
By Reid

Published on Oct 14, 2000


=DISCLAIMER= This story is meant to imply nothing about the sexuality of the real person involved. Anything mentioned from this point on is purely fictional and not meant in any way but the highest regard.

Comments, Suggestions, and Criticisms can be sent to


===================================================== The Compound- Chapter 2 By Reid =====================================================

"Zac... that is disgusting. I'm ashamed to even hear it."

"Why? Imagine how much money we could make!"

"I'm not going to sell my sperm..."

"We would make so much money!"

"No sperm bank would ever accept sperm from here."

"We wouldn't go to a sperm bank, Reid. Get with the program."

"Explain it to me again."

"Ok, here's the deal: you fuck me for an hour or so and get a couple loads in me, I squeeze my asscheeks together and we just hang out for a couple hours, then we get like 10 cups and I fart into each one. And that's what we sell!"

"That's sick."

"It's not sick! It's genius! It would be you with some my special seasonings!"

I was fighting a losing battle as I couldn't help but begin to laugh. Zac's gross sense of humor just had it's way of making me laugh in spite of myself. His ability to lighten the situation after last night was a welcome thing because I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to say or do. But he didn't have the same problem, thankfully.

For the first time since I'd arrived there, the morning time announcement didn't wake me up. Laying there and feeling Zac in my arms had managed to slowly pull me out of the depths of sleep and it took me a few minutes to realize what had happened. I was used to having plenty of body range in my bed but Zac's presence, while more than welcome, took up quite a bit of room and for some reason, I got the wacky impression that this wouldn't be a one time thing. Zac woke up gradually on his own but I'm sure my nibbling on the soft warm skin of his bare shoulder and neck didn't help. There was something about his body that made me just want to touch him all over, wether it was his warm, golden, inviting silkyness or that his thick, fleshy mass seemed to beg to be squeezed and fondled, I didn't know. Laying there in the darkness, rubbing my fingertips over his wide hips and strong thighs, tracing around to his bellybutton and gently rubbing around the rim and feeling him shiver gently against me, letting the backs of my fingers brush against his silky pubic hairs... the only thought I had was some dim wonderment if life could get any better.

When the light went on automatically at 7:45, Zac groaned and pushed back against me. The mix of shampoo and sweat was intoxicating and made me dizzy. When the light hit his eyes, Zac rested his arm over his face and I couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked: like a rockstar being assaulted by the horrible light of daytime after a night of partying.

"Good morning, sweetheart." I whispered amarously in his ear.

"So this is what a sex hangover feels like. I'd been wondering."

"My little virgin. How lovely." I said, leaning in and kissing his neck.

"I ain't a virgin no more." He murmured, smiling and rolling over to face me. He opened his eyes and looked at me, only inches from my face.

"So I was the first?"

"The one and only. And I want it to stay that way, ok?" The maturity in his eyes made me feel like I was twelve and had gotten caught jerking off by my grandmother.

"Ok..." I had no clue what to say.

"No ok, Reid. Say yes." He had an edge of seriousness in his voice that I had never heard.

"Yes, Zac. You're the only one."

"No cheating. No one else. Just you and me." He said, and it was crystal clear that he wasn't going to budge. And that was good because, just like I was beginning to realize, if I didn't know when or how say something, he did and would.

"Of course, Zac."

He kissed me on the lips and hugged me, his warm body pressed against mine under the sheet. I ran my hands up and down his back, feeling his beathing and heatbeat. I closed my eyes and began to drift off...

And that's when Zac brought up the wet, squishy feeling in his ass and it naturally developed into the sperm bank debate. There was something nice about how he was able to be serious and get his point across and then lighten the mood in his own unique way. It was one of the many attractive qualities he had. Laying there with him in my bed just made everything else seem unimportant. None of my book clubs or art classes or anything I had left behind had any meaning to me. The only thing that meant anything right at that moment was my love for Zac and right then and there, I knew the only reason I hadn't killed myself long ago was the lingering hope that I would get to feel this way at some point.

=8:00am. Those attending tutoring, activity and/or hobby groups should wake up. The hot water will be available in five minutes=

"Yeah, ok." Zac said, sarcastically.

"Hmmm?" I had been drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Like we're going anywhere."

"You have school. And I have my English Literature club. We have to get up if we want the shower."

"Reid..." He groaned, "Can't we just cuddle and bask in the afterglow?"

"Sorry." Sitting up, I pulled the sheet off and exposed his naked body to the warm air. He squirmed and stretched his legs out, enjoying the sensation as I sat up and applied my eydrops.

"Why do you do that?" He asked and I could hear (and smell) him rolling over lazily onto his back.

"Long story." I stood up and pulled out my day's wardrobe.

"I'm not going anywhere." He sat up and slid onto the edge of the bed. His hands caressed my bare leg lovingly and he leaned in to rub his soft lips across the outside of my thigh. My knees felt like jelly and I had to lean on the dresser to keep from buckling.

"Tell me what happened." The tone of his voice was so affectionate that I had to fight crying.

"My dad hit me with a brick. It left my right eye permanently unable to self lubricate after I sleep."

"What a bastard." He said softly.

"Yeah, but he isn't here. And we need a shower. You can go first."

I turned my attention back to the dresser but heard him make a scoffing noise, "Reid?"

I turned around and looked at him. He was standing up and smiling. He reached down and took my hand and led me slowly into the bathroom where he winked at me before bending over and turning on the water, giving me a stunning view of his ass. He stood up and kissed me on the cheek and took my hand again, leading me into the shower and under the flowing stream of hot water. He wrapped his arms around me and leaned in to kiss me on the cheek as the water began to soak us both, running over our faces as our lips met and we began to kiss. He lightly brushed my lips with his tounge as his hands slid over my shoulders and down my back, eventually resting on my asscheeks and squeezing them firmly, his strength making me shiver. Our lips began wrestling with more passion and our wet bodies slid against each other and our breathing began to speed up, our passion not abated by the hot water. Zac whimpered and grabbed my left hand and guided it down to his rock hard erection as he covered my neck with hot wet kisses. I kissed him gently on his damp forehead and felt him shudder as I realized that his forehead was a big errogenous zone and I marked it down for future use as my hand slid down his stomach and wrapped around the plump shaft of his cock. He moaned and thrust his hips into my hand as I kissed the top of his hair and rubbed it under the shower head, soaking it and turning it dark and spongy. His knees seemed to be getting weak and the last thing I wanted at that point was to see my new lover fall and crack his head open on the floor of the shower so I gently guided him against the wall of the shower and began to kiss my way down his neck. Zac gasped as he seemed to realize where I was headed and he simply closed his eyes, let his head fall back, and pushed his hips forward towards me.

