
By Reid

Published on Jan 28, 2001


S O U L M A T I N G ============================ by reid

||||||||||||||||| || DISCLAIMER || |||||||||||||||||

This story is meant to imply nothing about the sexuality of the real people involved. Anything mentioned from this point on is purely fictional and not meant in any way but the highest regard.

The lyrics used within are not meant to imply anything about the individual preferences, practices, or lifestyle choices any of the musical artists mentioned. The lyrics are not used for any personal monetary profit...

If you have any objections to my writing, then why in the name of Jesus are you reading this? I know some of you might like Hanson but I don't buy the whole "I didn't know it was a GAY STORY!" defense. So shut up and don't send me any more hate mail you stupid, obesessed little Christian girls.

As always.... Comments, Suggestions, and Criticisms can be sent to

I'm trying hard to stay away from the "sophomore letdown" with my second story. I hope you're all liking it and eagerly anticipating further chapters. Or you can just enjoy it and that's fine too.

WARNING!!! My stories contain mature themes and may project images or scenarios that are inappropriate for younger or sensative readers.

I can be reached on ICQ at 70639912... Or on AIM at Reid00005992...


|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || If Only- Chapter 1 || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

"Zac... are you ready yet?" I called up the stairs.

"Yeah. I have to find my shoes." He shouted back, his voice stifled.

He was probably routing behind the dresser again. How the kid managed to lose his shoes every day was something that obviously wasn't meant to be understood by the human mind. It didn't matter, though. It wasn't like we were in too big of a hurry. I had wanted to get on the road soon enough to avoid the parking debacle that usually went on at amusement parks. After looking down at my watch and noting the time, I relaxed a bit and realized that we had some time before the huge rush would hit and we'd spend most of the day in the parking lot. Zac could take his time finding his shoes and if it meant him wearing something other than his ratty old Converse All Stars, he could take all the time in the world.

The back of my neck was starting to dampen with sweat as I strolled into the cool shadowiness of the living room. After slouching down on the couch and sighing, I began to wonder what was taking Zac so long but pushed it to the back of my mind. We didn't need to hurry. Everything would be cool. Already, the summer sun began to filter into the living room and even through the slight shield of the glass, I felt it on my arm. Today would be hotter than hell. I was glad I had my sunblock. Even more thankful that I wasn't a fair-skinned, easily burned albino who had to wear sunblock that was thick enough to stop bullets or weatherproof a submarine.

It was still a little early for me. Even though it was only about 9:30 in the morning, it was still earlier than I usually liked to get up. My rising time was almost always 9:45 and the extra fifteen minutes made a big difference. Zac, however, was worth sacrificing that extra sleep-in time if it meant spending the day with him. For the first time in quite a while, we would actually have the chance to go do what we wanted without fame pulling him away from me. I didn't exactly mind the blowjobs in the dressing room showers but getting to sleep in a real bed and not having to worry about a schedule was nice. Funny thing was that as I sat there waiting for him, I was trying to keep a schedule after all. It's the kind of irony that you only notice when you don't have much else on your mind.

From upstairs, Zac's bedroom door shut and I heard him clunk down the stairs to my relief. Finally, we were ready to go. My wallet was full, plenty of money... some of it borrowed, plenty of time, plenty of sunblock, and the best company I could ever imagine. Zac bounded down the stairs and landed at the foot with a thud, his feet hitting the ground so hard that it almost made the room shake. He knew how to be bristling without actually being annoying. He knew how to toe the line perfectly.

He pulled his hair back, "You ready to go?"

I nodded as I looked at this outfit. He was wearing a white tank top, baggy cutoff olive green pants, white socks for a change and his blue sneakers. It wasn't my place to judge his clothing, I reminded myself and checked to make sure I had everything. The money was still there, my newly minted Oklahoma driver's license was there as well, and the sunblock. Pulling the small brown bottle out of my pocket, I snapped it open.

"All right, take it off." I said, nudging his bare shoulder.

"Do you promise not to get horny?" He said, smiling sweetly.

Not saying anything, I rolled my eyes as he pulled the tank top off and stood close to me. Trying to ignore his naked upper body, I smeared the cocoa butter scented lotion onto my hands and evenly rubbed it into his golden skin. Zac shivered dramatically and straighted his arms out, allowing me to grease up the oft-neglected bottoms of his arms. It gave me an odd warm charge as I felt the soft tufts of hair under his arms brushing the backs of my hands, providing me with another of my unique asthetic pleasures that Zac imparted plenty of. Unavoidably, the sensation of rubbing the cool cream into his warm, tight skin caused a sturring in my pants which I did my best to ignore. There wasn't anything to do except work as quickly as possible, not missing a spot on his chest or back. He turned around and closed his eyes as I smeared the goo onto his face and neck, making sure to protect the backs of his ears and the back of his hairline.

"Okay, you're coated." I said and closed the lid.

"I smell like Don Ho's buttcrack." He said as he pulled the tanktop back on.

It took a second for the full image of his metaphor to sink in and when it did, a shudder passed through me and I chuckled softly. If we waited any longer, parking would become an issue. Quickly checking myself out one last time as Zac went to let his parents know we were leaving, my mind wouldn't let me forget the first sight of him. God, he was gorgeous. My stomach fluttered and my knees threatened to turn to jelly right in the hallway and I did my best to calm it back down. Something inside me felt like there was an odd sense of urgency with our relationship. It was as if I needed to fill some sort of quota before time ran out and we wouldn't be able to be together anymore. Go figure, I thought, I've finally got all the time in the world and I'm still trying to hurry up and beat some big clock.

Zac bounded back into the hallway, tucking his hair up under his black stocking cap, "This is gonna smell nasty in a few hours."

"It should be okay. You washed your hair last night."

"Yuppie yup yup." He squeaked and put on his sunglasses as he walked out the front door.

It felt like the concrete of the front walk was on fire as we walked down to my car. Like a true midwestern native, Zac wasn't at all daunted by the heat and seemed a little impatient as I took a moment to get used to it. Waisting no time, I hustled to the car and rolled down the windows, wincing as the heat of the upholstered carseat hit me even through my jeans. Zac jumped into the car next to me and his eagerness made me smile as I removed the sunshade from the windshield and immediately turned on the AC. Zac had already gone back to his charming habit of drumming on the dashboard as we pulled out of the driveway and headed for the intersate.

After not too long, the cool air began to circulate in the car and it wasn't such a furnace. It really was a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky, and since it was still early in the day, the sun was still to my right and it wasn't glaring in my eyes. The only thing that could be considered a downside was the heat but even then, after nearly 20 years in the frozen wasteland of Minnesota, it wasn't something that I'd call misery. But, of course... being with Zac would be worth braving temperatures twenty degrees higher. He was just that good company. I couldn't deny it.

"Can I turn on the radio?" He asked, yawning in mid-sentence.

Looking at him cautiously and getting an innocent grin in response, I nodded my head as I put on my own shades and looked back at the road. Zac turned on the radio and idly flipped through several of the stations, by passing a country music network and a public radio broadcast. Maybe there was hope for him yet. He continued to cycle through the strip, being very picky about the music that would grace our ears. When nothing on the lower half of the band sounded good, he went through the latter stations without any better luck. Finally, the knob stopped turning and a familiar song filled the car.

"Oh yeah! We're in da house!" Zac said, turning the radio up loud.

"Oh lord..." I said, unable to keep from smiling.

"I wanna hold you, and love you in my arms and then... I want to need you 'cause I need to be with you 'til the end... Then I hear myself reply you've got to hold in... this time... tonight..." Zac sang, his voice hoarse and incredibly unmelodious.

Shaking my head with a paper-thin façade of disgust, Zac air drummed as the sounds of If Only played in the car. Normally, he didn't like to listen to his own music, but it seemed as if this time was different. It was a more lighthearted situation. Was there anything I could do other than smile and enjoy the song? And enjoy the private serenade from the basset hound sitting next to me. It was a beautiful day, we were going to the second largest fun park in the land, and my date was Zac Hanson. Life was definitely good.

