Sophomore Hump

By Take Notice

Published on Jul 19, 2012


In some ways you could have said I was an average college student. I got decent grades. I partied every now and then. l wasn't dissatisfied with life in any way. So how to explain what happened? Where to begin?

Steve and had been friends since middle school. We had always hung out together and were both pleased when we got into our first choice for college, which was the same. We both shipped out together, heading to a small liberal arts school up North. As freshman, we shared a dorm. We dated girls together. We worked out together. Everything. And when freshman year ended, like most students, we moved into a house off-campus with a couple friends we'd made that year. There were four of us total. Honestly, Steve has always been the more social between the two of us, so l guess you could say the other guys were more his friends than they were mine, but we all got along fairly well.

The second year of college started out much like the first. Class. drinking. studying. repeat. However, about two months into the year. Something changed drastically. While l certainly had no shortage of women, Steve was definitely the ladies man. He always had a girl, which was useful because he often set me up. Steve was half-asian, but not a small asian like you might imagine. He was about 6 foot and weighed over 180 pounds. He worked out a lot, but I always joked, it wasn't all muscle (he had a bit of a belly). I was an inch taller than him but weighed much less since I was so skinny. I couldn't close every time, but I had my fair share of women.

One night. Steve and I were on a double date with two girls. I wasn't getting anywhere and it was obvious early on I was going to strike out. Regardless, we were still having a good time, and not having sex meant I could drink more. When dinner ended we were all pretty drunk, so we started the walk home. On the way, my girl peeled off (without so much as a goodbye to me I might add). So Steve, his girl and I walked home. When we arrived, Steve broke out some beers and we all continued drinking. At some point, Steve and his girl wandered off to Steve's room and I found myself alone on the couch watching TV, hammered like a nail, figuring the rest of my roommates are probably out. Suddenly I heard Steve yell, Get in here. Drunk, l tentatively pushed his bedroom door open. wondering what he might want. l walked into a cloud of smoke. They were smoking weed. Hit this. I quickly took the bowl from him and took a deep hit. We passed it around for a

while, getting incredibly high. Suddenly, I felt Steve's girl rubbing my crotch. I looked over a Steve, horrified, who was smiling. She didn't stop there, she began kissing my neck and her hand went under my clothes to start jerking me off. High and drunk, I was paralyzed. Snapping out of it. I stood up. "I got to stop. Sorry you guys. I'm too high.`

I started to walk out but stopped when I heard Steve's commanding voice. "Stop.' For some reason Idid. The girl came back over leading me to the bed. "Come on dude. we do everything together. We're like brothers. Are you worried it's going to be weird or something?"

He put his hand on my shoulder and l caved, sitting back down. The girl went back at it, rubbing my crotch again. She slowly began unzipping my jeans until she pulled them off me. I looked at Steve, who nodded, and took off her shirt. I peeled off my shirt, down to my boxers. She tugged those down too and I was naked, my cock hard as a rock. In all honesty, I've never been shy about my dick. It's about 6.5 inches and fairly thick, certainly nothing to be ashamed of.

She began sucking me. which was actually strange, since then it seemed like just Steve and I looking at each other. Steve peeled off his shirt, exposing his surprisingly hairy body. Suddenly the girl came up, I want you guys to kiss. I laughed. Steve looked more serious. She began jacking my cock. 'I'm not doing this if you guys won't even kiss, come on.`

For some reason I actually thought. she has a point. I looked at Steve, who shrugged. then leaned in and began making out with me. I have to say. I was shocked at the passion l felt. his tongue invading my mouth. Before it ended, I felt his hand cup where my breast would be if I was a girl. I blushed and he laughed, Old habits die hard l guess. Ha ha. My head was spinning. Steve had lit the bowl again and was sitting back as his girl jacked me off, then she reached over with her other hand and took out his cock. Now, I had seen Steve naked a couple times, camping and in the locker room, etc... But that was different, in a completely asexual environment when nobody had an erection. This was different. I had always thought Asians had small dicks. Not true. It wasn't the length of Steve's dick, 7 inches, but the girth that made it huge. It was fat and dripping wet with precum. The fact that he was a ladies man started to make more sense.

She began jacking his dick, still jacking mine, before a phone started ringing. Steve and I looked at each other, realizing it was her's. She picked up and began talking fast. OK calm down. I'm coming. I'm sorry. It's going to be OK. I'll be home in ten minutes." She jumped up, pulled on her underwear, pants, then shirt. She pulled her hair from her collar, looked at us, both sitting there, me naked, Steve in his boxer shorts, both of us with rock hard cocks, and smiled sorry boys, rain check. Didn't mean to leave you in the lurch.` She ducked out the door and I heard the front door shut.

