Sophomore Year

By w steve

Published on Jan 13, 2003


Disclaimer: The content of the following story is adult in nature. Do not read further if it is not legal for you to do so.

Sophomore Year

As I began my sophomore year at college, I was much more comfortable there than I had been as a freshman. I was used to the campus, to the routine, to the people. And, during my first year, I had established an excellent reputation as a student, an athlete, and an all around prize for the many hot woman who were looking for action. I was not full of myself, but I had spent some serious time in the new gym at school working out and defining what I had begun during my last two years in high school. So now, at 20 I was pretty pleased with the way I had toned and defined my body to complement my natural good looks. Unlike most of my friends who either buzzed or shaved their heads, I let my sandy colored hair grow to a pretty shaggy length, which totally aggravated my parents. But, I liked the fact that it looked different, and most of the girls I had dated the previous year were attracted to it as well.

This year, I was rooming with a guy whom I had met and come to know during my many work out sessions at the gym as a freshman. My roommate from my first year at school had transferred because of money problems, and when Matt found this out, he asked if he could room with me during our second year. He didn't really fit well with his roommate, and was looking to change. As I said, we had met at the gym because both of us were there faithfully every day from about four to six in the afternoon. We spotted for one another, and we helped one another with our workouts and stuff wherever we could. Matt and I were both about 6 feet in height, with him weighing about 190 and me weighing in at about fifteen pounds less. We were both very well defined with broad shoulders, clearly shaped pecs and ripped abs. We both had thin waists and excellent muscle development in the legs. Matt was just slightly bigger all around than I was. And, Matt was black, whereas I was white. Matt was medium black, with closely cut hair on his head. His face was the perfect match for his perfect body, and I had noticed all of last year that he attracted lots and lots of attention from the women students. In fact, at different times, we had both connected with the same hotties and compared notes afterwards. Last year, I had tended to connect with a girl and go out with her for a couple of months, and then we drifted apart. I did not want anything too confining, and so I tried not to get too serious. Matt seemed to be friendly with lots of the coeds, but he did not seem to hang with any one particular chick at any time.

Anyway, when we moved back to campus in the fall, Matt and I were happy to resume our routine of the previous year, and we continued to study and work out as we had in the past. We had an arrangement that if we left a piece of twine on the door handle, that meant that we wanted privacy for a while, and we respected one another's wishes in that way. Our friends knew what the twine meant as well, and so if they saw it, they stayed away. Mostly, the twine appeared anywhere from Friday night through Sunday night. The rest of the time, we pretty much studied or hung out with friends, either in our room or theirs.

Rooming with Matt was good for me because it kept me focused on my goals for achieving certain body building targets. I did not want to become a muscle head, but I did want to look as hot as I could. Seeing what Matt had done with his body was an inspiration to me, and while I was real close to where he was, somehow I felt that he was just a little ahead of me. I was secretly pleased that I shared a room with one of the hottest studs on campus, and I also was happy that a lot of people placed me in that same category. It was kind of a reward for all of the hard work we had done. Frequently, Matt would hang out in just his boxers, and I would discreetly study his tightly defined muscles, his thick neck, his broad shoulders, his bulging biceps with the veins that showed through his cocoa colored skin, his thick and tight pecs, and his fantastic abs that tapered down to his very tight and narrow waist. He also had a perfectly formed ass, that I figured only black guys were ever blessed with. One time I had entered our room when Matt and some chick were fucking. He had forgotten the twine. It was like getting a glimpse of an x-rated movie with this black stud with the perfect body pumping a white beauty as she moaned and gasped in pleasure. His hips moved like a machine, and I just remember seeing his torso and ass moving in perfect unison as he pumped his black piston into her pleasure pit. I was excited at the sight, but did not quite know what to do with that thought. I guess I even thought that the girls who had sex with both Matt and me probably liked doing it with him more. He just seemed to have such a perfect body and such a naturally sexy way about him. On the other hand, Matt was always telling me that I was the perfect pretty white boy that all the hotties wanted to bed down.

