Sophomore Hump

By Take Notice

Published on Jul 24, 2012


At 7:30 AM I figured I couldn't wait any longer and decided, for better or worse, it was time to put my plan into action. First I went to Joe's room but he wasn't there. He must have gone out or something. Maybe he spent the night with a girl. It didn't matter. I crept into Raj's room and woke him up. He looked sleepily at his clock rolling over, "fuck off bitch." It struck me how Raj was so nice days ago and now he talked to me like every one else did. It also struck me how little I minded it after a while. I tugged at him, "please Raj just listen. It's important. You're going to want to hear this." He still didn't move. I knew I would have to do it. "I'll suck you off."

That got his attention. He sat up, resting his back against his pillow, his fat hairy belly hanging in front of him. "By the way where have you been? I thought having a cocksucker in the house meant I'd get some attention."

I started jerking his cock as we talked trying to firm it up so that when we finished talking I could start blowing him. I knew I was on a tight schedule. "Well, how would you like to have a second cocksucker around the house?" He raised an eyebrow. "Just hear me out." I told him my plan with Steve. I told him about the video that Jerome and Moe had made of me and how they wanted to make one of Steve. He seemed hesitant. "Listen, if we turn Steve then that means you and Joe will get all the attention you want. Not only will you have an extra bitch around, you have one less guy to compete with." He was nodding and his fat hard cock in my hand told me he was in. I leaned in and started sucking him off deepthroating him like a pro.

He moaned quietly "Damn bitch I love waking up to a blow job, even if it is at 7:30 on a saturday. He just softly humped my face for about ten minutes and eventually squirted my mouth full of cum. I drank it down as fast as I could, easing his long cock out of my mouth.

"Alright let's go." I stood up and walked out of his room.

When I opened Steve's door I was relived to see the girl he was with was gone. She could have complicated things significantly. I tiptoed in and climbed under the sheets. He was wearing a pair of boxer shorts so I reached in the fly opening and tugged out his semi hard cock. I began sucking it softly, easing him gently out of his sleep. After a couple minutes, his cock was rock hard and he was really pumping it into me. I knew he was awake when I felt his hand grip the back of my head pushing me down to his balls.

He didn't even say anything when he pumped his cock as deep as he could in my throat and started to shoot into me just as Raj had done 20 minutes earlier. I didn't even have to swallow as he delivered his cum directly into my throat. I sucked him clean as he pulled it out. I climbed out of his bed and walked naked over to the door. "Get up man, Raj and I want to do morning brews."

He rubbed his eyes and I walked out into the living room where Raj was holding the bowl of weed and drinking a beer at the table. Steve wandered out a few minutes later and we immediately began smoking him up. Steve had invented the concept of morning brews and was always the one hassling us into doing it. So when Raj and I wanted to do it he was ecstatic and got a little over aggressive with his drinking. Within 20 minutes he was three beers deep and suggested shots. Raj and I cajoled him into doing multiple shots of whiskey and by 9:00 AM he was good well on his way to being drunk. Still, drunk wasn't enough. I needed him incoherent. I pushed more shots on him and rolled a couple joints to keep him buzzing.

We hung around and joked back and forth, having a good time. By 10:30 Steve was slurring his words, "bitch, you should suck on thisss dickkkk bitchhh" he laughed. He held his package in his hand, pulled out of his shorts.

Raj looked at me, "yeah bitch how bout you get under the table and give us some head." He was in on the plan with me but that didn't mean he couldn't get another blow job out of it. Raj never really got laid often so he was eager for all he could get. I took a hit of the bowl and climbed under the table. Both guys dropped their pants to their ankles. I worked Raj's cock over with my mouth, rubbing his balls. He moaned pumping in and out of me. I switched over to Steve after a few minutes and sucked him. Then I got an idea. I sucked Steve like a pro, as best I could, until I could tell he was on the verge of cumming, then I switched back to Raj. I sucked for a couple minutes then went back to steve and again brought him to the edge of cumming before stopping.

He was getting impatient "Jesus bitch just let me cum." But Raj was pumping my mouth hard, I knew it wasn't a problem if Raj came so I sucked him down and let him blow in my mouth again, delivering a sizable amount of cum for the fact that it was his second in a couple hours.

I moved back over to steve and sucked his cock. Under the table, nobody could see me, so I took out my phone and set a ringer to go off in a minute. I sucked steve with a gusto. I could feel his nuts beginning to tense up when the alarm went off. I stopped sucking and heard steve slam his fist on the table above me. I pretended to answer the phone. "Hello? Really? Holy shit. Yeah I'll be right there."

I stood up naked and ran into my room, pulling on some pants and a t shirt. I walked into the living room looking at Raj and Steve, who looked like he might explode, and said "I'll be right back. Mr. Diaz said I left my wallet at his place last night."