Before I could think to stand up and put on clothes. Steve passed me the bowl. l took a big hit, and Steve blew out smoke, into my face. As I was about to stand up. Steve pulled me back, into his lap. He was much stronger than me and held me in place as I squirmed. Dude, get off me. Fuck you man." l thought he was just messing around until he turned my face up to his by my chin and kissed me on the mouth. For the second time, I found myself shocked at the connection l felt, and stopped struggling, sitting in his lap, my back against his belly and chest. I could feel his hard dick against my back. He started jacking my cock and kissing my neck, which had me moaning. I was brought out of my hypnosis when I felt his fat dick pressing up against the top of my ass crack. Rather than squirm, l quietly said. Steve l don't know.` Now he had both of his hands at work, one rubbing my balls and the other my dripping cock head. Every now and then he

would run his hands up my belly. In an effort to work my cock into his hand, I realized I was gyrating, rubbing his cock which was pressed into my back between us. I was so high I finally decided just to go with it.

He must have felt my muscles relax, because he stopped jacking me and said, "turn over." Idid. My mind was spinning from all the alcohol and weed. I barely noticed his hand on my head, slowly guiding it down to his crotch. I was mesmerized. He held my head down and slowly began rubbing the tip of his cock head around the circumference of my lips. When he said, put it in your mouth. I didn't even question. I opened as wide as I could and put his cock head into my mouth.

I held it there, suddenly coming back to reality. What was I doing? An hour ago I was on a double date trying to score, now I was laying between Steve's legs with his cock head in my mouth and his precum all over my lips. His hand on my head was pushing me down further. Don't get shy now, keep going. He kept pushing me down, then letting my head back up a bit. l couldn't get much of his cock into my mouth, or wasn't really trying to. But he began to moan, and I could feel his pelvis rising to meet me. I figured, what the hell, If I'm going to do this, i might as well do it right. I pulled his cock out of my mouth, and began tugging his boxers down. He kicked them off and we were both naked. Then, I began licking up his shaft. I put his cock head back in my mouth and began to suck him, trying to take him deeper than I had before. "Yeah just like that.I could feel his cock poking the back of my throat. I knew that was the limit.Suck my balls

man, please.I took his dick out, a line of drool connecting it to my mouth, and began sucking his balls. They were big and low hanging. I could only get one in my mouth at a time, but he loved it. I sucked his balls for a while and he told me.get my cock back in your mouth.`

I didn't need to be asked twice. I again sucked him down as deep as I could. This time was different though, his hands on the back of my head were much more forceful. He was trying to push me down further, trying to push his cockhead down my throat. I was gagging but he wouldn't let up. If I'm getting head from a man. I'm gonna give it to him like a man. With a violent thrust, I felt his cock enter my throat. I was shocked I didn't gag. He pushed deeper and I could feel his pole sliding in. I lifted my chest, trying to get the best angle of my neck to give his dick room. Just like that. Careful with those teeth He let up a bit. and I lifted my head off, and he slammed it back down. l couldn't believe it but my lips were actually touching the base of his cock, my nose in his neatly trimmed pubic hair.

I was breathing carefully through my nose, trying to get as much oxygen as I could. His dick still lodged in my throat. Steve smashed my head down to his pubes, and held it there. I could feel his dick ï¬ exing in my neck. Alright, so while Ive got you here. there's a few things we need to discuss. You are now my personal cocksucker. My eyes got wide as I stared at him. Up to this point, I honestly thought my efforts were going to be reciprocated. ''I mean, unless you want people to see a picture of you sucking my cock.I must have looked bewildered.Oh. this picture, he quickly snapped one on his cell phone. I turned red. `Just to make sure, I just emailed it to myself, so there's no hope of deleting it from this phone. Now that that's out of the way, he released me and I tugged off of his cock. feeling his cocked snake up my throat back out my mouth.

I rubbed my lips to get off the precum and drool. I was embarrassed when I realized my voice was raspy What the fuck dude. We're friends. What are you doing? You kissed me Steve was unphased. his wet dick still standing up magnificently. He was laughing. ''I kissed you? You sound like a chick dude. Sure. I kissed you, then you put my dick in your mouth. All's fair.`

I begged him. Please don't show anyone that picture Steve, please don't.

