
By Reid

Published on Nov 12, 2000


=DISCLAIMER= This story is meant to imply nothing about the sexuality of the real people involved. Anything mentioned from this point on is purely fictional and not meant in any way but the highest regard.

The lyrics used within are not meant to imply anything about the individual preferences, practices, or lifestyle choices of neither Moby nor Lenny Kravitz. The lyrics are not used for any personal monetary profit...

Thank you for the feedback... all two of you. But in all seriousness, if you enjoy the story then I'm glad regardless of if you contact me.

I'm always open to feedback, positive, negative, or constructive so please feel free to let me know what you think. I'm also needing ideas for general characters, gay or straight, for my story. I need things like name/age/general height and weight/background/personality traits and the like. This also goes for people who want to be included in the story as an actual character so let me know! I've gotten several but I can ALWAYS use more.

The mentions of previous works of gay fan fiction are meant in the utmost respect...

Comments, Suggestions, and Criticisms can be sent to

I can be reached on ICQ at 70639912...


|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || The Compound- Chapter 8 || || By Reid || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

"Do you have to do that?" I grumbled, burying my face in the pillow.

"Hey, they itch!" Zac said, his hand jiggling under the covers.

Unable to come up with a suitably witty response, I rolled over and sat up on the side of the bed and yawned, stretching my arms up over my head. My feet felt odd when they pressed against the cold tile floor and I shivered and tried to block out the meaty jiggling sound behind me. The dryness in my throat was particularly wonderful and I hacked a few times and reached over to grab a clean T-shirt from the dresser and as I pulled it on, thankfully, the sound stopped. My eyes didn't want to focus quite yet and I searched under the bed for my shoes.

"You know, Reid. I think you gave me crabs."

"Is 'crabs' Hansonese for 'not showering good enough'?" I said. Yeah! That was the comeback I needed.

"Just for that..." Zac said, and seconds later his hand was rubbing in my face and before some undiscovered fungus could be transferred to my precious face, I managed to fight him off. He was pretty pleased with himself and laughed for a good three minutes before a quick slap on his bare ass calmed him down. We both laughed as I pulled out my shoes and put them on, struggling to tie the laces in my still sleep dumbened state.

"Where ya goin'?" He yawned and stretched out on his back under the covers.

"I'm going to the ASM. My throat feels like sandpaper."

"Uh oh," Zac grimaced, "Your dad again?"

"Yup. This time it was seven hours in a car trunk without water... in the middle of July."

"What the fuck!? Can't we have this guy killed?! I've got the money."

"Killing him wouldn't solve anything. He's done so much damage; he'd probably sprout horns and a spiked tail and dash away laughing. That's the only way he could have gotten away with everything he did." I said as I stood up and touched my toes a few times to try and loosen up a bit.

Zac didn't say anything and he sighed softly and traced patterns in the sheet with his finger. Immediately, I felt bad for ruining what should have been a glowing morning after cuddle session. I sat down next to him on the bed and held his cheek gently and kissed him softly on the lips and when the first kiss felt so good, I did it again a few times and let my hand wander down to his bare chest. He smiled and kissed me deeper and I felt his hands start to pull my shirt up and off me, but I stopped him.

"I need a drink," And when I saw him smile and slide his hand under the blankets, I quickly added, "A drink of something that won't require sucking and licking. My tongue would feel like sandpaper."

He shuddered and curled into a ball and I kissed him on the cheek before getting up off the bed and walking out the door. The external hallway outside our room felt unusually chilly and it was so startling that I actually found myself blowing into my hand as I turned the corner to the ASM. The halls were pretty empty since it was still early and the ASM was unused at the moment and my mind flashed back to the occasional twenty minute long lines that formed when everyone in the sector was still getting used to being there. When I stood in front of the machine, I could see down the hallway where Keri was talking to two of the uniformed maintenance women and it looked like she was pretty concerned with the conversation. Shivering, and then feeling odd because I couldn't remember the last time I'd shivered from cold, I looked at the pad of the ASM.


H20 was water. FP was Fruit Punch. OJ was orange juice, AJ was apple, GJ was grape, CJ was carrot, TJ was tomato, and Gfrt was grapefruit. So many choices and so little real actual "food" going into the choices. Instead of trying to gag down a bottle of imitation tomato juice, water sounded decent and I typed in an order for three bottles in case I needed more during the day. Another chill ran through me and I rubbed my bare arms as the machine processed my order. Keri and the two maintenance workers had left and the hallway was empty and when I jumped up and down to keep the blood flowing in my legs, the sound of my feet hitting the floor echoed down the hall. Just like a little kid, I did it a few extra times just for the kick of hearing it bounce of the walls.

"Hey... are you Reid?" Someone said from behind me. I stopped jumping and turned around to look at him. My breath wasn't exactly taken away but he was pretty good looking and instantly, something inside me recognized him but I just couldn't place him. He was about six feet tall, spiked brown hair, nice tan, blue eyes... but I didn't really remember where I'd seen him before.

"Yeah. That's me."

"Hi, I'm Devon. I just got here yesterday."

"Oh... yeah! Devon Snow, right?"

He blushed a little and did a little salute, "Yeah. Daredevil extraordinaire."

We shook hands and he leaned up against the wall next to the ASM and said, "So... what do I need to know about this place? I mean, you've been here a while, right?"

"Yeah but why would you ask me? I'm far from certified as a tour guide or anything."

"You do seem to know how to help the celebrities who get in here." He said and smiled jauntily. Usually, I would have been offended at something like that but Devon's natural charm seemed to keep me from getting steamed and all I could do was smile and try not to blush too obviously.

"Well, yeah..." I was knocked off kilter by what he'd said.

"Relax, dude. I'm not trying to hit on ya or hit on him... I'm just wondering something."

"What's that?" The ASM beeped and I waited before taking out the bottled water.

"I'm wondering... like, what's the best way to go about finding someone here? When I heard about it back on the mainland, I figured that I'd come on in here and instantly, I'd find someone and we'd fall in love and everything would be dope. But it isn't like that, ya know?"

"Yeah, I do," I opened the small door and pulled out the water. I opened a bottle and took a few sips, "Let's go for a walk."

"Cool." He said and we walked down the empty hall in the general direction of the main hallway. For a daredevil, Devon sure seemed nervous and it was a little cute to see him so shaky.

"Think of it this way," I was struggling to come up with a good metaphor, "Imagine having fifteen thousand men and women in a place like this. Seventy five hundred men and seventy five hundred women. It's not going to be any easier for them because regardless of the fact that they want companionship, they aren't going to be automatically attracted to every member of the opposite sex. It's the same kinda thing here."

"Not everyone here is going to nut over any given guy, right?"

"Yeah," I said, realizing how much easier it was to explain to someone who wasn't a militant dogmatist Christian, "Despite what pop-sentiment says about the gay lifestyle, we aren't going to just want to screw everything with a penis. It's going to be just as tough here as it would be back there because you're going to want to find someone you have stuff in common with, someone who will love you for you, and if you're smart, someone who will be committed to just you."

"Damn... so I'm gonna have to put in the work if I want the reward?" He said.

"How do you mean?"

"I mean, if I want to find someone, then I'm going to have to do all the stuff that I'd do for a girl?"

"Like Britney?" I said, smiling.

"Ugh, don't ask." He said and made a hilariously sour face, "But you know what I mean, right? Like I'm going to have to write poems and give massages and snuggle and do all that kind of stuff, right?"

"Well... if you find someone who you really love, it won't be a matter of 'have to', it will be a matter of 'want to and hoping to never stop'." I said in a very wise tone.

"Wow... that's heavy. But it makes sense. It's all really true because even though we're here and among our own, you can never choose who you fall in love with and even then, it's hard to tell." He said as we turned around and walked back in the direction of our hallway.

