
By Reid

Published on Oct 28, 2000


=DISCLAIMER= This story is meant to imply nothing about the sexuality of the real people involved. Anything mentioned from this point on is purely fictional and not meant in any way but the highest regard.

The lyrics used within are not meant to imply anything about the individual preferences, practices, or lifestyle choices of neither Moby nor Lenny Kravitz. The lyrics are not used for any personal monetary profit...

Thank you for the feedback... all two of you. But in all seriousness, if you enjoy the story then I'm glad regardless of if you contact me.

I'm always open to feedback, positive, negative, or constructive so please feel free to let me know what you think. I'm also needing ideas for general characters, gay or straight, for my story. I need things like name/age/general height and weight/background/personality traits and the like. This also goes for people who want to be included in the story as an actual character so let me know!

The mentions of previous works of gay fan fiction are meant in the utmost respect...

Comments, Suggestions, and Criticisms can be sent to


|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The Compound- Chapter 5 By Reid ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||


He was sitting idly in the waiting room for the sector D/E/F/G dentistry office, killing time until his appointment. As he sat there, he gave himself a going over and wondered what the hell that little pussy's problem was. He was a good-looking guy! He had a nice body, good hair, good teeth, and he was pretty damn sexy... but no. Little Mr. Hanson decided to bone up with Reid. Talk about irony! A dysfunctional, mentally deficient skank like Reid gets the blond rock star while handsome, intelligent, charming Brandon has to mate with his right hand every damn night. Not exactly fair.

He drummed a beat with his fingernails on the arm of the chair and it sounded similar to the infectious beat from MMMBop. Brandon bit his upper lip and squinted as the drumming sped up and he tried to think of a new plan of attack. He had tried to help Zac see the light for the kid's own good... but the little bimbo couldn't see past his own mangled nose far enough to realize that Brandon was only trying to help him. What the fuck was his problem?! All I said was that Reid wasn't the best choice for a boyfriend and he'd only be hurt when Reid eventually flipped out over some little thing.

Brandon sighed. He was used to being misunderstood. >From the day his father grabbed him by the neck and shoved him into his older brother's van, yelling at him to get his "queer ass" out of the house... he knew that life wouldn't be about being understood. Even as he sold his body to all the sexually deprived, "straight as an arrow but only curious" married businessmen, he knew that one day, his reward would come. Some twinky, blond, gorgeous piece of teengod ass that would take his cock in every hole and make it all better. Someday... but it wasn't the day that Zac Hanson came into the compound. Of course not. God forbid that poor old Brandon be rewarded for years of sexual favors when nasty, brooding Reid needed an enabler to make sure he could still feel sorry for himself and pass the buck to his father.

But it wasn't his business. Brandon didn't like to insinuate himself in the affairs of others and when poor little Jake, the cute little guy who's heart Zac had broken like a dropped dish, came to his door in search of love and acceptance... he couldn't help what had happened. And after the fuck, when Jake, with tears in his eyes, said he had fallen in love with Brandon in that short time... how could anyone help but laugh? And then when the little slut ran down the hall crying... he had laughed even more. It was funny! Jake had tried to give his heart to Brandon. How could he not see that all it was was a quick fuck session meant to release their collective tension and nothing more.

He chuckled softly as he sat there. Before Jake... there was Andy, the 15-year-old piano prodigy who wrote Brandon poems until the lack of response told him to stop. Before Andy... there was James, the cute little gymnast who thought he'd impressed Brandon with his flexibility but all the cuddling and hand holding got on Brandon's nerves. Before James... there were many. Many young, impressionable little boys who only wanted some love and understanding inside the huge compound and they had assumed Brandon would give it to them. Yet sadly... they were mistaken. They didn't have what it took to win over the wild heart of Mr. Voight.

But then... there was Zac. The blond stud with the famous drumstick that seemed like it always needed pounding. Zac was going to be his ultimate trophy... the stud who Brandon could finally make his own and escort around to show off to all the envious masses. Zac was cute, famous, and wonderfully adolescent... but Reid got there first. All Brandon would have to do is wait. Have some patience and eventually, after he planted the proper seeds, Zac would set Reid off and Reid would flip out and Zac would come running to the only person who had the foresight to predict what would happen. Zac would realize that Brandon had to be tough to help him see the truth and then... finally... he would enter Zac's precious body and claim him once and for all.

Then after Reid committed suicide and Zac was older and had grown out of his cuteness... Brandon would dump him and the whole wonderful game would start all over.

Brandon laughed happily. It would be so much fun...


"How many gowns did you pack?" I said, trying not to call attention to us.

"Only four. I thought you said they turned you on." Zac said from behind me where he was pulling on his clothes. It was the day after our erotic tryst in the hospital bed and all morning long, Zac and I had both been barely able to look at each other without making out and it was tough. Everytime I saw him, my mind flashed back to the sight of him in the bed... powerful arms pinned above his head by the gown and his sweaty body squirming and writhing with passion... the taste of his nearly seven day old, hot, musky load spurting into my mouth--

"Hey, baby. Need a lumberjack?" Zac whispered in my ear, reaching around to squeeze the erection in my shorts. I shuddered and my knees felt like silly putty. Zac wrapped his right arm around me and held me until I regained my balance and he kissed me on the cheek before opening the plastic shopping bag and looking inside. Because I had said that the hospital gowns looked particularly sexy on Zac, he had managed to swipe four of them from a nurse's station and crammed them in his outpatient bag for "later use". Also in the bag were the several stuffed animals given to him by the infirmary staff and a uniform T-shirt that had been signed by all the guys in our sector.

Zac was particularly excited because his mother would be coming to visit later that day. After treating me to a celebratory dance in his gown, he had rattled off a list of everything he hoped she would bring. Pictures of his siblings, magazines, news from the mainland, and anything else that he could think of to hope for. But it didn't help since I was still a sweaty palmed nervous wreck, worried that she would hate me or be mad at me for corrupting her son. Sure, she may have said it but there was no telling what the experience of actually SEEING me would bring out of her and the emotions it would stir up. More than once, I tried to tell Zac that it would be better if I stayed in the room while he was taken down to the visiting area... but Zac would have absolutely none of that and insisted on my being there. And when I tried to refuse, he turned on the sappy baby talk and laid it on thick until I finally said yes.

After checking out the bag, Zac sat down on the bed in front of me and looked up and smiled mischievously, "Wanna do it one last time in the hospital?"

"Zac..." I said, looking back at the door to see if anyone was coming, "We can't do that."

"Awww... you suck." He pouted and picked up the bag.

"Come on..." I said, draping my arm around his shoulder as we walked out of the infirmary, "I'll let you drive!"

=3:00pm. All residents will be given the opportunity to attend the sectors A/B art fair in the main concourse auditorium.=

We had been back in the room for a few hours and we had passed most of the time catching up on our other interested. My book club had moved on from Ulysses to Ivanhoe and it took me some serious reading to catch up while Zac breezed through his make up math, science, English, and social studies work. Once he was done, Zac pestered me and amused himself with other things until I had finally, by the grace of God, had managed to read up to where my club had left off. Over the course of the afternoon, Zac had undressed himself gradually until he was left in only his shorts and Keri had told us we would be allowed an extra shower because Zac's mom was coming to visit.

