
By Reid

Published on Oct 19, 2000


=DISCLAIMER= This story is meant to imply nothing about the sexuality of the real person involved. Anything mentioned from this point on is purely fictional and not meant in any way but the highest regard.

Comments, Suggestions, and Criticisms can be sent to


===================================================== The Compound- Chapter 3 By Reid =====================================================

I sat at Zac's bedside for the rest of that day, never letting go of his hand. Almost every minute I tried to convince myself that he squeezed my hand or I felt some sort of movement inside him but I guess I was just trying to fool myself. Maybe it was the darkness of the room or the constant beeping of the heart monitor that was eventually stamping a rhythm into my subconscious. Or it could have been the pressed LEAD of the chair that was turning my asscheeks into a flat board.

But it all didn't matter. There was no way I was going to leave Zac. And thankfully, the infirmary staff didn't mind as they brought in a small cot for me to sleep on, and of course, I arranged it right next to his bed so I wouldn't ever break contact for more than it took me to use the bathroom (and wash my hands, of course). Add in to it that the room wasn't exactly toasty and the first night there wasn't what I'd call comfortable with all the shivering and anxiety and stuff. My sleep pattern was severely thrown off since I listened for any sound or abnormal movement from the bed next to me... but none ever came.

The second day wasn't much better as in between choking down bites of the godawful food they brought me, I sat there holding Zac's hand and gently stroking the backs of his fingers. My book clubs and art classes had been notified and while not exactly a candlelight vigil was forming, several sectors had made large get-well cards for Zac, which managed to cheer me up a small bit. Several times during the day, Dr. Rios came in and checked Zac's vital signs and explained that he was under "heavy sedation while the toxins were clearing from his system". Her presence managed to keep me calm since she didn't seem to feel the situation was vital. Keri also came to see me and I did a lot of self-abusing to her and she promptly shut me up.

"It's my fault, Keri." I sobbed miserably to her.

"Reid, it is not your fault. Millions of people get appendicitis." She said, patting me on the back.

Our conversations continued back and forth like that, pretty much. Dr. Howard came to see me and she and I didn't say much except when she related a story about her brother getting appendicitis and living through it which helped me more than I thought because of all the people there, I trusted her the most. Then Brandon came to see me and he seemed genuinely concerned for once. But they all sort of ran together and became one person after a while as the whole experience became a big jumble of anxiety and heartache. If Zac could only have opened his eyes or showed some real sign of life... anything that showed some sign that he was recovering or showed some sign that he recognized me. But he didn't.

The second night I was there, Dr. Rios came in to the room and checked Zac out to make sure he wasn't getting bedsores. After checking him out, she sat down next to me on the cot.

"Reid, you're going to get sick if you stay here constantly."

"I'm going to get sick if he dies and I'm not here to at least see him off."

"You're not healthy. I think you should go back to your room and get some sleep in your bed."


"Reid... it's doctor's orders. Either go back to your room or I'll have you sedated and physically carried back into your room. I can't sit by and watch you deteriorate any further, mentally or emotionally--" I started to lose my temper but she continued, "Reid! Listen to me, damn it. You're going to give yourself an ulcer."

I bit my lip, "I don't want to yell at you in front of Zac."

"Yell at me out in the hall then." She said, and got up off the bed and held the door open. Setting Zac's hand down gently, I got up on stiff legs and walked out into the hall. Once out of Zac's earshot, I lost it.

"Do you even know how I feel?!" I hissed at her, "Do you have any sense of what it feels like to see the reason you're alive, laying in a hospital bed close to death and know that it's your fault?!"

She took a deep breath and leaned against the wall, "Reid, I know you're angry--"

"NO! No you don't know. You don't know how I feel! No one knows how I feel! Before Zac came here, the only way you'd have seen me was when you'd have come to my room to pronounce me dead! I was miserable without Zac and there is NO WAY... no chance in HELL that you will EVER know what that feels like."

"Reid, we've all had people die that we care about."

"Dr. Rios..." My tone so harsh that I backed off, "Don't compare what I feel for Zac to some analogy about your grandmother dying. You have no clue what it's like to fall in love with someone when the rest of the world would just as soon see the both of you die, miserable and rotting in the gutter. You're straight, right?"