"It's what I've learned in my years."

"How did you know? With Zac, I mean."

"How did I know he was the one?"


"When we went through a door and I found myself putting my hand on his shoulder as he walked through. That's when I knew that this one person had appealed to all my instincts and had made me want to choose nothing but the highest possible good for him." I said and went to put my fingers into the pad on the door, "Take care of yourself, Devon."

"I will. Just one more thing?"

"What's that?"

"Is his brother, Taylor I mean, is he... you know..."

"I don't know. We don't talk much about that."

"Oh... well, I'll just have to keep hoping, right?" He smiled and went back down the hall to his room.

My paternal instincts felt warm and fuzzy and I was proud of myself for being such a good, "older influence". And then I started thinking about how my parents didn't want me to "corrupt" my younger brothers and give them "the disease" and naturally, the good feelings inside me turned to bitterness towards my parents. Damn them! Before my fist could put a hole in the door, I was able to get my temper under control and after a few deep breaths; I felt better and went back in the room. Zac had showered and he was back in bed and examining a bruise on his knee while I cleared a space on the dresser and set down the two extra bottles of water. A small white envelope was sitting on the desk, weighed down by one of Zac's seashells and it looked like it had been delivered a few minutes ago.

"What's this?" I asked as I moved the shell and noticed my name printed in Comic Sans MS font across the front of the envelope.

"One of the guards brought it by for you." Zac said, still rubbing at the spot and not looking up.

I tore open the envelope and pulled out the folded piece of paper. Instantly, a smile came across my face and I felt happy again. My boss, well, my EX-boss, was coming to visit me in a few days. The paper only said, "A.Nicoro will be arriving in three days to see you." I sat down on the bed and sighed, hoping that this time, she wouldn't make a huge scene about how unfair the whole system was. My boss was a particularly imposing person when she wanted to be, standing 6'2" and of Guatemalan, Chilean, and Colombian descent, and she took a great deal of almost sadistic pleasure in standing up to people and feeling how intimidated they were. After serving seven years in the air force, she'd walked away to help the environment because, according to her, "the tree huggers needed an authentic bad ass to help the cause." And we sure as hell didn't disagree because regardless of being intimidated, she was right. Her black belts in Jiu Jitsu and Tae Kwon Do helped too.

"What's it say?" Zac turned his attention away from his knee and threw his arms around me from behind, his wet hair slapping my shoulder.

"My boss is coming to visit me."

"Is this the same boss that threw a shovel at your dad?"

"The same one." I said and the memory of her doing so almost brought a lump to my throat because it was the first real time that anyone had stood up to him.

It was the day after I'd been told to get out and as she was helping me move my things, he tried to hit me with a belt but she had grabbed his hand and shoved him back into a box filled with old grapes. I still remembered the look on his face as if it was yesterday... the shocked look of a thuggy asshole being told that his behavior wasn't going to be tolerated. And then as we were loading the truck, he tried to hit us both with a 2X4, but she picked up a snow shovel and tossed it at him... nearly chopping off his foot in the process. He'd tried to have her arrested but we were already out of the state by then and nothing could be done because he didn't want to admit to the police that he'd been basically, a heartless child abuser.

"Awesome." Zac said and kissed me on the cheek and hugged me tightly.

"Yeah... she is. She's luck they're letting her come back."

"Oh yeah... she kicked out the window of the warden's office."

"They were too scared to arrest her." I said and started laughing at the memory.

"Well, now I get to return the favor." Zac said and rolled backwards and onto the side of the bed as he pulled out the clothes he was going to wear.

"What do you mean?" I asked with more than a little wariness.

"You met my mom and made me proud. Now I get to meet your boss and make you proud." He stated cheerfully.

Now normally, I would have gotten an uneasy feeling but something weird inside me took away the uneasiness and suddenly, a sensation of pride and an actual desire to have her meet Zac took over. In fact, she and Zac would probably have a lot in common and would most likely get along quite well. They were both loud, alternatively urbane, intelligent people who shared many of the same philosophies in life... they both enjoyed a hearty meal, they both could disarm people with their wit, and they both had no problem walking around naked. At least she had to decency to wax her body.

"What's her name again?" Zac asked as he pulled on a pair of shorts.

"Angelita. But she hated it when we called her that. We always called her Angie. Or Lita. She was fine with whatever we wanted to call her."

"She sounds awesome. A little violent, but awesome none the less." He said in his mock "politician" voice as he put on his shirt and socks.

"She's only violent if you attack. If you play dead, she might just sniff you and leave."

"Well, I'm good at that."

It took me a minute to get the joke but after it registered, I chuckled and pinched Zac affectionately on the waist and laughed as he squealed. The next few minutes were pleasantly quiet as I changed into clean clothes and Zac got his notebook ready for his classes. A sense of excitement had started to grow inside me and in a way, I was able to identify with how and why Zac was so excited when his mom came to see him. It would be a good chance to connect with the world that we'd left behind and honestly, in my heart, I knew that Angie was the best way I could do so. Even then, it was still hard for me to believe that she'd actually stood up for me all those times and even though I knew she was right all the times she'd told me to stop letting my parents control me, I still had not let myself believe it. But right then, I realized how right she was. All the times I'd felt resentful to her for talking about my parents the way she had, she was right. She was right about them. And she was right when she said I didn't need them. I had Zac... and I had Keri... and Dr. Howard... and Brandon... and Devon, too. I didn't need my parents.

"I don't need my parents." I said out loud and Zac looked at me.

"Welcome to the real world, Reid." He said, smiling.

"I don't need my parents..." I said again. I was having a big breakthrough.

"Yup." Zac said and sat down next to me.

"I don't need my parents and I don't need to let them control me anymore. They treated me like a dog. Why should I feel any sense of loyalty to them? Screw 'em. They can go to hell for all I care." I said and it felt like a huge knot in my chest was untying.

"That's right. Fuck 'em! And not in the good way." Zac giggled and hugged me tightly and kissed me several times on the cheek and neck.

"My parents can go to hell." It felt so good to finally say that. It felt even better to actually believe it, too.


They were starting to notice. And not just his family. The press was starting to notice how pale and sick he looked all the time and they had begun to ask... "questions". They began to wonder if the "obviously gifted" Hanson brother was developing a chemical dependency problem. On one hand, his loyalty was split between the band and his family. Part of him wanted so badly to never let his family down and always come through in the end but if they had to go any longer without commenting on the rumors, it would kill him and he would let them down in the biggest way. If they went too long with out commenting, it would hurt the band and ruin any chances of being a successful duo in the rock industry and that would let down the one person in the world who's opinion of him he actually cared about. He was screwed either way.

He wanted so badly to end it all. He wanted so badly to just go to his parents and ask them to call the government and risk being sent off and locked up but he couldn't bring himself to do it. For nearly five agonizing years, he'd hidden the truth and the older he got, the more it tore him up inside and the more ache it created in his soul. There were times he'd come close to shouting it out on stage or standing up in an interview or in church and just telling the world the truth and risking the consequences. He'd wanted to do it so bad... but he'd been beaten to it. It was almost too fitting that right when he was at the breaking point, his little brother had stepped in and done it. Even when they asked him and interrogated him and when he'd given them all the right answers and even when his best friend had pretended to be more than a best friend to protect his image... he still wanted so badly to just end all the lies.

But he couldn't let them down. So many people had sacrificed and given their time and energy to build him and his brothers into a famous machine of original music and witty responses to the boyband and girlfriend questions. Producers and managers had risked their credibility and put their reputations on the line for the three long haired waifs who wrote upbeat pop songs that made you just want to tap your feet and smile... they'd put it all on the line. And they were the same people who told him that if he confessed or did something "stupid", it would all be ruined... the hours they spent working... all the touring and promotional appearances all over the world... all the money... all the burned bridges... all the concerts that he wore a tight tanktop to impress uhhh "the girls"... all of it would be thrown away.