Anyway, one Thursday night Matt and I were planning to watch the Bruins in our room at 8, and to study if we could during commercials. But, Matt realized at the last minute that the Celtics were playing at the same time, and he wanted to watch them. I balked, wanting to watch hockey. He insisted on the Celtics. Matt suggested we wrestle to determine who would get to watch what. I said there was no way I would wrestle him. He was just that much bigger than I was. So I suggested finger wrestling, to which he quickly agreed. I figured I had a better chance, and I thought that my hands were stronger than his. But, that was the only thing I could beat this guy at. So, the two of us locked our fingers together, and it took but a moment for me to realize that I had made a woefully wrong choice. I watched as his cocoa colored fingers bent back my palms and wrists, and he pressed me slowly to my knees in front of him. I had to give up for him to officially win. I refused to do so. Instead, I kept trying and watched the cool strength of Matt's muscled arms, the biceps and triceps flexed hard. Matt wore only boxers as usual, and I took in the strength of his upper torso, seeing his shoulders and pecs taut as he held me in submission on my knees. I still refused to give. But, I was worried that my wrists would break, or at least be strained for a week. Matt taunted me.

"Jason, face it..pretty and ripped and white cannot compete with the strength of hot and ripped and black." He said with his handsome smile, knowing he had beaten me. "You know, Jas, I could really help you out here by forcing that pretty white head of yours into my crotch. I think you've wanted to be there for a while now anyway." He said this with a broad grin. I knew that if he wanted to maneuver me toward his crotch, he could easily do it. He had me exactly where he wanted me. But, as I thought of what he had just said, I panicked a bit. I was worried that he would humiliate me by forcing my face into his crotch, and then I worried about what I would do. These thoughts excited me a bit, and a weird feeling swept over me as I had them, and I felt my cock starting to harden.

"Dude, you are testing my patience. Either tell me you want to watch the Celts, or you will be smelling my sweaty crotch rubbing your face. Your choice, bro." With that, he added just a little pressure to demonstrate that he really had me in his control. But I was stubborn, and simply said: "Fuck the Celts!"

"Oh, I get it, you're telling me that you do want to rub my crotch with your pretty white face. I figured you would make your move sometime, the way you have been watching me made me think that you might be a switch hitter. Fine with me Jason." And, he pressed harder on my palms and drew me very close to his crotch. "Last chance bro, the Celts or my crotch? Your choice." I couldn't speak, instead I just shook my head, no.

As he drew me nearer, I felt my own cock grow harder still. Somehow the excitement of being physically dominated by Matt stimulated me. But now, I was panicked he would see my cock pushing on my gym shorts. Just as I was about to give, Matt said: "Shit, look at that, what the fuck has happened to your white wonder rod? I think you really do want to get a taste of me after all." I could see that Matt had spotted my cock, which had to be pushing hard against my gym shorts.

Before I could say a word, he had lifted his bare foot and rubbed it against my shorts covering my throbbing cock. That only stimulated me further, and I closed my eyes that were now only an inch or so from Matt's crotch. I felt his toe hook the edge of my shorts and pull the material away from my cock, allowing it to be exposed in its pulsing glory. "Holy shit, a white stud with a decent sized cock. Never thought there was such a thing!" Matt said humorously. Then I felt his toes rubbing back and forth on my hardened shaft. I opened my eyes to see that Matt's own crotch had swelled. I was panicked at what I had let happen here. I couldn't figure out what had happened or why, but here the two of us were with hard cocks, and me on my knees in front of my incredibly muscled roommate.

"Dude, I thought a couple of times when you were stealing looks at me that you might have something in mind. But, I guess I never figured I could do this to my pretty white- boy roomie. Okay, you get your wish, no Bruins, just my thick black monster in your face." He exerted just enough pressure and thrust his abdomen forward as he pulled me into his now hard penis, covered by his thin exercise shorts. My nose and cheeks felt the throbbing club covered by the material. Matt gyrated himself around my face in silence, and I said nothing. I could feel the heat of his rigid rod warming my face as he quietly ground himself over my eyes, and the bridge of my nose, and my lips. When he knew he was at my lips, he pushed hard, but I did nothing. I was in shock at what we were both doing.

"Dude, you want me don't you? I know you do now. And I am going to grant you your wish. I'm going to let your hands go, and then I want you to do exactly as I say. First, I want you to stay on your knees, slip your shorts and shirt off, and then slip my shorts off."