As I stepped out the front door I heard Steve saying "You were at his place last night?"

I practically sprinted down the street and barged in Mr. Diaz's front door without knocking. I stopped, staring at the room. Jerome and Moe were both and the couch and a third black man who must have weighed 265 and was built like a bull. I was about to ask who it was but thought twice, knowing I had to go through with this regardless. I looked at the clock. It was about 11:10. "Listen, I know I'm early, but I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place to do this." Nobody said anything so I kept talking. "I mean, it would be easier if we could go to my place."

They all stood up and Jerome walked up to me and reached into my pants, stuffing his finger in my hole which, for once, did not have cum in it. I could tell once I felt his finger in it that it was still loose from earlier. "How's that pussy doin?" Then he slapped me on the ass playfully.

We all stepped out the front door and started walking toward the house. I tried to make small talk. "Where's Mr. Diaz?"

Moe responded, "Still sleeping. I think you put him in a sex coma with that pussy. This is Bun. He pointed at the big guy I didn't now." I stuck my hand out to shake his and he looked down at it like it was radioactive or something. I felt really stupid and withdrew it.

I started to explain what was going on. "Listen, he's pretty drunk but I have him completely boned up and if there's definitely a video to be made, now's the best shot." I sounded like a porn director. All I cared about was that video of me not going online. "Just go with the flow at first. He's going to wonder who you are."

The men laughed, looking at each other. Jerome responded smiling "sure bitch whatever you say."

We stepped into the house and Steve had moved to the couch and Raj sat in the chair. I walked in first, followed by my three black friends who, now that they were walking in behind me, clearly seemed pretty intimidating. Steve stopped rubbing his crotch through his shorts as I started to explain, trying to sound as casual as I could. "Yo I ran into these guys at Mr Diaz's place. They were doing morning brews too so I figured we could combine parties." Steve looked confused, Raj had his eyebrows raised, as if he was waiting to see if Steve was going to buy the story. I added "They have a bunch of pot and wanted to smoke with us." Steve still didn't look sold so I was happy to have Raj's help, who stood up and clapped his hands together, "Awesome. Then let's smoke," and he walked to the kitchen and grabbed a lighter.

Moe broke out another blunt and lit it up. As we passed it around everybody chatted. Steve seemed sort of quiet. Probably because he was horned up and just had his party crashed by three strangers. But after about 10 minutes of smoking everybody was relaxed. I still thought Steve might be getting close to where i wanted him, but to be sure I suggested shots.

Raj poured out six shot glasses and we all took a shot. Raj refilled them one more time and capped the bottle. As we toasted and tipped them back it occurred to me that in an attempt to get Steve wasted I had completely obliterated myself. Raj could hold his liquor better than anyone, probably because he was so big and, as usual, Jerome, Moe and their friend seemed calm and collected. Fortunately, the intended effect, Steve being out of his mind drunk before noon, seemed to be right on schedule.

Next I had to figure a way to ease the situation into a sexual thing. I walked into my bedroom, listening to the chatter in the other room, and dropped my pants and threw my shirt on the ground, standing naked in front of the mirror, running my hands over my hairless legs. I turned around and walked naked back out to the living room. When I stepped into the room I was happy to see that Bun sat up and adjusted himself quite prominently. I ignored everyone and went and kneeled at Steve's feet, taking his fat cock out of his pants and sucking it into my mouth. I looked up at him and his eyes looked like a kid in a candy shop. He was probably just happy to get his nut.

I bobbed up and down on it for a while and eventually he was hard again and pumping me. He started pumping faster and faster but I pulled my head free from his grip and stood up. The guys had gone back to chatting. Steven's hard cock was dripping in precum and spit as I walked over to Bun. He seemed happy to get the attention, running his fingers down my naked body. Steve sat frustrated as I felt the bulge in Bun's jeans which seemed, like Moe and Jerome's, to be pretty sizable.

Moe reached over and grabbed Steve's cock, jerking it slowly. At first Steve pulled back but, eager to cum, after a few minutes he was humping Moe's hand quickly, trying his best to orgasm. Moe pulled his hand away and Steve sort of grunted an objection. He must have been really stoned because he reached over to Moe's hand and placed it back on his cock, moving it up and down. Moe again began jerking his cock and as he did this he reached under Steve's crack and began rubbing up against his buttonhole.

Standing there with Bun, him running his hands over my body, watching Steve get played with by Moe, I thought how strange it was seeing steve in this position. Moe had moved over on the couch closer to Steve, who had just been passed the blunt by Jerome, and I realized that Moe was now up to his knuckle in Steve's asshole. Steve was just sort of mumbling quietly, his face turned into Moe's collar. Moe was looking at me smiling. I knew I had done good. I was relieved to have help from someone like Moe who clearly knew how to push someone's pussy button. He pushed his finger in and out and Steve just stayed in place, his eyes squinted shut. Moe was no longer touching his cock, only fingering his asshole, but Steve didn't seem to care. I knew the haze he was in right now, partially because I was in one right now, but mostly because it was the haze I was in last night when Moe and Jerome talked me into our threesome porno.