"Quit jumping around. The line is moving as fast as it can." I said subtly, headlocking Zac.

Even under my arm, Zac continued to fidget, "I know... but I just want to get in so bad..."

Releasing him and sighing, I smiled and enjoyed the shade of the ticket booth. We had only had to look for a few seconds for a parking spot and luckily, it was only about a block from the park enterance. As we got closer to the adobe carved archway, it didn't appear as though anyone was cottoning on to Zac's real identity. To everyone else, he was just Homie McFly on a summer weekend trip to the amusement park. The only thing looks I did notice were some apprasing glances from the teenaged girls, and a few older guys, taking a gander at his sparsely clothed upper body. He didn't seem to worry about it so I made myself the promise not to do so either.

At times, I worried about Zac's penchant for physical affection with me. It made me feel a little weird when he'd jump on my back as we walked somewhere, and I worried if it would give someone the wrong idea when in fact, it was accurate as could be. It was almost more worrysome when Zac was in disguise because people didn't immediately think, "It's Zac Hanson. That's normal". When he was in disguise, people would only see what looked like a little too affectionate teenaged boy dry humping his older companion. Just the deep-seeded fear of homophobia rearing it's ugly head.

Zac leaned against me with his back against mine as eventually, there were only two people between us and the park enterance. Not at all to my surprise, one of the people was a crazy looking guy who seemed to have a laundry list of questions concerning the park's fire exits. From the groan behind me, Zac wasn't in the mood to wait, and when we could hear the multitude of fun going inside, it made it even harder. Even I had to admit that a small sense of excitement was starting to grow in my stomach. But we'd have to wait. Swaying gently and hoping to help him relax, I rocked Zac back and forth, and when he giggled and blew a raspberry, it made me laugh. Zac could always make me laugh.

To my annoyance, the crazy guy just couldn't be satisfied until the poor woman working the box office told him to take it up with security. When he walked off, mumbling to himself, we were only one person away from getting in. I heard Zac laugh and turned around to see that the street outside the park had become quite clogged with cars as more and more people got into the line behind us. When I turned towards the window and felt Zac lift his leg up off the ground and try to balance, I was struck by how the muscles in his back felt when they flexed. It made me shiver... a warm shiver.

"We're up." I said and Zac leaned off me as we walked to the window.

"How many?" The woman asked, looking like a baked potato in the unventilated pod.

"Two. One adult and one child." I sat, sneering the last word and getting a venomous look from Zac.

She smiled at our taunting and rung up the charge. Since we'd come earlier in the day, it wasn't as expensive and as I opened my wallet, Zac made a surprised gasping sound and grabbed his chest perilously. Obviously he was suggesting that I was cheap. Which I wasn't. I would just rather not throw my money away on creature comforts. Giving him only a wounded look, I passed the money through the slot and after she rung up the charge, and motioned our hands forward. In a somewhat childish rush, we both tried to get our hand in first. In the hurry to stuff our arms inside, Zac's arm brushed mine and as he leaned forward, the muscle of his shoulder rested warmly against my cheek. I fought with the urge to lick or kiss him playfully as the cashier laughed and stamped our hands with a charming red star.

For the few seconds we were jammed inside together, my nose caught Zac's scent... the intoxicating mix of Hawaiian Tropic sunscreen, spearmint gum, and teenaged-boy sweat. When we were both marked and approved for entry, we slid our arms out of the hamster cage and hustled around towards the front gate. Probably to onlookers who weren't keen to our relationship, we looked like two very energetic young men enjoying life. To his credit, Zac usually did quite a good job of fitting in as he could adapt to non-celebrityhood with a quick and almost grateful ease.

As we down the row, my mind thought back to Zac's and my mad rush to get our hands inside the box office first, resulting in a collison of our arms. My forearm and bicep still tingled with the sensation of his muscles bulging against my skin. The gooey feeling came back to my stomach and my head felt light while my knees weren't much better. Once we were out of earshot and alone in the small hedge lined passageway, Zac smiled.

"How come you didn't lick me or something?" He sounded dissapointed as he adjusted his stocking cap.

"Zac... we were in a crowd."

"We gotta start the coming out process somewhere." He shrugged and leaned up to quickly nip my earlobe.

Quicker than I could retaliate, he smiled and slapped me on the ass before darting towards the front gate and leaving me in his dust. For a second, I stood in the sun and smiled to myself, wondering who the hell I'd impressed to get so damn lucky. From around the corner of the curved walkway, I could hear the bells and sounds of the amusement park and I felt a very natural excitement. It was the eagerness to have fun. Zac had it and he was giving it to me like some sugar coated, fudged dipped, non-harmful and very enjoyable drug. He was making me high on life.

"Hey Reid!" Zac shouted from around the corner, "Hurry up!"

His voice snapped me back into reality and for a second, I cringed and worried if someone might recognize his voice. The lack of squealing voices didn't suggest anyone did and I laughed at the impatience in his voice. Checking my wallet again and straightening my sunglasses, I smiled and began walking again, taking a little more time than necessary just to goose Zac a bit and make him appreciate me that much more.

"Ewww..." Zac giggled softly and turned away, discreetly fanning his nose.

"Yeah." I said, nodding my head and turning away.

Our first stop into the park, at Zac's urging, was a trip to the petting zoo. As our luck would have it, we got there on the day that all the minature ponies had diarrhea and had been... squirting. The smell wasn't as bad as other animal produced fecal matter but in the hot closed off air of the petting zoo, it was pretty damn nasty. Moving on down the line, Zac was adorably charmed by the newborn litter of silver-tip rabbits who, according to the zookeeper, had been born just a few days ago. She seemed to notice how enthralled he was by them and when she offered to let him hold one, his face lit up like I'd rarely seen before.

After sitting him down on a hay bale and making him smear his hands with a water-free cleanser, she carefully picked up one the babies. It looked so small as she set it down in his hands, and the size of his hands made it look even smaller. The little bunny was only about as big as a cassette tape and it was completely hairless. The zookeeper told us that the bunny, aptly named Gus, would be getting fuzz in a few days or so before his real fur would come in in about a week. His ears were pointed almost straight back against his head and his eyes were shut tight, as was natural for newborn bunnies. It was pretty interesting but at the same time, it was a little hard to take. Baby rabbits were born underground, and while it looked as though the incubator was perfectly competant, nothing could compare to the natural conditions chosen by the parent.

All my animal rights activist innter-ranting was quieted as I watched Zac. He was smiling and cooing softly at the bunny, stroking it gently with his index finger. It was such a sweet sight that I had to resist going "awww" because I knew how much Zac hated it. He wouldn't have heard me. He and Gus were in their own little world together. The kid who could never have a pet because his family posessed a grab bag of allergies and the little baby bunny who would take all the love and affection he could get. Gus responded to the attention and wiggled his tiny pink nose just slightly, the zookeeper saying that bunnies do so to learn about their surroundings. The sight of Gus' pink skin against the tan of Zac's hand was akin to something from a new age wildlife painting.

"Look how little he is." Zac said, wondorously.

An exhausted mewling noise caught our ears as Zac looked up. The zookeeper explained that the mother was worried because she didn't know where her baby was. With a reverent promptness, Zac handed Gus to the zookeeper and she set him back down in the straw bed with the rest of the litter and the mother. After finding Gus to be unharmed and well taken care of, the mother settled back down and continued to munch on a sprig of parsley. I always liked how rabbits seemed to have a look of intelligence that other animals lacked with various degrees of severity.

"You okay?" I asked as we walked down the line of the petting zoo.

Zac was quiet for a second and then he smiled, "Yeah, I'm fine. That was just so cool, you know?"

We stopped and looked at a large peacock, "Babies love you Zac. It's obvious."

He smiled and squatted down, tenderly stroking one of the peacock's fluorescent wings, "It's all your fault. You've turned me from a razor sharp adolescent into a mushy, sentimental doofus."

I leaned against the railing, "You complaining?"

He looked up at me, his eyes visible above the rim of the sunglasses, "Nah, not today, at least."

