
By Reid

Published on Sep 24, 2000


=DISCLAIMER= This story is meant to imply nothing about the sexuality of the real person involved. Anything mentioned from this point on is purely fictional and not meant in any way but the highest regard.

Comments, Suggestions, and Criticisms can be sent to


-The Compound- By Reid

=4:15pm. One hour and forty-five minutes until all are expected for dinner=

Thank you, I thought to myself as I laid on my bed rereading my favorite book. "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck, a harrowing epic tale of people being forced from their homes and made to relocate. For some odd reason, I identified with the book. It was going on four months since I had decided not to be a part of the huge juggernaut that had felt that gay males were dangerous and/or a threat to society. I had a choice to stay in the closet and live in a society that hated me and didn't know why, or shout it out loud and be put in here with thousands of others who were in the same place. And me, always being one to choose personal freedom, shouted it out loud and not three hours later, was "helped aboard" a plane taking me to Compound #446A in the United States Virgin Islands, sector DD to be exact. The official title was "Homosexual Cohabitation Center".

There were at the very least 200 million of us combined in the 5000 different compounds built all over the world. Built when the paranoia over child molesting, rape, and AIDS became so great that the United Nations felt that the best way to solve the problem would be to remove what they called the main element from society. But I'm not complaining. Being a nice, even-tempered gay guy, I was put in what was considered the "Club Med" of the compounds and I spent my time with a bunch of nice guys who were in the same position I was. Here we were allowed to form relationships, move in together, and spend our lives with some degree of happiness and peace of mine. Except that we've all, you know, basically been put in one huge leper colony.

Thanks to the advancements in technology, they were able to monitor us to make sure no unwanted sexual activity occurred and if it ever did, the offender would become a eunich. We had roommates and our own bathroom with a shower and two sinks and a nice large cafeteria, infirmary, gym, basketball courts, a pool, tutors for those under the age of 18, and other comforts that were obviously there to try and make us forget that we hadn't been removed from our homes and our lives. The walls were a sterile white and the only place where any fresh air got in were the courtyards where we were allowed to get some sun and enjoy the year round nice weather.

But it wasn't home. One day, I was comfortable working at saving the environment that had been ruined by previous generations, living alone, and having a pretty good time. Hours later, I was here. Occasionally, I would get news from the outside world: my older sister's adopted baby boy whom she named after me, my friends who would visit and keep me up to date on the latest Hollywood and sports related gossip and newsbites, and an occasional birthday card from my parents who never really seemed to care. But they didn't in the first place.

In our wing of the compound, most of us had made a pretty comfortable transition to our new lives. I had met some really cool people, but made it clear that I'm not looking for a relationship, and had gotten used to the realization that this was home from now on. My world had been changed because of the cowardice and witch hunting tactics of my own government. The first thing I learned, however, is that you can't dwell on it because you'll go crazy and, shockingly enough, life inside the compound could be downright enjoyable if you let yourself enjoy it.

Due to scheduling, and maybe some good fortune, I had been fortunate enough to have my own room since I had gotten there. I had decorated my room to my own tastes, hanging up pictures of the outside world and nice serene forest scapes that kept me calm and sane. My luxury item of choice was a modest stereo with the allotment of one new CD per month. My bed was slightly bigger than a single mattress on a polished wood frame and next to it, stood my square nightstand with a stainless steel lamp. Thankfully, my nightstand was equipped with a bookcase where I kept my favorite works, including The Grapes of Wrath, my favorite, my favorite Stephen King books (It, Skeleton Crew, and The Shining), a dictionary, and several Teen Beat magazines. The magazines are not uncommon in a place like this, naturally.

On the other side of the nightstand was an empty bed. It was made up nicely and looked just like mine on the rare occasions that my bed was made. Often as I laid in bed and as I fell asleep, I looked over at the empty bed and wondered what my roommate would look like if ever got one. Would he be tall or short? Nice or mean? Cute or ugly? Out of the closet or still denying himself? The possibilities were endless and I never ran out of things to wonder about.


It was the voice of our sector head, AKA "warden", whose responsibilities included making sure that we didn't get too wild or destructive or anything of the sort. Her name was Keri, and I liked her actually. She was quite genuine in her manner and seemed to care about all of us sincerely. She often said that she was familiar with being teased as a child as her gradeschool classmates took delight in making fun of her six-foot tall frame.

"Hi Keri." I said, looking up from my book.

"Can I come in?" She asked, still standing outside my door. "I don't want to walk in on you naked."

"Come on in." I tossed the book into my nightstand. She came in the door carrying a small plastic basket that held my clean laundry. For some reason, this gesture always made me feel good that she would bring me such a useful gift. There wasn't much variety in the laundry as we all had pretty specific uniforms to wear. Our choice of a black or white with dark blue trim on the collar, arms, and waist, T-shirt, dark blue or red shorts, white or dark blue socks, and white tennis shoes. More for comfort than anything and when it would get into the 120's during the summer, we appreciated it more than ever.

Keri set the basket on my steel dresser and sat down on the foot of the bed. She said, "Reid, I came to tell you that you're going to be getting a roommate."

I tried to contain my excitement and asked, "That's great. Who is he?"

"You'll see soon enough. The important thing is that he's young and he's been through some trauma concerning his coming out of the closet and being transferred here. I'm putting him with you because I feel that you would be able to make him feel so much better because I've seen how you deal with people." I began to blush as she continued, "I have a lot of faith in you, Reid. You're sensitive and caring and how you have managed to hold onto that is beyond me honestly but it's amazing. Personally, I feel that this person would benefit from spending time with you because in the twenty years I spend counseling people, I've never felt that two people could match up as well as you and him."

"Are you trying to ask me not to get involved with him?"

"Not at all. If I were a betting person, I'd say that you two would be quite happy together." I groaned and rubbed my eyes but she wasn't daunted, "Look, I know you're very clear about how you don't want a relationship but I've made it no secret that I like you and care about you quite a bit and I think if you gave him a chance, you and he would be very happy."

"Well, who is he?!" At the very least, I figured that I should at least know that.

She smiled coyly, "You know him."

"What the fuck does that mean?!" I whined incredulously, but Keri was used outbursts worse than mine and she laughed.

"Reid, you'll find out. But I'm warning you that he's shaken up so be careful with him."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"That's the thing. I know that you have a sixth sense about how to deal with people and that's why I'm putting him in with you. Just keep in mind that you'll probably be working overtime for a few days. Keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't start to wig out, help him get used to the place. I'll be making sure no one hurts him but I need you to be there for him personally."

