
By Reid

Published on Sep 24, 2001


|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| ~ S O U L M A T I N G ~ |-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| by reid

||||||||||||||||| || DISCLAIMER || |||||||||||||||||

This story is meant to imply nothing about the sexuality of the real people involved. Anything mentioned from this point on is purely fictional and not meant in any way but the highest regard.

The lyrics used within are not meant to imply anything about the individual preferences, practices, or lifestyle choices any of the musical artists mentioned. The lyrics are not used for any personal monetary profit...

If you have any objections to my writing, then why in the name of Jesus are you reading this? I know some of you might like Hanson but I don't buy the whole "I didn't know it was a GAY STORY!" defense. So shut up and don't send me any more hate mail you stupid, obesessed little Christian girls.

As always.... Comments, Suggestions, and Criticisms can be sent to

WARNING!!! My stories contain mature themes and may project images or scenarios that are inappropriate for younger or sensative readers.

Message me on AIM at xXxReidxXx...


|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || Beyond The Compound - Part 1 || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

= Liberando el inocente... =

Zac smiled at me, squeezing my hand. It was immediately clear what he wanted to do and there was no time for hemming and hawing over it. Like the mystery voice said, time was the one luxury we didn't have. My mind raced and sped along the highway 66 that was my brain center like a Mustang. Thousands of scenarios and possible outcomes flashed before my eyes. So many ways this could turn out. Some of the possibilties didn't seem too pretty.

"Reid... let's do it." Zac said softly, squeezing my hand.

The clicking sound caught my ears. It was the click of our rings rubbing together. The forged metal circles that joined us together in a bond of love, commitment, and devotion. All things that were deemed illegal by the outside world. As much as I wanted to escape the compound and live a reasonably free life in the mountains of South America... we were safe in the compound. Well, as safe as could be considering my run in with Mr. Raines.

Thoughts of the compound and my six months contained within flashed in my mind. This was the place where I had met Zac, fallen in love with him, and where we had built something of a stable, solid life together. If we took this opportunity and walked out the door, we would be walking right into the clutches of the unknown. We would be risking our happy life here for something we really had no clue about. But then again... Tay and Jake had gone for it and something contained in Tay's voice sounded geniune... like this place was really, truly wonderful.

Zac had begun to get antsy. His grip was tighter and his palm felt clammy. He was anxious. His easy-to-read brown eyes seemed to radiate with a mix of excitement, anxiety, and worry. His hand squeezed mine again, his long fingers gripping me securely. Wanting to accept this opportunity but not wanting to lose everything he held dear. At that point, I realized that he felt the same way I did. He was worried too. He didn't know what was going to happen any more than I did.

This was the moment. This was the moment where I would have to make the decision. All the responsibility rested upon me and deep down, I knew there was only one choice to make. As nice as life could be inside the compound, being able to live freely was just something we couldn't pass up. We would have to take the risk. Staying inside the santized walls of our white concrete concetration camp would only be submitting to the hysteria. Getting out would be liberating ourselves.

"Okay," I said gutturally, "Let's go."

No words were necessary. Zac released my hand and we left the room carefully, keeping our eyes out for anyone who might try to stop us. When no one was found in the hallway, I was a bit worried, thinking that our opporunity had been lost. After looking further down the hall, I saw her. She was quite petite and had long black hair to her waist. She wore the familiar clothing of the dock workers who brought in provisions to the compound. Her posture showed alertness but also nothing that would seem out of the ordinary.

She turned to us and smiled. It was a very real, very pleased smile and from then on, somehow... I knew things were going to be just fine. We walked down the hall carefully and met her by the swinging doors that led to the dock. Up close, she was somewhat young and fragile looking. But after a more detailed look, very strong and capable. She introduced herself as Elena. She spoke English but still had the unmistakable accent of a South American native.

Stealth was the name of the game as she brought us down the steel steps behind the loading dock. We had to stay low and undetected, ducking behind assorted crates and boxes. Zac stayed close by me, once again surprising me with the incredible trust he deemed me appropriate of holding. The sun had come out early as usual and the temperature was rising into the low 80's as Elena led us through the labrynth of crates on the dock. Under my feet, the pavement was hot and smooth.

We reached the end of the row as Elena instructed us to hide behind a large wooden crate filled with toothpaste and deodorant. The minty fresh scent was comforting in the shade. Perspiration ran down my forehead and I mopped it, sitting down and letting my back rest against the box as I took a breather. Zac settled down next to me, quite close and pressed against my side as he looked around nervously. In the side, I looked over at his hands. They were shaking.

"You okay?" I asked softly.

He nodded, his body shivering slightly as he scanned the area for possible authority. I smiled and put my arm around him, hugging his broad shoulders and pulling him close to me. Zac smiled and licked my cheek happily, the excitement of what we were doing coming in short gushes of realization.

"We're getting out," He said wonderously, "We're getting the fuck out of here..."

"Shhh.... We're not out yet."

Zac smiled and hugged his bare legs to his chest. I couldn't blame the kid for being excited. I'd get excited too when we actually got to the place. When I actually saw that this place existed. It annoyed me that I thought that way because Elena just had such a trustworthy nature and the tape from Tay sounded so real. But I'd still have to see it to believe it.

The mechanical whirring of the loading dock buzzed behind us, life going on as usual inside the compound. As we sat there, for the first time, I wondered what would happen in our absence. Once they realized that both Tay and Zac were gone, the shit was going to truly hit the fan. Jobs would be lost. That was the only bad feeling I could really concieve. Keri would probably lose her job over this but I also knew she would understand. At least, I hoped she would. There really wasn't anything that could be done about it now.

Nearly five minutes passed as we sat there. My internal worry meter began to heat up every second that Elena did not return. My heart began to resign to the possibility that we wouldn't be getting out and we'd have to deal with being confined to the room as punishment. Hell, it wouldn't be so bad. Zac and I alone together... I knew we'd find a way to make the time pass. But it also would mean not seeing Tay again... and that made me sad. I desperately wanted out, and I was realizing just how much I wanted it more and more by the minute.