"Yes, I am."

"Then you don't know what it's like. The kind of love that develops between two guys when everyone else wants them dead. It's more than love, it's a bond and it's a bond that I never thought I'd feel again in my life. When Zac came here, I felt it immediately and it just got stronger. When we kissed for the first time, I felt like I was flying. Every day I've spent with him has been the best day of my life over and over and over. Don't you DARE tell me that I'm deteriorating! After what Zac did for me, if you could see inside me, if you could see straight to my heart... you would praise me for my coping skills... so don't lecture me."

When the last word came out of my mouth, all my strength drained out of me from head to toe. I leaned my back against the wall and slid down to a sitting position and let my head rest back against the wall and I felt fresh, hot tears begin to roll slowly down my cheek. I could feel the cold concrete of the wall on the back of my head as I closed my eyes and a dull rushing sound filled my ears and all the frustration I'd felt since the second my ass hit the chair in Zac's room began to slowly ease out of me.

Dr. Rios walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder and I guess she was asking me if I was OK, but I couldn't hear her. I was in my own little universe as somewhere inside me, I found the strength to get up and start walking in the general direction of my... our... room. The halls moved past me and eventually, the white concrete of the infirmary gave way to the colored walls of the main hallway and the closed in glass of the skywalk. Along the way, several of the guys in my sector looked at me sympathetically but it didn't particularly matter to me. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other until I found myself at the door to the room.

The small black electronic ID pad said in red digital letters:


I looked at my feet before looking back at the pad and wondering how long it would take before the internal electronics ID system would 'quietly remove' Zac's name from the pad. Sighing to myself, I pressed my first two fingers into the circle under my name and the door beeped and swung open to let me in.

Our room was pretty much the same we'd left it except it smelled of lemon cleanser, the puke had been mopped up and there were fresh sheets on the bed. As my brain processed how it happened, I heard a voice from behind me.

"I changed the sheets for you." I knew it was Keri without turning around.

"Thank you." I said, my voice was hoarse and barely audible.

She put her hand on my shoulder and helped me into the room. I stumbled in, much the same way Zac had done when he first entered our room, and collapsed on the bed. Keri helped me back onto the bed and helped me take my shirt off before pulling the covers back and letting me climb into a real bed for the first time in 48 hours and as much as I didn't like to admit it, it felt wonderful. In a quiet moment, Keri had told me that when he was 27, she had a baby but it had miscarried and she had been left with a desire to "mother" people. At that moment, I was more than willing to let her do so with me. After tucking me in, she leaned down and kissed me on the forehead before turning out the light and locking the door behind her.

It wasn't long until... I drifted... off ... to sleep....

=In dreams...=

Too fucking hot!

Since I'd woken up that day, something almost made me regret agreeing to stay in Tulsa for the summer. Friends had warned me that in Oklahoma, the temperature would reach 108 degrees as if it were mandatory... but my love for a certain hazel eyed drummer had it's own way of balancing out the cons...

It was Summer 2000 and after their tour, on which Mr. Hanson had generously financed my food and lodging, Zac had practically begged me to spend July and August in casa de Hanson. At first, I tried to politely decline but when Zac busted out the pout and the sappy whispering in my ear, there was no way I could refuse. So after almost five months on the road, we were headed to Tulsa to spend the summer and try not to dehydrate each other.

But... talk is easier than action. It was only my third day there and it had been so hot that Zac and I slept in the basement bathroom bathtub. Only a sheet covered us and in the morning, our naked bodies were drenched with sweat and we barely had the energy to kiss each other goodnight. The sheet was stuck to us like a piece of toilet paper stuck to your hand after a jack off session and it was just as pleasant as it sounds. What was even more pleasant was waking up the next morning and having it be 90 degrees with your face in the armpit of a 14 year old boy. Not exactly nice.

And then... it was nighttime. As my luck would have it, the Hanson house air conditioner broke about an hour after I got there. So Zac and I were left laying on the living room couch with the two front doors standing open trying to get cool air inside the house. Mrs. Hanson had threatened to rent a bulldozer and knock down a wall if the AC wasn't fixed and immediately, arrangements were made to repair it. But that would be tomorrow. Tonight, we were left sweating and the temperature had to be at least 100 degrees but the thermostat only went up to 95.

