Soul Breaker

By wer qaz

Published on Mar 10, 2007


hey guys, i'm back and heres the second installment of this story sorry if it took awhile, im buzy with sex hehe, joke. anyways hope you like it and please do send me your comments and your naked pics or any naked pics of guys cumming, naked black guy cumming i really like them and it gives me encouragement to write more send it to i also want to apologize for some of the grammar, sorry i don't proof read.

soul breaker chapter 2 horn ball

Its been over 2 months now since I last talked to Matt over the phone, I was telling him how much I missed him and wanted to see him back then, after that, its seems like his avoiding my call, every time I tried to contact him on his mobile its out of coverage area or unattended, and every time I tried calling him thru his dormitory he's always seem out of reach. I was worried and confused, is he really avoiding me? What have I done wrong? Has he changed his mind about us? Has he completely forgotten about me? Am I being cut off? These questions toyed with my mind so many times. Weeks and weeks had past and still I haven't heard from him, I tried to contact him so many times that I started to lost hope. My heart sank to the lowest of all low. My girlfriend seemed worried about me whenever we talk thru our mobile phones. She was worried about my sudden change of mood, even my college pals was awe to my coldness. I couldn't study, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't even concentration during basketball practices, wondering what I've done wrong. By the time I couldn't take it any longer, I decided to forget about him and moved on. I reset my life and concentrate to the matters that are still in my life. I focus to my studies and basketball. I even tried to flirting to lots of girls, pretending I was really interested. I always attend to my girlfriend Desirel (the one I had from high school) whenever she calls. I kept my hurting feelings aside from months and months of college days. The semester break finally came and my birthday falls in it. I boarded the plane and got home a day before my birthday. My mind started to play with me again as I tried not to wonder whether Matt would carry out his promise or not. I didn't expect he'll still come but deep inside I still hoped.

As arrived to our house, no one was home, rain started pouring outside and before I could even settle in someone knocked on the door. It was Matt's mom, she's my mom's best friend too and she was like an aunt or a second mom to me. She greeted me with a big hug and all. How are you Josh, good I presumed? She asked, I'm Great, I answered. Good now Josh, your mom called, they went to your great aunt's funeral, she died last Saturday anyways they can't get any flight back because of the hurricane coming up. So she asked me to check on you. Oh okay was all I can say. I was sort of disappointed. Ah don't you worry Josh if they can get home by tomorrow let us take you to dinner okay? I mean, I watch you grow with Matt so you're like his twin brother to me, is that okay? She asked smiling to me. All I can do was smiled back and said SURE. (she still smiling) that's settle then and oh yeah welcome back (another hug). Before she was able to open the door, I could help myself to ask her if Matt was coming home for the Break. She sort of gave a little shock look, before answering, Matt won't come home honey, he said he have lots catching up to do in his studies and his couch requested for some extra practices during the break, hmm Matt said he already told you. That's odd(she now have this confused look upon her face) Oh yeah he might have mentioned it, was all the lie I can say to stop her wondering. She smiled again at me, you 2 boys are really inseparable.. very well then have a good night sleep Josh. Thanks Ellen (Matt's mother). She left and made her way back home through the rain.

Time goes slow as I lay in my bed trying to fall asleep. I couldn't close my eyes as I kept thinking that Matt lied about keeping in touch with me. My stomach is sick, it was the sickest of all time, my heart is aching badly, as my thoughts of Matt turned to hatred. I promised myself that I won't do anything stupid anymore and I'll make him regret the day he turned his back on me. Flashes of small bad things that he'd done to me over the years run to my mind, trying to make myself hate him more and more, suddenly I remember his black boxers brief that he left after our boy sex session. I got out of the bed, retrieve it and got back in. the moment I took a good look out of it. Tears began flowing down my cheeks, I couldn't help it, my eyes won't stop weeping. I was a broken man. Bad thoughts were replaced with good memories, the whole night my eyes kept tearing up `til I finally fell asleep with a remembrance of Matt in my hand.

