
By Reid

Published on Oct 25, 2000


=DISCLAIMER= This story is meant to imply nothing about the sexuality of the real person involved. Anything mentioned from this point on is purely fictional and not meant in any way but the highest regard.

The lyrics used within are not meant to imply anything about the individual preferences, practices, or lifestyle choices of neither Moby nor Lenny Kravitz. The lyrics are not used for any personal monetary profit...

Thank you for the feedback... all two of you. But in all seriousness, if you enjoy the story then I'm glad regardless of if you contact me.

I'm always open to feedback, positive, negative, or constructive so please feel free to let me know what you think. I'm also needing ideas for general characters, gay or straight, for my story. I need things like name/age/general height and weight/background/personality traits and the like. This also goes for people who want to be included in the story as an actual character so let me know!

Comments, Suggestions, and Criticisms can be sent to


|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The Compound- Chapter 4 By Reid ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

"He's... asking for me?"

"Yes, he woke up and the first thing he asked about was you."

"Is he OK?" I asked, my heart racing.

"He seems fine. A little tired, but fine."

"Is his brain... I mean, can he think OK?"

"He's the same as he was before," She smiled, "Do you want to wait or get dressed...?"

I could only hiss at her and run back into the room. Not wanting to anger whoever that had decided to bring Zac back to me, I knew that hurrying would be a good idea as I pulled on a T-shirt and after some hunting, found the shorts I'd worn before I'd gone to bed. I didn't even bother with socks as I grabbed my shoes and halfway down the hall, I was still pulling them on.

"What time is it?" I asked Annie.

"11:22pm. He woke up about ten minutes ago."

"You're sure he's OK?"

"Yes. He's a little weak but he'll recover."

"Thank God." I whispered to myself as we turned the corner to the infirmary. My stomach began to drop as I got closer to the door and all of a sudden, I was scared to see Zac. Something didn't want to let me believe that Zac had come out of it and was going to be OK. Maybe it was the influence of my parents who told me that I wasn't good enough. That I didn't deserve to be happy for the rest of my life. The two guards were still outside of Zac's room, but they didn't seem as tense as they had been before and one opened the door for me, smiling as I went in.

Zac was on his stomach and Dr. Rios was bent over his waist and I could see she was slowly removing a tube from his ass. Just the sight of it made me wince and she looked up and smiled. I made the shush gesture and snuck around the side of the bed on the side where Zac's head was turned away. His hospital gown was pulled up to his waist and he was whimpering dramatically as she removed the last of the tubing and I leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. He gasped and his body squirmed and Dr. Rios rolled him onto his back and the sight of his face, alive and at least somewhat well was the most wonderful thing I'd ever seen. He smiled at me and pulled feebly on my shirt.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, suddenly worried.

"Lean down here..." His voice was soft and slightly weak."


"So I can hug you, stupid." He laughed and I bent down and immediately, he wrapped his arms around me and it was the absolute sweetest embrace I had ever felt. He still felt weak and somewhat shaky but he had enough strength to kiss me twice on the cheek and then a long, wet kiss on the lips. Dr. Rios smiled and tossed her rubber gloves in the trashcan before leaving so quietly neither Zac nor I heard her. Not that we would have if she'd fired a gun through the ceiling. Just holding him again and feeling him return the gesture was heavenly.

"Wow... did you miss me?" Zac asked, sounding oblivious.

"Of course. I was worried sick."

"Why? I just had my appendix out."

That moment was a crossroads for me. Should I tell Zac or just wait for the doctor to tell him?

"Uh... Zac, you were really sick."

"I was?" He looked at me, confused.

"Yeah. The doctor said your appendix burst and they weren't sure if you were going to be OK."

"Oh," He looked shocked for a second. But his face brightened, "Well, I guess I was meant to come back to you."

"I guess so." I said, smiling bigger than I ever had before. Zac smiled back and slipped his hand into mine and squeezed it, and the sensation of feeling him do so was incredible. For the next few minutes, neither of us said anything and we just held hands as I watched Zac breathing softly and listened to the beep of his cardiac monitor. My legs suddenly felt very weak and I lowered myself into the chair that had been returned to the bedside.

"Reid..." Zac said, "You OK?"

"No," I whispered, "I'm not OK."

My eyes burned and I sniffled before burying my face in the mattress and sobbing. Zac didn't say anything as he ran his fingers through my hair and gently massaged my scalp and stroked the back of my neck and the ID tag tickled my skin and made me squirm. I sat up and wiped my eyes with my forearm and took a deep breath.

