be miserable for being himself. None of us did.

Fortunately, Zac didn't seem the least bit angry. He didn't even seem irritated. The kid actually seemed excited and when I put myself in his shoes, it was understandable and it was actually kind of satisfying to see. But of course, after all the stuff my brothers and sister and I did to one another, anything short of Zac being totally indifferent to Taylor would be refreshing. Another part of me was glad that Zac would be able to feel the security of having someone he knew so well be so close to him. From everything he'd said about Taylor, the two of them, let alone their whole family, sounded so close and I shuddered at what it must have been like to lose Zac so suddenly. Even when I thought about the good points of having Taylor there with us, my soul hurt for their parents and how hard it had to be and the hurt was made even worse by the fact that I'd met their mom. She had lost two of her older sons to a government juggernaut and basically, she couldn't dispute it. It only magnified how viciously unfair the whole situation was when you looked at its smoldering core.

Finding out that Taylor was being brought in had started a chain reaction inside me that made me confront many of the feelings I'd felt towards the whole compound system but had stomped down in order to make Zac feel welcome. Thinking of what it must have been like for the Hanson family made me think about how all the families that weren't like mine must have felt. Families where the parents actually cared about their kids and how painful it had to be for them to say goodbye. To say goodbye to their sons and grandsons and nephews and cousins. The general disgust for how quick and painful the good-byes were at the airports and the uncertainty about where their loved ones were going.

It made me think of a movie I'd seen a long time ago when I'd first moved out of my parents house and had been renting movies because cable TV had been too expensive. Alone In The Dark. It was a movie starring Jack Palance, Martin Landau, and the nerdy guy from the A-Team and the plot was flimsy as can be: four lunatics escape from a institution during a blackout and torment their doctor. They went on a rampage and several dead bodies later, the movie ended with Jack Palance getting ready to kill the doctor and his family but at the last second, the power came back on and he saw that they hadn't done anything to him. The premise of the film was what struck me because if it happened in real life, most people in that position would run back into bed and wait for their next medication. I would have bet a million dollars that if some security breach in the compound let us all out, the community back on the main land would be shitting bricks with fear that we'd storm their houses and rape them and their children. The majority of us wouldn't even think of doing that. We'd go see a Barbara Streisand movie and talk about "pizazz".

But if that happened to me, Zac and I would be on a makeshift raft headed for a tropical island.

=3 Days until arrival...=

"Why do I have to call him 'Taybear'? I thought he hated being called that." I asked as I put away our clean laundry.

"Well, he does. But everyone calls him it anyway."

Can't argue with that logic, I thought to myself as I closed to sock drawer. We were three days away from Taylor's arrival and Keri had gone to great lengths to make sure the news wouldn't be spread around like herpes in our sector. Zac had done an excellent job of keeping it quiet since we were the only two non-administrative people who had been given the good news. Keri had moved in a bigger dresser and told us we'd be getting an extra fifteen minutes of hot water in the morning for showers, which was kind of nice. She had also pulled some strings and arranged for us to use one of the vacant rooms near the cafeteria to eat in so that Taylor and Zac and I could do so in peace. Maybe it won't be too bad, said I.

Devon and I had seen each other a few times and since Zac was taken, he had become the most eligible single guy in our sector. But he didn't attach himself to anyone, which I respected. Two days after we found out and four days until Taylor's arrival, while Zac was at his tutoring session, Devon and I went for a walk in the aboretum among the tropic lilies and greenery. The place was really impressive as the skylight gave us an astonishing view of the cloudless blue sky. The majority of the area was below sea level and the doors leading into it were on the highest level with assorted concrete paths leading down into the jungle-like bottom. One of the things I enjoyed about the place was the clearly labeled "jungle levels" that we got a first hand view of as we went down. There wasn't any actual animal wildlife save for a few butterflies and lizards, which were closely monitored for our safety, but it didn't take much away from the experience. All the exotic flowers and the huge waterfall that went from the top level down nearly 300 feet were more than enough to make up for it.

"Wow..." He said softly, as we walked in.

"It's nice, huh? It's long-ass walk down, however." I said and picked up one of the large leaves that had fallen on the path.

"That's cool..." He said, in awe of the waterfall.

"Don't listen too closely. If we get a mile into the walk down and you need to pee, you're gonna be shit outta luck. There aren't any bathrooms until we get to the bottom. But it's worth the walk." I tossed the leaf into the arroyo of the jungle.

He nodded and we kept walking down the path, and I smiled at Devon's genuine wonder at the beauty of the place. It made me think of when I brought Zac there for the first time and how he'd been even more in awe of it. When we got to the bottom, Zac had stuck his hand in the waterfall and his fingers smelled like algae for almost a week, which was especially enjoyable for me. Devon was in his own little world of amazement and it left me to just enjoy the sweet smell and balmy atmosphere, and smile at the couples walking in the other direction holding hands and/or kissing. Everytime I saw one doing so, it made me think of Zac and a dopey smile came to my face and my cheeks felt hot. I was in love, no doubt about it.

Eventually, we reached the balcony, which was the halfway point to the bottom. In the damp heat, Devon was breathing heavily and we both sat down on one of the green steel benches.

"So when were you going to tell me that Taylor is coming here?" He said.

"Uh... wait... how did you know?" I knew that I'd be better off talking to him honestly.

"I heard one of the agents talking about how you three would be eating in a private room."

"I'm sorry." I didn't know what to say.

"It's all right. Just promise me one thing?"

"What's that?"

Devon leaned forward on his knees and thought for a second, "Don't introduce him to me. If we're gonna meet, just let it happen naturally. He's in my math and science tutoring group."

"Huh? How did you find that out?" I was genuinely shocked because that was classified information.

"I ate out the teacher."


"I'm just kidding," He laughed, "They posted it a few days ago. That reminds me, what are you and Zac going to do with his two week break?"

We stood up and continued down the path, "I don't know. Probably hang out in the courtyard or here. Help Taylor get adjusted to the place. Nothing too exciting."

He nodded and ran his hand along the rail as we walked in silence. It wasn't like Devon was unattractive or that he was a bad guy but something about me just wouldn't look at him like that. Zac had so completely taken control of my affections that even another famous, good looking teen idol couldn't steal my attentions away, and it made me feel better about Taylor coming in. It made my feelings for Zac seem secure that my sense of affection couldn't be taken away. But it was another of my past issues that needed to be proven to be wrong and I'd come to accept the process for what it was.

My calves started to burn as we reached the bottom in the nick of time, and the small grass lawn at the bottom was fairly empty. Devon laid down on his back and I sat beside him as we looked up at the top of the waterfall, recovering from the long hike and feeling a sense of satisfaction at our trek. Looking at the gushing water brought back memories of when my boss had gotten us a job repairing a reef in Costa Rica, which was only about 200 miles away from where I sat at that moment. The spectacle of the simulated jungle reaching up into the high expanse of the glassed in building was a hell of a sight. It was something that most people back in the real world would never see and the notion made me smile with its irony. But then again... the whole concept of our situation was ironic. It was to laugh.

My eyes focused on smaller points on the walls of the jungle and my mind got lost in it's thoughts as I inhaled the thick air of the place. After a minute or so, I heard a snore next to me and saw that Devon had curled up and fallen asleep on the grass, and I noticed how peaceful he looked when he slept. It was something I'd noticed about Zac too. The look of peace and serenity and calmness that so rarely shone through in the life of a gay man. Even though he'd never have it admitted to him, sometimes I couldn't resist but wake up early and watch Zac sleep and smile at the way he would cuddle with the pillow and nuzzle it occasionally. It was yet another weird, wild thing Zac had done to me.

"Yo? Reid?" Zac said, poking me in the waist with his bare foot and snapping me out of the memory.

"Huh?" I said, shutting the sock drawer but not being so lucky as to not need to cram one of Zac's socks out of the way of the drawer.

"You OK?" He said and sat up, inspecting his big toe carefully.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking." I sighed and sat down next to him.

"What about?" He finished with his toe and dusted his hands off before settling in next to me and laying his head on my shoulder.

"Should we leave Taylor alone when he gets here? I mean, should we try and help him find someone real quickly?"

"Well... after he accepts that he can't have you, he'll probably be on the hunt. He's been lonely for all his life and now that he has the chance to find a boyfriend, he might go right for it. But I dunno. He might be really picky. He is fairly sought after property." Zac said and spotted something else on his foot and went after it.

I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling, "It's weird because I have loyalty to someone I've met but I also have loyalty to someone I've never met but I feel like I know. On one hand, Devon really wants to get to know Taylor but on the other hand, I feel like I should make sure he's comfortable."

"Tay will be fine. He's dorky enough that when guys meet him and see him personally, a huge percentage is gonna get scared away. The ones who stick around and want to get to know him will be cool. And I've known him longer than you have and I trust his judgment. He isn't a whore or anything." Zac said, picking between his toes.

"I know. I can tell yours is a quality familiar. Mindless sex isn't encouraged." I sighed.

"Well... I don't know about that," Zac said and laid down next to me on his stomach, "Mindless sex is pretty common but mindless sex with different people isn't cool. I mean... eight kids. Come on?"

"Mmmm... so I guess unstoppable horniness is a better word for it?" I said and slid over and kissed him.

"Oh yeah... that's definitely encouraged." He said. I pulled off and gave him an odd look.

He corrected himself, "Well, its encouraged but only by means of heredity. We don't actually talk about it."

"Well, that's OK. I've accepted that you come from horny, sex-craving stock." I said and we kissed again.

"Yep. And all this time, people thought 'music' was our family talent. Really, it's masturbation and mind blowing orgasms." He laughed softly.

"But not with each other?" I said, and he gave me a disgusted look.

"No, Reid. I may be crazy but I'm not like... sick." He rolled me onto my back and laid on top of me.

I smiled and kissed him on the chin, "You're an odd young man."

Zac smiled then got serious, "I love you, Reid... never forget that."

"I love you too, Zac. And I know you'll never let me forget THAT."


When Keri had heard that I was making Zac and honest woman, she had brought up the possibility of us both talking to a psychologist to make sure there weren't any more dirty secrets. Fate had it that two days before Taylor's arrival, my appointment with one Dr. Catherine Parker would be at 8:00pm and it meant that Zac and I would be given the opportunity to eat our dinner early. It was pretty swank treatment and something that made me wince a little. But oh well. There was a lot of wisdom in having us both talk to this woman and it seemed like a good, cleansing session would help there be no more little secrets that could jump out and harm the relationship. And at that point, it wasn't a relationship that my tender psyche could handle having harmed.