After all my work as done, Zac and I wrestled for a while, rolling around on the bed and really not doing much to disguise it as anything other than a hump session. Zac seemed to enjoy it when I'd hold myself ontop of him while he squirmed, his hair rubbing over my face and his warm skin creating a divine friction against me. Several times, I had him on all fours and took great pleasure in reaching between his legs and squeezing his balls through the tightly stretched cotton. The move would usually result in Zac moaning and buckling forward with me on top. After only a few minutes of our man play, we were nicely glistening with sweat and Zac, giggling, rolled on his back and I rested my face to one side on his stomach. I could feel his muscles quiver as he laughed and ran his fingers through my hair gently.

"You still nervous?" He gasped, stroking my forehead with his long fingers.

"Ehhh..." I sighed and looked up at him, the sight of his strong chest and cute face was almost unbearable until I remembered that he and I were a couple. It wasn't a subject I was really eager to talk about, especially when my cheek was resting against the firm, silky warm skin of his stomach. I baby kissed his belly button a few times, hoping to distract him but no luck.

"What kind of answer is that?" He said, raising his hips and grunting as he removed the wedgie from his ass.

"It's the kind of answer I give when I'd rather not think about something."

"Why are you worried?" He asked.

"Zac..." I said, with an edge of warning.

"What?! My mom is gonna love you." He said as he cupped my face in his hands, "How could she raise such an awesome son if she weren't cool?"

"Ha ha ha." I laid my face back down on his stomach.

"You know... if you're worried... we can ask someone."

I couldn't help but smile, "Who can we ask?"

"We can ask Herman."

"Eww." I made a face of disgust.

"Hey! You ask Herman!" Zac said, grabbing the back of my head and pushing my face into his bulge, "Herman knows the answers!"

Herman was what Zac called the quarter sized, banana shaped dark brown birthmark on the right hand side of his scrotum. I noticed it about the fourth day he was there and I swear to God, Herman got a bigger introduction than anyone else he'd talked about. Herman, according to Zac, was an oracle that could answer any and all questions posed to him. It was another of Zac's dementedly complex ideas that managed to make me laugh and gag at the same time.

"Get out of my face." I pushed his hips back down on the bed and slid up onto him. Our lips were only a fraction of an inch apart and we leaned in, kissing each other gently.

"Whew!" Zac said, pulling back, "Your face smells like crotch."

I looked at him, slightly incredulous, "Hey... who's fault is that?!"

"Yours! You didn't ask Herman like you were supposed to."

I pushed him away from me and sat back on me knees and looked down at him. Zac started to break up and within minutes, he was laughing like a lunatic and holding his sides and I couldn't help but laugh with him, shaking my head and wondering what the hell I'd managed to get myself into. And at that moment, all the nervousness inside me just suddenly went away. It was the realization that this wiggling, laughing, goofball in front of me was the child of the woman I was going to meet and Zac couldn't have come from someone who was all bad. But then again, I came from my parents... and, well... the less said about that the better.

Patting Zac on the knee, I rolled him from his side onto his back and deftly hooked my fingers in the waistband of his shorts. I pulled them off in one quick notion, leaving Zac's damp naked body out in the open and he looked up at me with only a look of mild curiosity on his face.

"What are you doing?" He asked, settling down on his back, taking little concern of being naked suddenly.

"I'm gonna ask Herman, like you told me to."

"Oh." Zac said, realizing quickly that it was just a witty way for me to tell him that he was getting a blowjob.

Zac spread his legs as his cock quickly reached full capacity and stuck up, proud and defiant, against his stomach. It was quite warm in the room and sweat was already beginning to trickle down his cheek and his balls were hanging almost low enough to touch the sheets on the bed. His legs shivered as I gently brushed my lips across his ankle, remembering not to inhale, as I gently kissed one of his "feel good" zones. Kneeling between his legs, I licked my way slowly up his right leg and onto his hipbone, savoring every moment of once again getting to make love to him in a real bed. His ass squirmed on the bed and his fingers traveled back to my hair as I nuzzled his warm thighs and flicked my tongue over the tanned skin, tasting the salty flavor of his skin.

Being suckled and nibbled drove Zac absolutely crazy and that knowledge was put to good use as I gently nipped at both of his balls, making him jerk and gasp, his legs sliding against the bare skin of my back. My forehead was profuse with sweat and it brushed against the underside of Zac's shaft and when I slipped both of his plump balls into my mouth, part of me expected to feel a sudden series of hot, wet splats against the back of my neck. But, surprise surprise, he held out and when I first wrapped my lips around his cockhead, I looked up and made eye contact with him. All I saw was a burning sexual lust that not even a shower taken in the glaciers of Antarctica could cool off. We kept our eye contact as I lowered my mouth slowly down the hot, pulsing flesh of his shaft and his eyes rolled back and a slow groan of ecstasy resonated from deep inside him.

His legs tensed and his whole body went rigid as I felt several hot, thin spurts of precum hit my tongue as his hands rubbed the top of my head. His mouth seemed to be trying to form words as I sucked, sliding my tongue under his foreskin and teasing the hidden sensitive skin of head. Finally, his mouth was able to work.

"Reid..." He gasped, "Reid... stop. Hold on..."

I looked up at him.

"Reid... let's cum together. I want to suck you at the same time." He groaned, looking at intently. How could I refuse those brown eyes and that husky voice?

Zac sat up and crept down the bed like a wild animal and pulled my shorts off, leaving me just as naked and just as hard. He swung himself around and we were laying on our sides, Zac's cock and balls were hanging right in my face while had to crane his neck a bit to reach mine, but it wasn't a problem. He let out one final moan and deep throated me all at once, making me cry out in surprise before going back to him, sliding my mouth up and down his cock while trying not to lose myself in the passion of the moment. Zac was doing his best to duplicate my actions, but his sucking rhythm kept getting interrupted by moans and gasps around my cock, which kept hitting the back of his throat.

Suddenly, I felt my cheeks being penetrated by two of his fingers and I whimpered the sensation of his fingers creeping into my hot hole. He slid his fingers in and out as he worked his mouth up and down on my dick, giving me a spectacular example of his God given sense of beat and tempo as he stopped occasionally to curl and twist his finger inside me. My arms tightened around his hips and I began sucking him in earnest, translating the pleasure he was giving me back to him, aggressively slapping and poking my tongue around his foreskin and holding open his slit and catching the precum that poured out as a result.

I felt his legs begin to shake against my shoulder and his moans around my cock became deeper and more passionate. His fingers sped up as they pistoned in and out of my ass, making me shudder and I could feel the familiar tingle deep in my ballsack and at that point, it was pretty clear that Zac would be getting a snack pretty soon. And so would I as Zac's balls thumped by nose and filled my nostrils with their unique scent and against the tip of my nose, I felt his balls constrict up against his shaft and a long muscular ripple work it's way through his body, from his feet all the way up. I felt his hot breath as he moaned and his lips clamped down on my cock. The sensation sent me over the edge and the first hot gush into his mouth as I clamped my lips on his cock and it sent him over the edge and I felt several thick, molten streams of his cum hit the back of my throat and coat my tonsils.

We were both moaning and gyrating on the bed as we experienced a 69 for the first time. His long blond hair tickled my hips and my balls as my load continued to flood his mouth and I felt the remnants sop down through my pubic hair. Zac's cum dribbled down my chin and down his stomach, mixing cum in with the wet slick of sweat on his stomach. I swallowed the last spurts of his cum as he did mine and both our bodies relaxed and his softening dick slid out of my mouth while Zac held mine between his lips, sucking gently and draining the last drops of cum from it. When I was completely flaccid, it slid from his mouth and we rolled onto our backs. I rolled off the bed and kneeled against the bed and buried my face in the mattress, gaining control of my breathing and shaking body. Zac rolled onto his side facing me as he shut his eyes tight and curled into a ball, breathing deeply and shivering, letting the last of his huge orgasm work it's way out of him.