The next morning (my birthday) I woke up with a sadden mood. I tried to keep a happy face but I just couldn't, I took a bath even if it was really cold due to the storm conditions because I wanted to be clean in my birthday. I ate some breakfast before I heard a knock on the door. It was Desi (Desirel my girlfriend remember?) SURPRISE! Happy birthday Josh.. she gave me a big hug and a kiss. She was holding an umbrella and a chocolate cup cake with a pink icing and a cherry on top. I smiled at her and let her in. We chatted, laugh, kiss a couple of times trying to be sweet with one another, before she forced me to get dress and go out hang with some old friends since my family wasn't around. I spend the whole day with her and our friends, talking about old times and how were we, Matt and all other friends and other stuff. We ate to the diner where we used to hang out, we also went bowling and laugh at so many things. As the day ends Desi wanted to go back to our house so we could you know, anyways I said no to her in the politest way. I told her that I made plans with Matt's family. She tried to seduce me out of it but I told her that I really couldn't. She back down cheerfully, teasing me and all, saying that She might not let me get another chance. Sure I will, I answered teasingly. Confident aren't we? She added. We smiled and hug and kiss. Before I left the group and went back home. I tidied myself up took a short hot shower, wore some good clothes before making my way to Matt's house. Jack (matt's dad) greeted me and Ellen too, they were already ready to go, but still waiting for Ally, Matt's younger sister (who by the way have grown and bloom) to finish up. The four of us went to a fine restaurant had some expensive dinner, we chat about things that was happening to me and things they heard from Matt. Heavy rain started flowing down again as we left the restaurant. We drove off back to their house, I thanked them for

the nice dinner and they greeted another happy birthday before I got off the car run towards our home through the heavy rain. I was soaking wet when I reached the porch, I look back and Matt's family was already going inside at their house waving at me. I tried to find the spare key hidden under my mom's flower pot, the one I used when I arrived yesterday. To my surprised it wasn't there, I thought to myself that I remembered putting it back in. I was little worried that perhaps I forgot to return it. I checked the door and to my astonish it wasn't lock at all. Maybe my family got home already ( I said to myself again) but wait why was the lights out? Maybe I just forgot to close it, oh men dad's gonna kill me if he finds out about this (I laughed in my mind). I went inside and turned on the lights in the living room, and to my surprise there was this guy standing inside the house wearing black jeans, black leather jacket, and a red shirt. He has this rock star look. And as I gaze upon his face tears started bursting thru my eyes. It was Matt.