Gone in the one instant he decided to be himself.

But would it be worth it? Would it be worth finally being true to himself? Was his personal serenity and inner peace worth screwing over a bunch of money grubbing, back stabbing assholes who had treated him and his family like fame whores and made them compromise their dignity?

Hell yes it would be worth it.

=The fixation...=

"All right. Bonds, you had something you wanted to discuss, I understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Go ahead."

"Thank you... As part of my duties working on sector J this past week, I've noticed that resident #0034582 Jared Raines has been exhibiting extremely obsessive traits concerning resident #0097734 Zachary Hanson. The info track system has recorded numerous attempts on his part to locate Zac and he's also made several disturbing queries towards physical sedation and weapons making."

"What do you want us to do, Julie?"

"I want you to move him back to sector X. He's too unstable to be kept in sector J."

"Has he done anything to suggest he's planning to follow up on these queries?"

"No, but the fact that he IS looking into this information should be looked at."

"Julie, he's a vegetable."

"We need to move him back to X."

"Julie... he hasn't done anything concrete. Until he actually makes attempts at anything, that is when we'll have the cause to move him back to X. Are you aware of the kind of lawsuits we would open ourselves up to if we moved him back without just cause?"

"I understand that. I swear to God, I do. But this repeated behavior should be just cause."

"He hasn't done anything."

"He murdered 30 little boys. He went into their bedrooms, kidnapped them, took them to a tunnel under his house, and raped them and killed them. All the electro-shock treatment we gave him may have taken him down a notch but that core is still inside him. He still has that look in his eyes!"

"I know that because you have a degree in psychology, everything has significance--"

"Please listen to me!"

"Julie, I am listening. Jared Raines is a vegetable. He is a 23-year-old vegetable who is just waiting for the one shock that's going shut him down completely. Now God knows I don't want to see anything happen to Zac Hanson let alone any of the other 15000 boys here and that includes Jared Raines. If we put him back in X, they'll just go right back to raping him because he doesn't put up a fight."

"What do you think he's doing? What do you think he was doing when he was being raped constantly? All of that has built up inside him and if we don't put him back in X, it will explode and even at half mast, he's smarter than most lunatics."

"Julie... he's staying on J. Until he shows just cause to move him, that's my final decision."

"Will you put him under observation? As a personal favor to me?"

"Yes, I will."

"Thank you. For that, at least."

=830pm. All residents are expected back in their rooms.=

WHUMP! Zac caught me off guard with the pillow and knocked off the end of the bed and I knew I had to strike back quickly. When he swung the pillow over the bed, it opened him up for a pillow show and with a good, solid swing, I caught him right upside the head and sent him sprawling backwards. Capitalizing on the opportunity, I sprung back up and smacked him on the shoulder with it as he struggled to get a hold of the pillow. Two quick shots later, he was on his back and I straddled his hips. Moving like a stealthy predator, I grabbed his hands and held them above his head and he squirmed underneath me.

"OK... now... are you gonna be a good boy?" I said, and rode Zac's bucking hips, keeping pinned to the mattress.

"No! You can't keep me down!" He growled between laughs and tried his best to throw me off. All machismo aside, it was a pretty tough battle to keep him down and he had a lot of power in his lower body. He groaned and tried to throw me off but I downplayed the effort and mocked him, and we both laughed.

"Listen, little boy. You need to have respect for authority." I said in my best 'reprimanding' tone.

"No... no! No! No! I'm tough and the world needs to cower in fear of me!"

"It's past your bedtime, young man. I think you need to go to sleep."

"No! You can't make me!" He snarled and sweat was beginning to bead out on his forehead and his hair was beginning to stick to his face. The sight of him looking so raggedly cute made me falter and it was the opportunity Zac needed. He wrapped his legs around my waist and pushed me backward and sat ontop of me, returning the favor and pinning one arm above me and trapping the other at my side with his leg. I squirmed and to my surprise, he was remarkably heavy and adept at keeping me in check.

"Let me up." I whined.

"No way! Who's the little boy now?"

"You are, sissy. Now get off me. Don't make me throw down!" I boasted.

"Oooh... can you feel the piss running down my leg?" He said and I shuddered, making him chuckle even more, "What's wrong? Don't you want a nice authentic Hansonirific golden shower? Huh?"

"You're only making me angrier."

"Said the flea." Zac said and immediately cracked up at his own joke.

"I know how to neutralize you."

"Pfft... yeah, OK."

I smiled and slid my right hand free and gave the soft bulge in his shorts a series of long, firm squeezes and instantaneously, he got hard as a rock and throbbed against my hand. Zac, always the ham, crossed his eyes and fell forward like a ton of bricks on top of me and twitched his legs as if he'd been mortally wounded. I could feel his erection grind against my stomach and the friction made me hard as well.

"Oh no," I moaned in mock-distress, "I've killed Zac Hanson."

I rolled him off me and onto his back and he laid there, the only sign of life was the vibrating tent in his shorts. Sniffling dramatically, I caressed his lifeless cheek and buried my face in his stomach, making him quiver and giggle softly. I put on my best "grieving widow" act and held him close to me. He did a believable job of playing dead and laying motionless which was a pretty good stretch for him.

"Why?! Why do they always die so young?!" I wailed and pushed my forehead against his stomach, making sure to gasp extra breathily against the exposed skin of his stomach. He giggled again and squirmed.

"I guess the world was never meant for one as beautiful as you, Zac... the rest of us will just have to carry on... as best we can..." The last of my strength broke down and I degenerated back into a fit of sobs and moans, pressing my face into the warm skin of his stomach and making him squirm and giggle even louder.

"And what a pity... we were going to get married!" I sobbed and laid my hands on his stomach, making him shiver. And suddenly... I was inspired, "But wait... maybe he isn't dead! Maybe... CPR could bring him back..."

"Oh god..." I heard Zac whimper under his breath.

"Oh yes! I must save him! Don't go into the light, Zac! Here I come!" I cried. I grabbed his face and sealed my mouth over his. Instead of breathing into his mouth, I gave him probably the longest, deepest kiss I'd ever given him. He moaned into my mouth and his body squirmed on the bed and I pulled off momentarily before doing it all over again and deep throating him with my tongue. Then, to my shock, he let out a deep groan and his body spasmed underneath me and I felt his hand fly down to the front of his shorts. His whole body moved and I didn't pull off until his muscles relaxed and when I finally released his mouth, he gasped for air.

"Oh fuck..." He whispered, "Oh my god... that was amazing..."

I sat back and looked down at his crotch where a huge dark wet spot had formed on his shorts and his thighs were painted with several thick white drops of his cum. His body shivered and he sank back into the mattress and wiped his forehead with the sleeve of his T-shirt and he laid there, panting softly. He looked up at me and grinned in an unmistakable post orgasm show of triumph and licked the foamy substance of his hand slowly. After his fingers were clean of the sweet liquid, his hand dropped to his side and he closed his eyes peacefully as I sat next to him, watching his chest move up and down slowly. He looked so incredibly peaceful.

He opened his eyes and gazed at me blissfully, "What about you?"

"Huh?" His voice had snapped me out of some alternate state of being.

"Well..." He purred, raising his hips up and pulling off his damp shorts, "We can't have me being the only one shooting a nutload tonight, can we?"

All I could do was shake my head as Zac sat up and pulled off his sweaty T-shirt and crawled over to me, naked as the day he was born. Except for the watch on his left hand but in it's own weird way, I found it to be kind of kinky. He slid over next to me and draped his leg over my lap and began to nuzzle my neck, blowing warm air on the sensitive skin. My dick responded immediately and I gyrated under his leg as he put his fingers on my chin and turned my face towards him before kissing me and letting his tongue slide into my mouth. Once it was safely inside, he wiggled it and flopped it spastically like a dying fish and the erotic sensation of it made me moan and try to stand up. All Zac had to do was apply pressure with his leg and it kept me sitting on the bed.

