
By Reid

Published on Feb 16, 2001


|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| ~ S O U L M A T I N G ~ |-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| by reid

||||||||||||||||| || DISCLAIMER || |||||||||||||||||

This story is meant to imply nothing about the sexuality of the real people involved. Anything mentioned from this point on is purely fictional and not meant in any way but the highest regard.

The lyrics used within are not meant to imply anything about the individual preferences, practices, or lifestyle choices any of the musical artists mentioned. The lyrics are not used for any personal monetary profit...

If you have any objections to my writing, then why in the name of Jesus are you reading this? I know some of you might like Hanson but I don't buy the whole "I didn't know it was a GAY STORY!" defense. So shut up and don't send me any more hate mail you stupid, obesessed little Christian girls.

As always.... Comments, Suggestions, and Criticisms can be sent to

WARNING!!! My stories contain mature themes and may project images or scenarios that are inappropriate for younger or sensative readers.

I can be reached on ICQ at 70639912... Or on AIM at Reid00005992...


|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || If Only- Chapter 3 || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

"You best be careful," Zac said, squirming in my arms, "Cause I got a buddy that knows a guy who knows the number of another dude that knows Kung Fu! So you better watch out!"

I manuvered his wiggling body into the tent and onto the air mattress, "Yeah? You 'aint got time to get that dude here."

Zac fell back like a wet dog, "Well... I guess I'm screwed then."

"Not yet," I said as I straddled his hips and held him against the sleeping bag, "But you will be."

In a flash, my lips were sealed over his and I kissed him as deeply as I could, thrusting my tounge forward nearly down his throat. At the first contact, Zac groaned into my mouth and bucked his hips, nearly throwing me off. Keeping my balance and keeping my airtight seal, my lips continued to suck on his mouth. I jammed my tounge against the roof of his mouth and licked heavily, sending what must have been gallons of my saliva into his mouth. It's not like he wasn't doing the same. Our mouths watered for one another and as we kissed, our mouths smacking wetly inside the hot tent, the kisses became even more squelchy.

Our bodies were still quite wet and they slid together, forming a large wet spot under us on the sleeping bag. Zac's wet hair rubbed against the pillow as I fell to my side and we made our passionately, side by side with our legs tangled together. With a primal desire I'd seen before, Zac grabbed my face and mashed it against his, kissing me and shoving his tounge into my mouth. Through the nylon of his swimsuit, his dick was hard as a rock and it rubbed against my own rigid tool as he kissed me and humped our burning groins together. Even as we kissed, I could smell the incredible pungent scent of our sex bouncing off the walls of the tent.

My hands found their way to his firm chest, rubbing the damp muscles and feeling the heat resonating off them. We both knew where my hands were going as my fingers slowly rubbed over his nipples, drawing a pleasured groan from deep inside Zac's chest. With enough pressure to really drive him crazy but not enough to really hurt, I gently tugged at the dark skib, rolling and squeezing it between the tips of my fingers. Each tug sent an almost violent jerk through Zac as he writhed under me, his body being slowly taken over by his sexual side. Our kisses shallowed off and I moved to his neck, sucking hard and nibbling the ridge of his shoulders as I stimulated his nipples.

Zac's body felt so hot and scorching that it was making me pour sweat from my forehead, but the only thing on my mind was causing him as much mind bending pleasure as possible. My kisses moved down between his pecs and lightened to the point where my lips just barely brushed the skin. With a jolt, Zac moaned and arched his back, urging his broad torso up and against me, displaying it with as much sexual grandiosity as he could muster. Our collective pantings breaths had caused small droplets of moisture to stand out on the walls of the tent, not including the large drops that had begun to stand out all over Zac and most likely, all over me as well.

My lips began to press again, kissing firmly onto his nipples and chewing them tantalizingly. Looking up, I saw Zac's head whipping from side to side, his mouth open and his eyes closed. His hair sent more drops of wetness onto the walls of the tent, as did his hips as he thrust them sharply, sending out puffs of hot, steamy air from inside his shorts. The trail of kisses lead down to his taught stomach as I kissed around his belly button, kissing his wet treasure trail and pressed the soft blond hair into his dark skin. Zac's heels were clumping against the mattress as he kicked weakly, doing anything he could to keep from cumming in his shorts before it was "time."

Almost magnetically, my mouth returned to his and our kissing continued as we writhed together, grinding ourselves into one another. Zac's hands fell from the back of my head and dug into the sleeping bag, bracing his body against the inflated ground below him. His back arched again and my hands slid under the waistband of his swimtrunks, pulling the wet garment down his hips. Zac hissed and his hips bucked, alerting me that he was becoming more than a little impatient. With tremendous will power, my lips parted from his and left a string of warm drool across his chin. My kisses focused on his neck and back down to his stomach, and then down to his waistline as the shorts traveled further down his wet legs.

His hard dick bopped up and throbbed in the open air, the pink shaft looking swollen and ready to be pleasured. Even though it was kinda freaky, the way that the blue vein in Zac's dick stood out so much was actually a turn on. It was very pronounced. More so than the other two guys I'd been with and more than any other penis I'd seen. His whole dick seemed as though it was custom made for my mouth and as I took him in slowly, running my tounge over the vast ridge covered surface, nothing seemed to step forward to challenge that assumption.

"Holy shit..." Zac moaned, his right leg kicking reflexively.

As my mouth slid up and down slowly, Zac began to buck his hips again in short thrusts. With every thrust, his balls slapped against my chin and sent their heady scent up to my nostrils. It was intoxicating. Ungracefully, my hands pulled down his shorts and eventually, he was free of them and naked underneath me. His body was still quite wet and every thrust sent his stomach against my forehead and I could feel the still cold water of the lake on his skin. The temperature of the water had caused his balls to retract and as my sucking sped up, they began to relax and drift back down between his thighs.