But one thing that I appreciated endlessly about Zac's family was the lack of irritability. The whole family managed to stay in good spirits and it kept me from losing my mind after having my knees nearly rearranged by the toddlers who had the run of the house. I just couldn't help but relax and wait for the repairman to come.

Zac was sprawled down the length of the couch with his head, shoulders, and upper back resting across my lap. He was wearing the outfit I remembered seeing on a website where he was wearing a red and blue jersey, baggy khaki cargo shorts, his trademark black socks, and blue sneakers. He had his shirt pulled up to his chest, exposing his smooth stomach and if it weren't hotter than under Satan's ballsack, I might have gotten turned on. He was lazily fanning himself with several sheets of music and occasionally mopping the sweat from his face with his shirt.

We were watching some nameless show on TV as I idly glanced at the section of the local paper sitting beside me on the end table by the couch. I picked it up and perused it, noticing that the neighborhood theater was showing a movie in about ten minutes. The title of the movie didn't matter. An air-conditioned theater was all I was thinking about as I tossed the paper down.

"Hey Zac?"

"Hmm?" He looked up at me.

"Want to go see a movie?"

"Hell yes. Let's go." He got up off my lap without needing any other encouragement.

As Zac hustled off to tell his parents the plan, I dug my car keys and wallet out from in between the cushions of the couch. As soon as I located them both, I stood up and stretched and walked into the kitchen where Zac was getting his hair tied back by his mom.

"Mom... my hair is fine! Stop" He whined, making me smile.

"No son--stop squirming... no son of mine is going out of this house with his hair looking like a brillo pad."

"Well mom, heat ain't no joke." Zac said, and then he yelped as she tugged on his hair to get the band around it.

"Going to the movies, eh Reid?" Mr. Hanson asked as he sat back down at the kitchen table.

"Umm... yeah." I still felt weird around Zac's parents.

"Yeah. We're going to the AIR CONDITIONER, DAD. Where it's nice and COOL." Zac said, emphasizing the last words snottily.

"Well, the dumpster behind the 7-11 is cool too. You want to live there?" Mr. Hanson said calmly.

Zac rolled his eyes, "C'mon, Reid. Let's get outta here."

I followed Zac out of the kitchen and on our way out the front door, I heard his parents laughing. We hurried out the front door into the humid summer night and climbed into my Durango, Zac jokingly pretending to struggle as he climbed into the passenger seat. I started the ignition and as I adjusted the gearshift into reverse, Zac laid his sweaty hand on mine and smiled at me. I couldn't help but blush as I backed the car out of the driveway and drove to the theater.

Upon our arrival, Zac climbed out of the car as said, "It hasn't cooled down at all!"

He mopped his forehead with the back of his left hand and there was a small red mark from where the wristband of his watch scraped the skin slightly. The theater we went to was one of those classic style places with a big marquee and wooden doors and as I got out my wallet, the guy working the ticket window simply smiled and waved us in. I shrugged as Zac said, "They know me here."

We walked into the dark lobby and immediately, the temperature dropped twenty degrees and Zac moaned in ecstasy and collapsed against me. He leaned his damp head on my shoulder as we walked to the refreshment counter where two green and white stripped large cups waited. I looked at Zac and he shrugged before taking the cups and handing one to me. After hearing a loud slurp, seconds later I heard a monstrous belch from behind me and the unmistakable giggle of Zac after he let loose with one of his bodily noises.

The theater was cool and empty. Two very good things. I had seen several movies with Zac (although he was in a gangbanger-esque disguise) and we always sat in the exact center of the theater, or as close as we could get. We had our pick of the seats and we sat down right in the middle as the lights dimmed. I could tell we were in trouble as the previews were for movies that no self-respecting non-troglodyte would ever see in a million years. In the darkness, I heard Zac pull the lid off his cup and fish out several ice cubs and the sight of him rubbing them on his face and neck caused an inevitable squirming in my shorts.