"Where is she?" Zac asked, his voice beginning to sound worried and anxious.

I didn't answer. I merely kept my eyes open for a possible agent or dock worker who could spot us and report that we weren't in an appropriate place. Another minute passed and Elena still hadn't returned. My heart continued to sink as I did my best to prepare for telling Zac the bad news. I doubted I'd have to, really. He wasn't stupid. He knew what was going on.

When a hand touched my arm, I nearly lept out of my skin. Relief passed through every inch of my body when Elena revealed herself from around the side of the crate, instructing us to follow her. From behind me, Zac sighed with pure relief as we kept low and slinked around the far side of a concrete barrier. The wall was just high enough to shield us from view as the bright orange sunlight reflected off the glass windows of the main loading bay. Sweat began to roll down my forehead again, cold and damp.

The situation made me think back to the air vents. There was no explicit destination there, but supposedly we had one here. But for some reason, I was more scared slinking through the loading bay that I was inside the vents. There was so much more than was unknown in the current situation. We didn't know where we were going for sure and how we were going to get there. But I kept my mind on the task at hand. All we had to do was follow Elena and find our way to wherever she was leading us. Both times, having Zac with me was the necessary motivation. Really, I was doing it for him... both that time and this time.

Our covert mission through the bay ended when we reached the end of the wall. Stacked in a large pile were a number of oblong black heavy duty plastic boxes. Adorned on the sides were yellow steel handles made for carrying and depositing. Elena silently directed us over to a certain box marked with a small symbol. It was the Roman numeral for the number two. Two vertical lines made in yellow paint, small enough to escape anything but the closest inspection.

She opened the box, "Get in."

I looked at Zac, who merely shrugged. No time. No time to challenge the immediate authority. After a quick gut check, I crept forward and laid down inside on my back, pleased to find the bottom of the box padded firmly with foam rubber. The interior of the coffin-like shape smelled of gasoline and latex. Not to a toxic degree.

Elena gestured to Zac, "Now you. Lay on him."

"Yes, ma'am!" Zac said enthusiastically.

Zac climbed into the box quickly, his soft body pressing down on mine and sending a quick exhale of air from my lungs. He shifted himself slightly to the side, allowing us a more comfortable, natural position inside our escape hatch. His lips were only half an inch from my ear and his warm, excited breath made the sensitive skin tingle. For a fleeting moment, I worried that the excitement of the situation would either make me pee myself of cum in my shorts, either one soaking us both.

Elena closed the box halfway, but before shutting the lid, she slipped my a small steel tube. I held the device in my right hand and searched with my thumb, finding a soft purchase in the contour of a circle. I pressed it and in the inside of the box was filled with a soft, reassuring yellow glow. I smiled and relaxed underneath Zac, feeling his tension ease a bit as well. Our claustrophobia wouldn't be as bad with the flashlight in there with us. I pushed the button again, sending the box back into darkness.

"Don't use the batteries very much. In ten minutes, you will be let out." Elena said, before shutting the lid. Just like that, she was gone.

A slight shift ocurred as she pulled down the locking handles, enclosing us inside. There was really, truly no going back now. The sounds outside in the loading bay were muffled and there was no movement. We were stationary still. My heart raced as I confronted the possibility that we might be dropped into the water, enclosed in our own private tomb. But that was unlikely, I told myself, staying quite calm in yet another extreme situation.

Ontop of me, Zac was shivering with excitement, his breath coming quickly. His lips puckered just a little as he touched my cheek with a small kiss. We were most definitely in this thing together, no doubt about it. His feet shifted at the bottom of the box, rubbing mine as he adjusted again, his body beginning to feel damp with sweat. The bandage over the stitched incision in my stomach crinkled and a slight ache resonated from the once life threatening injury. Make this was my karmatic reward for that.

Suddenly, the box moved a bit and I could feel the lift. We were moving. Zac gasped in my ear and pressed himself securely against my body. It was really happening. It was really happening to us. We were getting out of the compound. I closed my eyes and tried to wrap my brain around the reality. Deep breaths. I took deep breaths through my nose and braced against the exictement and adrenaline pumping through my veins.

At my waist, I felt Zac slip his hand into mine and interlock our fingers as his lips found mine in the darkness. He kissed me softly, innocently, before turning his head again and resting his cheek on my shoulder. I closed my eyes again and inhaled slowly, reminding myself that we weren't free just yet.

We were still moving. The box was still being lifted and it swayed just a bit, making me worry about whether Zac's stomach would be able to withstand the motion. We moved forward a bit, then to the side, then forward some more. From the temperature, I could discern we weren't out in the sun anymore. Either we were in the plane or ship or whatever transport vehicle, or we had been taken into the warehouse for some odd reason. But I had to think positive. Had to think positive and hope for the best.

Then we started to go down. The crate was being lowered and outside, I could hear the muffled noises that I recognized as the interior of a plane. The engines revved under us and the crate jolted as it finally found the floor of the plane. The impact, while hardly fatal, was a little severe and outside, I could hear Elena speaking sharply in Spanish. I smiled and I could feel Zac smile too.

About two more minutes passed as we waited, with only a small light check to alleviate the closed quarters. Outside, I could hear the sounds of more crates being loaded onto the plane. But none were stacked ontop of us. They were making provisions for us to get out. My stomach fluttered as I realized we were getting closer and closer to being free. It was a truly amazing feeling.

My left hand slid up and I gently rested it on Zac's waist, holding him a bit. He shivered and squirmed a bit with excitement. He hadn't said anything since getting in the box and we both knew that he didn't need to say anything. All he and I needed to do was relax and let things happen as they may. My hand continued up onto his back and slipped it under his shirt, rubbing the bare skin and scratching it a bit, caressing him as he nuzzled and pressed himself against me.

"It's happening." He said softly, his voice low and wondrous.