I watched as a second finger went in and Moe really started to pick up the pace. Steve grabbed onto Moe's thick hairy arm that was doing the finger banging but didn't stop him, just stabilized his body against it. A loud sucking noise was forming every time Moe stuffed his fingers deep into Steve's hole. Nobody was talking, we were all just sort of watching Steve and Moe. Steve must have been in another world. His head sagged to the side, the joint had burned out in his hand which eventually he dropped into the couch below him. Watching Moe finger him it struck me how Steve, who always seemed big to me, seemed small being played with by that 40 year old black man. Something about it. By now I was on my knees sucking on Bun's fat cock which was a thick 8 inches like Moe's. Still he was a much heavier man than the other two and you could feel his weight behind his cock when he was stuffing it into your mouth. He peeled off his shirt

revealing a thick smooth hairless chest.

I got lost in the moment sucking on Bun's cock. I was humming again, which Bun loved, and was focused on getting Bun off, completely forgetting what I was doing. When it occurred to me to turn around I looked over and was shocked by what I saw. Moe still had his fingers in Steve's butt. But the shocking thing was that Steve was laying down now, his mouth in Jerome's lap, Jerome's soft cock in his hand. I knew in that moment that we had him. I knew because I was the same way only eight hours ago. Looking at Steve with that cock in his hand I knew that, even if he didn't know it yet, he was going to do anything they wanted him to. Jerome was pressuring his face toward his cock and Steve didn't resist. He began to lick at the head gently with his tongue. I laughed to myself thinking that if I had acted so prissy the first time I sucked cock that night with Steve, he would have probably yelled at me.

Still, Jerome didn't say anything as his cock got harder, longer, and fatter. Moe now had three fingers pumping in and out of Steve's anus and Steve's small mouth was wrapped around Jerome's cockhead. It was all he could really take. Jerome's strong arms held him in place. Bun stepped away from me and reached into his bag, bringing out the camera. Jerome had Steve busy with his cock plus he was smashed out of his mind so he didn't notice when Bun started filming. I crawled forward and slipped Steve's cock into my mouth. He shuddered as I did. I felt a little envious of his position actually. But Steve was in another world, which I guess was sort of the point. When I stopped sucking he whined drunkenly. I looked up at Jerome and nodded.

Bun handed the paperwork over and the pen which was placed in Jerome's lap in front of Steve. "Sign here." Steve must have been smarter than I was because he said "what the fuck hell no." I pulled off of his cock and at the same time Moe tugged his fingers out of his ass. He shook his head, as if trying to shake off his drunken state. He sat back on his ass a little so that it could be closer to Moe's hand. This was it. It all came down to this moment. I knew I was all good when he said. "I mean, what does it say?"

Moe took this opportunity to begin fingering again, now at a rapid speed. I sucked down Steve's cock and he was once again back in a state of insane pleasure. I looked up to see Jerome laughing as Steve scrawled on the paper, then dated it. The second his pen left the paper the mood changed. Jerome stood up as did moe, wiping of his hand on Steve's ass cheek. Steve actually moaned as the two men stood up, stepping away from the couch. Steve collapsed forward onto his stomach, completely trashed, looking as though he might pass out. I knew he was going to need a lot of energy for what came next so I tried shaking him "Steve get up, you're passing out." He didn't rise. I didn't know what to do. If he passed out there was no video. I desperately tried to wake him. "Steve, Steve. Wake up man."

Moe shoved the papers in my face, "We need a witness to sign." I pushed his hand away as I tried to wake Steve but he persisted. "We need a witness." Steve was beginning to stir. Exasperated, I picked up the pen, signed and dated, still shaking steve.

"What," he sat up confused. Jerome grabbed Steve by the arm and roughly jerked him off of the couch. Steve looked shell-shocked, on his knees on the floor. Bun walked over and grabbed his head, pulling his mouth over his cock. I could see Steve struggling, trying to get the penis out of his mouth, but Bun pulled him down. I knew that Bun's cock was probably pushing into Steve's throat right now and, just on schedule, Steve started gagging. Bun pulled his dick loose and Steve coughed up a bunch of spit onto the floor. I could tell he was still drunk but he said "What the fuck? Stop?"

Jerome pulled Steve up by his shirt until he was standing and slapped him hard. Steve looked suddenly sober, with big glassy eyes and a red cheek. "Listen bitch, you just signed a form saying we can do whatever the fuck we want to you today and film it. You understand?" Steve just looked blankly at him. "That form you signed? That was your permission for us to shoot a porno with you. And guess what bitch? You're going to be the bottom. The way bottom." Steve just looked at me. I couldn't tell from his expression whether he had put things together yet, or whether he knew I was the one that put him in this situation.