He laid his lead back and I could see the light of the screen glinting off the wet skin of his neck. At that moment he looked more beautiful than anything I had ever seen. His delicate chin wet and shiny, his cute nose wet, water trickling down between his collarbone and into his shirt... Zac noticed me checking him out and smiled, mouthing "this movie sucks" before draping his leg over my lap and rubbing it seductively. I let my hand travel down onto his bare calf and I began to slowly stroke it, feeling the soft skin under my fingertips and massaging the taught muscle. Zac began to relax in the cool darkness as he continued to rub the ice cubes over his hot skin and lifting his shirt up to rub them in slow sensual circles around his belly button.

My fingers slowed to a stop on his leg as we made eye contact and he smiled, blowing me a kiss. I didn't need much more of an invitation and I leaned in and kissed him, tasting the cold water on his lips and licking it off. Zac squirmed in his seat as I kissed him again, only much deeper and slipped my tongue slowly into the hot wetness of his mouth. The notion of anyone else entering the theater didn't come to mind as Zac slid up and onto my lap, pushing me back into the seat and kissing me harder and I slid my hands up the back of his shirt. He pulled off me momentarily to allow me to slide his shirt up and over his head, exposing his smooth soft upper body to my hungry eyes. He rested his hand on the back of my head and guided my mouth to his tender brown nipple, and I gently teased it with my tongue, turning it hard before sucking it hard enough to draw an excited yelp. I alternated my attentions between both his nipples before noticing the enormous tent he was pitching in his shorts. I pulled my mouth off his nipple and laid my head back and looked up at him. He was pouting.

"What's wrong?" I asked, not exactly worried.

"If I don't get these shorts off, I'm gonna get blue balls."

He pouted again and nearly sent me over the edge as he stood back and undid the fly and pulled the shorts down and off over his shoes, leaving him only in his bright blue boxer shorts, shoes and socks. He smiled and pulled the band out of his hair as the light from the move screen illuminated his beautiful profile as he ran his hand down his chest and stomach and down to the bulge in his boxers. He blew me another kiss as I ran my hand up his leg and up to the cotton-covered erection contained inside, squeezing it firmly making Zac groan and shake. I slipped both hands under the waistband and effortlessly tore the boxers in half and completely off his body, causing his rock hard dick to bob in it's muskiness. He moaned softly and his knees quivered as I leaned in and slashed at his cockhead with the tip of my tongue. Repeating the action drew several more passionate moans from him as I wrapped my lips around his cockhead and took a quick, playful suck at him. He let out a whimper and pulled me off of him and I looked up and he looked down, and I could see the light from the screen bouncing off his sweaty chest and he bent down and kissed me on the lips. He kissed his way around to the side of my face.

"I'm lonely being the only one naked..." He gasped, his warm breath making my ear tingle.

He wrapped his long fingers around the collar of my T-shirt and pulled me to my feet where I slid the shirt up and over my head. As soon as my chest was exposed, Zac moaned and mashed himself against me, grinding his hot, sweaty body into mine like some obscene dance as he attacked my nipple, sucking hard and lashing it with his tongue. My whole body shuddered and I fell backwards onto the floor of the theater, a public place but we were so excited we didn't care. Zac quickly straddled me and tore my shorts and underwear off, tossing them over his shoulder before deep throating me all at once and sending me into a frenzy of sexual desire. He lubed my cock with his spit before pulling off hurriedly and straddling my hips, holding himself up by pushing his hands on the floor on either side of my head. He began to lower himself down and I could feel my throbbing dick begin to slide in between his tight asscheeks as he clinched them together to give the entry even more friction. It felt like I was trying to fuck a baseball bat donut as he squeezed my cock as hard as he could, biting his lip before my cock finally found it's way against his hot hole.

His deep hazel eyes focused on me for a second before all at once, he dropped himself on me, sending me barreling into the hot recesses of his asshole. I bottomed out in a split second as my cock slammed into his prostate and Zac's body seemed to jackknife and he threw his head back, letting out a primal scream of passion as his long hair whipped backwards and splattered us both with sweat and water. His entire body shivered with desire as he bounced up and down, riding me like a bull, squeezing the fleshy molten walls of his ass around my tender cock. He was so hot. So hot it hurt. The cheap rug under my bare back burned a little too.