Matt let my hands go, and I immediately moved them back and forth to get the circulation going again. But, without even thinking, I kept my face pressed against his crotch, against his thick black meat under the material. Haltingly, I slid down my shorts and let them drop to my knees on the floor. Then, I slid my t-shirt over my head and off. "Christ, what a beautiful sight, Jas. Your beautifully muscled white body with your white shaft standing at attention. Dude, no wonder the ladies chase you. Who woulda thought? Don't stop there Jas, my shorts dude."

I looked up at Matt's beautiful cocoa face, it sat atop his hard and ripped black torso. I lifted my hands to his shorts, and gently slid them down his thickly muscled thighs. As I did, his onyx rod leaped out and pushed to the side of my face. Matt's hands clasped around the back of my head, and I allowed him to guide my face to the large mushroom head of his eight or nine inch rod. With one hand, he positioned his cock at my lips, with the other hand he pushed my head to the tip of his beautiful cock. I thought that many a girl both white and black had tasted that black shaft. Neither of us said a word.

Then simply: "Suck me." Matt said.

I looked at him, raised my hands and placed them for the first time ever on another guy's hardened cock. I opened my mouth wide and slid it over his warm and pulsing shaft. It tasted a little salty, I remember. It was definitely rock hard. I learned fast, and he taught me faster. I slid my mouth back and forth on Matt's rod and he grabbed my thick hair and pulled me on and off his cock. I let my hands run up and down his ass and back and around his waist, and up his abs to his chest. I felt him all over. Matt moaned audibly and I felt him stiffen, his muscles tense. Without any warning, I simply felt Matt's hands tighten their grip on my head and hold his cock deep in my throat, almost gagging me. Then, I felt and tasted his warm and salty love juices squirting into my throat and sliding down my esophagus into my stomach. What I had just done was incredible to me. And, I realized that things for me had just changed dramatically. As I had these thoughts, Matt let out a gasp of satisfaction.

"Dude, you are fuckin awesome. What a fuckin blow job. And, I got it from probably the hottest white stud on campus. And look at you, your pretty white cock is still screaming for attention. Jason, lube it up and jack yourself off for me. Look me in the eyes as you do it. I want to see the pleasure you experience."

Looking down, I spit into my hand and started jackin as he told me. I looked back up into his eyes and Matt held his strong black hands on my shoulders as I jerked. He rubbed his still hard cock against my face, and ground himself into me, getting himself re-excited. My muscles tensed as I felt myself get ready to cum.

"Stop, Jas. I want you to cum in a different way."

I was puzzled, but stopped. I did not know what he was talking about.

"Stand up dude. I want to carry this to another level." With that, Matt grabbed me in my armpits and pulled me to my feet as I was starting to get up on my own. Looking at me directly, he slowly wrapped his muscular black arms around me, pulled me closer, and closed his eyes as he pulled my face to his and we kissed a deep, long, and passionate kiss. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around Matt as well, and we hugged tightly as we continued to kiss. I felt my cock pressing hard into Matt's abdomen, and I felt his black club pushing into my ball sack. As we kissed, Matt ran his hands all over my back, and then down my torso to my ass. He pulled my ass so that my body pressed into his tightly. Then, with Matt leading, we moved to his bed where I lay on my back and he lay on top of me. He reached for the light and shut it off, but then he did something that just struck me as strange. He took the piece of twine we use on the door handle to signal that we have a chick in bed, and he got up and quickly opened the door and placed it on the handle.

As Matt moved back to the bed, I watched his beautifully shaped body and lusted for more of him. His cock was throbbing, and thick, and hard. The mushroom at the tip was huge, and I wanted to suck it again. I would get my chance that night, many more times. But as Matt lay down on top of me, he was interested only in kissing and exploring my body with his hands. I was doing the same with his beautiful, thickly muscled body. After we kissed and touched for at least a half hour, Matt went to his bureau and took out a condom. At first I wasn't sure what he was doing, but I quickly realized, and I panicked.

Matt looked at me in the dim light that came through the blinds of the window. I could see his handsome smile. "I don't want you to get pregnant." Now I really panicked.

"Matt, no. I can't do that. I guess what we have done is something I always wondered about. But, I can't do that, I can't get fucked by a guy."