I rolled my eyes, "What an honor, Mr. Hanson."

"She doesn't like it here." Zac said, watching as the peacock ruffled it's feathers and clucked weakly.

"Who would?"

Zac nodded and stood up, brushing his hands off on the seat of his cutoffs as we walked further down the line. This place had a nicer assortment of animals than other parks I'd been to. Several sheep had been crowded into a smaller than comfortable pen which again made me feel a little hot inside. Zac took a great deal of joy in gently touching every animal that didn't look crazy or hostile towards humans. We stopped at every booth in the hot steel building. The sheep, pigs, baby ducklings, and goats all got a visit from Zac and he took time to carefully touch and talk to each animal that would let him do so.

It wasn't too surprising to see them respond gratefully to someone who didn't smack them or yank on their extremities, and they repaid him by coming right over. It gave me a warm feeling to see how much he enjoyed it when a rickety, ancient old goat that had lived there for ages came over and ate a handful of pellets from his hand. It was a very sweet thing to see. Several times, as he talked to the animals, people around Zac gave him an odd look and I could tell his voice sounded familiar to them. They didn't pursue it and let him be, which was nice as well. I probably looked like a proud father... which was really gross.

"Throw it OVER the peg, Reid. OVER the peg." Zac laughed.

I stopped and looked at him, "Thank you for your coaching. I'm doing fine."

Zac scoffed, "You ain't won nothin' yet."

My fingers tightened around the ring and I was filled with a burning desire to suceed. Just suceed and shut him up. How sweet it would be to just get the ring around one of the furthest pegs and win one of the huge son of a bitch prizes and make his loudmouth ass carry it. That would be the perfect retribution. Gritting my teeth together and squinting my eyes, I aimed at the back row and held my breath, focusing like a supercomputer. Treating the toss like it was all or nothing and the fate of the world balanced on my throw, my hand released the ring and let it fly.

"Back row winner!" The barker said and walked to the large prize rack.

I turned to Zac triumphantly, "How about that?"

He looked at the ground meekly, "Good job, Reid."

"That's right!" I said, strutting over to the rack.

My win was aparrently a pretty big one as the barker told me that my sucessful toss had won my choice of a prize from the biggest, most awkwardly made rack. The choice of prizes was pretty garish. A giant Pikachu, a stuffed plush doll of Homer Simpson, a huge white tiger, Woody from Toy Story... and a rabbit. Looking behind me, I saw that Zac had occupied himself with a dart throwing game, watching as two squaking teen girls took an inane amount of glee in the contest. He was seeing how close he could get to them before they had any clue who he was. Luckily for his eardrums, the disguise was still foolproof and he knew it as the girls kept their peabrains zeroed in on the game.

Turning back to the counter, my eyes perused the selection for only a second before I smiled and pointed to the rabbit. With a long hooked tool, it came down from the rack and landed, soft and plush, in my arms. Zac still had his back turned to me as I snuck up on him from behind. He continued to watch the game as I angled the rabbit's furry head and pink glass nose against his neck and smacked my lips, giving him a stuffed bunny kiss on his neck.

Zac turned around and when he saw the rabbit, he grinned, "Whoa... awesome."

"Yeah. It's mine but if you ask nice, you can look at it." I said with the selfish tone of a kindergartner.

He looked genuinely dissapointed, "Oh... okay."

I laughed and crammed the huge furry thing into his arms, "Here. I can't get you a real rabbit so I got you a stuffed one."

We walked down the aisle of the kiosks as Zac held the stuffed animal under his arms. It was so huge that he had to adjust it almost constatly to keep it from falling on the ground. The big floppy ears kept drooping into his face as he walked. But he didn't complain. The white fur probably felt good against his skin. For a moment, I considered rubbing in my triumph some more but it seemed like a real petty thing to do. He loved his new, huge, grotesque friend and the three of us would have the rest of the day to get accquainted with one another.

"Okay... just... yeah, let me sit down."

"Oh shit..." Zac whispered worriedly, helping me sit down on the bench.

"Yeah... that was very bad," I said, closing my eyes and catching my breath, "But I'll live."

Zac laughed and sat down next to me, picking Gus Jr. off the ground by the bench, "Nobody took our baby."

"We'll have to try harder next time." I said, wiping the sweat from my brow.

"Don't say that!" Zac gasped, "You've hurt Gus Jr.'s feelings. Apologize! You kiss him!"

"Get that out of my face." I groaned, pushing the furry mug away from mine.

"Awww... are you okay? For real?" Zac asked, a concerned edge in his voice.

I nodded and leaned forward, holding my head between my legs. At Zac's urging, we'd just been on the most gutwrenching, intestine contorting ride in the entire park. For the longest six and a half minutes of my life, we rode the ride respectfully referred to as "The Bonestripper". A whopping eight loops and three tunnels of complete darkness had taken me on a ride the likes of which I'd hoped never to go on. Zac had practically had to carry me off the ride as my stomach untied itself from around my ankle and my head felt like it had been whipped around in a centrifuge. Zac, on the other hand, enjoyed himself immensely and took great pleasure in recounting the most bending parts of the ride as we walked to the food court.

As much as it pained me to admit, the ride had actually been fun. It was a real shot of adrenaline no matter how much I wanted to piss on it with my slight motion sickness. There was another funny thing. Zac could get nauseated if the car went over a speedbump wide of the mark yet he could go on the most churning, nauseating rides in the world without so much as a twinge in his stomach. He got selective motion sickness based on the fun of the situation. Who could blame him?

By the time we got off all the heavy-duty rides, the park had begun to fill up quite a bit. I was glad we had the good sense to go early enough to not have to deal with it. While the newcomers would be crowded into lines for the rides, Zac and I would be enjoying a leisurely meal. A lesiurely, grease soaked, deep fried meal on a dingy picnic table. Good God, how I missed eating amusement park food! Grease, salt, and a thick coating of ketchup made a good meal even better.

We got in the line and waited, only taking a minute before we got to the ordering window. The cashier smiled at the sight of Gus Jr as he broke a roll of quarters into the cash register. He did have quite the winning personality. After shifting Gus from his right to his left arm, Zac seemed to want badly to take off the sunglasses but he knew better. It would be inviting a gush of autograph seekers who would most likely go for the rabbit before anything else.

"What do you guys want?" He asked.

"Two jumbo dogs with bacon and cheese, large fries, and a large Dr. Pepper." Zac said.

As the cashier took his order, I was a bit taken aback by the size of his order, "Hungry?"

"Yup." Zac said, setting Gus Jr. on the ground at his feet as he aired his arms out.

I squinted as the cashier looked at me, "I'll have a bacon burger and fries. Large iced tea."

When our order was typed in and I paid the slightly steep but well worth it price, we moved down towards the pickup window and waited. As the sun got higher in the sky, the heat had only gotten more and more intense but the sunblock did it's job. The bare skin of Zac's shoulders, chest, and upper arms only looked their usual bronzed tan without a hint of redness. I almost got lost in my own dreamy world as I gazed at how the sun light glistened slightly on his naturally dark but still sun touched flesh. The tan was even more noticable against the mostly spotless white of his tanktop. His skin tone seemed to make the brawny, wide muscles of his upper arms and shoulders much more pronounced. Quite droolorific, really. And completely unburnt. I took care of him. I made sure that his precious skin was protected from the sun. Zac looked at me, shielding his eyes from the sun and noticed that I was smiling slightly.

"What?" He asked, smiling back.

"Nothing," I shrugged, "I'm just damn perfect for you."

Zac laughed, "Just figure that out?"

I shook my head and turned around to take our order, "No. Just reminding you."

We walked over to the awning covered dining area a few feet from the ordering station, me carrying the tray and Zac carrying the stuffed rabbit. Choosing a table at the back of the place, still taking steps not to be recognized, we sat down on the same side of the table. Gus Jr. sat at the end with Zac in the middle, his leg draped over my knee as always. After drenching his hotdogs in mustard and relish, he dug into them hungrily. After a few horse sized bites, he would take a short break for a drink of soda and a few fries before digging back in. He managed to eat without much sloppiness, which was really very impressive.