Dr. Parker came by our room the morning before and introduced herself, and immediately, she put me at ease with her personality. She seemed really nice and genuinely wanted to help us in any way she could. Apparently, she had grown up in a similar situation to mine as her father had ignored her since she had five brothers who got most of the attention. She was one of those people that had a little something in common with everyone and put it to good use. Zac was won over pretty quick by her appreciation of his variety of funny voices and corny jokes and he seemed to trust her immediately, and seeing him do so helped me believe that she wasn't out to do damage. I wasn't ready to trust her yet... hell; it had taken me almost four months to learn to trust Zac.

She did seem pretty nice. She was impressed at my music collection and related an amusing story of attending a Pink Floyd concert in Mexico City where a meteor shower had interrupted "Learning to Fly". My favorite Floyd song. And when I said so, she had enough candor to say that it was probably her third favorite behind "Comfortably Numb" and "Young Lust", both from The Wall. She was also quite a fan of retro music, including Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, and Buddy Holly, which immediately appealed to Zac. It was a nice "get to know each other" session and when she left, I wasn't feeling as nervous as I normally would have been.

After dinner and walking Zac to the room like a good gentleman, he kissed me at the door and licked the tip of my nose before sending me off to the appointment with a slap on the ass. I went away feeling comfortable since Keri was going to come by and keep him company while I was gone. The first few steps away from the door felt a little weird since I was alone for one of the first times, but it was all right. It may sound corny, but part of me was going to be left behind in the little session I was going to. It was going to help me gain a deeper understanding of myself.

Dr. Parker was meeting me in the DB sector conference room and it was a pretty good walk that took me by the room where my art classes met and through the corridor that offered a lovely view of the Atlantic Ocean outside the compound. The halls were pretty empty except for a few stragglers and the whole "late night" crowd that hung out in the corners. From the looks of things, the problem that Keri was looking into had been repaired and all was operational but there was still a little bite in the air that I couldn't quite ignore.

I arrived at the room and knocked on the door tentatively.

"Come on in." I heard her say and I walked in. She offered her hand and I shook it, impressed at her grip.

"Have a seat." She said, pointing to a chair at the head of the table. The room was white and pretty sterile because it was normally used for administrative business. The table was a long, blue lined oak deal and she sat to my right, and I noticed her yellow pad which would be used for notes to determine if I was insane. Dr. Parker was a rather proper person and I promised myself to not judge her on it since I hadn't seen a cross around her neck or any other evidence that she was going to try and talk us out of being gay. Hey, she'd brought a tray of real soda to help things be a little friendlier so she couldn't be all-bad.

"So... where so we start?" I said and opened my first authentic Pepsi in a long time.

"Wherever you would like," She leaned forward and started a small recorder; "I'm going to record our conversation unless you don't want to. It's fine either way."

"Not a problem." I really appreciated her making it clear that it wasn't a big deal, "But I don't have any clue what to talk about. I mean, even though I could use it, I've never talked to a psychologist."

"It won't be as bad as you think. I'm just here to make sure you and Zac will make each other as happy as possible"

"My definition of 'possible' has changed so much over the past few months." I sighed.

"Tell me about it."

"Well... let's see. My life has always been based on doing the exact minimum to ensure that I wouldn't have to feel pain. So my whole concept of something being 'possible' was based on it being as un-painful as I can make sure. And it was always like that right up until I met Zac. He's changed almost every emotional perception I have. Happiness and joy and everything like that... he's completely redefined it for me."

"What happened to make you define it otherwise in the first place?"

"My parents. They raised me to feel inadequate in every possible way."

"How did they make you feel that way?" She said and I tried to ignore the writing on the pad.

"I guess from the minute I was born, I was a disappointment. It was all too fitting that I was gay and it gave them both a concrete, identifiable reason to shut me out of my family."

"What did they do to shut you out?"

"Well, my mom ignored me. She basically pretended like I didn't exist for the most part and only dealt with me in the most meager of terms from then on. When I came out of the closet, she was indifferent. She never really did any of the hard-core abusing. IT was just her job to go along with the inventive story about where the injuries came from."

"They came from your dad."

"Yeah. My dad was the one who took care of the abusing. But he wasn't an alcoholic or manic-depressive. He really didn't have it that bad growing up. He was raised in the house he raised me and my siblings in and his parents, my grandparents, were decent people and he inherited their winemaking business. I guess he was just a lunatic who married another lunatic and subjected his kids to his rage."

"What did he do?"

"To me or my siblings?"

"To your siblings, first."

"Well, he made my sister dress like a schoolmarm until she was old enough to run away from home. He made my younger brothers live like they were in a military institution. My mom just sat back and let him do it all. I guess in a low of ways she was more scared of him than we were."

"What did he do to you?"

I took a deep breath, "It's a long and gruesome story."

"I can handle it."

"He abused me. Physically and emotionally with a whole slew of weapons. He threw a brick at me and damaged my eye permanently, he hit me with a curtain rod," I pointed to my scar, "He stabbed me with a corkscrew when I was 10 for crying at a Care Bears tape. I had to have my spleen taken out because of it and my parents told the doctor I'd fallen off the countertop. The weird thing about that is when they were at the hospital, they put on this act that they really cared and were worried and it felt good to me. It felt like even though they were pretending... they cared about me."

"Did you feel deprived of care growing up?" She asked and I was put at ease by her remaining calm.

"Yeah. I had friends but I kept to myself because I didn't think anyone liked me. I grew up never knowing what it felt like to be cared about. I never felt like anyone needed me or wanted me around and it was hell. And this was all before my 12th birthday so it made a pretty lasting impression on me."

"I can understand how."

"I never felt like anyone cared. It hurt." I said, and I wasn't crying because I didn't have any tears left for it.

"Did you act out?"

"Yeah, of course. I misbehaved in school and got in trouble because 'care' to me didn't mean good or bad. The school threatened to send me away and all that but they couldn't do it without my parents permission but they didn't care enough to even go meet with the principal."

"So what happened eventually?"

"I just barely graduated high school and moved away to work. Then I came here because my dad finally cared enough to punish me for being gay and told the government."

"I see."

"So I have issues with care."

"Yes but you're much better off than most who have been in your situation. I've seen abused children who exhibit a myriad of physical and mental dysfunctions but you seem surprisingly upright."

"I have my friends and my boss to thank for that. All those nights that I didn't want to go home and gamble on either being ignored or beaten, they let me stay at their house and stuff. I owe each of them so much but it's almost impossible for me to pay it back and it's so frustrating." I said and rattled my empty Pepsi can.

"So you feel obligated to them?"

"Yes, I do. Like I owe them but can't pay it back. So I try to do it in trade."

"Do you pay out that obligation with Zac?"

"Yeah... I guess I do. I feel kinda like all their good deeds went towards something and up until I met Zac, I never knew what that something was. Now I know that it's Zac. All the karma brought him to me and I feel kinda like I can pay them back by making the most of my shot at happiness."

"Do you feel like Zac is your only shot at happiness?"

"I guess not. But I sure don't want to find out one way or the other. He's my best and most fulfilling shot so far and the best that I could ever imagine. But I don't ever want to learn. Even if it means giving up something even better which I don't think is possible." I said and it felt very liberating to get all the thoughts out in the open.

"Do you ever feel responsible for him?"

"What do you mean? Like as a parent?"

"Not really. Do you feel responsible for his safety and well being?"

"Of course. It's always something I think about when I'm out with him. But it isn't an obsession."

"That's good."

"Sometimes I think that I might feel an extra amount because I'm trying so hard to make up for the lack of it with me personally. But I don't let it make our happy times any less happy. I don't feel like a parent. Maybe like a mentor but not to any great extent."

"I have one more question," She said as he put the notepad in her briefcase, "If that's all right with you?"

"Go ahead."

"Are you scared of committing yourself to Zac?"

"No, I'm not. I have to learn how to accept that he's willing to commit himself to me. But it's not fear. I guess I'm learning all these inter-personal relationship things in four months that people learn gradually over the course of their life. Sort of a crash course in humanity. But no. I'm not scared of the commitment. I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

"All right. You are free to go." She sat back and smiled.

"What's you professional opinion?" I asked as I stood up.

"You seem to be in good shape. Like you said, you are learning all these things in short order but from what I've seen of and read about Zac, he's the ideal person to teach you. He's at an age where he's able to be mature but still recall these feelings from youth. His life experiences and emotional make-up are very unique in that he's had to grow up but he still retains quite a bit of innocence. In my personal opinion, he's at an age where if you're going to learn these things, he's the best teacher you could have."

"Wow..." I said, digesting her words.

"After I talk to him, I may have to adjust my diagnosis but I doubt that will happen. I'm a pretty good judge of people."

"What am I? In your personal diagnosis."

"Honestly, you're a damn strong young man who has retained a huge amount of personal strength despite horrifying odds. It's a wonder that you aren't in a maximum-security prison for felons and the fact that you're able to remain so open to love and emotion is truly remarkable. You're stronger and more stable than %99 of the people who are 'protected' from you."

I blushed in spite of myself, "Well, thanks. That's a huge compliment."

"Yes, it is. I've seen people who came out on the other, much uglier end. I think it's a shame that you're stuck here instead of making a valid contribution to society." She smiled.

"Yeah... I've got to get back. Zac is probably bouncing off the walls."

"All right. I'll see him tomorrow. Take care of yourself, Reid."

"I will. Thanks." I said and walked out the door.

The walk back to the room was quiet and solitary, and I was really glad. It gave me some time to think about all the stuff that had come pouring out of me and there were some things I hadn't confronted for a long time. The whole corkscrew thing and all the stuff with my mom were elements of my childhood that I'd pushed down for many many years and when it came right out, it was scary. It was kind of like throwing up when you feel really bad just before and during it, but afterwards, you feel better. You feel cleaned out and you definitely don't feel as toxicated. Up until I'd told those things to Dr. Parker, no one had really heard all the facts about it and that included Zac, which made me feel a little bad.

In my mind, I had come up with a lot of justifications for not telling Zac about all the horrors of my youth. I didn't want him to leave me, I didn't want to scare him, I didn't want to put him in an awkward position with people he'd never met, I didn't want him to feel like I was delicate or needed to be tip toed around. In short, I didn't want him to feel like a caregiver or some hand holder to a 20-year-old basket case with a list of issues longer than his arm. Zac didn't need it and if not putting him in that position meant being very prudent with what I told him. It already got him mad enough when I'd mention the milder things my dad had done, let alone the big things.

But I was in the process of letting it all go. The more time I spent with Zac and the more time I spent with guys who understood me and where I was coming from, the less I needed to hang onto the past. The more good times I had meant that I had less idle time to worry about the bad things that had happened to me and that in turn fueled my determination to prove it all wrong. It made me even more dogged in my quest to show my parents that being gay wasn't a death curse. It was going to be my ticket to a life of unending happiness and enjoyment. And it was going to be my job to make sure that it was the same for Zac.


