Sophomore Hump

By Take Notice

Published on Jul 23, 2012


Mr Diaz and I laid together in my bed, his fat soft cock still slipping around in my asshole which was wet in cum which he must have been saving up for years. I could feel his hairy belly against my back. He was rotating his hips around slowly, rubbing his pelvis against my asscheeks, his cum squishing between us. It felt like heaven. I didn't even care that it was our 50 year old landlord, who spoke in broken english, grinding his cock against my ass, which in only a couple days I had quickly come to know as my pussy.

His stubby fingers roamed around my body, and he kissed the back of my neck, his mustache scratching against my skin. I felt like heaven lying there with him. When he rolled off of me, I wished he hadn't, but I stayed still. I felt dazed, as though Mr Diaz had fucked a screw loose in my head. I laughed to myself. If I saw a girl in my condition I'd be thinking, that's one well-fucked bitch. I stretched out, turning my head over to see Mr Diaz pulling his wife beater back on. Only fifteen minutes ago all I wanted was for Mr. Diaz to leave so I could get some sleep. Now, still sticky from the load he had dumped in me, all I wanted was for him to stay and fuck me more.

I sat up, the cum spilling onto the bed out of my asshole. "You're leaving? Why? Did I do something wrong?" After wishing he would stay, the first thing I thought was that I hoped either Raj or Joe were still awake, and if they were, that one of them would fuck me. I looked over and the clock said it was 2:50 AM.

Mr Diaz held his button down in his hands, pulled on his baseball cap and stood, wearing only his wife beater with his big dick hanging out under his hairy belly. He slapped my ass. "Ven conmigo puta. Vamos." I didn't understand. I looked up at him quizzically. "We go." He grabbed me by the arm and began to pull me out of my room. I looked back at the small pool of cum that had formed on my bed as we entered the hallway.

As we walked out I asked him "What are we doing?"

He looked up at me as he sat in the chair. "My place." Mr. Diaz lived about five houses down from us, hence why he was always bugging us. He started to tug his jeans up his legs without putting on his underwear. I was just happy that he still wanted to spend the night with me, so I quickly kneeled in front of him before he pulled up his jeans and took his cock into my mouth. I guess he didn't plan to clean all the cum off before putting on his jeans. What I liked about Mr. Diaz was he never asked for these things. Probably because he could never ask his wife. Still, I knew I was different.

I licked his cock clean and began tonguing around his crotch area until I had licked up as much cum as I could. When I finished, his thick hairy hand pulled my face upward by my chin. He looked at me and smiled "Gracias puta." I loved how he had such white teeth, which set against his black-haired five o'clock shadow and mustache, seemed even whiter. We stood up and he pulled up his jeans buttoning them. I looked at his ass and my cock stiffened a little. Mr. Diaz, who hours ago was the last man I would have wanted to fuck me, now seemed so sexual and masculine. His big round ass, that I knew was covered in curly hair, filled out his jeans so well. I actually couldn't wait to get back to his house so I could bury my face in between his cheeks again.

I turned toward my room "Just let me get cleaned up and get some clothes." His hand grabbed my wrist and held me in place.

"Here." He tossed me his cotton bikini briefs that he had on earlier as he slipped into his shoes. Now, i had cleaned up Mr Diaz, but I was still dripping in cum. It had dripped down my legs.

I held the briefs out in front of me. Mr. Diaz was a fat guy. How I was going to fit in his underwear was beyond me. I blushed, already knowing that if it came down to it, I'd wear them to his place if it meant getting more cock. "I can't go outside like this. At least let me clean off."

The smile faded from his face and something in me felt like I had insulted him. I couldn't tell if he looked angry or just sad. I thought of my cum covered ass and the semen on my legs and then I thought of his smile again. It was actually sort of sweet that he wanted me to wear his underwear, that he didn't care about the cum. It occurred to me that he had deliberately not worn them when he put on his jeans, planning for me to wear them. In an effort to see him smile again, I stepped into them and pulled them up my legs and over my ass. I was glad to see his smile return.

They were way too big for me so I had to hold them awkwardly at the waist to keep them up. Fortunately the large pouch that had formed from holding his cock gave my hard dick plenty of room. Mr Diaz looked at me, "We go?" I walked toward the door in front of him. As I opened it up, he stopped me. He held out his button down and put it around my shoulders, without putting my arms in the sleeves. He ran his hands up and down my sides and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Then he said "Now we go."

I walked out into the night, glad it was late and that the streets were deserted. We only had to walk down a few houses to get to his place. Unfortunately, as we walked I could see two shadows walking toward us on the sidewalk. Just my luck. I swore to myself, thinking about what this must look like: Mr Diaz, a thick fat hairy latino man in jeans and a wifebeater, which didn't fully cover his big stomach, walking next to a thin white college student wearing enormous underwear which obviously belonged to Mr. Diaz, and an oversized flannel shirt that also clearly belonged to Mr Diaz.