"You were hungry." I said between bites of my own food.

Zac mumbled in the affirmative, his mouth full. He was cute. He was an adorably unrefined yet still reigned in enough to be very charming in a social situation. It was times like that, sitting at a picnic table at an amusement park on a blazing summer day, that I realized how truly lucky I was. It was weird because if looked at him, there was next to no clue that he was Zac Hanson. Just looking at him, he was some kid, albeit one with a chiseled jawline and a built torso to drop-dead for, wearing a stocking cap and sunglasses. He didn't need to be who so many people knew him as. I loved him for him. Good for me.

When the food was gone, Zac and I spent quite a while sitting at the table looking out at the throng of people moving up and down the line. It was fun to people watch and thanks to my blessings, I had gotten a lot of chances to do so in many different places. After taking off my sunglasses and rubbing the bridge of my nose, I sighed and looked at Zac. Everytime I saw him, I wondered how people could even suggest that being gay wasn't as valid or pure a love as any other kind. It just didn't make sense to me. It made me feel like Marge Gunderson in Fargo where she asks at the end why everything mattered compared to the beautiful day outside. Life is too short to hate people. I just couldn't understand how people didn't understand that.

Zac slurped the last of the soda from his cup and let out a low belch, "Ready to go back out?"

"Yeah, let's go." I said and finished the rest of my drink, shaking my head and still wondering.

"Oooh..." Zac said, waving his fingers mockingly.

Immediately after, a loud crash of thunder and the shrill cackle of a witch rolled through the dark house and Zac jolted, startled by the noise. I snickered ridiculingly and pointed at him, taking an extravagant amusement in how his sarcasm had so quickly been neutralized. He stuck his tounge out at me and smiled, sticking his index finger in my ear as best he could around Gus Jr.'s large face. The cart we were riding in jerked again and shook as we traveled down the rusty rail, no other ghosts or ghouls jumping out at us.

Other than the thunder, Zac's sarcasm had been definitely justified. Eager for a break from the searing sun outside, we fled into the dark confined of the haunted house and for the majority of the ride, it had been more boring than ladies golf. The three younger kids behind us enjoyed it quite a bit and their shocked gasps followed by innocent giggling made me smile. After the one truly jolting moment, everything else seemed to be a letdown. When the train of carts brought us back into the open air, my lungs enjoyed the non-musty atmosphere.

When the carts stopped, I climbed out and watched as Zac struggled to get a good hold on the rabbit and get himself out at the same time. After a few good seconds of amuse at his expense, I reached out and offered his hand, which he gratefully grabbed and pulled himself out, holding onto to the bunny with his left arm. As soon as we were upright and on solid ground, we walked across the wooden platform and down the steel steps, not sure of where to go next.

"Where to?" I asked, swatting away a mosquito.

Zac shrugged, "After that, I don't think I could handle anything too exciting."

According to my watch, it was only about 3:30pm which was far too early to leave after getting up so early to come here. We ambled down the aisle, Zac shifiting the rabbit from one arm to the other and shaking his free arm, ventilating it. As we walked, he also scratched his head restlessly and I could tell he wanted to take the hat off. His hair was probably making his head feel like it was wrapped in an angora sweater. It was pretty interesting how he had to sacrafice his personal comfort for the kind of privacy that every person should just have. One of the downsides to being a celebrity, I guessed.

We stopped at a snow cone stand for a cold treat. It wasn't a snow cone stand, really. The sign said Italian ice but it was being sold by a bony red haired kid with a goofy paper hat named Seth. But before I could make more fun of him, he served two people in front of us with an impressive speed. This Seth was good at his job. When our turn came, Zac eagerly ordered a chocolate pina colada which just the thought of made my teeth ache. Regardless of Zac's dissapointment, I ordered a modest grape vanilla for myself and I had to admit that it tasted very good.

As we ate, Zac holding his bunny under one arm and slurping the melting ice in the other, we walked down the row between the kiosks. It was so much fun to be with him. It almost reduced me to sappiness and saccharine coated baby talking every time I realized how well we fit together. We fit together extremely well at night when all the syrupy sweet baby talking actually did go on between us with no inhibitions. Zac told me that instead of being nauseated by it, he enjoyed it. I did too.

"Hey Reid." He said as he threw the empty paper cone away and elbowed me.

"Hmm?" I said and finished off my own snow cone, not really paying attention.

"Over there." He said softly.

Turning away from looking at a pager sales booth, I looked to where Zac was indicating and saw that he was pointing to the love tunnel ride. When we made eye contact, he smiled and looked at me and the question was in his eyes. That didn't seem like the best idea to me. Two young men going on that ride wouldn't agree with the midwestern heartland values and beliefs of what it means to be right and morally pure. The day had been so much fun that I didn't exactly want us to end up in the parking lot behind the park with our faces beaten in and MTV news reporting the next day that Zac Hanson had been found trampled to death.

"I don't think so." I said and shook my head.

"Oh come on." Zac said, holding Gus Jr. under his right arm and grabbing my hand with his left and practically dragging me over to the entrance.

The ticket taker didn't seem to put off by us and even smiled, "Don't cause too much trouble."

"We'll try not to." Zac said in his 'politician' voice, making me worry about being recognized.

After handing over four tickets, we were admitted onto one of the white swan shaped boats and as it jiggled under our weight, I wondered if Zac's stomach could stand it. His eagerness didn't decrease as he sat down heavily on the bench and looked at me, waiting for me to get in. He had arranged it a little suspiciously by stuffing the rabbit to his right so that he'd be sitting in the middle. When I looked back, nothing seemed out of place as guy taking the tickets was more interested in counting the number of tickets in his little pouch. That was a relief.

Easing down into the seat next to Zac, my insides got a little thrill when I realized the boat was small enough that Zac and I would have to sit pressed up against it each other. It was a wonderfully snug fit. Zac didn't seem to notice it as he was making sure that the fuzzy rabbit ears wouldn't be dragging the water. When he turned back and faced forward, his shoulder brushed my cheek and the silky heat resonating from his skin coupled with his natural scent made me feel a little lightheaded. 'Twas a true blessing to be sitting down at that point because if I hadn't been, I probably would have keeled over.

With little warning, the cart jerked forward and rocked in the small moat that flowed into the pink confines of the ride. Zac grunted with a dramatic tone as we traveled forward, gliding easily on the water. Our goofy swan traveled through a downy archway into the dimly lit interior of the ride, the shadiness and cool temperature was a welcome change from the outside. Shifting my ass against the wooden seat, I relaxed and leaned back, not really interested in the cheesy hearts and cupids that hung inside the small pink and red tunnel.

Zac shivered and with some caution, pulled the stocking cap off his head and it felt like a cloud of steam rose from his scalp. His long, slightly greasy ponytail flopped out down his back and he scratched his sweltering scalp vigorously. Invariably, I became almost hypnotized by him as he took the sunglasses off and dropped them on his lap with the sweaty black thermal hat. He was Zac Hanson again. Rock star and teeny bopper wet dream. Looking over to my side and smiling loopily, I did my best to get control over my hormones and I immediately chastised myself for being such a sucker for his looks.

Sighing softly, Zac stretched his long legs out over the front of the boat, "I got goosebumps."

I looked at his exposed skin before turning back to look at the incredibly garish decor, "Yeah. It's nice to get out of the sun."

"It's not the temperature, Reid."

"Hmm?" I said, turning back towards him.

Without warning, Zac's lips were against mine, kissing me and moving in a fluid motion. A surprised squeak was the only response I could give as his lips glided over mine, pleasuring me with their warm plumpness. My hand went to the back of his head and held it tenderly, feeling his lips part and the hot tip of his tounge begin to poke into my mouth. Several wisps of his heat frizzed hair tickled my forehead as new drops of perspiration began to stand out on us. My kisses moved from his mouth to his cheek and over to the vast expanse of his neck and broad shoulders as he gasped and squirmed in the seat.