The hallway was dark and only the soft guiding lights around the ceiling were on as I found my way back to the hallway of our sector. The only sounds were occasional gasps and moans of pleasure from the darkness and all I could do was shake my head and ignore it, thinking only about seeing Zac again. It was crazy. I had only been away from Zac for a few hours and I already missed him and knew it would take an hour easily of cuddling and sappy baby talk to make up for it. Baby talk was another element that I had shunned until Zac had introduced it and what once sickened me to no end now made my heart nearly melt.

As I turned the corner, down the hall I noticed that the door to Brandon's room was open slightly and for a moment, I wondered if he was OK. He probably just forgot to close to door, I told myself and shrugged as my eyes rested on the soft red glow of our rooms ID pad. I smiled and got a fluttery feeling in my stomach every time I saw mine and Zac's name nestled together and looking oh so cozy. It was just one of those little satisfying things that comes with a relationship... and it was probably the most satisfying thing in it's own material way. It felt legitimizing.

Going in the door extra careful, I felt my way to the bed like a raccoon and slowly slid my hand up the blanket until I felt the big warm lump of Zac in the bed. I chuckled softly in the dark at the way his body cocooned under the covers like a larva with only the top of his head sticking out. Under my palm, I could feel him breathing and I took care sitting down so I wouldn't crush one of his tender arms or legs or his tender face under my ass when I sat down. Something in me felt incredibly peaceful as my shoes and socks came off and fell to the floor and made a soft thump.

When I pulled back the covers, the mixed scent of heat and ardent day old unwashed teen body made my nose wrinkle slightly and I slid in next to him and almost immediately, his warm mass was on mine. In his snooze, he wrapped his arms around my neck and snuggled up to me and I let out a shiver of pure contentment and comfort. He murmured in his sleep and nuzzled my neck and his soft hair brushed my cheek, tickling me slightly as I pulled the blankets up to his chin.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep. That shouldn't come as a surprise.

=2 Days Until Arrival...=

The secret didn't say secret for very long. After one day, the info of "T.Hanson" being posted in a small 8X10 paper on the door of a tutoring room had spread all over the compound. It was becoming a widely talked about event, but as no surprise, everyone in the sector agreed to be cool and let Taylor get settled before trying to hit on him or anything of the sort. Just some whispering and pointing for the first few days and it would all be fine. I was expecting it to be like what had happened with Zac except on a much larger, more dedicated scale since if Zac were considered a prize, Taylor would be considered winning the lottery. But it wasn't my place to comment on it and I wasn't about to unless Zac wanted to hear what I thought. And he did. And I assured him it was cool with me which made him happy.

I had also been meeting with Keri to discuss the details of Zac's and my upcoming nuptuals. Early on, I said no to any kind of fancy dressing up which she reluctantly agreed to but in order to not make her feel bad, I had to agree to a private professionally catered dinner for Zac and me. It wasn't that bad of a compromise, really. Zac had also insisted that we each write our own vows, which sounded a lot less good to me than it did to him, who wrote songs for a living. I'd decided it would be the perfect place for me to show my love to him by expressing my feelings open and honestly. I was looking forward to but kind of dreading what Zac would say. Only dreading it because I knew that it would be the emotional equivalent of those "I'm telling my parents what they mean to me" specials that Oprah used to do when she was entertaining. I was going to cry and feel so much love it would nearly make me burst.

Keri had also arranged for an ordained minister to come in and perform the ceremony Then, in a move that nearly brought me to tears, had two professionally made wedding rings brought in just for Zac and I. She had also wanted flowers but there was no way in hell I was agreeing to it and she let it slide if I agreed to let her be there. There really wasn't any way I could argue with it after she showed me the rings and really, I wanted her there. She had been my surrogate mother for so long it wouldn't feel right to exclude her and not let her take pictures of sniffle loudly during the ceremony.

The wedding, or "ceremony" as I called it, would be taking place two days after Taylor arrived. Really, I was looking forward to meeting him and seeing up close the member of Hanson that had once been called "a real life young rock star for the new millennium". Part of me had prepared for him being an arrogant bastard with no connection to reality, but Zac had assured me that he was quite the opposite and I would get along well with him. Keri had helped us move in a second desk and she had brought by several different uniforms in several sizes and told us that he could try the different outfits on until he found one that allowed him the maximum comfort.

Because of the desk, Zac and I had to push the two beds over into the corner by the dresser and it ended up that two thirds of the bed was blocked off by Zac's desk. It meant that the person sleeping on the far right of the bed would have to move during the night if anyone needed to take a leak. We decided that for the first few nights, Zac would sleep in the middle next to Taylor, who would get the free side in case he needed to use the bathroom, and poor Reid would be humping the wall. Zac and I also made the agreement to not engage in any, as he called it "booty wop", until Taylor was settled which meant we would have to make it count the last time that we indulged our throbbing bodily urges for one another. Of course, then we'd have to change the sheets to make sure no unbecoming smells were there to bother Taylor and make him uncomfortable. Yet again, Zac was surprising me with how considerate he was and how concerned he was with Taylor's comfort and well being in the crucial first few days of his residence.

"Ugh!" Zac groaned as he collapsed on the bed, sweaty and exhausted after moving Taylor's desk over to accommodate the nightstand, "That fruity bastard had better appreciate our hard work."

"I'm sure he will." I plopped down next to him.

"He'd better not leave any of his sweaty shirts on my face in the morning like he used to."

I closed my eyes and shook my head, "You gotta go soon, stinky."

Zac groaned again and sat up heavily, "You said she's cool, right?"

"You met her. Besides, she's very cool. She helped me a lot."

"If you trust her, she's cool." Zac said and there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Zac said in his faux deep lumberjack voice.

"Agt. Gurion. I'm taking Zac to meet Dr. Parker." Said a voice from behind the door.

Zac leapt up and pulled open the door to reveal probably the most attractive woman I'd ever seen. She looked to be about 5'8" and had strawberry blond hair pulled into a tight ponytail and a nice, fertile bust. She had slightly dark, non-Caucasian features and looked like she could have stepped off the page of some fitness magazine. Hell, she could have posed in Playboy. If I were straight, I would have had an erection the size of Rhode Island at that point... but it was just like looking at a nice painting. She walked in and smiled, and even in my raging homosexuality, she did have a nice smile. When she came in far enough, Zac made a starlet face and I had to fight to keep form laughing.

"Hi!" She said in a perky voice, "Are you Zac?"

"Yeah... obviously a big fan." Zac said and shook her hand.

"I just have to ask and make sure," She turned to me, "And you're Reid?

"Yeah," I said and shook her hand.

Are you ready to go?" She said to Zac.

"Sure. Are you ready to throw down your life for me?" Zac said as he pulled his nicer shoes on.

"That I am. I didn't spent eight years in the Mossad for nothing." She said.

"Wow... the Israeli secret service." I said as I sat up, "Did you kill anyone?"

"Nope. Very little of the action in the Mossad is killing. More like bodyguard work." She said and I was really fascinated.

"Wow... that's cool. Are you Israeli born?"

"Yes. I was born in Jerusalem. I went to college at Georgetown but went back after I graduated."

"Sweet. What sector do you work on?"

"I just transferred from sector G. I did mostly retrieval work before that."

"So are you on D now?"

"Basically, yeah. I'd like to do retrieval again, even though I hate that word for it."

Our interesting conversation was interrupted by a loud dramatic snore from Zac who didn't see the appeal in talking about work assignments and foreign government SWAT teams. Agt. Gurion smiled and helped Zac up off the bed.

"Miss me." He said it several times between kisses.

Zac showed what a good boy he actually was by holding the door open for her. He gave me one last questioning look to make sure I wasn't feeling any "bisexual tendencies" which I shook my head at and made him smile as the door closed. After laughing for a few seconds and remembering her name, I got up off the bed and turned off Zac's desk lamp. Earlier in the day, Keri had told me that she and Dr. Rios were playing poker that night and invited me to play. Having nothing better to do, I agreed and once things were in order in the room, I headed out the door to Keri's room down the hall.

When I went out into the hallway, I noticed Brandon's door was still open. Not sure if I should check on him, I decided that it would be best to leave him to his privacy and head on to Keri's room. The hallways were quieting down for the night and it was a much shorter walk than it was to the appointment with Dr. Parker. Along the way, I caught a glimpse of Jake sitting on the stairs and it was a tough call, but I decided to leave him alone. Whatever he was working through, he didn't need my stumbling over words to make it worse. It was something I knew about myself and it was something I'd learned through most of my relationships.

Keri's room was set back slightly in the hallway and when I knocked on the heavy door; there was no answer.

"Keri?" I called and stepped into the room, surprised that the door was unlocked.

The sector heads were given fairly nice apartment style settings with a living room, kitchenette, bathroom, and bedroom. From what I'd heard, most were very protective of their rooms but Keri had made it clear that she was always available for anyone who needed her. She had decorated her living room with pictures of snow-covered mountains and quiet forests in the middle of winter. Not wanting to disturb anything, I walked softly to the bathroom door and looked in. Empty. No one was there.

Then I heard it. It was an unmistakable sound that could only mean someone was on the receiving end of an incredible sexual deed. Since the voice was obviously feminine, nothing sprung up in my shorts and with an almost morbid curiosity, I walked towards the door of the bedroom that was slightly ajar. When I got closer, I could hear the springs of the bed squeaking.

"Keri?" I said, slightly louder but I wasn't heard.

I turned to leave, but my foot caught on the carpet and my hand went out to catch myself and I ended up pushing the door wide open. My eyes went to the bed were I saw Keri, naked from the waist up, her back arched with pleasure and her hands under the sheets directing traffic for the moving mass between her legs. The first thought in my head was that she was taking advantage of some poor guy who hadn't been able to accept himself and I immediately was angry that she had been so callous and destructive.

"Oh my GOD!" I said and backed up.

Keri heard me and her body jackknifed into a sitting position, and her eyes opened and she immediately came down from cloud nine.

"REID! Oh Christ... we were going to play poker..." She tried to find her words as she pulled on a shirt.

"Are you out of your mind!? You can't turn them straight, Keri! And even if you know that, it's still pretty damn cruel!" I said in absolute awe of what I thought was going on.

"Reid," She said quietly and sat up, "This isn't what you think."

"This isn't what I think!?"

"Reid, she's telling the truth." A familiar voice came out from under the covers.

"Who is that?" I asked them both.

The sheets shifted and my mouth nearly hit the floor. It was Dr. Rios.