"Dude, you sucked me and loved it. You've just made out with me, and loved it. Face it Jason, you're my boy now. You've wanted me for a long time. But, this isn't something for you to decide dude. You will do what I say. And, I think you will love it if the blow job you gave me is any indication of how you feel about being my boy. As Matt said this, he took both of my ankles in his hands and raised them up and back toward my head. I started to struggle, but Matt was faster than I. He pushed my legs back and pinned me. He was hurrying now. He spit in his hand and lubed the condom on his huge black rod. I just watched his perfect black body as he positioned himself at my ass. Suddenly, I pushed myself with my hands to break away, but Matt had anticipated that I guess. He used both hands to pin me still on the bed. The he thrust his huge and granite hard cock into my hole. I yelled out in pain, and anyone outside of our room must have heard me. Matt stopped just inside my sphincter muscle. He remained still for a moment and just looked at my face. I had tears in my eyes from the pain of his initial thrust.

"Jason, my guess is that this will hurt, but from what I hear about it, it will also be very pleasurable for you as well. I will take it slowly. But dude, your ass is tighter than any pussy I have ever felt."

Slowly, very slowly, Matt pushed his thick black sausage deep into my ass. It hurt, but also felt very stimulating as well. Once all the way in, he held it there and then began to pull out slowly. He plowed into me again slowly and pulled out again. The feeling of his hard and warm cock pushing in and pulling out was very strange for me. But it felt great. After a few minutes, Matt began fucking me the same way I remember seeing him fucking that white girl when I entered the room weeks earlier. I watched his beautiful cocoa colored, muscled torso moving back and forth with muscles tensed. As he fucked me, I felt myself beginning to cum. I had not even touched myself. Rather, I was moving my hand about the thick muscles of my black lover. Matt tensed and came in my ass, and I came, shooting my thick white juices onto my black lover and onto my own abdomen. Matt lay on me and we hugged and kissed. As the night wore on, I sucked Matt off many more times. We fell asleep, and awakened. I sucked him and he fucked me in multiple positions.

In the morning, we skipped our usual breakfast run for coffee and bagels. Matt fucked me one last time, and we both headed to the showers and began our normal routines. But so many confusing and conflicting thoughts were running through my mind. Matt seemed to know exactly what he was doing with me, and what he wanted. But, he admitted to me that I was the first guy he had ever done anything with. I knew that he must be sharing the same confusing thoughts that I was having.

In my classes that day, I could not concentrate. My ass was strangely warm and sore. The black invader of the previous night had stretched, and plowed, and popped through my sphincter muscle repeatedly. For a guy who liked fucking women so much, I was surprised at how much Matt was turned on by fucking me. He had been extremely passionate, and each time he came in my mouth or ass, he moaned loudly. While Matt had not sucked me, or let me fuck him, he asked me several times to jack myself as he watched me. It seemed to excite him when I did it.

At lunch in the caf I ate with a couple of friends, and Matt joined us after about twenty minutes. When my friends left the table, Matt smiled and asked: "So how's my white-boy's tight little ass doin today? Jas, I told you I have never done any shit like that with a guy before, but I gotta tell ya that you have one tight hole dude. Fuckin you was just incredible. Who would ever guess that a muscle stud like you who can pretty much fuck any girl on campus he wants would take it up the ass and deliever a primo blow job. I am honored to have been your first, Jas. But, somehow I don't think I will be your last."

I almost freaked out that Matt would talk about what we had done in the caf, and I looked around frantically to make sure no one was in ear shot or listening. I felt a little uncomfortable being called his white-boy, and to hear Matt talk about me sucking and getting fucked by him really surprised me, because I guess I just never thought that I would be capable of letting any guy do that stuff to me, or that I would ever willingly suck a guy off. But I had to admit to myself that I really got into it. And, I also knew that I had wanted to get sucked by Matt and to fuck him as well, but he was not ready for that yet he had said.

"Dude, I don't know what the fuck got into me. I've never done any of that stuff with anyone, and I'm not sure how it happened between us last night." I was almost whispering as I spoke. "But dude, I am straight, and I don't want to get into any more of that shit. I can't believe that I did it, but I gotta tell you that I am so fucking embarrassed by what I did. Dude, you can't mention this to anyone." I said almost pleadingly.