"You never answered my question." He whispered in my ear.

"Well... we've never done it standing up."

Zac smiled and let his leg slide down off me as he stood up in front of me, his glistening semi-hard dick displayed proudly against his balls. His scent was so enticing and I couldn't help myself as I leaned in and gave one of his nuts a long wet suck in my mouth. Zac moaned and his legs quivered as his hands rested ontop of my head and his fingers ran through my hair gently. I added his other nut to my mouth and rolled them around against my tongue, feeling the gummy texture and phenomenal heat that they were exuding. I let his balls slip from my mouth and slowly took his stiffening cock into my mouth, sucking the coating of freshly shot cum from his shaft and from under his foreskin. It was pretty amazing how quickly he could re-erect himself and be ready to go again but I guess it was one of the miracles of youth.

My lips traveled up and down, feeling the tight skin pulse against them as I used my tongue to coat them with a fresh layer of my warm saliva. His dick throbbed and I could taste several drops of his thin precum dribble out onto my tongue and yet again, it was amazing how even after shooting a huge load, Zac could still pump out precum in anticipation. My eyes traveled up his body and admired the streams of sweat dribbing from his face and down his neck, down his chest between his nipples on it's way over his stomach and down into his blond pubic bush. His cheeks were flushed and his head had fallen back and his mouth was slightly open in a, at that point at least, silent moan of passion. My hands slid down his legs and I could feel his calf muscles tighten and his balls began to pull up but he pushed off and pulled his dick out of my mouth.

I looked up at him questioningly and he made eye contact with me and I saw the same burning lust in his eyes that I'd seen so many times. His body shook slightly as his hands slid down under my armpits and stood me up on shaky legs. He ran his hands up under my shirt and pulled it up and off me, tossing it casually over his shoulder as his hands went back down to the waistband of my shorts. In a few short seconds, I was naked. Zac looked at me and stood so close I could feel the heat coming off his skin and I could feel the warmth from his lips on mine.

"What's wrong?" I said softly.

"We're gonna fuck standing up, like you said." He punctuated it with a long, hard kiss and my cock throbbed in spite of itself at the dirty talk.

Something about hearing such a gorgeous young man talk with such potty-mouthed impunity managed to get me even harder than before. He took my hand and we walked into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror as he kissed me one more time, rubbing his hot, wet torso against mine. He licked my cheek and turned around and grabbed the edge of the counter with both hands and spread his legs apart. My head felt lighter than air but I wasn't about to pass out and ruin the stupifyingly erotic nature of the situation. As I placed my hands on his wide hips, I noticed Zac looking in the mirror at himself and saw his hard cock bounce and slap against the cold tile of the countertop.

Deliberately moving slowly, my lips pressed against the moist flesh of his neck and I could feel the muscles flexing with desire as my kisses found their way downward. His shoulders were glistening with sweat under the glare of the lights and I kissed my way across the broad expanse of his shoulderblades, feeling the silky wisps of hair on the back of his neck stand up when I blew my warm breath on him. My hands slid up his waists and I felt his ribs standing out under the rubbery heat and my left hand crept around to his chest and felt his heart pounding under the skin. He took a long gasping breath and his head fell back when my lips moved down the center of his back, rubbing the line of fuzz that lead down to the small of his back. His leg quivered and I licked my way back up and I planted several hot wet kisses on his neck, making him moan and stiffen.

"Fuck me," He wheezed, "It's time... I need it..."

I smiled and winked at him in the mirror and grasped his asscheeks and pulled them apart, letting the heat from my body rush over his crack. The muscles of his ass flexed in my hands and created an incredible feeling of power... like a mustang. Zac's strapping, mid-west, cornfed body was a true work of art as it tensed in my hands and as my cock began to press against his hole, I could see his hands tighten on the edge of the counter. His knuckles began to turn white as his hole felt tighter than ever and he groaned softly as he pushed back, his asscheeks feeling tighter in their upright state. I kissed his neck and in my haze, glanced upward and looked at Zac's face in the mirror. It was the same face I'd seen on TV and in magazines but it was almost completely different in his sweat covered, lust drenched state. His cheeks were red and he was biting his lower lip, his eyes were clenched shut and his nostrils were flared and just the sight of it made me hornier beyond all recourse.

A massive shudder passed through his body into mine as his hole relaxed and my cock began to slide in with almost astounding ease. He bucked his ass back at me and cried out as I slid deeply inside him and I heard a squeak as his feet slid against the floor and his legs quaked. I wrapped my arms around his waist and stroked him in slow fondles and as I did so, I could feel the veins and bulges in his dick squirm and wiggle in my hand. His hips were moving back and forth in a fluid motion as his cock rubbed in and out of my hand and by the throbs of his prick, something told me we were getting close to zero barrier. And then he shocked me with yet more of his kinkiness when he turned on the water faucet and began to rub cold water over his chest, splashing us both with it and rubbing it on his face. My mind cycled back to Fatal Attraction where Glenn Close and Michael Douglas were having sex in the kitchen sink and she did the same thing.

Zac reached back and rubbed a handful of the icy water on my dick as it pistoned in and out, shocking me and adding another few ounces of blood to my already rock hard erection. He let his head fall to the side and he kissed me with his cold, wet lips, cooling my hot cheek as he grabbed the counter again and rocked his ass back at me. The muscles in his arms stood out and flexed under the skin and soon. the marvelously familiar muscular shuddering in his ass began. My arms tightened around his waist and my hand sped up on his cock. Zac moaned and pressed his body rigidly against mine in the steamy sexual heat of the bathroom and his hands slid off the counter and he pressed them against the wall.

"Let's cum together..." He gasped.

I shut my eyes tightly and buried my face in his neck as my cock swelled and the first few hot gushes of my cum shoot up his ass like a firehose. I was a little surprised at the incredible volume of cum that filled him... so surprised that I didn't notice the hot load Zac was spraying onto the counter, and in the midst of my lust, I smiled at how funny the white streaks looked against the dark blue Formica. Zac's chest heaved and he moaned one last time as the orgasm began to dissipate while I was careful to remove myself from his body while there was enough cum to lubricate the removal. His arm muscles relaxed and he pressed weakly against the wall and his thighs rested against the edge of the counter. His body shivered several times and he stood on tiptoes, not putting any weight on his lower body to stop from feeling the darker side of anal sex. My hands held his hips firmly and I kissed his neck slowly, recovering from my own orgasm and doing my best to make sure he didn't hurt himself.

"Whew, that was pretty cool." He laughed, and swallowed hard.

"Mmmhmm." I murmured and stepped back from him, admiring his post-coital sexual posture.

His cum had begun to dribble down his leg and had mixed with mine that had rolled down the tight cheeks of his ass. I knelt down and began to kiss his muscular calves, licking the cum off and enjoying the mixture of our collective work. His skin tasted so warm and moist as I kissed his legs, he shook again and his legs shook so much I almost got worried. Placing my hand on his knee to steady him, I looked up and looked down at me over his shoulder.

"You OK?" I asked, rubbing his thigh.

"Oh yeah..." He smiled and I stood up, "You're gonna have to carry me."

"Well, that's no problem."

I scooped him up in my arms and carried him movie star-style back into the bedroom and set him down on the cool sheets of the bed. He spread out and stuck his tongue out like a dog as I stroked his forehead, mopping the sweat with a piece of toilet paper. He looked so flushed and overheated that I got up, went into the bathroom, and soaked a washcloth in cold water and brought it back to the bed and gently mopped his forehead with it. When I did it, he gazed up at me with an odd look on his face.

"What?" I asked him.

"I have a question."