The hot water was spraying onto the top of my head and onto Zac's stomach as my kisses found their way to his dark nipples. The two small buds were rock hard and I couldn't resist licking my tounge over them and hearing his moans of pleasure as they throbbed under my tounge. His left nipple was twitching slightly with the pounding of his heart as I gazed up at the underside of his delicate chin, admiring the cute little cleft before turning my attention back and gently tugging at both nipples with my teeth, one after the other. His cock twitched and swelled and I felt the hot spurts of precum hit my chest as my lips slid easily onto the soft, warm, wet space between his pecs. Rubbing my lips around on the wet skin, I could feel a slight hint of peach fuzz growing as I got yet another example of how my favorite little drummer boy was becoming a man before my eyes. My tounge took on a life of it's own as it traced down the line between his stomach muscles and swirled around in his bellybutton.

"Oh God Reid," His voice moaned out of the wet steaminess, "That feels so amazing... don't stop... please..."

That wasn't my plan as my lips found the wet, dripping bush of his soft blond pubic bush. I rubbed my lips through the soggy wet hair and enjoyed the musky scent of his shaft as I ran my lips firmly over the stretched wet skin. His moaning reached a peak as I wrapped my lips around the hot, throbbing rim of his cock and gave it a loving suck. Zac really knew how to pump out precum as spurt after spurt of his thin, hot juice hit my tounge, the sweetness of it tasing so good. I used my tounge to peek under the foreskin and lick at his tender cockhead, feeling him jerk and thrust his hips in short spasms. My hand slowly crawled up his wet leg as my two fingers pushed into the space between his asscheeks and ballsack, poking the area slightly and making Zac shiver.

His moaning turned into deep, guttural groans of passion and I ran my fingers over his slippery balls, feeling the short soft hairs that had started to grow. My fingers crept back towards his hole and he gasped. His balls shifted up in his sack as his hands moved from my shoulders to the top of my head.

"Oh fuck, Reid. Baby, I'm gonna..."

His cock throbbed one last time and his hips slowly pushed forward as my mouth created an airtight seal over his cockhead and I squeezed his balls, firmly and lovingly. With my other hand, I pushed my index finger into his hot, tight hole and curled it inside it and it felt like a sticking my finger into a hot burrito. A groan came from deep in his stomach and kept getting louder until his voice cracked. I pushed the tip of my tounge into his slit as the first hot gushing spurt of cum entered my mouth. Zac's hips moved back and forth in a sexual rhythm and spurt after spurt of his hot cum filled my mouth. There was so much of it that it began to dribble out onto my chin and down my neck as Zac's thrusts began to slow and his cock began to deflate back to it's normal size.

After one final slurp and swallow, I pulled my mouth of him and tenderly kissed each of his balls as they dropped back down in his sac from the heat. We were both covered in a mix of sweat and water as I felt his hand under my armpit pulling me upward. I stood up and pushed against him as he smiled and kissed me with just the slightest pressure, just barely puckering his lips against mine. We stood there for a few minutes as he reocvered, enjoying just being together until we got down to buisness and actually washed. I couldn't help but smile at how Zac would turn his long mass of blond hair into a huge pile of suds on top of his head before rinsing it. He stood at the back of the shower and wrung the water out of his hair as I took my turn with the shampoo and just as I was rinsing, I felt his hand begin to rub my back. He had coated his hand in the cool body wash and he rubbed it in long strokes up and down my back, making me shiver as it went straight to my spinal cord.

He pressed himself against me and asked softly, "Is that a little too cold?"

I smiled and nodded so slightly I was surprised he could see it.

"Well, then..." He said in a mock gunslinger voice, "I reckon we'll just have to warm you up, partner."

He winked and covered his hands in the blue gel and hugged me from behind, rubbing his wet hands all over my chest and stomach, planting kisses on my shoulder. In seconds, I was covered in the sweet smelling suds as he squatted down to soap up my legs. My brain nearly melted when his hands finally found my hard on and he squeezed it, his slick hands sliding up and down on my cock and gently reaching down to cup my balls. I had to lean on Zac to keep from falling over as he stroked me with the gel, slower at first and then obeying my desire to speed up. I tried to hold back but I couldn't as he shoved his tounge into my ear and I went careening over the edge. My cock swelled and I sprayed my thick load all over the faucets and the wall in front of me. Just like I had done minutes earlier, Zac held me until my breathing had returned to normal. From then on, the shower was pretty routine as we brushed our teeth and playfully wiped the used drool on each other before shutting the faucet off well before our time was up.

We stepped out of the shower and Zac grabbed a towel and thoroughly dried me off from my toes all the way up, finishing with a kiss on the chin. Of course, I returned the favor and we eventually made our way back into the room, but not without quite a bit of tickling and playfull pinching of each other's bare skin. Zac sat down on his bed and dressed while I did the same on mine, expecting that to be it for the morning, but once again, Zac surprised me. As soon as he was dressed, he got up off his bed and climbed onto mine and pulled me down. He cuddled up to me and draped his right arm over me as we layed there.

"You ok?" I asked.

"I'm awesome. We have a little while before breakfast..."

"I'm empty, Zac..." I seriously was. I couldn't handle another ball drainer right then.

"I don't mean that, Romeo. I mean we could just lay here for a while... together."

"Oh... ok. We could do that."

I layed down next to him and hugged him as he rubbed his bare foot over my shin, amazing me with how gentle he could be even with his foot. I rested my face in the nape of his neck and took in the sensation of his still damp hair against my cheek and forehead and I listened to him breathing softly. I wasn't really aware of it but at some point, my eyes began to blur with tears as the feeling of having something alive and real so close to me. The tears passed but the feeling of amazement didn't.

=9:15am. The morning aquatic recreation group has been moved from the DT level pool to the CS level pool.=

Zac and I sat side by side in the cafeteria, his right leg draped over my knee under the table, as I carefully buttered my toast and Zac hacked into the mound of waffles on his straining plate. He caressed the back of my calf with his toe as I opened my orange juice and took a sip, pleasantly surprised at the quality of the chemically produced "fruitfood". That morning, we'd decided to use the same tray to carry our food and just that small thing gave us both a charge as it instantly added a small bit of unity to our relationship. And then when we sat down, I felt Zac's leg casually flop across mine as if we'd been doing it for years. He'd looked at me not saying a word until I nodded, getting his famous smile in return as we began eating.