"No fuckin kiddin, Jas. Do you think I want anyone to know that I had sex with my roomie? Not a freakin chance. You don't have to worry about that dude. But, as far as your not doin this shit again, somehow I think you are wrong about that Jas. You seemed like you were lovin getting your hole plowed, and you gave me the best blow job I have ever had by far. So, sorry to disagree, but I think you'll be getting fucked and sucking many more times. Mark my words, bro."

Then, with his handsome smile Matt looked deep into my eyes and asked again: "So how is your cute little ass today? A touch tender?" He kept smiling, and I smiled back and responded.

"What the fuck do you think after you parked your freakin huge shaft deep inside? You nearly ripped it apart thanks! No wonder no girl wants to get fucked by you more than once, you're too freakin big for them to handle."

Still smiling, Matt continued to look at me. "So, I was hopin that you would invite me in again today. But it sounds like you have sworn off cock for the moment. Too bad, cuz I was really hopin that before we go to the gym, we could put the twine out again."

Hearing Matt say this caused my cock to swell. Deep within, I wanted this black stud's thick and hard rod to plunge into me again. He was right I was afraid. But, I couldn't let him think I was a closeted gay, just dying to get fucked. So, I told him that his cock had had its one and only visit to my "cute little ass," as he called it.

"Okay, but you realize that I am gonna make you beg me for it next time." He said with that incredibly handsome smile of his.

We left the caf together, but headed off to different classes. I found that I still could not concentrate. I kept envisioning Matt as his muscled body was stretched naked over mine, as I lay back with my legs spread and his warm, hard, and throbbing cock penetrating deep into my virgin ass. I recall being stunned when my own cock shot my juices onto his ripped cocoa colored abs and onto my own muscled mid-section as a result of his granite shaft's repeated hits on my prostate. As I had these thoughts in class, I realized that my own cock had swelled hard once again. I had to redirect my thoughts in order to get rid of my obvious woodie.

When I got back to the dorm, Matt had not yet gotten back from his class. Our room seemed strange to me now, just because it represented the place where I had had my first sexual experience with a guy. I looked at Matt's unmade bed and recalled that we had spent the night there, I servicing his sexual needs and letting him use me to satisfy himself repeatedly. I could think of nothing but what we had done. Now, I felt a slight panic creep over me. I knew that I needed to drop these thoughts, to study, to get back to normal. I left our room to go down the hall to visit my friend Marissa. I had to get my mind off of what Matt and I had done. I stayed with Marissa for about an hour and just talked. We had connected a couple of times, and we both enjoyed talking as well as one another's bodies. Today, we just talked. I felt better and thought things could be normal once again as I left Marissa's room to get ready to go to the gym.

Upon entering my own room, I immediately saw Matt lying totally naked on his bed with the hardon of the century. He was reading Sports Illustrated, and I took in his bulging biceps as they were flexed from his hands holding the magazine. His thick black cock was throbbing, with the fat mushroom head particularly full and engorged. His rock hard abdomen was rippled with muscle, and his hard cock stood upright, nearly touching the magazine which he was holding about a foot from his beautiful face. Clearly, Matt had pulled this naked stunt for my benefit. He didn't even look up to see me. He just offered a quick, "Hey dude", and kept reading.

"Goin to the gym?", I asked. I felt my own cock starting to swell, but I tried like hell to keep focused and grab my gym shorts and other stuff.

"Yeah, just want to finish this article." He said.

As I undressed, I realized that my cock was growing, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Seeing Matt's enormously rigid rod pulsing while he pretended to read was too much for me. I dressed with my back toward Matt, but I am sure he realized that his little display had had the intended effect. As I bent over with my naked ass facing in Matt's direction, I started to pull on my jock strap. I felt Matt suddenly behind me, with his thick, throbbing, rod pressed into my ass crack. I felt my own cock leap and grow in excitement. He said not a word. He was waiting for me to do something.

"Have you seen my strap?" Matt asked from behind. He pushed his cock a little harder against my crack, nearer my hole. I pulled away and turned. There was my incredibly built black lover of the previous night, aroused and erect, and pressing me for action. My own cock was throbbing, stuffed inside my jockstrap, but clearly obvious for Matt to see.

