Sophomore Hump

By Take Notice

Published on Jul 20, 2012


I figured I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice, so as I showered, I jerked off my cock to completion, waves of pleasure coursing through my whole body. As horrible as it is to admit, it was one of the greatest orgasms I had ever had. And it wasn't even during sex. It was jerking off alone after letting Joe sit on my face and cum in my mouth. As I washed my cum off of my hand, I began to feel guilty. What now? Do I just walk out into the living room and act like nothing happened. Things were starting to get out of control.

I settled on drying off and quickly running into my room, closing the door. I changed into some clothes and sat on the bed to think. I thought of Raj, who still had no idea what was going on. Besides seeing me giving Steve a foot massage of course. He couldn't find out. I really liked Raj and was hoping we'd become close. Raj was a good guy, but I doubt he'd think of me the same way after this. I decided I'd better go out and try to negotiate before Raj got home and they said something.

When I walked out, they were both back on the couch, in athletic shorts. I was fully dressed and sat in the chair. "Listen guys. I know things got a little crazy today, but this can't go on. We're roommates and I just don't think it's appropriate." They looked at me blankly. "And as for Raj, I don't think he should know about this." They were still staring at me. I was getting nervous. "Please don't tell him you guys."

Steve laughed, "It depends. Maybe if you behave." I sat, dreading what was to come. But they didn't approach me. We just sat and watched TV for the next hour. At a point, I was wondering why the hell they weren't doing anything. Not that I wanted them to, but I still, I was confused.

Joe laughed. "Bitch can't keep her eyes off me now. haha." I blushed and stared stone faced at the TV screen. My stomach turned when I heard the door open. It was Raj. He tossed down his backpack and immediately went over to the table to pack a bowl of weed. I realized I hadn't even been paying attention to what was on the TV screen.

Raj sensed the tension, "So guys... What'd you get up to while I was gone? Somebody die." I grimaced waiting for Steve and Joe's response.

"No sorry we were just watching TV. Guess we zoned out." Steve turned off the TV. We started to pass around the bowl, laughing and joking around. After about 20 minutes I was confident that my secret was safe, at least for now. That was until Steve looked over at me and said, "yeah that thing we talked about earlier, that's not gonna work out." I felt suddenly sober.

"What are you talking about. Please, don't Steve."

Raj was looking at both of us. "What? Come on guys don't do this. Just tell me."

Joe suddenly spoke up. "How about a demonstration? Pick one of us." I looked at him, knowing what he meant. I didn't move. "You heard me. Pick one of us."

"Come on, Joe. I thought we talked about this." Raj was begging us to tell him now

Joe just laughed, "Pick one of us or it's gonna be both of us." Raj looked at me. "Together," Joe added. I was so pissed at Joe at that point, I stood up, unable to look Raj in the eye, and tugged down Steve's shorts. I knew Raj's eyes were probably as big as saucers at this point. Joe whispered in my ear, "Wow bitch that hurts." Then, I felt his hand guiding me toward Steve's dick. I took it into my mouth and began to suck.

Raj was shocked at first but eventually thought it was funny when he could see I was into it. "Jesus, look at him go! He loves that thing." He slapped me on the back "like a baby and his bottle huh."

Steve laughed and said, "actually once he gets a taste you can really get him going." Joe tugged down his shorts and I switched, taking Joe's cock into my mouth for the second time that day. As I sucked, all three of them joking around about my face getting pounded, I wondered if Raj would want a blow job too. In a strange way, I hoped he would. But I wish it could be private. Just us two.

Raj suddenly asked, "you guys been up in it yet?" Joe laughed, holding my panicked face against his belly, his cock deep in my throat.

"No not yet. Unless you have Steve." Steve shook his head, one of my hands rubbing his balls.

Raj said, "I wouldn't mind a piece of that." He tugged my pants down over my ass, which on my hands and knees, looked pretty good. I felt one of his thick hairy fingers sliding into my butt crack, poking at my asshole. "How would you like that, getting all stretched out."