I let my knees fall against the cold tile of the floor and I rubbed my face with my hands, mopping the sweat from my forehead. My head fell back and I took several more gulps of the hot, steamy air and clenched my hands into fists, still reeling from the mind bender I'd just been on. An aftershock hit my body and I shuddered, goosebumps standing up on my body as I fell back into a sitting position and looked at Zac. He had stretched out and now was writhing on the bed in post-orgasmic bliss. He slid his hands down between his legs and humped himself slightly, the long strands of his hair waving as his heavy breathing escaped his mouth and nose.

After a few seconds, his squirms stopped and he brushed the hair away from his face and back over his shoulder. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked at me. I smiled and leaned forward, resting my arms on the edge of the bed and we both leaned in at the same time, our lips meeting in the middle. It was a gentle, innocent kiss and the taste of his cum coated lips on mine felt so good and as his tongue licked into my mouth, mixing our seed together, I felt a new feeling. As I climbed onto the bed without breaking our kiss, the feeling only got stronger. As we wrapped our arms around each other and rubbed our humid bodies together, it kept getting stronger. When our kisses got lighter and eventually, we were left with our foreheads resting together and not saying anything... I realized what the feeling was.

Then it become more than a feeling. It became a fact. A cosmic, act of God-kind of fact that no one could argue with because when he smiled at me and nodded, I knew he felt it too. We both knew it.

We both knew we were meant to be together.

=Later still...=

There was the beeping of the door.

Zac and I had fallen asleep naked in each other's arms and the last thing either of us wanted to do was get up and have to deal with somebody at the door. Zac grumbled in his half sleep and snuggled in closer to me, nuzzling my neck and jawline and settling back in to fall asleep. As much as I wanted to stay there, the dry feeling in my mouth wouldn't let me and I shook Zac softly, waking him up. He groaned angrily and glared at me.

"Somebody's at the door."

"Well whoop de fuckin' doo for them." He said, and rested his head back against me and settled back in.

"Zac... I have to get the door." I said, easing him away from me. He muttered and rolled over, wrapping the sheet around him and pulling a wisp of his hair out his mouth. It was the kind of thing that if it didn't make you smile, you didn't have a heart in your body. My legs felt like pins and needles as I hit the door and I stumbled momentarily, before wrapping a towel around my waist and pulling the door open. It was Keri.

"Oh, that's fancy. An outfit of the towel and sweat fashion line. You're gonna meet your mother-in-law in that?" She smirked.

"First of all," I said, my mouth feeling like a damp piece of cotton, "If I want to meet her wearing a towel and sweating like a hog, then I will. And second, she isn't my mother in law."

"She might be soon." Zac called from the bed. Keri laughed and I made a mock martyr face.

"Regardless of your outfit or relationship status, I just got word from Alexander Hamiltion Airport that Mrs. Hanson has landed and she'll be here in about twenty minutes. You guys better jump in the shower if you want to smell nice for her."

"Thank you, Keri." I said.

"One more thing, Reid." She said, sounding somewhat schoolgirlish.

"Yeah?" I was trying to salvage some saliva to keep my mouth from drying up.

"If you guys get married, can I PLEASE plan it?!" She asked, sounding like a 16 year old girl talking about marrying N'Sync. I looked at her, absolutely horrified.

"Listen to yourself!" I said, my voice cracking. Zac snickered from the bed at my vocal acrobatics.

"Reid, I've always wanted to plan a wedding! Please? It would be so nice. I could get you a license and we could have catering. And I know you and Zac would look so handsome in tuxedos! Armani!"

"Bye Keri." I said, shutting the door before she could get Zac's mind rolling any further. My mouth was like a desert and I walked into the bathroom, turning on the cold water and cupping my hand under the faucet, wetting my mouth and filling it with velvety liquid refreshment.

Swishing the water around in my mouth and then spitting it out, I heard Zac say from the bed, "Reid... maybe she had a good idea."

"What do you mean?" I called, rubbing cold water on the back of my neck and on the backs of my wrists. For some reason, the idea of what I knew Zac was going to bring up didn't sound so daunting or bad to me. Hell, nothing involving him sounded bad. Anything that meant spending the rest of my life with him sounded wonderful.

"When Keri said that we could get married. It wouldn't be the worst idea in the world." He strolled into the bathroom buck-naked and slapped me playfully on the ass through the towel. I watched as he leaned in and turned on the faucet and adjusted the water.

"You know, this is our first post-sex, non-morning shower in a month." I said as I embraced him and kissed him on the nose.

"And then... you get meet our... I mean, MY mom!" He smiled and licked my chin.

"You're really exited, aren't you?" I asked as I climbed into the shower behind him and watched him stand under the warm water, soaking himself.

"Yeah, I mean... it's my mommy."

"Awww..." I fondled one of his asscheeks as he began to spread the blue "sea spray" scented bodywash on his chest. He turned around and hugged me, spreading it onto me. It was how we washed each other and it saved time and water. Soon we were covered in white suds and smelling like Garden Botanika and we scrubbed ourselves in silence for a minute or so.

"You know," Zac said, taking a moment to wash his face off, "You know, if my mom says it's cool, maybe the rest of my family can come see us. You'd really like them."

Truth be told, my desire to meet the rest of Zac's family wasn't too great since I'd spent so much time with Zac that seeing his whole family might change something. And you had to add in that I had been a huge fan of the band since the very first time their video every played on MTV which I saw, of course I was going to get a tad star struck.

"I don't know Zac." I rubbed the pineapple shampoo into his thick hair.

"Why-- why not?" Zac sputtered through the water.

"Well, did you see how nervous I got about meeting only your mom?"

"So what? We'll just have to 69 every time they visit." He said, turning around and kissing me. My knees began to liquefy and I took a deep breath before kissing him on the forehead.

"I don't think I could handle that." I slid by him and stood under the shower, massaging the shampoo into my hair as Zac stepped out of the shower and began to dry himself. He was singing softly to himself as he dried off and even over the sound of the shower, I could hear him. He was singing the Lenny Kravitz song. I rinsed the last suds out of my hair and stood there for an extra second, listening to him sing in his beautiful voice.

He stopped singing, "You almost done?"

"I'm done." I climbed out and like a perfect gentleman, Zac handed me my towel and I dried off quickly. We walked back into the bedroom and stood side by side in front of the dresser. He threw his arm over my shoulders.

"Well... what should we wear? T-shirt and shorts? Maybe show some variety to her..." Zac said jokingly.

"Sounds good to me."

=All visitors are to remain in the visitor's center. Clearance to visit individual dormitories and sectors can be given after proper request. Guards and assistance agents are available at all times should any conflict arise.=

Agt. Bonds, a younger woman, escorted Diana Hanson off the shuttle that had taken her from the processing area. Bonds watched as the woman who looked like a Hippie kickboxer carried the two boxes and followed her through the glass doors the led into the visitor's center. She watched as Diana looked around and sighed, shaking her head.

"Are you all right, ma'am?" Bonds asked.

"We can call it that." Diana said, following Bonds to the steel lined desk where she set the two boxes. The receptionist looked up from the phone bank.

"Name?" He asked.

"Diana Hanson." She said, resting her chin in her hand.

"Name of resident, his date of birth, room number, sector PIN ID code, and sector head."