After a few minutes, a friend of Zac's named Jake whom he'd met in his math and science class, came over and asked Zac if he knew what chapters they'd be studying today. Zac told him and as Jake walked away, I saw the familiar look of longing mixed with jealousy that I'd become accustomed to. But it was only now that I could recognize it. Unlike how some others would act, I didn't want to see to that and it made me feel bad to see it. Zac wasn't some trophy and it was becoming pretty clear that people thought I felt that way and it bothered me, but as I'd learned long ago, people will believe whatever they want as long as it suits their own needs.

=11:30am. This concludes the math portion of your tutoring. Please prepare for your science tutoring now=

"All right. Put away the Algebra 3 books and get out the IP Science text." Ms. Davis, the D sector math and science tutor, said.

Jake snapped out of his haze and looked up. He was getting used to feeling so downtrodden, especially on the days he had math and science and had to sit next to the most gorgeous, most amazing, most handsome boy he'd ever seen. It wasn't bad enough that he was sitting next to Zac Hanson, but what made it worse was the new knowledge that Zac was taken. Zac had fallen for the 19 year old guy he'd roomed with and hadn't even wanted to play the field at all! It was especially hard for Jake when he knew how happy he could make Zac. They were just so ideal for one another.

"I wonder if she's on the rag." Zac said, elbowing Jake gently in his side and rousting him from his thoughts.


"Ms. Davis. She's been really bitchy lately. She's probably starting to realize how she has no chance to get laid here."

Jake shrugged and turned back to the drawing he'd been idly working in. Yet another trait he and Zac shared. But nope... Zac had someone. Zac was too busy drooling over his 19 year old pedophile boyfriend to even think about finding someone his own age. There were times when Jake would lay in bed and stroke himself to the fantasies he'd been having for nearly three years and then when the object of those fantasies was right there next to him, all he could do was continue to fantasize. Fantasies had always been his area of expertise, from his childhood on up to now and not even getting shipped here because his little sister couldn't keep her mouth shut could take it away from him. He only wished that he didn't have to feel so alone and hopeless.

Jake sighed and exhaled softly.

"Is something wrong?" Zac asked.

"No, nothing's wrong," Jake lied.

Zac looked at him for a few more seconds and Jake tried not to fall apart and when Zac turned his attention back to the science book, Jake felt the lump begin to form in his throat and he did his best to fight it off. Thankfully, Ms. Davis called their attention to the front of the room and when Zac shifted, Jake felt their legs brush together and the fight it took not to burst into tears was the hardest battle Jake had ever fought.

=12:10pm. All are expected for lunch in fifty five minutes=

I walked into my English Lit bookclub and I was actually looking forward to it since we had just started reading MacBeth and it was turning to actually NOT be a boring piece of out of date crap. The room we met in was quite nice as it had a large skylight that let in the sun but kept out the blistering heat. I walked over to the bookcase and grabbed my copy of the play and took a seat in my usual place, the next to last row of desks and leaned back. This was one of the classes I actually enjoyed because it had a nice mix of intelligent and sensitive guys that I could share my love of the arts with. It was a hell of a lot better than my general art appreciation class where we couldn't seem to get through one movie or lecture without two guys having to run off and fuck in the corner.

"Hey Reid." Brandon sat down next to me.

"Hi Brandon."

"Are you worn out or still coming down from the high?"

"Very funny." I said and God seemed to play a trick on me by making me yawn directly after.

"Oh... well, I guess that answers my question."

"Fuck you."

"You know I would gladly but that job is pretty much... uh... filled." He smiled at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're such a pervert. And what the hell are you doing here?! You aren't in this club!"

"I know, I just had to stop by and see the 'Viking Sex God' in the flesh."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you go deaf during sex? Zac screamed about how you were his 'Viking Sex God' about four times last night."

"Were you listening outside the door?!"

"Nope, everyone in our hallway could hear you guys. Christ, not only are you blind, you're also deaf!" He looked at me with mock pity, "Reid, I feel so sorry for you sometimes."

"Get out of here!" I laughed.

"Hey, whatever you want, Nord," He smiled, "I'll catch you later?"


He got up and I rubbed my eyes, not wanting to think about how damn near everyone here was probably forming their own opinions about me and making assumptions about "the 19 year old ped who seduced and raped Zac Hanson". My head started to ache and I massaged my temples before anything else could start to marinate inside my head and cause me any further anguish. Thankfully, Ms. Johnson, the woman who led the club, arrived and we got to work. Plays were a good method of escape. For me, at least.

=1:05pm. For those who wish to eat lunch, please proceed to the nearest cafeteria=

Not surprisingly, I'd been dozing for the past hour, not really interested in the play as the beginning of most of Shakespeare's work managed to bore me nearly to sleep. I heaved myself up from the desk and tossed the book into the bookcase and headed out the door, spurred on by knowing that I was on my way to see Zac again. I strolled through the concourse and weaved my way to the cafeteria door where, as always, Zac was waiting for me. He smiled at me but there was something different, he had a different look in his eyes.

"Let's go back to the room." Zac said softly, taking my hand.

"Don't you want to eat?"

"Nah, I'll just eat more at dinner. Let's go back to the room." He said, and he was seriously pulling on my arm.

"Zac, what's your problem?" I was kinda concerned.

"I'm horny!" He said it so loud that everyone in the hall at that moment heard it and looked over. I wanted to die. After the laughing and 'oohing' settled down, Zac laughed and continued to pull on my hand.

"Come on! I'm gonna cum in my shorts!" He whined, and I had no choice but to give in and follow him down the hall.

Zac led me down the backhallway and up the stairs, of course we were so obvious I doubt anyone that passed us in the hallway didn't know what we were doing. Zac's grip was warm and strong, but still playfully loose as we made it to the door of our room and Zac grabbed me in a lustful embrace, kissing me on the lips and shoving his tounge into my mouth. I sputtered and pushed my fingers into the ID pad as Zac ground his hips against me, shoving me back against the frame of the door and part of me worried that security would try and arrest him because of how aggressive he was being.