Just as my fingers began to creep in between the hot ravine of his asscheeks, a metallic warbling hit my ears and I did my best to ignore it. Zac was in another world and I wouldn't have expected him to remember his own name but the little noise kept insinuating itself into our male bonding. My sucking sped up and I jammed my tounge deep into his peehole, making Zac cry out and jerk his hips violently, moving closer to the edge. But the damn ringing wouldn't stop. My mind couldn't concentrate and, reluctantly, I pulled off.

Zac sat up, dazed, "Huh? What's wrong?"

Almost consolingly, I wrapped my hand around his dick and held it gently, "Do you hear that?"

"Do I hear what?!" He asked, his cheeks flushed and sweaty, "Get back down there!"

I shook my head and looked around, my vision not wanting to work, "I have to find what it is."

"Reid... baby, sweetie, lovemuffin," Zac crawled forward and kissed me, "There are more important things you gotta do right now!"

"It'll drive me crazy, Zac. I might... bite something." I said and squeezed his dick before using both hands to paw around inside the tent.

"Ouchie... let's find it." Zac panted and crawled around, butt naked, helping me look for what it was.

The noise continued as I crawled out of the tent and walked, as best I could with the raging erection, across the grounds. The warblings got louder as I got closer to the car and tore into my beach bag. I'd tossed it in the car after we'd gotten back from the lake, forgetting about the phone as we'd staggered into the tent. It got louder as my searching got closer until I found my cell phone buried under a sweatshirt. Mustering as much temper as I could, I hit the talk button and tried to talk as softly and respectfully as I could... but it was difficult.


"Hi!" It was the mother in the law. Perfect.

"Hi Mrs. Hanson."

"Oh Reid... how is everything?" She asked, sounding incredibly pleasant.

"Oh just fine." I said, stepping away from the car and shutting the door.

"Did you have trouble finding the phone? You sound winded?" She said with audible concern.

"We were walking back from the lake. Zac heard the phone and I rushed ahead."

There was a second of silence, "You didn't take the phone with you?"

"I forgot it. The car was locked and I had my keys... so yeah, everythings fine."

"Well... good. I was getting kind of worried. Are you guys doing okay?"

I silenty took a long breath, "We're fine. The natives were kind of hostile."

"Ahhh... I was worried about that," She sounded truly ashamed, "I'm sorry you had to deal with that."

"It's all right. It's just something that happens." I said and sat down at the picnic table.

"You won't have to put up with anything else."

"I won't worry about it. It's such a beautiful place... hard to feel anything but relaxation."

"Oh I know! Have you been for a hike in the woods yet?" She asked.

"Not yet. We will. Swimming was our first priority."

She laughed, "You'll have fun."

"I'm already having fun."

"I can tell. You sound very relaxed. Is Zac there?"

I stalled, "Uh... no, he's taking a nap. The swimming wore him out."

"Was it the swimming or you, Reid?"


She laughed again, "Bye, Reid."

I folded the phone and stood up, and my heart sank when I realized the erection was gone. Now I was just tired. My muscles were tired from swimming and carrying Zac around. Fate could be cruel sometimes. Sighing and standing up slowly, I shuffled back over to the tent and looked inside. Zac was spread out on the air mattress, stroking himself and looking at me expectantly. Immediately, he knew what happened and an adorable look of dissapointment came across his face. The stroking stopped and he laid, looking up at me.

"Reid... please..." He said, sounding crestfallen.

"Sorry." I said and pulled on a blue t-shirt.

"But... but... think of last night! The speedo! My bulge, Reid!" He wailed, grabbing my leg as I sat down, "My bulge! It was so big and lumpy and stinky and smelly! Reid... nooo..."

I laid back, "I'll need at least three hours removal from that phone call."

"Grrr... okay," Zac sat up and rifled through his backpack, "Who was it?"

"Your mom." I said and a very embarassing yawn came out.

"Oh God!" Zac groaned and pulled on a pair of briefs, "That's just like her knocking on the bathroom door."

I laughed and rolled onto my side, "She loves her little boy. She asked if you were handy, but I told her you were taking a nap."

"Whew... that would have killed my bone," Zac said and laid back, arching his body and pulling on his cutoff camouflage shorts, "How did she sound?"

"Her normal effervescent self."

"Now you know where I get it from." He said and pulled a white v-neck t-shirt over his bare torso.

"You hungry?" I asked, somehow knowing the answer before he even said anything.

"Oh man... are you serious?"

"I swear to God! He said it was a hickey but he really whacked his neck on the edge of a door."

"So... he's a virgin?" I asked.

"Yup. Taylor Hanson... not only is he a slender, effeminate, bony legged queen. He's also a virgin."

"But... how?"

"Kung fu self-discipline. He's holding out for his wedding night." Zac said and finished the last of his hot dog.

"Ahhh... it makes sense."

"But it's kinda cool. Waiting for 'the one'."

"Yeah," I stopped and took a drink of water, "I hope he finds his 'one'."

"Not everyone can be as lucky as I am." He said and smiled coyly.

"Awww," I shifted off of the lawn chair and sat next to him on the ground, "You can be a sweetheart sometimes, Zac."

He gave me a martyr look, "Yeah... well, whatever."

I wrapped my arms around him, "It's okay to admit it."

"My winkiebear." He cooed and snuggled up to me, chewing my lower lip.

For a while, we sat by the fire and just didn't say anything. The fire crackled and somewhere in the night, we could hear a bird calling. It sounded so lonely out there. All around our campground, it was pretty much pitch black beyond where the fire light reached. If someone had asked me at that point, I probably would have said that I'd never been more glad to have Zac than I was right there. The night around us and the quiet except for the fire would be very lonely if I were there alone... it would be lonely and really quite spooky to be confined in.

Zac's warmth in my arms and his soft breathing made it seem so different. His presence there made it seem romantic. The quiet and the darkness, the heat from the fire, the scent of the burning wood mixed with Zac's natural smell. We didn't need anyone else. We didn't need anyone or anything else at that point. The fire was a nice addition, as was the tent and mosquito nets which turned out to really be not necessary. Even the small world band radio that Zac had smuggled along was nice but it really wasn't important to what was going on. All we needed was each other.