"Are you worried that he might get hurt?"

"It's something that I've needed to consider since I was told he was joining us here."

"Is he weak or sick?"

"No, but he's young and during his life, certain people have formed certain opinions and it's all something that we have to take into account."

God damn it, I liked Keri but her whole red tapeish lingo got to be a little much, "So you need me to be a mentor, basically?"

"Partially, yes. I'll need you to be there for him when I can't. Help him adjust."

"All right," I sighed, "When is he getting here?"

"Any minute now."

"He'll be escorted by guards," She said as she took a manila envelope out of her pocket and handed it to me, "His specifics are in there. Take a look."

I took the envelope and opened it. Inside was a piece of light blue paper that had the smell and feel of a government "profile". It took me only a fraction of a second to read the first line, feel my stomach fly into my throat, and pop a boner all at once. I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't let myself believe it. I felt myself get lightheaded.

"Keri," My mouth felt dry all of a sudden, "Is this serious?"

"Yes, Reid. Now do you understand why I'm treating the situation with such care?"

I didn't hear her. I was too busy reeling and trying to wrap my pea brain around the reality of what was apparently going to happen. There was nothing else in the world at that exact moment except me and that flimsyass piece of blue paper. Not another damn thing.


"Huh? Yeah! I can understand that. I mean, with his looks and fame and everything, it would be pretty important to make sure that he doesn't get abused or anything like that so I can really understand because you want him to be safe--"

"Yes," Mercifully she cut off my rambling, "I'm going to let you read the rest alone. The only other thing I'll say is that I'm putting my faith in you, Reid. Please help him. It will be very rewarding if you."

"Uh huh." The door shut and I shook my head vigorously, trying to get back some of the blood that had fled so quickly to my nether regions. My eyes managed to focus as I read the paper, recognizing the statistics I'd memorized and the basic personality traits, interests, and facts that I had also memorized. Then my eyes found it: "Reason for Admittance".

It read: verbatim:

"The subject caused possibly the biggest stir seen yet as during the live telecast of the music industries Grammy awards, he shouted to the aud- ience, "I'm gay! I'm gay and I won't hide anymore!" Following this dis- play, he engaged in open oral co-stimulation with both the presenter as well as his 17-year-old brother. The proper authorities were immediately dispatched and he was removed from the stage with a minor struggle. His brother as cleared of any association following a length interrogation."

I honestly didn't know what to think or do.

I had lusted over him for so long and here he was, being brought in to live with me. Sleeping only inches from me. Then the realization of his situation hit me and I felt the pangs of hatred begin to rise in my bloodstream. A 14 year old is taken from his family and his familiar life because of refusing to deny who he is. But soon after that, I knew why Keri had put him with me. She knew how I felt about him and in some way, she thought I was the best person to have help him. It also hit me that I had no intention of showing her that her instincts had failed. She had done so much for me and this was the least of the ways I could pay her back and there was no way I would fail. No damn way.

=5:30pm. Thirty minutes until all are expected for dinner.=

The soothing female voice kept the time as always. My hands had begun to shake.

Then I heard it. The knock at the door.

"Anyone home?" It was the deep voice of a retrieval agent. One I had heard when I first came in here and one I had heard several times since then.

"Um, yeah!" I tried to sound anything but as nervous and excited as I was. "Come on in."

The door opened and the first thing I saw was the agent. Some of them were actually somewhat handsome but I didn't have it in me to notice. Then.... He came in. It was just like the feeling I got when I'd see him on TV or in a magazine but it was a hundred times better because it was HIM. Really him and he was here. I only wished he could have looked happier or less terrified. His eyes were red and it was obvious he'd been crying and his long hair, pulled back into a rough ponytail, was stringy and unwashed. He was wearing a black T-shirt, baggy gray pants, and black boots and I could only assume that it was the outfit he'd worn to the Grammys. He managed to walk with his eyes closed and he collapsed back on the bed and put his arms over his eyes.

"Your sector head told us that you would be suited to take care of him." The agent said, sounding surprisingly compassionate.

"We'll be OK."

"Ok. He's seen enough of me for a while." I walked him to the door and before he left, he leaned in and said, "He's a good kid. I think he has a chance to be ok. Take care of him." And just like that, he was gone.

Pressing my head against the door, I prepared myself as to how I was going to break the ice. It was obvious that he'd been through a lot and how I treated him would be very important. Taking a deep breath, I turned around. He was still lying back on the bed, trying to keep his sanity and not bounce off the walls.

I sat down on my own bed, "I read about what happened to you."

Seconds later, he responded in the husky voice that I'd only heard on TV, radio, and my CD's, "Are you going to hurt me?"

I didn't know what to say.

"Are you gonna hurt me?" He asked again, his voice shaking, "If you are, just do it really fast."

"Zac," His name sounded so amazing coming out of my mouth, "I would never hurt you. I mean, I'm a huge fan."

His arms came down from his face as he opened his eyes and looked at me, "So are you gonna start squealing and acting all weird? If you are, I don't think I could deal with that right now."

"No, I won't do that. Is there anything I can do to help?" I was starting to get starstruck, "If there's anything you want to know about the place or, you know..."

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"I know you're gay. So are you a drooling gay Taylor fan?"

"No. Not at all."

"Great. It would seriously suck to have to talk about how hot Taylor is," He took a deep breath and sat up, "What do I need to do first, Mr....?"


"Ok, Reid. What do I do first? I might as well deal with what's happening, right?"

"Yeah. First, you need to change. Did they give you the outfit?"

"Yup. Not that I'd be too worried about you, but can I change in the bathroom?"

"Sure. It's yours too, now."

He smiled, knocking me for a loop, "Thanks, Reid."

I couldn't help but admire the fleeting glimpse of his ass I got as he walked into the bathroom and shut the door. After that, it was the first chance I'd had to really collect my thoughts and it began to dawn on me just what my situation was. I'm sharing a room with Zac Hanson. The same Zac Hanson who apparently had come out to the world as gay at the Grammys. This was almost too good to be true. My head was spinning as I tried to get some blood into my hands and stop them from shaking so badly...

"Hey Reid?" Zac's voice floated out of the bathroom and into my ears.


"Which color shorts do you like better?"

"I usually wear the blue ones."

"Ok, cool."

The door opened and Zac came out dressed in the outfits we were given. Just the sight of him sent me in the stratosphere as I took in the sight of him. He had opted for the white/blue trim T-shirt, blue shorts, blue socks, and shoes. Of course, I was trying not to seem too obvious but I doubt I was succeeding.

"Earth to Reid..."