We stumbled back into the room and Zac fell back onto me bed as I shoved the door closed. No sooner had I walked over to the foot of the bed, Zac grabbed me and pulled me down ontop of him. He locked his lips on mine and kissed me deeply and the heat from his mouth was amazing. He was kissing me so hard and so deeply that I could barely breathe. He kissed me one last time before rolling over on his stomach and pushing his ass back against my crotch, rubbing me agressively and sending jolts of pleasure (and a little pain) straight to my brain. The smell in the room was hot and musky with desire as Zac kicked off his shoes and socks and yanked his shorts down and off completely.

I stuck my hand out to my side and caught the KY Jelly packet deftly and tore it open. From there, things just sort of... happened.


It was a few weeks after our first time and it seemed like Zac and I just got closer and closer to one another. Every night before we went to sleep, we would share our deepest, darkest secrets and often, we'd dissolve into fits of laughter at some gross comment Zac made to lighten the mood. Every day it seemed like he would do something new to make my heart melt. Wether it was lifting my hand up for a gentle kiss as we walked in the courtyard, or hiding a small heart made out of a paper clip in my napkin at dinner, or when he made me go in the bathroom while he moved my nightstand and pushed our beds together... he just knew how to make my knees weak.

For a long time, I had wondered and fantasized about what kind of a kisser Zac was. Based on his TV appearances, I had suspected that he would be totally aggressive, constantly shoving his tounge and thrashing it around but as I was learning, my preconcieved notions of him were largely turning out to be wrong. He was a much more sensual, slow kisser and it seemed like he enjoyed taking his time and slowly working his tounge over every inch of my mouth. Our daily makeout sessions would begin with him softly rubbing his lips against mine and kissing gently before opening his mouth slightly, letting my tounge peek inside and slide over the slick roof of his mouth. At this point, Zac would whimper and rest one of his hands on my shoulder as he caressed the underside of my tounge with his lower lip and flick the tip of his tounge onto the corner of my mouth. When we first started kissing, Zac would end up with his chin covered in slobber and my lips would be soaked in our collective drool which would lead to some gross comparisions between our drool and "female fluids".

We layed there at about 4pm on a Thursday afternoon playing footsie and kissing occasionally, our mood helped by knowing it was officially the weekend and we had three days with nothing but each other's glorious company. Zac had been in an extra good mood that week since his teacher had made it a point to announce how his math scores were the highest she'd seen yet. He had also managed to bruise both his shin and his elbow at the same time during a collision in a basketball game, and afterwards told me a long fascinating story about how he had to be careful of getting "goosed" which immediately started to get me mad but Zac, my better half, calmed me down in a hurry. In reality, Zac really didn't have to be on guard since most everyone knew he was "taken" and they respected it, and they respected me and didn't seem to hold a grudge. Even though I'd heard that some of the residents in sector J had been forming grandiose plans in which they'd storm our sector and do unpseakable things to Zac. I tried to just shrug it off but the thought of Zac being forced to perform sexual acts on 40 year old molestors made my blood boil.

"Hey, sweetie?" Zac said. He had recently taken to calling me sappy pet names and even though I would get annoyed, deep down I really liked it. It made me feel loved and Zac actually sounded genuine.

"Don't call me that."

"Sorry, honey."

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath before answering, "What?"

"Do you think I should shave?"

"Shave? Shave what?"

"Myself. Our record label said people wanted to see us as 'kids' for as long as possible so they had us--"

"Ewww! Zac, shut up."

"Reid, I'm just saying that if you want me to do that, I will."

"You're not in their world anymore. You don't need to conform to their standards here."


"Yes. Seriously."

Zac smiled and kissed me softly on the tip of my nose.

"Besides," I said, rubbing the top of my foot against his calf, "I like you better furry."

He laughed and got up and stradled my hips, "So what are we gonna do for the weekend?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Have long, loud, wet, drippy, stinky butt sex with you for three days straight."

"God Zac! We do that almost every night... do you have a chemical imbalance?"

He didn't say anything. He sat there and bit his lower lip and looked down at me with a wry look on his face.

"Are you just figuring that out?" He said softly, a hint of dumbfoundedness in his voice.

I shook my head and playfully poked Zac in the stomach, sending him sprawling backwards. I sat up and looked down at him, his blond hair splayed out around his head and he smiled angelically at me, his eyes sparkling. All I could do was laugh and reach down and tickle him affectionately as he squirmed and giggled under my fingers. He blew me a kiss and I took it as an invitation, laying down ontop of him and kissing him square on the lips, letting my hand slip slowly under his t-shirt and onto his warm stomach, feeling it move up and down as he breathed.

"Oh man," He said softly, blowing a stray wisp of his hair against my neck.


"We need to admit the truth."

"Oh really? You've got a handle on that, for sure."

"We're in love, Reid. I mean, you're my soulmate and if you're at all smart, you'll say that I'm your soulmate. It's something that if we just admit it to ourselves and learn to live with, things will be fine."

"Awww..." I said with mock distaste, "I don't want to admit it."

"Reid, it's just gonna eat at you until you admit it." The mock seriousness in his voice was so cute.

"What's going to eat at me? The truth or you?"

"Either/or. If you and I just admit it, we'll be cool."

"Ok..." I took a long, deep breath, "Zac, you're my soulmate. I love you."

"Awwwww.... you mean it?" His voice was layered with sappyness.

"Hey, you're the one who wanted me to say it!" I said and pressed my fingers into his waist. He laughed and squirmed under me.

"Reid... you're my soulmate. I love you too."

"That's better."

"Reid... did you ever know that you're my hero?"

"Am I everything you would like to be?"

"Oh yeah. You're the wind beneath my wings..." He couldn't finish as we both began to laugh and shake on the bed before Zac embraced me snugly. I rolled onto my side and rested my forehead against his, feeling his soft breath against my cheek and his sock covered foot slowly rubbing up and down my leg. He giggled again and kissed me on the lips, sliding his fingers inbetween mine and squeezing my hand and making me falter slightly at how warm and soft his hand felt intertwined with mine.

"Damn, you got some big hands." I said.

"Well, you know what they say about guys with big hands, don't ya?" His arrogant voice was hilarious.

"Yes I do. They say 'There goes a guy with big hands and a small penis.'"

"Shut up!" Zac laughed and pushed me jokingly. He rolled over onto his side and snuggled back up against me, rubbing his ass seductively against my crotch, giving me flashbacks.