My arms expanded as Zac sighed and let his head rest against my shoulder, the light from the fire relfecting of his still slightly damp hair. I kissed him gently on the lips, feeling how incredibly sultry and full they were, feeling the soft tissue and the warm firmness as they honored my mouth with their touch. Every inch of his body felt so warm in my arms. My cheek rested against the top of his head and we both looked at the fire, feeling the life it gave off.

From under the blanket, one of Zac's feet stuck out and he wiggled his toes inside his sock, watching the dark cloth flex and move. The small half-inch of bare leg he was showing between the edge of the blanket and the top of his sock looked tantalizingly golden in the light of the fire. For just a second, my dick began to harden and I thought of our interrupted session earlier... but I got a handle on it. I didn't want to ruin the moment with pesky sexual desire.

Under the blanket, his hand slid onto mine and he interlocked our fingers. It was one of his favorite physical gestures. He liked the feeling of our hands interwoven and clasped together. Inside the heat of the blanket, my hand felt almost eclipsed by Zac's large paw. Sometimes I kidded him about the size of his "contact points" but I think we both knew that I found his large hands, large feet, large nose, and large ass really beautiful. There were times where making jokes would be appropriate and when they wouldn't. I wasn't sure what kind of situation this was but it didn't matter because right then and there, we didn't need to talk.

More time passed and the fire kept burning, crackling softly in the night air. It had gotten a big chilly and I was thankful for Zac pulling the big plaid blanket out of the car and wrapping it around himself. It kept us from getting uncomfortably nipped by the night-time. My hands slid down from around his shoulders to around his waist and I squeezed him protectively, our hands still locked together. Zac squirmed in my arms and nibbled my chin playfully for a few seconds. As civilized as I had made him, he still got a little restless if he was asked to sit still for too long.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm great..."


"My balls feel like overstuffed tomatoes." He said, squeezing my hand.

Immediately, my dick was hard as a rock. I shifted and took a deep breath, my heart beginning to beat quickly and I knew that Zac could feel it. He smiled and nuzzled my neck, licking me just barely and squeezing my hand harder. After some playful babykissing, our lips met and we kissed again, my tounge sliding into his willing mouth. It only took about two kisses before we were making out pretty heavily, my free hand stroking his hair.

"Mmmm... you like... tomatoes, right?" Zac panted between kisses.

I could only mutter something in the affirmative. My lips smacked against his and the kissing became more and more hot blooded as he laid back and pulled me down ontop of him. Through the silken fabric of his shorts, his dick was rock hard and my hand traveled down slowly and massaged the bulge. Zac jerked and broke the kiss long enough to moan, his hot breath blowing onto my cheek and tickling my earlobe. The blanket fell off us and the cool air blew over my bare legs, contrasting with the body heat and heat from the fire that had taken control. The feeling of the cool air caused goosebumps to raise on my skin, making me shiver ontop of Zac and he noticed almost immediately.

"Hey... let's go in the tent." He whipsered breathlessly.

"Sounds good to me."


"Wake up."

All I felt was a gentle chewing on my ear, "Huh?"

"Reid, wake up."


"Reid... I gotta pee." Zac whimpered, writhing against me in the darkness.

"Put on your clothes and go pee." I grumbled, burying my face in the pillow and trying to go back to sleep.

"I don't wanna go alone." He said softly, and I caught that pesky hint of seriousness that always made itself present when Zac wasn't kidding around about something.

"There's 40 feet between us an the bathrooms. Nothing is gonna happen."

"Probably not... but I'd feel safer if you went with me."

"Aww jeez..." I mumbled and sat up, my head still feeling light from the orgasm that we were only about an hour removed from.

"Where are my clothes..." Zac said to himself, ruffling the sleeping bag.

It felt like I was in some bizarre dream world. I tried to move but the dizzyness in my head didn't go away and I had to steady myself. In the pitch blackness, Zac bumped against me and his warm, naked body sent an excited shiver through my body. For just a second, I saw myself wrapping my arms around him and dumping another load inside his body but that would be risking much more than lightheadedness. Why the hell was I still horny? Usually after a bone session with Zac, all I wanted to do was go to sleep but not tonight. Even when I had fallen asleep, the only images in my mind were Zac... naked...

I snapped myself out of it, "What time is it?"

The soft blue glow of Zac's watch lit up a small part of the tent, "10:13."

"Damn," I said as I pulled on my shirt, "Camping always screws with me like that."

Zac's lips touched my ear, "I wore my baby out, huh?"

"Okay... bathroom time!" I said, standing up and nearly hitting my head on the tent pole.

"Careful there." Zac giggled, gingerly standing up and stretching.

"You okay?" I said, putting my arm around him.

"Yeah... I don't get as nuked as I first did."

I carefully held the tent door open for Zac as he stepped out and stretched again, unhindered by the tent. My left hand still searched behind our backpacks until I felt the cool steel shaft of the flashlight. After stepping out behing Zac and feeling his warm shoulder with my hand, I clicked on the light and did a quick check to make sure no bears or wolves had moved in on our area. It all looked clear. The flashlight really wasn't all that necessary. The moon was shining very brightly that night.

Zac ruffled his hair and yawned, "It's definitely gonna take a couple hours for me to go back to sleep."

I started walking towards the restrooms, "So that means it'll take me a couple hours to go back to sleep, too?"

"Yup yup." Zac said and hipchecked me playfully.


"Awww..." Zac drawled and threw his arms around my neck as we walked, "You love me."

"Oh yeah. I love getting rousted out of sleep to walk a long haired, pot bellied chicken to the bathroom."

Zac gasped, "I've been insulted! I will not stand for that!"

"Uh huh."

He released my neck and shoulderblocked my arm weakly, "I'm a badass, Reid. Don't push me."