I looked down at the cement as we walked. For some reason I felt like if I didn't look up it wasn't happening. If I didn't see who it was, I wouldn't have to think about it. I could hear their footsteps getting closer. Mr. Diaz must have been pretty perceptive because he clearly picked up what was going on. I threw him a sidelong glance and he was looking at me angrily under his thick bushy eyebrows. He reached over and grabbed my ass, pulling my body into his just as the figures approached and put his hand across my stomach.

I was mortified, I looked up to see two frat guys that I'd seen around school a couple times and, in my embarrassment, I nearly let go of the underwear I was wearing, forcing me to gather the fabric back up in my hands as they stared. Fortunately, the fabric was sort of stuck to my ass from all of the cum and they didn't fall completely. Both guys had their eyebrows raised and, even in the dark, they could probably tell I was blushing. Hopefully they couldn't tell I had cum dripping down my legs. As we walked past them, Mr Diaz squeezed my ass twice and let me go.

I could hear the frat guys behind us laughing loudly the second they past us. They really must have been drunk, as though the loss of eye contact somehow put them out of earshot. I heard one say to the other, "Did you see that." I looked back and saw one of them had his camera phone pointing right at me. I turned my head quickly, and heard the click. I was relieved that at least my face wasn't in the picture. We kept walking and I was happy when we got in front of Mr Diaz's house.

I was still thinking of the frat guys we had passed on the sidewalk, wondering whether they knew my roommates or any of my other friends for that matter. However, the frat guys were the last thing on my mind when I stepped into Mr. Diaz's front door and saw two portly thickset black men sitting on the couch, one of them smoking a cigarette without his shirt on, ashing into a bowl on the coffee table. Embarrassed of my outfit, I turned around and immediately ran into Mr. Diaz behind me. Flustered, I blushed, holding his underwear up as high as I could, and quickly turned back around to face them, in order to prevent them from seeing all the cum on the backs of my legs. Mr Diaz was smiling.

"Damnn, look atchoo!!" One of the black men was laughing. The one who was smoking didn't say anything. He just looked at me, scowling.

I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything. I grabbed onto Mr. Diaz's arm, hoping he'd walk me into his bedroom. Instead he just pulled his arm away, yawning. "Bathroom." He walked over and opened a door, closing it behind him. I stood uncomfortably, the two black men looking me up and down. I should have left then and there. Walked out the door and ran home. But part of me knew that everyone back there was asleep. If I went home, nobody would fuck me. Mr Diaz had gotten me all horned up again and now I just wanted more dick. I stepped lightly as I walked to an available chair and sat down nervously.

The man who had spoken earlier said to me, "You getting cum on that chair bitch" and again broke out in laughter. I felt like shooting back at him that it was Mr. Diaz's cum and that since it was Mr. Diaz's house it's really none of this asshole's business. Still, it's hard to get stern with anybody when you're wearing some 50 year old man's underwear and covered in his cum. The other black man just kept smoking quietly, staring me down. Iooked them over. They both looked like they were in their 40s. One of the guys had just blue cotton shorts on and a wife beater. His bulge showed easily in under the thin material it was held by. The other guy who was now finishing up his cigarette was wearing jeans and no shirt and had a shaved head that shined in the light. He had hair all over his chest and stomach Both men were plump, with big pecs and round belly's but were by no means fat.

I was relieved when I heard the bathroom door open again so I could get out of this awkward situation. I stood quickly, not wanting Mr Diaz to see I had sat on his chair with cum on me. But without even looking at me Mr. Diaz walked out of the bathroom and entered the hallway leading to his room. I walked slowly after him and as I turned the corner I heard his door close. I didn't know what was going on. I turned the handle and realized it was locked. I turned around, and thought twice, not wanting to go back out into the living room like some slut that just got rejected. I'm better than that, I told myself. I lightly knocked on the door. I heard the bed creek and footsteps walk toward me.

I pulled the underwear material tight against my ass and sort of stuck it out when Mr. Diaz opened the door, hoping to turn him on and get a bit more cock. He was naked, rubbing one of his eyes looking at me confused. I stood up straight, wondering why he wasn't letting me in. He reached forward and tugged down his underwear from my legs. I stood there naked as he turned around, threw them into the corner of his room, and slammed the door in my face behind him.

What the fuck was going on? I was standing there naked in Mr. Diaz's house, two strange black men I didn't know hanging out in the living room, and now Mr. Diaz wouldn't let me into his room. I stood silently, my hands covering my genitals, not wanting the black guys to know I wasn't in Mr. Diaz's room. I tried to think of what to do but I couldn't. All I could think of was that only three days ago if someone had told me I'd be in this situation I would have thought they were insane. I started rubbing my smooth shaved legs to get the cum off at least. I got as much as I could. With nothing to wipe it on I figured, what the hell, I'm alone, and quickly licked it off of my fingers.