"So... are you gonna kiss me?" Zac asked, smiling.

His lips looked so tempting at that point he didn't have to ask me twice. I leaned down and kissed him softly at first, just enjoying the sensation of his lips against mine and then longer, not probing with my tongue to give him a little break and he just laid there, gently kissing me back and letting my mouth have it's way. His hand rested on the back of my head and we kissed, reacquainting ourselves with each other. When we finally broke lip contact, I rested my forehead against his and sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, gently pecking me on the chin.

"I don't wanna go back to the room."

"You don't have to." He said, sliding himself over on the bed and leaving me about half a foot of room.

"Zac... I can't sleep there."

"Why not? We can mush together."

"Hey, bro. Your big ass ain't no joke." I used one of his favorite terms.

He laughed weakly and pushed the small blue button on the handle of the bed. A few seconds later, Annie walked into the room.

"Do you need something?" She asked.

"Yeah. I shall need a bigger bed. This seedy looking young lad will be staying with me tonight." Zac said in a snooty English voice.

"It'll take a while. You'll have to sit on his lap until I can get in here and get it installed."

"That's fine." Zac said cheerfully.

"Wait a minute," I said, "About how long will he be sitting on my lap?"

"About an hour. It won't take too long."

I nodded and bent over to help Zac up and he pulled himself up with his arms and pushed the blanket down to his ankles. I faltered a second at the sight of his long legs wide open and sticking out of the hospital gown and it took me a few minutes to remember what I was supposed to do.

"Reid..." Zac said, "Reid? Earth to Reid..."

"Huh... oh, yeah." I sat down on the edge of the bed and let Zac wrap his arms around me and I stood up, being very careful to not push or prod on any of his sensitive areas. His warmth pushed against my back as I stood up and carried him over to the padded chair against the wall and he brushed his lips across my ear lobe and softly blew warm air in my ear. I shivered and nudged him with my shoulder as I stopped in front of the chair and sat down while Zac held himself up against the wall. Once I was settled, he put a knee on either side of my hips and sat down slowly on my lap and the weight wasn't nearly as bad as I had anticipated. In fact... it was actually kind of nice because Zac was still either sedated or half asleep because in between nuzzling my neck, he would kiss way all over my face and chest. He slipped his hands under my shirt and slowly rubbed his way all over my torso.

"I'm OK." He kept whispering. And I had no choice but to believe him.

Eventually, in-between the kisses and the nuzzling and the sensation of his big warm asscheeks pressing into my puny lap, Annie and Dr. Rios managed to wheel in the new double bed and remove the smaller single. After hooking it up quickly, Annie had to come over and touch Zac on the shoulder to get our attention and I gave him the same piggy back ride back into the new bed, setting him down in the bed and adjusting his gown to cover his naughty bits. He snuggled in under the covers and I sat down and slipped off my shoes.

"Do I need to shower?" I asked him.

"Nah, you'd better wait until we can shower together." He said, knowing just how to make me shiver with anticipation.

I pulled off my shirt and folded it neatly on the bedside table and lay back in the bed, pulling the covers up over the both of us and settling in on my right side. My back was turned to him and it only took a few seconds before I felt a soft kick on my leg. No words were needed as I rolled over and held Zac close to me. The light fabric of his gown rubbed against my bare chest and I could feel his soft, warm breath against my shoulder as we lay there, not needing to really say anything. The steady beep of Zac's cardiomonitor was the only thing I could hear as I softly stroked his hair.

"I thought I'd never get to do this again." I said.

"Reid... don't..." Zac said softly.

"What's wrong?"

"Did I really almost die?"

"You were on the edge for a while. I was worried."

"I'm sorry..." He whispered, and he began to shake slightly.

"Zac, what do you have to be sorry about?" He began to sniffle and now wasn't the time to fall apart.

"I hurt you... I made you worry..." He said, burying his face in my neck.

"Zac... you didn't hurt me. I was worried but it's going to be OK, now. Don't be scared."

"It's not that... it's just... I didn't tell you some stuff."

"Zac," I was genuinely lost, "What do you mean?"

"You said I almost... got really sick and hurt," His grip on me tightened a bit, "I'm just scared because I might have gotten sick and not been able to tell you some things. Like if my brain got fucked up or I couldn't talk--"

"Zac. Calm down. You're OK now."

"I know! But if it happens again, I need you to know some stuff."

