
By Reid

Published on Nov 8, 2000


=DISCLAIMER= This story is meant to imply nothing about the sexuality of the real people involved. Anything mentioned from this point on is purely fictional and not meant in any way but the highest regard.

The lyrics used within are not meant to imply anything about the individual preferences, practices, or lifestyle choices of neither Moby nor Lenny Kravitz. The lyrics are not used for any personal monetary profit...

Thank you for the feedback... all two of you. But in all seriousness, if you enjoy the story then I'm glad regardless of if you contact me.

I'm always open to feedback, positive, negative, or constructive so please feel free to let me know what you think. I'm also needing ideas for general characters, gay or straight, for my story. I need things like name/age/general height and weight/background/personality traits and the like. This also goes for people who want to be included in the story as an actual character so let me know!

The mentions of previous works of gay fan fiction are meant in the utmost respect...

Comments, Suggestions, and Criticisms can be sent to

I can be reached on ICQ at 70639912...


|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || The Compound- Chapter 7 || || By Reid || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||


Find location: Hanson, Zachary.


Find location: HANSON,. ZACHARy@!@!!!!


Find location: Cameron, Reid.


Find method: weapon, construction.


Find method: physical, neutralization and sedation.


Find method: melting, copper/steel.


=10:25am. For the next fifteen minutes, the infirmary will be disabled for cleansing. Please use extra caution=

My popular art class had blessed me with a two-week unit on popular 90's cultural influential movies and over the time, we would be watching the best mindless blockbusters Hollywood had been serving up for the past few years. Our first viewing would be Fight Club, then followed by The Cell, and after that, Armageddon and from there, we would just play it by ear but none of that was penetrating my head. In that class, we had sat through some of the most God-awfully boring old films that had been made before the invention of swearing and mindless violence and it had nearly melted my brain. But thank the good lord, we would be getting a break and I'd actually get to spend my mornings not focusing my eyes on a huge screen with overactors and stupid plots.

We settled in the coliseum style seating in the room and the teacher, Ms. Johnson, shoved the tape into the VCR. As she dimmed the lights and I adjusted the ring on my finger and got a warm rush through my system, an oddly familiar but quite distant melody played from the speakers, "New boy in the neighborhood..."

Several of the other guys in the class laughed as Charles In Charge played on the big screen and several others, including me, groaned. When I left the mainland, something in me said that there would be no more crappy TV series with Scott Baio/Tony Danza/Willie Aames/Gary Coleman or any combination of the four. She stopped the tape before any more of the horrid theme could be played and we were left with nothing much to do while she went back to her office to get the tape.

I used the few minutes of peace to just sit there and think. Only the day before, I'd agreed to marry Zac and while I wasn't exactly having second thoughts about it, there was still that deep seated weirdness in it. It really pissed me off that once again, when happiness should have been the only sensation, my parents had managed to use their influence on me to taint something wonderful. They didn't have to be here with me but their presence in my life in my early years was plenty obvious. As I sat there, annoyed with myself for letting my parents screw me over again, another feeling rose up deep from my stomach and it was pure hatred. Before I came in here, an article said that millions of married couples were unable to have children but had to wait four to six years for a baby and yet... potheads like my parents could have six children and treat them all like shit in almost exactly the same time frame. When the bile began to rise and my mind began to stew about the unfairness of the whole compound system... I thought of Zac and it all seemed to go away. In fact, a downright pleasant feeling took over and my body relaxed and I smiled, genuinely at peace.

"Mr. Cameron?" It was the retrieval agent. Bonds, I think her name was.

"Yeah?" I asked, not paying attention.

"I need you to come with me right now."

"What's wrong?"

"Let's step outside." She said and I followed her out into the hallway. Ms. Johnson was going in the door and looked at me for a moment before I nodded and she went ahead inside.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Your parents have died."

"That's too bad." I wasn't particularly moved in any direction by the news. Surprisingly, I didn't want to dance a jig of happiness either, really. All that I felt was a detached feeling. But then I remembered about my brothers. The last thing they needed at their age was to be put in a foster home and the notion of them having to do so frightened me a great deal.

"What's going to happen to my brothers?"

"I don't know. You'll have to ask your sector head about it."

"OK. Thanks." She walked away and I stood there for a few seconds before walking down the hall towards Keri's office.

As my feet took me there, something inside began to feel very bad and it was a mix of guilt, sorrow, and anger at my father for having to die right when I was happy for once. The halls were pretty empty and several times, my head felt light and I had to lean against the wall until I regained my balance but as I walked, I felt worse and worse. Countless times since I had arrived there, all I did was curse my mother and father and hate them for everything they had done but now they were dead and I still felt bad about it. Part of me felt bad because I never lived up to their expectations and another part hated them for their abuse and then another part hated them for sending all this crap to me when I should have been walking around with a stupid grin on my face.

Trudging up the stairs was no easy task and my heart longed for Zac to be there but he was at his math class and it was too far away for me to try and walk in my current state. My head felt like it weighed a ton and when I reached the door to Keri's office, I didn't bother knocking. She was sitting at her desk and when she saw me, she got up and helped me sit down in one of the chairs across from her. My mind flashed back to the first time I'd been there... my first day in the compound... when all I could say was "OK" or "yeah" and she had dealt with me so patiently. Just like they had back then, my eyes didn't want to focus and I had to hold my head up with my hand.

"You heard." Keri sighed.

"Uh huh." I muttered.

"How do you feel?"


"That's normal."

"What about my brothers?"

"They will be put in the custody of your aunt and uncle," She said and I shivered with relief and a lot of the turmoil went away, "How are you feeling about it, Reid?"

"I'm sad and I'm sorry I'm sad because they don't deserve my sorrow. How did they die?"

"He was in a car accident."