His strong hands traveled up my stomach and onto my chest where he grabbed my pecs. His grip was like a vice and I had never felt anything so strong in my entire life. His bouncing became more frenzied as I could hear the flesh of his thighs slap against his calves as he rode me, forcing me to probe and explore his most treasured cavity and sending me into near fits of helpless desire. Zac whimpered once and it seemed like he completely lost his aggression and he collapsed down onto me, burying his face in my neck and I felt his cock swell against my stomach as the first hot, thick shot of his cum squirted all over us both. My hips thrust in a smooth rhythm as his ass massaged my cock and sent me over the edge and spraying my hot cum deep inside him. I held him tightly and he soaked both our chests with his creamy load and every muscle in his body seemed to tense up and he felt hard as a rock. Zac bit my shoulder weakly as the last of his orgasm worked it's way out and his body began to relax and in mere seconds, the wild sexual beast that had just ravaged me turned into a shaking, whimpering angel holding onto me for dear life.

He began to tremble slightly as our sweat drenched bodies went limp and we laid there, breathing deeply and trying to recover from our explosive orgasms. His legs straightened out and he laid on top of me, holding onto me with whatever strength he had left like a baby koala bear, his fingers weakly grasping at my arms and his hot, gasping breath blowing on the damp skin of my shoulder and neck. Slowly, I found the strength to lift my hand up and rub his back, my hand sliding easily over the hot muscle that was spongy with sweat. Moving like he was drunk, Zac stumbled and held his face close to mine and his warm breath cascaded over my lips as he pressed them against me and kissed me deeply... his tongue sliding into... my mouth... BEEEEEEP... and we kissed... BEEEP!!!



The buzzing of the door rousted me from the dream, and I sat up in bed with cold sweat pouring down my forehead and a painfully unsatisfied erection in my lap. It took me a few seconds to completely return to reality and reach over to turn on the light. After some clumsy searching, I found my T-shirt and pulled it back on and got up off the bed. Mopping at myself, I tripped once on my way over to the door and pulled it open, my hair messed up and sweaty.

"Yeah?" I groaned.

"Hey, Reid."

My eyes focused and I realized it was Jake. The annoyance I felt for being woken up drained and I smiled, "Hi Jake."

"I just wanted to ask... well, is Zac any better?" Jake said in a controlled and practiced voice, the poor kid didn't look any better than I did. He had dark circles under his eyes and he was pale. My mind immediately recalled that this was the kid in the cafeteria that had obviously fallen for Zac and for some reason, I couldn't be mad at him for it. Hell, who could blame him for falling in love?

"The doctor says he has an excellent chance. He's under heavy sedation right now."

"Oh... OK." He let out a sigh of relief, "Keri only told me that he had his appendix out and she wouldn't tell me anything else."

"He'll be OK, Jake."

"Good," He said, smiling, "Are you gonna go back and see him?"

"Yeah. After I get a little more sleep."

"Could you tell him something from me?"

"I can try. He might not hear me."

"Reid... tell him that even though he has someone, I'll always be happy for him. OK?"

I nodded, but I didn't smile. A smile at that point would have been seen as pity and I didn't pity Jake. He wasn't whom I pitied. He was just like the rest of us. He had been uprooted from his normal life and shipped off to a faceless institution and forced to make a life for himself. The same thing had happened to me, to Zac, to Brandon, and to every one of the other guys who had been forced to accept a life sentence because of a stereotype. "We" made a "choice". "We" had created AIDS. "We" raped children. "We" made our gender feel uncomfortable and forced them to rape and batter women to show their manhood. Standing there in the doorway to our room, I could only feel disgusted. And pity. I pitied them. I pitied every one of the watchdog groups and right wing Christian bible thumpers who had made a crass generalization and ruined the lives of so many innocent people. I pitied them. I felt sorry for them.

For a second, it seemed like Jake knew what I was thinking and he smiled at me before walking down the hall as I went back into the room and closed the door behind me. I shuffled over to the bed and sat down wearily, my head feeling like it weighed a ton and pulled me back onto the bed where I lay, staring up at the ceiling. I rubbed my forehead and eyes before sliding back onto the bed but not bothering to pull the covers over me. I flipped my pillow over to the non sweaty, cool side and sighed as sleep was the only thing that could occupy my mind...