A certain amount of naughty pleasure added to our fun as my hand fell from the back of his head to his shoulder, holding the bulging muscle. It felt as though Zac's arm muscles were rippling with pleasure as we made out, my lips smacking wetly as they tasted his skin and kissed the warm flesh. The skin of his neck tasted salty and aroused, his pores opening and pouring out a scent of musky arousal, drawing me in even more. The gentle motion of our boat was relaxing and we knew that there wouldn't be any danger of being seen... at least not by anyone that could get our clear picture.

Zac moaned and his body shivered as my lips kissed his neck and nibbled his adam's apple gently, lapping my tounge playfully over the small round knob. After I slid my arm around the back of his neck, Zac let his head fall back, exposing his throat and upper chest to my mouth. With a careful yet firm pressure, my nibbling traveled down between his pecs and gently gnawed at the firm muscle. More sweat ran down Zac's cheeks and his long neck as he moaned again, his chest heaving and expanding against my mouth. Leaving a pink trail of arousal on his chest, I nibbled back up onto his collarbone and kissed the bounty of his broad shoulders, licking and grazing the pungent sweatiness of his membrane.

Against my cheek, Zac's heart pounded and sped up in his chest as my left hand started above his knee and slowly traveled up his cutoffs. Rubbing firmly up his outstretched leg, my hand soon found the growing swell at the front of his shorts. Zac responded to my first squeeze with a panting moan and a thrust, urging his crotch into my hand. Under the thick fabric, my palm could feel the heat coming of his dick as he strained against the fabric. With a frustrated groan, Zac's left hand shot down next to mine and he began to unzip himself, fully intent on getting naked right then and there.

"Zac," I wheezed, "Zac, we're at the end of the ride."

Zac made an annoyed growling noise and sat up straight, mopping the thick drops of sweat from his shoulders. With a sour look on his face, he pulled the cap back on over his hair and mopped his forehead before rehanging the dark sunglasses over his ears. He sighed and made a soft whipping sound, trying to tame the beast in his pants as the light at the end of the ride grew and got closer. I had to do the same, making a concerted effort to flaccidize my erection and make it look less like we'd been doing exactly what we'd been doing.

The swan brought us back out into the blinding sunlight of the day. With a thump against the rubber barrier, the ride came to an end as we got up from the bench and stepped back onto the platform. No one seemed to give us an odd look as Zac carried the momentarily forgotten rabbit down with him and back onto the concrete walkway. Zac's taste was still in my mouth, a mix of his snow cone syrup and his own natural taste, and it tickled my taste buds as we walked. Our posture was well practiced and honed to look exactly as it was meant to seem to the untrained eye: close enough to seem like good friends but far enough away to not suggest anything. It was 4pm and I knew it was getting close to a good time to leave to avoid the rush.

Zac dropped down on a bench under a large tree and held the bunny in his lap, "Whew... I'm tired."

I eased myself down next to him and enjoyed the shade, "How's our baby?"

"I think we might've scarred him for life." Zac said, examining where his sweat had caused the artificial fur to clump together like the coat of a dog after it had been sprayed with a hose.

I yawned, the heat having taken more out of me than I thought, "He'll live."

"Thank you, Reid." Zac said, moving Gus Jr. and sliding over dangerously close to me.


"For coming here," He scratched his head, "I know that these kinds of places aren't what you like to do. It's really cool of you to take me here and pay for it and buy food and treats for us and stuff. I mean, you could have said no when I asked and it would have been okay but you said yes and I want you to know that I realize how cool you are."


"You know what I mean... you're really cool, Reid. I know that I probably don't tell you that enough."

I smiled and blushed slightly, "You tell me in your own odd, offbeat Albertanian way, Zac."

He leaned in close, "I'm really glad you turned me into a sentimental doofus, Reid."

I smoothed the hem of his cap, "It's been my pleasure."

"Do you seriously think it's legal to be any more comfy than we are right now?" Zac asked, languidly curling and wiggling his toes on the coffee table as he stretched back out next to me on the couch.

"The best stuff never is." I murmured, kissing him on the forehead.

"Mmmmmm.... This is what you'd call most definitely worth it, then." He said, smiling as he nestled his ass into the couch and snuggled up against me.

"It better be. You're too pretty to go to jail." I said and squeezed him, his warm heap feeling like a big cuddly toy in my arms. Not unlike Gus Jr., who sat on Zac's other side.

Zac didn't have much to say in response except to nuzzle my neck and kiss me wetly, hugging me back and relaxing. If there was a more heavenly place in the world than that dark rec room, it would be news to me. The only light in the room came from the soft yellow glow of the stereo radio panel and a gentle black candle on the top of the small CD case next to the stero. It cast a golden, almost saintly hue over us. From the speakers, a local Tulsa radio station was playing their usual Saturday night romantic music request show. When he plopped down on the couch and Zac went for the stereo, it surprised me that he'd eagerly put on the soft love songs. Yet again, I sure wasn't complaining.

The air conditioning had been running all day while we'd been out and the small basement leisure room was delightfully cool and pleasant. It was quiet as well. For once, Zac and I could cuddle and speak in ways that would gross out anyone else who wasn't us. Word had been given upstairs that we were to be given complete privacy as we relaxed, meaning there would be no parental or sibling intrusions. Zac told me that the room was ours for as long as we wanted, only making it that much more relaxing. It only got better when Zac pulled out a few sticks of soft cherry incense that made the room smell delightful. Even though I hated that word a great deal, it was the only one that actually truly described how it felt.

It was nice even if it wasn't complete freedom to show our love. Fine dining, dancing, and penguin-like tuxedos didn't really compare to cuddling Zac while he was wearing his Doobie Brothers t-shirt and red Nike swim trunks. It was the perfect outfit to compliment the evening to a truly flawless day. It helped greatly that the sunblock worked, leaving us pleasantly sunbaked and golden-browned evenly. The day out in the sun had done us quite a bit of good, really. But then again... it wasn't like Zac wasn't already perfectly bronzed and tanned and toned beyond all resistable limits.

"I like this song." I said, hugging him again as 'Hold On To The Nights' played softly from the speakers.

"Me too. I appreciate songs like that now." Zac said, peeling an orange.

"Oh yeah." I kissed him on the cheek.

"Uh oh," Zac said, as a violin melody came from the speaker, "Not this one."

"Awww..." I drawled, hugging him close.

As if on some cue, "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith began to play and Zac wiped his eyes with his wrist. It was really cute. Normally, he was like some nonemotional statue that never cried but something about that song always got him choked up and gently drew the tears out of him. He sniffled and went back to peeling the orange, sending the sweet scent to my nose as I couldn't resist and kissed him again. As the song played and then quieted, Zac laid his head on my shoulder as he ate the fruit slowly, savoring each bite.

"I'll be there... to comfort you... build my world of dreams around you, I'm so glad I found you..." Zac sang softly between bites as Mariah Carey covered The Jackson 5 with a choir on backup.

"Okay, we're getting a little too damn sugary here."

Zac frowned half-heartedly, "Here, rebuild your insulin base."

He popped a section of the orange into my mouth and I chewed it carefully, not wanting to send a squirt of citric acid right into his eye. Zac was idly swaying his foot back and forth as the music played, slipping into an area between sleep and being awake. It was a very nice, very soothing place to be. Some pretty good songs came through the radio as we sat there, listening and holding each other, enjoying each other's private, undisturbed company. Amy Grant, Bonnie Tyler, Seal... a who's who of soft romantic music serenaded us as we sat there. It was just so relaxing to almost, but not quite, a pee in your pants level of comfort.

Zac swallowed the last of the orange, "I got something interesting today."

"Are they scabs or boils?"

"Shut up, I'm serious." He pulled out a newspaper. It had a rainbow on it.

"Ahhh... a gay publication. Very nice." I said, looking at it.

"Ava got it for me," He said as he set aside the discarded peel, "Turn to the zodiac section."

I turned to the horoscopes, "What am I looking for?"

"Read the part about Libra."

"That's you." I said, perusing the paragraph.