Moe grabbed Steve by his arm and walked him into the bathroom, pulling off his shirt as he did so that now Steve was, like me, completely naked. Jerome looked at me and said "Go." I started walking toward the bathroom, unclear about what was going on. As I crossed the doorway Moe looked at Steve and said, "Why don't you ask your friend here. He's the one who planned this." Steve looked at me dead in the eye as Moe closed the door.

He was drunk but he was also mad. "What the fuck did you do to me? Why the fuck are these guys here and why are they talking about a porno?" I just sort of shifted awkwardly not knowing what to say. "Well? What the fuck? Listen, I'm not a fucking bitch, like you!"

I don't know why I said it but someone needed to, "Then why is your dick so hard?" That shut him up, he looked down at his cock which was rock hard. I swallowed my fear and boldly pressed on "Is it because you can still taste Bun's cock? Or is it because you're thinking about when Moe was fingering you?"

"Just shut the fuck up." He was pissed. "Just tell me why the fuck these guys are here."

I knew Moe and Jerome would just tell him if I didn't and, given what I had done to him, I figured I owed him an explanation. I figured, if he knew this would be online, he may at least be able to tone it down and just try to take it quietly. I started out slowly, explaining how Mr. Diaz had taken me home last night and then refused to let me in his room. I made sure to emphasize that Steve was the one that gave me to Mr. Diaz in the first place. I continued explaining how I ran into Moe and Jerome and how one thing led to another and they started fucking me. Finally I told him about the form they made me sign in the heat of the moment like they did to you, and how it was so that they could put all the video they shot on their porn website.

Steve went from livid to scared shitless. His voice cracked when he spoke. "So why the hell are they here? Why do they want to do this to me? You planned this?"

This was the worst part but I had to face it as best I could. "Listen, I can't lie. They said that they wouldn't put the video of me that they took on their website if I got them someone else to do it." I looked at the ground. "I mean..." I was starting to realize how horrible this was. "I know it looks like I'm saving my own skin but...." That was exactly what I was doing. I looked him in the eyes and said the only thing I could say that was true. "Steve you were the one who turned me into this and it's like you said that first night. 'All's Fair' I mean, they didn't exactly force you to sign that contract out there. You signed it because you wanted more of what they were doing to you. And now you're going to get more." I was riled up now.

Steve put aside his fear for a moment and said to me, "You fucking moron. I suppose you got a new contract then? One that says they can't post that video on the internet? Or did you just rip up the old contract?" My fists unclenched as I stood, naked, facing Steve who was also naked (and who still had a hard cock I might add that he was doing his best at hiding).

I was sort of stunned by what Steve had just said. "Well I mean, no. But they said..."

"And you were going to what, take their fucking word for it?" I realized how stupid I was. In the rush to get Steve into their trap I didn't even think to get the contract back from them. For the first time since I had put my plan into action this morning, I began to again feel panicked. What did this mean? I had just screwed my best friend into having to get fucked by three black guys and I was probably still going to plastered all over the internet getting plowed from both ends. "Jesus christ you dumb fucking asshole!" He was sounding scared again. I felt horrible. I shouldn't have done any of this. I wished again that I didn't always think with my pussy.

When the door opened Steve went pale white. We both walked out into the living room I looked over Bun's massive body, his large chubby belly and big square chest. He pulled a quivering Steve into his lap in the chair. I thought of his big cock and then told myself, even if my video does go online, at least I'm only taking it from two black guys. I tried to imagine how Steve would even handle all three cocks at once. I might be able to, but not steve. He was a virgin for god sakes. I felt horrible for what I had done to Steve, especially since I knew Jerome and Moe had no intention of withholding the tape of me from last night. StilI had to try. "Jerome, so can we rip up that old contract that I signed? The one that gives you permission to post that video?"

He looked at me smiling. "Really? Do you really see that happening now?" I knew I was fucked. Steve was right. I was such an idiot. I should have asked them to rip the contract up earlier. "Besides, you don't have time to be negotiating contracts you've got to shoot a video."

I was confused, looking over at Steve who listened carefully. Jerome continued "Yeah you just signed another video contract with our company."

Steve was sneering at me, still sitting in Bun's lap. "What do you mean? I just witnessed Steve's contract."

Jerome walked over to me, his big dick swinging between his legs, and said "Did you see the word witness under that line?" He laughed.

Now I realized why they had three guys. There were two bitches. I tried to object, "I thought we had a deal you guys, what the fuck." But deep down I knew better than to object. I knew that they were going to do what they wanted with us and that there was nothing we could do to stop them from posting this video on their website. I should have realized that last night. I resigned completely then and there and said to myself, if you're going to get wet, might as well go swimming. I got onto my knees and leaned forward, taking Jerome's cock into my mouth, partially just to wipe the sneer off Steve's face.