"Huh? What?"

"I asked you, how do I look?"

"You look good. The outfit looks nice and color coordinated on you."

"Cool," He walked over and sat down on the other bed across from me, "No laughing at my chicken legs, tho."

"You don't have chicken legs. Your legs are very nice." And they were. Obviously honed from years of soccer and exercise.

"So... what next?"

"We have about an hour until dinner, so we can just hang out until then. Did you read the green booklet?"

"Yeah, but I was kind of out of it. I remember saying that there's a gym and tutors and a restaurant and stuff but it was kind of tough to pay attention, ya know?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I do. Any questions?"

"Ooooh yeah... but I have like NO clue where to start."

"Wherever you want."

He laid back on his bed and looked at the ceiling, "I guess I only really have one right now."


"Do I need to worry?"

"There are cameras everywhere and security can get anywhere within seconds. But that doesn't really matter because in this sector, we're all really nice and I wouldn't feel too worried if I were you."

"I don't have to worry because I have you, right?"

"Right." I must have been turning redder than a tomato at that point.

=6:00pm. It is dinner time. Those who wish to have dinner may proceed to the nearest cafeteria=

Zac looked at me questioningly, "Reid... HELP!"

I laughed, "Are you hungry?"

"Oh yeah. Then again, I'm always hungry. Where do we eat?"

I stood up and Zac followed, "Come on, we'll go to the cafeteria in DH sector. They have the biggest selection."

We walked over to the door and headed out into the hall where the usual crowd was heading for the main concourse. Needless to say, Zac got quite a few looks from the guys in the hallway, which he did his best to block out as he got his bearings straight. The concourse was actually nice, an elevated hallway closed in by glass that spanned over the lower levels and connected us to the huge hallway that joined all the dorms in D sector. As the amount of people around us grew, it became pretty apparent that Zac was becoming huge news but thankfully, since most of the people in the D sector were considerate, caring young men with a modicum of tact, it wasn't obvious enough to make Zac feel threatened or want to bolt. He mainly stuck close to me and tried not to blush too obviously.

"Don't leave me, Reid." He whimpered with mock fear.

We made our way through the hallway and into the big hallway and I leaned over to Zac and said, "There are faster ways to get to the cafeteria. I thought we should go this way because it would introduce you to the larger parts of the place. We're going to go through here and take a right and we'll be in the concourse that will take us to the cafeteria."

"Okay." He said it with such awe in his voice that I couldn't help but smile.

We continued our long walk through the large hallway as Zac smiled and responded to several compliments from fans that had chosen to say something to him. He smiled at me and shrugged as he finally looked up at the ceiling and gasped. The huge ceiling had been decorated with a large mural that had always managed to make me feel good. It was a seascape of giant killer whales, coral, sand, and other oceanic trademarks that looked absolutely breathtaking everytime you saw it. Zac stood, looking up at the ceiling with his mouth open slightly as other guys walked around him and smiled, remembering when they felt the same way. Smiling, I walked over to and stood beside him and looked up, "What do you think?"

"It's beautiful," He said softly.

Weighing my options, I slowly put my arm around his shoulders and continued to look up at the ceiling. Whether it was my nurturing side or my affectionate side or the side of me that was head over heels in love with him, it felt to me like he shivered slightly under my arm. What he did next almost made me faint. Zac leaned his head on my shoulder and put his arm around my waist as we stood there, drawing a smarmy "Awwww..." from several of the passersby.

Zac giggled, "You know what? It might not be so bad here after all."

I had to retrieve myself from the feeling of his soft hair against my cheek. All I could do was murmur something to the affirmative and enjoy the moment as much as possible.

"I hate to say it, but if I don't eat something I'm going to pass out." Zac somehow knew the perfect way to bring the moment to an appropriate end. We disengaged from one another and walked out of the main hallway and down the second concourse that led to the cafeteria. As we got further into the DH sector, the colors changed from the familiar white and light blue to gray and dark green that always made me think of evergreen trees on gray winter days. Zac elbowed me and pointed out one of the many couples that were walking around holding hands and he smiled at me and mouthed "we can do that?" The thrilled look on his face made my heart melt right then and there.

We continued our way down the concourse and by the time we reached the doors to the cafeteria, I was pretty sure that the news of Zac's arrival had reached all the way to the pedophiles down in block J. It probably had them masturbating until their old nasty molesting cocks bled through their tainted fingers. It always got me worked up to think I'd been banished here along with them simply because we shared some general "diagnosis". It made me sick to think that I was thought of in the same way as they were in the minds of many.

Zac pulled open one of the large doors and gestured to guide me through. Just like a true gentleman. We walked into the cafeteria where the food was surprisingly good and there was a nice variety, even though the whole place seemed kind of overly "accommodating". A little too much like a hospital where they tried to make you forget that someone you loved was hurt or dying and went a little overboard with the fake flowers and paintings and the food always was a little too fake. The layout was pretty simple: Food and drink to the right, tables and seating to the left.

The place wasn't too full which was another somewhat positive aspect of the compound, as in we weren't crowded in like sheep. Zac looked at me and asked, "So, what's good here?"

"Basically anything. They kinda try to make good with us by giving us a lot of choices so it's wide open. What do you feel like?"

"Whatever." He shrugged.

And things sort of progressed from there. I had my usual chicken and potato meal while Zac, true to what I'd expected, had filled his tray nearly to the point of splitting in half and it made me wonder if he'd exhaust the food supply on his own within a week. We sat at a somewhat out of the way table so that Zac would be able to eat without having to really worry about the stares from the other patrons in the room. He sat across from me and we kept the conversation light as he told me some amusing stories about life on the road as a rock star while I did my best to keep up, not doing so well since Zac could talk endlessly. I think the talking helped him adjust. It seemed like it made him feel better to know that there was someone there to listen, which took some effort because I kept getting lost in his luscious lips as they moved. I also filled him in on the general day to day aspects of the place: hot water for showering between 8:05 and 8:35am, how to use the ASM (Automated Sundries Machine) to get water, juice, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, and other basic necessities of life, signing up for luxury items and how to get started with the tutoring program. He seemed to pick it all up quite fast and I was impressed at how intelligent he really was. I was also impressed at his coping skills and how bravely he was managing to adapt to his new situation and believe me, I'd seen some of the guys who didn't do so well. I made a commitment to myself right then and there to make sure that Zac would be ok and if it meant just being his friend, then I'd just have to block out all possible mixed signals and be his friend. It was quite hard because during the meal, our bare legs touched a couple times and each time, I felt like I wanted to hit the ceiling.