"OK, thanks." I said and heaved myself up out of the chair and out the door without saying anything else. I didn't feel like going back and watching the movie and I didn't feel like swimming or going to the library. It would be a few hours until lunch and nothing sounded good so I began to walk back in the general direction of the room, passing through the empty halls and running my fingers over the wall. Soon enough, the door appeared in front of me and I pressed my fingers into the pad and it swung open. The familiar smell of the room calmed me down quite a bit and something inside me gave way and I collapsed onto the bed, my legs feeling like wet bread. Rolling onto my right side, I closed my eyes and seconds later...

My body slowly pulled itself out of the depths of sleep as my eyes opened and I felt a very familiar hot breath on the back of my neck and a very familiar arm draped over me. It took me a few seconds to realize that it had all been a dream. My parents, as far as I knew at that point, had not died and everything was all right. I kissed Zac's bare shoulder a few times and lifted his wrist up and pressed the indiglo button on his watch and the small blue light revealed the time: 4:58am. My head fell back on the pillow and I tried to enjoy the quiet. It was pretty much certain that I wouldn't be falling back asleep since I'd learned to stay awake once I woke up from my years of living in fear.

My eyes began to get used to the darkness and the shapes of the room began to clear up. I could see the dressers, Zac's desk, my stereo, Zac's drawings on the wall, the play doh figures on his desk, and when I lifted my hand up... the ring. It had only been about fourteen hours since I'd said yes and the idea still sent a jolt of excitement through my body whenever it came up in my mind. I reached down and adjusted the ring and I smiled at the sight of my left hand peeking out from under Zac's arm and I noticed the sensation of his chest moving against my back. My right hand moved from under my head and down to my waist where I gently ran my index finger over the back of his hand... the backs of his fingers... into the warm pouch of his palm... I slipped my hand under and pressed my palm against his and in his sleep, his hand flattened out against mine. It felt so warm and soft.

He snuggled closer to me and nuzzled my neck in his sleep as I enjoyed the wonder of feeling his hand. I couldn't help but smile at the simplicity of feeling such an emotional connection and devotion just from a plastic spider ring and the feeling of his hand against mine. I could feel the warm blood under his skin as my fingers stroked his hand and from the soft moans in his sleep, something told me he wasn't feeling too bad about my actions. Under the covers at the end of the bed, his feet cozied up to mine and it felt like he was trying to mélange his body together with mine and make us one person. Or he could have been just holding onto the other warm body in the bed with him.

For some shocking reason, my eyelids felt heavy again and I let my face fall back onto the pillow and the sensation of Zac's warm breath on my back was having a remarkably tranquilizing effect on me. My consciousness began to slip away and my senses got lost in the warm bed and the warm sensation of Zac against me. Soon, my whole body felt light as a feather and I fell back asleep... but never letting go of the warm feeling...


... Until something woke me up. Every other second or so, I felt a warm, soft pressing against my lips and when I squirmed and woke up completely, I realized it was Zac kissing me. He was straddling my hips and the warm sensation of his testicles resting on my stomach which brought my morning hard on to full capacity and Zac felt it under his ass. He smiled and began kissing me deeper, licking into my mouth with his tongue and the feeling was so erotic, I didn't even think about what time it was. His hands roamed over my chest and he began to hump me in slow, erotic grinds as my hand crept up his back and into his hair and I ran my fingers through it's silky capacity.

"Mmmm... what time is it?" I asked between kisses.

"It's about," Zac looked at his watch, "7:30 in the morning."

"And you're awake." I said, casually reaching down and squeezing his hard cock. He moaned and thrust his hips against my hand.

"Mmmm... now is a great time... to get all sweaty..." Zac said between kisses.

"Why's that?" I asked, getting lost in his lips.

"We're gonna... shower pretty soon... and I'm pretty horny..."

"No shit." I said and placed my hand on his shoulder and pushed him backwards. I sat up and wrapped my arms around him and we began to kiss feverishly and I reached down and gave his sleep-warmed asscheeks a long, loving squeeze. One of the things I liked about Zac was that after he first woke up, his body was always warm and toasty. I never could resist a long cuddling session in the morning while he would still be sleepy and somewhat bewildered but always willing at the sudden affection. But he wasn't sleepy or bewildered when I felt his hands reach down and slowly stroke my cock, sending a hot stream of precum onto his fingers. A moan escaped me and suddenly, Zac leaned in close to my ear.

"I wanna try something different." He whispered and I nodded. Suddenly, his demeanor changed.

"Let's get this over with." He said in an arrogant tone.


"I'm not paying you to talk or cuddle. Hurry up and get me off so I can get to the studio." He spat and laid down on his back.

"Oh, little Mr. Rock Star is getting an attitude." I said, playing along.

"Shut the fuck up. Suck me off, slave." He said, looked so bored it gave him away.

"Your attitude is turning me off. If you want me to keep servicing you, I'll need more than that." I scoffed and his cock twitched with excitement.

"More than that?! Bitch, you're lucky that I let you see me naked, let alone allow you to suck my gorgeous cock. You'd better not be getting ungrateful." He rolled onto his side and looked at me.

"Listen, teeny bopper. I'm not just a mouth to suck you off. I have needs too."

"The mouth is moving... yet I don't give a fuck." He said. If we weren't so turned on, we'd be laughing our asses off.

"I'll give you a fuck, you long haired pansy."

"Oh no! You may be handsome but it takes a real man to fuck my tight ass... and, well, I don't think you've got what it takes."

"Oh is that right?" I crawled down on the bed and held myself on all fours above him. He was pretending to get intimidated by my newfound forcefulness. His lip began to shake.

"Hey..." He said, trying to get back his confidence, "If you think you can fuck my ass... then you have to show me you're a man."

My lips sealed on his and my tongue probed his mouth as he grabbed my ass and held our crotches together, our balls slapping against each other and sending jolts of pleasure and a little pain. I began to kiss his neck and twist his left nipple between my fingers and the spasms that ran through his body made me shake as well. Lapping his neck and then onto his chest got him even harder but he was determined to stay in character and after I licked his nipple, he made an elaborate waving gesture over his mouth.