He let me suck him off for a couple minutes before Moe said "All ready when you are." Jerome pushed me off his cock and Bun stood up, holding Steve in his arms.

The group, including Raj, all began walking toward Steve's room. Steve objected "Where are we going?"

Bun just looked down at him in his arms, smiling "We gonna pop that cherry in yo bed bitch. So you can always remember the day you became a lady."

Bun's comment brought renewed protest, "Please don't do this you guys. I'm not a faggot. I don't want to do this. Please don't fuck me. I'll suck your cocks but please don't fuck me."

Moe just laughed, "You're gonna suck our cocks anyways bitch." We stepped into his bedroom and they threw him on the bed, "Hands and knees bitch." Jerome pointed at the spot next to him. I knew what he wanted. I walked over and crawled onto the bed, getting on my hands and knees right beside Steve, knowing the video was going to be a double feature. I hung my head low, not wanting to look over at Steve. When I finally did turn my head slightly I could see him glaring at me. It may have been because he was really stoned or it may have been because he was crying but his eyes were all red and swollen. Still, I looked down and his cock was still rock hard between his legs, just like mine.

Jerome slapped my ass hard and I winced, "Should I be the one to take his cherry?"

Steve's eyes widened but he didn't say anything. I spoke for him "You can't. He'll be too tight. First Moe or Bun has to break in his pussy." Steve buried his face into his bed sheet below him. I knew he didn't want to hear it but I continued. "Maybe Raj should do it." I remembered when Raj broke mine in. He had at least penetrated me gently, which is more than I would expect from Moe, Bun, or Jerome.

Steve looked over at Raj, who had been largely silent as Steve was turned from alpha-male to bitch. Raj finally spoke up. "I'll break it in." Steve returned his gaze to the mattress below him.

I whispered to Steve, trying not to let the camera hear, "Wouldn't you rather lose your virginity with a guy you know?"

Steve just yelled out, "I'd rather not lose my virginity at all!"

Jerome scooped me up and positioned my ass in front of Steve's face. "Well you are gonna lose it faggot. We gonna make you a pussy just like this one." I felt Jerome spreading my but cheeks so that Steve could see. "And after I fuck you, yours is gonna look just like this." Steve broke out crying which, I knew from experience, wouldn't slow these guys down one bit. Raj hesitated but when Moe said "Either you fuck the bitch or one of us will," he lined up his cock with Steve's tight asshole.

Steve also tried to hide his face from the camera and I could tell he was trying to keep his voice steady when he said "Raj don't. Please. I'm not a bitch. I'm not a faggot. I was just high. Please don't do this."

I leaned closer to Steve, "try to push out with it, like you're pooping. It makes it easier." Bun lined up behind me and his cock entered my hole easily.

I have no idea if Steve took my advice or not. But, just like I did, he was thrashing and yelling as Raj slid his cock into him. "Take it out! Take it out! Take it out!" As I watched him get his ass filled with cock for the first time, I felt less bad. After all, I lost my virginity to Raj too, when Steve forced me to bet it in a poker game.

Bun was pumping his cock in and out slowly. I moaned slightly then I repeated my advice over Steve's crying "Try to push it out. If you don't he's gonna rip your pussy."

Steve looked at me, tears rolling down his face, and I knew that he had listened because Raj said "Ooh yeah bitch. Nice tight pussy," his dick sliding in a few more inches, making Steve yelled again. Raj began pushing and pulling his cock in and out of Steve for a minute or two only going half way then announced loudly "Here it comes."

Steve was clawing at the sheets in front of him, trying to get away, "No, please don't" but Raj's big hairy arms held him firmly in place as he steadily sunk his entire rod into Steve's ass. Steve didn't make any noise, his arms just gave out in front of him and his face hit the mattress. Raj began slowly drawing his cock back out and then thrust it back in again. A loud exhalation of air came from Steve's mouth. Raj repeated this and each time, Steve would breathe out, trying not to scream.

Behind me, Bun was jackhammering my pussy. I couldn't help it and I began to moan. Steve was looking at me as I moaned, taking his cock deep every time, slamming my ass back against Bun's massive body. "Yeah bitch. You like that dick? You like that dick?"

He pumped in and out and I moaned. "yeah Fuck my pussy daddy. It feels so good." He tugged his cock free of my pussy, flipped me on my back and again entered me. As I moaned, my head drifted to the side and I could see Steve looking at my cock, which was shrunken down and soft between my legs. I rubbed the skin between my balls and my asshole and it felt taught, stretched by Bun's big black cock.