When we finished eating, we just sat there and continued to talk. He wasn't quite what I had always assumed he would be like. My theory of him was that he'd be unable to sit still and always sarcastic, unable to be serious but he wasn't like that at all. He seemed completely genuine which somewhat surprised me. But that doesn't mean that he didn't make me laugh. At one point, I was worried that I'd pass out from lack of air because he made me laugh so much. His sense of humor was just so goofy that I couldn't help but give in to my more childish side as I listened to his stories, which I could tell was his way of coping and coming to grips with how much had changed in such a short time.

=7:30pm. All residents are expected in their rooms within the hour."

"8:30?! We have to be in by 8:30?" Zac was shocked.

"Well, what were you expecting to do after then?"

"I don't know... but 8:30? Crap... that's like... damn..."

"The only reason people here would be out after then would be the ones looking for some one night action. After 8:30 is when the sluts and the tramps start cruising the halls." I was proud of how this was also a question.

"Oh, ok," He wrinkled his nose, "Well, I guess my new bedtime is 8:30."

"You don't have to go to bed. We just have to be inside unless we need to use the ASM. We can read or write or do homework or just chill out for a while. It's really nice after you get used to it."

We both got up from the table and carried our trays over to the conveyer belt that took them to the automatic cleaning system. As we left the cafeteria, Zac said, "Let's take the shortcut."

We took the same smaller concourse but took a left and went down a smaller hallway that would take us to the back stairwell. It was much less crowded since it was later and Zac seemed to feel more at ease with the place when he didn't have to keep an eye out for someone who could possibly cause trouble. It was nearly silent in the hallway since the rooms there were used for storage and the walls were painted plain white, and it always seemed a little too sterile for me. But it wasn't like we were supposed to feel at home.

I could hear Zac's footsteps on the tiled floor and tried my best to separate my burning attraction from my need to make sure he was ok. We came to the end of the hall and I opened the door to the stairway, not really thinking but sort of acting on instinct that you held the door open for people. Zac walked thru the door but not before I felt his bare arm brush against mine, sending a shiver all the way down to my feet and making me feel dizzy. I shook my head and inhaled deeply as I follwed him up the stairs, getting an absolutely exquisite view of his cotton encased ass as he walked. I took the opportunity to admire the way his shorts framed his poetic thighs and gracefully eased the eye down to his lovely calves. Lost in the moment, I gathered my thoughts as we reached the top of the stairway and turned into the concourse that would lead us back to the hallway where our room was.

As we walked through the concourse, Zac asked, "So what do you do? Like with your day, I mean, it can't be possible to just sit in that room all day."

"When I first came in, I had the choice of taking college classes but I decided that I'd learned more than my fill. So I play basketball and swim. I'm in several book clubs and I've taken art classes. They have lots of clubs and smaller activity groups that you can join."

"They said I'll be seeing a tutor."

"You're still what they call 'mandatory education age.' When you turn 18 and/or complete the education courses, then you have a choice whether to continue with school or do what I did." We'd reached the door to our room, I used my fingertip ID system to open the door, "If you just want to sit around all day, they move you to less accommodating facilities."

"Freaky," Zac followed me inside and crashed on his bed, "I'm exhausted."

"Big day, huh?"

"Yeah," He suddenly seemed to get lock up, "Reid..."

"What's wrong?" I asked, a little concerned. He had every right to be more than a little upset."

"Will I ever get used to it?" His voice was shaking.

"Yes, you will." I got up and moved over the side of my bed that faced him, "But you just have to accept what they've done. You can't hold on to the anger or dwell on it or you'll just go crazy."

"It's so hard..." It sounded like his well of restraint was nearly dry.

"I know it's hard, Zac. There's no way I can identify with how you feel. But... I'm here for you. If that doesn't help, then that's cool but it's all I can say."

He had begun to cry into the pillow, long heartbreaking sobs that made me cringe. When I felt the anger inside me begin to grow I forced it back down and began to fight with myself. I wanted so bad to hug him and hold him until he stopped crying but my conscience kept reminding me. It wouldn't be right for me to get some cheap thrill from holding him while he needed me to be strong for him, it would be such a big violation that I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. But I couldn't keep justifying it to myself because Zac's sobs had gotten louder and his whole body was shaking, so much that I was worried that he'd choke or give himself a stroke from the stress.

I got up off my bed and sat down next to him and laid my hand gently on his back, feeling the tremors that were wracking his young body. I rubbed his back and tried my best to assure him that things would be ok and eventually his sobbing stopped and he laid still for a moment before sitting up and jumping into my arms and hugging me tightly. Chills ran up and down my spine as his warm mass pressed against me, his strong arms wrapped around my torso and his face buried in my neck, his hot breath making me tingle. I took in his scent slowly, reveling in the musky essence that I hadn't known since before I had been shipped in here.

He smelled like the outside.

It was a smell that I'd missed since we all used basically the same kind of shampoo and soap in here. His warm body began to relax as he took a long, deep breath and held onto me and I held onto him, gently rubbing my hand up and down his strong back. He sniffled and exhaled slowly.

"You're going to be ok. Just remember what I said."

"Accept it." He whispered. His grip on me had relaxed a bit.

"Exactly." I closed my eyes and squeezed his shoulder as reassuringly as I could.

"Reid?" He murmured against my neck.

"Yeah, Zac?"

"I need you."

"I'm not going anywhere."

We must have sat like that for an hour, easily. Zac's breathing slowed down to normal and the tension drained from his body and the last thing in the world I wanted was for him to have to accept what had happened but if he was going to stay sane, he'd have to. Sending a charge right into my bone marrow, Zac rubbed his soft lips against the bare skin of my neck as he sat back on the bed. His face was only inches from mine and I could practically taste his lips. He looked down and it seemed like he was blushing slightly.

"Uh, so what do we do about pajamas here?" Zac asked, smiling.

"The uniforms are all purpose," I said, climbing onto my own bed, "Just take off the shoes and socks, if you want, and you're set to go."

"Can I sleep naked?" He asked, matter-of-factly.

"If you feel it's the comfortable thing to do, go ahead." I said, taken aback by his straightforwardness.

He thought it over, "Since it's my first night, I'll just go without the shoes. I wouldn't want to make you feel weird or anything like that."

"Thank you so much."

"Oh, you're ever so welcome, hot stuff." He said it in a mock slutty voice that made me nearly wet my pants. He winked and blew a kiss at me before giggling and pulling off his shoes, "Where did my old clothes go?"

"They've been 'retrieved'."

"Oh..." He realized and tried to forget about it.