"Yeah," I whispered, smiling genuinely, "Yeah, it really is."

More noises came from outside as the electronic whirring of the doors closing began. It sounded so far away. There was no noise outside of the crate, nothing that I could detect through the small ventilation squares at each end. The interior of the plane was cool and air conditioned, I could feel it. More engine sounds came from beneath and to the side, muffled and deep as the jet prepared itself of take-off. My chest expanded, the scented air filling my lungs while I did my best to relax my system.

The plane moved again, and began to roll. My heart jumped and I smiled happily, feeling the plane's movements. Our box shifted just a little but was held in place safely by what I could only discern was an added attatchment on the floor. They had taken a number of precautions with us. The rolling continued as the landing geat taxied the plane down the runway after a brief turn. To our sides, the engines started up and the turning of the wheels sped up in earnest. More butterflies of exictement fluttered in my stomach and I exhaled, holding Zac as securely as possible.

He shivered ontop of me as the plane slanted sharply, angling up into the sky. The crate shifted again, only a bit to the rear as the plane took off, the engines rumbling underneath. I kept my eyes closed for much of the ordeal, breathing through my nose and concentrating on the warm, comforting scent of Zac ontop of me. I felt a cool drop of sweat trickle down my neck muscles, it was the unmistakable sweat of anxiety. I couldn't help but be worried still. Who wouldn't be? Thankfully, the worry was counteracted by complete and total jubilant anticipation.

Farther still, the plane kept angling up and ascending into the sky. In my mind, I calmed myself by trying to picture what the compound would look like from above. A massive white expanse of buildings and glass enclosed hallways. For six months, it was probably the most stable home I'd ever known. And here I was leaving it. I wondered what would happen when the news broke that we'd been removed, liberated as they called it, from the compound. They were probably realizing it right about now, I thought, smiling again at the image. Both Taylor and Zachary Hanson... gone. And two other guys but more importantly, Tay and Zac were gone.

The noise of the jet engine was almost loud enough to drown out my thoughts. In my ears, I could hear my own heavy breathing and against my chest, I could feel the rapid pulsation of Zac's heart. The healthy beat of it was calming. It reminded me that he was just as excited as I was. Maybe even more so. Not needing the flashlight, I kissed him on the forehead, feeling him squirm at the sensation before pushing against me and returning the kiss on my chin.

Several more minutes passed before the plane began to even out and the engines reduced a bit. The pressurized air of the cabin had made the box seem smaller than it orginally had felt. I squirmed and tried to push down the feeling of claustrophobia that began to hit me. My feet moved anxiously and I shifted Zac ontop of me, trying very hard not to let him feel the panic that was hitting my system. I began to perspire again, my lungs burning and my brain starting to lock up on me.

Hurriedly, I tried to take deep breaths and stay calm, but not suceeding. I began to feel myself tense up and my eyes burned, tears forming as the closed environment started to become too much to bear.

Then the box moved.

Outside the crate, I could hear the locks being pulled down and the handles being released. My stomach relaxed with relief and I blew out the air in my lungs. Suddenly, the lid opened and my eyes were hit by the bright flourescent light of the airplane interior. My lids closed instinctively and my retinas stung. Despite the pain, my nervous system regained it's composure in a hurry. The glare from outside went away and I steadied myself, readying for the uncertainty of what would happen next.

Zac kept himself pressed against me, not moving and barely even breathing. When my vision focused, I saw Elena standing above the box. She smiled and gestured for us to get up. After a few prods, Zac got to his knees warily and I sat up on the foam rubber padding. Outside the box, the inside of the plane was quiet and uneventful. The only things I saw at first were the other boxes looking uniform all stacked together. The back of my t-shirt stuck to me with sweat and I pulled on it, rotating my neck against the stiffness from laying inside the closed space for so long.

We stood up slowly, my legs aching with a dull twinge as I looked around and got my bearings. Zac stayed close to me, wary of the situation with the kind of suspicion that only adolescence can instill. Elena motioned for us to follow her onto the thin aisle running down the side of the cabin. It was tough but managable to maneuver through the piles of boxes and around the other various packing utilites.

Briefly, my eyes caught one of the small rounded square windows. Outside of the plane, the sky was brilliant and blue, with the occasinal puffy white cloud. I shook my head and smiled slightly. Never before had the sky looked so amazing to me. At my side, Zac's hand once again slid into mine. His palm was still a bit slimy but warm and soft as usual. I squeezed his hand and he smiled.

Elena led us to a polished steel separating wall in the cabin. At the center was a blue formica-style, oval shaped door. She pulled down on the handle and it opened easily, then beckoning us through. A moment of hesitation still got me before I stepped through, looking back to make sure that Zac was with me for every step.

Behind the door was a pleasantly normal looking passenger cabin. Seats embroidered with red, yellow, and brown coloring and plastic tray tables sat in rows of three with an aisle down the middle. The cabin was bright and fresh smelling. Further up, there was the second steel door which I could only assume led to the cockpit. At that point, I was just going with the flow without any further choice or say in the matter, and it wasn't the most unpleasant thing.

"Sit down." Elena instructed us.

We chose two seats in the middle of the cabin. It surprised me that Zac didn't crowd for the window seat, choosing to sit in the middle and giving me the aisle position. As soon as we sat down, he reached over and hurriedly pulled the shade down, blocking out the immediate view of the sky. After, he looked at me and smiled apologetically. I understood. The poor kid had already had his share of exictement for the day but unfortunately, I knew it probably wasn't done yet.

I let my head fall back against the seat, letting my breath out for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Our hands found one another again and we took security in each other. Zac fell to his side and his head rested on my shoulder. For the first time, I think we felt like human beings. My eyes closed and I relaxed, focusing on the soft seat and the firm whirring noise of the jet engine. We were out. We were out of the compound. At least for now.

"It's okay." I whispered, more to myself than Zac.

"It's not okay yet."