He has this big smile with his puppy eyes. He slowly walks towards me, as my heart pounds harder and harder. My eyes kept sobbing and by the time he was right in front of me, my mind black out as my right fist closes and punched Matt hard right in his cheeks making him collapse on the floor. I look down on him, he has this smirk smile as he slowly stood up and wiped his blood off the side of his gorgeous red lips. I turned my back on him and tried to walk away, but he grabs me by my back hugging me complexly and tightly. He whispered to my ears, "Happy Birthday Josh". I closed my eyes as tears began flowing hard again. He kisses my neck before turning towards my front, he wipe off my tears and without hesitations he leaned forward and kissed me by my lips. All my worries, hatred, questions vanished as I felt the touch of his lips unto mine. We kiss and kiss in the longest time, making me taste the blood from side of his lips. I gently slid off his jacket making fall unto the floor. We then slowly moved towards stairs, as we kiss. We went up to my room and this time I laid him down in my bed kissing him in every way I can. I stop as I am now sitting on his hips. I lifted my shirt off and throw them aside; I kissed him again before removing his shirt revealing his well maintained body. His scent was driving me insane. He was still wearing his favorite Tommy boy scent that suits him right. We resumed making out like there was no tomorrow. He unbuckled my belt, so I stood up and slid my pants off, I then grab his belt and in one stroke took his pants off he was wearing black boxers briefs like he use too and I was wearing a white one like I use to too. By now we were both only in our boxers brief and socks, I was standing in front of him as he was lying down in my bed in front of me. "You really look beautiful Josh" was the words he said as he smiled at me. I beamed back as I gave him a devilish grin, "YOU'RE GONNA PAY BIG TIME DUDE", serves me right, right? HELL YEAH... I jumped on top off him and meet his lips again, I really enjoy kissing him as he was enjoying me. I slowly move down to kiss his cheeks, then to the back of his ears, to his neck, then to his chest, I took a moment to suck on his left nipple, before making my way to his abs kissing every inches of my path, then finally stopping into his bulging crotch, his cock was now fully hard as mine too. I could see the outline of his manhood, as I smoothly grab and stroke it thru the thin fabric of his brief. He was giving these enchanting soft moans, as I continued to do so. I then took the waistband of the clothe that was protecting his proud assets, and gently slide them off tossing it aside; with my right hand, I softly grab his fullness and massage it passionately. It was bigger than I could remember. He was looking straight into my eyes, before I extend my tongue out and lick the cock nectar that has been drooling out from his cock lips. It was sweeter than before, I took the liberty of lick some more as it gradually drool. I moved my lips to its opening and sip the nectar out of his God given manhood, and with my fingers I carefully stretch out the tiny opening of his cock head before licking it with my loving tongue making Matt moan louder and louder as his eyes closed and his cheeks turns red. Uhh uhh uhh uhhh, josh, uhh, uhhh, I didn't waste any more time as I started engulfing his entire manhood into my mouth. Ahh, yeah, oh God, josh ahh, ohhh, ohhh, I continued going up and down to his sturdy shaft back and forth, all the way, loving, caring, showing how much I miss him, ahh, ahhh. Every time I have his fullness beyond my hugging lips, I could taste his sweet sweet nectar that glides down to my taste buds. Ahh Josh, uhh, uhh, I could feel his body heat up. He started humping slowly meeting my lips as I goes down to his yearning shaft. Ahh josh ahh ahh ahh ahh, his pace has began accelerating and I could feel his pistol throbbing largely inside my mouth AAAHH, AAHHH, AAAAAHHH, AAAAHHH his moans has over shadowed the sounds of the pouring rain outside. AAAAHH, AAAAAHHH, AAAAAHHHH, I clamped my lips tighter to increase the pressure of him wanting to release. Oh, oh, oh, ah, ah, ah ,ah, ah, ah, ah, Ah, Ah, oh, Ah, AH, AH his body stiffen up, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, the first shot hit the back of my throat hard, AAAAAAHHHHH, Thick creamy white fluid started invading my accommodating mouth, filling every void that it could possible could. I tried to swallow every drop of it, letting it slide down my throat but it was way too much, some escape from the tiny gap of my lips and Matt's love pole, dripping down my chin and his gorgeous seed sack. Matt continued depositing his cum inside my mouth til its last shot. I swallowed and swallowed, before licking his shaft and orbs clean, not letting any of his love seed go to waste. His cock remained hard as I started to move below his love sack and trailed to his man opening. I gently push Matt's legs towards him, exposing his butt lips to me. I stared to his face for a moment grinning at his blushing cheeks. He was not in the position to object. I leaned towards his timid back opening and extended my hungry tongue to it. I licked and licked til its lube enough. I then tried pushing my tongue in making Matt squirm for more. Seconds later, I replace my tongue with my mid finger and trusting it in and out. I did this for a long time `til I can see Matt heating his whole body up. His cock was straight up and drooling more cock pre nectar. My eyes glued to his entire body loving every inch and moment of it, he started humping his body as continued fingering his man hole. Oh shit, oh shit.. ah, ah, ah, ah. God.. ah shit oh ah ah ah. I gave Matt's cock a quick lick not wasting his nectar, before spiting to my hands rub it against Matts fuck hole, spit again this time I coated my drooling cock. I positioned my fuck tool to his opening, and slowly push it inside... UUUUMMMMM... I've inserted my whole fuck tool inside of him.. I thought I was gonna come right there and then. I rested for a few seconds; I leaned towards Matt's face kissing his again and again. And with few more kisses I staring making slow fucking motions. Matt's eyes closed down and moaned passionately. I kissed him again before concentrating to our exercise. We both began to pick up our pace, as Matt meets my trusts. We were both moaning in unison as I continued invading him in and out.. Ahh, aahh, uhh, uhh, aah, ahh, ohh, aahh, uhhh, aahh, aaahh. Hearing Matt's moans was sending me to the edge. Our pace started speeding up... AAAhh Ahh, aahh, uhh, uhh, aah, ahh... Our moan was becoming louder and louder... AAAAHHH Matts moans was really driving me crazy, ahhh ahhh ahhhh I couldn't resist anymore as I trusted my whole cock inside of him and shoot my sex juice inside Matt.. AAAAAAAAHHH Matt too shot his second load between us the second I start cumming... I thought It would never end as it felt like I've cummed my whole body out and transferred it inside Matt. My juices even slobbered out between Matt's tight hugging butt lips and my manhood ness. I collapsed beside Matt breathing hard like he was.. We look at each other face to face smiled and kiss, before going back to catching our breath. I kept smiling as I stared at the ceiling and listen to the sounds of the pouring rain and Matt breathing, I felt really happy. Time pass as I felt my body exhaustion.

