Sophomore Hump

By Take Notice

Published on Jul 21, 2012


When I got out of the shower I dried off and wrapped the towel around me. I walked back to my room and, barely thinking, fell forward and passed out on my bed. Raj had spent most of the night and the early morning fucking me, then Joe pounded me all afternoon. I was exhausted. I fell into a dreamless sleep.

It felt like only seconds had passed when I woke up to shouting. I rubbed my eyes, realizing I was still wrapped in my towel. My door cracked open and Steve walked in. I immediately prepared for him to yell at me for letting Joe fuck me. I had my response all prepared. But he didn't say anything. He just sat down. "How was your day?"

"Pretty good, I guess." Steve pulled the towel off of my waist and started folding it.

"Yeah I'd say so. I don't mean to offend you and please don't take it that way, but you're kind of a cock whore huh?"

It was like Joe earlier that day in the bathroom asking about Raj fucking me. It sounded mean but it wasn't. He was seriously asking. My cock hardened a little and I looked at him. "Sort of. Jesus, I don't know. I guess. It feels like everything happened so fast. Two days ago I wouldn't have thought about doing any of this. But every time it comes down to it, I don't want to stop."

Steve looked down. "You shouldn't man. Just do what feels right." It occurred to me that Steve was the one who got me into all this. But it did feel right. Steve continued talking, "You ready to go back to work?" I figured I owed it to him, and reached over to unbutton his pants. But he just pushed me away. "No bitch. I told you, I've got a real girl with me. She's out in the living room. I got something else I need you to do."

I sat up, naked. "What are you talking about?"

Steve looked at me. "Just hear me out. I was out at the bar with my date and I ran into our landlord. We got to talking and he was telling me he just split up with his wife. Anyways, we shot the shit for a while and you came up."

My heart started pounding. "I came up?! What the fuck?"

Steve continued. "Anyways, if you'll let me finish, you came up and he seemed really interested in seeing you."

I was livid, "Why the fuck would I want to see Mr. Diaz?"

Steve just laughed. "Well, he said he was going to knock 100 dollars off the rent this month if you put out and since it's not really up to you, you're going to do it."

I couldn't believe this was happening. Mr. Diaz was a real jerk. He was a 50 year old latino man, about 5 foot 10 and portly. He was greasy, and had a big belly and was covered in hair. He was always out at the bars and would always come annoy us. He'd always go on and on about the girls at the bar, even though he'd never have a snowballs chance in hell of getting gone. The last thing I wanted to do was suck his cock. "Please Steve, I don't want to do this. Please don't make me do this."

Steve just looked at me. "Maybe if you didn't spend the afternoon fucking Joe I'd believe you. But the fact is, you do want to do this. Now I'm going to go fuck a woman, because that's what men do. Now go out into the living room and greet our guest." He turned around and walked into his room, carrying my towel with him. He closed the door to his bedroom and locked it.

I thought of Mr Diaz who I know knew was sitting out in our living room. I looked at the clock. It was 1:30 AM. I knew Mr Diaz. He was probably sloshed. I was completely naked and, knowing better than to get dressed, I walked out meekly into the living room. Mr. Diaz was sitting in the chair. Joe and Raj were on the couch. Everyone looked completely ripped. Joe looked at me "Hey sleepy head. Rise and shine huh?" Him and Raj were both grinning. Clearly they knew why Mr. Diaz was there.

Mr Diaz was sitting in the chair. He had a button down shirt that was completely opened. Under it he had a wife beater on which was stretched over his wide belly. He wore a pair of faded jeans, workshoes with mud on them and a baseball cap. He had a five o clock shadow and a thick mustache which had beer on it. He had a can of beer in his hand and a six pack on the floor next to him.

I stood there thinking only of how pissed I was at Steve. He had ruined my life. I mean, here I was, standing naked next to my fat latino landlord who is old enough to be my father. Soon enough I'd be sucking him off in my room. Steve had completely ruined me. But what did it matter now? Raj and Joe had both already fucked my pussy and they didn't seem like they were going to judge.