I opened my eyes and looked upward at the source of the words. Standing above me was a tall, rather rough looking Hispanic man. He had what could have been four or five days worth of beard on his face and his clothing was oil stained and had the familiar look of a dock worker. Then when he smiled, I knew he was okay. He was going to take care of us.

Zac still hadn't opened his eyes.

"Zac..." I said quietly, nudging him a bit.

"Reid... unless he's got a gun to your head, I'm assuming he's cool." Zac said wearily.

Our new friend spoke, "My name is Diego. I'm in charge of this leg of your journey."

I nodded as he sat down across the aisle.

"I'd like to say that the hard part is over, but it isn't." Diego said with a hint of apology.

Zac groaned wearily on my shoulder.

I sighed, "What more do we have to do?"

"We have to get you through Argentinian customs. They're going to board the plane at the first airport we land at and they will search everywhere on this aircraft. If they find you, and word has gotten out about you, bad things could happen. We need to sneak the two of you through customs to get you to the camp."

My body ached at the thought of the journey, "How are we getting through?"

Diego paused, "Since one of you is very famous, we're going to conceal one in the crate and the other will need to be disguised as a member of the plane crew. The inspection will take between five and ten minutes. They could very well interrogate the crew so we will have to rely on luck more than anything else."

Suddenly, things didn't seem quite as great as before. I licked my lips slightly and rubbed my eyes, not at all ready to theorize about the mess we had gotten into. Part of me wanted to cry like a baby. This whole thing was more serious than anything I could have humanly imagined. Zac didn't say anything, the reality of what was going on not lost on him. The only thing that gave me solace was the knowledge... or the illusion, possibly... that Tay and Jake had gotten through okay.

= Camouflage... =

"You look pretty sexy."

I smiled, not looking at Zac, "It's the first time you've seen me in something other than the uniform."

"That's why you look so sexy."

I finished with the white dress shirt, fastening the last button and smoothing out the cotton. Next came the black silk necktie, applying it carefully and making sure it showed no telltale signs of guilt. Then the jacket, making me look to all the world like some young stockbroker ready for wall street. Or as the story we were a apart of: a young looking cargo foreman seeing goods transported to and from the compound. All I had to do was look respectable and official.

Zac was sitting behind me, stretched out on one of the boxes, his arms folded behind his head. He was still wearing the uniform and apart from his first night at the compound, it was all the clothing I knew him in. Diego had given Zac a small Spanish handheld video soccer game to keep him occupied inside the crate.

Once the suit was in place, I walked over and sat down next to him. Everything was just so surreal. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed heavily, and although it was only about 12pm... it felt like I hadn't slept in days. But it was all going towards something, God willing. My shoulders sagged and I felt Zac sit up next to me, swinging his legs down and letting them dangle over the edge of the box.

"You okay?" I asked him.

Zac draped his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly, "Just don't leave me."

I rested my forehead against his, "Only if you don't leave me."

= Silence... =

Diego led Zac back to the crate we had boarded the plane in. The plane was about fourteen minutes from landing in Buenos Aries, a quick stop before the plane would continue to it's destination at some unnamed strip in the jungle. Or so they said. Just going with the flow was the only way I could go. I rubbed my eyes again as Zac sat down in the crate and motioned me over.

"Knock 'em dead." He said softly, kissing me on the chin.

"Yeah... just... yeah." I nodded and hugged him, feeling a sudden fear of letting him go.

Zac hugged me back, and I knew he was feeling the same sudden trepidation. Diego cleared his throat behind us as my mouth moved up and kissed him on the lips, long and deep. A lump formed in my throat and the fear was becoming almost shattering to me. Zac was all the security I had. Doubt started to manifest and my hands started to shake. Tears formed again in my eyes.

"Shhh..." Zac said softly in my ear.

I sniffled and kissed him one more time, "I'll see ya on the other side."

He smiled, "I love you, Reid."

I was a second away from breaking down completely, "I love you too, Zac."

Diego stepped in and took hold of the lid. I stood back and braced myself, realizing... I didn't even want to realize what that moment could represent. I drew in a shaky breath and swallowed hard, squaring my shoulders and letting my body stand against the wall of the cabin. Zac laid down in the crate and straightened out. He looked so small. So fragile in the large confines of the box without my company to protect him. To make sure that he wouldn't be hurt. It made me think of how sick and small he looked when he had gotten so sick...

Then he blew me a kiss, which I had to struggle to return with my quivering lip.

"One more thing." Zac said.

Diego and I both looked at him. Leave it to Zac.

"What are those 'bad things' you mentioned?"

Diego paused again, "If they find you, Zac... they could kill you."

Before Zac could protest, the crate was closed and Diego locked down the handles.

= Deception... =

The plane shook just a bit as it touched down on the runway. We were landing on a cargo access strip far from the main terminals of the biggest airport in South America. From my seat in the passenger cabin, I looked out at the tall glass buildings of the airport itself. It reminded me of the compound. The glass and how the sun shone off of it. Inside that airport, people were catching flights and making connections and having coffee and any number of different social undertakings. Pretty soon, if all went well, Zac and I would at least be in something resembling a real social situation. God willing...

Diego nudged my elbow and briefed me quickly, "They'll be coming on in just a minute. Play it cool, play it calm. If you don't act out of the ordinary, they won't think anything of it. You understand?"

I nodded, "Play it cool, play it calm."

He nodded and gave me a very masculine gesture of confidence. The anti-perspirant he had given me was doing it's job and lending an air of calm that sure wouldn't be there otherwise. My fingers nervously straightened my tie and cufflinks, as I tried to ignore the hot prickly feeling of nervousness on my back. I cleared my throat and sipped from a bottle of water, feeling the cold liquid roll down my throat. Cool and calm. The operative words.

After the taxing stopped, the plane sat dormant for a minute as the door opened and the steel staircase lowered onto the tarmac. When the chunk of the metal hit the concrete, my stomach jumped. Outside the plane, I could hear the customs agents laughing heartily and talking to one another in Spanish. The only words I could pick up and translate were those pertaining to various sexual conquests. A bitter taste of revulsion hit the back of my tounge as I knew these guys would own the asses I'd have to kiss.