"Zachary Walker Hanson. October 22nd, 1985," Diana reached into her purse and pulled out a folded piece of blue carbon paper, "Room 33A. #0097734 Sector DD-22A. Keri Barton."

The receptionist punched the information into the computer and stood up, "I have to look in the box."

"Do you?" She said, smiling slightly.

"Yes, ma'am. It's compound policy." He said, reaching for the first box.

"Compound policy? What are they worried about?"

"We have to make sure that nothing illegal is being brought in, ma'am." The receptionist said, and then noticed the coolness in Diana's glare before backing off slightly, "It's the rule here."

"I'm visiting my 15 year old son. What does 'The Compound' think I'm bringing him?"

"It's... it's the rules, ma'am."

"All right." She said, pushing the first box towards him, "But be careful, his 9 year old sister made him a clay doll so try not to break it."

The receptionist turned a deep shade of red as he opened the box and searched the contents. Pulling back the first layer of T-shirts and socks, and carefully moving the small clay figurines, he looked over the CDs and the small stuffed dog. He tried not to look her in the eyes as he moved onto the second box, lifting up the layer of letters written on notebook paper and cards to briefly inspect the new colored pencils, two medium sized photo albums, and the bag of fun sized assorted candy bars. When he was finished, he closed the box again.

"You're clear, ma'am."

"Are you sure? Is nothing breaking the rules of 'The Compound'?" Diana said, carefully rearranging the contents of the boxes and stacking them under her arm.

The receptionist didn't look at her again as he said, "Sector Head Barton is waiting for you in the next room, ma'am."

She sighed and strolled over through the sun lightened visitors center to the large wood doors that led further into the compound. She stepped into the darker hallway where Keri was sitting in a leather chair. She stood up.

"Mrs. Hanson? I'm Keri. I'm Zac's sector head." She smiled and offered her hand. Diana squinted at her.

"Where is he?" She asked calmly.

"Right this way," Keri said, leading her down the black lined hall, "We really like Zac here. He's a great kid."

Diana stopped, "First off, Ms. Barton. I know my son is a 'great kid'. Second, I'm not in a place where I'm willing to like you so save your energy and shut your mouth."

"All right." Keri kept up her calm demeanor as they walked through the elevated hallway into the visitor's center. Zac was siting with his back to them at a far table, drumming on the edge of the table. Diana stopped and stood still, looking at her son.

"He's right over there--" Keri started.

"Quiet. You can go back to work now." She said and when Keri was out of the way, she slowly walked over to Zac. She felt her eyes well up as she put her hand on his shoulder. He turned around and for a second, they looked at each other. Over four months of being apart passed before Zac stood up and hugged his mother. Diana hugged her third youngest son and kissed him on the top of the head, holding him and feeling his insecurity. She smiled through her tears and held him. Tears ran down Zac's cheeks as he let down his guard and allowed himself to feel happy, feeling and remembering the first sensation of security he had ever kown. Being hugged by his mom.


Dr. Rios and I stood on the elevated balcony that circled the visitor's center as we looked down at Zac and his mom hugging. Dr. Rios sniffled and wiped her eyes as we stood there and watched, and I felt a tremendous sense of happiness for Zac as he got to do something he didn't get to do when he'd been forced to leave. He had been pulled away from his family without getting to say goodbye and for a moment, something in me felt guilty for not being able to identify with his feelings. But I shook my head and smiled, remembering that it was Zac's moment. I felt Dr. Rios put her arm around me and hug me. I did the same to her as we turned around and walked down the balcony and out through a side door, both feeling a somewhat renewed sense of livelihood.

=Mother & Son...=

"Zac, sweetie. Let's sit down." Diana said, wiping her eyes and trying to get Zac to release his grip on her long enough to sit down. After a few more seconds, he let go and sat down in a chair next to her. She gently ran her hand across his cheek.

"I missed you." Zac said, his chin quivering and his eyes getting wet again.

"Oh Zac..." She said, hugging him again and then letting go when he felt secure. Zac wiped his eyes and sniffled, sitting back in the chair and biting his lips.

"I'm sorry, mom." He said in a small voice.

"Zac, you don't have anything to be sorry for. You didn't do anything wrong. All you did was refuse to hide who you are and your father and I are proud of you for that. Don't let anyone tell you different."

Zac nodded, "So what did you bring me?"

=Waiting outside...=

After leaving the balcony, Dr. Rios had gone back to the infirmary for a few minutes and I was left milling around in the outer hallway around the visitor's center. It was a pleasant enough area with gentle egg shell colored walls and a unique Spanish brick pattern on the floor. My palms were sweating and I moved around with nervous energy that had returned as I did my best to pass the time while Zac and his mom had their private time together. There were assorted paintings on the wall of various landscapes and some of which contained little gatherings like carnivals and little lawn parties. I smiled as I saw in one of the paintings, three little girls in white dresses chasing a small dog carrying a straw hat with pink streams of fabric flowing from the bill. Something in me always felt warm when I saw people having fun; especially little kids because their desire to have and enjoy fun would be stomped out like a dandelion growing through a schoolyard basketball court.

Moving on from the first picture, the second was a small town street carnival that looked like it was from the 1920's, judging from the attire of the people, the facades of the buildings, and the automobiles. The signs for the stands and storefronts were in French. In the center of the painting was a little boy in a blue suit running with a small blue balloon flying behind him as he streaked down the street. All around him were other little children carrying candied apples and little toys from the vendors along the cobblestone street... but one particular pair caught my eye. Two little boys in identical white suits holding hands as they walked down the street. One boy was blond and the other was brown haired and I smiled again as I turned away from the picture and ambled down the hall a ways, stuffing my hands in my pockets as I went. Laughing to myself, the picture imprinted itself in my memory.

"Hey Reid." Brandon came up next to me.

"Hi Brandon." I said, glad to see someone I knew.

"So... how's the meeting of the in-laws going?" He said, smiling as he walked next to me down the hall.

"I haven't met her yet. I'm letting Zac have some time alone with her."

"Speaking of Zac..." Brandon started to look away.

"What about him?" I said, not really concerned.

"You know Jake right?"

"Yeah. What about him?"

"Well, before Zac got sick, they had been hanging out together quite a bit."

"They're the same age. And Zac is an outgoing person." I didn't really know what Brandon was getting at.

"Reid, you can obviously tell that Jake has a thing for Zac. I mean, as much as the kid tries to hide it, he can't keep it inside."

"Like lots of guys here." I said, looking at Brandon for a second.

He averted his eyes and continued, "All I'm saying is that it might be a good idea if you kept an eye on Jake. I think he might be getting a little obsessed or a little too focused on wanting to be with Zac. I'm not saying he'd do anything but it would be in yours and Zac's best interests to make sure Jake doesn't try anything."

"Brandon, I trust Zac. I know that if someone tried to mess with him or come onto him, he wouldn't give into the temptation. At least, if he means what he says to me, he wouldn't." I said and I wasn't able to keep the slight doubt from my voice.

"Just keep your eyes open. Zac IS only 15 after all so... well, nevermind. Just keep an eye out."

"Well, if you say so."

"Don't worry about it. I gotta get to the art fair, they're showing my paintings. Catch you later?"

"Sure." I said, smiling as Brandon took off down the hall.