Eventually I figured, the only dignified thing to do (as if dignity was even an option at this point) was to walk out the door calmly and quietly and run home like the devil was chasing me. I realized how strange this would appear to the two black guys out in the living room but it was the only way. I summoned up as much courage as I could and turned the corner, making a straight line toward the door. Not wanting to make any eye contact, I stared at the floor, walking naked. The second he saw me, the guy who couldn't stop laughing earlier said "Daddy put you out bitch?" I just kept walking, my eyes glued to the floor.

I should have watched where I was going because I walked straight into guy with no shirt. He put his hands on my ass, holding my naked body against his. His breath smelled like tobacco when he said "Go sit on the couch" he gripped my ass cheeks firmly and pushed me over toward the other guy. I sat on the opposite end of the couch from him, trying to stay as far away as I could.

The guy with no shirt was right behind me and shoved me roughly to the center, taking my seat. I sat between the two of them, naked. The man next to me just looked at me "I've fucked a faggot before. About six years back."

I blushed. "I'm not a faggot."

He just kept laughing, "Sure you are." He took out a blunt and lit it up taking a long drag. "Here baby take some of this."

I figured, things could be worse, as he passed me the burning blunt and I took a hit. I'm not stupid. I knew they wanted to fuck me but honestly, fucking Mr Diaz was slutty enough. Still, I didn't want to be a tease and they were smoking me up so the least I could do was suck them off. I knew I didn't want to go home and go to bed. Plus the weed had me feeling good. As I breathed in I could feel the shirtless guy's hand on my nipples. He tweaked them a little bit and I actually giggled as I handed him the blunt. He took a long drag and handed it to his friend. He had dark baggy eyes that just stared at me as he blew smoke rings at me. "I'm Jerome. This is Moe." I was so high all I could do was nod. He continued to play with my nipples. We kept passing the joint and at some point we started drinking from a fifth of gin that Moe had on him.

Ten minutes later, the blunt was burned down and my stomach felt hot with all the liquor in it. Both men were toying with my body playfully but we were talking too. I was asking them what they did and they said they were trying to get a website going. Some internet thing. I wasn't paying close attention because they were both pawing me up and down. My drunk and high mind kept telling me I wanted a cock in my my mouth so I started fumbling with Jerome's jeans. The room seemed filled with a fog of smoke and I felt higher than I've ever been in my life. My fingers would barely work as I tried to work Jerome's belt.

Instead he just pushed my hands away and stood up. Jerome was trying to ask me something but it was like his voice was miles away. I just nodded as I turned around focused on reaching up Moe's shorts. When I felt his fat cock in my hand my body relaxed a little. I was like a junky getting a fix. I smushed my face against the bulge under the thin cotton, feeling the warmth. By now, Jerome had finished whatever he was doing and sat back down. I tugged moe's cock out of his shorts. It was semi hard, thick and floppy. I put it in my mouth and began sucking on it as hard as I could. In my high state I didn't really realize how big it was until it was hard. It was probably about 8 inches long but huge, probably a little smaller than a soda can in width. Regardless, I was sucking him like a champ. I could feel his cock head pushing into my throat. He was moaning loudly when Jerome grabbed my hair and pulled me off. He pushed my

face into his lap, his jeans now hanging open and a thick soft python of a cock laying across his leg.

I slurped it up like dick was my only reason for living, which lately I must admit, it sort of was. I slobbered all over it and tried to fit it into my mouth but it was impossible when his cock had firmed up. It stood at an impressive 9 inches and was even fatter than Moe's cock, which I was currently beating off with my hand as I worshipped Jerome's. I climbed off of the couch to get a better position so I could switch more easily between the two of them. I was so stoned but it was heaven being skull fucked by these two black gods. i loved looking up over their thick bellies as they humped my mouth like it was virgin pussy. I was proud when Moe told me "Damn faggot, you know how to suck some dick. Uh Uh Uh Uh" He pistoned his cock in and out of my mouth, his balls slapping my chin.

I switched off between the two of them for about twenty minutes. The mixture of the liquor and the weed had my head spinning. My desire for cock was insatiable. I was dead set on taking Jerome's fat dick down to the base and I was getting close. I kept bobbing up and down on it and every now and then would make an attempt to take it down. Jerome must have figured this out because on one attempt, he slammed my head down until my lips were against his skin. I knew his huge fat cock was probably snaking down my throat. He rubbed my neck and I could tell that it was visibly noticeable that I had a neck full of cock right now.

He held me down for a few seconds then let go of me. I coughed his cock up with tons of saliva on it. But still, now that I knew I could do it. I took him back in my mouth and went down to the base again. Jerome loved it "Yeah bitch. You are the first bitch to ever take my whole cock. Yeah bitch." As I bobbed up and down on his cock Moe leaned in with a marker and wrote on my face. I didn't even care, I just kept sucking, concentrating on taking as much of Jerome as I could. "Hum bitch." I didn't know what he meant so I just kept sucking but he slapped my face. "I said hum bitch." I started humming, his cock planted deep in my throat. Actually it wasn't really humming, it came out as sort of a choked gargle but Jerome's legs shook and I could tell he loved the feeling of my vocal chords vibrating against his massive black cock. He began pumping in and out of me and I kept humming.