One by one, they came onto the plane. They were dressed in khaki military uniforms adorned with pins and various ribbons. They all had goatees, jet black hair, and tequila guts the size of Montezuma. I stood up and walked to the cargo section of the plane with Diego, who patted me on the back reassuringly as I did my best to play conformist and fit in. The customs agents followed us into the cargo bay and began to poke around, smelling the crates which made me worry because Zac hadn't showered in a while. But then again, how would they smell him over the beer and tobacco on their breaths?

I was trying real hard not to feel higher than the sleazebags who held my life and heart and soul in their hands. Just watching them stroll through the crates as if they owned the place began to draw the dragon out of me. My jaw clenched and I could tell Diego was concerned. My eyes closed and I breathed deeply, keeping my temper in check as they searched around.

Among the words they used that I could translate were several choice thoughts about the face that these crates had come from the "island of the queers". Complete with dramatic wiping off of the hands to illustrate their point. It took everything I had not to lash out. My hands clenched together and I took deep breaths, holding my tounge firmly against the roof of my mouth and fighting off the pure seethe of hatred in my chest. My sternum felt tight and constricted. All I wanted was to be done with this.

"Facil, del toro." Diego said softly.

I smiled at the name, "Si, capitan."

Taking their sweet ass time, the customs agents finished their search and found things satisfactory. After sharing another hearty joke, they came over to Diego and I. They stood only a few feet away from me. I could smell their cheap cologne which didn't hide their reek of B.O. and grime. They made me want to retch.

"Cómo los jóvenes son ellos que van a conseguir." The head agent said. My remedial Spanish knowledge told me that he was commenting on my age. I smiled professionally and didn't say anything.

"Es todo satisfactorio?" Diego asked, aloof but alert.

"Si... si, Diego," Head slob #1 said, "Donde los cajones entregados?"

"Lejos. Podemos ir?" Diego asked. It was the curcial question.

"Si." The agent said.

And that was it. The customs squad scuttled off the plane and down the steps. Outside, I could hear their jeep drive away across the tarmac. Diego exhaled loudly and ran his fingers through his hair and his demeanor told me that what had just happened was much more tense than it turned out to be. We looked at each other and I shook my head, not wanting to know the nasty details. Diego smiled and patted me on the back as the steps pulled up and, wasting no time, the plane started up and began taxing to the runway. Minutes later, we were safely in the air and away from danger.

Almost like an elderly man, I unbuckled my seatbelt gingerly and stood up. This day was turning out to be one hell of a goddamn adventure, I thought. Then I smiled... for real. With relief and happiness, my muscles relaxed and I pushed my hands against the roof of the passenger cabin. My eyes closed again and I breathed deeply, letting myself realize we were safe.

"Victoria!" Diego hollered, whistling through his fingers as our plane suddenly became Party Central.

From the cargo section of the plane, one of the other men on board let loose with a triumphant shriek of glee. Elena emerged from the rear of the plane, smiling broadly. Apparently, we had dodged one hell of a bullet. A bullet dodging worth celebrating, obviously. I didn't know whether to be more scared by how much danger we'd been in or how relieved our steely eyed, missionary flight crew seemed to be after how well it went. I just shook my head.

"Renaldo!" Diego called, suddenly jovial, "Musica! Rapidamente!"

Renaldo, gripping one of the bars overhead, swung happily to the front of the plane and pulled out a small, beat up boom box. Elena tossed him a small tape which he shoved into the tape deck while Diego passed around bottles of Dos Equis. When he got to me, I politely refused... and he understood. I turned towards the cargo bay and he tapped me on the back with his knuckles, and as I turned around, I loosened the unfamiliar tie around my neck.

"Buen trabajo, mi amigo." He said, smiling.

I didn't cotton. He could tell.

"Good job, my friend."

All I did was nod as the die came off my neck. Wordlessly, I tossed it to him and he caught it. Then I turned back towards the cargo bay and walked... slowly and gingerly, worried that if I went too fast, some odd space time continum would occur and I'd mess the whole thing up. As I went through the door that now seemed so familiar went once it contained only the unknown, I removed the jacket and unbuttoned the top of the shirt. The cool air-conditioned nature of the cargo bay was a welcome change.

Behind me, I could hear the music and the carousing in the passenger cabin. They were listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd. A song that at one time annoyed me but now was just cool and find by me. Somehow in some weird wacky and wild way, the song seemed appropriate.

Big wheels keep on turning... Carry me home to see my kin... Singing songs about the Southland... I miss Alabama once again... And I think its a sin, yes...

I made my way down the side of the plane, past the small window until I found the soliatry crate. The same rush I got when I first saw Zac rose in my stomach when I knelt down next to it, as the music went on in the main cabin. Slowly, my hands gripped the bars on the sides of the crate, my eyes spying the small symbol. I smiled and pulled upwards, unlocking the box.

With a slight gust of musky warm air, the lid opened. Zac was laying on his side, curled into a ball in the fetal position. His eyes were screwed shut like a hibernating bear and he had his knees clasped against his chest. It made me smile. Gently, I reached out and stroked his golden blond hair. It felt so soft and wonderfully familiar. His body tensed as soon as I touched him and he whimpered.

"I'm not a real boy. I'm a robot." He said, his eyes still closed.

"Zac," I laughed, "It's cool. We're safe."

Tentatively, one of his eyes opened little by little. When he saw there wasn't a gun or knife pressed to his head, face, or throat... he opened his other eye and looked up at me. Gradually, he began to unfold and he stretched out, still cautious out of nature. I smiled and leaned in, kissing him deeply and removing the last of his worry. He murmured happily and returned the kiss, smiling as his lips played against mine.

I pulled back, leaving my forehead resting against his. We sat there together, him still in the crate and me sitting off to the side, each reflecting on their own thoughts. I leaned back against one of the other crates, rubbing my face and blowing the air out of my lungs roughly. My hands fell down and rested between my legs, dangling loosely. The jet engine whirred and the music in the passenger cabin continued.