"Yaw-awn." He said, "You're not impressing me, slave."

I didn't say anything as he rolled onto his side and pretended to sleep, complete with theatrical fake snores. I chewed my lip before grabbing his hip and bringing my palm down on his asscheek in a loud slap. He jerked and gasped, but I knew I couldn't have hurt him because the slap was no where near as hard as it could have been. He locked eyes with me and smiled.

"That's more like it, slut. I'm impress--" He was interrupted by another slap on the ass. He moaned and rolled over onto his stomach, pushing his bare ass in the air, urging it back at me. WHACK! Another slap on the ass and he shivered, moaning into the sheets. WHACK! Another. His legs gave out and sent him sprawling on the bed where he slipped before getting his ass back in the air. WHACK! His hands gripped the sheets and his whole body seemed to tense and shake. After a few more slaps, my grip released and he fell to the side and rubbed his tingling asscheeks... but he still wasn't satisfied.

"That was better." Zac gasped, "But still not as good as Jay Leno did it."

We both shuddered and laughed.

"Well... maybe that ass needs some deep drilling..." I drawled, pulling his cheeks apart.

"I'm such a stud, you'll probably hit oil..."

"We'll see..." I said as I positioned myself for the entry...


After about the fourth wet smack of hair in my eye, moving down the bed seemed like a good idea as Zac and I dried off after our morning shower. When we finished our little role-playing, Zac had assured me that it was only a naughty little tryst that meant nothing except to add some variety to our love life. He also assured me that my slaps on his ass weren't too hard and he wouldn't be reporting me to the security staff. Then he insisted I rub his sore ass until the stinging went away, which I did and he seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. After limping out to the ASM for water, Zac climbed back in bed and we fell asleep for another hour and, just like every morning, my face found itself in his steamy armpit.

Since we'd woken up, my mind was preoccupied with the dream I'd had. My lack of emotion, even in a dream, had managed to somewhat disturb me because something inside said I should have been more decimated. But at the same time, it was hard to feel loyalty and sorrow for two people who had treated me like a dog... but then again, if I was a dog, the ASPCA would have saved me sooner than child welfare did. Or at least tried to when I was being shipped away.

He said something under the towel, which I couldn't quite understand. I pulled the towel off his shaggy hair, "What was that?"

"I asked..." He moved the hair back out of his eyes and pulled it into a ponytail, "Do you think it's better early in the morning?"

"I don't know. You do have the unwashed funk thing going and that's always a pleasure."

"Seriously. Does it feel weird to you when we do it and we're still both kinda asleep?"

"It feels different. Does it feel weird to you?"

"Well... yeah, kinda," He said and I turned around just in time to get a beautiful look at his bare ass as he put his shorts on, "But it's not a bad thing. It's like I think less about it and feel it more. Like I used to always want to listen to music when I just woke up because I didn't think about singing it or who was performing it... all I heard was the music. And when we do it early in the morning... all I feel is you making love to me."

I smiled and pulled my shirt on, "You're quite mature for your age, Mr. Hanson."

"Ugh. Next thing I know you're gonna be calling me cute." He shuddered elaborately.

"Well... you are."

Zac make a dramatic gagging motion and pretended to puke all over the bed, groaning and holding his stomach and I watched him, used to such outbursts. After laying motionless for a few seconds, Zac looked up and me and shook his head and went back to drying his hair and humming the theme from "The Matrix". When I turned back to putting my socks on, my mind went back to my dream and something odd happened... my soul wouldn't let me start feeling bad. I lifted my head up and had a revelation of sorts.

Stop trying to ruin this, I said to myself. You don't have to worry about your parents screwing this up and scaring him off. He's obviously committed to you and for Christ's sakes... he's your fiancé now. A self-satisfactory smile was in order and Zac noticed, smiling back and hugging me from behind and nuzzling my neck. His warm, wet hair brushed my cheek and I could feel the damp undersides of his biceps against my elbow as he licked my earlobe sensuously. My left hand found his wet, dripping ponytail and squeezed it like a sponge, wetting my hand with water the smelled like pineapple and Zac's natural scent and I flicked it off on the ruffled, intermittently damp bedspread. After a few more licks, Zac stopped and just hugged me and we enjoyed the warmth of being together.

I leaned my head back against his shoulder and closed my eyes and all I could hear was his soft breathing and then the feeling of his hand sliding down and covering mine... the hand with the ring. He squeezed my hand and kissed me gingerly on the cheek and then he pouted and sobbed.

"What's wrong?"



"They put a tube in my butt." He whimpered tormentedly.

"Did it hurt?" I asked sympathetically.

"Yeah... it was like a long, thin turd that I couldn't crap out."

"Do you have anything against tubes in your butt?"

"Well... no. Not if they're the right ones." He said and he reached around and gave my crotch a firm squeeze.

My body so desperately wanted to respond but my responsible side reared it's ugly hand and forced me to move his grip away. He made a disappointed face and gave my neck a quick lick with his tongue before sprawling across the bed on his stomach to dig out his shoes from under the nightstand. I reached over and rubbed the back of his leg and we both laughed and he humped the bed jokingly a few times, earning a slap on the ass. He got his revenge by pushing his foot in my face and giving me a nice lungful of the scent and I thanked God for taking care of my nervous system and giving him the urge to do it after taking a shower. He giggled at his rapier wit and the giggles turned to husky cries of laughter and begs for mercy when I grabbed his foot and tickled the sensitive skin of his sole. He squirmed on the bed and laughed as I tickled him.

"Reid... oh man... stop... stop... I'm gonna pee..." He gasped and I released him. He pulled up into a sitting position next to me and when we made eye contact, he began laughing again and rolled onto his side and held his waist. His bare skin looked so inviting and my fingers did the walking as they fondled the warm skin and I traced a line from his shoulder down to the small of his back. Eventually, his laughs clamed down to sighs and then he laid there, still basking in his mysterious onset of giddiness and the look of pure happiness on his face could have made me melt.