My mind couldn't help but think about what Brandon had said. Before Zac and I had hooked up, I kept reminding myself how he was only 15 but back then, it was a self defense mechanism that came from my desire to keep him from being hurt. But now that Zac had grown accustomed to the place, something in me started to wonder if he had decided to sample someone on the side and Jake did seem like an inviting opportunity. But all the times Zac had said he loved me and held me and kissed me, it seemed like he was committed and really meant what he said. In my mind, I went over all the reasons why Zac wouldn't lie about something like that: he's at least somewhat mature enough to handle a monogamous relationship, he doesn't say serious things he doesn't mean, he was raised by good parents, and deep down, I knew Zac was a good person. And yet, there was a little nagging voice in the back of my head that lent some credence to what Brandon had said to me... for the majority of the time Zac and I were together which was almost constantly, there were times when he was away. But the last thing I wanted to become was an overbearing presence in his life. The U.S. government had done plenty of that for the both of us.

"Reid?" Keri came up to me and touched my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts.


"She wants to meet you." Keri said, smiling.


=Visitors Center=

Halfway down the hall, Zac met me and grabbed my wrist; pulling me forward and nearly making me trip on my way to the black door leading into the center. I pulled back, "Zac, hold on."

"Reid! Come on..." Zac said, grinning from ear to ear and he pulled at my hand.

"No, wait." I was suddenly getting cold feet. My head felt dizzy and my vision seemed to blur. It was one of those "zero barrier" moments in your life. Where you realize that you're about to cross a point that you can't go back over and can never change or alter to result for as long as you live and it's pretty damn scary. I only had maybe two in my life up until that point, the first was when I told my friend I was gay and then when I stopped my dad from hitting me with a baseball bat the next day.

Zac didn't say anything for a few seconds until he leaned in and kissed me long and deep on the lips, sending a warm rush through my body and making me whimper and shake. He pulled away and looked into my eyes, "Reid... stop being such a pussy."

"OK, let's go." I closed my eyes and walked forward into the visitor's center. We walked in and Zac's mom was sitting at the table and in the split second before she saw me, my body wanted to bolt but Zac's grip on my hand was iron clad but still gentle. She looked up and smiled as I put on my best "gentleman" face and stuck out my hand, which she promptly ignored and pulled me into a strong hug. I looked at Zac over her shoulder and he smiled and gave me the thumbs up as his mom kissed me on the cheek and pulled away as I did my best to keep the young Christian bible studier look on my face.

"Oh stop it." She said and I let my face relax, "So you're Reid?"

"Yes I am." My voice sounded completely phony. She laughed again.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to bite you... at least not yet."

"Good to know." I said, not able to hide the edge of fear in my voice.

She smiled again and sat back down, motioning for me to do the same and I sat down at the table across from her and Zac sat down next to me, draping his leg over mine as usual. She put her chin in her hand and looked at me.

"So Zac tells me you're 19." She said and I grimaced. The age thing.

"Yeah. But I don't smoke... or drink. Which is a good thing because if I drank, it would be illegal and that wouldn't be very good. If I drank, it would mean that I'd have to... get a fake ID... and they don't allow alcohol in our... sector..." I trailed off, noticing how Mrs. Hanson wasn't particularly impressed with my rambling.

"I'm not worried about your age as it relates to Zac. I'm asking because Zac said you lived on your own for a year."

"Yeah. I moved out and for a year, I was on my own."

"Zac also mentioned that your parents were less than pleased with your lifestyle."

"We can call it that."

"I'm sorry, Reid. When Zac told his father and I, we weren't sure how to take it. We worried about if he'd be treated badly and then when this whole monstrosity was put together, we encouraged him to keep it quiet," She looked at Zac, "But now I can tell that was pretty wrong of us. It forced us to refine what we thought about homosexuality and even then, I was still worried because when Zac finally found someone he loved, I wondered if that person would live up to my expectations of them."

Zac rubbed my knee with his fingertips and smiled at me.

"I can tell after talking to you for just this past minute that you do. So before you pee yourself, stop worrying." She said and reached over, patting me on the hand. It felt like a huge one ton weight had been lifted off my chest and I breathed deeply and settled back in the chair, feeling the tension ease out of me once again. Zac leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Where'd the scar come from?" She asked. She was referring to the small white line above my right eye.

"Mom..." Zac said softly, shaking his head slightly.

"No Zac, it's OK. I got this scar when my dad hit me with a curtain rod."

"With a curtain rod?" She asked, incredulously.

"Yeah. I came in the house after school and he hit me because he was drunk. Or bored. I never asked him which."

"And this man is walking the streets?"

"Yeah. And he has five other children."

"How horrible!" She said.

"It's not like you never did it." Zac said. I nudged him in the side with my elbow, making him squirm and giggle. Mrs. Hanson shook her head and smiled.

"Can we open the boxes now?" Zac whined impatiently, reaching for one of the two large boxes. His mom nodded and Zac tore the tape off and looked inside, pulling out several black T-shirts. They were assorted 80's retro band shirts that I hadn't seen since the second grade, including a Whitesnake shirt, a Grateful Dead shirt, a charming 'liquor in the front, poker in the rear' beige T-shirt, two cute Hard Rock café shirts and a maroon Adidas soccer shirt. Zac pulled it out and smiled.

"Tay sent that for you." She said.

Zac folded it neatly on the table with the other shirts and continued his expedition through the care package. After pulling out three pairs of black socks and setting them on the table, he carefully pulled out three figures wrapped in butcher paper. The first was an adorable bird made out of blue play doh. Zac admired it carefully and set it down on the table, and his mom explained that the figures were made by his little sisters and his little brother. All I could do was sit back and watch as he unwrapped the last two, a clay rendering of one of the Anamaniacs and a musical note that had been painted black. He seemed genuinely touched by the presents and it was nice to see him so happy. The next layer contained several older CD's including The Beach Boys, Eric Clapton, Boys II Men, and Blues Traveler.

"Do you guys have the means to play them?" She asked.

"Sure. I've got a CD player." I said, watching Zac pull out a small floppy dog. It was a brown mutt-type and Zac smiled slightly as he let the old, raggedy stuffed animal flop around in his hand. The corduroy had been worn off his ears and the buttons that had been his eyes had been sewn back on several times over. The tail was basically only a thick piece of string with some strands of fabric peeling off. Zac's eyes looked far away and he held the dog and stroked it.

"You OK?" I asked, rubbing his arm.

"Huh? Oh... yeah. I'm cool. I had this since I was like a baby." He smiled again and set the old thing down gingerly ontop of the folded T-shirts. He tore into the second box and pulled out two large stacks of notebook paper and looked them over.

"We had to lease our own section of the post office." She said, "We've gotten so many letters of support that we could barely keep track of them all."

"So are these the best?" I asked.

"No. Everyone in the family wrote a letter to you, Zac."

Zac looked over them for a second, "Can I read these later?"

"Sure, but after you read Taylor's, either dispose of it so no one else can read it or hide it where no one can find it." She said and a moment of silence passed between the three of us as Zac confirmed something to himself and I realized what it meant. Zac went back to work, pulling out a beautiful set of professional colored pencils and even I, he who couldn't sit through Fantasia, was impressed with the quality. After the pencils, out came two large dark brown leather bound photo albums. Zac opened the first one and flipped through a few pages, setting it on the table so I could look at them as he did. There were several pictures of what looked like his family on a beach.

"We went to Hawaii a couple weeks after the Grammies. It was to try and take our minds off what happened." She said, trying not to sound sad and drive Zac on a guilt trip.