As I walked, the flashlight fell our feet, "You put your socks on?"

"Of course. A boy has to accessorize." He said with a dramatic flair.

We reached the door to the mens bathroom and I held it open, giving his head a gentle push when he stuck his tounge out at me. After he walked in, I heard a melodramatic dry heaving at the precieved stench of the room. Zac was quite a character. After letting the door swing shut, I leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath of the cool night air. If he was having problems, I'd hear the screaming. My eyes looked out at the moonlight landscape of the campgrounds. There was really no way to see this kind of thing in the city and truly appreciate it.

Somewhere off in the distance, a lonely sounding animal cried out into the night. It wasn't a wolf, I knew that for sure. Whatever the hell it was, it had a freaky voice and for just a second, I considered going into the bathroom and waiting inside where I knew Zac was. How odd, it made me smile. Zac wanted me to come with him because he was scared but there I was, freaked out because of an animal in the distance. I hugged myself and prayed for the batteries in the flashlight not to crap out before Zac could remerge from inside and comfort me with his presence.

A small flash of light emerged just to my left and I jumped slightly. The light went down and I saw that it was a match being held by someone on the other side of the road. In the brief flash, I saw that it was the same ranger who had been by earlier that day. He was just standing there... looking at me. If he was trying to intimidate me, it took a whole hell of a lot more than that. Turning away from where I'd seen the light, I looked off to the otherside, seeing small campfire in another far off part of the grounds. Someone else was still up, and it gave me a little bit of strength.

From inside the bathroom, I heard the toilet flush and the rush of water running from the faucet. A big sense of relief hit me and my shoulders relaxed, hearing Zac finish up his buisness. A few seconds later, the door swung open and Zac stepped out, nearly running right into me. With no hesitation, I hugged him close and squeezed him, feeling him tense slightly with surprise but almost immediately relaxing in my arms and hugging me back.

"Jeez... miss me much?" Zac said and he kissed my cheek affectionately.

"Yeah," I said and realized how odd I must have seemed, "I did, actually."

His lips burrowed against my neck, "Remind me to take more leaks, then."

Part of me expected to hear a hateful comment from off in the darkness but none came. It was a very peacefully defiant gesture on my part to hold Zac and love him so openly in the face of bigotry. Or maybe not. Maybe he had left and gone back to his little cabin of hate and discrimination. I wasn't really letting it ruin the moment because Zac's warmth and firmness in my arms was a very quick acting tranquilizer. It made the chilly night air not seem so completely frigid.

With a very relaxed slowness, Zac and I walked back towards our campground, my arm around his shoulders and his arm around my waist. Every few steps, he could pretend to stumble a bit and hold onto me, making me feel needed. His long hair fell back over my arm and brushed it softly, still a little clumped from dampness. Neither of us were very tried and the hour or so of sleep I'd gotten hadn't really messed with my system too much. It was more like a small nap.

"You okay?" Zac asked, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah. Ranger Fallwell was back there. He was watching me."

He groaned and staggered flamboyantly, "Okay... he's officially not my dad anymore. Can I take your last name?"

I chuckled, "He just slipped up."

"You're getting harassed. That ain't cool." Zac said, sounding extremely annoyed.

"You can't help closed mindedness."

"I know... but... God damn it!" Zac hissed, turned back up the road and shouted, "Hey! Hey asshole! When I tell my dad what you've been doing, you're gonna be the park ranger on Marlon Brando's island! You're so fired!"

I flinched at the volume and tone of his shouting, "Zac... calm down."

He brushed off my attempts to restrain him, his words echoing across the vast area, "God loves queers like us, asshole! He's gonna be royally fucking pissed! You wish you could find someone like I did!"

"Zac, come on." I said and wrapped my arm around him, guiding him gently back towards the campsite.

"I'm sorry... I'm okay now." Zac said softly, letting me guide him back to the tent.

I zipped it closed quickly, "You're insane."

Zac laid back on his elbows, "That's the second time he screwed with you. What's wrong with some shouting?"

I laid down on my stomach, "What if the wrong person heard?"

"Nobody knew that was me." Zac drawled, snuggling up to me.

"Yeah... well..." I mumbled, not able to resist him.

"Yeah well what?" He smirked, snacking on my earlobe.

"You're still insane." I said, nearly melting underneath him.

Zac didn't say anything... not in human anyway. He continued to kiss my neck gently, brushing his lips along the collar of my shirt, blowing warmly over the skin. His touch was so relaxing. Within seconds, I'd forgotten about anything bad that could have happened. Slowly, he slid his hands up my folded arms and cupped my hands, squeezing them gently as he began to suckle on the area behind my earlobe. Zac had some crazy little thing for my ears. Nothing I'd complain about but they always seemed to provide him with just the right taste to satisfy his appetite.

His lips brushed my ear, "I got something that will help us relax."

"Mmm." I murmured, feeling myself drift away.

"I'll be right back, okay?"


Almost gleefully, Zac jumped up and unzipped the tent before legging it over to the cooler and I could hear him searching through it. It only took a few seconds before he was back and settling back down on the sleeping bag. With a lot of effort, I managed to sit up and turn on the small light that was clipped to the side of the tent. The dome was filled with a soft yellow light and it made my eyes wince slightly, but not for long. Zac was sitting across from me with his legs folded and he was fooling with the cap of a small dark bottle.

"What's that?" I asked, running the tip of my index finger of his bare calf.

"That's my leg, sweetie." Zac said, not looking up.

"Har har. What's in the bottle?"

He smiled, "It's a very special treat."

"What kind?"

"Here. Open it and find out." He said, handing me the bottle and giving his sore fingers a brief rest.

I took the bottle from him and looked at the label, scanning it, not able to read it so well in the meager light. Whatever it was had been kept ice cold and the flaky golden lettering looked very fancy. When my mind finally registered what it was, a rush went through me but was then replaced by worry. I shook my head and tried to say something.