"Time for the gym." I said, poking his waist.

"Shut up!" He said, trying to brush my hand away.

"You're getting kinda thick around the love handles there, sexy." I said and kept poking his waist.

"I am not! I'm... voluptuous." He curled into a ball.

"Voluptuous your ass. I think you need to go on..."

"Shut up, Reid."

"A diet." I whispered in a sadistically smooth tone in his ear.

He groaned in agony and rolled onto his stomach, burying his face in the mattress and I laughed and tickled him. After tickling got a little old, I laid there next to him and just rubbed his back and massaged him and he didn't move... he just laid there and let me rub his back. After a few minutes, we sat there in silence but it wasn't awkward. It was so comfortable to just be around him and not have to put on some faux-social act that was supposed to maintain a bogus image, which was incredibly refreshing and liberating. I leaned up on my elbow and walked my fingers up and down his back, making him giggle when they went across his waist.

"Scratch my back while you're down there." He said and rolled onto his stomach.

He wasn't hard to oblige. He flexed his back muscles under my hand as I rubbed it up and down his back, scratching with all the care in the world because it would be a crime against humanity to damage such silky skin. His hair smelled so sweet and from the pace of his breathing, he was close to dozing off and I couldn't help but smile. I stroked his waist and slipped my first two fingers under the waistband of his shorts and poked him playfully.

"Watch out, Jennifer Lopez."

"Hey! At least mine is real."

"Real big."

"Hey," He said, rolling onto his side, "She got hers from liposuction. I got mine from years of working out and sitting behind the drums."

"Yeah... I'm sure all those Twinkies and Dr. Peppers didn't contribute."

"Hey! It's not like you complain about it." He said and sat up, stretching his arms above his head and yawning.

"Go to school."

He got up off the bed and pulled a T-shirt on before leaning down and giving me a long kiss. He pulled off and playfully punched me in the shoulder before grabbing his science and math textbooks and heading out the door to his first class. I sat there on the bed and chuckled to myself, wondering where the hell such happiness had come from. Zac just had an uncanny ability to make me want to face the day and yet again, the irony of our situation whacked me upside the head as I was finally ready to get out there and make things happen, but it took getting locked up in here to do so. It was something that you just couldn't help but laugh at. And I did laugh as I pulled on my shoes on socks and ran my fingers through my hair. Irony... that's the word for it.


The pencil didn't really hurt per se as he dug it into the soft skin of his underarm. Even as he felt the pressure, then the entry, then the hot gush... it didn't hurt him. If fact, he likened it to sex. The pressure of entering someone, the sensation of entering, and finally, the feeling of the hot liquid flowing past and releasing itself from the human body. He even smiled a bit and he congratulated himself on not being deterred by the machinations of some demented Amazonian ballbreaker who couldn't handle "her boys" trying to handle their own problems. How could she understand? She never had to deal with being held down by the hair and forced to perform sexual favors. She had never been ostracized or discriminated against for something she just couldn't control. There was no way she could know... there was no way any of their handlers could ever identify.

But it all wasn't going to matter much longer. Brandon smiled and pulled the pencil out and turned back to the movie screen as the class watched Fight Club. From where he sat... the last row of banked seats... he could see Reid. Hell, if he wanted, he could throw the pencil so hard it would imbed itself in the skank's spine and take away his control of his bodily functions! But he didn't. If he did it that blatantly, he'd never get to mount Zac. And that just wouldn't work. It would be positively wrong of him to take away such a wonderful experience and deny himself of the honor and dignity of claiming his ultimate prize.

A prize which no one could take away from him. Sure, the Amazon had tried to intimidate him but little did she or the faceless warden know... his plan had already been set in motion and there was nothing either of them could do about it. They could complain that the tapes she had showed "motive" but in black and white, it would show that Reid had believed Zac had cheated and broken up with him and on the tapes... Brandon would look like the sympathetic friend who had only tried to help. It didn't matter if anyone thought they knew differently. The only thing that mattered would be the moment when he entered Zac and felt the hot tightness close in around him and their joining would be complete.

He had to bite his fist to keep from laughing out loud and calling attention to himself. He had gotten oh so good at blending in and looking like the stereotypical boisterous teenager... and part of him had adopted that persona to appeal to Zac. In the world, you had to adapt to your surroundings and Brandon felt perfectly at ease doing so... even if it meant compromising his beliefs to ensure being rewarded in the highest caliber. All he had to do was sit back and play their game. Then at the most opportune moment, he would let loose and smite them all on the way to the other side.

But still... part of him felt guilty. A very small, very annoying voice in the back of his soul pleaded with him to stop using all the young boys who only wanted love and attention from him. The voice begged shrilly for him to get help and treat others with respect and a bunch of other bitchy little truisms that he didn't have the time nor the patience to listen to. He found out that the voice usually went away when he would think of the little boys with tears in their eyes as he told them to get lost... and then he'd laugh... and laugh... and laugh... and laugh...


"Hi Devon, my name is Keri. I'm your sector head."

"Damn... do they pay you by the foot or something?"

"I wish. If you'll follow me, I'll show you to your room."

"So tell me something... are there any cute boys in this 'sector'? I read the pamphlet but it didn't mention that."

"That's all a matter of taste."

"That's what I hope to find out, Ursula."


"Yeah... her too. I heard Zac Hanson is in this sector."

"Yes, sir."


"Don't get any ideas. He's happily committed to someone."

"That's cool. I've never really had much of a thing for him. Taylor, on the other hand... he's built to take all my money."

"As far as I know, he's straight."

"Yeah... but you saw the Grammies, right? I have some hope."

"Until he walks through the doors into the admitting office... he's straight."