"Well... I'm not going anywhere."

"I know... The thing is, I mean, you watched me when I was on TV and doing all those interviews and stuff, right?"

"Yep. Every time."

"Well... that wasn't ME. When we got famous and when we started, it was but after some time I grew out of it and it just wasn't me anymore. But the people who managed us told me that by the time I grew out of it, it was what all our fans expected me to be like. So they told me to keep being all extra hyper and goofy but the whole time, it wasn't me and it wasn't who I was or who I am. You know what I mean?

"They wanted you to keep being hyper because that's what people were used to."

"Yeah! Exactly. And they told me to keep being like that and I did and then when we put out our new album, they let me be a little less like that but they made sure I never forgot that I had to be that way just a little bit. And it's just kinda a natural thing that I'm hyper but they wanted me to keep being like that and then people who I saw who didn't want me like that expected it. And then I couldn't be myself and I always had to be hyper because when I tried to not be that way, everyone got worried like I was depressed."

"They wouldn't let you be who you are."

"Yes! That's exactly how it was. And there wasn't anyone I could talk to about it because everyone saw this 'image' of me that they thought was right. And I couldn't say anything because no one understood."

"Yeah... and?"

"You understand."

It took me a few minutes to comprehend what he meant.

"Wow..." I said, and it wasn't very profound but it was all I could say.

"You know me. Like... I'm a different person than 'Zac Hanson the ROCK STAR'."

"Well... I would hope so. I didn't fall in love with him."

"I know! That's exactly what I mean! Watching me on TV and listening to me sing and reading me in interviews and having a crush on me is one thing. But really loving me and accepting me is a totally different thing. And I feel like you, and you're the first person to make me feel this way, I feel like you really love me and accept me. I don't worry about being some character anymore and I was really nervous and I didn't like myself for a long time because I felt guilty for being gay and not being who I am." Zac took a deep breath, "You make that guilt go away and now I'm proud of who I am. And for the longest time... I never thought that would happen to me."

What he said made me prouder than anything anyone had said to me. Here was this fifteen year old, blond, cute rock star telling me I make him proud of who he is. But what was I supposed to say? All I could do was lay there and hold him as he poured his heart out to me... it's not like anyone else could have done any better. The fact that I shared the feelings didn't make it any better and if anything, it made it all that more awkward because I didn't want to step on his feelings and say something stupid.

The damn cardiomonitor still kept beeping.

"Reid..." Zac said.

"Huh?" I said, snapping back to reality.

"Say something."

"Zac... thank you."

We both went quiet and just lay there, holding each other. Zac stopped shaking and settled back against me and his body finally seemed to relax and the tension drained out of him and he seemed to be at peace. My chin rested against the top of his head and his hair felt soft and warm... really, his whole body felt warm and soft against me, which was certainly a most welcome feeling. My mind couldn't help but wander back to when my body had nearly expired from carrying him in here and the sensation of his sickly lukewarm skin under my fingers.

My mind also couldn't help but try to remember what it was like before I'd met Zac and he'd become the best thing in my life... but as much as I tried to remember, I couldn't. My mind just couldn't grasp what my life had been like and what I'd been living for. In the space of a few short months, a fifteen-year-old rock star had turned my life upside down. He had completely rearranged my priorities, turning me from a burned out, matured too soon ghost into a real, living, breathing person with a reason to wake up every morning. After my dad turned me in, I'd resigned myself to a slow, agonizing, brokenhearted death in this government set-up concentration camp.

But for some reason... someone, somewhere had seen me fit to bring Zac to me. I didn't completely understand why... but sweet Jesus, was I thankful.


It had been about three days since Zac had woken up and over the time, he began to regain more and more of his strength. By the third day, he was basically just laying in a hospital bed enjoying being pampered and taken care of for no other reason than Dr. Rios wanted to keep him under observation. As expected, the infirmary staff had fallen in love with Zac, willingly accommodating his requests and mine as well, because of association. The word was that Dr. Rios had given word to the cafeteria that Zac was to be given anything he wanted to eat, just so long as it wasn't too spicy or hard on his stomach... so naturally, ice cream and pizza were served constantly. But to his credit, Zac took it all in stride, not ordering too much (not for him, anyway) and always offering some to the guards who were camped outside his door at all hours of the day and night. One of them, Agt. Bonds, took me aside and warned me that the residents in J sector were becoming increasingly hostile and that Zac and I should be careful when we walk the grounds in case one of them managed to claw their way out. Yet, I didn't worry because the compound's security system was top notch.