Raj, meanwhile went into overdrive. I watched as he brought his shaft out, each time almost to the point that only his tip was in Steve's pussy, then brought it slamming back in. Steve had his eye's shut now but at Raj's cock sped up I could hear Steve moaning a little under his breath. I did my best to stay quiet as Bun fucked me, so that we could hear Steve. He must have been holding his breath or something because at a certain point he just kind of exhaled suddenly and let out a loud guttural moan.

Raj pulled his cock out of Steve's ass who stayed obediently on his hands and knees. I knew what was going through his mind right now. He was trying to figure out why he wanted Raj to put it back in. Why his pussy felt so empty without a cock in it. Raj flipped him over on his back and ignored Steve's meak protests, "please, don't." pushing Steve further onto the bed. Raj climbed up and perched squatting above Steve's upturned ass, his fat dick pointing at the entrance. Raj sunk his cock back in and started bouncing up and down, his cock dunking repeatedly into Steve's ass. Raj's thrusts made the bed bounce and my asshole bounced beneath Bun whose massive form was standing by the bed with his cock planted in my ass. For a second I thought it was me moaning, then I realized it was Steve. He was moaning out long, low, ragged breaths.

Raj taunted Steve "Yeah bitch. Now Joe and I run the house. Same rules apply. No more clothes for you bitch." He slapped Steve's ass hard. Raj must have really found a good angle to hit his pussy because Steve looked like he was loving it. His eyes shut as he took Raj's pole up his butt like a veteran whore. I realized Jerome and Moe both had cameras and both had tripods. They had reconnected the cameras to the tripods and walked into the frame. Both Steve and I were on our backs. Moe kneeled above Steve and Jerome kneeled above me ready to stick their hard cocks in our mouth. As I prepared for Jerome's huge cock to enter my mouth again I looked over at Steve. Moe wasn't as patient as Jerome and was already cramming as much meat down Steve's throat as he could. Jerome playfully slapped his cock on my face as i watched.

Steve had sucked a little bit on Jerome's cockhead out in the living room, but Moe had his cock in so far I knew Steve had to be deep throating him. Steve's eyes were huge. I couldn't imagine what was going through his mind, his lips stretched around a huge black dick like that. Moe started humping his cock back and forth. Steve was actually deep thraoting it. "Damn this cocksucker is even more of a natural than you." I doubt this is what Steve wanted to hear. Still, it kind of made me mad, so I grabbed Jerome's cock and pulled him down so it slid into my mouth. I wanted to show Steve how to really suck cock. Both men humped our mouths and we were still getting pounded in the ass.

As Bun's cock hammered my pussy and Jerome's hammered my mouth, I kept my eyes to the side, on Steve. Raj pumped him from the back and Moe in the front. He had figured out what I did hours earlier, the best thing was just to go limp. I watched as they pulled steve's body back and forth between them, pulling his pussy and his mouth back and forth on and off their fat cocks. I knew from the feeling of Jerome and Bun invading my holes that the walls of Steven's throat and pussy were stretched as far as they could go as the heavy members dragged in and out of them.

As bad as it was knowing that me and now steve were both going to be plastered all over the internet taking fat dicks from both ends, I was really having a good time. A big part of me relaxed when I saw Steve had at least partially accepted what was going on. I could tell he knew the truth. That me and him were somehow different from the men pushing their cocks into us. To be honest, as I thought about it, Steve seemed to accept it quicker than I did. I could tell a part of him knew no matter what we told ourselves, we were cock sluts. Born to serve the dicks of men who will let us have them.

Raj started to hump faster, tipping his body to the side and penetrating at an angle. "I'm real close."

Jerome kept humping my mouth "Blow in that faggot's belly." I knew Steve would freak out but Moe held him in place as Raj got closer and closer to orgasm. When he did the rest of us immediately heard the loud squishing noises of Raj's dick fucking cum deeper and deeper into Steve's newly minted pussy. Raj finally came to a slow halt and then pulled out of Steve's asshole. I watched as Steve's hand wandered towards his pussy. I knew from experience he was wondering how stretched out it was. Before he could feel it, Moe walked around to take Raj's place, forcing Steven to cough up his cock.

Steve was worried "Please, you can't. I didn't want him to cum inside." Moe sunk his cock in, shutting Steve up quick. In only a few thrusts Steve was again moaning. Now, without a cock in his mouth, everyone could hear what was on his mind.

His voice sounded high pitched as he wined, "oooh yeah oooh yeah please fuck me."

Moe pumped him hard "who yo daddy faggot?"

Steve wined "Your my daddy. Your my daddy. Please please just fuck me."

Moe kept egging him on, "You like your new pussy."

Steve responded loudly "Yes I like my new pussy" I knew he was in heaven, where all he wanted was more cock. Raj walked around to the front of him and shoved his dick into Steve's mouth, forcing him to clean it, like I had to every time one of these guys fucked me. Steve obediently sucked it clean and Raj pulled out. He walked to the corner, put on some pants and opened the door.

