Sophomore Year

By w steve

Published on Mar 11, 2003


Disclaimer: The content of this story is intended for adult audiences. Therefore, read no further if you do not qualify.

Over the next three months of school, Matt continued to use me almost daily. Like myself, he seemed to be horny almost all of the time. I was always the bottom in our love making, and I didn't mind that, as I enjoyed the feel of Matt's thick head as it pressed against my lips and then through them and into my mouth. I also loved the warm feeling of his thick black shaft as it pumped into and out of my hungry hole. Matt and I experimented with many different positions over the weeks following out first encounter. I liked getting fucked most while lying on my back so I could take in the view of Matt's beautifully formed body, and watch his tight muscles as they flexed and relaxed as he pistoned in and out of me. I liked to rub my hands up and down his tightly muscled torso, feeling his hard pecs and abs. He seemed to enjoy it when I did that. Frequently, I would cum while Matt fucked me, as his rock hard onyx rod hit my prostate repeatedly. For his part, Matt seemed to love having sex with me as much as I did with him. He commented frequently on my tight white body, and he joked with me about watching what I ate because he wanted his "white boy" to keep his muscled physique. When we made love together, I found myself moaning loudly in pleasure, and Matt did the same.

What I also found during this time was that my relationship with the women on campus continued as it had before. Matt and I each continued to date and have sex as we had before we started having sex with one another. I had no problem at all with getting aroused by a hot looking chick. And, none of them ever complained about my performance in bed. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Frequently though, while I had my hard cock buried in a pussy, I would wonder what it would be like to fuck Matt up the ass. For me, although I was always the bottom, I wanted to fuck Matt and have him suck me as I sucked him. But, he had said one time that he could never suck or get fucked. So, I played out the fantasy in my mind of fucking Matt and having him suck me, hoping that someday he would change his mind and want his "white boy" to do him with his pretty white rod, as Matt frequently called it.

During spring break in March, unlike many of our friends, Matt and I simply went home. He lived in New York City, and I lived just outside of Boston. Matt invited me to go home with him so we could hang together and go to his gym, but my parents wanted me home for at least part of the break. So, I told Matt that I would join him for a few days at the end of the break. Even though we had been separated for only a few days, I missed having sex with Matt, and I looked forward to letting his thick black cock plunge into my ass and into my mouth. I fantasized about feeling Matt's hard body pressed against mine as he fucked me and kissed me at the same time.

Matt and a couple of his friends picked me up at the airport. As it turned out, Matt had gone to high school with these guys, Nick and Jamal, and they were also gym buddies of his. Both of them were incredibly built black guys whose bodies showed what many hours at the gym could do for a guy. Both of them were also decent looking facially as well. Like Matt and I, they were also on break. After I dropped my stuff at Matt's, where I would share a bedroom with him for a few nights, we went to the gym to do a workout. I felt a lot out of place, as I was the only white dude there. We did our workouts and finished with showers about and hour or so later. It was in the shower that I noticed Nick was checking me out. I caught him looking at me a few times, and he looked away quickly each time. But I had the feeling that he was checking me out every chance he had. Nick's handsome facial features were complemented by an incredible physique. He had broad and thick shoulders with really thick and veined biceps. His strong arms fit perfectly with his beautifully sculpted torso with its sharply defined chest and an incredible six pack that tapered down to a very thin and muscled waist. Nick's thigh and calf muscles looked as though they must have been the result of many years of athletic competitions. Dangling from between his muscle legs was a fairly thick and long cock. It looked as though it was somewhat aroused, and this made me wonder about Nick a little more. As I stole glimpses of Nick, I thought he must have no problem getting girls at all. And I thought that it was a little strange that this stud looked as though he was checking me out. At the same time, I noticed that Matt was casting his eyes in my direction as well. And, as I shot a look at his black shaft, it looked as though it was thickening up a bit. I had to concentrate on not looking over at Matt again, or I knew that I would spring a woody for sure.

In the meantime, Jamal had finished his shower at the far end of the shower bank, and he made his way back to the locker room. As he passed us with his shiny black muscled body, I was able to see what an incredible build he had. He was about 6'2", 195#, and beautifully ripped from his thick neck to his feet. He was not a muscle head, but rather just a lean and tightly muscled stud with a reasonably handsome face to go with the rest of him. His cock was indeed a monster. Matt's I knew was about nine inches when erect. Nick's looked as though it might go about eight inches. But Jamal's cock had to be at least ten inches. And it was thick, with a large pinkish/black head at its end. As Jamal walked by Matt, he playfully pinched his ass, taking Matt by total surprise. As I looked toward Matt who had just yelped, I saw that he was now even harder than he had been only moments earlier. He was clearly getting aroused, but he wasn't making any effort to hide it. At this point, I figured I had better join Jamal, or I would be hard in only seconds after seeing Matt's swelling cock.