"Is that their room?"

"Yes, it is."

"Cute sign. I hope they look better in person that they do in that cartoon on the door."

"They do. They're a very cute couple."


"Are you OK, Devon?"

"Yeah, I just got a bad feeling from that room. Is 'B.Voight' a witchdoctor or some shit?"

"No... he's... all right. Don't worry about it. Come this way."

"Did I hit a nerve?"

"No. It's all right. This is your room."


"Press you fingers into the pad, please."

"All right.... OW! What the fuck? It bit me!"

"It just took a small blood sample. That way we have your medical records, DNA, and physical statistics on file. In a few days, we'll implant the microchip that will help us track you all over."

"Logan's Run... freaky."

"There's nothing put into your body. It's just a microchip under your big toe. No bigger than a grain of rice. With it, we will be able to track you and find you within seconds. If you ever get kidnapped or injured, you'll be very glad you have it."

"Hey... whatever you say, Chief. Do I get the room to myself?"

"For now, you do. Pretty much everyone rooms alone when they first get here. If you find someone and want to live together, we accommodate it. You'll only get a roommate in a special situation."

"Cool... where do I start?"

"Change into the uniform and come down to my office. It's right down the hall. You OK?"

"Yeah. I can finally be myself, right?"

=12:30pm. Classes are expected to resume.=

Swimming was something I always loved and every other day when I'd come down to the pool in sector DP, it was always so relaxing. Our lockers were fairly secure and I was able to take off my ring and leave it in the pocket of my shorts but sometimes there was still the worry that someone would steal it. But no one ever did. It let me swim in peace and the pool was one of the nicest places in the compound because it was beneath a large skylight but was actually out in the open air and if you went up on the high dive, you got a beautiful view of the ocean. When I swam there, it made me wonder who was actually worse off. The people living in a stifling totalitarian society or all of us here who felt safe and unthreatened and got such a beautiful view?

The pool water was sun warmed when I got there and it was like a wonderful warm spring that coated my entire body. It was there, as I swam around, that the realization swept over me that I was happier than I'd ever been before. It felt really good to not feel like my life sucked anymore. Surprising myself, I indulged in one of my childhood acts when I swam down and touched the bottom of the pool and swam back up... and then I did it again just for the hell of it. That made me realize all the ways Zac had been influencing me... he had taught me to enjoy my life. To enjoy all the fun little things that happened and if not enough were happening, to go out and make them happen.

"Reid!" I heard a voice calling from the edge of the pool. My head surfaced and I saw Dr. Howard standing there.

"Hey!" I said and swam over and hoisted myself out and sat on the side of the pool.

"So how are things?" She asked and sat down on one of the poolside benches.

"They are wonderful." I said as I wiped the excess water off my face with my hand.

"You probably can guess why I'm here."

"Yeah... I think I have a good indication."

"Don't be mad at him, Reid. He is 15, after all."

"I know. I'm willing to sacrifice his desire to have you talk to me for him if it means all the other things he gives me," I grabbed my towel and began drying off, "What is he worried about?"

"Zac is worried that you're worried. He's worried that you don't think he's serious."

"About getting married?"

"Yeah. He's concerned that you don't think he's dedicated to the idea."

"I said yes, didn't I?"

"You said yes but that could have been just to get him off your back. He said that he meant it when he said you didn't have to do it you didn't want to."

"Look... at first, I was worried that he didn't taken it seriously. But he said some things to me that made me believe him. And I do believe him. And I do want to do it. I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't want to. You know me, do I say anything I don't mean?"

"When you're serious or when you want someone to leave you alone?" She asked and even though I was a little offended, I couldn't help but admire her wisdom.

"Hey! Zac isn't someone I'd ever try to get to leave me alone. I said yes because I want to do it and I want him to be happy. Besides, Keri is falling all over herself planning it."

"I'd believe you, Reid. But something doesn't add up to me."

"What's that?" I asked, having no clue what she meant.

"If you want to marry Zac and you want to be with him..."


"Why can't you say it?"

"Say what?" I was completely lost.

"You can't say 'getting married.'"

"Well, forgive me! All the bricks, and bats, and curtain rods, and beer bottles, and hammers flying at my head have given me a somewhat skewed view of life. My parents instilled in me the notion that gay men and women don't 'get married', they choose 'life partners.' I may have some trouble saying it... but I feel it. It's what I want to do."

"Reid, make that clear to Zac. Make it clear to him that you want to marry him."


"That's not my department," She laughed, "You'll have to figure that out for yourself."

She got up and ruffled my wet hair before leaving the pool area. I finished drying off and sat there with my chin in my hands and thought about all that she'd said to me. I honestly had no clue how to make it any clearer to Zac that I wanted to marry him than saying that I wanted to do it. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me and for the whole time we'd been together, I had assumed that he'd been able to tell but right then and there, I realized that maybe I needed to do more. He needed something more than words to show him how deep my feelings ran and it made sense to me and I kicked myself for not realizing it sooner.

He's a musician. An artist. He needed more than me sitting there saying it to make him believe it fully and totally in his heart. A whole myriad of options ran through my head but none of it seemed good enough. All of the ideas just seemed too dinky or cheap to really be worthy of Zac and all my crappy ideas just didn't seem good enough. Filling our bed with roses didn't seem appropriate and getting him chocolates or fancy candies would just be counterproductive... what was I going to do? Who did I have to consult to get an idea worth being presented to him? Who would know that kind of information?

Maybe I'd have to make a long distance call...


"All right.... Next will be Zac. Are you ready?"

"Yuppie yup!"

"Go ahead, then."

"OK. 'My Happiest Outside Day' by Zachary W. Hanson."