By now Moe had begun to finger my pussy which was still wet with Mr. Diaz's load from earlier. He pumped his fingers in and out and I began to feel pleasure build as he touched whatever it was in my butt that made me like this. I arched my ass to give him better access. He laughed to Jerome, "I got four fingers in this bitch easy. I'm gonna get some of this pussy."

I sort of panicked. I didn't want to get fucked. I didn't know these guys at all. I was discovering all these new things about me, like how much I liked to suck dick and get fucked in my ass. That was hard enough but I didn't want to suddenly become some crazed whore for cock. I didn't have to let two guys fuck me at once. Let alone two black guys who I never even met. I began pulling off of Jerome's cock. It snaked up and out of my throat but before I could get it out to protest he stopped me and pushed me back down on it. "Keep humming bitch." I looked up at him as he pumped his cock into me, all of his muscles flexing under that big powerful body, his hairy belly right above my face. I started humming again and watched as his eyes rolled back into his head.

He pumped me up and down on his cock as Moe's hand pumped in and out of me rapidly. As my ass pulsed with pleasure, I thought of earlier when Mr. Diaz was fucking me in my room how I had wanted Raj or Joe to come in and put a cock in my mouth. If that's what I really wanted, now was my chance, and a good chance given how big these two cocks were. I tried to reason with myself. I mean, who care's if I didn't know them before tonight. They seemed like good guys and if they hung out with Mr. Diaz they couldn't be that sketchy. I still felt like I was in a dream world with all the alcohol and pot in my system so I decided to go with it.

They didn't give me much of a choice, but I guess I didn't really object. Moe said to Jerome, "Alright Jerome, let me get up in this pussy and loosen her up for you." Jerome let go of my head, loosening his grip on my hair and I began lifting up, pulling his cock out of my well worn throat. When it came up my mouth and throat felt strange. I felt the sides of my lips, they were tingling from being stretched out so much. Jerome stood up and Moe began pulling me back until I was in his lap. I lay back, completely blazed, and my head lolled to the side. Looking forward for the first time since they had taken their cocks out, I realized there was a camera on me.

I started bucking in Moe's lap, but his big black arms just held me in place. "What the hell? Don't film this." I was barely audible though because my throat was so sore.

Moe had me held firmly in place as Jerome took the camera off the tripod, holding it in his hand, "Calm down faggot you said it was cool remember?"

"No!" I yelled, feeling Moe's hard rod slipping in the cum between my cheeks. "I mean..." My voice was still cracking. I looked at the fat cock swinging between Jerome's legs as he held the camera. "I mean, I don't know." I just wished Jerome hadn't fucked my voice out of my thoat. I was so disoriented. I didn't know what I said. It was like I was drunk on cock. "Please just don't film." I could hear how whiney I sounded.

"Listen bitch you already agreed to it why don't you just shut the fuck up and do what you promised." Moe whispered in my ear. I actually started crying. I think it was because I was so fucked up. I just got really emotional for some reason.

Jerome still had the camera in my face as I cried, laughing, "This is great. Moe put your dick in her." Moe lined his cock up with my pussy and slowly sank my body down onto his shaft. His cock was huge. Even bigger than Raj. So it knocked the wind out of me and I let out sort of a grunt. Still, as Moe began slowly pulling my limp body up and down over his dick, it didn't stop me crying. If anything I cried harder, knowing that I probably only had minutes before the slow churning in my butt would turn me into the usual slut, screaming to be filled with cock. Moe's cock was squishing around in my asshole, libricated by Mr Diaz's load from earlier. I could already feel a warmth building in my pussy as Moe's cock scratched up against my clit. I tried to turn my head away from the camera to hide my tears but Jerome would move slowly and keep me in frame, trying to stifle his laughter.

Moe was moaning "Good pussy. Oh yeah that's good pussy. Gimme that nut ho!" I sniffled as he humped me hard, his hips bucking under me. I tried to keep balanced and not get bucked off, his cock stabbing into me violently as I grimaced through the pain and pleasure. In my distress I realized that my tears were subsiding. He slapped my ass hard and a loud smack rung out across the room. Mr Diaz probably even heard it.

I began rocking with Moe and he hollered "Yeah bitch, ride that dick." As I rocked back and forth on it I began to realize how ridiculous I was being crying like that. Jerome's cock hung low and now only semi hard between his legs and I thought about what it would like to be fucked with it. I mean, what did I care if they filmed it? Raj filmed us when he took my cherry. If anything, I should worry about that video. These guys don't even know anyone I do, besides Mr. Diaz of course. What did I care if they wanted to tape themselves fucking me. They seemed like good guys. I'd just tell them not to show it to people.