"Whew... you need a shower." I said, but I kind of enjoyed his teenaged musk.

"I don't need a shower."

"Uh, yeah you do. You smell like foot and ass."

"You wanna know what ass really smells like?"

"NO! If you fart, I swear to god I'll kill you!" I knew not to take the threat lightly. Bad experiences.

"You sure? If you want, I can show you..." He was grinning like a maniac.

Shuddering, I reached down and pinched his bare thigh and felt him squirm and giggle in my arms. They moved a desk into the extra space that pushing our beds together had created and for his luxury item, Zac had asked for a full set of encyclopedias. I'd had to get used to letting him study or do homework by himself for an hour each night, which was a battle in and of its self. Zac had astonished me in yet another way with how quickly he could rifle through ten pages of work in about fifteen minutes and it would be flawless when it woukd take me almost four hours with one stupid math assignment. They always say the crazy ones are the smartest.

=To Be Continued=

There was a knock at the door. Heaving myself up off Zac, I stumbled over and pressed the "talk" button in the intercom, "Yeah?"

"Mail Call. Cameron/Hanson, room 33A."

Every Friday, we'd get our mail and since his deportation, there had been quite a bit of mail for Zac from people who supported him and people who felt he had done society some harm. He didn't pay the letters much mind and laughed at how seriously some of the people took themselves. Also included was a letter from his parents that included pictures of his two youngest siblings and drawings they had made for him and it was one of the rare times that Zac was completely quiet. Apparently, his mother and father didn't agree with what he did but nothing could change that he was their son and had been taken away from them. He let me read the letter and it was a big moment for the both us and since then, he'd wondered why my parents never sent me anything but all it took was a few stories from my childhood to satisfy his curiousity. Truth be told, I had no desire to hear from my parents.

I pulled open the door and the courier handed me five envelopes which was well below our usual weekly haul when it came to mail. As I expected, four of the letters were for Zac and the last one was for me. I casually glanced at the return adress as I tossed the other letters onto Zac's stomach and sat down next to him. Zac shoulder checked me playfully and I returned the favor before looking back at the letter. It was from Napa Valley. I had finally gotten a letter from my parents.

"Hate mail... gay stalker... hate mail... hate mail." Zac shuffled though his letters and tossed them in the wastebasket without even opening them.

Taking a deep breath, I ripped open the envelope and pulled out the stiff piece of white paper. It was printed on the stationary of my dad's vineyard. Cameron Spirits Inc. It always sounded like such a pansyass yuppie name and if my dad's old friends ever found out, they'd beat him to death with their 20 foot novelty bongs. The letter read:

Dear Reid,

How is everything there? I wish things here could be better, honestly.. Ryan is going into the 4th grade this year and when he asks us about you, we just don't know what to tell him. What are we supposed to tell him, Reid? It isn't exactly his fault that his big brother is a freak, is it? I'm really interested in knowing how you feel we should deal with this.

That is, unless you write us back. But if you're still hanging onto some sort of blame against your father for what he did, then I can't control that. You need to realize that he did what he did for the good of the next generation, Reid. Because you couldn't be normal, your little brother asks us where you are almost every day and I don't think that's fair. Do you?

Our lives have been permanently scarred because of your choice of lifestyle. In our hearts, we know we're better because we didn't drive our son to a dirty, disease infested way of life. It isn't our fault, Reid. You made the choice and because of that, our lives are changed and not for the better.

I hope you're satisfied, Reid.

Your mother.

It wasn't anything I was surprised to hear. Since I was about six, I'd known that my family was insane and this letter was yet another piece of proof I had. But it hurt. It hurt because right when I had finally found happiness and found someone I could share all of myself with, this letter had to come. Even 8000 miles away and with no vocal means to communicate with me, she could still take a huge dump on my happy time. It was an uncanny ability she had.

"Who's the letter from?" Zac wrapped his arms around me and hugged me from behind.

"My mom."

Zac didn't say anything. He took the letter from my hand and crumpled it up slowly before tossing it into the watsebasket. I felt him pulling me backwards onto the bed as he kissed my neck gently, laying me down on the bed. He gently nuzzled my ear as he kissed his way around to my face. He shifted his weight down ontop of me and rubbed his leg sensuously against mine and kissed me deeply on the lips, running his down to my crotch and sending my cock into overdrive.

He kissed his way back to my ear and whispered, "I'll suck out all the pain."

I had an idea what he meant as he slid his hands under my shirt and pulled it up over my head and off me. Then he pulled off my socks and tossed them in the pile with my shirt and I felt his fingers hook in the straining waistband of my shorts. Seconds later I was naked and at his mercy as he began kissing my stomach, pressing his lips against my abs and slurping softly, slipping his tounge into my belly button and wiggling it gently. I was squirming quite a bit and he had to hold my hips to keep me from sliding right off the bed as he ran his right hand up my leg and began to fondle my nuts lovingly. He rubbed his lips through my pubes and kissed his way softly up my shaft as I looked down at him. We made eye contact for a second before he engufled my cock with his luscious lips and sucked me into his hot, wet mouth. I had to fight from cumming at the first sensation of his mouth around my dick as he began to suck, alternating between hard and gentle drags on me.

His right hand massaged my testicles gently as his left hand found it's way up onto my chest and tweaked my nipples. I writhed on the bed and whimpered, running my fingers through his long, silky hair, rubbing it against my stomach. He slid his tounge up my shaft, using it to massage and tease me until I nearly went over the edge but not letting me fall over, his lips pulling off me on each upstroke. His lips traveled down to my balls and he took one into his mouth slowly, while sliding his left hand under my knee and draping my leg over his shoulder while his right hand squeezed my cockhead playfully. He sucked one nut and then the other, soaking them with his warm saliva before letting them fall from his mouth and nibbling at the sensitive area directly behind them, making me gasp and groan softly.

We both knew I couldn't hold out much longer and Zac prepared for the inevitable by closing his lips tight around my cockhead and pressing his tounge against my piss slit, sending waves of pleasure through my body. My hips thrust and my cock swelled as the first few hot gushes of my cum sprayed into his mouth, followed by several more thick spurts that went straight on his throat. Zac took it like a pro, sucking every drop into his mouth and quickly licking up what landed on his chin or upper lip. I drifted back to earth as he held my cock carefully between his lips and gave it a few firm and thurough draining sucks before letting it slip out of his mouth.