"The bed is shockingly comfortable. You won't be awake for too long."

"Awesome. I'll be more fun tomorrow when I've had the chance to sleep and spend my first night here." He pulled back the blue comforter and white sheet and climbed into the bed. He sat up and pulled the band out of his hair and shook the long thick mane back and forth, airing it out.

"I'll wash it tomorrow. It smells like foot and ass." He said, straightening it and pulling it back into a neater ponytail and settling down into the bed. He laid his head against the pillow and rolled over onto his left side to face me. I did my best not to blush as I felt him watching me as I took off my own shoes and socks and neatly set them side by side under my bed.

"I sleep with my shirt off. But I don't need to if you'd feel weird."

"Umm... I think I could handle it."

To hell with it, I thought. I pulled the shirt up and off and tossed it on the ground, attributing the gasp I heard to the surprise of seeing me so willingly expose myself. I slid under the covers and it felt pretty good to finally be off my feet for the day.

=8:30pm. All are expected to be in their rooms for the night=

"You ready for bed?" I asked, getting a huge yawn in response.

I smiled and reached up to turn off the light, sending the room into pitch-blackness. The only other sound I heard was Zac's soft breathing and it soothed me to no end as I laid there. Something about this just felt so right, it felt like I had finally found out why I had been taken to this place. My mind was reeling more than it ever had before. In the space of about three hours, my life had been completely turned upside down by the 14 year old blond stud in the bed next to me and it made me happier than anything I'd ever felt in my life. For the first time, I wasn't worried about waking up the next morning and trudging through my day dealing with the misery of being lonely and locked away from all that was important to me. That night's sleep was the best I'd had since I'd gone in there for the first time.

=8:00am. Those attending tutoring, activity and/or hobby groups should wake up. The hot water will be available in five minutes=

The light went on automatically as my eyes opened and adjusted to the bitter, harshness of morning. Since the rooms had no windows, there was no immediate indication that it was morning and I was still kind of getting used to that. Heaving myself up into a sitting position, my feet hit the cool smooth floor of the room and I yawned, reaching for the sock drawer on my dresser. The infinite decision: white or blue... such a hard decision.

"Mmm... I get the shower first."

The sound of another voice in the room scared the living hell out of me and I must have jumped nearly a foot in the air. It took me a few minutes to remember that I now had a roommate. A very famous roommate. A very famous roommate who was gay. I snapped out of it, "Um, sure. Be my guest."

Zac threw the blankets off and pulled off his socks. As his feet got their first full taste of the cold floor, he yelped and pulled them back into the bed, "You go first. I'll wait here."

"You need it more than I do, stinky."

Zac tried his best to look hurt, "I don't stink!"

"Something smells like old cottage cheese and toe jam and it ain't me."

"I smell like... really good!" Zac boasted, "I think it's your nasty hairy stomach that smells."

Laughing, I tossed one of my pillows at him and he took the shot in the chest, falling backwards and twitching melodramatically. He stopped and sat up, "You're right. I do stink. I smell like old cottage cheese and toe jam. I've officially accepted it. Where are my clean clothes?"

"In the dresser." I had pulled my clothes out and begun to revive myself from the long night, applying my eye drops and getting my schedule straight. Suddenly, I felt Zac playfully poke me on my bare shoulder as he stood next to me, pulling his clothes out of... well... it was our dresser now. As I watched intently, Zac pulled out pretty much the same outfit he'd worn last night and sauntered into the bathroom.

"How long can I be in here?" He called from behind the door.

"As long as you need but try not to take too long."

"You know, if we showered together we'd save time."

My stomach felt like it had leapt to my throat and my heart had flown down into my crotch. He didn't really say that, I thought. He was kidding! He was just joking... he wouldn't seriously be like that. Pull yourself together Reid, he wants to be friends and that's all. Just friends. Just be his friend.

"You don't want to shower with me. I'd hip check you into the toilet."

He didn't hear me. He was already in the shower and I could hear him singing "I Will Come To You" and his voice was cracking on every line. But God, he sounded hot. I guess he sounded even hotter because he didn't care who heard. He lived his life according to how he felt and to me, it was the sexiest thing in the world.

I heard the ring of the voicebox on the door and went over to answer, "Who is it?"

"Open the door, Reid." It was Brandon, one of my friends in the sector. He had been one of the first brought in, a few months before me, and we'd become friends. He was my age, dark hair and dark eyes. I guess he was cute but he just really wasn't my type.

I opened the door. Brandon looked like a little kid trying to see Santa Claus.

"Where is he?!" He sounded so excited.

"He's in the shower. Go away."

"The shower! FUCK!" I tried to close the door but Brandon held it open, "Wait! Wait, man. What's he like? Have you two... you know..."

"He likes privacy. And no we haven't had sex yet. He's 14 and I'm not going to take advantage of him. Now get out of here, he's going to be out any second."

"Ok ok... Reid, you are like the luckiest motherfucker in this place. Everyone in this whole thing knows that YOU are rooming with Zac Hanson. Do you realize how cool that is?!"

"Brandon, do me a favor. Don't try and get with him right away. Let him get used to it."

His face softened, "You know I wouldn't mess with him, Reid. No one is going to."


"I just want to know one thing..."

"What?" I prepared myself.

"Does he have any hair on his nuts yet? Don't tell me you don't know!"

"Later Brandon." I shut the door and shuddered to myself at what everyone was thinking. They probably thought I'd been in his pants five minutes after he got in the door and that just bothered me deep down, it made me feel dirty. I had been expressly told that I was to take care of him, not throw him in bed and ride him like a (extremely sexy and cute) rodeo bull. Uncontrollably, my thoughts began to wander towards Zac and I... together... our bodies writhing and mashed together in passion... sweat glistening on our fertile, hard, young bodies... lips wrestling-- STOP! STOP IT REID! STOP! I pressed my forehead into the door and clenched my eyes shut, urging my cock to deflate just that once to give me the confidence that I could separate my feelings of passion from my intense feelings of responsibility towards Zac.

In the nick of time, the shower shut off and I heard Zac stepping out of the shower. I got down on the floor and did about twenty pushups, trying to keep from letting my hormones take control. After the twentieth one, I rolled over and sat up and caught my breath just as Zac came out the bathroom door and took my breath away.

Last night, he looked tired and overcome with what had happened.

But today, after a good night's sleep and a shower... he looked amazing. His hair was golden and clean and his skin was much healthier looking and a lot less pale, his eyes had changed the most. They weren't bloodshot and so hopeless looking... they were deep and brown and I felt myself beginning to get lost in them.