Zac didn't say anything until I looked up, smiling slightly, "What do you think?"

I squinted, "You paid for it."

"I did not! It's totally serious!"

The article he'd shown me contained a letter from a Libra reader who had written in and asked about his perfect atrological match. The columnist went on to say that Libra boys will find happiness with Scorpio boys. According to the anicent charts, Libra boys and Scorpio boys quickly become lifelong soulmates and form a very deep, very committed love that often lasts "more than one lifetime." As much as I wanted to let it make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, I still thought that Zac might have had them put it in or something. But from the smile on his face, I knew it was for real. We had the stars on our side, as well.

"Wow." I said and set the paper on the lower shelf of the table.

"Hey, we're soulmates. Nostradamus himself has declared it," Zac giggled and nibbled my chin playfully, "You know what we oughta do next? We should go on the bus."

"I thought you didn't like wearing that hat."

He scoffed, "I won't wear the hat. No one will mess with me as long as I've got my kung fu TNT badass by my side."

"You already pushed the envelope today. Isn't that enough?"

Zac giggled, "One girl recognized me."

This was news to me, "When?"

"While you were takin' a leak. She came up to me and almost hyperventilated. She was okay but it wasn't like I was going to stand there all day and hold her hand or anything." Zac said and leisurely circled his barely exposed belly button with a bit of the orange pith.

"Glad to see you care about the fans there, Prozac."

Zac shrugged, "She obviously felt that since I was on my own time, I owed her for something. I mean, I wasn't exactly rude but you and I were spending the day together. I mean, do I have some obligation to entertain some teeny bopper airhead when all I want to do is chill out and be with you?"

He definitely had a point.

Zac relaxed, stretching back out and crossing his leg across his knee, "That shit happens, right?"

"Yep." I said, kissing the top of his head.

I snuggled up to him, "I knew we'd be together one day. Even when we weren't actually together."

"Me too." He said and kissed the tip of my nose.

"You didn't even know me."

"Sure, I did." He said matter-of-factly.

"Oh really?"


"From where?" I asked, thinking he was just sweettalking me.

Zac moved and sat facing me, looking me in the eye, "KeyArena... July 21st, 1998... I saw you the first time from backstage when you were waiting outside the bathrooms for the guy you were with. During the show, when I saw you again, you were in the right side, upper level, second row back. You were wearing a white t-shirt underneath a black kevlar-style vest. The guy you were with was wearing a dark blue or black t-shirt, I don't really remember, and a camoflauge coat. He kept laughing and making fun of us during the show and you'd kinda laugh with him but you were really trying to listen to the music and you had this sexy, dreamy smile on your face as you looked at me. You were obviously totally in love with me and everytime I looked over at you, it gave me this weird gummy feeling inside. Everytime I kind of tried to make eye contact with you and smile, you looked away and blushed."

I was dumbfounded, "Oh my God."

Zac smiled and kissed me gently, "I fell in love with you right then and there. It hurt me then because there was no real way I could talk to you or let you know how I felt. I thought about you a lot and tried to forget but you were always there. Like always in my heart. You were the sexy hunk from the Seattle concert that I could always think about and smile. There were times when I thought about you as I... did my thing. I laid in bed and wondered about you and all that goofy stuff. I wasn't obsessed but you were definitely there in my heart."


"Up until the day I caught you in our tour bus, I had kind of figured I'd never see you again. When I found out we'd be coming to Seattle on the tour, I got a little tickle in my stomach but I told myself the odds of seeing you again were really bad. But when I saw you," Zac smiled with an almost reverie-like happiness, "Reid... dude, when when I saw you again I knew that there was no chance I could let you go. There was no way I could just let my soulmate leave me. Like I couldn't let this heaven-sent second chance leave again."

I was speechless. Zac smiled with genuine pleasure and kissed me on the cheek. The bastard actually remembered me. It was scary because I thought I had done a damn good job of hiding my obvious love for him when I was at that concert. It was truly disturbing but at the same time, incredibly wonderful feeling. Knowing that he actually remembered me and kept on remembering made our relationship feel like more than the teeny bopper crush it had always had a heavy air of feeling like. Our love was truly mutual.

A new song began to play on the radio and Zac sat up, elbowing me gently and grinning from ear to ear. At first, I wasn't all that sure what he was so excited about but as more of the song played, I began to understand and hugged him, feeling him smile and hug me back, kissing my neck and cheek firmly. It was our song. As if it weren't enough, the DJ began to speak before the lyrics began and instantly, I knew why Zac had taken a little longer than usual coming back downstairs.

"... This next song is a request. It's from Zachary in Tulsa. Wonder if he knows Hanson? This song is from Zac to his 'winkie-bear'. How sweet is that? It's 'Breathe' by Faith Hill..."

I can feel the magic floating in the air...

Being with you gets me that way...

I watch the sunlight dance across your face...

And I've never been this swept away...

It was our song. Like the sentimental doofus I'd turned Zac into, a very sweet lump began to form in my throat and my eyes blurred as Zac smiled beautifully at me. Laughing softly, I sniffled and went to wipe my eyes but Zac, a serious look on his face, reached up and gently wiped away the tears with the tips of his fingers. Faith Hill continued to sing softly in the background as he leaned in and kissed me, his lips feeling almost unbelievably good. My breath came in a trembling inhale as Zac pulled back slowly and touched my cheek with a very respectful care.

`Cause I can feel you breathe...

It's washing over me...

Suddenly I'm melting into you...

There's nothing left to prove...

Baby all we need is just to be...

Caught up in the touch...

The slow and steady rush...

Baby, isn't that the way that love's supposed to be...

I can feel you breathe...

Just breathe...

Zac leaned in again and kissed me, turning around on the couch so that he sat with his back against the stuffed rabit and one leg on either side of me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me again a few times before resting his forehead on mine and sighing contentedly. As the chorus climaxed and then slowed back down, I felt fresh tears roll down my cheeks and Zac promptly reached up to catch them. Another deep breath later, I shut my eyes and savored the feeling of his forehead against mine and in a really corny spiritual way, it was as if we were sharing our thoughts. Both thinking the same thing. Thinking of that same word that we'd redefined over the past six months we'd been together.

As he wiped away the tears, Zac kissed my cheek and whispered, "Please don't. You've cried enough in your life."

I smiled, his loving words warming my heart, "Not like this."

In a way I know my heart is waking up...

As all the walls come tumbling down...

I'm closer than I've ever felt before...

And I know...

And you know...

There's no need for words right now...

Warmth surrounded my cheeks as Zac cupped my face and kissed me gently, his eyes closed like an cherub. His hair began to slip out of the ponytail and the loose wisps at the front of his face brushed my forehead. With a smooth motion, my hand pulled the black band from his hair, looking dark and almost copper colored in the sparse light, and it let it fall down onto his shoulders. We pulled back from the kiss and I ran my fingers through the thick expanse, feeling how warm and soft his hair was. He smiled at me and rested his forehead back against mine again and draped his arms over my shoulders.

`Cause I can feel you breathe...

It's washing over me...

Suddenly I'm melting into you...

There's nothing left to prove...

Baby all we need is just to be...

Caught up in the touch...

The slow and steady rush...

Baby, isn't that the way that love's supposed to be...

I can feel you breathe...

"I think we're in love." Zac said softly.

"Yeah. I'm getting a cavity." I said and leaned back, getting a breath of air.

He smiled cunningly, "I'm gonna give you more than that."

Like some horny jungle beast, he crawled forward and pushed me down on my back on the couch, muting the radio with his big toe in an impressive work of flexibility. Straddling my waist and letting his body rest on my stomach, he pushed up and looked down at me, smiling as his hair fell down in front of his face. With a methodical pace, he rocked his hips back and forth, leaning forward so that he was humping me in brisk thrusts. My dick responded to the motion, quickly hardening as much as it could and pressing at the hot crack of his ass inside the silky shorts. A warm shiver passed through him as his hands squeezed my shoulders and he closed his eyes, a ripple of pleasure coursing through his body.