Another unique treat was when Dr. Rios brought in a 40" TV set connected to the staff satellite dish so Zac and I enjoyed the opportunity to catch up on the fall TV season. All the usual networks were available: ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX as well as the usual cable channels and some of the charming Virgin Islands local access channels. Because of this new blessing, I was able to finally find out who won Survivor, whether or not the new Road Rules hadn't died of boredom, the results of the baseball season, and the latest buzz in the entertainment industry. Zac caught up on his cartoon watching and we were lucky to catch the Pop-Up Video/Rock & Roll Jeopardy all day marathon as well.

On our second day of watching TV, we found out that Zac's outburst at the Grammies had inspired several other male celebrities to be true about their own feelings. Some were more interesting than others were but the concept of Kevin Spacey French kissing David Letterman wasn't quite conducive to our fantasies. Zac didn't know whether to gag or laugh when two members of N'Sync had engaged in fellatio on a live broadcast Disney special and thankfully, none of the above mentioned would be sent to our sector. After turning to CNN, we also found out that Ricky Martin was organizing a political rally from Compound #399W in Spain, hoping to get enough money behind a candidate for president who would abolish the whole "compound" system and let us go back to everyday life.

But none of that was big news compared to what Dr. Rios told us. It was about 4:00pm and Zac and I were watching the E! True Hollywood Story on The Facts of Life as I clipped Zac's toenails, which had gotten somewhat long and lethal in the past week.

"Get me a drink." He said casually, resting his head on his folded arms.

"I'm busy." I said, not turning around, trying to cut through a particularly hard nail.

"OK... I guess I can wait..." He said in a mopey tone of voice.

"Oh my god..." I said, staring at his foot.


"You have hair on your toes." I said, staring at the blond wisps.

"Hey, you told me not to shave." He said.

"Well, you're gonna start."

"Oh no! I asked you and you said I didn't have to!"

"Well, that was before you had hair on your toes. Maybe you need a full body shave." I said, and felt him shudder and I walked my two fingers up his leg slowly, "What's the matter? Don't you like the idea of a shard of metal being scraped and raked across your skin?"

"Shut up." He giggled, playfully trying to swat my fingers away from his thigh. It had been too long since we had last made love and we were both beginning to go stir crazy but I had promised not to do anything until he was out of the infirmary. Sighing, I pulled my fingers away from his leg and went back to clipping his toenails and admiring his cute feet..., which was a little tough when you're trying not to inhale too much.

The door opened and Dr. Rios walked in and she looked apprehensive about something. She took a deep breath before putting her hands into the pockets of her white lab coat, "Hey. I have something to tell you guys."

"What is it?" I said, not really concerned.

"Zac, when you had to have your appendix out, I was legally obligated to contact your parents and tell them."

Zac turned away from the TV and looked at her, a look of dead seriousness on his face, "What did they say?"

"Well," Dr. Rios said, sitting down on the bed, "Your mom gave me quite an earful because she didn't like that we didn't notify her right after the operation. So after some ranting, she announced that she was going to..."

Dr. Rios paused, and I looked up, saying softly, "... come see you here."

"Yes. She'll be here tomorrow night." Dr. Rios said.

I looked at Zac, expecting to see fear and perhaps regret, but he was smiling. Genuinely.

"My mom is coming." He said, his voice filled with pure joy, "You're gonna meet my mom, Reid."

Before I could react, Zac flew down the bed and hugged me, squeezing me hard and sending me backward onto the bed. Dr. Rios started to warn him not to hurt himself but she simply smiled and got up off the bed.

"Tonight's your last night, Zac. You can go back to the room tomorrow." She gently patted Zac on the shoulder and left.

He was straddling me, his gown laying across his thighs as he sat on me, smiling, "You're gonna meet my mom!"

"Whoa... Zac... wait... what if she doesn't like me?" I said, and for the first time, I was honestly worried what someone else would think of me.

"Reid, dude..." He laughed, "She knows all about you."

"What?!" I said, trying to get up and panic but Zac, showing a shocking amount of strength held me down with one hand.

"Reid, I've written to her and talked to her on the phone. She knows everything about you except... the adult stuff."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Uh... I did. I told you that my mom wants to meet you sometime soon." He looked at me skeptically, "God, you're slow."

"Shut up!" I said, relieved and scared to death at the same time.