I reached up and rubbed my eyes with the heels of my hands and took several deep breaths as I felt Zac slide up next to me and kiss me on the cheek. Removing my hands from my eyes, I looked over at him and smiled.

"Did that help?" He asked. I could smell my cum on his breath.

I could only murmur in the affirmative as I leaned in and kissed him, slipping my tounge into his mouth and tasting the remnants of my orgasm on his lips and tounge. He ran his hand up and down my torso slowly, letting my taste myself as his tounge caressed mine and shared the salty sweet cum. He draped his leg over mine and rubbed it against me as our kisses eventually shallowed and we were left gazing into each others eyes.

Then I fell asleep.

=Even later...=

It must have been late that night but it couldn't have been too late because I could hear some of the other residents in our sector down the hall partying. It wasn't an uncommon thing to do on a weekend night just as long as you weren't too loud. Our room was completely dark and Zac was breathing right into my ear like a big dog and his arm was thrown over my head so that his armpit was practically in my face. He had taken off his shirt before he fell asleep and the wiry hairs where tickling my chin slightly but I was only noticing the musk invading my sinuses and unlike other gay guys, it didn't turn me on in the least.

I rubbed my hand up and down his back and held him gently while I did my best to untangle myself from him. The motion must have rousted him as he tightened his grip and kissed me clumsily on the neck.

"Where you goin'?" He mumbled into my ear.

"ASM. I'm thristy."

"Nah, I'm half dressed. I'll go." He pushed himself up off me and instantly, I missed the warmth of having him close. In the darkness, I could make out him struggling into his shirt. He looked around for a few seconds trying to find his socks, but gave up and slipped his bare feet into his shoes. He sat motionless for a second and it looked like he was feeling his stomach.

"You ok?" I sat up and gently rubbed his shoulder.

"Yeah. I guess I ate too much at lunch or something. My stomach kinda hurts."

"You want to go the infirmary?" I asked, getting genuinely concerned.

"No. No, I don't need to see the doctor. I'll be ok. What do you want to drink?"

"Water's fine with me."

"Ok, I'll be right back."

Zac stood up off the bed and on his way out the door, felt another pang in his side as he strolled down the hall towards the ASM booth. He took a deep breath and massaged his side as he walked up to the illuminated face and punched in an order for one water and one fruit punch. He jumped up and down a few times to burn off some of his usual extra energy as he waited for the damn machine to process his order.

"Hey Zac."

Zac turned around, somewhat startled, to see Brandon standing in the open arch of the hallway. Something about him had made Zac nervous ever since they had first been introduced in the cafteria. Reid seemed to like him but there was something about Brandon's personality, some weird sleaziness about him that scared Zac a little.

"Hi Brandon." Zac said, smiling as he turned back to the ASM.

"How are you and Reid doing?" Brandon said, leaning against the side of the doorway.

"We're great. We're thinking of buying a house on the beach."

"You know... Reid has some major issues."

"Of what? Playgirl?" Zac laughed, trying to hide his nervousness.

"No, goofy." Brandon walked over and stood next to Zac, "He has attatchment issues. He was neglected by his parents and he has a hard time dealing with people who he thinks betray him."

The pain in Zac's stomach had returned and he struggled to hide it as Brandon leaned casually against the wall beside him, "You know, Zac. You've got some real guts to commit yourself to him like you did. If I were you, I mean, I'd at least play the field. You're young, blond, cute, and famous. Think of the guys you could get here."

"I don't want to think of that. Reid made me feel so complete ever since I got here. Or are you not able to recognize that?" Zac said, an edge coming to his voice that he only used when he was deadly serious.

"Hey! I'm not saying anything here. I'm just kinda impressed that you could be so 'in love' with him." Brandon smirked as the small beep went off in the ASM, signaling that Zac's order had arrived.

"I'm 15. I don't know a hell of a lot but I know that Reid and I love each other. And for your sake, you'd better accept that." Zac opened the small door and took out the two bottles and started back up the hall, trying to ignore the sting in his waist.

"How's Jake?" Brandon called.

Zac stopped and sighed. He had been trying to ignore Jake's obvious attraction and the more that he had to see it, the worse it hurt.

"He loves you, Zac. He's your age, too." Brandon said, and the arrogance in his voice made Zac want to kick him in the balls.

"But if you're happy with Reid, then that's good too." Brandon said and Zac walked back into the room and shut the door.

I was laying on the bed when Zac came back in. Something looked off about him as he tossed me the water before kicking off his shoes and climbing back into bed with me. He kissed me on the cheek before opening the juice.

"Everything ok?" I asked, gently running my finger over his bare knee.

"Yeah, everythings fine. I just wish I could get rid of this stomach ache." He laughed, but it didn't exactly sound sincere.

I thought for a moment but decided to take his word for it. I opened the water and took a long swig before settling back down under the covers. Zac pulled his shirt off and tossed it on the floor before sliding into the bed next to me as I spooned him from behind. We laid there for a few minutes and I gently rubbed my lips across his shoulder and a second later, his body jerked and he pulled into the fetal position, whimpering like a little dog.

"Zac, we're going to the doctor." I said, getting up and looking for my clothes.

"No! Reid, I'm ok. I just have a stomachache. I'm ok." He was almost begging with me.

I stood there and looked at him, unnerved by the anxiety he was showing. Part of me wanted to believe him but another part felt responsible for his well being and wanted to get him checked out at the infirmary. He was smiling, trying to calm me down, but I could tell he was hurting really bad.

"We can go to the doctor but in the morning ok?" He said.

"Why can't we go now?"

"I just don't want to go in the night."

"Ok." I gave in. I tossed my t-shirt on the dresser and climbed back into bed with him. Zac layed there motionless, trying to convince me (or himself) that everything would be all right until the next morning. Not wanting to hurt him, I laid my arm across his shoulder and hugged him gently. He was shaking slightly and up from my stomach came the unmistakable anxiety that you only feel a few times in your life, if you're lucky. It was a feeling that I remebered when my cat was very sick and my parents made me put her in a box and taker her to the vet because "it wasn't their problem". The sick, heavy feeling of fear.

I fell asleep at some point and rolled over onto my right side...