He smiled, "You gonna shower?"

"Yeah! Just let me get some clean clothes here." I leapt to my feet and yanked out my clothes for the day, being careful not to grab any of Zac's slightly smaller sized clothing. As I passed by him on my way into the bathroom, I caught a long whiff of his clean, warm scent and nearly passed out, the orange vanilla smell of his shampoo made me shiver as he sat down on his bed. Shutting the bathroom door gave me at least a slight break from the raging hormones and desire that were making mincemeat out of my nervous system. The bathroom was warm and steamy from Zac's shower and as I set my clothes on the rack on the door, I could have sworn I caught another smell mingling with the steam but I wouldn't allow myself to think anything too risqué. From the holder above the sink, I grabbed my toothpaste, toothbrush, body wash, and shampoo and climbed into the shower, my mind inevitably realized that just minutes ago, Zac was in here... wet... naked... glistening and shiny... Oh God, how was I going to survive this if I was going crazy after just a day!

Adjusting the water to a humane temperature, I stood under it and enjoyed the warm cleansing feeling that came with a good rinsing. They said that our sector used only about 1500 gallons per day. 1500 gallons that went down into the refinery and came back clean to be used... over and over again. All the sectors in all the compounds did that. We just reused the water and the sectors that used too much had to do without.

I pasted my toothbrush and got rid of all the crap that had accumulated during the night, and naturally, the thought that attached to that was me wondering if Zac was a good kisser. Then came the shampoo, which made me wonder what Zac's hair felt like against my skin. The body wash: what Zac's body smelled like during sex. One day and I was already fighting off wanting to jump him and make sweet sweet love to him all night long... Oh God. Briefly, I entertained the thought of asking Keri to have Zac reassigned and I immediately felt guilty nearly to the point of tears and I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. I rubbed my eyes and shut off the water and climbed out of the shower. Grabbing a towel, I dried myself off and once again caught the strange scent I could only guess was... well... I didn't need to think about it....


In the month since Zac had arrived at the compound, he and I had been practically inseparable. We would go to breakfast every morning together and part outside the cafeteria when Zac would go meet with his English and Social Studies tutor for a few hours and I would move on to the bookclub of whichever day it was. After meeting with the club, I'd go on over to the environmental sciences facility and do my assistant work there, helping the teacher, a nice older woman named Dr. Howard, with her various jobs which included cataloging soil and water samples and things of the sort. From there, I'd swim for an hour or so before climbing out of the pool, showering (ignoring the occasional lust filled couple in the corner), getting dressed and hurrying back to the cafeteria for lunch where Zac would always be waiting for me. We'd eat, together of course with Zac eating his usual 20+ pounds of food, spend an hour walking around out in the sun in the courtyard, part again where Zac would go to his Math and Science tutor and I would go to my art class (Mondays and Wednesdays) or my art appreciation class (Tuesdays and Thursdays). At the compound, Fridays were part of the weekend where we got to relax and just chill out.

There were times during that month where it took everything I had to not have sex with Zac. He would seem to want me so much, he seemed to send so many signals and the nights that I'd wake up and hear him panting in the bed next to me and the fleshy smacking sound that would bounce of my ears and inside of my testicles and urethra would nearly drive me mad. I won't, for the sake of my sanity, go into what the smell would tempt me to do. The musky, inviting odor of his pleasure and ecstasy that built the glorious sound of the soft moan that would escape his lips when he hit the zero barrier that only another masturbating male could appreciate.... STOP IT! SETTLE! It wasn't right.

But then... on an idle Sunday night...

It had been such a normal weekend day. Zac and I had gotten up and spent the evening after dinner playing basketball with some of the other guys and once again, I wondered why Zac hadn't really hooked up with someone. His charming manner, his sweet personality, his cute not-so-gracefully adolescent way of moving around in his environment, and add on to that his fame and handsome looks. It never added up to me why he hadn't found someone yet. I'd watch him move on the court and the way he jokingly trash talked and taunted the other team made me laugh and when I'd see him fake somebody out and score a three pointer from the outside, I would feel so good for him. And then when the game ended and he hugged me, it felt like I was walking on air.

We walked off the court, sweaty and breathing heavily, and leaning on each other for support and walked through the large concourse on the lower level that connected the sporting area to the main hallway. Zac had his arm around me and his spongy, slightly askew blond hair brushed my cheek and I remembered the first time we had been here in this position. Zac squeezed me with his arm and playfully bumped me with his hip.

"Oh crap," I said, "Go on to the room, Zac. I have to go get something from Dr. Howard. I'll meet you there."

"Ok," Zac said with his familiar amiable smile, "Don't be long, though. I gotta talk to you about something."

I had no clue what it could be but I said ok to it and took off down the Sunset Hall (it was red and cream colored, hence the name) down to the environmental science lab where I'd left my exotic fish guide on Friday. On my way down the hall, I passed by several people who seemed to know me and from one I heard, "Great catch." The only thing I could discern was that he must have heard some rumor that Zac and I were officially hooked up, but he was mistaken and that was ok. I had gotten used to being recognized by most everyone and my title, as I had been told from one of my fellow book club members, was "Zac's Guy" and then I'd correct them and it would be ok. Rumors spread like wildfire here just like they do everywhere else.

The hall led into the Environmental Science wing where the colors turned to green and brown. Keri passed me in the hall and winked at me, and I thought it was odd that she would do something like that. Maybe she thought I was doing what she had asked, and I was. I had been a good friend to Zac and I had helped ease his transition into the compound, and not once had I given in to my throbbing, molten biological urges... DAMN IT!

The left door to the facility was propped open and I went inside, the cool darkness was always a welcome contrast to the heat of the outside world. I walked in and immediately shivered a bit as the sweat on my body felt like ice water and I hurriedly pulled my T-shirt back on and wished for only a split second that they'd let us wear long pants (but as soon as I hit the hot muggy tropical air outside, I would quickly repeal that wish).

"Hi Reid." Dr. Howard said as he came out of the storeroom carrying a large bag of potting soil.

"Hey, I left my fish book here. Do you have it?"

"Yes, it is in my desk. If you can wait just a second, I'll get it. Or do you have Zac waiting for you?"

"He isn't waiting for me! He's up in the room... probably washing and applying deodorant if there's a God."

"And waiting for you."

"Not waiting for me! We aren't in a relationship!"

"Reid... how blind are you?"


"How blind are you?"

"My ears work fine! What do you mean?"

"Reid, Zac sends you signals constantly. Do you even notice how he spends nearly every second you two are together rubbing against you or how he even looks at you? Are you that blind or do you just not want to see it?"