Zac rolled off me and laid by my side and propped himself up on one elbow, "Reid, don't worry. Just be you. Everything. Will. Be. Fine." He leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

"You tired?" He asked, rubbing his leg up and down against mine.

"Nope. We get out of here tomorrow... or can you not wait?" I said, responding to his flirting.

"Do you promise to be gentle?" He asked, putting on his 'fragile waif' look.

"Not really." I said, kissing him on the forehead and rubbing my fingertips slowly across his bare thigh. The beep of the monitor began to speed up slightly and I could feel Zac fidget slightly. His cheeks began to flush and he took a deep breath as I slipped my hand under his gown and stroked his warm stomach, lightly tracing my index fingertip around his belly button. He squirmed and murmured against me as I let my fingers travel further up onto his chest. I used my feather touch technique around one of his nipples and over the tip, making him shake. He moaned softly and tensed his hips.

"Am I leaning on your stitches?" I whispered, making it a point to blow my warm breath in his ear.

"Uh... ummm.. no..." Zac moaned, his cheeks turning a nice deep shade of red.

"Well... that's good." I said, rubbing the palm of my hand over his chest and feeling his firm pecs. I leaned it and kissed him on the cheek as I pinched one of his nipples between my fingers, making him jerk and whimper. In between moans, he kissed me back, pushing his warm lips against my chin and flicking his tongue across my skin.

Zac watched me intently as I reached up and pressed the green button by his bed.

"Yes?" Annie's voice came through the voicebox.

"Annie, Zac and I are going to need some privacy."

"OK, Reid. Just don't overwork him too hard."

I released the button and looked back down at Zac.

"You know," I said casually as I reached down and cupped his full balls in my right hand, "I'll bet three days of not cumming has made these big boys nice and filled up. What do you say?"

I punctuated my statement with a nice firm squeeze, and after Zac moaned and shivered, he responded, "Oh yes... they need to drain really bad... they hurt..."

"They hurt, huh?" I kissed him on the lips and said, "Well, we can't have that, huh?"

"No... they need your help..."

I kissed Zac one last time and pushed the blankets down to his ankles, exposing the impressive tent in his gown with a dark spot at the tip, which had begun to spread. Sliding my hands under his gown, I pushed it up slowly, inch by inch, exposing his thighs... then his balls.... then his throbbing erection and golden blond pubic bush... his firm stomach with the white bandage on the side... and then his strong chest and hard dark nipples. Zac was gazing down at me, his brown eyes burning with desire, as he was biting his lower lip, urging me on. I smiled at him before pushing the gown further up and over his head, covering his face and leaving the rest of his body open to my wishes.

I slowly rubbed my tongue up his calf and a passionate groan came from under the gown and I looked up to see a long, wet glob of precum ooze out from under his foreskin and slowly slide down his shaft. His whole body quivered as I continued upward, letting my tongue slide over the hard cap of his knee and up onto the milky soft skin of his thigh, making him shiver even more and his dick shook back and forth, sending a hot thick stream of precum onto his stomach. In the three months since he'd been there and the two months we'd been a couple, I'd never seen such sexual mechanics in action. His thigh muscles flexed under my lips and I nibbled my way up to the firm skin of his hip, where I licked my tongue over the skin as I looked up and saw the gown had begun to grow dark and damp with sweat over his forehead. His chest was heaving and he was breathing so hard I could see his ribs and the slight outline of his heart thumping in his chest as the heart monitor began to beep even faster.

Zac's arms were pinned under the gown and he squirmed slightly as I brushed my lips over the transparent medical tape around the edge of his bandage. He moaned in some mystery language as my lips found their way back over to his stomach where I slowly ran my tongue down the crease in between his abdominal muscles. He cried out and his hips thrust, causing his cockhead to brush my chin and spread a thick, warm glob of his precum onto my chin and lower lip which I promptly licked off, savoring the sweet, musky taste. I lowered my face over his cock, admiring his slit winking at me slightly before slowly wrapping my lips around the head and sucking him into my mouth. He let out a throaty groan and arched his back as much as he could, his rock hard tool sliding deeper into my mouth against my tongue and I could feel my eyes begin to tear up and I remembered how worried I was that I'd never feel this way again.