Mr Diaz brought me back to reality. He spoke in a thick accent "Come here puta." I slowly walked over. When I got close, he tugged me into his lap on the chair. His big hairy arm was wrapped around me and I could feel a thick cock in the jeans under my ass. Still, it was Mr. Diaz. We had all been making fun of this guy for months. Now I was sitting in his lap about to blow him. I tried not to think about it. I just had to get this over with. Raj and Joey were laughing. Mr. Diaz handed me a beer. I sat against him and we both drank, watching TV. Every now and then he'd tweak my nipples, but for the most part he just made me sit in his lap.

When I finished my beer he chugged the rest of his. He burped loudly and started grinding me around in his lap. "Puta se gusta? Puta se gusta Papi?" I was embarrassed as he manhandled me around but after a while it started to feel felt good. I actually loved the feel of his belly against my back. Finally, he stopped. My cock was hard and I was breathing heavy. He started pushing me off of him so I stood up. He pointed to the floor in front of him and started unbuttoning his jeans. He unzipped them and I could see he had cotton bikini briefs on and a sizable bulge. "Suck papi's pinga puta."

The size of his bulge had me curious so I didn't hesitate as I tugged down the waste band of his briefs. I nice fat uncut cock spilled out. I put it in my mouth and drew back, spitting out, having tasted something. "Just cock cheese puta." He laughed shoving my head back over his cock. I could hear Joe and Raj laughing but I kept sucking. Mr Diaz had such huge balls. I loved playing with them. I began to lick them, trying to get them into my mouth. There was no way to get both in. I took his cock back into my mouth, which was rock hard now. It was an impressive 7 inches and just like Mr Diaz, fat. I was deep throating him easily now. He pushed his jeans down. I didn't take his cock out of my mouth as I pulled them down to the floor and he kicked them off.

I looked up, Mr Diaz was smiling down at me, over that mustache, wearing his wife beater and his open button down. His pelvis rose up and down slowly to pump his cock into my face. I couldn't believe I was doing this. Sucking off Mr. Diaz for the rent. Suddenly, he stood up. I was still trying to suck his cock. He slapped me on the face, playfully but forcefully. I stopped trying to suck him off. "We're going to go to bed." He stood up and began walking toward my room.

I stood there confused. I thought I was just supposed to blow him. Nobody said anything about him spending the night in my bed. I was about to object when Mr. Diaz turned around and said, "Now Puta," then walked into my bedroom. I could feel Joe and Raj staring me down. I just looked down at the ground and walked after Mr. Diaz. Raj and Joe burst out laughing. I ignored them and stepped into my room and closed the door.

Mr Diaz was laying on my bed. He had removed his flannel shirt and now had only his wife beater on. The bottom of his hairy stomach hung out below it. He had a joint in his hand that I knew he had pulled out of the drawer next to my bed. He said, "No smoking in this house," then he lit it up and took a long drag. I climbed onto the bed next to him and he passed me the joint. I took a hit and he blew smoke down my naked body. "I'm going to enjoy this puta." He ran his fingers up my ass gently, sending shivers up my back. I passed him back the joint. He took a long hit then pulled my face to his, blowing smoke into my mouth. His mustache rubbed up against my face. I breathed in deeply and we began kissing. His tongue pushed against mine. He rolled onto his back and I was laying on top of him. He handed me back the joint and I took another hit. We shared it again, kissing back and forth. The joint was spent, so I ashed it

out and returned my attentions to Mr. Diaz.

I thought about how desperate Mr. Diaz always seemed for pussy when we saw him at the bars. He was annoying, but now he seemed sweet, even a little badass laying there hitting the joint. I thought about how he always complained his wife never put out. Part of me told myself that I pitied him and that's why I was doing this. But deep down I knew the truth. Mr Diaz had me hypnotized, just like everyone else, with that snake between his legs. I slid down Mr. Diaz's body to his cock. I began licking the underside of his shaft. He lifted his legs to give me better access.