"Shut up, Kyle. Ahem... 'My Happiest Outside Day. When I was 13, we were in L.A. getting ready to do The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. They had made our backstage dressing room really nice and there were ten bottles of Mug root beer and a couple packages of Oreo cookies and Twinkies. We got there and the first thing we did was squirt a bunch of our fans that were mobbing the tourbus with Super Soakers. Then we ran inside the studio and saw Jay Leno and he was really nice and sat with us in the dressing room and made sure we weren't too nervous. Then we had root beer and Oreos before doing the whole rehearsal and then we went into the wardrobe and they made me wear a sweater vest and I'll never forgive them for it. After the rehearsal we went to a radio interview and then we came back to the studio and did the show. After we did the show, we went back to the tour bus and back to the hotel and that was when Taylor hit Ike with a pillow and Ike did it back and we had a big long pillow fight. It was lots of fun and it was a really rare time that I didn't feel stressed or like I didn't have to be someone who I wasn't. It was the time I loved my brothers the most. The End."

=J Sector...=

Why did they have to talk? Wasn't it enough that these whackos had raped little boys and committed disgusting crimes against nature? Couldn't they just sit there and stew in their own juices? It would be a nice change of pace if they could just sit back and know that they ruined lives and stole innocence forever... But nope... they had to talk. They had to refuse their right to remain silent and babble senselessly about the third wizard of the fifth circle in the red demon zone in the depths of hell. They just had to spread their wonderful philosophy of life around like those insane air passengers who took a dump on the food cart and smeared into the airline food. They just had to keep talking.

The warden didn't care about her views, of course. She was just Agt. J. Bonds, hired by the U.S. Government to live in the Virgin Islands and make sure that the gay guys didn't get out of line... but these trips down into the bowels of the place were what bothered her. When she got the call that morning that one of the trolls had been hiding something and she was needed to go down and investigate, it was just a lovely proposition. She was thankful that they weren't interested in her but then she was instantly contrite because all the little innocent children that had been soiled forever were a result of them not being interested in her. She sighed and stopped in front of the glass wall.

"What are you hiding, Jared?"

He didn't say anything.

"Jared... do we need to do a full cavity search on you?"

"I don't HAVE anything.... leave me ALONE!"

"Jared. I don't believe you."

"I don't HAVE anyTHING!"

"I don't like getting called down here because of your little obsession. We moved you here from X sector because we thought you could behave yourself. Now, I hear you're on the infotracker trying to find out some interesting information. What do you say about that?"

"I say you are WRONG! Leave me ALONE! He needs to be safe!"

"He is safe, Jared." She said, getting impatient at both the resident and having pulled sector J/X duty for the month.

"I need to KNOW for MYSELF!"

"No, you don't Jared. He has a boyfriend and he doesn't need a fruitcake like you trying to track him over the system. Now I need to know what you wrote down off the computer or I'll strap you in and search you."

"NOTHING! Go away!"

"No, Jared. If you don't tell me what you're hiding, you're gonna get the glove," She barked and kicked the glass, "Do you want that?!"


"He's 15, Jared! You're not going to get him. If I have to chop your balls off myself, I will. Stop it!"

"Can't do it..."

"Son of a bitch..." The last bit of her patience had been used up. Agt. Bonds got out the card and ran it through the lock, opening the door and storming inside. She grabbed the white clad figure from the bed and slammed him against the wall, using her Muay Thai training to subdue him. He looked at her with fear and bewilderment as she held him against the wall with fury in her eyes.

"Stop..." He whined meekly.

"Listen to me... you listen to me, retard. You do this again and I will make sure that you never get another erection for the rest of your wasted life."

"Why do you do this to me?" He said, his chin quivering.

"You raped and murdered 30 boys, Jared! You're lucky I don't kill you right now... are you going to stop?!"

"Can't stop..."

"Damn it! Do you want more shock treatment, Jared?! Is that what you need?! Do we need to turn you into even more of a vegetable?! I'll do it. I swear to God I will if it means making sure you don't get your hands on Zac. Now are you going to stop?!"


"Good," She spat and wiped the sweat from her brow as he stepped out of the cell and locked it behind her. "Remember Jared. If you don't stop, you will be stopped."

When Agt. Bonds walked away... no one heard him...

"Never stop... never stop... never stop....."

=Room 33A...=

All I want to do is see you happy. You make every day wonderful for me. You're the most amazing person I know. I love you so much and--

Zac groaned in frustration and crumpled up the piece of notebook paper and threw it into the wastebasket. He had ducked out of his science class to sneak back to the room to try and write Reid a letter but it just wasn't working. When he wrote down the first line, he thought he'd found the perfect balance between reality and mushiness but it just fell apart. He drummed the top of the desk as he tried to think of something better. Why couldn't he come up with something?! He wrote songs for a living... why couldn't he just put down his feelings in a very honest, open way?! All the feelings were inside him but he didn't know if it was his age or his childhood or whatever... the words wouldn't translate themselves to paper.

OK, Zac thought to himself. You want him to know how you feel... you want him to know how important he is to you... you want him to feel the same way about you. It's not that hard... come on. Just let the words flow from your brain to the pen...

But for some damn reason, it wouldn't work. Zac leaned back in the chair and rubbed his eyes, wondering what the big, stupid mental block was. After the wonder, he began to worry that if he didn't come up with something very good very quickly, Reid would leave him and the mere notion of that happening gave Zac a hot, sour feeling of fear in his stomach. He drummed the pencil on the desk as he brainstormed, trying to remember all the songs and all the poems and all the life experiences that he'd amassed in his fifteen years of life. He knew that whatever he wrote couldn't be the least bit insincere because that would fuck up the whole thing.

This is NOT that hard! Zac banged his head on the desk softly before turning his head to the side and sighing, feeling the cold polished wood of the desk beneath his cheek. If you can't write this, if you can't make him believe your feelings are real... do you deserve him? Zac sat up and slapped the underside of the desk with his leg and drummed on the desktop again, searching his mind over and over. For fifteen years, you've never had any trouble saying anything... you've never had any problem just speaking up and saying what's on your mind... why is it so hard now? Let's try again. He pulled out a fresh sheet of paper and picked up the blue pencil.