"Oh..." I said, trying to pull my foot out of my mouth.

"Reid... we're a couple." Keri said calmly as Dr. Rios slid up onto the pillow.

"How about that... Look Keri, I'm really sorry." I said, leaning against the frame of the door.

"It's all right. I know how this must have looked." Keri said.

"Yeah, but still... I'm sorry for doubting you. I shouldn't have ever thought that..."

"I'm not as cute as you Reid. But I'm still desirable." Dr. Rios said as he put on her bra under the covers.

"Uhhh..." I said, having a hard time looking at her because of the clear fluid on her face.

Keri motioned to her and she quickly wiped it off. After a few minutes of silence, I smiled and chuckled elaborately.

"Maybe we can take a rain check on the card game. I'll leave you guys alone." I said and edged towards the door.

"That's fine. Bring Zac and we can play strip poker." Keri said.

"Ummm... yeah. We'll see," I turned around and added over my shoulder, "See you guys later. Have fun."

Once I was safely out of the room, I stopped and thought for a second. It certainly made sense in a convenience aspect because they sure weren't going to get a guy here. Wow, I thought. Dr. Rios seemed so... straight. And then I felt ashamed for operating under the whole stereotype deal about it and shook my head, happy for them that they had found someone to make them happy. But then I realized that I now had several hours to kill. Once out of the smaller hallway, I looked around for something to catch my fancy and I noticed that Brandon's door had closed. I was relieved to see it and strolled back to the room. Maybe I could tease myself with anticipation for tomorrow night or something.


My stomach felt like it was caving in before I went from being 3/4 to 1/2 asleep and realized that Zac was straddling me and bouncing up and down. I rubbed my eyes and yawned and sat up in bed and my lips unwittingly pressed against his and he giggled, kissing me several times in rapid-fire succession before rolling off. I could tell by his movement that he was pretty excited about something and when he turned on the desk lamp on it's lowest setting, in my still half stupor, I was taken aback by how beautiful he was. After a few seconds of smiling dopily, he snapped me out of it.

"Reid, I have to tell you some stuff." He said and pulled over the desk chair and sat at the side of the bed. He was holding what looked like a small black tape player and his hands were shaking slightly.

"You OK?" I asked him and rubbed his leg.

"Yeah, I'm awesome," He said, "For the past few weeks I've been trying to come up with a way to describe how I felt about you. Like I needed a way to tell you and not ruin by being hyper or goofy or anything."

"Uh huh..." I yawned.

"Seriously... everytime I tried, it came out all lame but tonight it came out just right when I talked to that doctor. She tape recorded it and let me bring it to you to listen." He was bouncing in his chair like he'd just had five Dr. Peppers and an economy size box of Junior Mints.

"Let's hear it." I said and he set the player on the nightstand and kicked off his shoes in a hurry and climbed into bed with me, snuggling up next to me and planting several sloppy, enthusiastic kisses on my cheek. He was like a big, happy dog and yet again; I couldn't help but smile at it.

"Let's talk about Reid." Dr. Parker's voice came out of the black box.

"OK!" Zac said in response. Zac shuddered and made a sour face at the sound of his own voice.

"Describe-- don't tap on the table, it'll be picked up on the tape-- Describe why you love him."

"I love Reid because he loves me. He doesn't love some created character and he doesn't confuse me with who I had to be on TV and stuff. He loves ME. He loves Zachary Walker Hanson. He loves the Zac Hanson who doesn't need to be 'on' all the time. He loves that I'm sensitive and that I really love to be close to him but he doesn't expect some joke or he doesn't think I need to talk during the whole time to remind him. He loves that I have scars and that my nose isn't perfect and that I'm not a skinny waif like Taylor. He loves that I'm not Taylor. He loves me because I'm Zac. He loves that I am Zac. He loves that I need to be cuddled and held when I'm hyper. He loves that I spent my life differently from everyone else. He loves that I wear dark socks instead of white ones. He loves that I'm different. He loves it and he makes me feel good about it. He loves my voice and he loves to talk to me and really listen to me and he loves to hear how I really feel. He loves that I love him. He loves me. He really truly honest to God loves me. And I love him for that. And I love that he's strong and I love that he's letting me show him how to love. I love him for caring about me and letting me inside his heart. I love him for being my soulmate. I love him for letting me be his soulmate because it's such an amazing thing to let me do. Especially for him."

Wow. Zac rested his forehead against my chin, as there was several seconds of silence on the tape. I heard Zac sniffle and wipe his nose and I heard Dr. Parker writing on the notepad.

"I see." She said after what felt like an eternity.

"If that isn't a good enough answer then I don't know what else to say to you." Zac said and I heard him take a sip of Dr. Pepper and the inevitable soft belch that came seconds later.

"It's a fine answer, Zac."

Zac reached over and turned off the tape recorder and we laid there for what could have been an hour. No words were needed. He had rested his hand on my chest and idly moved his fingers up and down in a pattern. The only sound was our soft breathing and the words from the tape resonating off my heart, body, and soul. Occasionally, Zac would rub his leg up and down against me but other than that, he laid motionless except for fingers. He was letting me think about what he'd said but still being close to me and holding on to me and I could tell he needed the close contact just as much as I did. Neither of us knew who should talk first.

"I don't really love your dark socks but it's OK." I said and we both cracked up.

After we laughed, Zac gently held my chin and kissed me. And then we made love. Long, passionate, multi-orgasmic, mind-blowing, soul touching love that words couldn't even begin to describe. Our normally insatiable sexual appetite was fueled by something extra that night that must have surfaced as a result of the tape but there was no real way to be sure about it. It was one of those feelings that we both felt but couldn't put into words and had to use actions to express it to one another. Maybe we weren't old enough or something. But we knew. We knew what we felt.

When we finally collapsed together, we were covered in sweat and cum and drenched with a huge, thick, glob of pure uhhh... gaiety. We fell asleep that night, still dazed and slightly giddy from the combined sex and heartwarming honesty. But before we fell asleep, he said something.

"I'm gonna play that again for my vows..." He said, his eyes glazed.

"Only if you want to." I wheezed, placing my hand firmly over the hot, moist skin that covered his pounding heart.

"I want to love you forever, Reid. Please tell me you want the same..."

"All I want is you, Zac... all I want is you..." I gasped and we rested our soaked foreheads together.

We kissed one more time that night.

And then five minutes later, we made love again. And then we finally went to sleep.

=The day before...=

"Oh stop it." Jake said and tried not to look at Zac.

"What? What am I doing?" Zac asked, looking up from a sheet of calculus problems.

"You're smiling like a doof and it's really getting sickening." Jake said and even though in some weird alternate universe, he liked Reid but the big, goofy grin on Zac's face was starting to really send Jake's already strained heart into critical condition.

"Oh... well, sorry..." Zac said and for a few fleeting seconds, he was actually able to keep a straight face but it just wouldn't stay that way.

Jake groaned and Zac said, "Sorry."

Jake tensed his muscles and tried to turn back to the math assignment but it wasn't working well at all. That morning, Zac had come into the math and science room with an almost sickeningly happy smile which meant that he and Reid had engaged in some particularly choice humping the night before. In fact, he'd never seen Zac smiling so much and while it made Jake happy to see, it hurt him deep down that the smile wasn't his doing. He wanted so much to be with Zac and feel the dark and hidden places that only Reid touched and kissed, but he wasn't stupid and no amount of lust could make him forget that it wasn't going to happen. And Jake wasn't going to try and make it happen because, like he'd told Reid, he was happy for Zac and it would hurt him even more to cause some damage to something that made Zac so happy.

So he kept working. Jake spent nearly every day hunched over and buried in some textbook doing extra-credit assignments and whatever he could to take his mind off all the pain. For a few minutes combined during the day, it actually worked and Jake forgot about his desire for Zac and his anger towards Brandon for hurting him. His mind would be too full of math problems or adverbs or whatever else he was studying and he would achieve a wonderfully calming sense of nothingness in his soul and the pain would be alleviated. But soon enough, it would all come back and make him feel so hopeless.

He had been looking so tired and haggard that Zac had asked if he was OK, and Jake had to lie and say that he was just feeling the strain of the work he was doing. When Zac asked him so sincerely and the look in his eyes was so full of care and concern, Jake nearly broke down. Nearly. He couldn't allow himself to break down because it would eventually get back to Brandon and give the asshole a sense of accomplishment and if Jake did one thing right, he wouldn't let Brandon drive him into hysterics. He had already let Brandon take his virginity but that was all he would take.

Not too long ago, Jake's mother had called him but he just didn't have the strength to talk to her. He told the sector head that he didn't want to talk and deep down, he wanted nothing more than to cry and let all his feelings pour out to her. But he had to keep himself in some state of semblance or he would slide further into depression and they'd find him in a bathtub with his wrists cut and a pathetic suicide note by his side. But that would send him to hell and the one thing he knew was that no gay people belonged in and hell and even if they did, he wasn't going to give them one more before it was time.

"Hey Jake?" Zac said and the mere sound of his voice was enough to render a rush of blood through Jake's system.

"Yeah?" He said, looking up but not allowing himself to fall into Zac's eyes.

"I'm sorry... I mean, I'm sorry that you feel so bad. If I weren't with Reid, I'd go out with you." Zac said and immediately felt bad for being so untactful.

Jake sighed and sat back in his chair, "It's not your fault, Zac. And I'm glad you're happy, even if it's with someone else."

"But I'm still sorry. If I lead you on with out knowing it... it wasn't what I was trying to do. I guess flirtiness runs in my family or something..." Zac said as he fiddled with the corner of the paper.

"Don't worry about me, Zac. Before you came in here, I wasn't doing too well with the whole place and my feelings got all blown up and made more serious because of it."

"I do like you a lot, Jake. I still want us to be friends because I do need someone my own age to talk to." Zac said and smiled.

Jake smiled back and felt quite a bit better about the whole situation. Zac cared enough about him to bring up the subject and knowing that Zac had noticed, although it couldn't have been too hard, made him feel better. At that moment, Jake almost confessed about what happened with Brandon, but something inside him wouldn't let it happen. Sort of a mix of shame and self-pity but he tried to tell himself he didn't want to make Zac feel bad. Or something. It had all turned into such a huge mess.


It was the night before and Taylor would be arriving at 10:00am the next morning. Since Zac and I had worn each other out the night before, we spent the evening hours hanging out in our room and if Zac didn't stop drumming on different surfaces, he wouldn't live to see his brother get to the compound. He didn't seem too worried, however, and with each annoyed groan from me I received a wet kiss on the cheek and an apology which, God help me, made up for it and started the whole process over. So while I sat and tried to catch up on Ivanhoe and ignore the endless drum solo going on only four feet away from me.