"Do you know? Do you know FOR SURE?!" I was trying not to lose my temper.

"Reid, I know you had a bad experience..."

"A BAD EXPERIENCE?! The last time I thought someone liked me and I followed his mixed messages, his mom called my dad and my dad called the government and I got my ass shipped here! Away from everything and everyone I knew! So forgive me if I seem a little cautious when it comes to believing that someone has feelings for me!"

"Reid," She smiled, "Do you like Zac?"

"Like him?! LIKE HIM?! I'm in LOVE with him!"

"He's in love with you."

"How do you know that?!"

"Because, about a week ago while you were getting your coil pot out of the kiln... he came and told me. He came and said that he was in love with you, that you were the perfect guy for him, and you make him feel complete. He also said that he was running out of ways to tell you how he felt short of kissing you and he's worried that if he did that, it would make you feel uncomfortable and that would ruin his only chance," She picked up a utility knife and opened the bag of soil before looking back up at me, "But I could be mistaken, I mean, there's so many mixed messages in what he said."

Wow... but for some reason, it wasn't a bombshell. It didn't suddenly make me want to run up to the room and mount Zac like some trophy piece of ass. All I could do was stand there, rubbing my arms and occasionally stomping my feet to keep the blood circulating, and come to grips with the reality. Zac saw me as more than his mentor. He'd had plenty of opportunities to find a guy to make him happy... but he wanted me. I was the first person he'd seen and I ended up being the person he'd chosen for himself. He had a banquet of guys more than willing to serve his every wish but he held out... he HELD OUT for me.

"Hey Reid?" Dr. Howard was emptying the soil into the large bin she used to grow wetland specimens.

"Huh?" I looked at her.

"If you're out of your room any longer, Zac is going to get lonely and you're going to get lumped in with the night crowd."

"Thanks." I smiled wider and more genuine than I could ever remember smiling.

She smiled back and tossed me the fish book, which I caught and after a second of hesitation, I raced out the door and down the hallway. My feet pounded on the floor as the lights in the hallways went out and I slid into the main hall, sliding a good four feet when I finally stopped. Hurriedly, I tried to reason with myself as I ran into the concourse and back up to the glassed in hallway trying to develop a game plan for how I could let Zac know I felt the same way and not scare him too badly.

On my way through the skywalk, I passed several naked couples humping madly but I didn't notice. When I first got into the compound, I would stay in my room specifically so I wouldn't have to see it. Countless nights I would avoid going to the ASM for juice or water or a snack because I wanted to avoid the scene of young men being so cavalier about their sexual being. But tonight, it didn't matter as I took the turn at our hallway and hurried down to our door and pressed my fingers against the ID pad. The pad beeped softly and I pushed the door open and the warm scent of our room hit me and I could see Zac outlined under his blankets in his bed, on his right side facing away from my bed.

Trying to be tactful, I padded over to my bed and sat down quietly, pulling off my shoes and socks and shirt. It was hot that night so I pulled the comforter all the way down and slipped into the bed just under the top sheet and laid there, trying to come up with some reasonably sociable way to pour my heart out to him. Somehow, in this moment, I felt more helpless and lost than ever before because for the first time, someone actually shared my feelings.

Just as I was about to speak, Zac's voice came out of the darkness, "Reid?"

"Yeah?" I said, realizing that this was it. It all came down to right now.

"Reid... I just wanna ask you something and if you don't want to answer, it's cool."

"You can ask me anything, Zac."

"It's just... I want to know... what's wrong with me?" His voice started to break up.

"Huh?" I laid there facing away from the sound of his voice, "Zac, what are talking about?"

"What's wrong with me? Was I not what you'd expected? When I first got here and I saw the magazines, it seemed like you liked me like that but everytime I've tried to show you that I like you, you ignore it or blow it off. I just wanna know if I can do anything... if I can do anything that would make you feel the same way about me..."

"Wait, what are you saying?"

"I love you Reid!" He sobbed, "I fell in love with you my second day here. Everyday I see you I fall more in love with you but it just seems like you don't want me! I just wanna know if it was something I did or didn't do... I tried to show you everyway I knew how!"


"What?! If you're gonna get pissed off, then go ahead! I can't keep it inside anymore and if you don't feel the same way, then fine!"

"I love you too, Zac." I whispered it so softly I wasn't sure I heard it, let alone him.

I heard only a few non-verbal sounds after that.

I heard him roll over in his bed and I closed my eyes and laid my head back down on the pillow, trying to come to grips with the sudden rush of adrenaline I got from finally being honest with myself. I loved Zac. I was in love with Zac. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

Then I heard him toss the blankets back and sit up. At that point, I started praying.

Then I heard, and felt, the sheet on my bed being pulled back and almost completely off the bed.

And then, in some part of my brain I heard, but everywhere else, I felt him lay down next to me. His warm body slid right up against mine, so close I could feel the warmth of his skin and rhythm of his heartbeat on my back. The feeling of his soft warm breath on the back of my neck made goosebumps stand out over my bare skin and then came the feeling of his strong hand, his long fingers gently coming to rest on my waist. His breathing sped up slightly as he ran his hand slowly up and down my side, stopping just under my armpit and just over the waistband of my shorts. His touch was so gentle that I felt like I was being caressed by an angel. His hand felt like it was coated with a warm silky golden lotion as his rubbing began to extend onto my stomach, making me shiver slightly even though it had to be at least 85 degrees in our room.

Suddenly, I felt a gentle shove on my shoulder.

"Huh?" I was still in a daze.

"Roll over."


"So I can kiss you, dumbass!" He laughed and pulled my right arm gently and I rolled over, bouncing the bed, until... there we were.

I was face to face, in a bed, with Zac Hanson. His lips were less than an inch from mine, his feet were slowly rubbing mine. And he was naked, I realized for the first time. The body that I'd seen for the past month and dreamt about was here, with no clothes on. Zac was getting rather impatient and reached down for my hand, which he held lovingly and in the darkness, I could make out the profile of his body. He pulled my hand to his mouth and began to slowly lick the backs of my fingers, nibbling on them gently, kissing his way down to my wrist, leaving a trail of cool saliva as he went. He moved on from my wrist to my forearm, kissing and licking his way up to my biceps, nibbling slightly and nearly driving me crazy, but somehow I managed to lay there at his mercy. His trail of kisses found it's way onto my shoulder and then finally, his face found my neck where he buried his face and began to pleasure me with hot, wet kisses. His lips made their way to my jawline where he stopped to suckle my earlobe, making me squirm and whimper in the darkness. I felt him blow gently in my ear as his right hand found my bare knee and he began to run his fingers slowly up my thigh. The inevitable was coming as his lips rubbed over my cheek and onto my chin, where he kissed me softly and lovingly.