In the locker room, Jamal was toweling off, and I tried not to be obvious while I sneaked glimpses of his hot body. I thought to myself that only weeks earlier I would have no problem being in a locker room with other naked guys. But now that I had had sex with Matt, I found myself checking out guys pretty routinely. And, once in a while, like right then in the locker room, I was worried that my preoccupation with guy's bodies might cause me to get a hardon on the spot. Jamal had a lighter complexion that did Matt or Nick. And I could see what I thought were hickies on his lower neck and shoulders. This confirmed my thought that both he and Nick probably were routinely hot items among the ladies.

Jamal and I talked sports for a few minutes while Matt and Nick stayed in the showers. We were both dry and dressed in a few more minutes when Matt came into the locker room with his beautiful black skin glistening under the water. As Matt came into the room, he shot me a look with a little smile. I guess I was stunned as my eyes swept his beautiful body to see that his cock was nearly fully erect and Matt's efforts to hide it with his towel were only partially successful. Jamal also noticed Matt's woody and immediately commented. "Dude, what's goin on? Are we getting you excited, or are you thinking about what you'll be doin a little later today? My money's on that it's us who are getting your little stick straight."

Matt just laughed this off with a quick, "You wish it was you, and this little stick is like a fuckin club compared to your tiny twig."

While Matt was toweling off, Nick emerged from the showers and quickly went to his locker. But as I glanced in his direction, I noted that Nick's cock was thickly swelled like it was just coming off of a full blown erection. Jamal had not noticed Nick's cock, because I think he would have given him a hard time as well. For my part, I was standing there next to Jamal wondering if something had just happened between Matt and Nick. They were both dry and changed in a couple of minutes, and Matt and I headed for his place and Jamal and Nick went off together. We all planned to meet up again that night to hang out.

On the way to Matt's we talked about the gym that we had just been to, and how Matt had been going there since he was fourteen. He told me that Nick and Jamal and he had become friends as a result of their meetings at the gym. He described how the three of them had started off as scrawny little kids, and over the years they had been able to define their bodies by constantly working out. Following dinner at Matt's, we set out for Jamal's apartment where we were going to hang out for the night and have a few brews.

Mostly, we talked about our high school and early college experiences as the four of us slowly became more and more hammered. Matt decided that since Jamal's roommate was out for the night, we should crash there, instead of going back to his parents' place. That was fine with me. I was fine where I was, and after eight beers, I didn't feel like walking into Matt's parent's house trashed.

Jamal's girl friend and one of her friends joined us at around ten o'clock. Her friend quickly moved in on Matt, and it was clear to me that they were about to spend some quality time together. We all continued to drink and talk, and the chick with Matt was wasting no time making him aware of what she was after. I felt disappointment and jealously in the pit of my stomach. I had hoped to get fucked by Matt tonight, but it looked now as though that was not going to happen. Jamal and his girl made their way into their bedroom, and Matt and the chick he was with retreated to the spare room, leaving Nick and me to figure out who had the couch and who had the bed in Jamal's roommate's room. Throughout the evening I had talked with Nick who was at once real good looking, and really pleasant to talk with. I had the feeling from time to time that he was coming on to me, but I thought that that could not be. Anyway, when everyone had gone to bed except us, Nick offered: "Look, the couch is not comfortable. I know from experience. Jamal's roomie has a king size in there. If it's cool with you, we can share that bed, there's plenty of room."

"That's cool." I responded. "In fact, I think I am going to call it a day.too many brews, I think." I got up and started toward the bedroom.

"Me too." Said Nick. The two of us went into the bedroom and shed our clothes to our boxers and tee shirts. I noted Nick's taut and muscled body under his white tee. He was a real handsome black stud, and he probably knew it. I could see the outline of his thick black rod against the fabric of his boxers. It looked a little swelled to me, and I felt my stomach stir a little. Once again, I thought I saw him checking me out, but my mind was fuzzy from all of the beer. I was about to crawl into bed when Nick surprised me and slipped off his boxers and then his tee, revealing his lean, but thickly muscled body. His cock was clearly somewhat swelled, and looked as though it would be enormous at full erection. "Hope you don't mind, dude. I usually sleep nude. Done it for years now, and can't get to sleep with any clothing on." With that said, Nick kind of stared at me from head to toe, and then took just a moment to stare at my crotch. Then he got onto the bed and lay there with his onyx rod semi erect. "Why don't you try it, you might like it." He said with a smile.