Reid, You helped me more than anyone has before. You made me feel good about who I am. You love me and hold me all night long.

But it dried up again. Zac let the pencil fall from his hand and he sighed deeply and tried to fight off the frustration and turn it into inspiration. His head fell back and he looked at the ceiling absent-mindedly and his left hand slid off the desk and onto his thigh, making a soft slapping sound in the silence of the room. You know... if you're bored you could always...

Zac smiled and shifted in the chair, enjoying the tingle he felt in his ass from it's workout session earlier that morning. Even though he didn't want to make Reid feel uncomfortable, he really did like it better when they fucked early in the morning. Those mornings when Reid would always snuggle up to him and kiss him and then when Reid would slide his hands down into the warm, darkness under the covers... but not to say that mid-morning, late morning, early afternoon, mid-afternoon, late afternoon, early evening, night, and mid-night tool sessions weren't mind blowing as well. The time of day was actually pretty secondary just so long as Reid would take him to the moon and back... filling Zac's willing holes with his giant lovebone...

A warm shiver ran through Zac's body and he smiled as his left hand rubbed the growing tent in his shorts. He giggled softly and licked his lips as he toyed with the decision of indulging in the best stress reliever he could think of. Zac got up and moved over the bed, reaching up under his shirt and rubbing his smooth chest and stomach as he kicked off his shoes and socks. The front of his shorts was tented impressively and he resisted the urge to reach down and squeeze it before it was time. He laid back on the bed and pulled off the T-shirt and let the warm air of the room glide over his body as he pulled off his shorts and spread out naked on the bed.

Hmmm... where to start? Zac thought as he pulled the rubber band out of his hair and shot it across the room before giving his hand and fingers a long, sensuous lick. He slowly rubbed the warm saliva over his nipples, making them hard and sensitive as he tugged and pinched them, sending swells of sexual desire down his body. His hand crept down slowly, rubbing the muscles of his stomach and onto the hot, stretched skin of his shaft and up over the throbbing cockhead, collecting the precum and rubbing it back down the shaft. Zac closed his eyes and held his breath as the jolts of pleasure coursed through his body and out the head of his dick. He leg jerked and he moaned eagerly as the pleasure of his own nurturing began to take control and he felt the two low hangers between his legs begin to command the situation.

His hips thrust and he pressed his dick against his stomach with the palm of his hand, slowly massaging the often-neglected underside of his penis and squeezing out a few more streams of precum. His heels tried to dig in against the sheets and the mattress but only ended it in sending his body up and down against the mattress and forcing his hand harder against his cock. Zac began to whisper softly to himself, pretending Reid was there and licking his balls, tasting them and sucking them tenderly as Zac began to speed up his strokes. Sweat began to trickle down his forehead and he licked a few drops off his upper lip, turned on by the salty taste mixed in with the precum he got from the frequent licks of his fingers.

Stroking with his left hand, Zac reached up and began to suck the fingers of his right hand, coating them with spit and kissing them, pretending they were Reid's hard cock getting ready to enter him. Zac rolled onto his side and bent his leg slightly, exposing his tight hole just enough that his wet, warm fingers could poke inside and tickle the hole... teasing it before indulging it just a little by poking his index finger in to the first knuckle, making his pucker grab and plead for more. Zac smiled and shook his head, denying the pleasure and rolling onto his back and jerking differently, only holding the base of his cock and jerking upwards, pulling back from the edge but still keeping the insane feeling of pleasure.

"Mmmm... you like that?" He hissed to himself, "You wanna cum?... Huh?... You can't yet... Because I said so..."

He smiled and writhed on the bed, moaning softly between jerks and savoring the pre-orgasmic tension and intensity that was always oh so amazing. He stopped stroking but kept his hand on his cock and let his right hand roam over his sweaty chest and stomach, flicking his nipples and trying to recreate the mind-boggling pleasure that Reid always managed to bring out... but not quite getting there. Zac was happy that he couldn't do it the same way because it meant that Reid would calmly lay him down after he tried for so long and then... smiling... Reid would curl his finger and snap it across the tender skin and make Zac jerk and cry out with pleasure... oh God, Reid was so sexy... so amazing... oh yes...

=The hallway...=

After trying for about half an hour, no one was home at the Hanson home and when I walked up to the door, I noticed a small crowd at the end of the hall. I walked up to a guy standing among the others, "What's going on?"

"Devon Snow is here!" He sounded so excited, "But he's not coming out until 'the time is right.'"

"You mean the daredevil kid?! What's he doing here?" I said and I couldn't believe that he had turned out to be gay.

"He came out on national TV. He's in there!"

"Wait... I thought he was banging Britney Spears?"

"Well, apparently not."

Shrugging, I turned back towards the room and just before my fingers hit the pad, something caught my nose. I stopped and smelled the air but whatever it was had dispersed and it wasn't there anymore. I looked back over my shoulder and chuckled to myself at the crowd before opening the door and walking in. At that point, I was pretty clueless and even as my eyes laid on the sight in front of me, it was just like seeing a wonderfully erotic painting in a museum and trying not to let your classmates see the boner that was rising. When I saw Zac splattered out on the bed like he'd fallen from a skyscraper... my first thought was 'well, he's naked'.

The sound of the door shutting didn't even register to me.

"Hi there." Zac gasped, blowing me a sweaty kiss from the bed.

"Hey." I said softly, walking over and stroking his ankle. He squirmed and his cock throbbed.

"Didn't you get enough this morning?" I asked as I took off my shirt then sitting down and rubbing my hand up his leg.

"How could I ever get enough of you?" He said, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Well... what do you want me to do?" I casually reached up and jiggled his slippery balls in the fingertips of my left hand.