"Cool, huh?" Zac asked, finally working the foil wrapping off the cork.

"Zac... this is alcohol."

"It's champagne, Reid. The best kind, too." He said and began trying to yank the cork out of the bottle.

"Hey," I said, holding it away from him, "We can't drink this."

"Why not?"

"Zac! It's alcohol! If we get hammered, I'm going to jail regardless of our relationship!"

He gave me an exasperated look, "We won't get hammered. Besides, I'm not a tattletale."

"Zac... it's alcohol! We can't drink it!"

"Reid... if we get drunk, it will have been my fault." He stated, pulling the bottle forward and beginning working the cork out.

"Zac," I flailed and then I noticed the label, "Wow... Dom Perignon Rose..."

"Yup. Nothin' but the best for my woman." Zac said, grunting as he pulled the cork out with a pop.

"How'd you get it?"


"God, what is she? Your supplier?"

"Purty much." Zac said and poured two plastic cups of the sparkling white wine.

I knew there was no resisting, "Great."

"You're SO wasted."

"It takes one to know one." I said, keeping a straight face for as long as possible."

Zac opened his eyes slightly and looked at me for a second before bursting into a fit of giggles, his chest and stomach quivering. Half the bottle of champagne had been consumed and if that was all it took to get us smashed, then Zac and I would definitely not become social drinkers. We had two little plastic glasses each. That was all. Zac, being younger and slightly smaller, seemed to give into the effects first, finding a great deal of comedy in the sound of his bare arm rubbing against the wall of the tent. I myself was much more sophisticated, taking a lot of amusement in how Zac seemed to have to spit a strand of his hair out every few seconds.

"Oh man... we're drunk, Reid." Zac giggled, laying flat on his back with his arms slightly out to his sides.

"We are not drunk, Zac," I said, swallowing hard and analyzing the situation, "What we are is alcoholically enhanced young men... in the prime of our lives."

"I wuv you, Reid..." Zac said in a weepy voice, looking peaceful and motionless.

"Yeah... next thing we know, you'll be driving away in my truck with the glass to our coffee table between the matresses."

"Nope. We're together forever... and ever... and ever..."

I laid down on my side, "You're scary."

"I think you're... scary too." Zac said, giggling.

"Uh huh."

"Urgh." Zac gurgled, sticking his tounge out weakly.

"Are you dead?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Nope," Zac said, jerking his left leg spastically a few times, "See?"

"That's creepy as hell. Stop it." I growled, smacking the guilty leg.

Zac stopped and his head fell to the side as he opened his eyes and looked at me, "We're so wasted, Reid."

Like a war victim, I crawled over and laid my head on his stomach, "Not my fault."

He giggled, "I got you drunk and took advantage of you... or not in that order, right?"

I began laughing, "Don't be all drunk with me, you long haired, weird smelling... queer!"

Zac pushed me off his stomach and began laughing, "And proud of it!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, sitting up and wobbling a bit.

Zac sat up heavily and rested his face against my cheek, "We're drunk, Reid."

I turned my head and kissed him, our lips wrestling together for only a few seconds before we broke into another fit of laughter. My body fell sideways and I rolled onto my back, looking up at the dark roof of the tent and finding it more amusing than anything I'd ever seen before. Paying little mind to Zac at that moment, I held my hand up and studied it, marvelling at how it was created and looked so evenly proportionate in the soft light. A gentle tickling touched my cheek and when I looked over, Zac was rubbing the toe of his sock on my face. I hissed and crawled away, holding my breath until I'd reached a safe distance.

"I'm evil." I said, sitting up and nearly falling backwards.

"Huh?" Zac said, between giggles.

"I'm a pedophile!" I said with a flourish.

"Oooh baby... you know I love those 'phile' things..." Zac said, starting to laugh all over again.

"Hey! I'm serious! I masturbate in the shower because my fantasies make me feel dirty! I hide outside playgrounds with a candy bar, a rag soaked with ether, a stuffed Pokemon thing, and a rag soaked with ether! I get little boys drunk and rape them!"

Zac began to laugh, "Oh yeah... I'm a little boy."

"I only desire little boys... my motto is 'before eight... it's too late'!"

"You're so funny." Zac said, rolling onto his stomach and flattening his body against the air mattress.

"Zac! I command you... to talk in a squeaky voice... to satisfy my sick urge for little boys..."

Zac slowly crawled over and laid across my lap, "I'm a bad little boy... spank me!"

"Shut up. I'm serious. If you don't obey my desires, I might have to..."

"Have to what?"

I could barely finish the sentence, "I might have to give you an enema!"

We broke into another fit of laughter. I pushed Zac off my lap and laid down ontop of him, still laughing as our bodies shook the air mattress gently. Zac squealed softly and kicked, inferring that my massive weight was crushing him. We continued to laugh, and I began to tickle him gently, making him squeal more and jerk, his ass quivering and writhing right against my crotch. Even in my inebriated state, I knew when to pull off and I rolled to my side, laying next to him. We had worked up quite a sweat and several thick strands of Zac's hair were sticking to his face as he laughed. Clumsily, I reached out and stroked his flushed cheek, feeling the warm damp skin as he laughed. His eyes were closed and he looked so cute.

With an almost immature glee, our feet wrestled and we kicked each other playfully. My head felt like it was filled with more bubbles than the champagne. I'd never been drunk in my life but something about this time didn't seem like I was drunk. The desire to relax and feel unburdened had perhaps accelerated my giddyness. My hand came away from Zac's face but not before he licked my fingers slowly, making me feel a childish rush of ickyness. I laid the hand on his stomach and pressed again, tickling him some more and making him giggle some more. His breath smelled like the champgane.

"Feel that?" He asked, pressing his forearm against my mouth.

"Mmph... what?" I said, pushing his fuzzy arm away.

"That means you're not a pedophile." He said, his voice slurred only slightly.