"Hmm?" I said and laid down next to him.

"Do you ever wonder how much love one person can give another?"


"I wonder that everyday. I wonder how much more I could love you and it always keeps getting more and more..." He trailed off and rolled over on his side.

I blushed, "Well... you're not the only one."

I slid over and kissed him and pulled the covers up over us like we did every night before we went to sleep. I turned off the lights and after a few minutes of laying there in silence, I felt Zac open his eyes.

"Are you tired?"

"No, not really. Are you?"

"Nope." He chirped and rubbed his fingertips over the bare skin of my forearm.

"We already had sex. What more can we do?"

"We can talk." He cooed dreamily.

"Oh a dream come true." I said, laying the sarcasm on thick.

"Shut up. Let's talk about... cows!" Zac said and started giggling.

"Hey!" I said and held his face in my hands, "Do NOT get hyper! This isn't the time!"

"I can't help it..." He said between fits of laughter, "I'm a hyper boy..."

"Oh great..." I muttered and rolled onto my stomach.

"Hey Reid... let's talk about... cheese!" He said and laughed.

"You're an odd young man."

"I know! I can't help it! I'm full of life!" He practically was rolling off the bed with laughter.

"You need to go to rehab."

"Why? Got some coke? I need a hit!"

"Ugh..." I groaned.

"Hey... you look pretty dope..." And Zac was on me, trying to snort my shoulder.

I couldn't help laughing as I pushed him off me and he came back, trying to make out with me looking exactly like some hideous alien trying to suck my face off. Angling my face away, I reached down tickled his warm nutsack and he pulled away, whimpering. We both cracked up and started laughing and deep down; I enjoyed Zac when he was hyper. He was so much more alive than most of the other people I'd met in my life.

"Oh man... I'm high on life..." He giggled and kicked his legs.

"It's better than other stuff."

"I'm high on life and anal sex." He said and began laughing at himself.

"Ummm... okay."

"Uh oh..."

"What?" I tensed up; not eager to know what was wrong in the state he was in.

"I think you loosened something up back there..."

"Please don't..."

"But Reid, if I hold it in, I might suffer gastro-intestinal damage." He whined and he was immediately impressed with himself for such high brow vocabulary.

I waited a few seconds, "Is it still there?"

"No, I guess not. You got lucky."

"Zac, have you ever noticed we spent a lot of time talking about farting?"

"Well, hey... if you want to reap the benefits of my talented ass, you have to deal with the other side of it too," He crawled over on top of me, "And trust me, if you would just open your mind, you would see how talented the other side is. I mean, think of the third world countries that could eat for a week because of it?"

I didn't know what to say. I was utterly repulsed, and I gagged softly in the darkness. Zac started laughing again.

"Luv you." He said and puckered his lips. It was like a drug, no matter how gross he was; I couldn't help but kiss him.

We both laughed in between kisses and after a while, we just held each other. His body felt so warm and wonderful pressed up against me... it felt so complete. So right. The feeling of his arms around me and holding me protectively was a new and unusual, but highly welcome sensation. Zac was opening up so many doors in my soul and the part of me that my parents had tortured and tormented was trying to slam them but a part of me that had grown and only gotten bigger since I'd met Zac was getting it's foot in the door and keeping it open. When Zac and I had first been together it was merely keeping the door from closing all the way but now it was forcing the door back open and holding it open wide and allowing even more of these feelings to enter me. Feeling loved and feeling needed... feeling happiness and love for another person... all those feelings were finally cultivating inside me.

Instead of occurring gradually over the years with nurturing from my parents, it was all happening at once and it was a little scary. Scary but beautiful at the same time.


"Zac... I'm sorry." I pleaded through the bathroom door.

"Fuck you!" He yelled, and I could hear the pain in his voice.

"I just needed to know. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or offended you. Please come out..."

"Fuck OFF!" He threw something at the door that I assumed was his shoe.

"Please... forgive me." My hands shook against the door.

"Zac... please. You know I trust you. Don't be like this."

"You TRUST me?!" He screamed through the door, "How the fuck do you trust me but you ask if I slept with Jake?!"

"It wasn't anything you did. I just... someone suggested it and I couldn't help but wonder."

"How could you wonder?" He sobbed, kicking the door a few more times, "How could you wonder about that?!"

"Zac, I'm so sorry. So sorry..." I laid my forehead against the wall by the door.

He didn't say anything else for a few minutes and from outside, I could hear him crying and it wasn't anger or furious sobbing I heard but the sniffling and whimpering of an injured crying. Suddenly, my heart raced and my worry factor went off the charts as I listened against the door.

"Zac... what happened? Are you OK?"

"No! I'm not fucking OK... first, you ask if I cheated on you and now my goddamn fucking foot is fucking bleeding..."

"Zac... let me in. Please."

There were a few minutes of silence before the lock in the doorknob turned and a sense of relief washed over me. Sliding into the bathroom, I saw Zac sitting against the wall holding his left foot where a bloodstain was spreading from his big toe. When I first put my hand on his shoulder, he tensed up and tried to pull away, but after a few seconds, he untensed and began to sob as I pulled out the first aid kit and treated his hurt toe. But it wasn't the toe I was worried about. Because of my stupid insecurities, I had insulted Zac and sent him into a rage of pain. His eyes were red and he sniffled as I finished bandaging him and sat back.

"Zac, I didn't mean to insult you..."

"Reid, you didn't insult me," His voice was much softer but still angst-ridden, "How could you ever think that I'd cheat on you? What have I ever done to make you think that?"

"Time for a confession here." I sighed and rubbed my hands together and leaned back against the wall opposite Zac. He wiped his eyes and looked at me and I could tell he was measuring me, trying to reconcile that my feelings were still the same and my moment of stupidity was just a freak occurrence that he wouldn't have to worry about. He let his leg slide down and the Band-Aid on his toe brushed my arm.

"I told you about my dad and all the shit he did."

"Yeah. Don't talk about it again."

"Well... my first boyfriend, this was when I was about 17... he and I were together and for a while, I thought he was the one and it felt like love to me. We spent almost all our time together and I really trusted him and devoted myself fully to him and just really gave everything I had. But at the end of my junior year in high school, I found out that he was selling himself. During our time together, he had sold himself to teachers, other students, businessmen and police officers who needed quick relief... hundreds... maybe thousands of guys. So that's why I still have this really deep seeded thing about being cheated on."


"No, let me finish... he hurt me really bad. And that's why I asked you..."

"Reid... I can't be with you anymore..."

"What? No, please... Zac..."

"You'll never trust me... so I'm just going to leave... Bye, Reid."

"No... please don't leave me..."

"Sorry, Reid... I'm leaving now..."

No... Zac...

My breath caught in my throat as I sat bolt upright in bed and gasped for air. My face was drenched with sweat and I struggled to get my bearings in the darkness and in the midst, I fell off the bed and nearly whacked my head on the desk. Zac was awake in an instant and hugged me from behind, lifting me up and pulling me onto the bed in the blackness. As he helped me up, he whispered soothingly in my ear and did his best to assist me in his still half sleep. My body collapsed back on the bed and my system finally got upright and Zac laid down next to me and kissed my neck and forehead.

"It's OK... it's OK..." He kept saying.

"Zac..." I gasped, "I need to ask you something."

"What is it?" He yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"You and Jake are just friends, right?"

He leaned over and switched on the bedside lamp, stinging my eyes, "As in are we just friends and not humping?"

"Yeah... please don't be mad. It's just that I have this thing about being cheated on and it's really important so I'm sorry if it offends you but I had to ask. Just don't leave, OK? I trust you and I just needed to--"

Zac silenced me by leaning in and kissing me softly on the lips. He sat back and stroked my cheek, "Reid... Jake is only my friend. He and I are not and have never engaged in any sexual activity. Regardless of what anyone else may say about it, he and I are only friends and he and I will never be any more than friends. OK?"