"We'll look at these later too." Zac said, kissing me on the cheek again as the last contents came out of the box. The final thing was a bag of small Snickers and Milky Way bars and my mouth watered. I hadn't tasted an actual, real chocolate treat in so long it made my stomach growl. Both Zac and his mom noticed and Zac tossed me the bag as we got up and walked to the agent standing by the door leading to the rest of the compound. After a few short words, the three of us walked out and into the hallway where Dr. Rios passed by us.

"Mom, this is the doctor who saved me." Zac said, pulling Dr. Rios over to his mother.

"So are you the one who yelled at me?" She asked, smiling.

"I'm sorry about that." Mrs. Hanson said ernestly.

"It's all right. It's great to meet you. I've got to go." Dr. Rios continued down the hall as we made our way back to the room. Zac introduced his mom to his various friends along the way, including Jake who wasn't looking any better than he had the last time I'd seen him. As I passed by, my mouth full of chocolate goodness, he looked like he wanted to say something but he couldn't quite do it. He'll work up to it, I told myself as we kept on down the hall. Zac carried both the boxes up the door to our room and pressed his fingers into the ID pad and the door swung open. After we walked in and Zac had set the boxes down on the bed, Mrs. Hanson wrinkled her nose slightly.

"Well, I can tell two boys live in here." She said.

Zac showed here around, showing her all his academic awards as I sat on the bed and watched... and ate. She pulled out a camera and took his picture as he stood in different parts of the room, and several with him sitting next to me, pretending to do all sorts of intimate acts. She said she wanted to take back plenty of pictures to show everyone that Zac was doing all right and that he was happy. But all too soon, the official visiting hours were over. Keri came by to let Mrs. Hanson know that the shuttle would be leaving soon and I could feel Zac tense up at the thought of having to say goodbye so soon. They got up off the bed and for a second, I stayed there thinking that Zac might want to be alone... but of course, I had assumed and been proven wrong.

We walked back to the visitor's center and a guard escort followed us out to the shuttle boarding station. It was nighttime and the temperature had decreased quite a bit, making it a pleasant 75 degrees as Zac and his mom hugged. I watched as she held him and I could hear Zac sniffling softly as she kissed him on the cheek, then hugging me and doing the same, making me feel a weird sensation of approval.

"I'll come back soon. I'll bring everyone." She said, stroking his hair.

"Cool." He said, putting on a brave face, "Bye mom."

"Bye Zac." She said hugging him again, "Take care of him Reid."

"Will do." I said, kicking myself instantly for such a lame response.

She kissed Zac one last time on the forehead and left quickly, walking out onto the shuttle and not looking back as it pulled away. Zac stood still for a second before I walked up and put my arm around him, and he needed no more encouragement as he wrapped his arms around me and we hugged. I held him and swayed back and forth, enjoying the night breeze on us as we stood there quietly, listening to the sound of the breeze ruffling the tropical foliage and the sounds of the night around us on the platform. Zac wasn't crying anymore and his breathing felt peaceful and calm as my cheek rested against his forehead and I gently played with his ponytail, straightening the dark hair and smoothing it out against his back.

The sky was quite clear and when we looked up, the stars were beautiful and the moon shone brightly down on us. It was really a nice thing to be able to see unobstructed.

"That's us." Zac murmured softly. He pointed to a pair of stars standing by themselves in a patch of the dark sky. He smiled and hugged me again as I kissed him on the chin and then on the tip of his nose, and then on his lips. A light, warm loving kiss. He moved his arms from around my lower back to around my neck as he kissed me again and a gust of warm, sweet sea scented air passed over us and I could feel the goosebumps stand out on his arms as I slowly let my tongue slip into his mouth and the tips of our tongues wrestled together. We were swaying in the breeze at that point, and it must have looked like we were dancing and we kissed, savoring the feeling of warmth and security. And love...

=8:30pm. All residents are expected to be back in their rooms.=

"Way ahead of ya." I said. Zac and I had ambled back to the room and climbed into bed together much earlier than usual. Keri had come by to see if Zac was feeling OK and she seemed to bristle when she saw Zac's new, non-uniform T-shirts. Zac used his charm and bargaining skills to talk her into letting us wear them as nightshirts and after we promised not to wear them any further than the ASM, she said OK. And there we laid. Zac was sporting his Whitesnake T-shirt and looking irresistibly butt rock as I spooned him from behind, gently running the tip of my finger over the silver lacquered "W" on the front of the shirt.

"You were so awesome." He sighed, settling back against me.

"Just doin' my job." I said, kissing the back of his neck.

"I'm serious. She was ready to buy us Tupperware. You were so cool." He turned around and kissed me several times. He turned around and snuggled back against me as I continued to gently stroke his chest. The room was pleasantly warm and all we needed was the top sheet over us and as I continued to rub his T-shirt covered chest, I could see how my touch was obviously exciting him. He straightened out his legs and let his head fall back and he began to lick my earlobe gently.

"You aren't too drained?" I whispered in his ear.

"I'm never too drained for you." He said and he rolled over, straddling my hips and kissing me deeply as the sheet fellaway to reveal his body completely naked from the waist down. His tool was hard as a diamond and stuck straight up against the black fabric of his T-shirt and as he leaned in to kiss me, the underside rubbed against my stomach. My hands slid up and down his back under his shirt and when they traveled down to his ass, he gasped and then moaned into my mouth as I squeezed his buttocks firmly. He nibbled on my upper lip as he thrust his hips forward and pushed back against my hands, spreading his asscheeks apart slightly and allowing the warm air to glide over his pink pucker. He breathed into my mouth and we both heard the familiar beep of the overhead dispenser and Zac yelped when the cold packet fell and slapped his bare ass. I laughed between kisses as he gripped the edges of the pillow and kissed me harder, pressing his crotch into my stomach.

I went to pull his shirt off but he stopped me and panted in my ear, "Let's keep it on."

"Mmmm... you want me to fuck my little 80's hair band boy, huh?"

"Oh yeah... make me scream like the guy from Warrant..." He said and we both cracked up as we made out. He broke the kiss and pressed his face into my neck as I opened the packet, pulled his cheeks apart and squeezed the cool gel into his ass. His heart was pounding and I could feel it under the word "snake" on his shirt and he held onto me, pushing his ass back on my wet fingers. He tried to hump my stomach and make me finger fuck him, but I pulled my fingers out and he moaned in frustration, letting go of the pillow, grabbing my face in his hands, and kissing me, shoving his tongue into my throat like some demented tequila worm. He was sitting almost directly on the underside of my cock and I had to raise him up to pull the sheet down, letting it bounce out and make a wet slapping sound as it flew up into the hot, wet crevice of his ass. He wrapped his fingers around my collar and pulled me forward, guiding me over off the bed so I was standing, my cock only about two inches up off the mattress. Zac slid over and laid on his back, pulling his legs up with his hands behind his knees and exposing his hole once again, pushing his ass down at me.

Setting my thighs against the bed, I reached down and put my hands on his hips, pulling him up to me and pressing my cock slowly into his lubed ass, pushing my cockhead against the tight ring of his hole. Zac sat up and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me close and pressing his face against my shoulder as my cock slowly urged itself into him, patiently awaiting the moment when his rosebud would relax........... and then the amazing sensation as my cock slid deep inside him, slowly being swallowed by the hot steaminess of his rectum. Zac was staying remarkably calm and not shivering as much as usual as he kept planting wet, firm kisses all over my face, his hot breath blowing over my sweat soaked forehead as I slid in and out, rubbing his prostate and inducing a slightly startled half yelp half moan of surprise and pleasure in-between his kisses.