I began giggling, "But... I'm a man. And you're a boy."

Zac giggled and blew a raspberry against my lips, "You're my man."

"You taste like alcohol. I said and licked between his teeth.

"Mmmm... champagny," He said after I pulled back, "My honeybunny."

"Wait... I thought I was winkiebear?" I said, feigning a very saturated offense.

He gave me the cutest confused look, "Doesn't matter... I wuv you either way."

"Mmmm." I said, managing to turn the light off before snuggling down ontop of him.

"Nighty night." He said.

A second later, we both cracked up. Then we went to sleep.

"Ugh... stop the ride, I wanna get off." Zac mumbled, shaking his head.

"Why the hell does it always rain when I go camping?"

"Hey... it's okay." Zac said, heaving over and hugging me roughly.

"No... it's not okay." I said, my voice nearly coming undone.

"Reid, we just got a little tipsy. It's not a big deal."

"We got DRUNK, Zac!" I said in a harsh tone, "In my care, a minor got drunk. I broke the law."

Zac looked hurt, "I got you drunk, Reid. I'm the one who brought the champagne. If anyone finds out, I'll take the heat."

"It's not that simple." I said and finished stuffing my backpack.

Not saying anything else, I lugged the heavy pack out into the wet morning and carried it to the car and tossed it inside. It was raining pretty heavily and within a few seconds, I was pretty wet. The mosquito net had kept the picnic table and our coolers dry as a bone, it also provided a welcome shelter. My knees felt stiff and my head throbbed dully as I sat down and rubbed my eyes, still feeling ashamed. I felt like I had failed Zac as a friend. There was no excuse for what had happened. The first thing my mind went to when I woke up was last night. Zac was fifteen and while in my presence, he'd gotten drunk.

The rain continued to fall around the netting and I could hear it pelt the roof of the car and the top of the net. Something about it was oddly calming. If it weren't so loud, I'd have to sit there and wonder what I could say to Zac. What could I say to him? I just felt so damn ashamed of myself. My eyes began to burn as I buried my face in my hands, wondering how the hell I was going to be any good for Zac. How could I keep the world from chewing him up when he came out if I couldn't even keep him from getting wasted?

I raised my head up and looked off to my left, looking out into the gray rainfall. Thankfully, it wasn't a cold rain and the tent had kept it out for most of the night. Too many camping trips during my childhood had included waking up with my feet in a puddle of frigid rainwater at the foot of my sleeping bag. Nothing took the fun out of a camping trip quicker than finding out that your tent leaked and left you colder than a popsicle. I sniffled and wiped my eyes, trying not to think about my immediate problems and just let it go for at least a few minutes.

"Hey." I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up, "Hey."

"Look, Reid..." Zac said, his hair already wet from the short walk across the site, "How long have we been together?"

"Seven months, three weeks, and a few days."

He sat down next to me, his t-shirt clinging to his body, "How much shit have you either gotten me out of or kept me from getting into in the first place?"

"Too much to count."

"That's right." He smiled, looking like a drenched rat... albeit, a very cute drenched rat.


"What do you mean 'so'?!" He slapped me gently on the shoulder with a wet hand, "You and I tried one thing and now we're all the wiser. We didn't go off on a drunken joyride, we didn't go egg that asshole ranger's cabin... we didn't do anything destructive... it's okay, Reid. We got a little goofy and maybe it wasn't the best way to relax, but it's not a big deal. We learned a lesson on our own."

"You could have gotten sick."

"I had two small glasses of champagne. Nothing major happened. We'll just have to wait until we're legally old enough to drink, right?"

"Yeah, I guess." I said, forced to admit that he had a point.

With an exaggerated shyness, he slid over next to me, "Besides... you know you're the only guy I want to get drunk with."

"I better be." I smiled and put my arm around him.

Zac smiled and laid his head on my shoulder, "Want some more? There's still some champagne left in the bottle."

"Ugh... no thanks. If this isn't a hangover, I don't want to feel a real one."

"This dizzyness is bad enough, huh?"

"Yeah," I said, noticing how wet he was, "How the hell did you get so wet?"

"My foot caught in the door of the tent." He said plaintively.

"Awww... you ready to head home?"

Zac sat up straight, "No, something's missing."

I yawned, "What?"

He just smiled, "Come with me."

"Zac... no!"

"Awww..." He said, pulling off his wet t-shirt, "It'll be fun."

"For one thing, it's freezing. Another thing, it's daytime. Yet another thing, we'll get hit by lightning."

Zac looked at me tiredly, "Reid, how the hell did you try new things before you met me?"

"I didn't," I said, swatting his hand away when he tried to pull down my shorts, "I sat in my room all day and waited to die and enjoyed the rut I was in... cut it out!"

He had stripped down to his underwear, "Okay Reid... take it off."

"What about you?" I said, having to wipe the rain off my face. I was drenched.

Zac simply shrugged and in one move, his tightie whities were down and off, plopped into the pile of his clothes on the ground. He was standing there buck naked in the pouring rain. For a second, my mind was completely offset by the sight of him but not for long. As much as it pained me to admit it, it was quite a majestic sight. The rain coursing down his meaty, perfectly shaped, tanned body... the beauty of his wet blond hair across his shoulders... how quickly and willingly he had ditched his clothes and expected me to do the same. Against my better judgement, I began to pull off my t-shirt.

When the shirt was clear of my head, I tossed it on the ground and looked up to see Zac smiling proudly at me. After the shirt came my strap sandals and then it was the moment of truth. I stood there and shook my head in bewildered amusement before pulling down my shorts and stepping out of them, watching as Zac seemed surprised. Pleasantly surprised. In the rain, he clapped his hands a few times and laughed, impressed with my sudden onset of guts.