Joe let me up off of his dick. I came up, looking at Raj for the first time, saliva all over my chin. "Raj, I don't know about that. This is all happening really fast. I mean until last night I'd never even considered sucking cock now..." I looked down defeated, "Now I'm sucking two at once."

Raj looked at me, almost pitying, for a second. Then he said to the others. "Meeting of all non-cocksuckers in my room." The three of them walked out and Raj looked at me, pants down on the floor with my cock hard between my legs and laughed. I pulled up my pants and sat on the couch, waiting. It now occurred to me, I was now the house cocksucker. I had already blown Joe and Steve and Raj fingered me while talking about fucking me in my butt. I wished my cock would soften.

The door opened and Steve peeled off to the bathroom, Joe to his bedroom. Raj walked out into the living room. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a button down shirt. "OK the boys are getting ready. But while they do, you owe me a blow job." I felt uncomfortable, alone with Raj, him telling me to suck his cock. But my curiosity about his hairy naked body won out. He sat down in the chair and pointed to the ground in front of him. "Get over here."

I kneeled in front of him. I reached forward and unclipped his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and began tugging them down. I started to unbutton his shirt but he said, "no time, just get my cock out." I reached into his boxer shorts and wrapped my hand around it. It was soft and pliable, but still thick. I pulled it out. His cock was big. Flaccid, it was about 6 inches long. I could feel it hardening. "Better get it in your mouth while it still fits." I leaned forward and took him in my mouth. I sucked on his flaccid cock.

After about five minutes, he was really getting hard and I could only get down about half-way over his cock. Total it had to be about 8 inches and thick. I was doing my best though, but his cockhead was so large i was having trouble getting it down my throat. He didn't seem to mind. He bounced my head up and down in his lap playfully. I tried to hold on as his massive cock impaled my head.

Joe walked out, fully dressed now for the night ahead. "See you've already got yourself occupied. Good huh?" I just kept on sucking.

Raj was loving it, "Great blow job. Maybe one of the best I've ever had." He looked at me, "tell me the truth, how long have you been doing this."

I pulled off of his cock. "Just last night, I swear." I kept on sucking.

Raj said, "Well I think you finally found what you were meant to do." Steve walked out too, freshly showered and dressed. Raj suddenly jerked his cock out of my mouth tucking it back into his boxer shorts. I wished he hadn't, that I could still be sucking him. But I acted relieved. I stood up.

Today was a Thursday. It was our tradition that every thursday we would play poker, however, as money was quickly allocated to liquor, we eventually resorted to betting household chores. This ended up being useful since, when you walked away, someone was going to have to clean the house up, someone was going to have to do dishes, etc... I was good at poker and usually ended up without many chores to do.

Steve got the card table out and we sat down at the table. Joe looked at me and laughed "what do you think you're doing? We haven't explained how this is going to work yet." I looked him dead in the eye. Raj looked at me. He had a round lovable face.

"Listen, here's the deal. We're going to each play with one hundred hypothetical dollars, until the winner has all the money." I was familiar.

I almost dreaded asking. "What are we betting?" Everyone kind of laughed.

Again raj looked at me, almost as if he was concerned. Joe jumped in, "A shot at that ass." He pinched my ass hard and almost jumped out of my seat. I was embarrassed.

Steve chimed in, "Actually, to be specific, a whole night with that ass."

I blushed. "Come on you guys, what the fuck. I don't want to do that."

Raj said to me, "Listen, they showed me those pictures of you and Joe." I blushed scarlet red. Raj began running his hand up and down my arm. "I'm just saying, if you enjoyed that, and it looked like you really really did, then I think you might really like it. I'm serious." I just wanted him to keep rubbing my arm.

When he took his hand away all I could think to say was, "What do I get if I win?"

Steve laughed. "Your virginity." Everyone laughed at that. Steve began to deal the cards.

It wasn't like I had much of a choice regardless. They didn't have to give me a shot and they did. I sat down to play, fully intending to win. Everybody was drinking and smoking and before I knew it, we were having a good time. I had forgotten about my current predicament. I was doing well and I was up a good amount of money, as was Raj.