Though the heavy rain was making the whole neighborhood lower the temperature, my room was warmed and steamed by our hot boy sex. We were both tired, well at least I know I am. I was about to doze off when Matt suddenly, in a quick swift got up and sat on top off me. His butt cheeks landed exactly on top off my resting cock, his by the way was again hard as a rock and was staring directly at me. He scopes up a finger full of his cum residue from his well chiseled abs and brought into my mouth feed it to me sweetly. He smiled with a goofy face and said ready for your second serving of ice cream cake, I smirk back as my boy tool responded and answered yeah,, why not. He cheerfully repositioned himself and knelt forwards me. Both his ankles were now resting below my armpits as he points his cock towards my welcoming mouth. I didn't waste time as I let his boy toy slip inside my mouth again. He was looking straight at me as playfully suck on his cock. He caressed my hair as I do my deed. Moments later I felt his cock bulge inside as he deposited his third load into my satisfied mouth. It wasn't as much as the first or the second, still it tasted very nice and felt right inside of me. He touches my cheeks and caresses it smoothly. He gave me an I love you look before kissing me on the other side of my face. He when to my ear and whispered "happy birthday josh" my heart pounded hard hearing those words, for no reasons at all. He slowly crawled down between my legs, looked at me with a loving look again, before kissing my now stiffened tool. He lifted my legs and brought it to his shoulders, and pulls me towards him. I can't believe his still planning on fucking me, I thought to myself, but then again I forgot how Matt was a big horn ball and that he was no one rounder (I was laughing inside of me at that time). He beamed at me was he spits on his hand and massaged it to my butt hole for a seconds. He then spits again and I assumed he lube it all over his shaft. As I felt his cock head kissing my butt lips, my body felt the excitement. He gently pushed his cock inside of me as it was fully inside. (I still can't believe his cock was still hard and ready for more action), he adjusted himself before trusting his fuck tool in and out smoothly. He made me feel his full length as he pull his entire shaft out `til its head was the only thing inside before shoving it all the way in. He was long dicking me, as each trust was sending shock waves of pressure in every single cell in my body. My Boy toy was responding pretty well as it started leaking precum juices again and again. It even made a pool as it slips to my belly button. I couldn't take it anymore as each trust was way too pleasurable. I was moaning crazily... aaahhh ahhh aaaaahhh aaaaaahhh aaaaaahhh aaaaaaahhhh aaaaaahhhhh, with Matt's wondrous trust, my cock erupted without being touched, making my butt clench and Matt shoot his fourth load inside of me. My cum landed all over my body. I can't believe that I was able to produced a huge amount of cock juice at my second load.. Matt fell back as his cock snapped out of my well pleasure man hole. After a few more seconds matt rise back again breathing hard as ever and licked all my cum residue off my body. After that me went towards my lips and share my seeds unto me. He kissed as we tried to catch our breath. We were sweating, red and really really exhausted. Matt cough a little before smiling back and finally fell beside me. Rain has stop for a few minutes before pouring down again outside.. Matt leaned towards me again kiss me one last time before we both doze off finally.

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