Unlocking my hands from behind my head, I rolled the hem of his t-shirt up sligtly and exposed the tanned strip of skin decorated by his cute belly button front and center. After propping myself up on a pillow, I playfully poked him, and watched as he giggled and leaned back, pressing his hands into the couch cushion down by me knees and allowing a tad more of his belly to be exposed. My fingers danced up the front of his shirt, quick but not too fast to fully enjoy the gentle heat of his skin as he smiled, a dreamy look in his eyes. It was a look I was very familiar with.

With a breathtaking fluidity, Zac continued to caress himself back and forth, the tent in his shorts getting bigger and his breaths becoming heavier. His breath smelled sweet and citrusy. The heaving breaths became deep moans as his thrusts sped up and the tent in his shorts began to throb and jerk, making a soft crinkly noise. He leaned down and kissed me, still kneeling on me and pushing his ass down against my painfully restricted erection. His hot breath blew in my ear and he sucked the rim of my ear, several strands of his hair falling across my lips and tickling them with their softness.

Zac stopped kissing me briefly and held his face close to mine, so close that our lips brushed together when he whipsered, "I want you to strip me, Reid. Piece by piece, okay?"

Like I could refuse. Zac stood up off me and held my face in his hands, kissing me forcefully as he stood up on weak knees in front of me. When my own body pulled itself into a sitting position, my head felt light as a feather and when the heat from Zac's sizeable bulge sat right in my face, it didn't go away. Zac groaned and held onto my shoulders as I kissed the tip of his nylon covered erection, licking the tip of my tounge slowly over the musky wet spot. After moving up and kissing around his belly button, I gently used my lips to tug at his soft blond treasure trail, pulling at the curly hairs roguishly. I looked up at him and he looked down, smiling as the hair surrounded his face like a thick blond curtain.

My hands, which had been resting on my knees, moved down and wrapped around his slim ankles and traveled up his roasting calves, feeling Zac's abundant leg hair and squeezing the muscle tightly. Leaning against me, he stood on his tip toes and flexed his leg muscles, bulging them in my hands and sending a shock wave straight to my dick. Holding him by the backs of his knees, my lips returned to his stomach and kissed the soft skin around his belly button. Zac's legs shook and he moaned, my hands traveling up under the front of his shirt as he put his weight forward on my shoulders, the muscles and veins in his forearms standing out against the sides of my face.

Like a curator who took great delight and respect in unveiling a masterpiece in a museum, a similar care had to be taken. This wasn't your normal, everyday upper body. This was the torso to end them all. It was the torso made in God's own image after which he had vowed never to make another so beautiful. Gradually, the black Doobie Brothers shirt came up, exposing first his plump, pillowy stomach and then his defined pecs. When he lifted his arms over his head, his upper body seemed to telescope as it stretched and pulled in, making the crest of his ribs visible momentarily. The golden light of the candle flickered over his dark nipples and over the damp line of sweat running down the center of his frontage. For a fleeting second, as he had his arms above his head, the light glistened in the slightly damp thickets of hair in his armpits. They were only visible for a brief snippet of time.

A carnal desire returned and rose from the depts of my stomach as I hooked my fingers in the waistband of Zac's shorts and pulled him forward sharply. He came to me in a warm gush of air, his hands returning to my shoulders and his breath speeding back up as I began to pull down. He suddered and gasped, letting his head fall back as the shorts slid down his legs, exposing his throbbing meat which bopped up and slapped softly against his stomach. A thick stream of precum flew from his peehole and splattered upwards, making a soupy pale streak across his abs.

Zac's long, rock-hard fingers shook almost imperceptibly as he reached up and collected the precum, offering it against my lips as an especially delectible love treat. My mouth watered at the sight and I sucked the sweet, manly-tasting goo off his fingertips and he moaned, his cock throbbing and sending another glob of precum into his bushy blond pubes. At that point, my eyes caught the low hanging balls that had momentarily been neglected. Zac had nice, big nuts that emitted a zesty fragrance that could fill a room when he got aroused. Using the palm of my hand to press his dick against his stomach, I leaned down and took both into my mouth and tasted them, my tounge immediately coated by their sweaty, funky tang.

"Ungh shit!" Zac groaned, "Fuck yes... right there!"

His raw language caused another jolt in my dick as I sucked on both balls like a vacuum cleaner, drawing a surprised yelp from Zac. His legs jerked and he nearly keeled over, his fingers digging into my shoulders. As I continued to suck, his fingers curled and grabbed handfulls of my shirt before he got fed up and nearly ripped it off me. It forced a break in my nut sucking long enough to get my shirt off. When he put his hands back on my shoulders, his warm wet palms slapped against the skin and pressed firmly, sharing our body heat. Letting first one, then the other nut slide from my mouth with a slurp as I licked my way up his shaft with a sexually sadistic lethargy. Zac's fingers dug into my shoulders and he let out a yell of pleasure as I quickly engulfed his hard tool with my hot, wet mouth.

Bubbles in champagne was the sensation that my brain-state could be compared to. Smoking Zac's jam joint was akin to taking a hit of some out of this world, spaceaged hallucinogenic pipe. My mouth took in the heat of his cockhead and the gummy layer of foreskin that slid around it as well as the drooling slit as it poured out more and more of his precum. His hips jerked and bucked, not hard enough to gag me but firm enough to send his cock in and out, pressing on my lips and tounge. Once, in bed after a tour concert, he'd said that my tounge seemed to be ridged for his pleasure and he launched into a dramatic pleading session to tell him how I did it. I played along and told him that it was a gift from heaven meant to be enjoyed by him to the fullest.

Boy, was he ever enjoying it right then and there. Another thick shot of precum rocketed into my mouth and I knew it was time to back off a bit and let him cool down. Standing up in front of him, I kissed a line up his sweaty chest and onto his lips, letting his tounge dart into my mouth and taste his precum. Slowly, he undid my belt with his fingers and in seconds, my pants were down around my ankles and I was only covered by an extremely tened pair of white boxer shorts. In one grandiose motion, Zac yanked them down and they joined the pile of clothes at my feet, my body feeling a relieved gush as my cock popped up and bounced in the warm air, getting the relief it so desperately craved.

With a delicateness, Zac stepped forward and almost timidly hugged me. It was a reminder than no matter how nasty and raunchy we got, a very real and deep set love bonded our hearts together. The feeling of his damp body as he embraced me lended a rarely felt sense of security as we hugged in the dark, quiet room. It was silent except for our heavy breathing and when I rested my cheek against his head, my nose picked up his hot scent. I felt Zac's hands travel down my back and he grabbed each of my asscheeks and gave them a hard squeeze, making me moan and shake in his arms. He smiled and kissed me softly, sliding his tounge into my mouth and filling it gracefully, almost like a more flexible version of his penis.

Zac pulled his tounge out and held his mouth close to my ear, "Remember... you'll be tried as an adult if I have a stroke from the pleasure."

I smiled and kissed him, charmed immeasurably by his cute little remark. Zac closed his eyes and willingly returned the kiss, his hard nipples pressing into the bottoms of my pecs as his hands returned to my ass. I gasped into his mouth as his fingers poked in between the valley of my asscheeks and his middle fingers poked and tickled my hole. Just barely entering me with his fingers, he pumped them in and out in playfully rapid thrusts, making my legs shiver and my prostate ache for release.

With little warning, I switched places with Zac and pushed him back onto the couch. He landed with a fleshy thud and settled back, propping one bare leg up on the coffee table on either side of me. He gazed up at me with an almost absentminded look in his eyes and stroked himself slowly, running his left hand up and down the shaft of his dick. More precum oozed out and he collected it, smearing the length of his cock with the gooey fluid. We made eye contact and he licked his succulent lips slowly, coating them with his warm saliva and staring at me with a sultry, highly intense gape. I believe it was commony referred to by the laymen as a "come hither" stare.

Slowly, and with something that actually might have been a bit of shyness, my fingers reached out and I ran my hands back up his long legs and onto his thighs, feeling him shiver and hearing him moan. My lips pressed against the underside of his jaw and his whole body jerked, his legs flopping and shuddering, his body nearly going into pleasure overload. An impatient moan came out of his mouth before he grabbed the back of my head firmly and pulled our lips together, mashing our mouths into one hot, wet sex filled oven of love.