"OK..." I looked down at my hands, feeling about an inch tall, "I'm sorry, Zac."

"Don't be sorry. Just trust me, OK? You're the only one." He smiled and kissed me again.

"I trust you."

"Did someone hurt you? Is that why you have a 'trust thing'?" He said and stroked my knee.

"Yeah... it was a bad thing that happened."

"Reid, you're going through a process where all these bad things that happened are working their way out of your body. And I'm here to help you deal with it and I'm willing to deal with any questions or any weird shit that happens as a part of it. I'm not going anywhere and I'm not going to leave you," He said and I was shocked at the maturity in his words.

"I trust you, Zac."

"Good," He spread his legs and slid up in front of me, "And when you deal with all of it, I'm going to be there."

"OK..." I said, feeling the warm rush through my body.

"Because... you're my honey bunny." He said and babykissed my chin.

I rested my forehead against his and we sat there, enjoying the shared body heat. After kissing him, I reached down and pulled up his hand and looked at his watch: 8:25am. We kissed again and he rested his arms around my shoulders and held me securely. Eventually, he laid back and pulled me with him and we just laid there and kissed for a while. No sex or handjobs or humping... just kissing and taking security in each other's company. He rubbed his leg slowly up and down against my leg and walked his fingers across my back slowly.

"If you need to lean on me, Reid... you can. I'm pretty strong." He said softly.

"I know you are Zac. I just need to learn how to lean on someone else. I've been doing it by myself for so long I've taught myself to feel like I don't need anyone's help. To just accept being alone."

Zac closed his eyes and I could feel him tense.

"Damn him." He hissed softly.

"Don't worry about my dad. Fuck him, remember?"

"Yeah," Zac relaxed and smiled slightly, "Yeah, it might be harder for me to let go of it than you."

"I just need to get past this last little thing he taught me. To not be alone."

"Well, you're not alone anymore, Reid. You have me." He reached down and squeezed my hand.

"I know." I said.

And I kissed him again. And again. And again.

=All visitors are to remain in the visitor's center. Clearance to visit individual dormitories and sectors can be given after proper request. Guards and assistance agents are available at all times should any conflict arise.=

Agt. Anderson stepped out of the shuttle and gave Angie a large berth as the tall young woman stepped out of the car. She was carrying a steel briefcase under her right arm and God help anyone who tried to take them from her. They could put her best employee in some prison in the tropics but they sure as hell weren't going to take away the simple comforts she was bringing to him. After stepping out of the car, Angie adjusted her silk skirt and when Agt. Anderson went to take her by the arm, she pulled it away.

"You do that again, Col. Klink, and you get belted in the face. Understand?" She barked.

"Yes, ma'am." Agt. Anderson said and stepped away.

Angie walked forward and looked up at the cloudy sky on her way into the visitor's center. How the hell can it be so hot and still be so damn unpleasant? She thought to herself. Well, you can't expect anything more from a world in which something like this would be allowed to happen. After pushing the door open and walking in, Angie smirked as she saw many of the guards and staff members look at her as she walked up to the desk. She was used to it. She was used to being looked at and checked out. That was why she liked Reid... he never ogled her and made her feel like some freakish piece of meat that "could possibly be sexy if she weren't so tall."

The clerk behind the desk looked up at her approach, "Name?"

"Angelita Nicoro."

"Name of resident, their date of birth, room number, sector PIN ID code, and sector head." The clerk said, looking back to his keyboard.

"Reid Lewis Cameron. October 30th, 1980, Room 33A. #0023907 Sector DD-22A. Keri Barton." Angie said, reeling the information off from memory.

"I'll need to look in the suitcase."

"Uh huh... you ready to pull back a stump?" She said pleasantly.

"Ma'am... it's the rules. I have to inspect it."

"How's this... you bend over and I shove this phone straight up your ass?"

"Ma'am... It's the rules."

"Tell you what. Since I'm in a good mood, I'll let you look all up in this motherfucker." She handed the suitcase to the clerk and looked at her Rolex, "But the thing is, you have to do it in thirty seconds or I'll make you a woman. Ready... go!"

The clerk searched the suitcase hurriedly, looking through the posters and sheets of paper, and nearly threw it back at her in his rush. Angie smiled pleasantly and closed it back up.

"There. That wasn't so hard, was it?"

"Sector head Barton--"

"Is waiting in the next room, ma'am. I've been here before. Go back to your job."

Angie shook her head as she walked through the lobby and through the doors into the next room where Keri was sitting. When she saw Angie she looked up and squinted.

"Hello Angie." She said, standing up.

"Hello Keri."

"You're looking nice. I like your shoes." Keri said and smiled congenially.

"Thank you," Angie said, cocking her head to one side, "Have you lost weight? You look much less... stout."

"Is that right?" Keri said, the elaborate kindness leaving her voice.

"Yeah. It's important for us tall girls to not get too chunky," Angie said in a matter-of-fact tone, "It's good to see you doing your part finally. Did they stop shipping in double dutch chocolate ice cream?"

Keri didn't say anything and took a deep breath, barely managing to control her temper.

"Well, I'm sorry that I don't have the connections in the Latin American underworld to get my stomach stapled in some dingy tavern next to the cockfights." She said and the smile came back to her face.

"I think I've figured it out!"

"Oh have you?"

"Yeah... you're not getting laid! All these beautiful, sincere young men surround you... yet, you can't get screwed to save your life. Or do you take advantage of the 'denial cases'?"

"OK..." Keri thought for a moment, "You win this round."

Angie smiled and brushed the hair off her forehead.

"Reid's in there. You know the way."

"Thanks, Keri."

Angie walked down the hallway and up the ramp and through the black door into the cavernous visitor's center. She shook her head at the gray facelessness of it... but then she smiled.

"Hey Cameron!" She shouted.

=A taste of the outside...=

When the unmistakable sound of her voice rifled through the room, something in me felt at ease. I smiled and stood up and saw her. She looked different from the last time I'd seen her. She looked more feminine. She was wearing a nice silk skirt with a rose pattern, a red shirt, and the ugliest pair of slingback shoes I'd ever seen in my life. She stopped a few feet in front of me as I looked in horror at her shoes.

"What the hell, Angie?! You couldn't wear nicer shoes to see me?"

"Shut up, Reid." She said and smiled.

We hugged and I felt the instant comfort of a familiar person against me. One thing about her that I always appreciated was that she always smelled good. Even when we were working underground in 128-degree heat under some rock formation in Kenya, she smelled like freesia and honeysuckle. She stepped back from me and looked me over skeptically.

"You look good. Do they treat you OK here?" She asked as we sat down.

"They treat me fine, Angie. You don't need to mentally kickbox with Keri."

"Hey, she does it right back to me!"

"Is that those USAF diplomatic skills they teach you?"

"Hey... I came all the way here to visit you and all I get is abuse. Thanks a lot."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said sheepishly, "How is everything back in heteroland?"

"It's going all right. How caught up are you?"

"I was up on everything right before the election."

"Oh..." She rolled her eyes, "Well, George W. Bush tampered with Ralph Nader's airline arrangements so Nader was late to the debate. But thankfully, everyone was smart enough to see through it and re-elect Nader. He also tried to get the whole compound system abolished again but the heavy balance of republicans in congress shouted it down. Vice President Ventura is reportedly working on a mandate or bill or something that is supposedly going to call for psychiatric reviews to determine which gay guys are indeed safe to live back in society. So that's pretty good."

"It sure is. Any word on how long it'll take?"

She shook her head, "I really don't know. It was only theory when I left and I don't think much has changed."

"Oh... well, at least it's developing as a concept," I sighed, "Anyone new come out of the closet?"