"Hey... could you please find some other way to be nervous? I'm going to be hearing the beat from 'If Only' in my head for the next month and a half." I said.

"Wow... you could tell what song it was?" He said and looked genuinely amazed.

"Yeah, Zac. You've been playing it non-stop with no commercials for the past hour."

"Ack!" Zac gagged and thrashed about on the bed, acting like my words had send a dagger of ice straight to his heart. Once he noticed I wasn't buying it, he stopped and sat up, giving me a disappointed look, "You know... when a guy has his own bona-fide rock star after his heart, it would make sense to always want to experience the musical joy of that guy."

I stopped and looked up, "Which guy?"

"Huh?" He said and flopped back up on the bed and laid back against the pillow.

"The guy who has the rock star after his heart or the rock star? Who's musical joy are we talking about experiencing here?"

"Uhhh..." Zac got an sweetly confused look on his face, "You should want me to drum on stuff... because... I'm good at it... and...ummmm... MMMBop?"

"Awww..." I said and crawled over onto the bed and laid down ontop of him.

He squirmed under me and pecked me on the lips as I settled in and looked into his eyes, falling into his caramel colored eyes that looked like two big pools. He smiled and rubbed the tip of his nose against mine, stroking my back softly and kissing my chin. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled the thin black band out of his hair and let it fall elegantly around his head on the pillow. He looked like an angel but before I could get lost in the image, the air conditioning brought a smell to my nose that could have been any one of the malodorous areas of his body. I kissed him one more time and rolled off and laid against his right side, playing with his hair with my left hand.

"This is our last night alone... at least for a while." I said softly, kissing his forehead tenderly.

"It'll be OK. We can come back and hump when Tay is getting tutored or hanging out with his friends."

"Wow, you sure know how to turn on the romance." I chuckled quietly.

Zac responded but not in English, but in a few words of his personal alien language in which nearly every phrase ended with him blowing a raspberry. And as juvenile as it was, it always made me laugh. I always laughed until he suggested that he do the real thing that was too horrible to even think about. Neither of us said anything for a few minutes before Zac slid his leg in-between mine and jiggled it, earning some tickling and nuzzling which made him moan for mercy. We squirmed on the bed together and eventually, just laid there... enjoying being together. It was something we did quite a bit.

"It's gonna be cool. Just be careful with him." Zac gasped and mopped the sweat from his brow.

"How about if I treat him with the same care I treated you? To a certain extent, of course."

"Then he'll be happier than a fly on shit." Zac said and settled against me cheerfully.

"Ummm... that's a great way to think about it..."

"When you meet Tay, you'll agree that it fits."

"What a horrible way to talk about your brother." I said sternly and nibbled his earlobe.

Zac looked shocked and gave me his wide-eyed, helpless look, "Well.... Sorry. I didn't mean it. Besides, that's about as far as my meanness towards him goes. Before I met you, he was my best friend."


"Well, duh, Reid. Who did you think was my best friend?"

"I know... but it's so sweet... and..."

"Don't you dare say it!" He tensed and shut his eyes tight.

"Cute!" I snickered and Zac spasmed in my arms, acting like I'd stabbed him with the ice dagger.

"Tomorrow..." I said softly and stroked his hair.

"Yup..."He said with a yawn.

Zac sighed contentedly and snuggled into my arms, breathing softly and from what I could tell, feeling completely at peace. It was kind of hard for me to relax with the odd, not-quite-human sounds of digestion coming from Zac's stomach but I did my best anyway, and to my surprise, I began to doze off. Somehow, we got under the covers and after some half-asleep cuddling; we drifted off into a deep sleep. My last thought as I fell asleep was wondering if I would really be OK with Taylor there... maybe he wouldn't feel pressured... maybe he would be OK or... not...

=In dreams...=

Not so hot!

The heatwave in Tulsa had burnt off in the past week and the scene was like some old movie where drought-ravaged farmers danced in the first autumn rainfall. It was a cause for celebration in the Hanson household as nearly everyone had made plans to spend the evening out, save for Zac and I, who had ever so graciously cleared our calendars for a night at home. Since our sweaty, nude romp in the local movie theater, Zac and I weren't able to go two minutes in each others company without needing to hurry off into the bathroom and engage in a "lovepork session". And thankfully, since the heat had gone down to a pleasant 85 degrees, we were able to sleep in Zac's bed where I enjoyed the lovely aged scent of his bedsheets.

"Bye honey." Mrs. Hanson said, kissing Zac on the forehead and hugging him one last time which drew a sacrificial victim look from Zac. His mom and dad had wasted no time in setting up a dinner date with associates while the other siblings were staying at friends houses for the night. Isaac would be out on one of his endless dates, which made me wonder if he ever ran out of girls to go out with. But I could only wonder since he kept his personal life so shrouded in mystery.

"Mom... don't kiss me..." Zac complained.

"When you can beat me at arm wrestling, I'll stop kissing you goodbye," She said and put on her coat, "Taylor will be back in about half an hour so he can keep you company before you guys hurry off to bed. It's still hot out so take plenty of breaks and drink lots of fluids."

"Whoa... hold on... back up... wait a minute... I thought Tay was at a party." Zac said in a mortally serious tone.

"Oh... no. He decided not to go. Is that a problem?" She said looking up from her purse.

"Well... Reid and I kinda wanted some privacy." He looked back at me, crestfallen, while I pretended to be fascinated in the Top Gun DVD playing on the television.

"It'll be OK. He'll go in his room or write songs at the dining table."

"No, mom... he won't. He'll come home and sit right between us and be totally dense." Zac pouted and collapsed on the couch beside me.

"Zac, he's lonely. It's been a full month since he broke up with Gina and it was very hard on him. Please dig down deep and find that sweet little boy that got tattered by puberty and show some compassion to your big brother. He'd do the same for you." She said and tousled his hair.

Zac sighed and I could tell he was unable to resist, "OK mom. For you."

Mrs. Hanson smiled and kissed Zac again on the forehead.

"Thank you," And to me, she said, "Take care of them, Reid. You're the man of the house tonight."

With that, she grabbed her purse and walked out the door and yelled at Mr. Hanson for continually honking the horn. And with the slam of the door, Zac and I were really alone for the first time in quite a while. All the months on the road had seen us sneaking off into an out of the way stockroom of the theater du jour or releasing our tension in the shower before all the media events pulled him away. But not now... it was just us. Zac had been in a hyper mood all day but for the first time, he was mellowed out and quite relaxed as he fooled with the ratty fringe of his old T-shirt that was covered with assorted food stains and the general wear and tear of a rock star's life. When that got old, he began to fool with the leg of his khaki cutoffs, fidgeting more than I was used to.

"You OK?" I asked, then cleared a strand of his hair from his face and tucked it behind his ear.

"I'm sorry, Reid. I really thought we would be alone tonight." He said.

"Awww... it's OK," I cuddled up to him and nuzzled his neck, "We can have fun in your room."

"I know... but we were supposed to have the house to ourselves. We were supposed to make a naked snack run at midnight and all that." Zac mumbled and I could tell he was really annoyed by it.

"Mmmm... we need to make the best of our thirty minutes, then." I said and began to nibble on his collarbone.

"Oooh... maybe it'll be cool..." Zac murmured, turning to putty in my hands.

"Of course it'll be OK... would the man of the house do you wrong?"

Zac shivered at the phrase and looked at his watch, which had to be tough since his hand was shaking slightly, "It's 5:15... you think we could get naked, screw like rabbits, and still have some cuddling time?"

"Eight seconds to get naked, 20 minutes of butt pluggin', and ten seconds of clean up time. It'll be... tight." I whispered in his ear, emphasizing the last word and making him shiver again.

He didn't say anything else before planting his warm lips on mine in a long kiss that was so firm I could feel the blood rushing through them. He pulled off and began to kiss my cheek as my fingers slowly amble up his leg, circling his anklebone and further up onto the silky skin of his calf. He made a noise, sort of a half moan/half grunt, and straightened his leg out over my lap, and allowing my fingers to crawl up onto his thigh but not before needing to push the leg of his shorts up a ways. He gave me another long kiss before lying back on the couch and draping his legs across my lap comfortably, resting his feet on the arm of the sofa. My hand kneading the skin of his legs, savoring the sensation of the firm muscle under my palm.

I looked over at his face and his eyes were half-open and he looked at me with a dreamy smile on his face, getting lost in the sensations of my massage. Bringing my hand up from his ankle to the middle of his thigh and back down and I began to undo the shoelaces of his blue sneakers. He moved his foot from side to side and after hearing a moan, I looked back over to see that Zac had planed his hand firmly in his crotch and was rubbing the growing erection. Making sure to hold my breath as I pulled off his shoes to avoid the first rush of fumes, I went to work on his feet and pulled off the black socks and set them carefully on the ground. His toes wiggled in the open air and I promptly reached up to tickle the bottoms of his feet, drawing a grand mal of horny giggles from their owner. His toes curled in my hand when I gave them each a quick individual massage before giving him an evil look and turning my attentions to his ankles, rubbing them each with slow, firm squeezes and making Zac squirm. Try as I might, I couldn't figure out why his ankles were such an erogenous zone, but I sure wasn't going to question it.

As my hands worked their magic on his ankles, Zac became increasingly primal and his moans were beginning to sound like animalistic cries of passion. His hands gripped the sides of the couch and the massages he was giving his bulge were getting deeper and harder... until he stopped. He sat up and his face was only a centimeter from mine, so close that I could feel his breathing. He grabbed my face and kissed me again, sliding his tongue into my mouth and exploring eagerly. He moved his legs off my lap and spread them as far as he could manage and pulled me down ontop of him and I could feel the thumping shaft inside his shorts. He arched his back and pushed his crotch against me, slobbering all over my lips as he alternated between kissing me and licking his tongue in long, sloppy strokes over my lips. I don't think I'd ever seen, felt, held, or smelled him that horny before.

In the steaminess of our passion, the sound of his shorts rustling against the couch cushion as he pulled them down. He smiled between kisses and his fingers slid up the front of my shirt and stroked my nipples, sending bolts of pleasure through my body. His other hand went down the back of my pants and squeezed one of my asscheeks long and firmly, making me moan into his mouth. I felt the waistband of my pants clear my tailbone and the warm air caressed my bare ass. My cock poked out of the fly of my boxers and rubbed against the tight cotton of Zac's boxers, and my precum began to make a wetspot on the fly. Zac moaned again as he felt the wet warmth on his captive balls held inside.

"Hey. Anybody home?" Taylor's voice traveled from the front hallway into the living room.