My reservations aside I really began to ride Moe who promptly bent me over onto the floor and began humping me, his butt hanging off the edge of the couch. I let out a loud involuntary moan when he started doing that and it made Moe happy "Yeah bitch you like it now huh?" I just moaned loudly again in response. He really pistoned my ass pulling me over his cock "No more crybaby bullshit?"

"No." I whimpered as he slapped my ass again. My ass was on fire with pleasure.

"You gonna be a good pussyboy and take cock like you s'posed to?"

"Yes." My voice was still raspy from when my throat was pummeled by Jerome's big cock.

"Yes what?" He pulled my head back by my hair.

"Yes I'll be a good pussyboy." Jerome couldn't hold in his laughter when I said this but I honestly didn't care, it just felt so good to have my pussy filled like this. By now Moe was pumping really hard and it was clear he was close to cumming. He pulled his cock out of my pussy which felt empty (but i knew soon I'd have Jerome's cock in there). Jerome filmed closely as Moe pulled my face up to his cock and jacked it over me. I could feel my asshole hanging open as Moe started to cum, splashing cum all over my face. I opened my mouth so I could taste his load and swallowed it down. As he finished shooting, he jacked his cock slowly on my face then pushed it back into my mouth to clean it off.

Jerome walked the camera back to the tripod and pointed it at us. His cock had begun to firm up again. "Yo Moe, lemme get a piece of that pussy." Moe stood up from the couch, stepped over me, crouched on the floor. Jerome sat down on the couch and pulled me up toward him.

I straddled him sitting in his lap, my cock pressed between our stomachs and his on my ass. Moe had lit up a joint and passed it to Jerome. Jerome took a long hit then passed it to me. The last thing I needed was more weed but what the hell, I was already letting them film me. I breathed in the smoke and held out the joint for Moe. He was digging around in a bag he had with him. Jerome looked at me "take another hit." I looked at the joint and figured there'd be no harm, so I did.

Once again the room was filled with smoke and I suddenly realized that without even noticing I had slowly begun gyrating around in circles on Jerome's cock, which was now hard as a rock positioned between my cheeks. As he rotated me around on his cock Jerome said to me, "Remember when you said you weren't a faggot" I moaned my affirmative. Jerome laughed, his belly shaking between us. "Well you are a faggot." I still lay against him, letting his cock rub my ass. "What do you call a guy that sucks cock and takes it up his pooper."

I really must have been baked because all I could say was "it isn't a pooper it's a pussy."

Jerome liked this. I loved when he laughed because my body shook over his cock. "I'm sorry baby. A pussy. And how long you been letting men fuck you in your pussy."

Every now and then he'd stop rotating his hips one way and reverse them. It was almost hypnotizing. "Only a couple days. I wasn't gay until just this weekend." Jerome started laughing again so I kept talking, my words slurred. "I haven't even really been able to sleep since then because I always need cock." We both laughed when I said that.

"How many men you let fuck you." Moe asked from behind the camera which I had almost forgotten was there.

"Only three. Well four counting you. And another one who only fucked my mouth."

Moe continued holding the camera up in my face, "And you swallow their cum?"

I nodded, "And I take it up the ass."

Jerome tweaked my nipples, "you like it raw?"

"I never even had unprotected sex with a girl but with guys, I don't know," I thought of what Raj said, "it's not like I can get pregnant."

Moe laughed as he put the camera back onto the tripod. "Well that's because you're not just a faggot, you're a cumdump." I didn't respond. Always the joker he added "Because men dump their cum in you." Get it.

"I get it." I was angry for a second but then I said, "I shave my legs too. And my pussy."

I was happy when Jerome said "Time to get fucked again bitch. Get off me." He shoved me off of him and I feel face forward on the couch next to him. He grabbed me roughly and pushed me onto the couch. He flipped me onto my stomach so I was laying flat, then pulled my ass up so it stuck up in the air. Then he pushed my legs forward so I was laying awkwardly, my face in the couch cushion. He got on his knees on the couch cushions behind me, his thighs pressed against my ass cheeks. "You got the papers Moe." I don't know what I thought they were referring to but I wasn't really concentrating on that. I shook my ass a little against Jerome. He pinched my butt cheek playfully but hard as he lined up his cock with my hole.

With his fat cock head resting at the entrance of my pussy I thought of the massive cock I was about to take. A week ago, a cock like Jerome's was the topic of dirty black jokes among my friends. I never would have thought back when I joked about black guys having big donkey dicks that one day I'd be curled up on a couch about to have a black donkey dick stuffed into me. Still, I wanted nothing more at this moment. I was desperate for his cock in my pussy.

"You want this cock bitch?" Jerome wanted me to beg.

"Yeah daddy, please let me have that cock."

"Fine bitch but I ain't goin easy on no faggot. If I'm fuckin a faggot I'm gonna turn her out like a bitch." He smacked my ass hard. My cock was so hard it was painful. I thought I'd cum right there him just teasing my hole with his fat cockhead.