His hands rubbed up my neck and into my hair as I worked my mouth up and down on his cock, soaking the pink skin with my warm spit and curling my tongue around his shaft. His cockhead throbbed against my tongue and a steady, thick stream of precum was hitting my tonsils while my I let my tongue firmly press against the blue vein in his cock, making him jerk and thrash as best he could. My right hand crept up to his stomach and I felt the beginnings of his treasure trail under my first two fingers as they slid up between his pecs, up over his straining neck, and onto his cotton covered mouth. I could feel his hot, heaving breath through the fabric. He kissed my fingers and licked at them through the gown before I brought them back down and moistened them with the slick sheen of sweat on his chest, dragging them down over his stomach and onto his thigh. Until then, I hadn't been seriously sucking him off until I slid my fingers into the hot valley of his ass and began to ease them into his hole, and I heard his moans begin to get louder until he was practically howling with sexual desire.

Yet another amazing thing about Zac was that his ass seemed to magically snap back to it's pre-penetrated, vulcanized rubber cheerio tightness state. And as I pushed my index finger into him, I could hear the strains of a song coming from Dr. Rios' office and I could tell she was trying to down out the sounds of sexual desire...

"See myself in the pouring home See the light come over now See myself in the pouring rain I watch hope come over me"

"South Side" by Moby... a song I actually liked. The lyrics caught our ears as Zac squirmed, his cock getting even harder as I took it slowly into my mouth. His hips writhed and shuddered as my lips sucked and worked their magic on his tool, sucking like a vacuum for a second and then caressing him gently with my tongue. Letting it peek under his foreskin and tease his slit...

"Here we are now going to the west side Weapons in hand as we go for a ride Some may come and some may stay Watching out for a sunny day where there's... Love and darkness and my sidearm..."

He groaned and his back began to arch again and I could feel his damp stomach and pubic hair brush my forehead as I worked him over with my mouth, slapping his cockhead with my tongue. His hole was grabbing my fingers like a boa constrictor trying to suffocate it's prey and for a second, I likened it to some deep sea creature or H.R. Geiger-created alien in a movie as it sucked and grabbed at me. The constrictions were so strong I could feel them in his cock as it throbbed and bounced helplessly in my mouth, a willing captive to my oral ministrations....

"Here we are now going to the south side I pick up my friends and we hope we won't die Ride at night, ride through heaven and hell Come back and feel so well..."

His hands gripped the collar of my shirt and his back bent one last time as a softer moan of surprise came out of his mouth and his cock swelled even bigger. The first thick gush of his hot cum hit the roof of my mouth and in it; I could feel small bits of jellied cum and streaks of thicker, older cum bounce off my tongue. Despite the hot storm in my mouth, my tongue kept it's course and licked slowly over his slit, collecting every drop that came out but some managed to spill out my mouth, dribbling warmly down my chin. Zac's chest and stomach heaved as nearly five days of torturously withheld jizz finally released itself, setting off fireworks in his head and making the bed creak as his hips thumped up and down.

Eventually, his thrusts and heaves got weaker as the throbbing went away and the last globs of cum slowly oozed out and ran down the sides of his cock. I let his wet organ fall from my mouth and slowly slid my finger out of him, feeling his hole weakly squeeze it and try to keep it from leaving and I slid up on the bed. Kissing my way slowly over his belly button and up to his nipples, licking them slightly and keeping my mouth closed so I wouldn't lose the remnants of his load. When I slid the gown off his head, he was flushed and his eyes were glazed but he managed to make eye contact with me and smile, prompting me to lean down and kiss him, transferring the cum to his mouth and letting him lick his finely aged cum from my mouth.

He pulled himself up and pulled the gown off, tossing it carelessly over onto the bedside chair. He looked at me and laughed.

"What?" I asked, still in a daze.

"You came." He said softly, rubbing the wetspot in my shorts.

"How could I not have?" I said, still trying to get my frazzled brain in order.

"Awww..." He cooed in a sappy voice, "Did making me cum make you cum?"

He laid back and watched as I pulled my clothes off and curled up next to him, our sweaty, naked bodies resonating their heat off of each other. He rested his forehead against mine and kissed me gently on the lips, giving me a taste of his cum and spit mixed together. The song in Dr. Rios' office had changed to "Again" by Lenny Kravitz... apparently she was a fan of modern rock.

Zac sang softly along with the music, "A sacred gift of heaven ... For better worse, wherever ... And I would never let somebody break you down ... Until you cried..."

I smiled and kissed him.

He sang again, "All of my life... Where have you been... I wonder if I'll ever see you again... And if that day comes... I know we could win..."

"I wondered if I'd ever see you again..." I finished...

=To Be Continued...=

Next: Chapter 5: The Compound 5

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