Zac reached forward and took my hand. I looked up and smiled, pressing my palm into his and feeling the soft warmth of his big hand. He smiled back, pursing his lips and blowing me a kiss. I returned it before closing my eyes and exhaling loudly, my head falling back and allowing my throat to open wider and more oxygen into my lungs.

"We're gonna be okay, Reid." Zac said, squeezing my hand with a precocious maturity I had gotten to know all too well.

"Yeah," I said softly, "Yeah, we are."

I believed it, too.

= Hours prior... =

Cold sweat clung to him. Droplets ran down off the crests of his biceps and the soft ridge of his neck. Under the covers, he stirred restlessly, his mind swimming. The dark curtains did their job and kept the daylight out but they couldn't keep the thoughts from filtering into his head. The worry, the anxiety, the unknown. It was almost too much for him to bear. He thrashed again under the sheet, the fabric clinging to his sweat dampened nude body. A spot at the base of his neck itched sharply.

He knew it would take them a long time to arrive. He knew it would be hard to lay in that box and then how hard it would be to keep their cool as they got past the customs. He and Jake had just barely been able to pull it off, only doing so because an overturned cargo truck on the runway distracted the fat, piggish customs agents from searching too thoroughly. They had gotten so lucky. But what if Reid and Zac weren't so lucky? God, what could happen to them? He didn't want to think about it but he couldn't stop himself. All the possibilities formed a heavy lump in his stomach.

How could he distract himself? How could he not think about it? All he could do was worry and worry and worry until he could see that they were alright. Heavily, he exhaled into the muggy mid-afternoon air. At the underside of the curtains, he could see the sunlight. Yellow and hot burning down on this deluxe jungle camp. Sweat clung to his golden hair, trickling down in irritating trails onto his scalp. Hurriedly, he rubbed it away and clenched his eyes shut, pulling at the moist locks and gritting his teeth, berating every ounce inside and out that wouldn't allow a moment of optimism.

Shadows crept out from every corner of the room. Hot, humid shadows that reached out with long, dark fingers. Fully willing to grab at everything in their path. Against the valley between his chest muscles, he could feel the warm air blow over the droplets of sweat. It felt cool. The sweat on his chest and shoulders mashed together to form a heavy sheen over his muscles, pulling at the cotton sheets.

Somewhere outside, he could smell barbecued ribs. With sweet, tangy KC Masterpiece. His salivary glands tingled and he swallowed, his stomach growling. For reasons perfectly well known, he hadn't been able to eat when they had arrived. Nearly ten hours had passed since he'd eaten. They had all eaten together in the room that had been set aside... together. They weren't together now. It was a possibility that they'd never be... He couldn't think that. Not until after they had arrived safely.

Guilt began to rear it's ugly head. How could, for just one moment, he be distracted? For Christ's sake, he was thinking about himself. How much more selfish could one person be? Shame burned in his throat and at the corners of his eyes and he rolled over, shoving his face into the pillow. His slender body braced and tightened, readying itself for the tears... but they didn't come. The tears weren't there.

Silently, a steely resovle crept in and he decided he wouldn't allow himself to worry. He would just hope that things would be okay... but it only lasted for a few seconds. The anxiety returned in one hot, nauseous wave over his stomach. He rolled over again and stared at the smooth, white ceiling in the dim, hot room. A soft whirring began as the air conditioner started up. It filled the room with a pleasant white noise. He closed his eyes, submitting to the horrible knowledge of not knowing.

Please let them get here okay, he thought to himself. Prayed to himself. Once they were here, everything would be just fine. Everything would be just like it was. Even before the compound. They would be able to live freely and not be ashamed. No more worries and no more electronic doors and locks to keep them "under supervision". Life would be wonderful. Everything was going to be just fine. All he had to do was keep telling himself that...

= 1:29pm... =

We hit some minor turbulence as the plane came over the mountains. Beneath us, stretching out as wide as the eye could see was the jungle canopy. Lush green trees and bushes rose up to meet the blue sky. Even inside the airplane, I could feel the humidity outside and traded the white button down shirt for my uniform t-shirt. The interior of the plane had warmed up a great deal as the plane came down from the sky and sweat rolled down my forehead, torturously cold and wet.

Zac shifted in the seat next to me, his head resting comfortably on my shoulder as he napped. I smiled at him, glad that he finally got a few peaceful minutes to rest. I myself wasn't bursting with energy but my own internal clock wouldn't let me sleep in the middle of the day. Restlessly, I rubbed my eyes and stretched my jaw as best I could. Our journey hadn't been all that long but it sure had been stressful. We're only doing this once, I thought to myself, and this place had better be worth it.

The plane continued to descend out of the sky. From the small windows, I could see the ground reaching up to meet us. The green layering coming closer and closer to us. That was when I began to worry just a bit. There really didn't seem to be enough room in this little canyon for a jet this size to land. Tell that to the plane. It just kept lowering down and down and down... and all I could do was trust that some sort of airport was waiting for us.

Greenery surrounded the plane as we went further down into the jungle. A jolt of anxiety hit me and I struggled to stay calm as the trees swallowed us in. Any minute, I expected to feel the tree careen through the branches and end up a firey wreckage after smashing into the wall of the canyon. My eyes closed peacefully and I inhaled through my nose, comforted by Zac's scent next to me. He wasn't worried. His only comment on the situation was a soft grunt in his sleep.

Below us, underneath the floor, the landing gear went down. Diego, Elena, and Renaldo had all taken their seats and buckeled up. The descent continued and we landed with only a mere thumping noise and a small jolt as the plane touched down. Zac's head jerked up off my shoulder and he looked around, blinking his eyes, disoriented from sleep as he woke up. Outside the windows, I could see we had landed in a small clearing... nothing more than a large concrete lot. Where the hell was the terminal? And the snack bar? Or the baggage claim?