"Please daddy, turn me out like a bitch."

"You gonna be a good little faggot?"

"Yes daddy, I'll be a good little faggot. Please just fuck me daddy." I was clenching and unclenching my ass muscles, wishing there was some way I could put his cock in my ass for him. "Please."

"Alright bitch, then be a good little faggot and sign the form." Moe shoved some paperwork in front of me.

"Form?" As I spoke, Jerome began shifting his weight to stand up off of the couch. I rubbed my ass against his crotch.

Moe said "For the website bitch. It says that we can use your likeness for the website." I remembered them mentioning a website earlier but I wasn't listening because I was trying to suck Moe's cock. Once again, I found myself not caring. I just wanted Jerome buried in my pussy.

Before I say this, I know what you're thinking. All I can say is that I have a different response to cock than other people. I have no self control. It's like I'm a different person. Honestly, the form could have said I was signing my life away and I still would have signed it. A small part of me probably knew I shouldn't since I didn't really get what they were talking about but the first thing on my mind was Jerome's cock. I reached forward to grab the pen and signed. I almost broke out singing when I felt Jerome's cock pushing hard at the entrance to my hole. Moe pointed at the second line "and date." I jotted it down and pushed back against Jerome's cock as Moe pulled the papers away and zipped them up in his bag.

All Jerome said was, "Let's make a porn." I barely processed what he said when i felt him lurch forward. I screamed out, his cock was too big. Something felt different. It was like my pussy was tearing or something.

"Please stop it's too big! Don't." Jerome halted but didn't remove any of his cock. My pussy felt stretched too far. I realized that I was in over my head.

Jerome just laughed, "I told you faggot, don't ask for it if you can't handle it." He lurched forward again.

I was half laughing half whimpering "Please don't." I was thinking about how Joe had talked about getting pussy wrecked and how it happened to really slutty girls. I knew after this my asshole wouldn't be normal. I thought of porn videos I had watched of girls who could fit baseball bats in their pussies. Or a man's fist or a champagne bottle. I knew that, after this, that would be me. I thought of what it would be like to try to shit out of my pussy after Jerome's cock had made it wide enough to hold a city bus. I had images of me wearing a diaper after Jerome completely destroys my rectum. "You can't my pussy is going to rip."

Jerome smacked my ass as hard as he could three times, twice on one side, once on the other. My ass turned red immediately and I felt more pain as he pushed forward again. Once again, the tears started coming. Moe saw them immediately "The faggot is crying again." I buried my face in the couch cushions knowing that there was nobody to blame but myself for my current situation.

"Good," Jerome said "I was hoping I'd get some tears out of her too." He playfully pushed in again and I cried into the cushion. He pulled my head up by my hair. My eyes were red and tears were running down my face. "It's OK to cry. A lot of girls cry when I fuck them for the first time. At least like half."

Tears were rolling down my face as I asked in a shaky voice, "How far in is he?" I looked at Moe, which meant looking at the camera.

Moe laughed, "A little over half." Half?! He was just so wide. My pussy ring couldn't accommodate him. Every inch he pushed forward meant expanding that area of my pussy so that it could accommodate his wide dick. After pushing in a little further he quickly drew his cock out a few inches. When his cock scraped against the walls of my pussy I moaned, pain still searing through me. I wasn't ready for when he reversed and again pushed in. It felt like a knife. I screamed, still crying. He rocked back and forth as I cried, letting my asshole get used to his width.

"Please Daddy I can't do it." Jerome was still pumping.

He looked at Moe, "Get over there, he pointed to the arm of the couch I was facing, you're going to want a face shot on this one." I could feel his cock probing deeper now with each stroke. Chills ran down my spine thinking of what he was about to do. He slapped my ass again. "Faggot I'm done slow dicking you and fuck you like the whore you are." I squirmed forward knowing what was coming but Jerome had me speared on his cock. "Get ready bitch."

Tears of fear poured down my face, "I don't think I can take it. Please."

"You're about to find out. Now look at the camera like a good faggot" He sunk his entire weight on me and I felt his cock plow into my guts. Not only was his cock huge, it was rock hard. It felt like it cut a straight path into my stomach. My ass was on fire with pain. I wanted to bury my face in the cushion but I knew Jerome would just pull me up by my hair. I stared into the camera knowing I had no choice.

Jerome started humping back and forth. My whole ass started to feel strange, like it was tingling. After a while the pain subsided and all I felt was a numb tingling, not the usual pleasure. I felt down and my cock was tiny almost like a button, shrunken into my body with only the cocked. Still, I realized I was taking his cock to the hilt and was proud that I could handle it, even if I did cry. I started popping my ass over his cock like I had been taught to and before long he was spanking me hard and moaning "Yeah faggot. Look at those cunt lips wrapped around my dick. Take that cock. Tell me you fucking want it faggot."