Grabbing him around the back and nearly scaring myself with the agression, I shoved him over onto all fours on the couch, the cushions bending and giving way underneath the weight of his knees and hands. Zac crawled forward slowly and grabbed the arm of the sofa, but not before gently moving until then forgotten Gus Jr. to a comfortable, non-intrustive spot behind the couch. He straighed his arms and his back arched majestically, flexing and bending into a symmetric curve as the sinewy muscles of his back stood out under the damp streched layer of his skin. His dark hair fell back in long, sweat clumped portions and cascaded over his back, small droplets of sweat flowing down and off each damp end.

His tight, sligtly pale bubble butt lifted into the air and the muscles flexed, causing them to spread from the bottom up, exposing the pinkness of his crack. Grabbing a mound in each hand, I hooked my thumbs inside and pulled his buttcheeks apart, looking in at the furrowed rosebud, winking at me and beckoning me forward.

"Woof." I said softly.

Zac giggled and waved his ass at me, sending sweat soaked waves of communication straight to my brain. It was a pretty damn straightforward message that urged me to explore further using my meatiest, thickest, hottest buttprod. Running my hands up to his hips, my face came forward and I licked the beginning of his large gash. Starting at the small of his back before drawing a thick line of spit down the length of his asscrack, my actions drove Zac absolutely insane. His body shook and he cried out, pushing back on me and letting my tounge go deeper into the hidden valley. My tounge moved in a wet cricle around his winking hole, soaking it and feeling the intense heat he was producing and emitting by the assfull.

There was no turning back. I had a direct route to orgasm city via rimjob boulevard and there was no exit ramp. My face eased into his crack and felt the sparse peach fuzz that dusted his cheeks against my face. With one firm push, my tounge pressed into his hole and felt the red inner-channel of his rectum. Zac moaned and began to jerk himself so hard that his nuts swung back and brushed my chin, but I didn't notice. I was too busy fucking him with my tounge at a carefully regulated pace, meant to heighten his pleasure but not let him paint the couch cushions with his hot Zaccyjuice.

When his hole began to tighten on my tounge, I started the easing out process and finished with a few light laps to the rim of his sphincter. When my face left his asscrack, Zac was shivering and almost twitching with desire and his grip tightened into the sofa arm so hard it made the padding squeak softly. Keeping my mind on my task, I slowly dug my fingers deep into Zac's hole and pulled it apart, drawing another gasp and shaking fit from the hole's owner.

A smile came onto my face as I crept up behind Zac and wrapped my arms around his waist, clutching him tightly and pressing my cock against his hole. He was a slave to whatever I wanted to do. How amazingly erotic that the wild drummer boy that rock music couldn't contain was shaking and at my mercy. The most hidden, tender parts of his body, heart and soul eagerly, even enthusiastically, bared wide open to my free will. THAT was the most fucking erotic thing about our relationship.

Slowly, my eyelids came down over my eyes as my body concentrated on the sensations coursing through my dick. It was swelling to a size I'd never felt it before as I slid into Zac, feeling the tight ring of his rosebud stretch and tighten back around the welcome foray of my cock. Heat careened up through my penis and into my body, making my mouth drop open and my heart start pounding. Zac had pressed his face into the nearly sweat soaked pillow and groaned deeply, sending vibrators through his body and seemingly out his ass where it continued into me.

My cock swelled and throbbed, taking control of my body as it sunk itself deep inside Zac and stabbed all the way to the hilt of his tailbone. My pace began to speed up and I felt myself losing control as Zac's arms buckled and he crashed into the couch, moaning as his asscheeks squeezed together and pulled my cock inside him even tighter. Sweat stood out on his shoulder blades as I grabbed his biceps and arched my back, plowing myself into him at a frenzied pace. My fingers traveled in a herky-jerky motion down to the area of skin between his butthole and testciles and I rubbed it firmly and deeply, drawing a muffled howl of pleasure from underneath me as Zac's tender prostate gland was worked from two different directions. Soft grunting noises began coming from the blond sweat stain under me as I deep dicked him, my cock slamming his prostate and sending massive waves of extasy through his still quite young body.

With a massive groan, Zac's body tensed. My cock was sucked into his ass one last time and it held me tight as he shot his load into the couch pillow, his body wracked with spasms as he shuddered, kicking his legs helplessly. He had several orgasms in a row, each one going down briefly then hitting him again and sending new splatters of pleasure onto his brain. After the first two, the knowledge that such intense pleasure was knocking him for a loop became unbearable for me as I laid down and buried my face into his hair. A moan came out my mouth as my cock jerked and spewed it's hot cum into his body, another cry coming from Zac as his ass clenched, the sensation of my load inside him knocking him between the eyes right into another orgasm.

Our bodies shuddered together as the climax subsided and we crashed down together into a sweaty pile of sweat, cum, and dopey, hopeless, blissed out love. The heat of Zac under me didn't help my heaving chest gain it's breath back but there was no way in hell I couild move. My cock softened and drooped out of his red, gelatinous asshole. The only noise Zac was making were a series of high pitched gasps that got softer as his breathing shallowed and he relaxed, his body going limp and noodley.

Zac squirmed weakly, still recovering, "Hell... fucking... yeah."

I moaned and hugged him, my mouth not able to work just yet.

"That was," He gasped before nearly shouting, "FUCKING AWESOME!"

"Potty mouth." I wheezed, nuzzling his neck.

"Fuck yes, motherfucker." Zac panted, stretching his arm down and adjusting his spent genitals before collapsing again.

I pushed myself up off him and slapped him lightly on the ass, "Who was that?"

Zac grinned and heaved himself onto his back, "That was Black Cat Hom-eo-sexual TNT, baby."

I lowered myself down onto him, our body heat mixing together. When I kissed him, he was still breathing hard and between kisses, he had to take a deep breath and he would exhale his hot breath into my mouth. It tasted like oranges and precum. He casually reached down and toweled us both off with his t-shirt, mopping up the cum and sweat but not before taking a long, wet lick of the all-natural body cocktail. With no words, he held it up to me and I smiled, licking the mix of our collective fluid and kissing him, mixing it together again in our mouths.

Zac wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hugged me, pulling us together. Our breathing slowed and we both settled down and returned to normal, kissing and smiling loopily through our haze of post orgasmic pleasure. There were no other people in the world except Zac and I as we basked in the delirious, warm afterglow of our lovemaking. We laid there for what could have been hours just kissing gently and helping one another drift slowly down from Cloud Nine at our own leisurely pace. Not wanting to bake Zac like the ham he was, I rolled to his size and gently traced patterns on his bare stomach, gazing at his wide expanse of golden skin in the candle-light.

An amazing silky soft feeling came when I rubbed my leg slowly up and down against is, creating a wonderful friction as our skin glided together. After a few minutes, we were both yawning pretty constantly. Zac stretched his legs out and I hugged from the side, drawing out a familiar shiver that I knew meant Zac was completely comfortable and at peace in my arms.

"I wuv you, winkie bear." Zac cooed in his baby talk voice, bending his arm at the elbow and reaching up to caress my cheek protectively with his right hand.

I made a sour face and kissed him on the forehead, "We're way past cavity level now."

Zac smiled exhaustedly, "Gus Jr. is most definitely scarred for life now."

I hugged and kissed him on the flushed skin of his cheek, "He was bound to learn that lesson sometime."

Zac yawned and his eyelids drooped, "You gotta say it, Reid."

"Hmm?" I said, yawning and pulling the quilt off the back of the couch and draping it over us, providing just enough warmth but not too much. My eyes were closing too.

"You gotta say it too." Zac mumured, burrying his face in my neck and I could feel his body slipping away into sleep.

"I wuv you too, honey bunny." I said and Zac smiled slightly, and then he was asleep.

And then, a few minutes later... I fell asleep too.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 20: If Only 2

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