The next hand unfolded unfortunately. Steve kept raising me and eventually he went all in. Raj had bailed early but I was stuck so I called Steve's bet. Joe went all in too. Steve one, so I had to give him a sizable chunk of my money. Joe was out completely. Joe leaned over me as he stood to go to the bathroom "Sorry I couldn't be the one to pop your cherry bitch, but I'll be tapping that ass soon enough." I tried to keep the threat of getting buttfucked out of my head. Pissed off I finished my beer and cracked another one.

We kept gambling and eventually Raj was able to elbow Steve out of the game. When he lost his last hand he stood up, clearly livid "Fuck." He kicked his chair over and stormed out of the room.

Joe had walked back and sat down again, watching the game. Raj had a bigger chip stack than I did but I wasn't down too much. We played a few hands, each one fizzling out after a few raises. Steve came back and sat down now. One hand Raj suggested a side bet. "Loser has to take off their clothes." My mind flashed back to earlier, wondering what Raj looked like completely naked. I'd seen his cock, but little else. I agreed.

I lost the hand and swore to myself. I stood up, starting to strip. For the first time it seemed all day, my cock was soft. The guys whistled as I sat back down, picking my cards back up. I went back at it, staying in the zone.

Finally the winning hand came around for me. I bet everything. If I won, Raj wouldn't be out, but he'd have so little money left he'd be finished in a few quick hands. Raj looked at me smiling. "It comes down to this huh?" I looked up at him. He laughed and looked under the table. "Looks like your cock might be getting a little hard. Sure you don't want to quit poker and just give me that pussy now?"

I was blushing but was confident I had him beat. "You've got nothing Raj. You're done,"

"If you're so sure," Raj said, "why don't we make it a little more interesting."

I responded slowly, "What did you have in mind?"

Raj looked at me. "If I win, I get to film whatever I want to tonight, and we get to watch it as a house tomorrow morning."

I was already thinking - no way in hell - but I wanted to know... "And if I win?"

"Not only do you get to keep that cherry, but I'll give you a blow job right here in front of everybody." My cock twitched again. This was tempting. See, if Raj sucked my cock, it would soften what had happened to me. I wouldn't be the only cocksucker in the house and Raj may even lead some of Steve and Joe's attention off of me.

I was drunk and high, so without thinking much I answered "Deal." I flipped my cards. Four of a kind, kings. It was a clear win. The chances of him having four of a kind aces were.... but he flipped over ace, ace, ace, my stomach lurched thinking about the deal I had just made. Why couldn't I have just left it alone. The first bet was bad enough. He showed the other card first to Steve then to Joe. They all looked at me laughing. He tossed it to me. I looked down and saw, ace.

My mind was reeling, was this really happening? I was about to get fucked! Not by Joe or Steve, but by Raj! I thought of his thick 8 inch cock that I had been sucking on earlier. All of the guys were laughing. I looked up and Joe was dying laughing. Steve said it first "You're dick got iron hard the second you looked at that card." They were all laughing.

I went to put my clothes back on but Raj said "I don't think so bitch. You stay just like you are. In fact, come sit on daddy's knee." I blushed when he referred to himself as daddy, but walked over and sat, naked, on his thick leg. I could feel his dick getting hard in the clothing below my ass as I sat in his lap.

We were all drunk. Joe and Steve started wandering toward the door, "Let's hit some bars." I stood up, thinking we would all go. I hoped Raj would want to cash in later. But he pulled me back into his lap. Steve and Joe stopped at the door and looked back.

Raj smiled "We're going to stay here. We'll be fine. Remember, video tomorrow." His belly heaved below me as he laughed.

Steve looked at me and smiled, "Bitch, you've come so far." Then, he and Joe stepped out the door.

Raj stood up, and I did with him. "Just remember, girls are never the same after this." I blushed but my dick stayed rock hard.

Next: Chapter 3

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