"Son of bitch..." Zac hissed and pulled his shorts back up in a hurry while I did the same. As we tried to get ourselves together, I could see out of the corner of my eye that Zac was quite irritated by his brother's sudden appearance on the scene. I winked at him and he seemed to cool down a bit but he still seemed pretty annoyed by the whole situation.

Taylor walked into the living room and stopped when he saw us on the couch. The DVD had gone forgotten for the past few minutes, and the credits had rolled. I mopped the sweat from my brow and took a sip from the can of Pepsi I'd been drinking earlier, but it had also gone forgotten and I flinched at the flat taste of it. Taylor stood there for several seconds and tried to be tactful but I couldn't blame the poor guy.

"You're early, Taylor." Zac said sternly.

"Uhhh... yeah. I left the studio earlier than usual... did I interrupt you guys?" He said and his tone was so apologetic.

"Yes. You did." Zac said, in the same cold tone of voice.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know." Taylor said meekly and averted his eyes.

"It's OK, Tay. We're fine," I said and turned to Zac and said quietly, "Don't be like this. He didn't mean to."

Zac sighed, "OK. I'm sorry, Tay."

Taylor smiled and dropped his car keys on the foyer table. I watched him as he walked into the living room and sat down on the black leather loveseat and I couldn't help but notice him. He and Zac seemed so similar but at the same time, they were both quite different. Zac was handsome, while Taylor had the whole "pretty" thing going on. I tried not to be too obvious as I scanned him from head to toe. He was wearing brown weave sandals, tight jeans, and a white T-shirt. It wasn't what I would call "comfortable" but if it worked for him that was just fine with me.

"I'm thirsty. You want anything?" Zac said, kissing me on the cheek and getting up.

"Yeah. Bring me another Pepsi." I said and motioned my head towards Taylor and Zac rolled his eyes.

"Tay, you want anything?" Zac sighed.

"Ummm, yeah. Do we have any juice?" He asked and drummed his fingers softly on the arm of the loveseat.

"Sure. I'll surprise you." Zac said and shuffled off towards the kitchen.

Taylor and I relaxed in silence for a while as I moved back down on the couch and stretched out, idly watching the movie Zac had turned to in his frustration. My relationship with Taylor had been an interesting one up to that point. When Zac had introduced me to his family, their reaction had ranged from happy and welcoming, his parents and younger siblings, to slightly wary at first, in Isaac's case. Taylor had fallen somewhere in the middle, being a little guarding at first but eventually realizing that my feelings for Zac were real. But even then, Isaac and I had our age and basic mindset in common while I was able to suitably impress their parents... but something still felt weird with Taylor. I didn't know if it was him feeling threatened that I would take Zac away from him or whatever it was... I wasn't sure.

"Are you guys making out?" Zac called from the kitchen, sounding a million miles away.

"No, Zac." Tay called back, blushing slightly.

"Why not? Is Reid not good enough for you?" Zac called again in an acerbic tone.

Taylor sighed and looked up at the ceiling as Zac came back into the living room carrying a Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, and a glass filled with orange juice. After handing the juice off to Taylor, he sat down next to me and draped his leg over my lap as we began watching the TV again, in silence. About an hour passed of the three of us sitting and watching TV, with Zac occasionally making a witty remark on the show. Taylor seemed like he was OK but he was so stoic that I wouldn't have made a bet on what was going on.

"Let's do something!" Zac moaned and jumped up off the couch.

"Like what? I'm broke and you smell like a foot." I said, not looking away from the TV.

Zac turned off the TV, "Well, let's play a game or something!"

"Like what? Truth or Dare?" I said, not thinking.

The room went quiet and when I looked up, Zac was smiling mischievously and Taylor had a fairly intrigued look on his face.

"Let's do it. You game?" Zac asked and Taylor nodded, smiling slightly.

"Oh lord..." I said softly and immediately felt a rush of excitement at the theory of playing 'Truth or Dare' with Zac Hanson.

"Hold on. I'm gonna go change." Taylor said and took off up the stairs.

Zac laughed and pulled me up off the couch into an embrace, "Hey... keep remembering that it's only a game."

I nodded and took a deep breath as the sound of Taylor coming back down the stairs took my attention away from Zac. Taylor had changed into a white tanktop and baggy plaid boxer shorts and neither really did much to hide the more angular areas of his anatomy. Zac seemed pretty eager to get started and went over to the phone and turned it off and switched on their answering machine. He bounced back over and rubbed his hands together like a mad scientist.

"OK... let's all sit down in a triangle on the floor." He said and once we all sat down, he jumped up again and turned the lights in the room down low, "All right... no wait, hold on!"

Taylor and I exchanged puzzled glances as Zac jumped up again and went down the hall. We heard him rooting around in a drawer for several seconds before he came back carrying a thick white candle, which he set on a clean plate in the center of our triangle. He pulled out a book of matches and carefully lit the candle, bathing us all in a soft, golden glow. Zac sat down Indian-style and settled in, looking at us both and in the light of the candle, his eyes gleamed with pleasure.

"Allrighty then... let's go clockwise." He said, his voice heavy with anticipation.

"Who starts?" Taylor asked, lying down on his stomach in front of the candle.

"It was Reid's idea..." Zac said and looked at me wistfully.

"All right..." I sighed. There was no turning back now, "Zac, truth or dare."

"Hmmm..." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Truth."

"OK... when you said that the bruise on your neck was a hickey I gave you, was that true?" I asked, looking at him intently.

"Uhhh..." Zac seemed ashamed, "No. That was from a stray drumstick that hit me."

"I knew it!" I slapped the floor and laid down on my side.

"OK OK..." Zac said and turned to Taylor, "Truth or dare, Tay."

"Dare." Taylor said in an almost challenging tone.

"I dare you to... take off your shirt for the rest of the game."

"Oooh... that's so naughty, Zac." Taylor said sarcastically and promptly pulled the wife beater up over his head and tossed it on the couch before lying back down on the floor.

"Oh no! You have to have at least one nipple showing!" Zac said and Taylor looked at him in disbelief.

"Whatever." Tay said and sat up with his back against the couch and stretched his crossed legs out to the side of the candle with his bare feet nearly brushing against mine, "Truth or dare, Reid."

"Hmmmm... Dare."

"OK, I dare you to suck on Zac's big toe for thirty seconds." Taylor said and he was more animated than I'd ever seen him.

"Oh sweet Jesus..." I said and Zac promptly stuck his foot right in my face.

Not wanting to lose the game, I held my breath and sealed my mouth around his toe and sucked on him, trying to ignore the roughness and little flap of dry blister that had begun to come off. Taylor counted off the seconds and Zac wiggled his toe in my mouth as I struggled to hold my breath the whole time, sucking in a steady enough rhythm to complete the dare. Zac squirmed slightly and I knew he was getting off on it as we made eye contact and he winked amorously at me. I sucked and then right as it was about over, I gave his toe a gentle nibble which drew a gasp out of him.

"Four... three... two... one." Taylor said and looked disappointed. I pulled off and exhaled without drawing in a breath, getting the funkiness out of my mouth and wiping my tongue on my T-shirt. The aftertaste of Zac's foot was still on my tongue and I tried hacking a few times to get rid of it but only succeeding in creating a slightly more than moldy taste in my mouth. Luckily, a sip of Pepsi soon washed it away.

"Zac," I said, scraping my tongue with my teeth, "Truth or dare."

"Dare." He said promptly.

"OK... I dare you to..." I had to think of a good one, "I dare you to... floss with one of Tay's pubic hairs."

They both looked at me like I was insane.

Then Zac shrugged, "Yank one out, Tay."

Taylor looked at Zac with a hurt expression, "Do you think I have crabs or something? I can't just yank one out!"

"Just pull one out." Zac said frustratedly.

"OK," Taylor sighed, "Does it have to be a pube or can it be a ball hair? Those come out easier."

At that point, I didn't really think it was getting out of control. I was only surprised that Taylor seemed so forthcoming.

"Whatever works best." I said.

After a few seconds of effort, Taylor's hand returned out of his boxers and passed a wiry blond hair to Zac who sniffed it elaborately. After finding the scent to his satisfaction, he held it taught and worked it in between two of his upper teeth until I gave the sign that I was satisfied with the dare. He smiled happily and tried to give the hair back to Tay, who looked at him like he was covered in feces and pushed it back. Then when Zac acted like he was going to eat it, we both stepped in and made sure that didn't happen.

"Truth or dare, Tay." Zac said, taking a drink of Dr. Pepper.


"OK... do you think Reid is hot?" Zac said very directly.

Taylor blushed and in the light of the candle, I could see a very thick erection make itself present in the front of his boxers. I almost felt flattered but then felt kind of dirty. Taylor struggled for an answer.

"Don't you be lookin'." Zac said softly, and poked my shoulder with his finger.

"Ummm..." Tay stumbled, uncrossed his legs and pulled them up and placed a couch cushion between them, "Well... if I were into guys... sure..."

"Are you into guys?" I asked, looking him in the eyes.

He sighed, "I... ummm... oh God..."

"Is that why you broke up with Gina?" Zac asked, and the game was put on hold for the moment.

"Yes," He said softly and his eyes looked damp in the light of the candle as he looked into it, "More like she broke up with me when I told her. It's like the only thing I regret is that I used her to try and prove otherwise. I hurt her."

We all sat in silence for a few minutes before Zac said, "Well... I'd say the game as gotten more interesting, Watson."

"It's my turn. I'm ready, Tay." I said and he smiled gratefully and held the pillow across his lap.

"Truth or dare, Reid."

"Dare." I said, sitting up and hugging my legs in front of me.

"Hey... why don't we just play 'Dare'?" Zac said, smiling.

Taylor and I both nodded before he said, "I dare you to undress Zac. Totally naked."

Zac and I smiled at each other and he stretched out on his back with his limbs akimbo. I rubbed my hands slowly up his bare legs and hooked my fingers into the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down slowly, having a little trouble getting over the bulge of his semi-hard on. After his shorts, I slid my hands under his shirt and pulled it up and off, leaving him naked except for a pair of Taco Bell boxers complete with Chihuahuas with little catchphrase filled voice balloons. He shivered overdramatically and stood up and began to swivel his hips in an erotic dance, pulling down the waistband and giving us a few fleeting glimpses of his crotch and ass. Eventually the whole thing came off and Zac was buck-naked and he tossed the sweaty underwear at me, landing it perfectly on my face. I retched and tossed them away, admiring Zac's naked body as he laid back down and rested his chin in his hands.