My thrusts began to speed up as Zac groaned and his back stiffened. His arms relaxed from my shoulders and he fell back on the bed, arching his back as I moved in and out of him with great care. Zac was moaning in a steady pattern now, slightly soft as I slid out and back in and a choked cry as I hit the firm nugget of his prostate when I bottomed out. His legs wrapped around my waist and squeezed along with my thrusts as I ran my hands down onto his soft stomach and pushed the T-shirt up over his nipples and tweaked them, flicking them with my fingers and sending Zac into fits. His nipples had turned into small dark lightening rods of sexual energy and everytime I touched them, his body would jerk and his muscles would spasm so hard I could feel them in his feet.

My hands slid back down the sweaty line from his pecs to his stomach and I cupped his cock and balls, squeezing his loose, low hanging scrotum dotingly as I struggled to keep from cumming deep inside his entrails. My other hand stroked his cock, using the constant surge of precum he was pumping out, making my hand slide up and down his cock and feeling it throb and get even harder as my combined actions continued. His back arched again before he laid back down and looked up at me.

"Harder..." He throated.

My body shook as my hands slid from his cock and balls over to his wide hips and I squeezed them and a soft squishing sound caught our ears as the thick coating of precut on my fingers squeezed out between my fingers. I dug my fingers into the soft skin of his hips and he gasped as I began to piston myself in and out of him, drilling deep into his bowels with my cock, feeling the almost searing heat of his ass slide against me. I looked down and saw his cock, the tight stretched skin of his shaft had turned a bright pink and the blue vein running under the skin was more pronounced than I had ever seen it on another guy. Zac's moans were turning into primal yells of passion and he was half off the bed, shoving his ass back on my cock and trying to take every inch, both balls, and one asscheek inside of him.

He groaned one last time and his ass swirled and tightened on me like a vice and his back arched so far I was worried he might pull a muscle. The T-shirt fell back and exposed his stomach and his ribs as his legs tightened around my waist, squeezing the air out of me and the tell tale shuddering spasms inside his ass followed by the hot white streams of his hot nectar as they painted his stomach broke down the wall of resistance I had built up. My head fell back and my hands tightened on his waist and my cock swelled, spewing what felt like an endless series of wonderful gushes of hot cum inside him. My mind was reeling and my body shuddered as Zac's body went limp and his legs fell from around my waist, his ass sliding off my softening cock with a slurp. His body landed back on the bed with a creak and he laid there, breathing heavily and his eyes were shut tight like a baby sloth and he didn't trust himself to move.

My feet gave out and I collapsed next to him, my body spent and drenched with sweat as Zac rolled over ontop of me and I felt the wet skin of his stomach and the damp, sticky fabric of his T-shirt against my bare back. He nuzzled my neck and hugged me tightly from behind, gasping in my ear and pressing himself against me, needing me close for security. We both took a deep breath together and Zac giggled softly in my ear.

"What?" I murmured, my voice impeded because half of it was pressed against the bed.

"That... was dope." He gasped, nuzzling me one more time before pulling the sheet over us. My body immediately succumbed to fatigue and my eyelids felt like they were made of lead as Zac held onto me again, not for security, but protectively. His arms slid under my waist and held me tightly, his soft cock lying warmly against the crack of my ass and the last hot streams of his load leaked out. Our breathing came and went as one, gradually calming and our bodies laid together sharing their warmth until we both drifted off to sleep in the darkness as the lights dimmed slowly. The last sensation I could remember was the warm skin of Zac's arms against my waist...

=The Confrontation...=

Brandon sat in his room, flipping through a smuggled gay porn magazine trying to find some suitable jack off material. He didn't have the inclination to go out an seduce some mindless little newbie and from the screams in the other room, Zac was occupied... for now at least. Brandon reached down and massaged the growing erection in his shorts as he gazed at a jailbait model... long blond hair, brown eyes... beautiful body... this kid looked enough like Zac to be nearly as good. But then again, once Brandon had taken his greatest gift... his monogamy... that's all Zac would be. Just a crumpled up former teen idol. Thrown away like a discarded cum rag. His heart would shatter when the second guy broke his heart when he was at his most vulnerable. Then he'd cut his wrists and go mope around with Reid in the other world.

When Brandon joined them in a few years, they would be his slaves. His dirty slaves to plow the fields of squalor while Brandon sat upon his golden throne and had his pick from all the waifs who fought and killed on the battlefield for the right to sit on his lap and be deflowered. Then he would stand on the highest rock and cast lightning from his fingertips down and the slaves before him, turning them into hunched over trolls to continue his bidding. He would stand above them and his eyes would glow as he seared them all, taking their livelihood and putting inside him as he elevated himself to the gates of heaven... then he would turn the lifelight upon God and take his place. Judging those who had hurt him and sending them to their just reward.

A knocking at the door.

Brandon sighed and tossed the magazine back under his mattress and strolled over the door, making a minimal attempt to hide his erection. He opened the door to see Keri.

"Hi Brandon." She said, in a condescending voice that Brandon didn't appreciate.

"Hello Ms. Barton."

"Can I come in?"

"Sure." Brandon said, putting on his perfect all American boy voice.

Keri walked in and leaned against Brandon's dresser. For a moment they sized each other up as Brandon walked back and sat down on his bed.

"Did you want something?" He asked pleasantly.

"I want you to stop whatever you're doing with Zac and Reid."

"What am I doing?" He said, smiling and batting his long eyelashes.

"You're trying to break them up. I want you to stop."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know that you're trying to suggest different things to them. I saw the videocam that picked up you 'warning' Zac about Reid hurting him. Then I overheard you 'warning' Reid about Zac and Jake. Don't you think for one second that I don't know what you're trying to do. I saw what you did to Andy, and James, and Colin, and Luke, and I saw what you did to Jake. I saw and I see every day how much you hurt them. I'm telling you right now that you will not hurt anymore of my boys."

"Look... if you want to take out your quasi-aggressive miscarriage induced motherhood protectiveness on me, I can't stop you. But I don't think the head warden, Ms. Del Toro, would take too kindly to your intimidation tactics." Brandon said, finishing with his smirk using only the side of his mouth. What he didn't expect was Keri grabbing him by the collar and shoving him back against the mattress, holding him down helplessly.

"You listen to me, you little sociopath," Keri said with a flat tone of cold anger in her voice, "If you don't stop screwing with Zac and Reid, I will take the tapes to Warden Del Toro and she will see what kind of a lunatic you are. You'll be taken out of here and put in X sector with all the other crazies. The only reason you aren't there now is because I don't have the evidence... but if I see Zac and Reid fighting and you get anywhere NEAR Zac... you will be locked in a rubber room. Understood?"

"How dare you treat me like this, you amazon--"

"Shut up. You remember what I said and you behave. Or you will be taken to X sector within the hour and you will not be able to hurt anymore of my kids." Keri hissed, releasing Brandon and walking out the door. She stopped and turned around, listening to the creaking and groaning from down the hall, "Or maybe, Zac and Reid love each other enough to not be swayed by your little game...."

Brandon sat on the bed outraged... and helpless. Fucking helpless for the first time in his life.


3:56am. His heart ached.

As he lay there in his bed, tears streamed down his porcelain cheeks and he sniffled in the darkness. His heart was racked with pain at the thought of his little brother being locked away from him. He reached up and wiped away the tears and tried to get himself under control. His body shuddered and he took a deep, trembling breath and his chin quivered as memories of old times flooded back into his brain and he was powerless to stop them. He pulled the covers up over his head and sobbed, not wanting to wake anyone up as the guilt hit him like a sledgehammer.