"Yo I gotta go. it's been real guys. Steve... uh… haha. good luck with that." Steve was wide eyed, still being hammered by Moe. The door swung shut and Raj was gone.

Still, once Raj left, Steve seemed to not even care anymore about appearances. He yammered on "Yeah daddy, Yeah daddy. Fuck my pussy good. Yeah yeah." Moe was fucking him hard and I noticed that Steve's cock was soft, just like mine as Bun fucked me.

Moe was egging him on, "Tell daddy you're a little faggot"

Steve practically yelled it, "I'm a little faggot!" Moe rewarded him by hammering his ass hard, holding him close to him as his dick dug deep into his pussy.

As he held Steve's ass over his big black dick Jerome pulled his cock out of my mouth and said "Think she's ready for me?"

Moe pulled his cock out of Steve's butt. "As ready as she'll ever be."

Steve wasn't listening he just kept repeating "Please daddy please just fuck me" like a broken record. Jerome shoved me off the bed violently and I crashed to the floor. I stood up and watched as Jerome sat with his back against the headboard and pulled Steven's body into his lap so that he was facing the camera which was now positioned at the foot of the bed.

Jerome told Steve "Don't worry bitch you're gonna get fucked. All you can handle." I couldn't believe what was about to happen. If someone had told me I'd have to take a cock like Jerome's right after I lost my virginity I'd be scared shitless. Still, it had really only been an hour or so and Steve's pussy was about to take it's third cock. Jerome looked at Moe, pointing to me, "You two can double dick her while I bust this one out." I laughed thinking he was joking. Jerome was laughing too "Maybe we can get em both crying." He couldn't be serious.

Jerome promptly positioned his pole at the entrance of Steve's pussy. When Steve felt the massive head, which barely seemed to fit between his butt cheeks let alone into his pussy, he started bucking but Jerome had no problem holding him. "You can't. Jerome it's too big. Don't. Just let me fuck Moe. Or Bun!"

Meanwhile, I was having problems of my own. Bun lay on his back on the bed and pulled me on top of him so that I was facing the ceiling. He pushed his fat cock back into my pussy. It felt stretched enough just with Bun but when Moe got on top and started pushing at it. Bun pulled his cock out about half way, making a bit more room for Moe. When Moe's head popped in I screamed, louder than I ever had before, louder than Steve had. Still we were both shouting. "Please Don't. It's going to rip. Please stop." As tears streamed down my face and I listened to Steve's wavering cries, I realized that Jerome's prediction was right, we did both end up crying.

The three black men just laughed "just look at these pussies." They were right. We were both speared on cock, crying. I realized both videos now showed me bawling as I took cock. The men under me were now humping their cocks into me simultaneously. I was sure I must be paralyzed or something. I had no idea how wide my asshole must have been to accommodate both of their cocks at once.

I looked over and Steve was white as a ghost, sitting all the way to the base on Jerome's enormous nine inch cock which was as fat as a beer can. For a moment, I actually forgot about the horrible pain I was feeling as Moe and Bun pounded my pussy together, as I watched Jerome begin pushing and pulling his cock in and out of Steve's asshole. I hadn't really seen this before. I guess it's hard to get a good look at your own pussy when you're being fucked. I watched as Steve's butt hole seemed to swallow Jerome's enormous dick. I could see his swollen pussy lips shuddering as the cock pushed in.

I saw that steve's cock had, like mine did when Jerome fucked me, sucked up into his body. I pointed at my penis, to signal for him to look, and realized mine had done the same, probably since Moe and Bun were both pumping their cocks into me at the same time. Steve looked down and I didn't really know if he was processing it, because Jerome had picked up the pace.

For a few minutes nobody was talking. All you could hear was the creaking of the bed, the slapping of skin, and low grunts or soft moans. Finally Jerome broke the silence. I looked up and he was tweaking Steve's nipples "Told you I was gonna fuck you like a faggot didn't I?"

Steve just mumbled incoherently, his voice shaking as his pussy got drilled "yes, you told me. I'm a faggot. Be your pussy. Im your pussy" He wasn't even making sense. Still Jerome pumped in and out of him. Steve was lucky that I had sucked Jerome's cock off for a while before he got fucked with it because otherwise Jerome could have been pounding him forever. Steve started to wine "Yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah." Suddenly I watched as clear watery sperm shot out of Steve's dick head. His eyes were wide open now, "uh uh uh uh, yeah yeah yeah daddy." I knew his ass was probably spasming around Jerome's cock right now.

Jerome's entire body was dripping in sweat. "Yeah cunt. I can feel your pussy grabbing at my cock. Bout to cum up in that ass bitch. You ready?" Steve was nodding frantically but Jerome wasn't satisfied "Tell daddy that you're ready."

