
By Ymy Anon

Published on Jan 5, 2000





Her/his eyes were the most noticable feature, for he/she seemed plain. She/he was very hard to notice, but once you saw her/him, you'd keep on looking back. She/he had a weird attraction that's not due to physical beauty or a loud characteristic. I don't know if it's me alone or do all feel this silent attraction. In any case, she/he was a strange individual, in a quiet way.

He/she didn't look like the sort who went to parties, so i guess he wasn't here voluntarily. Standing there by the wall, eyes vacant, he/she looked so far away and deep in thought. I really couldn't tell his/her gender. It's a good possibility the person's a girl, she/he's only about five feet tall, but there was no chest at all. In fact, it kind of caved in, since his/her shoulders were hunched over a bit. Ther body had no curves, nor showed muscles, but he/she was well covered by clothing. She/he was lithe and straight, wearing a black turtle-neck and black slacks, along with black socks and black loafers. It didn't really stand out in this goth crowd, but it was definitely different. Very tasteful and more formal. Classy. It's weird to find such sophistication among such a crowd. I guess that was the difference, the air of control and refinement among the twisting and thrashing bodies and the drunk and stoned ones strewn about the floor.

I still couldn't figure out if it's male or female; the face, stance, and apparel gave no clues, so i proceeded to ask the universally agreed upon gossip of the circle. But if i had taken an interest in that person, it wouldn't have mattered what his or her gender was since i was bi.

Anyway, Sandy was right in the middle of a crowd at the serving table, jabbering away. I made my way over and prattled all the usual greetings and social comments before dropping her a line.

"Hey, you noticed that guy at the far wall? He looks kind of weird. Is it a guy or a girl?"

"What?! You don't know Sorg? Amber brought him here tonight, but she's probably not taking him back! She'll be too stoned by the end," Sandy said as she gifted us with her famous hysterics laughter.

"Well, anyhoo, i'm not too surprised you don't know him afterall. He's really quiet. I tried to get him to join parites before and he's always refused. I wonder how Amber got him here. I'll have to interrogate her later. I'm just surprised she knew him at all. I mean, what's the loose bitch doing with that up-tight weirdo? No insults, but that's basically what they are.

You want to know about him? Oh, yeah, and Sorg is a he, but he could very well be a girl, couldn't he? He'd make an okay girl, better than lots. Ha ha ha... He'd look real good in a dress and make up. Snicker That black hair is gorgeous, i'll give him that. It looks like heavy black silk, look how it catches the light! It's long enough for a girl's, he's wearing ear rings too, but most of the guys here wear ear rings and have long hair.

Anyhoo, he's definitely a male. No chest! If only he would wear tighter pants. I'm sure he's got good legs. I saw him doing some sort of martial arts some mornings. Wouldn't you know it. Ther weirdo was doing it at six in the morning in that alcove between the art and music building, the one facing the mountains. He never saw me because i was at his back, but boy, did he look good. He's got some real muscles. The lean, wiry kind, not the juicy, beefy kind..."

She kept on talking and more girls drew in to listen to her. I guess Sorg was a source of fascination to more than i. Hmm... Should i be concerned?

"...doesn't have a girlfriend, i'm pretty sure. Ha ha ha... It would surprise me if he does. He's always alone, so... I think it's so romantic, a loner, and a well dressed, interesting one."

I've gotta hand it to her. Sandy may talk a lot and act like an air head, but she's most perceptive and intelligent when she chooses to be. Sometimes i'm still blown away by her sporadic brilliance, but not as much as i am amazed by how much she can talk. Despite my low opinion of her feather brained behavior, we've been friends a long time, even before she adopted this trade mark attitude. I know that she is very intelligent. She's the type of girl most girls envy, i suppose. Smart, popular, fun, and nice looking enough. And she even has depth, but she is afraid to show people her serious side. Who knows why.

It was a good while more the girls discussed Sorg, but finally, Sandy was called away by another whim and the girls dissipated without the informant. By then, i knew quite a bit of nothing about Sorg. Loner was right. Apparently no one knew him well enough to say if he had a friend or not. He was just the romantically mysterious figure that's food for gossip, and i've heard lots, but they were clearly speculations.

Who is he? Why is he that way? What kind of person is he? Why am i fascinated?

For the next few weeks, i saw glimpses of him as we traversed across campus to our respective classes. I wanted to know more about Sorg. I never expected to be so... interested. He has caught my attention so subtly i never realized till i needed to find out all about him, to be close to him. How can i meet him?

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