His body jerked and he gasped before grabbing my hand and locking eyes with me. No words were needed as he raised his hips up and placed my hand on the hot damp blanket under him and slowly lowered his ass onto my hand. Now, I may have been thickheaded but I wasn't stupid and even I was able to realize what he wanted from me. His ass felt so hot and tight under my hand and despite the weight of his lower body on my hand, I was able to move it up and down and drag my palm slowly over the crack of his ass. He moaned and squirmed on my hand and he started at me intently as I lifted his left leg up and draped it over my shoulder, spreading his ass open over my hand and letting my fingers creep up against his hot hole. With one hand, I pushed off my shorts and kicked off my shoes and socks, leaving me naked and the heat of Zac's thigh against my cheek, his ass against my stomach chest and his calf over my shoulder had begun to make me sweat too.

He rolled over a bit and I knelt on the mattress and slid him down on the bed, allowing him to wrap his right leg around my waist as my cock began to press against his whole. Momentarily, I looked up at the ceiling for the jelly packet but Zac shook his head and with his moist hand, directed my gaze back at him as my hands placed themselves firmly on his hips. His legs were like hot boa constrictors and as they squeezed me in anticipation, my mind was reeling and when my cockhead first came into contact with his hole, it was like a firm, pulsating jolt of electricity had ran through his body into mine and I was instantly overcome with lust. His eyes locked on mine and he licked his upper lip bawdily and my hands squeezed into the soft skin of his waist and I pulled him onto me, his asshole sucking me in and wrapping it inside it's hot confines.

"Oh God..." He groaned and arched his back.

I closed my eyes and rested my head against his leg and kissed the skin, licking it and tasting the sweaty desire that was seeping out of his pores. My hips moved back and forth as my cock throbbed against the hot friction of his unlubricated ass and his deep groans of pleasure were shaking his body so completely that I could feel them in the deep recesses of his insides. My arms tightened around his legs and my system was tensing against the eventual meltdown as my hips rocked back and forth and my ears picked up the thick sound of Zac's hand stroking as he squeezed my cock with his ass muscles. I could feel the artery in his thigh against the underside of my forearm and from the speed of it and the speed of his heartbeat, I knew this wouldn't be a long, soulful love making session.

"Ooooh... yes.... right there..." Zac moaned and began to thrust his ass faster. Something told me I found his G spot.

Placing my hand behind his knee, I rolled him over onto his right side and began to thrust into him as deeply as I could. His leg pressed against my neck and a long moan came out of his lips as I pushed myself in and out roughly, penetrating him deeper than I had ever gone before. His right leg slid down between my legs and I raised myself up and pushed him back, sending my cock in as far as it could go and mashing my cockhead right up against his prostate gland and sending a hard jerk through his body. He let out a cry of pleasure and his ass closed around my cock so hard it hurt and the massive internal churns of his muscles felt incredible around my cock. His left hand was whipping up and down his cock as his hot load spewed forth in a white mess and painted the blankets as it flew up onto his chest and some even hit his chin which made me grimace slightly even in the heat of passion.

My hips staggered forward as my cock unloaded into him and my thrusts degenerated into nothing more than frenzied lustful bucks and my cum flooded his ass. My whole being shuddered and my body tensed and relaxed as my cock swam in the hot pocket of cum inside Zac. His leg slid off my shoulder and he laid there, his chest heaving and his hands gripped the sheets as the orgasmic jolts of pleasure left his body and soon, we were left lying together. My cock was still erect and held tight inside him and as my mind gradually came around, a small sensation of panic began to rise. What if I couldn't get out?! How would we get to the infirmary?!

My stomach tensed and I tried to pull out, but it was just too tight. Zac was still taking deep breaths and recovering as I placed my hands against his asscheeks and tried to push him off me. He hummed in protest with each push but they were to no avail and his ass kept it's iron grip on me. My heart began to race and I reached down and tried to finesse it out with my fingers and only ended up making his hole constrict even tighter on me. Zac had come back down to earth and was leaning up on his elbow watching.

"Zac... we have a problem..." I said, my voice starting to shake.

"Yup... it's a crisis all right." He smirked.

"Zac... I'm serious." I said through clenched teeth.

"Chill out," He sighed, "Just let your dick relax."

"How am I supposed to let it relax?!"

"Reid... take it down a thousand. Just take a few deep breaths and calm down." He reached down and stroked my hair.

"That isn't helping, Zac. God, I feel like Winnie the Pooh in the honey tree."

Zac laughed and for some reason, his finding humor in the situation annoyed me even more.

"Zac... my dick is stuck inside you. It's slightly more serious..." I grunted and tried to pull it out, "For me, than it is for you."

"Reid! Chill out... maybe I push down..." He tensed his muscles against my dick and bore down, the sensation making me shudder as it felt like he was taking a dump with my precious tool in the way.

"Did you take a crap yet today?" I asked, grabbing his hip and pushing up.

"You're gonna find out."

"That is... NOT funny." I said and I felt a shiver of relief as my cock finally began to work it's way out.

He continued to bear down and eventually, after some twisting and tugging, my cock popped out of his ass and at last, Reid Jr. was free. I let out a sigh of relief and tended to my slightly irritated but thankfully clean member as I walked into the bathroom and ran the cold faucet over it. A long, heaving breath made it's way out of me as the cold, icy relief washed over my dick and I rested my head against the mirror and felt my forehead slide against the sweat. A few minutes later, I got up the strength to walk and I strolled back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed next to Zac, who was lying on his back looking at the ceiling. I reached over and turned out the light and laid down next to him, pulling the sheet over the both of us in the dark.

"We're getting married." I said, matter of factly.

"Yeah... yeah we are." Zac said and rolled over against me, draping his arm across my chest and kissing me on the cheek.

"I'm glad."

"Me too..." He paused, "Mr. Hanson."

"Shut up."

We laughed.

=To Be Continued...=

Next: Chapter 8: The Compound 8

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