"Oh my yes. Apparently, two of the Backstreet Boys were having secret affairs with two of the guys from O-Town. That's the only one I can think of. There have been several symbolic comings out. Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Kurt Russel, and Goldie Hawn all claimed to be gay and that was pretty funny."

"Well, they are right here with us so it's doing a lot of good." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, it is isn't it?" She laughed. She had a very infectious laugh.

"Any other non-gay related news in the biz?"

"Well... the biggest thing is gay related, actually."

"What is it?"

"Apparently, Reid... you're becoming something of a celebrity. There's going to be an article in Esquire about 'The Talented Mr. Cameron' or something like that. You have quite a following in the gay community as well. Everyone has been asking me about you and your father was nearly beaten to death in the parking lot of his office."

"That's too bad." I said without much conviction.

"GQ has said they plan to contact you about an interview." She began laughing again.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. GLAAD also announced that you and Zac are their 'couple of the year'." She said and began laughing again.

"Yeah. Ha ha ha ha... skanky Reid finally finds happiness. Sounds like comedy to me."

"Oh Reid... where is he anyway? I want to meet him." She said and my stomach tensed up.

"Angie, do you promise to behave?"

"Of course."

"Don't embarrass him. And he's probably gonna touch you a lot. He's very touchy feely."

"What the hell is he doing with you, then?" She said and I glared at her.

"Sorry." She said.

"Wait here and I'll get him."

She sat down at one of the tables at the end of the row as I went through the swinging doors and into the dark connecting hallway. My hands shook a little when I walked into the hallway outside the visitor's center and then something odd happened. Zac was sitting in his usual aloof way in a chair against the wall but as soon as I saw him, my knees felt week. I got a weird fluttery feeling in my stomach when I looked at him and to be quite honest, it was scary. My head felt so light that I had to lean against the wall until my head wasn't so weightless feeling and my feet could be trusted to walk again with a reasonable amount of security. Zac was busy poking at the bruise on his knee and, yet again, it brought a smile to my face as I walked over to him.

"You ready?" I asked.

He looked up at me and smiled, "Yup. Where is she?"

"She's in there. Come on." I said and after about two steps, I felt Zac leap onto my back and wrap his arms around me.

My legs buckled momentarily but oddly enough, Zac jumping on my back and nearly making me collapse gave me a funny feeling of security. Zac was my security blanket. A longhaired, hyper, adolescent security blanket... but that's irony for you, in some form or another. All my life was spent trying to make things as boring and unimaginative as possible but the one person that brought me happiness was Zac Hanson. The whole thing made me think of an essay I read once about irony in it's most pure form is entirely perverted. They obviously knew what they were talking about.

Carrying Zac wasn't the easiest job in the world but I managed to get us both into the visitor's center. Zac jumped down and introduced himself to Angie, making the required comment about her height and doing his trademark "handshake into the wrist grip" that I'd grown so accustomed to. He wasn't immediately intimidated by her which put her at ease, I think.

"So... this is Zac." She said, leaning back and looking at him. Zac did a cute little "arms over his head pirouette".

"Yeah, that's him." I said.

"He's bigger than I thought he'd be."

"Feel free to talk directly to him."

"Let's sit down." She said and we sat down. I was more worried about what she'd say to Zac than the other way around.

"Well... Seventeen Magazine was right. You two are a cute couple."

"Thanks. Of course I'm doing all the work." Zac said.

"I believe it. Reid kinda lets himself go, huh?"

"God, yes. He goes a week without combing his hair." Zac said and I made a sour face.

"Back when we worked together, we called him 'Skanky McTrash' because he always looked like he was getting back from an all night rave. Has he told you about the nursing home thing?"

"Okay! That's enough conversation!" I said, trying to avert the situation.

"No no no!" Zac said, grinning, "I want to hear about this nursing home thing."

"You ain't gonna." I said.

"Sure, he is." Angie said, "What happened was the crew that I run was contracted to do some work at this nursing home. So we get there and we start to work on cleaning out this little stretch of land and after about ten minutes, we hear these police sirens. So these officers get here and they start hassling Reid and playing the whole 'come with us sir' thing. They question Reid and he says he's working there and then they come talk to me and I assure them that Reid is just working."

"Why did the police come?" Zac asked, preparing for the punchline.

"Well, it appears that Reid had set off a chain of hysteria in the old people at the place. They had started freaking out that some 'seedy looking young man' was on the grounds and they were going to be robbed and killed!" She could barely finish because she was laughing so hard.

"Is that all?" Zac asked, laughing right along with her.

"No. What happened was that all these old people had swallowed their wedding rings and valuables to keep them away from Reid in case he broke in. So this nursing home tried to sue me for the ex-lax and stuff that they had to buy and the hospital treatment that some of these old people needed! But they were ill-equipped to handle it and they needed a cleaning crew to come in and remove the stains that had gotten everywhere..."

Angie and Zac were soon howling with laughter as I sat there and bit my lip, nodding slightly, "Yeah yeah... real funny. A bunch of old people had to go to the hospital and walked around with shit hanging out of their asses. Let's laugh it up. Haw haw haw."

"Reid... you gotta admit it's kinda funny..." Zac panted.

"Yeah. The halls were flowing with 80 year old diarrhea because of you." Angie said and they broke up again.

"Uh huh... anyway!"

Angie wiped her eyes and laughed again a few times before plunking the briefcase on the table, "I brought you some comforts from home, Reid."

All was forgiven as I opened the briefcase and looked inside. The first things I noticed were the assorted movie posters. She had managed to bring me the box office art for The Blair Witch Project, Summer of Sam, and American Pie, three movies which I specifically praised the posters for. Zac took the American Pie poster and ran his fingers over the pictured bare torso, shivering as he stroked the nipples until I elbowed him gently. Angie laughed and stacked the posters next to the box. The next thing out was a really nice picture of Mt. Rainier, the main mountain in Washington State and the place where I'd worked several times. She'd also brought me a stack of notebook paper and when I opened them and saw the print, my heart ached.

"How did you get these?" I asked her.

"They sent them to me. They had to do it secretly so your dad wouldn't find out."

"I'll read them later." I said and set them under the posters.

"Are you OK?" Zac asked and tenderly rubbed my arm.

"Yeah... I'm fine. We'll talk about it later." I said and Angie smiled reassuringly.

My attention turned back to the long white box on the bottom of the briefcase and when I pulled it out, Angie smiled lewdly. I had no idea what it was until I opened the box and looked inside, and instantly I felt my face turn a deep shade of red. Angie began laughing and I fumbled for words. Zac grabbed the box and looked inside, and he too began laughing.

She had brought me a vibrator.

"Angie..." I said with an edge.

"That's just in case Zac gets bored with you."

"That ain't gonna happen... but we're gonna try it out anyway." Zac said, admiring the light pink surface and ridged texture of the apparatus, looking at it like it was the Holy Grail.

"Stop looking at it like that!" I whined and stuffed it under the posters.

Zac pouted as we gathered up the stuff and stood up from the table.

"Well, Reid. I'm glad you're happy." She said.

"I'm glad you came to see me, Angie."

She smiled and hugged me one more time before turning to Zac, "Nice to meet you. You take care of Reid."

"Will do." Zac said.

She leaned in close, "If you ever need to bring him down, tickle him right under his belly button."

"OK, that's enough! Bye Angie!" I said, giving her a joking push towards the doors.

We walked out of the swinging doors of the visitor's center and onto the platform. Zac looked up at the sky and held out his hand to feel for raindrops and the air was unusually humid, and it made me a little uncomfortable to be out in it. The sky was gray and the air was hot and oppressive. Zac wasted no time in pulling off his shirt and draping it over his shoulder as Angie gave a sharp look to an agent who tried to hurry her along. After one more hug for both of us, she kissed me on the cheek and winked before stepping into the shuttle and speeding away. We both stood there for a few seconds as I shifted the stuff she'd brought me from one arm to the other and mopped my forehead with the other hand and took a deep breath in the stifling tropical air.