It was unfair and it wasn't right... it was so wrong and it tortured him every day to know that his brother was locked away when he had every biological trait that said he should be right along side him. But mom had said no. She had said she wasn't losing two of her boys to some witch hunting expedition.

Why didn't you talk him out it?! He hissed at himself, clenching his hands into fists and mentally berating himself. The thousands of ways he could have changed his mind or convinced him otherwise... it was his responsibility. He had failed as a big brother. He had failed at his responsibility to make sure nothing bad happened to anyone in his family. Then came the guilt of all the times he'd yelled to get him to hurry up or take things more seriously... to not be as funny or take so much joy in being alive... or when he'd stolen his solos and sang over him or talked over him in interviews... The sobs continued to wrack his body and he pulled his thin frame into a ball and sobbed miserably. After the horrible guilt came the memories of happier times... all the times they had goofed around backstage and playfully wrestled and agitated one another.

When he felt the kiss, he felt all the good times being pulled away. He felt his wild little buddy being yanked away and all the fun they'd had all over the world was pulled away from him and sent off to be kept in some prison a million miles away. The fun that was never going to be had again...

All the fun they'd had in Europe, Australia, Tokyo, France, England... all the concerts all over the world where they would sing together... all the fun they had meeting Jay Leno, David Letterman, Aerosmith, Ugly Phil, The Spice Girls, Rosie O'Donnell, John Popper... all their water gun fights in the tour bus... the first night on their very first trip to L.A. when he was too scared to sleep alone... all the fun they'd had at the zoos and waterparks and posh hotels where they didn't really know how to act but played and pretended to be rich rock stars and all the playful hugs and times that they ran around and made videos and went surfing and the times that he had come so close to telling him the truth but not being able to until it was too late.... It had all been taken away in one foul swoop.... Gone forever...

=11:45am. Please have your soiled laundries ready outside the door of your room.=

It was Saturday morning and it was laundry day. Zac and I had spent the morning digging crusty shorts and shirts and socks out from behind and under our bed. We found a nice deposit of dirty stank dark blue socks behind Zac's desk and after daring each other to smell one, Zac finally did. I nearly wet myself as he pretended to have a seizure from the stench. Then we went back to cleaning.

The stains in Zac's Whitesnake shirt came out with some scrubbing with a washcloth and hand soap and it went back under the mattress with his other shirts. But the bed was a different matter. After stripping the sheets, there was a large crusty stain on the mattress itself and after admiring our handiwork, we flipped the mattress over and applied the clean sheets. When all was said and done, there was a mound of dirty, formagish clothing almost as tall as Zac and when the laundry crew found it, then swore in Spanish as they loaded it into the large bin and wheeled it away.

"How many washers did we fill?" Zac laughed, plopping back on the bed and looking up at the ceiling.

"Oh, at least 10." I sat down next to him and stroked his bare knee.

"Reid... I'm going to tell you something..."

"Yeah..." I said, warily.

"I looked through those letters that my mom brought me..."

"And you read the one that no one is supposed to see, right?"

"Right. And the reason no one could see it is because--"

"It would mean that the author would be brought into custody." I finished his sentence.

"Yeah..." He sat up and cupped his hand around my ear and whispered, "Taylor is gay."

I nodded and smiled, pretending he had told me a funny joke. I winked at him and leaned down, kissing him on the cheek and putting my mouth next to his ear, "I'm cool with it. We don't need to worry because Keri intercepts all the security footage. She wouldn't rat him out."

Zac smiled and kissed me, looking relieved.

"What about Ike? Is this going to be like 'The Exchange' with all three of you guys turning out gay?"

"Ike is straight as an arrow, sadly. He's hung like a donkey."

I looked at him in horror that he would notice something.

"Oh grow up." He said, "What's 'The Exchange'?"

"It was an erotic Hanson story on the net that I read before I came in here."

"An erotic Hanson story?!" Zac asked, laughing in disbelief.

"Yeah... there were plenty. Didn't you read any?"

"I wasn't allowed to explore the World Wide Web's gay offerings... are you serious about the erotic Hanson stories?"

"Yep. There were quite a few."

"Well... what happened in them? Tell me about them."

"I remember one that I liked where the band was on The Real World and Taylor fell in love with this really sweet kid who loved him back but had trouble showing it. It was really cool."

"Was I in it?"

"Oh yeah. In most of the stories, it focused on Taylor falling in love with the author and Zac coming to grips with his gayness on the side. I only read one or two where you were the main character." I said, purposely pushing his buttons.

"Well, that sucks. Who did I fall in love with in the stories where I was mentioned?"

"In the Real World story, you fell in love with this Australian kid. But of course, you played hard to get."

"Shut up! I'd never do that!" He said, slapping me tenderly in the shoulder, "What about the one where all three of us are gay? What happened in that one?"

"Taylor fell in love with his kid from the moors of England. It was a really sweet, romantic love story. It really was like the big, huge rockstar falls in love with the everyday guy on a coincidence. It was a long, legendary story." I said, yawning and lying back on the bed next to him and our fingers interlocked and we held hands.

"Who did I fall in love with?"

"You fell in love with this kid who was a classmate of the guy Taylor fell in love with. At one point, you, Taylor, and Ike all went to his English private school in this exchange thing."

"Wow... was there a lot of 'experimenting'?" Zac asked, blowing peacefully in my ear.

"Well, Taylor and this kid had kind of a foursome and a three some on a few occasions. And you had sex with a kid from the school and fought with the guy you fell in love with."

"I cheated on him. How mean."

"Yeah. You and him and Taylor and the kid he fell in love with had a foursome in the trailer after a big concert in England."

"Did I have sex with Tay?" Zac asked, grimacing.

"Well... yeah, kinda."

"Eww..." He shuddered.

"Oh yeah," I said, "A lot of those stories featured you and Tay having some wild, sweaty, butt lovin'."

"I've seen Tay naked and he ain't all that."

"I'll take your word for it." I said, "But damn, he looks sexy in those tanktops."

"Oh my god! He claimed that he wore them for 'physical comfort'."

"Was it an attitude problem?"

"Nah, he's never had an attitude. He just liked hearing girls scream over him. I never understood it but what the hell..." Zac said and I smiled at how wise and learned he sounded.

"I seem to remember seeing pictures of you wearing tanktops..."

"Yeah. I was wearing them for physical comfort, nothing more."

" Uh huh..."

"How are you insinuate that I would show my body off!"

I put my hands up in mock fear and he laughed and rolled over onto his side next to me, nuzzling my neck and kissing me gently. I let my face fall against his and I kissed him back, gentle babykisses between giggles. We looked into each other's eyes and gazed torpidly at one another, Zac ran his fingers through my hair and I could have looked into the deep hazel wells of his eyes for an eternity. A stray wisp of his hair fell down across his forehead and laid there shining under the light, his lips pursed into a smile and he closed his eyes for a second. His hand ran through my hair one last time and went down to the pocket in his shorts. My heart raced and I could tell by the look in his eyes what was about to happen...

He reached back and pushed a button on the stereo. Seconds later, "Again" by Lenny Kravitz played and I felt a lump in the back of my throat.

"Mr. Cameron..." Zac cooed softly, producing a small plastic spider shaped ring from his pocket and sliding it onto my third finger from the left, "Will you marry me?"

=To Be Continued...=

Next: Chapter 6: The Compound 6

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