We both looked at Taylor who seemed to be holding the pillow on his lap a little tighter with a shocked look on his face. He laughed softly and shrugged the light of the candle flickering on his smooth skin. Taylor's physique was fairly similar but quite different than Zac's... he was much more chiseled and defined. His slim chest and upper body had a mature thickness to it and his stomach was flat and toned. If there were guys out there who were into that sort of torso, then that's cool. I preferred my boys meaty and plump.

He spread his legs while balancing the pillow on his lap as he hugged his arms and in the dim light, he looked like he had goosebumps. He was trying to find something to say about the situation.

"Tay?" Zac said, scratching his crotch without a trace of introversion, "You OK?"

"Yeah, I'm just hanging out." He said and smiled.

"OK, Zac... I dare you to..." I thought for several seconds.


"I dare you to French kiss Taylor for ten seconds."

Taylor squirmed and he trembled nervously as Zac smiled and squinted his eyes. He thought for a moment before licking his lips in the most blatantly sweltering way I'd ever seen.

"Want to taste my lips, Tay?" He said, and any hint of joking had left his voice.

"Oh man..." Taylor said softly and hugged the pillow again, "Zac... I don't think... I m-mean... I don't want to mess anything up..."

Zac looked at me, "Just a game, right Reid?"

"That's right." I said and my voice was drenched in the same tone as Zac's.

"If we don't, I'm eliminated from the game..." Zac said.

Taylor didn't say anything for a while before a smile appeared on his almost doll-like face. He bit his lip and tapped on the pillow, "Well... get over here, Zac."

Zac didn't need any further encouragement and crawled slowly across the floor to where Taylor was sitting. My breathing had sped up quite a bit and it didn't slow as Zac straddled Taylor's hips and held his face so close that their lips were nearly touching. Zac had an intense look on his face as he looked into Taylor's eyes and gently brushed his lips over Tay's upper lip. My head spun and I couldn't believe my eyes as Zac slowly pressed his mouth against Taylor and opened it, and from the surprised expression in his eyes, I could tell he was feeling Zac's tongue enter his mouth. Zac held his face firmly, running one hand through his hair and rubbing hid tongue over the inside of his brother's mouth. After a few seconds, I remembered to time it and deep down, I felt bad for interrupting what looked like Taylor's first gay kiss. From his little brother, no doubt.

"OK... that's ten seconds." I guesstimated.

Zac slowly pulled off and as he did so, a thin string of drool connected their lips and it shimmered in the light of the candle. Taylor had a shell-shocked look all over him, pretty much as took a few deep breaths and licked his lips slowly. Zac sat back and smiled happily. He ran his hand over his bare stomach and the motion pulled my attention down to his fully erect cock in the golden glow of the candle. I looked at Taylor and he was still sitting with the pillow between his legs and he had a far away expression on his face. Did that really just happen? I asked myself, No, it couldn't have. That would be way too.... Perfect.

"I think Taybear liked it." Zac said and I noticed the pillow had fallen away to reveal Taylor's rock hard seven inch cock poking out of the fly of his boxers.

"Huh?" Taylor said, snapping out of his daze, "Oh... oh shit!"

He went to grab the pillow but Zac stopped him and tossed it away, "I dare you BOTH to get naked. Right here, right now..."

Taylor and I looked at each other, wondering who would be first to respond. What the hell... we're already halfway to hell, I thought and pulled off my shirt and pants, and my boxer soon followed and I was left totally nude. The look in Taylor's eyes was different than it had been as he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers and pulled them off, and then he too was completely, totally naked. It was almost mind-blowing seeing both Zac and Taylor exposed... willingly, even. The whole game was hitting a new plateau of excitement as Taylor reached down and stroked himself slowly, and the sight was so incredible I had to turn away or else I would have fainted.

"Your turn, Tay." Zac said.

Taylor looked at me and his blue eyes nearly cut through me, and when he smiled, my head felt like it was filled with tiny bubbles of air. Like I was getting some kind of the bends in sexual form. I noticed for the first time that my upper body had gotten quite sweaty even though we weren't doing anything all that physical. Taylor continued to think as I wiped the sweat from myself and tried to adjust the erection between my legs that was taking most of my blood, leaving very little for the rational side of my brain. But I wouldn't have complained for all the money in the world.

"Reid... I dare you to put on a blindfold and guess which one of us is sucking you off."

His words shook me to the core and my stomach fluttered like a hummingbird.

"Ummm... It won't be too difficult. I know what Zac's mouth feels like..." I stammered.

"Then you have nothing to worry about." Zac said, creeping over to me and tying his shirt around my eyes before whispering, "Make sure you let us do a thorough job of sucking you before you decide."

I was shaking like a leaf as Zac guided me back against the couch and spread my legs apart, letting my hard on stick up into the warm, air in front of me. He and Taylor whispered softly to one another but even if they said anything directly to me, I wouldn't have noticed. For a few seconds, nothing happened but then I felt a hot wetness close around my cockhead, making me moan and rise my ass up off the floor. The only thing I knew for sure was that it wasn't Zac. This mouth was different, the tongue was longer and smoother and the breath was much hotter. The mystery mouth slid up and down on me, wetting my shaft and massaging it with the kind of care only a piano player could show. I felt the familiar tingle in the bottom of my nuts.

"OK OK OK... I'm gonna cum..." I said and the mouth pulled off and the sudden coolness made me wince.

Then, for another few seconds, there was nothing until I felt a very familiar mouth close around my dick. I recognized the cleft in the tongue immediately as it slid up and down on me, cradling the vein running down the middle. There was no doubt about this one. I felt two full lips suck on the head and massage me with their lush plumpness. My cock throbbed and I involuntarily sent several spurts of precum onto the tongue. I rested my hands on the silky head and eased it off as I pulled the shirt away from my eyes. Zac was sitting back and smiling while Taylor seemed a little shy and had trouble looking me in the eye.

"The first one was Taylor. Then it was you, Zac." I said, breathing heavily.

"Oh darn." Zac said and acted overly disappointed.

"Your turn, Zac." I said, wiping the sweat from my brow.

Zac responded with probably the most Machiavellian grin I'd ever seen on a human behind, "Tayyyy..."

"Yeeeeah?" Taylor said, unsettled by Zac's tone.

"I dare you to take Reid up the butt." He whispered and laughed insanely.

Taylor's mouth dropped open and after realizing what Zac had said, I almost passed out at the mere thought. Taylor and I both fidgeted and didn't look at each other as Zac giggled happily at his work. I took a deep breath and weighed my options, of which there weren't many. I could refuse and Taylor would lose the game and I'd never hear the end of it from Zac, or I could take Taylor from behind and give us all the kinkiest memories possible. Even as I sat there, I still pretended I had a choice.

Taylor had made his decision, "Come on, Reid. I'm not losing the game."

He was on all fours, waving his bare ass at me in what looked like a bizarre mating call. Zac moaned and began to stroke himself slowly at the sight and my cock was beginning to throb almost painfully. My lips tried to form words but it wasn't working too well.

"Uh... we need lube." I finally managed to say.

"Yeah, we do." Zac said and in an instant, his face was pressed into Taylor's ass, rimming him and coating the pucker that, at that point, I could only assume was hidden inside. Tay's mouth was hanging open and he was letting out a series of grunting whimpers as Zac slid his tongue in and out.

"G-Good thing I took a show-OWER!" Tay cried as Zac shoved his tongue all the way inside. After a few more seconds of tongue action, Zac sat back and admired his handy work before beckoning me over. He slid back watched intently as I crawled over and placed my hand unsteadily on Taylor's back.

Zac crawled over and whispered in my ear, "Do it."

I took one last breath as I crawled up and mounted Taylor from behind, wrapping my arms around his lean waist, and for a second I worried that I might break him. He seemed to sense my apprehension as he leaned his head back and nibbled on my lower lip, reassuring me softly as my cock began to press against his hole. As tight as Zac was, Taylor's hole had never been penetrated and I it took some work before my cockhead began to enter him. He moaned and his body jerked forcefully several times in my arms, and he pushed his ass back at me and I noticed how much more tight and compact he was. As if on cue, Zac's hands made themselves known on my back as he kneaded my rippling muscles and pushed me slightly, urging me further into his brother's tight ass.

Taylor's hole was gradually beginning to accept my shaft and with each bit of slack it allowed, he let out a louder yelp of pleasure. I could feel the sweat between his shoulder blades against my cheek as I hugged him tighter and pushed myself into him, doing my absolute best not to hurt him. Zac had stopped rubbing my back and had turned his attention to the four testicles pressed up between our legs and he was giving them a divine toungebath, causing them to constrict and squirm against each other as if they were doing an odd dance. Tay's moans increased and I began thrusting in and out of him until I noticed that with each push in, he would let out a soft cry that sounded like more pain than pleasure. I stopped and realized that I was thrusting in too far since my cock was used to having more room that it was responsible to fill. My cock was bottoming out and pushing painfully against his tailbone and immediately, I felt bad.

"Sorry... I'm sorry..." I gasped in his ear.

"It's OK... just keep going..." He breathed back softly.

Being more careful this time, I made shorter thrusts and the moans of pleasure returned as I rode him, increasing my speed slowly but surely. He was so slender that I could feel his heart pounding through his back and into my chest, creating an erotic sensation that words couldn't describe. In the back of my mind, I wondered what the three of us must have looked like, sweat soaked and glowing in the light of the candle with me deep dicking Taylor and Zac between our legs, rolling our nuts around in his hot, wet mouth. My chin rested on Taylor's shoulder and I looked down at the muscles and veins standing out in his arms as he pressed his palms against the floor. It was like almost every concert picture I'd seen of him bathed in sweat as he performed with such remarkable intensity. But it was quite different now with me taking him doggystyle and actually causing the muscular tension.

All the earlier sucking had sent me to the edge and when I felt Zac slowly slide his finger into Taylor's ass along with my cock, that was enough to clobber me over the edge into orgasm. Tay cried out and his ass clamped down on my dick and Zac's finger at the same time, but my mind was in some offset dimension. The glow of the candle blurred and everything seemed to turn bright as my cock swelled and my nuts emptied their hot, white seed deep into Taylor's unexplored crater. My ears filled with a rushing white noise but oddly, the only sound I hear was the firm spraying of Tay's thick cum hitting the carpet as Zac urged us both to cum more with his tongue on our balls and his hand on Taylor's spasming dick.

Each of my muscles felt detached as my cock stopped spurting and began to soften inside Taylor. Zac gave us a few final, complete licks and sucked the last drops out of Tay's dick before we all collapsed in a pile. Taylor rolled over on his back under me and kissed me lovingly on the lips, and his eyes had that unmistakable "sexual buzz" as he looked at me. Zac laid down on my back and nuzzled my neck softly, making me the meat in a Hanson sandwich. I squirmed inside the hot, moist and fleshy confines.