=ThE VoiD=


I'm up. What do you want?


I'm the best you'll ever have, dude!




Well... I'm gay. If they don't like it, they can go to hell.


Well... what is it? I didn't think picking my nose and eating it would be a sin.




What did you want me to do?! Everytime I go to the doctor in the middle of the night... a new baby comes home! And in my house, the older you are, the more you can do without when a new kid shows up! Sorry for being a little nervous!


Don't hurt Reid. Please.


Oh man... please... I was scared.


I trusted him... I tr-trusted him but I was so scared... s-so scared... please...


No... no... I didn't mean to hurt him... I love him... please...


I hurt him... I hurt him...


I know... I messed up... please...


Yes! I love him... he's my baby... don't hurt him...


Please... give me another chance...






I know... please... just give me one more chance...


I promise... I promise never to hurt him...


You won't...


=In dreams...=

You're tearin' me apart Every day, every day You're tearin' me apart Oh what can I say? You're tearin' me apart

They were chasing me! My bare feet slapped against the polished wood off the ornate hallway and my testicles slapped painfully against my thigh as I ran. It's not like it was my entire fault, I mean, I was skinny dipping in the pool and the dinner party just happened to catch me. It happens to everyone, I'll have you know.

Slap... slap... slap...

"Get him, Jeeves! I say... you'll not reach Wimbledon should this continue..."


Old boy, can't you catch a hooligan... Dare I say you're a disgrace... Catch that young ruffian...


Was that... really, Bianca... was that his real wanker size... what was that lads name... did you see the size of his...

Breathing heavily, I finally outran Jeeves and ducked into a doorway and shut it behind me, just in time to hear the butler run past gasping for breath as he searched for the naked young "burglar". I closed my eyes and leaned back against the cool wooden door, enjoying the coolness against my hot bare back and I mopped my forehead. Then I opened my eyes to see a long table. It was about 30 feet long and only about 8 feet across and it looked to be made out of soft black foam and the whole thing was covered in desserts.

German chocolate cake... vanilla, chocolate, butterscotch, and strawberry pudding... cherry, apple, banana cream, peanut butter chocolate, lemon meringue pies... soft containers filled with butterscotch and raspberry syrup... several groups of chocolate cupcakes, scoops of French vanilla ice cream... chopped strawberries and bananas... a huge mound of fluffy, whipped cream--

"Gonna eat all that by yourself, handsome?"

I turned around to see Zac standing by the door. He was naked from head to toe and was sporting nothing but an ear to ear grin and a rock hard love bone. He sauntered over to me and cupped one of my asscheeks with his left hand, squeezing it gently and sending my anxiety-softened penis to full wooden capacity. He leaned in and licked my earlobe gently before smiling and walking over to the edge of the table. He dipped his finger casually in a pile of chocolate mousse and whipcream and licked it sensuously.

"Mmmm..." He closed his eyes and moaned, "This is soooo good..."

He curled his finger in my direction and I floated over to him and watched in awe as he dipped his hand into the mousse and pulled out a huge handful of the delicacy. He smiled mischievously and for a second, I worried that he would be covering me with the sticky substance... but to my surprise, he slathered it all over his chest and down onto his stomach, decorating his tanned skin with the dark brown paste and drew a white line of whipcream down to his fluffy blond pubic bush and smeared more mousse into the hair and all over his cock and balls. He looked absolutely ridiculous.

He grinned at me again and climbed up on the edge of the table, perching himself precariously over the enormous spread and faced me, his back turned to the food. He blew me a kiss and winked rakishly before jumping majestically backwards and in a blur of blond hair, landed in the midst of the table, sending streams of pudding, syrup, pie, and cake up in the air and back down onto his body. He was still for a second before beginning to shake with laughter as he lay, spread eagled, covered with twenty kinds of world famous deserts. The mounds of banana cream on his chest jiggled as his laughter found it's way to my ears... it was laughter that still contained innocence and joy mixed in with the experiences gained from seeing the world at a young age. And it was the appreciation of doing something completely whacked out just for the pure FUN of it.