=Later still...=

It wasn't a loud noise that woke me up. I had been sleeping shallowly, not wanting to miss the first time notification so I could take Zac to the infirmary as soon as possible. I remember opening my eyes in the darkness because a foul smell had caught my nose and my internal alarm had been set off because it wasn't the kind of smell that would come from a healthy environment. At that point, I was still half asleep and as I sat up, I nudged Zac to try and wake him up. There was no response.

That's when I got worried.

It felt like my heart had fallen into my stomach as I put my hand on his bare shoulder to try and wake him up. I immediately pulled my hand back because his skin was cool and clamy. My hand shook as I reached over and turned on the bedside lamp and looked down at Zac, trying not to freak out as I saw his pale, damp face against the pillow. My life flashed before my eyes as I looked down and saw that the foul smell was a pool of vomit on the floor beside the bed and a small stain was beside Zac's open mouth. During the night, he had puked and all I could do was thank God that he had been laying on his side and not on his back.

"Zac?" I said it as softly as I could, "Zac... you there?"

He didn't say anything for a few seconds until I heard a faint murmur from somewhere inside him. He looked so pale and sick that for a second, I wondered if I should touch him and right away, I was terribly ashamed and reminded myself that I'd slept next to him all night. If I was going to get infected, it had already happened.

As a part of my job, I'd had to learn some first aid techniques and I knew I'd have to put them to use here as I slipped my hand gently behind his neck and rolled him over against me. He was curled into a ball and it took only a slight touch of my hand on his knee for him to straighten out under the covers. My hands still shook as I used the sheet to mop some of the cold sweat from his face and I spoke softly to him, "Zac, talk to me."

My lower lip started to shake and my eyes blurred as Zac murmured again and squirmed very slightly in my arms. Then, his eyes opened slightly and any triumph I felt was soon turned into heartache. His beautiful hazel eyes were muddy and wet and I could tell something was seriously wrong when I looked into them. His lips moved slightly and I could tell he was trying to talk.

"Shh.. it's ok, Zac. I'm going to take you to the doctor."

A tear ran down his cheek.

How I kept from totally breaking down is beyond me but I managed to hold it together. I leaned down and gently kissed him on the forehead before laying him back down on the bed and pulling my clothes on in a rush. As soon as my shoes were on my feet, I pulled the covered down and off the bed and as gently as I could, sat Zac up and leaned him against me. I worked around him to straighten the comforter out and I laid him back down and he tried to curl back up into a ball. Wrapping him up like a baby was no easy task as he felt like dead weight as I slid my left arm under his knees and my right arm under his neck to support his head.

This wasn't going to be an easy trip since I hadn't been to the gym in a few weeks and I'd be operating with only swimmers muscle. That wasn't even counting Zac's weight, and as I lifted him up, it surprised me how much of a strain he put on my biceps and my lower back. Zac whimpered softly as I picked him up and I felt guilty as hell knowing that I was causing him pain but I didn't know what to do to stop. The medic crew wouldn't get here fast enough and if I waited, Zac would die in my arms.

Walking backwards to the door, I propped it open with my foot and carefully manuvered Zac into the dark hallway and after the automatic beep of the lock, I began down the hall. As far as I could tell, it was still the middle of the night but as I made my way into the second hallway, I could see the dawning sun coming through the large glass enclosed skywalk and naturally, I thought back to Zac's first night when we stood in the hall and looked up at the mural. Thankfully, I didn't start crying because the strain of carrying Zac quickly was the only thing on my mind. That and making sure I didn't enduce another of those horrible whimpers.

The infirmary was clearly marked with a large blue circle on a white background and I spotted it at the corner of the hallway which led to the C sector. The hall was painted a soothing grey color and about halfway down the hall, I felt Zac jerk in my arms and spew a second stomachload all over the comforter, even getting some on my t-shirt. Only faltering for a second, I readjusted my grip and hauled Zac through the white swinging doors. I saw a sign that said: "Infirmary - 300 feet".

Sweat was pouring down my face and my arms felt like they were going to fall off as finally, the sign for the infirmary came into view at the end of the hall. I almost stumbled as I carried Zac up to the open doorway and went inside, falling forward onto my knees but making sure to set Zac down with the greatest of care. My chest felt like it weighed a ton as the night nurse came up to me.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?"

"No..." I gasped, trying to breath, "He said... he had... he said he a stomach-- a stomach ache. Please... help him."

She got up and called the attending physician as I pulled myself over to Zac and tried not to pass out from exhaustion. Resting my hands on his bare arm took all my strength as I leaned down and kissed him softly on the cheek, hoping to remind him that I was there and wouldn't leave him. At that point, laying on the comforter on the stark white linoleium floor, he looked lifeless. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought he was dead but as soon as I began thinking that way, I felt guilty.

Guilty for thinking thatm guilty for letting this happen to him, guilty for not insisting that we came to the doctor earlier.

Then came the fear. As the doctor knelt down beside Zac and felt his forehead, I sat back and began to realize that I had no idea what was wrong. After feeling Zac's throat, the doctor called for a stretcher and I backed off, not wanting to interfere and the night nurse helped me back as I sat down on one of the black leather chairs in the waiting room.

The next few minutes were a complete blur but I remembered Zac being loaded onto the stretcher and taken quickly back into the mystery doctor's area behind the curtain. As soon as they disappeared and I was alone in the waiting room, my inner resolve burst and I began to sob into my hands... angry sobs filled with self hatred. After the anger came the sobs of just pure fear. The nurse sat down next to me and reassuringly held me as my sobs eventually turned into tired sniffling as all the carrying and exerting myself all at once finally caught up with me. My whole body went limp and everything in front of me sort of went dark but I didn't pass out. I didn't even fall asleep. I slipped into a heavy stupor of fear and exhaustion.

I was aware of being helped up and eventually laying back down on a soft cot in the nurses station. She sat with me for a long time and gently rubbed my forehead with a cool washcloth. It wasn't too long before I woke up for real and tried to sit up, but she held me back. The IV in my arm did it's part, as well.

"I have to get up... I have to see if he's ok..." I mumbled.

"Take it easy, Reid." She gently eased me back onto the cot.

"Where am I..."

"You're at the infirmary. My name is Annie. I've been taking care of you all day."

"What time is it?"

"It's about... 3pm." She said, looking at her watch.

"Is Zac..." I couldn't even bring myself to ask it.

"He's in post-op recovery. He--"

"What's wrong with him?!" I interrupted.

"His appendix burst very early this morning. They had to go in and remove it and clean out his stomach."