Figuring he had never felt it before, I dove into his asshole and began licking with abandon. "What the hell are you doing?" He jerked away at first, but I persisted and he eventually let me go. After a minute or so, I had my tongue in his asshole and he was moaning, rocking his ass against my face as I ate him out. "Yeah puta. Lick Papi's asshole." He was in heaven. As his legs bucked around me, I thought to myself, bet his wife can't do this. Again I felt a bizarre sort of pride. Bizarre because what I was proud of was licking a man's asshole. I pulled out of his ass and returned to his cock. I sucked it down deep, bobbing up and down. I rubbed on his massive balls as I sucked him. Mr Diaz pulled me off of him and stood up, peeling his wife beater off. He had wide nipples and slight manboobs. He was covered in hair which was soaked in sweat. "Time for papi to get some of that culo"

I thought to myself, here I go again. A total slut for anything with a dick. Mr. Diaz shoved his finger in my ass hole and bent me over so my hands were on the bed. We were both standing as pumped them in and out of me. He tugged them out and shoved them into my mouth while he lined up his cock with my pussy and began pushing in. I moaned around his thick calloused fingers "yeah papi, please fuck me." He slowly began dicking me, going deeper with each stroke. Before long he was pumping in and out of me with his hole shaft. His belly rubbed against my back as he pumped his cock in and out of my asshole.

We fell forward and I was laying against the bed, my legs hanging off of it. Mr Diaz was behind me thrusting violently into my hole, each time my legs would shake a little. I thought to my self, jesus, how long has it been since he's been laid? He was pounding in and out of my asshole with such force I felt like my pussy was going to go numb. But far from it, I could feel his thick cock dragging across my prostate. My legs were thrashing wildly as I held onto the bed and let him have his way with me.

I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but as Mr Diaz's cock filled my pussy over and over again, me on my hands and knees moaning, I actually found myself wishing Joe or Raj would come in. For some reason, I wanted a cock in my mouth. As if the one in my ass wasn't enough. I snapped back when Mr Diaz pulled his dick out of my hole with a pop. "Papi no." I was practically whining for him to put it back in. He shoved over onto the bed and lay on his back, his thick wet pole sticking up toward the ceiling. I climbed on and sunk immediately down over it, again feeling full as he penetrated my pussy.

I began rocking back and forth. I leaned forward and began sucking on one of his nipples as I did. I was surprised at Mr Diaz's strength. His job involved a lot of manual labor. I could feel hard firm muscles under all of his fat. He cupped my ass and bounced me up and down on his cock. I was grunting loudly as his dick went deeper and deeper. "Si puta. Si." "Te gust mi pinga puta?"

I could barely speak, "Yes papi. Please don't stop." I could feel that familiar feeling building and knew I was about to cum. "Please don't stop papi." I nearly cried when he pushed me off and pulled his dick out again.

He stood up off of the bed and I looked at him, his huge hairy thighs, his fat dripping cock, and his hairy belly and chest. Looking up at his mustache, he was magnificent. I couldn't believe I didn't want to fuck him earlier. "Beg me for it."

I knew this game. I immediately started groveling, knowing the sooner I gave in the sooner I could get that cock back. "Please papi please put it back in." He didn't seem satisfied. I spoke louder, my voice verging on hysteria, "Please papi, fuck your puta. Fuck me like a whore. Please just put it back in."

He just leaned in and said, "louder."

I knew what he wanted. I thought of Raj and Joe who were probably still out in the living room, making jokes about what I was doing. I thought of Steve who, for I all I knew, was fucking his girl right now. I thought of all of that but I still didn't care. I yelled so loud the neighbors could probably hear it. "Fuck me Mr Diaz. Please. Please fuck me. I'll be your little cock slut. Whatever you want. Just please fuck my pussy." I didn't care that everybody in the house probably heard that because Mr. Diaz seemed pleased. He climbed back in the bed.

He flipped me on my hands and knees and in one fell swoop shoved his cock in to the hilt. I squirmed my ass around on it, flexing my ass muscles. His hand reached forward and tugged my arms out from under me and pushed my head down into the mattress. My ass was still up in the air, crammed full of his cock. He started pounding me, my face rubbing on the mattress. His hips made loud slapping noises against my ass cheeks as he did. "Good pussy. MMMMMM Good pussy." I was happy that he was happy. I tightened my ass muscles, tugging tightly on his dick. He loved this and kept pounding harder.