I smiled for a second before firmly placing my hand in the middle of his chest and giving him a gentle push backwards, sending him off the small bank and back into the water. He shouted in surprise as the cold water attacked his bare nuts and asscrack before gasping a few times, and looking daggers at me on the beach. I smiled and winked at him, intent on rubbing in my strategic outsmarting of one self-professed boy genius Zac Hanson. Adjusting to the water temperature admirably quickly, he swam over and looked up at me, smiling pleasantly.

"Okay... I've learned my lesson. Help me out?" He said calmly and held out his hand.

Now... I shouldn't have fallen for it. Something in me assumed that there was no way he would be that evil. Very unsuspectingly, I stuck my hand out and grabbed his, expecting to pull him out of the water. What happened in reality was very different. As soon as his mighty appendage closed around mind, Zac clenched his jaw and pulled forward, sending me head over heels into the water. My back hit the surface sharply and instantly, I was underneath the surface and it felt as though I'd been dunked into a lake that had only unfrozen itself recently.

Slowly, I broke the surface and stood there shivering, listening as Zac laughed like a hyena and splashed the water. He really took a lot of pride in what he'd done. I turned around and bit my lower lip, bracing myself against the fact that my blood had turned to basically ice water and breathed deeply. There were several things I could do. My mind calculated and I thought about it as Zac continued to laugh, floating on his back and kicking his legs gleefully.

Zac saw me and stopped laughing, "Hey... are you okay?"

"I'm fine... I mean, sure, my balls just turned to RAISINS but I'm FINE!" I yelled.

Zac began laughing again, "You SO fell for it!"

"Okay, rock star... you're dead." I said and took off towards him.

"Awww crap!" Zac yelled and climbed out of the water and grabbed our clothes.

"Come back here!" I said and followed him out.

"Okay Reid... I've got your clothes. Are you not gonna kill me?"

I hesitated, "No."

Zac didn't say anything before he took off in a mad naked dash for the campsite. I followed, my own nakedness becoming secondary as I chased him through the small wooded area, the beauty of his naked ass as he ran not lost on me. His hair flowed out behind him regally as he ran... he ran beautifully. Even though he was heeded by the sopping bundle of our clothes, it didn't slow him much as he hauled bare ass surprisingly quickly. He was a shockingly fast runner for a growing adolescent boy. In front of him, I could see our tent and soon enough he tore around it and dove inside, struggling to pull the zipper closed.

"Shit!" He yelled, trying in vain to close the tent but it kept getting stuck.

Very calmly, I walked up to the door and pushed it open, watching as he recoiled as best he could. He stuttered with a mock fear as I crept forward, blood in my eyes. Soon, he found himself backed into the corner and he smiled sweetly, his eyes shining with a very cultivated innocense.

"Reid.... I love you..." He said meekly.

"Uh huh..." I said as I grabbed his shoulders.

"Reid... Sweetie... what are you doing? I love you... remember that."

I kept a stoic look on his face as I guided him down against the sleeping back and held him there, looking down at him with my best "mean" look. Zac just laid there, smiling agreeably and trying to convince me that it was just a freak occurrence. Slowly, I stradled his hips and continued to look down, listening as he tried to joke and make me laugh, figuring out that it wasn't going to work and going back to the drawing board.

"Hey... uhhh... did ya hear the one about the guy who got pulled into the river?" Zac joked.

"Be real careful with that one." I said, trying not to laugh.

"Ba-da-bing." He said, "Tough tent."

"Hey, I got one." I said cold-bloodedly.

"Really? That's great, baby." Zac said, trying to turn on his world famous charm.

I looked at him sternly, "It's about this long haired dork who pulled his much larger and more liable to fly off the handle friend into an ice cold lake... and then they found that very same long haired dork when people at the local McDonalds were complaining that their hamburgers had weird, armpit smelling chunks in them."

"That one ain't so funny."

"Yeah... it's a story with a moral."

Right away, Zac was suddenly apologetic, "It was pretty cold, wasn't it?"

"Don't even start that, Mr. Hanson."

"I'm sowwy..." He said, pouting.

"Oh God..."

"Do you need to be warmed up?" Zac said, running his hand down between my legs.

"I guess I can forgive you... just this once."

"Mmmm... now let's warm up." Zac said, raising his head off the wet pillow and puckering his lips.

"None of that sweet talk..." I said, my mouth lowering onto his.

Zac only mumured softly before we began kissing, his lips feeling cool and wet as they touched me. The inside of his mouth was a different story and when he tounge slid forward, it's slimy heat sending a huge bolt of pleasure through my body. To my surprise, Zac's hands found my ass and he squeezed my cheeks firmly, drawing a squeaky noise out of my throat. Through our kissing, he smiled and squeezed me again, taking a great delight in causing me such sudden pleasure. Inbetween kisses, his hot breath panted over my mouth and he thrust his hips up, rubbing his hard dick against my stomach.

The cold of the lake had gone forgotten as we quickly warmed each other up, our naked, wet bodies uniting together and trying to become one warm, wet mass. Rain was still falling outside and it pattered on the roof of the tent, providing a nice, soft sound to compliment the rhythym of our bodies. Even as we kissed passionately, Zac and I both enjoyed ourselves. After every few kisses, he would smile and giggle softly, the pleasure of the moment making him laugh. That's what making love was about. It was about enjoying the experience. I smiled and began to kiss and suck on Zac's neck, making him moan and run his fingers through my hair, the gentleness of his touch even in the heat of the moment surprising me.

Coupled with the gray light of the sky and the off-white color of the tent, Zac's normally tanned skin looked paler and a little pinker than usual. Using my teeth carefully, I gnawed a thin line down the center of his chest and onto his nipples, teasing the two dark circles and tugging them slowly. Zac groaned and his legs kicked, his wet ass squeaking against the stretched nylon of the sleeping bag. There would be no interruption from the phone this time. I'd like to see anything try to interrupt us, I thought as I licked each tender nipple at a snails pace, feeling Zac's heart pounding under my cheek.

