Soul Mates

By moc.loa@retirWykniD

Published on Jul 27, 2002


Disclaimer: The author declares that this story and its characters are fictitious and is not intended to mimic or relate to any real person. Should you be likely to be offended by material of a homosexual nature, including descriptions of sexual acts, then please leave now.

The author is happy to receive comments both good and bad, provided they are constructive, and will endeavour to reply to all (no promises) sent by email to the address below. Happy Reading!


Copyright, DinkyWriter 2002

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Soul Mates by DinkyWriter

Chapter Two

For the next couple of days there was, unfortunately, no sign of Tom. Not only was I extremely disappointed but I also worried that perhaps he really had guessed what I was thinking!

I had some amazing wank fantasies created now all surrounding Tom, nine orgasms in just two days was a record for me, I just wished they weren't limited to my imagination!

On the fourth day however things changed, oh how things changed. It was about 8.30am when I went into next door to do the post and plants, but I didn't get very far.

Lying at the bottom of the stairs headfirst was Tom. If it weren't for the fact that he was unconscious, or at least looked it, I would have just stared at the gorgeous sight before me. A naked boy-god, lying face down and head first I drank in the total beauty of that lightly tanned body. Smooth and muscular back narrowing to a slender waist just above a pert downy covered perfect pair of bum cheeks, and the sexiest hairy legs you've ever seen. Then I saw the blood.

I blinked rapidly and shook my head, feeling rather guilty for my instant hard-on, before leaping into action to see how bad the situation was.

As I knelt beside Tom's head I could hear him snoring very lightly and so sighed in relief that things were not as bad as they might have been. I started to call his name and gently stroked his head as I rolled him over onto his back and moved him carefully off the last three steps so that he was flat. Guilty as I may have felt for doing it I couldn't help taking a long lustful look at his body. Full muscular chest with a fine dusting of hair that led to a trail leading down his tight flat stomach. A full, hairy pair of nuts and a meaty dick surrounded by soft a looking light coloured bush, which looked as though it had been trimmed. Tom stirred, a light groan, followed by...

"...W..w..where am I?"

"Tom, can you hear me, it's Sam, from next door"

"Tom, you've had an accident, are you in pain?"

"Oh, ugh, erm, shit, yeah just about everywhere I think, me sit up will you Sam?"

"No stay where you are until I can check you for any cuts and bruises, you may have broken something on the way down the stairs, " I tried to sound as masterful as I could, though I'm not sure how successful I was.

As I checked him over for any obvious scrapes I couldn't help but get a hard-on, he was just a gorgeous hunk of boy-man. I asked him to wriggle his toes and fingers and to nod and shake his head gently, he said nothing hurt.

"Well you seem ok if a bit battered, let me help you sit up"

As I put my arm around his shoulders he sat up slowly.

" Oh shit, this must be some sort of record" he said rather quietly

"What's that Tom?" I asked worriedly

"Well you've seen me twice now and both times I've been completely starkers, shit, look Sam I really am sorry you must think I'm some sort of a pervy idiot or something"

"Hey don't sweat it, both times were accidents, these things happen and anyway you haven't got anything I haven't got or seen before"

I didn't know if he knew that I was gay so I thought better of making any wisecracks, particularly whilst he was completely naked and kind of leaning on me. After this he seemed to relax a little and then said,

"So you gonna help me up so I can get some pants on at least"

"Sure but go carefully and lean on me, you get even the slightest twinge of pain and you stop right where you are and tell me about it, ok, OK?"

"Yeah, yeah, stop fussing you sound like my mother"

As Tom stood he groaned a little and then stood free of me, that's when I noticed the cut on his back again, it look deeper than I'd thought at first and was just about hip level. The blood had spread a fair bit and the cut look quite ragged and deep but had stopped bleeding of it's own accord, thankfully, I offered to help clean it up (well at least I get to feast my eyes a bit longer) for him

"Nah, I can't let you do that you've done enough already, I`m sure I can manage"

"Tom, now whose fussing? Look that cut needs cleaning may even need some stitches and you're not gonna be able to see or reach it properly. So it's me you put up with or I'm taking you straight to the hospital, your choice mate?"

Reluctantly he agreed and turned to start up the stairs, I followed about 4 steps behind. Oh what a view, right at my eye level was the most perfectly formed muscular arse you could ever imagine. Covered in soft looking hair that spread up from the back of his muscular legs. I just wanted to pull those cheeks apart and rim him right then and there, my cock was leaking copiously and had ideas all of it's own, this was like a dream but I knew I was in for a battle of self control!

.... Chapter 3 follows.

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