"Thank you, Reid." Taylor murmured softly, "For... making my first time... so amazing..."

Maybe I could have responded but I wasn't about to be able to find the strength as my head collapsed onto his chest and I listened to the slow beating. His fingers felt almost like thin carved glass when they crept through my hair, thanking me in their own individual way. On shaky limbs, I pushed myself up and crawled onto the couch, trying my best to recover from the excitement of what had just happened in the past hour. I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

"Oh God Tay..." I heard Zac moan. I rolled onto my side and looked down to see Taylor on his stomach between Zac's legs, his mouth firmly wrapped around Zac's unsatisfied hard on. It was a sight for the ages.

Wow... one you go gay you never go back, I thought as I watched Taylor eagerly suck his brother off. Zac was writhing on the floor, his hips gyrating and his back arched into a "C". He was wildly thrusting into Tay's mouth, who was taking it like a pro and salivating on Zac's hard drumstick, sucking the knob and then sliding his mouth back down and burying his nose in the bristly blond bush. Zac's leg jerked and kicked into the air like a dog as I could see Taylor easing his index finger slowly into Zac's ass, wiggling and pushing it against the steamy pucker. From the sound of Zac's moans, I knew it wouldn't be taking him long to spray all over the rug. Something seemed amiss as Taylor removed his hands from Zac's ass and sat back on his haunches.

"Hey Zac..." He said, his blond hair sticking to his face, "Want to taste a new brand of pork?"

Zac's eyes were as wide as saucers, "If it's cool with Reid..."

I nodded and Tay smiled at Zac and stroked his flushed cheek tenderly, "You're my brother... I want my first gay experience to be with two guys I love."

Taylor leaned down and kissed Zac on the lips before rolling him over slowly and spreading his legs out against the floor. He began to rub Zac's tight cheeks and poked the first two fingers of each hand into the hole and eased it open, benefiting from all my tireless elasticizing. He smiled for a second, and then he gave Zac a soft slap on the ass before returning the favor Zac had given him earlier. His face pressed into the crack of his little brother's ass and a loud slurping sound made it's way to my ears as Taylor thrust his tongue in and out, mimicking the actions Zac had performed earlier. From the sound of Zac's moans, it seemed as though good rimjobs were a family trait. Before he finished, Taylor made a rapid flicking sound as he wiggled the tip of his tongue inside the hot rim of Zac's asshole, nearly making the recipient pass out.

Tay looked at me for permission and when I winked and nodded, he smiled and bit his lower lip as we both listened to the impatient moans coming from the ragtopped sexpot laying on the floor in front of us. Taylor reached down and slid his hand under Zac's thigh and pulled him onto all fours, then wrapping his arms slowly around him and spooning him tightly. He slowly licked Zac's neck and felt the massive shudders wracking his body.

"Reid... come be with us..." Zac moaned.

How could I refuse? My ass was off the couch in a second and I crawled down and took a front row seat as I could see Taylor starting to slide his tool into Zac. It was a really breathtaking moment as I watched two brothers who had traveled and seen the world together, bond in such a primal way. In the dusky light, I could see Zac's pink hole expanding around Taylor's thick shaft as it cosied it's way inside. Even in my lightheadedness, I could make out Zac's hole spasming around the beating of Taylor's heart as it throbbed inside his cockhead. Not even Vincent Van Gogh could have painted a more beautiful picture.

I watched in awe as Taylor's defined thighs pressed against Zac's slightly thicker ones and began to slap together. It was pretty obvious that Taylor was enjoying his inauguration into homosexuality as he moaned and gasped, sinking his hard cock deep inside Zac and pulling it out slowly and deliberately. Zac shook and moaned with each thrust, completing the troika of our sexual bond that we'd formed. Zac's whole body started to shake and I helpfully informed Tay that it was a signal to speed up, and boy did he ever listen. Their hips began to collide together and it made a wet smacking sound, and underneath it, I could hear another noise. It sounded like a hot-dog being rubbed briskly against a balloon but without the ear splitting shrillness.

My head swam as I sat back and took in the scene of Taylor riding Zac and squeezing him tightly, pumping his hard meat in and out of the hungry, willing trench. Zac opened his eyes and looked at me, and even in the midst of passion, he smiled and blew me a soft kiss, reassuring me that our bond was tighter than ever. I rewarded him by returning the favor from earlier and sliding my face into the hot temple between their legs and giving each swinging nut a long suck in my mouth. The atmosphere down between their legs was so steamy that I could barely breathe... but if I passed out from lack of oxygen, it would have been fine by me.

The sucking turned to licks as my hot saliva coated their straining balls as I chased them around with my lips and at several points, I wasn't exactly sure whom I was pleasuring. Then in one of my proudest moments, I managed to fit all four in my mouth and hungrily suck on them at the same time, drawing out a series of ecstatic cries from Taylor and Zac. When my vision began to blur, I pulled off and after taking a few deep breaths, slid up and took Zac into my mouth and let him thrust. His cock slid in and out of my lips as Taylor dictated the tempo, the pace quickening and reaching a near frenzied speed. Zac's cock swelled one last time and I heard them both moan, their throaty voices singing an "alternatively lifestylistic" duet with one another.

From my position under them, Taylor's hands visibly grabbed onto Zac's hips and both their bodies shook and the taste of another load of Zac's cum hit my tongue. It felt like Zac was in another universe as his cock went crazy in my mouth, splattering cum across my taste buds and back onto my tonsils. I felt a hot dribble onto my stomach as Taylor's cum oozed out of Zac's ass as his thrusts brought it back out into the open air. The thrusting got gradually softer until it stopped and I was just barely able to slide up before they both collapsed ontop of me as Zac gasped against my neck. Taylor laid limply ontop of us as our positions were reversed, and we laid on the floor exhausted and breathing heavily.

Eventually, we separated and we laid back against the couch side by side staring at the candle, which had worn down considerably. Zac reached down and held my hand as we recovered and as soon as my breath had returned to a reasonably safe, un-heart attack level, I leaned in and kissed him. Then we relaxed again and just laid there in each other's company. I sighed and mopped the thick sheen of sweat from my forehead with a handful of Zac's hair.

"I guess we can make that midnight naked snack run now." I said.

"Yeah..." Zac said, looking over and smiling at Taylor.

I began to get up but Zac stopped me. He leaned in and licked my ear, "We need to complete our triangle first..."

"Huh?" I said as the room began to blur...

"It's your turn to..." Zac said but his voice... trailed... off... and... I...


My body rolled out of bed and landed on the cold tile floor with a damp thud, my brain was reeling and I scrambled to get back up. Zac was still asleep as I pulled myself up and sat on the edge of the bed, hurriedly wiping all the sweat off my chest and stomach. In a few minutes, my body was taken care of but my mind was in disarray. My guilt needle was off the charts as I began berating myself for cheating on Zac, even if it was in a dream. You screwed his brother! I thought and slapped myself in the face mentally, How white trash are you, Reid?! You slept with his brother! It could have been a Jerry Springer episode! Fuck! My eyes began to burn and I felt my way into the bathroom and shut the door, not wanting to wake Zac up.

My hands were shaking but I still managed to turn on the faucet and did my best to rub cold water over my face. It felt like if they melted ten glaciers, it wouldn't be enough. My chest felt like lead as I struggled to breathe, coming to grips with the dream I'd had. At that point, all I could remember were various bits and pieces... I remembered something about playing truth or dare, and then Zac and Taylor kissing, and then... there was the image of the three of us mashed together in a sexual cluster. My head ached just thinking about it and it took more water to keep me from flying into a rage at myself.

My head raised up and I looked at myself in the mirror. The water was slowly running down my face, as I looked myself in the eye, a little frightened by my own intensity but not even trying to turn away. My breath was coming a bit easier and in the light of the bathroom, my face looked flushed and raw. I clenched my eyes shut and held them that way until they began to ache... then I opened them and looked back at myself.

"Is this what you want?" I said, my words bouncing off the inside of the room.

"Can you handle having Taylor here?" I asked again, fixing my eyes coldly upon myself.

"Was it just a dream?" I said flatly and shrugged.

"Do you deserve Zac?"

"Has all the time you spent worrying about him being mature enough to handle it... time you should have spent wondering about yourself?"

It was the kind of heart to heart talk I should have had with myself long long ago. My mind did it's best to answer the questions... weighing all the options... considering each one... Then there was a knock at the door.

"Reid? Are you OK?" Zac's sleepy voice came through the door, sounding slightly distressed.

I didn't say anything for several seconds as I wiped the water off with a hand towel.

"Reid... please answer me..." He said again and I could hear the anxiety in his voice.

I pulled the door open without thinking and sent the light right into his eyes.

"Ahhh... owie owie owie..." Zac whimpered and covered his face. I quickly reached over and turned the light off.

"Zac, I need to tell you something." I said and walked over to the bed, he followed me, still rubbing his watering eyes.

"You can tell me anything." He yawned and laid back down on the bed next to me.

"I had a dream... and..." My throat couldn't say the words.

"What was it about?" He asked and sat up, rubbing my arm gently.

"You, and Taylor, and I had sex... we had a threesome." I said and pressed my forehead into my hands, "We were playing a game or something and it got out of control. We started sucking each other off and getting naked and having sex and everything... and I couldn't help what happened. It was like I was watching a TV show... please don't be mad, Zac..."

"It's OK, Reid." He said and kissed me on the cheek, "We've been talking about Tay so much that it had to do something to your sub-conscience thing..."

"I just feel bad... I cheated on you..."

"Reid, it was just a dream. Are you planning on making it come true or some weird shit like that?"

"No! No... no way, Zac. I would never do that..."

"Then it's OK. It was just a dream... just the result of everyone talking constantly about Tay. I'm not mad at you and I won't hold it against you. Just so long as it stays a dream."

"It will... I swear to God... it was like I was dealing with the Taylor I'd seen on TV and everything was way too simple and everything... I don't know..." I sputtered, falling to my side.

Zac hugged me from behind and said softly, "Reid... I'm the one who should be sorry. I've been talking constantly about him and it's screwed with your dreaming. I shouldn't have just gone on and on about him and I'm sorry. I won't do it anymore. Just don't ever try and make it come true, OK?"

I sighed and settled back against his warmth, "I promise, Zac."


After a few minutes of silence and soft breathing, I said, "So what's the plan for today?"

"Uhhh..." Zac hesitated, "Taylor is getting here."

"We made it about six minutes!" I said and elbowed him softly and we laughed. And I felt better.

=To Be Continued...=

Next: Chapter 10: The Compound 10

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