Still in awe, I floated over to the table the only things visible were Zac's legs from the knees down. His calves were streaked with chocolate mousse and sliced strawberries and his feet were coated in vanilla pudding. My face traveled up his body and to the five inches of uncut dick sticking out of a mangled cherry pie, twitching with excitement as Zac raised his face up and smiled at me, shrugging and blowing me another kiss. Where to start? I asked myself...

I said the hell with it and leaned down. I licked a small bit of pudding off his ankle and a wet moan came from further up the table as I could see a spurt of precum fly out and I knew Zac was just about ready for anything. Still being somewhat prissy, I carefully climbed up on the table and tried not to get messy... but he had other ideas. Zac reached up and with a wet hand, pulled me forward and ontop of him, covering me with the food and causing us to slide against each other and in seconds, my face was right next to his and before I could think, he kissed me. His lips were coated with whipped cream and tasted oh so sweet and he ground his messy body into mine, sending me rolling over and off of him, my ass fitting snugly into a second cherry pie. He rolled over on top of me and began to kiss me again, but I failed to see his left hand... out of my view...

Suddenly, it came back carrying a huge hunk of Dutch chocolate cake, which he crammed into my face, and sending warm chunks of it down my chest. My cheeks, lips, and forehead were covered in sweet, melted chocolate as Zac roared with laughter, barely able to catch his breath as I laid there, licking it off my lips and rubbing it away from my eyes as I formulated my next move. Scrubbing the cake off my face, I promptly smeared the melty remains in Zac's face as he caught my hand and began to suck the cake off my fingers like a starving member of the Survivor cast. I slipped my fingers out of his mouth and rolled him over, sending his face into a large apple pie. He sputtered for a moment before beginning to laugh again as he lowered his groin back onto the table and the laugh was immediately replaced by the sound of Zac letting out a soft moan of ecstasy. His asscheeks shivered as I rolled him onto his side and noticed that I had just sent his swollen cock and balls into a pile of hot chopped pineapple.

I pushed my face into his crotch and licked the sweet juice from his package, enjoying the slight essence of precum added to the tart pineapple flavor. After soaking and sucking his balls thoroughly, I finally pulled off when Zac warned me that he was close to cumming so I let his fuzzy balls slide from my mouth. Sweeping the pineapple off the soft foam table, I rolled Zac back onto his stomach and propped his groin up on a warm pound cake, which made an ideal cushion for holding his butt up at ideal eye level. Pulling his tight cheeks apart, I took a close look at his hole. It was absolutely spotless and in the bright light of the dining room, I could see every detail of his hidden zone. His small tan hole flexed under my attention and the soft blond peachfuzz growing around it moved and flexed as well. His little brown eye seemed to wink at me, asking me and begging me to explore further.

I barely caught Zac's whimper but I understood what he meant as I smiled and reached up for another container. Seconds later, I found myself pouring hot butterscotch down the length of his crack and pressing my face in to rim him with the thick, sweet sauce. My tongue pushed at his rosebud until it began to relax and the hot syrup dribbled inside and straight down into his prostate, causing his hips to buck. He buried his cute face in a banana cream pie and screamed but it sounded like a gurgle as I worked more of the syrup into him, lubricating him and opening his cavity.

I climbed up and mounted him, sliding my hands down to his hips and grabbing then, sending gobs of melted white chocolate and butterscotch out from under and between them. My face slid up his back and buried in his neck, which was covered in a mix of chocolate syrup and apple pie filling and dotted with coconut shavings. I licked some of it off his neck as I began to press my syrupy dick into his hole, hearing Zac moan passionately. But just as my cock touched his hole... I pulled out.

Before he could ask what happened, I grabbed his wet hips and flipped him over onto his back and splattering us both with cherry yogurt and hotfudge, making me wonder what food wasn't on the table. Zac looked up at me with the cutest puzzled look on his face before I guided his long legs around my waist and pulled him close to me and he immediately knew what was going on. Easing myself in between his tight cheeks was surprisingly sensuous and I'd always thought that was something that not many gay men seemed to pay attention to. The pre-entry. Which in our case was made easier by the paste of fatty and unhealthy food. Zac held his hips up to expose his hole easier and as my cock made contact with his hole, his eyes urged me on silently. He held his breath as I slid into him, his hot slick hole grabbing me like a vice and pulling me inside with some primal force of nature. My cock seated itself in him fully and his mouth fell open in amazement as he let his hips drop slowly...