I now knew for certain that Nick was after more than just sleep. I felt my cock starting to stir, and I was momentarily panicked about what I should do, and about what might be about to happen.

"Besides, it's real hot in this apartment. Jamal says the heat is impossible to control. I bet he and his girl are naked as we speak." Nick continued. "And something tells me that Matt and his chick are au natural too, so why not us?" Nick finished with a smile and a prolonged stare up and down my body.

"Sure, probably a good idea." I turned toward the light on the night stand, and slipped off my tee and boxers and reached to turn the light off. I was trying to act cool about the whole thing while concealing my obviously growing hardon from Nick.

"Hey dude, nice work on your definition. Most white guys don't get to where you are." I heard from behind me. I thanked Nick, and told him that Matt and I had been working together for a few months now. I shut off the light and quickly lay atop of the bedding. Nick was right, the apartment was hot. My heart was racing as I bid Nick good night.

"One thing I noticed at the gym today was your biceps. You've done a great job with them. Great definition!" With that, I nearly jumped out of bed as I felt Nick's large hand reach over and grasp my bicep in the darkness. Instead of protesting, I again thanked him for this compliment. And I muttered something about owing it to Matt's help.

"And, dude, your abs are fucking incredible. How many crunches did it take to get you there?" As Nick said this, he continued to hold my bicep, but now I felt the palm of his hand slip across my chest and down my torso to my abs which he rubbed back and forth with the flat palm of his hand. I thanked him again for the compliment and was frozen as I felt him massaging my abs.

"And Jason, your thighs look like you must have played years of soccer." Now I felt his palm slip slowly down from my abs to my right thigh, and just the tips of his fingers touched at the base of my now fully erect shaft. I could see nothing but the black outline of Nick's sharply defined body against the dim light that was coming through the window. Nick was on his elbow and he was using his free hand to touch me as he complimented me.

"Jas, if you want me to stop with the compliments, just say so. But I have to tell you that from the moment I spotted you at the airport, I wanted to share these thoughts with you. So if you want, I will back off. But I have one more thing to say and one question to ask you if you say it's okay.

My mind was racing. Nick's warm hand was resting on top of my thigh, and my cock was only about six inches away from it and fully erect and throbbing. I did not know how this happened, but here I was with a black stud who clearly wanted me, and who I wanted as well. I responded to him: "What did you want to say, and go ahead and ask your question. It's okay.

"I wanted to tell you that I want very much to suck your white cock with the thick mushroom, and I wanted to ask you if you would fuck my black ass with it."

In the moment that it took for me to consider what had just been said, Nick's hand moved from the top of my thigh to the base of my cock. His thumb and forefinger squeezed my cock at the very base, and I felt Nick's lips and tongue touching my swollen mushroom. Then I felt Nick take me deep into his mouth. I placed my hands on the back of Nick's head and gently pushed him down onto my pulsing white shaft. Nick sucked me for several minutes before his entire body lay atop mine and we embraced very tightly and kissed passionately. I could feel our granite hard cocks pressing against one another. I was so excited that I was going to get to fuck my first guy. And it would be an incredibly hot black stud at that.

Nick and I felt one another's bodies , our fingers explored every crevice, every hole, touched every inch of one another's flesh. We kissed and massaged. I was constantly aware of my own very rigid cock and Nick's pulsing black shaft. I sucked Nick greedily and made him cum in no time. Then, without my asking, he got on all fours and positioned himself for my throbbing white rod with its thick purple head. I slid effortlessly into Nick's tight black hole, held myself deep within him, moved my cock in circles within his ass as he moaned in pleasure, and then I pumped him furiously. Nick and I assumed many positions over the next few hours. At one point, Nick turned the light on revealing our tightly muscled bodies with their sharply contrasting skin colors as we continued our exploration of one another.

Perhaps the position I liked most was when I was lying on my back, and Nick lowered his tight ass onto my hard shaft with its bulging mushroom head. I ran my hands up and down his abs and pec muscles. For his part, Nick raised himself up and down in such a was as to meet my thrusts deep into his hole. I came in Nick, and felt our juices mingle and further lubricate his hot hole. Nick bent down and kissed me, and we held tightly onto one another. I think we must have fallen asleep that way.

In the morning, we awakened to the noise of Jamal and Matt making breakfast. Nick was lying atop of me, I could smell his body scent, and amazingly , my cock was still lodged in his ass and was still throbbing.

"Jason, just to let you know. Last night was fuckin awesome. Matt told me you might be able to help me out. Dude, it was so hot doin it with you."

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