I started moaning because the pleasure had returned and it was more intense than ever. "Yeah daddy please fuck my ass. Make me your bitch. I can feel your dick in my belly." He tugged his fat cock out and stood up. He dragged me back by my feet, planted them on the ground and stood me up with my hands against the armrest. He lined his fat cock up with my ass again and in one movement, sunk back in. My knees buckled but he held me up. I regained my footing and he again started pumping into me. I liked this position because I could push back against him to get his cock. He started grinding into me, rotating his cock in my guts.

I was grunting uncontrollably. I wasn't focused on the camera, my appearance, or the noises I was making. All I was thinking about was taking Jerome's fat cock. As he pumped into me it occurred to me, will I even like getting fucked by other cocks after this. What if after this I needed a guy with some freakishly huge cock like Jerome. I had heard one of my friends call girls that did this "Size Whores" My pussy was practically shuddering with the friction of Jerome's cock as I thought, I guess I'm lucky because everyone in my house has a big dick. Steve's is probably the smallest and even that's big. Well, mine is the smallest, but I haven't even touched it in days. Now all I cared about was drinking cum and getting my pussy fucked.

Jerome practically threw me onto the couch, his cock tugging free once more and I lay on my side. He lifted my leg and got on his knees, straddling my leg on the couch. He slid his cock into my crack again and began pumping in. As he held my leg for support, he jerked his body back and forth quickly, jackhammering his cock into me. My legs were being pulled apart like a wishbone and at the center was his massive cock which seemed intent on splitting my pussy in half.

Still, I loved it and, far from the reluctant tease I was being early, I shouted in my raspy voice, "Moe, let me suck your cock." Moe had fingered me earlier while I sucked off Jerome but I really actually experienced what it was like to be spit roasted by two cocks, one in your mouth and the other up the butt. Moe set the camera on its stand and sat on the arm rest, sinking my head over his cock which had returned to a fully erect state. After sucking Jerome I had no problem taking Moe to the bass. I lapped at Moe's dick, humming like Jerome had showed me, and Jerome pounded my pussy. I loved the feeling of my body being pushed and pulled at both ends as cock rammed into me, filling me completely. Every now and then I would feel my cock which had completely pulled into my body.

I have to confess, i had always wanted to spit roast a girl. Humorously enough, I always thought it was kind of a gay fantasy of mine (little did I know). I had joked about it with Steve a couple times but wasn't really kidding. It sounded hot, which was why I let myself be talked into Steve's little failed threesome days earlier, the night that changed my life forever. Now, i was the one being spit roasted, by two middle aged black men who I didn't know.

Jerome flipped me on my back and again sunk his cock back into my hole. Moe's cock had pulled out of my mouth. My head was on the arm rest and Moe simply sat down on my face. I used my hands to hold his butt cheeks as I ate, licking his hole as best I could. It was sort of hairy and it tasted like sweat but I knew what was expected of me. Plus, Jerome was currently pressing my slut button repeatedly so at that point I would have done anything. Under my tiny cock, the skin between my balls and my pussy was stretched grotesquely. It looked different all stretched out like that. Like something on a woman.

I don't know how long they fucked me. I was on my hands and knees, both men on their knees pumping into me, Moe in my mouth, Jerome in my butt. I pulled Moe's cock out of my mouth and said "Can you shoot in me at both ends?" I looked back at Jerome who was drenched in sweat. Beads of sweat ran down his bald head over his body.

They both laughed at my enthusiasm and I took Moe's cock back in my mouth. A few minutes later Jerome started really bucking against me. Moe must have known what this meant "I'm getting close to J" He held my chin up so that his cock had the best access to my throat and he repeatedly crashed his pelvis into my face, crushing my nose each time. I noticed that I could even take some of the weight off of my arms and I still stayed in the same position since Moe held my head over his cock and Jerome had me speared over his from behind. My body jerked back and forth between the two cocks and I essentially just went limp and let these two men do with me what they wanted to.

Jerome was almost out of control, It was like he was having a seizure or something - his body was twitching uncontrollably. Moe started groaning first and I felt his dick swell then tasted the salty cum that splashed out. He kept pumping though so I got intermittent splashes in my mouth and throat. I heard Jerome start to roar and I think I even felt his dick expand in my ass, stretching my skin even more (if that were even possible) then he started shooting. It was like someone was hosing the inside of my rectum down with a power washer. He continued to buck against me and I felt his semen splashing out with each thrust he landed. I was moaning loudly and realized my own orgasm was approaching. As more semen was pumped into me my tiny cock head started spewing cum onto the couch below and my asshole spasmed uncontrollably over Jerome's fat cock. This gave him renewed energy and he pumped me even harder.

A minute or so passed and we were all sort of basking in the afterglow. Only I was still being pulled slowly between their two cocks which were now softer and slipper with cum. The repeated squelching of a dick pumping a cum filled hole filled the room and trailed off as our rhythm slowed. I sucked moe's cock clean. Jerome pulled his dick out of my ass and I sat back against the couch, Jerome's semen gushing out of me. He stepped up, his feet on the couch on either side of me, and sort of squatted, shoving his dick into my mouth. Again my lips were stretched to the max. I did my best to clean his cock which thankfully didn't have any blood on it, but my lips were stretched so wide that the cum on it sort of just collected all over my mouth. Still, he pumped me repeatedly until he was satisfied then tugged it out. His fat cock swinging back to its home between his legs, away from my eager mouth.