"Is he gonna be ok?" I was nearly hysterical.

"Let me get Dr. Rios."

"Oh God." I moaned to myself and buried my head in my hands. A few minutes later, Dr. Rios, a younger Hispanic woman who most straight guys would cream over, sat down in the desk chair next to my cot.

"Hi Reid. I'm Dr. Rios. I operated on Zac." She smiled. It was a warm, but obviously practiced smile.

"Is he gonna be ok?"

"Well, we don't know yet. You brought him in at," She stopped to look at a char, "5:47am and according to what we've been able to tell, his appendix burst twelve minutes earlier. You said you carried him from DD sector, correct?"


"At the rate you apparently went, judging from the dehydration and fatigue, it couldn't have taken you more than five minutes to get here. The 'danger zone' for appendicits is usually fifteen to twenty minutes. You got him here under what I call 'zero barrier' and that's very encouraging. I removed all the debris in his viscera and inserted the tube that will keep any further toxins from accumulating."

"But... is he gonna be ok?"

"It's too soon to tell if the toxins have gotten into his bloodstream. Do you want me to be honest or optimistic?"

"Ummm... can't you be both?" I was getting frustrated, "Be honest! Just... tell me the truth!"

"There is about a %35 chance that Zac's bloodstream may have been contaminated. If it has been, the toxins will most like make their way into his heart and from there, they would spread into the rest of his body. Eventually, his brain would be contaminated."

My world just about ended. The mere notion that Zac would be ravaged like that sent me reeling. I didn't know what to say.

"Reid, did he complain of stomach aches last night?"

"Yes," I moaned miserably into my hands, "Last night he had a stomach ache and it got so bad that I almost brought him here. But he said he was ok and he wanted to sleep it off."

"I see."

"It's my fault."

"It's not your fault and it's not his fault, Reid. He was scared and it's understandable."

"I promised I'd never let anything happen to him."

"You haven't let anything happen to him. You have a lot to be encouraged by. You said he regurgitated twice, correct?"


"That's good. It's a sign that his body was still able to try and get rid of the toxins on it's own. We were able to remove the damaged tissue before it started to deteriorate and that's good too. Don't blame yourself, Reid. You saved his life." The tone in her voice was so assured that I couldn't argue. All I could do was sit there and rub my eyes, trying to come to grips with everything that had happened in the last ten hours and it was a lot to deal with.

"What if he lives?" I asked.

"If he lives, he has an excellent chance of full recovery. Personally, Reid, I've seen people who have suffered worse cases of appendicitis come back and recover. Zac is a very healthy young man and his body hasn't suffered any trauma, other than a broken nose and occasional airsickness. You have a lot to be positive about."

"I mean... if it goes into his brain, is there a chance he could survive?" I felt like I was betraying Zac just by asking.

"Yes, there is a chance."

"What would happen then?"

Dr. Rios rubbed her hands together, "Well... Zac could suffer brain damage."

"How much?"

"There's no way to tell. It could be anywhere from minor to severe. He could have anywhere from some minor to moderate learning dissabilities to severe mental retardation--"

"Ok! Thanks! That's enough positive thinking for now!"

"Reid, I won't lie to you. Brain damage could be a possibility, but Zac does have a good chance of coming out of this just fine. What you need to do is remember that if you hadn't brought him here, he would have died. He would be dead right now if not for you. If you start blaming yourself, this will be much harder than it has to and right now, Zac needs you to be strong."

"I can try."

"Sometimes that's all we can do," She stood up, "Would you like to see him?"

Part of me didn't. Then seconds later, that horrible feeling of guilt began to swell in my stomach and I began to berate myself. Why didn't you insit?! He might have brain damage! You stupid son of a bitch! I buried my face in my hands and rubbed my face several times before looking back up at the doctor, "Let's go."

She smiled and bent down and removed the IV from my arm and patched it up with a bandaid before helping me to my feet. She led me out the swinging steel doors of the nurses station and into a small room where I was told to shower and change into clean clothes. Washing myself quickly but thuroughly, I pulled on the clean clothes and ran my fingers through my still damp hair. Dr. Rios met me outside the room and we made our way down the hall, past several closed doors which held the other patients. It smelled just like every other hospital I had ever been in... just like when my neighbor took me to the hospital after my dad hit me with a brick. The scent of sterility. As I walked, I looked down at the floor and idly gazed at the checkerboard pattern of the tiling and how the flourescent light bounced off of it.

Eventually, after turning a corner or two, we reached the door where two uniformed agents were standing on either side. Dr. Rios explained that I was Zac's "special friend" and they opened the door for me. I had to take a long, deep breath and close my eyes before walking into the room and from somewhere, I felt Dr. Rios pat me gently on the back before I walked in.

I stepped into the cool darkness of the hospital and room and looked at the bed where Zac lay. There was a single, soft yellow bedside lamp and it just barely illuminated the room enough for me to see a door to the bathroom and a small chair beside the bed. I slowly approached the bed like I was approaching a wild animal and I sat down in the chair.

Zac was covered by a light blue blanket and white sheet up to his stomach while his left arm was still under the covers. His right hand was laying limp by his side and a small, white medical tag was wrapped around his wrist while the rest of him was covered by a flimsy white hospital gown. His head was laying to the side and his hair was tied back in a limp ponytail and my stomach began to cramp when I saw the large bandage that stood out under the gown. Looking behind me, I leaned in and kissed Zac gently on the forehead and his skin felt only lukewarm. I stood over him and stroked the top of his head softly and looked down at his expressionless face, looking yellow and lifeless in the light of the bedside lamp.

The steady beep of the heart monitor and the slight movement of his chest were the only things that suggested any life was left inside him. My breath was shaky as I ran the backs of my fingers down Zac's cheek and searched for some sign of life or recognition... but none came. At that point, tears were inevitable but for some reason, nothing came out. I was all out of tears and maybe, somewhere deep inside, I knew that crying and sobbing like a deathbed widow was not going to help him.

My legs were incredibly stiff as I lowered myself back into the chair and rested my forehead against the steel handle of the bed. Reaching up, I took Zac's hand into mine and squeezed it softly, hoping that wherever he was, he felt it and knew that I was there for him. His hand, like his forehead, was lukewarm and slightly damp and I leaned in and kissed the back of his hand and held it against my forehead.

"Zac," My voice was barely a croaking wheeze, "Please come back to me."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3: The Compound 3

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