Steve just moaned "Cum up in my ass daddy. Cum in my pussy." Around this time, my own cock started spewing. It almost hurt as my ass muscles contracted since they had nowhere to go, stretched so far over Moe and Bun's dicks. Jerome also moaned loudly and cum immediately seemed to be everywhere. Steve's chute was probably drenched in it but it had dripped out so rapidly that it was all over Jerome's legs and Steve's ass. Moe and Bun were still humping my asshole as we watched Steve and Jerome grinding against each other in the after glow.

Jerome was looking right at Steve when he said to Moe and Bun, "over here boys. One of you in her mouth, one on her face." They pulled out of me and I collapsed. Jerome looked at me, laying covered in my own cum, my ass throbbing from taking two cocks, and said "You can film bitch." I stood up and I could barely walk as I stomped toward one of the cameras.

Steve was experiencing the post-cum shame that I had come to know so well "Please stop. I don't want cum in my mouth. Please don't. You can cum on my face. Please just don't cum in my mouth." Bun's cock, still wet with my ass juices, shoved into Steve's mouth as I approached with the camera. His ass was still slipping around in Jerome's lap when Moe, who was jacking with his cock in front of Steve's face, started to cum. He grunted as two hard streams of jizz shot Steve right in the face. More cum followed in short volley's. Before long, cum was dripping down over his lips which were stretched around Bun's cock which pumped in and out of his head.

Steve's head just kind of went limp. He had clearly given up trying to control it and planned to just let Bun finish, even if it was in his mouth. Bun began to moan and pulled his cock out so that only the head was in Steve's mouth. He proceeded to fill Steve's mouth with cum. An experienced cocksucker like myself knows Steve would probably have preferred Bun just shoot directly down his throat. "Swallow cocksucker." Bun's voice was so low and baritone. Steve swallowed, just the cum started dribbling out the corners of his mouth. As he swallowed Bun sank his cock deep into his throat, pumping the last of his load into Steve's stomach. Finally he tugged out.

Steve was in Jerome's lap, his chest heaving. All of us had cum. It was everywhere. Mostly on Steve. It was dripping out of his ass all down his legs and his ass cheeks were also covered with Jerome's load and probably some of Raj's. His face was soaked in splooge. He stood up and put his hand over his ass, running out of his bedroom and into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. The guys were all pulling on their clothes laughing. Jerome quickly forced me to clean his cock since Steve didn't do it before running off. As Jerome pulled his shirt on and packed the camera away in his bag he stopped and handed me a business card. "Check this website in a couple hours." It was his website: As I read it the guys all walked out. No goodbye, no nothing.

I didn't have a pocket so I left Jerome's card on Steve's desk and ran over to the bathroom. Luckily the door wasn't locked. I walked in to find Steve on the toilet, just as I had been after Raj had taken my cherry. His face was red as he pushed really hard and no words were spoken between us as I watched him try to shit out all the cum Jerome and Raj had shot up his butt. Finally, he wiped his ass with toilet paper then he reached below his body and touched his asshole.

I stepped forward and grabbed his arm "Here I'll show you." I pulled him into my bedroom and bent him over in front of the mirror so that he could see his new pussy. For good measure, I bent over too. They were both wide and loose.

He looked over at me, "Does it ever go back to normal."

I didn't know what to say. "I honestly don't really know." Tears started welling up in his eyes. "I mean, mine did, after Raj fucked me" I didn't want to lie to him "But honestly it hasn't really been the same since Jerome fucked me." He fell back naked onto the floor, I sat next to him. I told him about what Joe had told me about getting pussy wrecked and how I didn't want it to happen to me. It was strange, sitting there naked talking like this with Steve, but it was actually kind of nice to have company.

We were brought back to reality when Raj and Joe opened the door. Joe was smiling down at Steve "So I missed all the festivities?"

Steve blushed covering his private parts. "No dude, I swear. I didn't-"

Joe didn't want to hear any of it, "Raj told me everything bitch." He stood Steve up and bent him over. "What did someone drive a fucking freight rain into your butt?" He spanked Steve whose cock had begun to harden. Joe grabbed Steve by the arm and pushed him into the bathroom "Shave up bitch." He pulled the door shut.

I didn't even wonder. I knew that Steve was in there shaving. I knew he would do what Joe told him now. I realized when Jerome and Raj and Joe all talked about breaking in a pussy, it wasn't just a physical thing. It was a mental thing. Steve knew his place now. That he was here to serve people like Raj and Joe, and Jerome. I wasn't surprised when the water turned off and steve walked out naked all of the hair below his neck completely shaved off. Joe just laughed "you fucking fags. I can't believe the shit you get off on. Get over here." Steve kneeled at his feet and Joe shoved his cock into his mouth.

Raj looked at me and I kneeled at his feet and sucked him off. Joe and Raj were smiling at one another. "This is going to be a great year."

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