He yelped and jumped a foot in the air, pulling himself off me and sliding backwards. He curled into a ball and after berating myself for hurting him, I saw that it wasn't me at all. It was the pile of ice cream Zac had oh-so-gracefully lowered his balls into. I tried not to laugh as I slid over to Zac and spooned him from behind, my erection temporarily softened by my concern for his comfort and well being. We laid their for a few minutes, with me spooning him from behind and rubbing him briskly, warming him up as the shivers subsided and he stretched his legs out and settled back against me cozily.

"Still cold?" I asked.

He giggled and shivered dramatically. I shook my head as he continued to giggle like a leprechaun as I got up on my knees and looked down at him. He shivered jokingly again and began to laugh hysterically and I couldn't help but join in. I sighed and shook my head, realizing that little Mr. Comedian needed to be warmed up and I spotted just the thing to help him out. I reached over and grabbed a large tub of hot raspberry syrup and Zac, who was still laughing over his razor sharp wit, didn't even notice as I capsized the giant tub over him, sending a flood of syrup all over the table which washed all the pie and cake and everything else off onto the floor in one messy gush. With Zac at ground zero.

He let out a yell as the hot, steamy, sweet syrup covered him. He lay there, shocked, as it was my turn to laugh at him. His hair drenched with thick syrup and his body pained a dark red color. The smell was absolutely captivating as the hot raspberry scent filled the room and Zac looked at me, laughing and holding my sides.

"Shut... the fuck... up.... and fuck me..."

He threw himself onto his stomach and thrust his ass back at me and I slid onto the table and rolled him over onto his stomach. He wrapped his slippery legs around me and my ass slid around in the syrup. My wet cock pressed into his cheeks and began to enter his hot hole again, but it was more serious this time as Zac buried his face in my chest and groaned so deeply I could feel the vibrations in my dick. He sucked me back it and began to squeeze and flex his hole around my cock and his muscles began to tense. His arms tightened around my torso as his cock slipped and slid, trapped between our syrup-covered bodies. I began to thrust in earnest and as much as I wanted it to last long, it just couldn't. Zac gave out first, his cock swelling and his asshole tightening (where is he--) as he sent a massive shot of cum in-between us as we kissed, deeply and (I want to see him--) passionately as a squeaky grunt came from the back of his throat. He sucked my tongue hard as he drenched us with his load and like.... The previous dream.... The massage of his rectum clobbered me over the edge as I shot my searing cum deep inside him, filling him so full that several spurts shot out the opposite direction around my cock.

His embrace didn't relax until we both collapsed sideways and my softening cock slid out of him, bringing with it a slurp and a gush of sugary, fattening food. We both went limp and smiled, our foreheads touching as we laid there and came to grips with the erotic, food filled two man orgy we'd just participated in. (Room 33A--) Zac leaned in slowly to kiss me...


Zac and I looked at each other before sitting up and turning around to see the organized dinner party dressed in assorted leather BDSM gear standing in the doorway, looking horrified.

"Oh fuck." Zac whispered.

"Who ARE you two young lads?! You've just ruined our poop, feet, and food orgy! I do hope you are SATISFIED!"

Zac and I looked at each other.

Then we got the hell out of there....



Once again, the beeping from the doorway brought me back out of my dream but thankfully, this time, whoever it was had waited long enough for me to release and empty myself. I sat up and tried to enjoy the post-wet dream afterglow before wiping myself off with a towel from the bathroom, nearly falling because my knees felt so week. The beeping continued and I could hear someone calling my name from the other side of the door but my clothes were nowhere to be found so I simply grabbed the comforter and wrapped myself in it, slipping my way over to the door and pulling it open.

"Yeah?" I squinted as the light of the hallway hit my eyes. At first I didn't recognize who it was but after a second, I realized it was the nurse. Annie. She looked flushed and I immediately got a pang of anxiety, "What? What happened?"

"Mr. Hanson is asking for you."

=To Be Continued...=

Next: Chapter 4: The Compound 4

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