The last words either of us spoke that night came from Zac when he whispered, "You're mine now."

Before I could screw up the moment, he kissed me on the lips for the first time. The very first kiss was gentle and soft but immediately after, he pressed his lips against mine and his tongue licked eagerly at my mouth. I rolled onto my back and pulled him on top of me, feeling his erection for the first time pressed against mine, wrapping my arms around him as we kissed, our tongues wrestling. He bent his legs so he could kneel as I held him, his hard on resting against my bare stomach as I got my first good look at it. He was around five and a half inches, nicely plump, and I nearly came when I saw he was uncircumcised. We continued to kiss as I reached up and pulled the band out of his hair, letting it fall gracefully down onto his shoulders, and I ran my fingers through the thick, silky mass of hair, feeling Zac whimper and moan into my mouth. I kissed him one last time before pushing him up and feeling him sitting on my stomach using the only senses I had to explore him. I let my hands travel up and down his smooth, warm chest, running my fingers down his taught stomach and feeling the growing fuzz around and under his belly button. He pulled my right hand up to his chest and I felt his heart pounding under the silky skin. Tracing my way down, I circled his nipple with my fingernail and felt him quiver and gasp in the darkness and I could feel the heat and motion as he began to stroke himself with his left hand. I let my hands travel down to his wide hips and around to his plump, round asscheeks. They felt so tight and warm.

From the sound of his breathing, I could tell Zac wasn't going to last much longer. Without warning, I sat up and sent him falling backwards between my legs and he giggled in the darkness. He draped his left leg over my shoulder and wrapped his right leg around my waist as he continued to stroke, the scent of his sweet precum nearly sending me over the edge. My instincts took over and I ran my hand down his leg and wrapped my fingers around his throbbing cock, making him gasp and jerk his hips. He moaned and grabbed the sheets as my hand slid easily up and down his meaty dick, feeling him shiver on every downstroke as I slid my fingers down to fondle his precious scrotum which had grown slippery with sweat. I could tell the pleasure was getting to be too much and his hands pulled mine from his dick and he slid his ass down against my bulge, which was threatening to split my shorts in half. He firmly placed his tight butt against me and there was no confusing what he wanted. I ran my hand up and down his torso as I heard familiar sound of the ceiling dispenser open up and all I had to do was stick my hand out to catch the large packet of KY Jelly that fell into my hand.

Using my teeth to rip open the package, I rolled Zac up onto his stomach so his face was in my pillow and gave his fuzzy asscheeks a loving squeeze before sliding my fingers inside and pulling them apart. The heat from his tight hole was amazing and the only smell I got was the musky essence of desire as he ground his hips into the mattress. This was almost too hot to handle but nothing would stop me as I squeezed the cool jelly into his crack, working it into his hole with my first too fingers and feeling his muscles squeeze them like a vice. Working my fingers deeper into him, the feeling was amazing, he felt so hot and tight... after a certain depth, I could have sworn I was feeling his heartbeat as the blood flowed through his veins. His rosebud seemed to relax all at once and my fingers slipped all the way into him and rubbed his prostate, making his hips bounce and he moaned loudly and gasped. At the point, it had to be pretty obvious to anyone within a hundred feet what we were doing and as shocking as it was, it didn't bother me.

Zac gasped and pushed up and he was on all fours in front of me, his wet ass almost brushing my chin, giving me a clear indication of what he wanted. His left hand found mine and pulled me up on my knees behind him. Scraping the last of the KY Jelly off the inside of the packet, I smeared it the length of my cock and tossed the packet into the steel wastebasket before placing my hands on Zac's hips. Zac whimpered and I took a deep breath and held it as I began to slide my rock hard tool into his cheeks and right up against his hole. No words were needed as I leaned down and wrapped my arms around Zac's soft waist and buried my face in his hair. Zac shuddered deeply and I began to press into him, feeling his muscles tense as my cockhead pushed at his tight ring... he bit his lip and a high pitched whimpering sound came from the back of his throat as he pushed his ass back on my cock, squeezing me with his muscles and pushing his back against my chest, urging me into him.

Just as I was about to give up, his pucker finally began to relax and a charge ran through both of our bodies at the realization that we were making love. I was his first. The sensation of his hole opening and admitting me was mind-blowing as his hot spongy rectum pulled me in slowly, opening and sucking me in, pulling me closer and closer to his prostate. My cock throbbed inside and every vein and bulge seemed to press into Zac's tender interior as I gasped into to the hot, moist skin of his neck as he pushed his face into the pillow even further. My arms wrapped around him and held him, feeling the tremors and spasms of pleasure taking control of him from head to toe. My cockhead came into contact with his prostate and all at once, his muscles jerked and he bucked his hips back, his entire body shuddering and jerking and he lowered himself forward, pulling his cheeks together tightening his insides down onto my cock as he grabbed the side of the bed. His right hand grabbed mine and squeezed it as he began to cum, his muscles massaging and squeezing me and not too long, my body jerked as the intense, wonderful sensations shot into me and my balls constricted and my cock swelled. I moaned into his neck and pressed my body into his as my hot cum sprayed out into his hole, painting his insides with what felt like a gallon of my molten juice filling him. Gasping, I slid in and out as best I could, the tightness of his cavity was amazing... the power of my orgasm began to subside and I came back down to earth and my cock slowly began to deflate and slid out of his ass with a soft slurping sound.

Zac's grip on the mattress relaxed and his arms held onto mine and we came back down together, our bodies recovering from the intensity of our first time. After the gasping and heavy breathing had past, there was no real noise in the room, but I'm sure the pounding of my heart had to be audible. I wrapped my left arm around his shoulder, not quite sure what to say or so, but somehow, deep down inside of my heart, I knew we didn't need to say anything about it. He took a long deep breath and settled into the bed, our bodies glistening with sweat which I could make out in the darkness as my eyes finally had gotten used to the lack of light. Softly kissing his bare shoulder, my nervous system had returned to working order and I leaned in to gently nibble at his ear lobe.

He leaned his head back and we made eye contact. The look in his dark eyes was absolutely penetrating as he gazed at me in wonder. He smiled and his lips mouthed three words to me.

"I love you."

The last thought I had before I fell asleep was that this was the start of one hell of a relationship...

=The End... ?=

Next: Chapter 2: The Compound 2

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