He stood up and lit a cigarette. Moe was pulling his cotton shorts back on followed by his wife beater. Jerome was pulling on his jeans. I twisted my body, pulling my ass up toward me, trying to see my pussy. It had to be sagging wide open. I looked up, watching Moe who was zoomed in on it. "That's what a faggots asshole looks like after it gets fucked by a horseback." Jerome laughed quietly at Moe's comment. I suddenly became very aware that I was naked.

A pool of Jerome's cum had formed under my pussy and Moe began to pack up the camera. As Jerome buttoned his pants and the dull throbbing pleasure in my pussy began to subside, waves of panic washed over me. I was almost too scared to ask. "You guys, what was that form you had me sign."

Jerome laughed, "You know you should never sign a form without reading it." I scowled at him, remembering that the only reason I had signed it was because he was torturing me with his cock. I wasn't thinking straight.

I looked at Moe, "What did you mean use my likeness?" I had a horrible feeling that I knew what it meant. They were both laughing as I asked the real question: "What is you guys' website?"

Moe spoke seriously when he said, "it's a website about white girls who can't help themselves around black cock. You're the first faggot we've got to agree to be on there"

I gritted my teeth. "I didn't agree. I just. I didn't know what it was. Please. I can't be on a website. Please. I haven't even told people I'm gay. I can't be on a website." How did this happen? How did Mr. Diaz even know these guys?

Jerome looked mean and exasperated when he saw tears forming in my eyes for the third time that night, "You shouldn't have signed the form then bitch. Listen, don't even bother with the waterworks faggot. Every girl on our website tries to cry their way out of this shit and guess what? We put them online anyway. If you don't want to be on the website, don't sign the form. Simple as that."

I did my best to stifle my tears, especially when Moe added, "Besides, just a tip for the future, men don't really give a shit when you bitches cry after we fucked you. In fact, we don't give a shit what you do at all after we've fucked you."

I got on my knees in front of them, pulling at their pant legs, "please don't put me on the website, please. This will ruin me." I thought of my friends back from high school seeing it. It would be embarrassing enough for Raj, Joe and Steve to see it and they already knew what I was. "I'll do anything please."

Jerome and Moe looked at each other. Moe started speaking slowly. "OK. There is one way."

My heart jumped. "Anything. What is it?" No matter how slutty it was, no matter what, I knew I'd do it as long as it spared me public humiliation.

"You can find us someone else for a video to take your place."

I was confused. "Someone else?"

"Another faggot."

I didn't even remember to be offended by the term, "But I don't know any faggots other than me."

"Perfect," Jerome said, "Bring us some virgin and we'll take his cherry. You just got to bring us somebody."

My mind was racing, trying to figure any way to get me out of the bind I was in. I knew Joe was out and I couldn't picture Raj letting these two guys fuck him. Besides, Raj being the big guy he is, I wasn't sure they'd let him replace me on the website.

The second I thought of it I knew it was my only choice. Steve. After all, he was the one who got me into all this shit so in a way he deserved it. I remembered when he kissed me, thinking there must at least be something in him... I looked at Jerome. "Deal. When?"

Jerome looked at Moe who shrugged then said, "Noon." The digital clock on the wall read 5:45 AM. That didn't leave much time. "We'll see you back here." Moe sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

I looked over at Jerome who just said, "Well, get on bitch." I was completely naked and it was starting to get light out so I knew I had to go now.

I worked up the courage to ask "Can I borrow a pair of underwear? I'll bring them back." Both men laughed.

Jerome lumbered over to the couch and dropped down on it sliding his hand down his pants to his crotch. "See you at noon faggot."

I knew that meant no. I turned around, opened the door, and sprinted down the empty street to my house. I walked through the front door, stepped into my room and felt behind me realizing my pussy was sagging wide open. Bending over in front of the mirror it was clear that it looked completely different from a couple days ago. You could see red tissue inside and the skin that usually formed a tight close sagged loosely, stretched out and wrinkled but still irritated and swollen.

I ran into the bathroom and spent about ten minutes pushing Jerome's cum out of my pussy then I jumped in the shower and cleaned off. I got out, dried off and got dressed in my room. I knew I'd get no chance at sleep tonight. In only six hours I needed to get Steve fucking Moe and Jerome otherwise that video of me was going online. It was a rotten thing to do, I knew, since saving my own skin meant a video of Steve would be up in its place. But I thought of everything Steve had put me through and, even though a lot of it was a product of my own slutty decision-making, I blamed a lot of it on Steve. In a strange way, I was looking forward to it.

Next: Chapter 6

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