To my surprise, Zac pushed me back and in one motion, rolled over on his stomach, displaying his pale ass right in my face. I fought with my instincts to make a witty comment but nothing just seemed to work. His hands trembling slightly, Zac reached back and spread his asscheeks apart, giving me a clear view of his tight, puckered starfish. It seemed to twitch in time with his heartbeat, nearly hypnotizing me and drawing me in. With a deep breath, I brought my face forward and went to work. Zac's entire body shuddered as I began to nibble at the top of his crack, pinching the sensitive skin with my teeth until my lips were brushing the rim of his whole.

My aim at that point was torture. Using a technique I'd only really thought about, I pressed my mouth against his asshole and pressed my lower jaw inside. Time seemed to slow down as I bit and nibbled on the rim of Zac's sphincter, stimulating it as nothing had ever done before. Tugging and pulling it with my teeth, Zac kicked his legs and began making some noises that I never really thought could come from a human being. When I pulled my mouth away, his hole was red and squirming, wet with my saliva and tensing and relaxing... calling to me.

His muscles flexed with anticipation as I crawled up, my knees making the sleeping bag crinkle. My dick slid inbetween his ass and the head rested against the hot, wet ring of his hole. With almost no pressure, his muscle opened and sucked me in hungrily. My arms tightened around Zac's waist and I pressed my face into the area between his shoulder blades as I felt his molten insides grab onto me. Zac then slammed his ass backwards, sending all of my meat deep into his hole, making me cry out with surprise at his sudden movement. When my dick was fully buried inside him, Zac cried out too, obviously not expecting the sensation that instantly impaling himself would bring.

"Oh fuck," Zac groaned, his body shuddering violently, "Oh God... what did I do?"

"I think... you just deep dicked yourself." I uttered, flexing my dick inside the deep recess of his ass.

"Unnngh..." He grunted, squirming under me, "I gotta remember this for next time..."

His words made me smile even in the heat of passion as I began to thrust, working my rock hard prick in and out, feeling the heat and pressure of his entire body surround it. His whole body was holding and squeezing my dick. Zac had me. I felt my cockhead slide over his prostate, feeling him tighten and jerk each time. Every time I bottomed out, my balls would press against his and as my thrusts sped up, our nuts began to slap together, creating a mix of pleasure and slight pain. The sleeping bag tightened and when Zac turned his head, I could see he was biting it, trying to muffle the noises he couldn't help but make.

Using the slick surface of his skin, my hands slid easily down around his hips and I grabbed him, holding him tightly. My thrusts sped up and my dick slammed deep inside him, our hips slapping together. Zac's grunts turned into moans and I bit my lower lip so hard I could taste blood, the intensity of the moment dulling any sensations other than those focused on my dick. My jaw tightened and sweat rolled down my forehead as my plunging reached a frenzied pace, Zac's burning hole not letting me out completely on each back thrust.

With one final shove, my dick bottomed out deep inside and Zac buckled forward, his body jerking as he let his cum flow. Ontop of him, I could feel Zac humping the sleeping bag at lightspeed, pumping his load out all over the dark blue nylon. When he laid forward, our balls pressed together and as he came, I could feel them constrict and squirm on their own, warm and sweaty against mine. His ass cinched down and like always, that was what drove me over the edge. With a short hiss through my teeth, my cock let loose and squirted, sending my burning cum into his entrails. It seemed like every orgasm was more intense than the last one, my nervous system absolutely vegematicized by the sensations that coursed through my body. I felt like I was falling faster and faster with each climax.

At last, our bodies relaxed together and for quite a while, Zac and I laid together, panting softly and regaining our breath. When our breathing had recovered, we laid there in a comfortable silence and listened to the still torrential rain. Every few minutes, Zac would smile and chew my earlobe for a little bit, not needing words to communciate how he felt. I rolled onto my side and ran my fingers through his hair, slipping my hands down and cupping his round face, kissing him gently on the lips.

When I looked deep into his eyes, I could have gotten lost. They could have pulled me in the rest of eternity. The love I felt for Zac was so intense yet so mellow at times like that. The feeling of his hot, flushed cheeks in my hands and the sight of his chocolatey brown eyes reminded me what the true definition of 'love' really was. We didn't need sugary nicknames or little jokes when it came down to it. All Zac and I needed was to be together. We could get through anything as long as we were secure in that knowledge that no matter what... we had each other.

"Hey, if you get tired, can I drive?" Zac asked through a mouthful of Twinkie.

"No. You can barely walk without crashing into things."

"Awww... pwease?"

"In a couple months, maybe."

Zac smiled, "Seriously? Like, would you teach me?"

"I'm probably the only one who'll be willing to," I sighed, "Jeez... Zac Hanson learns how to drive. That'll scare most everyone away."

"Except my winkiebear." Zac said, smiling dreamily at me.

I shook my head and sighed, trying to look anything except completely gooeyed by his words. For a minute, we rode along in silence, listening and watching the pouring rain outside. Thankfully, I had experience driving in the rain and it wasn't grounds for crisis, and the heater in the car was working nicely. Packing up camping gear is a unique thing to do in the rain but we had managed to get it done with little trouble. We left the campgounds with little more than a honk in the direction of the main cabin, not really in the mood to say a special goodbye to the park ranger.

Zac didn't say anything as he unbuckled his seat belt and slid over next to me, laying his head on my shoulder as he buckled in on the center seatbelt. For a moment I was worried that someone would see it but the rain, combined with the tinted glass, meant we wouldn't have much of a problem. I wrapped my right arm around him and hugged him, enjoying his warm body and the feeling of his hair against my cheek. It made a dauntingly long drive much more enjoyable.

"Oh Zackie... you came and you gave without taking..."

"Ungh gawd!" Zac groaned, burying his face in my neck, "Stop the pain!"

"Oh Zackie... you kissed me and stopped me from fighting... but something something today oh Zackie..."

Zac kissed me on the cheek, "You have the singing voice of a dying cow but I could listen to you sing forever."

"Same here, Zac... same here."

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 22: If Only 4

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