"We're landing?" Zac asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah," I sighed, relieved as the plane pulled to a stop, "We're here."

Diego stood up, "Welcome to the jungle, gentlemen."

Zac and I both stood up and moved down the cabin aisle, waiting near the cockpit door as the airplane hatch opened and the steel steps were lowered. Immediately, the heat and humidity from the jungle outside raced in. The hot moisture filled my lungs and caused my chest to feel heavy and weighted down. Along with the heat and dampness, the lush sweet scent of the flora and fauna of the Amazon floated in as well. Never in my life had something smelled so good. It was the scent of freedom.

It took a moment of beckoning before I trusted Diego and stepped off the plane. Zac followed close by me, practically hanging onto the back of my shirt. My shoes made a soft clinking noise as I stepped out for the first time. The hot sun blazed down and made me wince and smile at the same time. It felt so good. I looked up at the blue sky. Seeing it for the first time in a while someplace other than inside the compound. The sun, so bright, looked so beautiful. I lingered in it for a moment before continuing down the steps and onto the scorching tarmac.

Zac followed tentatively. Once on the ground, I looked around... nothing. There wasn't a damn thing. All I saw were the thick green trees and bushes surrounding the makeshift landing strip. Zac looked at me questioningly and all I could do was shrug. Behind us, the flight crew unloaded the crates and stacked them on the tarmac. Right as I was tempted to ask what the hell we were supposed to do, a rumbling started inside the jungle.

Zac and I both looked towards it as an olive green painted jeep drove off a small path and onto the concrete. As soon as it stopped, I saw the people inside. One was a heavy set Latin man and the other was a cheery looking older woman with curled hair down to her waist. She was wearing a sea green bindi and rope sandals. From the looks of her, she was happy to see us. After hustling over, she hugged us both very firmly... just her karma seemed to make me smile and feel safe.

Up close, she was very pretty. Her complexion was a bit dark but by and large, she was white. Her eyes were bright, bright blue. The color of the ocean and low tide. After hugging me and then Zac, she looked at us astoundedly. As if we were the long lost remnants of some extinct civilization. Her smile was wide and bright. It made me feel like a lab experiment that had just managed to wipe it's own ass and smile at the scientists.

"You're really here." She said, her voice was soft and melodious.

"Ummm... hi?" Zac said, not sure what to do.

Suddenly, she seemed to realize, "Oh! I'm sorry! Hi! Hello... my name is Miranda. I'm the director of this whole thing. I've been here ever since they passed that godawful law building and preparing the camp. I couldn't let you all waste away in there! Well, to make a long story short, you're here. I can't believe you're really here. I'm so happy to have you. Come... let's go to the camp."

We stood there, not entirely sure what to make of this newcomer. Her ramblings were so random but also oddly assuring. She really seemed to care about us. Her demeanor was not unlike that of meeting a celebrity... which she was. I smiled and shook my head, swallowing.

"Hey, it's good to be here." I said simply.

Mirana smiled again as she led us over to the jeep, "How was the flight? Did it go okay?"

"There were a few tense moments," I said, climbing into the backseat of the vehicle, "But we're here in one piece."

Mirana climbed into the front passenger seat, "Oh yes... well, you're past that now. You both are safe. From now on, everything is going to be fine."

I smiled, "That's great to hear."

She spoke in quick Spanish to the driver. He started the engine and pulled back onto the path and the jeep drove down the roughly carved roadway. Under the shade of the trees, the humidity was almost stifling but the heat was reduced at least a tiny bit. Out in the distance of the green expanse, I could see the sun shining down through the occasional breaks in the leaves. Everything looked so peaceful and serene.

Up until now, Zac had been silent but no longer, "Is Tay really there?"

Mirana smiled again, "Yes. You'll see him very soon. He's been so worried about the both of you. I had to insist that he stay back at the camp since there are only four seats to the jeep and protection is necessary," She indicated the driver, "So he reluctantly stayed back at camp. You'll see him soon."

Zac sighed with relief, "Cool."

"So what is this place?" I asked.

"Well," Miranda paused, "It's a camp but it's more than that. We've worked hard on it because believe me, we know that the compound is as close to home as can be. But not now. We've made the camp was much like home... as casual and self reliant as we can. We have our own power source and we have running water as well as medical care and even our own school. Granted, most of the utilities won't be needed yet but as we liberate more... they will be."

I asked, "So there will be more coming?"

Miranda shook her head, "Not for a while. We plan to bring more in but for now, the group we have will work fine."

"So is it like a resort or not?"

"Well, you'll have your own cabins. Your own bathrooms. There's a cafeteria and a pool, but I suggest swimming in the lake and you'll see why. We have a theater and a satellite dish. I'd say it's better than a resort."

I settled back into the seat, "Sounds nice."

She nodded, "It is. You'll see shortly."

Zac spoke up, "Will we be able to leave?"

Miranda looked thoughtful, "We're working on that."

We rode on in silence for several seconds. The events of the day had taken it's toll on me somewhat and my hope was that this new place would provide a nice, restful bed for a nap. It was one of my elderly moments. Nothing wanted more than a nap and a shower. My head rested against the back of the seat and I looked up at the green covering above. The sun was shining down from between the leaves, casting a hot pall over us. Perspiration continued to trickle down my cheek, and I wiped it off and felt the dusty grime that had begun to cling to me from the dirt path. Not a pleasant sensation.

As my head rested, my system began to slow and I dozed off for a second. Finally at peace. The jeep continued over the slightly bumpy trail as the heat caused my brain to wander. In my half sleep, I saw images of the population back at the compound being notified of what had happened. The large waterfall and the swimming pool. Even if it was a concentration camp, it wasn't the worst life possible and for a small second, I felt a twinge of regret. But then again, we just weren't free there.