He must have precum a lot because I could hear squishing noises as he pumped in and out. Finally, my orgasm caught up with me and I began cumming on my bedsheets. My semen was thin and liquidy, almost like water. Probably because I had cum so many times in the last 48 hours. And most of the time from barely or not even touching my dick.

Usually after I cum, I fall out of the moment. I would especially expect that when my 50 year old latino landlord has his dick pressed into my asshole and after I shouted for the whole house to hear that I wanted to be his little slut. But I didn't. I just wanted his dick more. I kept gripping his cock as best I could and he kept pumping. For the fact that Mr. Diaz never got laid he could certainly fuck for a long time. He was pounding me for another ten minutes. My ass still felt amazing. I just relaxed my muscles and decided to let my papi turn my pussy into hamburger.

Eventually, he shoved my ass down onto the bed so i was laying flat. He perched above me, his knees bent and began rocking back and forth, his dick, well actually his full body weight, coming down into my asshole with every thrust. I could tell he was getting close because he was mumbling quickly in spanish. I couldn't tell what he was saying but I knew I was probably about to get my pussy filled with cum again. He spread his legs out so he was practically laying on top of me, his belly in my back. He started pumping rapidly. He rotated his hips and I could feel his fat cock pressing against the walls of my pussy in different spots as he found different angles to hump me from. Finally he started moaning loudly.

Mr. Diaz's hand grabbed my hair, hard. It actually really hurt, but in the moment, it was sexy. He pressed my head against the bed as he started cumming. It was like someone opened up the flood gates of Mr. Diaz's sexless marriage. Before he even started moaning my ass felt filled with cumm. His guttural yell built like a roar. Eventually he was yelling in my ear and practically pulling my hair out. I could barely breath smashed into the mattress. He kept pumping and I could feel cum squirting out past his cock. It felt like my ass cheeks were wet with it. Finally he tugged it out and continued shooting, all over my ass cheeks.

After a minute, he let go of my hair and rolled over, his belly heaving. I was on my stomach, lying in the wet spot I made when I came 15 minutes ago. My ass was filled with Mr. Diaz's semen and my ass cheeks were dripping with it. I could feel it dripping down onto the bed, down the sides of my ass and down my crack past my balls. I couldn't even move. Just lying there, covered in his cum, felt so good.

Eventually though, I started to think about what had happened, as the glow of the moment past. I really just fucked our landlord for rent. My ass was currently filled with his semen because once again I didn't use a condom. Now the cum that was all over me didn't feel erotic, it felt slutty. Still, there was no denying how good it felt being fucked by Mr Diaz. But all the same, I think I needed the rest of the night to myself. Just as I began to think about getting up to go clean up and clean out my pussy, Mr Diaz surprised me. He leaned in and kissed me, once again, his mustache rubbing over my face and his tongue plowing into my mouth. I loved the feel of his five o'clock shadow against my face. I was still on my stomach, carefully holding my ass in place so all Mr Diaz's cum didn't spill out onto the bed. When we parted I said quietly. "Mr Diaz, I should go get cleaned up." He began playing with my nipples again. "I mean, that

was great but I should get cleaned up and go to bed."

Mr Diaz just smiled. "I have you all night puta." My stomach flipped thinking about it. Mr Diaz had been a great fuck but once again I had been spoken for for the entire night.

I didn't know what to do, if I should object or not. I decided to say something. After all, he had been pretty sweet. "Mr. Diaz, I know Steve told you all night but I'm just really tired."

Mr Diaz laughed, his belly bouncing as he did. "Rent isn't paid yet puta." Then he drew me in for another kiss. As his tongue probed my mouth I figured I wasn't going to get anywhere complaining. I kissed him back until we parted lips.

"Ok, well just let me go get cleaned up."

Mr. Diaz just rolled over, slung his leg over my ass, and sunk his fat soft cock into my ass crack. His belly was once again in my back and his pelvis was now resting on my ass. His dick was laying in the small pool of cum that had formed in my asscrack and I could feel his skin sliding over my ass cheeks, his cum lubricating our bodies. "No need to get clean puta. I like you how you are." I could feel the cum running down my dick onto the bed. I figured what the hell, and slowly started grinding my ass into his cock as he chewed on my ear.

Next: Chapter 5

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