"Dude, I can't do this. Can't you just let me try?" I said, almost desperately.

Jas, you said last night was a one-time thing for you, right? Well, if that's true, that's cool. But it doesn't mean that the thought of what I did to you still doesn't get me going, dude. Fucking you was the experience of a lifetime. I loved it. The thought of it gets me hard. I've been hard all day thinking about fuckin you again. But, I won't do anything, unless you ask me. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna act like I don't want another go at your hot little white hole. Dude, get it straight. I fuck women just like you. But the thought of fucking the hottest white stud on campus, someone whom I have known and admired, whose body I have secretly watched, just like you have watched mine, is a hard thought for me to adjust to. I don't know what's goin on here, just that you are one hot fuck, and I found out last night that yours is the tightest hole this club has ever visited. I know I can get it up for a girl in a heartbeat, but right now this black magic wants to get warmed up in your hole. So, you're gonna have to adjust to seeing me naked and hard, cuz I want to tempt you, dude. And, I think it's gonna work eventually."

I stood silently as Matt said this to me, and what he said only excited me more. I felt my cock pushing against my jockstrap, and I felt my face was red with excitement as I looked at the naked cocoa beauty in front of me. His thick cock was pointing directly at my own, I looked down and saw the thick pinkish black head, and I noted veins protruding from the nearly nine inch shaft. I backed up and hit my bed with the back of my knees and fell to a sitting position. I was now staring at eye level at Matt's fully engorged cock.

"Let's skip the gym today," I said. And, I moved in on Matt's cock, opening my mouth wide to take his thick and pulsing black head into my mouth.

"Hold on, Jas. I want you to really want this. You have to ask me if you can suck me, and you have to ask me to fuck you. I don't want to go ahead with this if you are going to be having second thoughts about it every day."

"Matt, will you let me suck you? And, will you please fuck me? I'm sorry dude, I am just so fuckin confused. But I know I want to do this, and I want to feel your warm, hard cock deep in my ass."

"Go for it dude." He said with a smile.

This time, I savored the feeling of Matt's thick head as I passed my lips over it and licked it with my tongue. It was soft on the outside, but directly underneath, was an incredible hardness. I slid my mouth around and down the length of his cock, nearly gagging. At one point as I slid back and forth with Matt's strong hands at the back of my head, I felt his cock head actually make its way down my throat, and I did not gag. Instead, with repeated attempts, the thick cock began to go all the way into my mouth and part way down my throat. It was when it was lodged deep in my throat when Matt held me and I felt his warm cum coursing down my esophagus, he had cum again in my mouth.

I stood, faced Matt, and I felt some of his cum dripping from my lips. I licked it off and swallowed it also. Then, I moved into his face, and we kissed intensely for several long, and passionate minutes. Matt turned me around and asked me to simply bend over. I did, and he gently entered my ass with his just emptied cock. He had not softened in the least. Holding onto my hips, Matt pumped me for at least ten minutes. This time, he had no condom on. The warmth of his cock, its rigidity, the feeling of him entering and pulling out were all extremely stimulating for me, and I shot my cum onto the floor well before I felt Matt's cum pulse into my hot ass.

When Matt pulled out of me, we lay on my bed. I lay with my back toward Matt, and he reentered my ass with his still hard cock. As we lay there, Matt reached around and ran his hands up and down my torso, pinching my nipples and then, finally grasping my cock with his strong black hand. He spit into his hand several times, and lubed my cock with his saliva. The stimulation caused me to clench his cock that was buried deep in my ass very tightly. As Matt began to jack me, the feeling of having his hard cock in me while he jacked me was incredible. In no time at all, I came again, but Matt continued to massage my cock for several minutes after. The feeling was unreal for me.

We skipped the gym completely that night, and supper too. Instead, we explored one another's body's in more detail, more completely than we had the night before. By the time we finally fell asleep, it was after one in the morning. I awakened at about three and felt Matt's still partially hard cock still inside of my woefully stretched hole.

I did not know how this all had happened, but I knew that I could not deny the fact that having sex with Matt was an experience that was incredible for me. I decided not to worry about where it would lead me, and planned instead to just relax and enjoy it.

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