I also saw the air vents that Zac and I had crawled through like rats. The deserted book reserve where my stomach had been sliced open... even in my doze, my arm guarded the bandaged area. Sometimes when I thought about it, I could still feel the cold needles of the raindrops on my body and the cold, hard stone of the bench underneath me. Several times afterwards, I'd woken up from nightmares and I swore I could still feel the water of the fountain against my scalp. I'd wake up in a cold sweat but the feeling of Zac next to me was an immediate calming influence. Even in that jeep driving through the jungle, the knowledge that Zac was with me was what kept me feeling safe.

So we rode on. Mild turbulence provided from underneath the jeep cradled me, keeping me relaxed as I dozed. I could hear Zac and Miranda talking to each other but it sounded far away. Their voices sounded distorted and slowed down for dramatic effect. The images in my imagination, the slideshow inside my subconscious ended. My body rocked back and forth as in front of me, there was only an odd dark sensation. It was a warm, humid darkness and against my back was the hot vinyl of the backseat.

= In dreams again... =

Then I was standing. I knew I was dreaming and I knew that, really, I was safe. Zac and Miranda were talking about something related to the Cartoon Network and even the driver, our protector, was adding in his own comments on the matter. I knew that things were safe. Then there was me. Sweat rolled down my cheek but in my mind's eye, I could see the one drop as it slid down my skin and magnified the pores. Then as it dropped off my chin.

Suddenly, in the darkness in front of me, a small pinprick of light appeared. It was seriously no bigger than a hole made by a sewing pin in a piece of jet black construction paper. White light shone through as the hole either got bigger or I got smaller and got closer to it. Bigger and bigger it got as the light became brighter and blinding. My eyes squinted as the light soon became bigger than I was and the hole all but dissappeared. Still, somewhere far off, I could hear them talking.

My eyes began to sting from the light. Just as I brought my hand up to shield them, the light began to decrease. It went down more and more as the strange place, the odd dreamland around me, began to darken and come into view. When it was safe, my arm came down and I blinked, feeling the muscles around my eye sockets relax and untense back to normal.

I was still standing. But this time, standing in an odd room. Other dreams I'd had began to flash back. It looked like the room in my food orgy dream. Wood panneled walls and nicely tiled floors. As my eyes focused on it and I looked around, it dawned on me that this was the very same room. Furniture on the floor and decoration on the walls began to appear as I cautiously looked around. Outside the room, almost as if they were on the roof or lording over the estate like the Gods of the seasons, Zac continued in his conversation.

A loud noise sounded from behind me and I turned around quickly. One of the large oak panels had fallen from the wall and exposed an old fashioned projector. Layers of dust and cobwebs covered the lens and the film reel, looking unused for at least the past fifty years. I felt my hand reach out to explore it but no sooner than my fingers came within reach, the projector began whirring and the spools began to rotate, sending up a cloud of dust that made me cough.

A hazy grey picture began to filter out of the lens and onto the opposite wall. The picture looked as much like any other antique film reel that had been shown late night on television. Suddenly, a foggy image appeared on the wall. It was the ocean. Rolling, crashing waves in the ocean. Jutting up out of the foamy white water were jagged stone spears. Rocks. Some were covered with moss but others were clean and wet and shiny.

Slowly, the image zeroed in. It went down, getting closer and closer to the rocks. The water was being broken with small pebbles but as the image became clearer and focused... it was the rain. Raindrops breaking the surface of the water. Little resounding circles spreading in the deep blue sea. But then, oddly, there was another color. A darker trickle of foggy discoloration swirled towards the surface and made a murky slick on the surface. It was red. It was blood.

Then another loud noise filled the room and I jerked around, looking behind me.

The sight confronting me was ghastly. The table I recognized from my earlier dream but while that dream had been loving, the table was now the picture of horror. The entire table was covered with a thick red substance that gave off a metallic scent, making my stomach turn painfully. I walked closer, the flickering white light from the now dormant projector bouncing off the wetness on the table. Slowly, I touched it and felt the hot red slick. Bile rose in my throat as I rubbed it between my thumb and forefinger.

It was blood.

Sticking up from the center of the table was a large butcher's knife.

The color must have drained from my face as I shuddered, turning away and wiping the nameless sting from my eyes with my forearm. My lungs seized and I began coughing, the scent and taste of the blood threatening to make me vomit right then and there. I coughed again and felt the wall against my back, leaning against it for much needed support.

A thick buzzing noise came to my ears and I reluctantly looked up. The table was covered by a large, moving black mass. Among it, I could hear wings moving and legs reeding together. My chest and stomach heaved and I bent over, not wanting to look at the flies but feeling a sickening compassion to watch.

Suddenly, everything stopped. My eyes snapped open and the table was gone. The room was clear but the projector was still running full force. The flickering white image on the wall had changed. My stomach felt like it had gone hard as a rock and my chin shook. Fear coursed through my veins as somehow, my feet floated me into the center of the room. Instinctively, I moved my hair out of my face and my eyes looked at the makeshift screen.

Painted in black, on the grainy white film, was a single word.

... Soon ...

= Arrival... =


Zac's voice cut through my dreaming as I was pulled back to reality quickly. My body jerked forward and I sat up, my eyes blinking rapidly in the sunlight. My upperbody was drenched with sweat and my shirt and the long black pants clung to my body. My jaw felt stiff and sore, and I knew I'd been clenching it in my sleep. My throat was dry and parched, almost like sandpaper. My system still reeled in the sudden jolt from slumber. After a moments more of tension, I relaxed and exhaled.

"Are you okay?" Zac asked, mopping the sweat from my forehead with his hand.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine."

I brought my hand to my eyes and rubbed them, massging the bridge of my nose. The sudden light had shocked my retinas quite a bit and it was taking some time to get them back to normal. I knew it was all a bad dream but it still scared me. I could remember next to nothing about the dream but I knew it was bad. As the warm air filled my lungs, the dream left my consciousness and I started to feel better. It was just a dream. Nothing else.

"Reid?" Zac said again.

"Huh?" I mumbled, still getting my bearings straight.

Mirana said, "We're home."


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