Zac laid his head on my shoulder and we stood there for a few seconds. I felt drops of sweat sliding down the center of my back under my shirt as the humidity bore down on me. I looked at Zac and he smiled affably, and I looked out at the vast expanse of greenery and hills out past the platform, but as much as I wanted to have some great revelation, it just wasn't happening. Maybe it was the heat, or the humidity, or the weather, or whatever it was... my mind drew a blank. But it was OK and as I draped my arm around Zac's bare shoulders, a genuine smile found it's way onto my face. Not even the cold sweat draining into my asscrack could make me uncomfortable and for the first time, memories of my parents didn't invade the moment and it was a liberating sensation.

The weather was becoming a little too clammy and if we didn't move, Zac and I would be plastered together like two melted chocolate Easter bunnies. We stumbled back towards the doors into the visitor's center and for one of the first times, I leaned on Zac. My body relied on his for strength and to my surprise, he was quite comforting. He was my security blanket, after all.


It was still just as amazing. Everytime that Zac and I had sex, it was always just as exciting and mind-blowing, as it was the first time we were together. Being surprised about it was a little lame sounding but all my life, I'd heard about how if you're in love that every time would be just like the first time. Being the cynic that I'd been brought up to be, of course I doubted it and always assumed that after the first time, it would only go downhill and the orgasms would get less and less intense. And sorry to say, my two prior relationships had done very little to prove that wrong. But my relationship with Zac, in a lot of ways, in no little part was about proving all my prior experiences in human relations wrong.

Zac shifted under me and I felt the warm mound of his ass rub against my crotch, creating an amazingly pleasant sensation. He murmured softly and snuggled back against me and in the dim light provided by the desk lamp, his hair looked dark and shapeless. I ran my fingers through it and pulled it back behind his neck and held in a ponytail, exposing the side of his face against the sheet. No words were needed as my fingers traced patterns over his bare back and left small white imprints before the blood flowed back into the cells. I pressed my palm against the muscles of his shoulderblades and massaged him firmly and he shifted under my hand and moaned softly. I let go of the ponytail and dropped the hair across his upper back and it made a soft thump in the silent room.

It felt so peaceful. Something about the situation felt so good as I pulled the sheet down his body and off him completely, revealing the naked backside of his body. My eyes slowly traveled down from his back to the curved mound of his ass to the strong, thick muscles of his thighs. I reached out and gently caressed the warm skin, rubbing his lower back and bringing the palm of my hand over and onto his ass, squeezing one cheek then the other, fondling my way further down. I pressed my fingers into his thighs and he rolled onto his side slightly and lifted his left leg up, giving me more room. My fingers stroked slowly onto the soft flesh of his inner thigh and just barely using my fingertips to caress his skin. Zac shivered and under my hand, I could feel goosebumps standing up on his leg. Using a slow, gentle petting technique that I knew drove him crazy, I brought my fingers down to the smooth skin behind his knee and stroked the skin at a snail's pace.

He gasped as I used my sexual proficiency to enhance the moment as I slid over next to him and kissed the back of his neck gently. I paid special attention to the exact millimeter of skin under my lips and took delicate care in making sure it was of the least possible pressure. Zac whimpered and kicked the bed with his right leg, giving me exactly the response I was hoping for. His hand gripped the side of the bed and I went in for the kill, just barely touching the back of his neck with the tip of my tongue. It was all he could stand and he jerked and sat up.

Just as I was about to lean in and kiss him, the buzzer on the door went off. Zac groaned and laid back covering himself with the sheet as I pulled myself out of bed and wrapped a towel around my waist and pulled the door open. It was Keri... again.

"Wow... déjà vu." She said with a smirk.

"Yeah, very funny. I didn't have time to dress up."

"Well, its déjà vu in a couple ways. You and your charming towel motif, and then when we did something very similar a few months ago."

"What are you talking about?" I sighed.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure. We're only trying to bask in the afterglow." I said and waved her inside.

She walked in and leaned against the dresser and I noticed she had a manila envelope in her hand.

"I have some news for you guys. Particularly you, Zac."

"Huh?" Zac said, suddenly interested as he rolled over on his stomach, just narrowly keeping his bare ass under the sheet.

"Apparently, your brother Taylor has come out of the closet."

"Wow..." I said, surprised that all the rumors and fantasies were actually true, "So he's gay? Wow."

"Yeah. He called the retrieval service on his own and to his credit, he didn't seem all that scared." She said, opening the envelope.

"What does that have to do with us?" Zac asked cagily.

"He said he'd sign the confession document if he was brought here. It was on the condition that he'd be brought to the same sector as you, Zac." She took out the blue piece of carbon paper and handed it to me, "Zac already knows that stuff. You probably do too but that's just to refresh your memory."

"So what do we need to do?" I asked, looking at the paper.

"I need to have both your approvals on it. His mother made a special call to me personally saying that if you two didn't agree to it, she would use her status as Taylor's guardian to claim he wasn't in his right mind when he made the call. It's really up to you guys. Taylor said very clearly that he wasn't happy and if this is the only way he can be himself, then it's what he has to do."

"So his happiness is in our hands?" I asked, impressed with her spin doctoring skills.

Keri shrugged, "That all depends."

"How long do we have to consider it?"

"You have an hour. In sixty minutes, his mother will lose her guardianship rights." She said and I felt so bad for the whole Hanson family.

"Let's bring him in." Zac said and he was smiling.

"You sure?" Keri asked, "You don't want to think about it?"

"I'm cool with it if you are, Reid?" He said and looked at me.

"Sure. I mean, why not live out every gay Hanson fan's dream? Let him in, Keri."

She smiled and rubbed her hands together, "Thank you. Both of you."

"Where is he going to be staying?" Zac asked, the concern returning to his voice.

"Well... that depends on how welcome you want him to feel."

"A guilt trip! Very nice, Barton." I said and she looked at me with an overstated look of offense.

"I'm not guilt tripping you guys. I'm just saying that he's going to feel more comfortable if he spends his first few days with someone he knows."

"Someone like his little brother?" I asked and couldn't keep the exhaustion out of my voice.

"Oh man," Zac groaned, "Reid, if you thought my feet stank..."

"Well, he'll be here for the wedding. Are you going to bring in an extra bed?" I asked, rubbing my forehead and getting increasingly unable to conquer the anticipation in my voice.

"That's the thing, Reid. We're short on beds right now. What I thought was that he could share--"

"You're kidding me!" I interrupted and clenched my fists, trying to stop the shaking.

"I don't think he's gonna try anything Reid. Or maybe he will. You guys can deal with it." She said and headed for the door.

"Thanks, Keri."

"So the answer is yes?" She was smiling.

"Yeah... the answer is yes." I shook my head.

"Great, I'll go call them and let them know."

I shut the door and lurched back to the bed, overwhelmed by the recent developments and after a few seconds, I looked over at Zac. I wasn't exactly sure what I expected from him. Would he be excited, happy, sad, angry, resentful... or would he be mad at me for agreeing to it? When I looked over at him and we made eye contact, a smile slowly found it's way onto his face and he began to laugh. He grabbed my shoulders.

"Reid... you're mine. Remember that when he takes his shirt off."

"Oh Jesus... I'm gonna have a Hanson on either side of me." I couldn't help but smile at the thought.

"Every gay Hanson fan's dream, right?" He leaned in and kissed me.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"For what?"

"For letting my doofy older brother be himself finally."

"My pleasure."

"You're gonna get along really well with him. After he gets used to it here and gets settled, we'll have a good time."

All I could do was sigh. And smile slightly for Devon.

=To Be Continued...=

Next: Chapter 9: The Compound 9

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