Steve looked back at me. Listen. I did you a favor taking that picture." I was confused. "The fact is. you can't stop looking down at my cock right now. You want to keep sucking it like the cocksucking bitch that you are. But you wouldn't have let yourself otherwise. The picture gives you no choice, no way to hold yourself back. I sealed my fate when, instead of standing up and walking out, I glanced down at his cock again. He laughed, his belly bouncing up and down Bitch, just put it back in your mouth. Whether it's because of the picture or because you want to, I don't give a fuck.

I leaned back in and took his cocked in my mouth, knowing this changed things forever. He really began face fucking me now. I felt like my head belonged to a sex dolls as he repeatedly lifted it and smashed it down onto his cock. He pumped my face for a good five minutes before again tugging me to the base of his cock. Then, with his cock still in my mouth, he ï¬ ipped me onto my back, my head hanging off of the edge of the bed. He stood and began pistoning in and out of my mouth. The bed was making loud noises and I wondered if the other roommates were home. My mind wasn't distracted long. Steve began moaning loudly saying, here come's bitch.

I tried desperately to pull my head off of his dick. I didn't want cum in my mouth. He tugged out only enough to begin spewing semen all over my face as he moaned. He cummed buckets it seemed like. It was hot and white. I was humiliated but actually thought - better than in my mouth. After about six shots, he rested his cock on my face. churning out smaller and smaller amounts of cum. Then, to my horror, he shoved his cum-covered dick back in my mouth. Clean me off bitch. l sucked him clean. He pulled up his boxer shorts and l just laid there, covered in cum. I stood up, wanting to run to my room. Before l could, he grabbed my wrist. He started pushing the cum on my face down into my mouth you're going to eat my cum bitch. you think you're too good for it? You're not too good for anything anymore. I almost wanted to cry as I did what he said. Before I was done, he made me suck off his fingers until they too were clean. Then, he stepped toward

the door. I need a shower. Thanks bitch. See you around. l quickly threw on my pants and ran across the hall to my room where l toweled my face clean and looked in the mirror.

My lips were swollen and red and my hair was all over the place, some spots still sticky with cum. What just happened? I looked down at my rock hard cock. It felt like it was on the verge of exploding. l quickly began beating it and shot all over the mirror. To my dismay. Steve walked into my room, my hand on my rock hard cock the mirror covered in cum. "Yeah. thought so. haha"

When I woke up the next morning, my head was pounding from my hangover. I looked up at the ceiling and stretched my body in bed. I rolled over, fully intending on lying in bed for another hour, then I sat up suddenly. It all came back to me in a ï¬ ash what had happened last night. The double date, Steve and the girl, me blowing steve and finally, the photograph. My stomach lurched. Fuck fuck fuck. I thought. l didn't know what to do. Steve was going to make me keep blowing him. I thought of that for a second, thought again of Steve's thick cut cock and the jizz he had made me eat last night. I thought to myself, we were both drunk. Maybe Steve doesn't even remember. He blacked out quite often when he drank too much.

I got out of bed. put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and decided I needed to address this immediately. I walked straight across the hall into Steve's room. He was sitting on his computer, wearing only a pair of athletic shorts. `Sup dude?" He seemed casual. Maybe he really didn't remember.

Not much. How's your hangover?

Rough, man, very rough. Still, just got to do some homework, got up early this morning.

`Damn.' I figured, the best thing was probably not to address it, but then I thought, shit he's going to see the email he has in his computer.

Yeah, plus I had to read emails. I looked up at him. He smiled. Haba, dude I just had to fuck with you a bit. You really thought I forgot? Haha. Dumb bitch. He stood up and dropped his athletic shorts, his thick, semi-hard dick swinging in front of him. Last night when i was high and drunk was one thing, but this morning, hung over and painfully sober, I couldn't imagine sucking his cock.

He pulled up a window on his computer, thepicture showed me almost impossibly speared on his dick. My lips were stretched around the base of his fat cock, my nose in his pubic hair and his balls on my chin. The way l was angled, I knew his cock was lodged deep in my throat at that point. ‘Please. I don't want to do this Steve.`

'Really?" He pulled down my sweatpants and my cock tented out the underwear I had on. l tried to cover up. embarrassed. He pushed my shoulders down, until l was kneeling, and started slapping his dick in my face. Do you remember me catching you jacking off after I blew a load in your face last night and made you eat it? He put his now hardening dick into my mouth. I tongued it, feeling it getting hotter and more rigid. "Before you even washed my load off your face." After a few minutes of verbal abuse, l was again enthusiastically sucking Steve's cock. He pounded my face roughly and his now rock hard cock was deep in my throat.

After a while, he sat down in his desk chair again and tugged my head over his cock. After about 15 minutes of him humping my face, I felt him spew a load down my throat, my face pressed against his pubes as he did. l figured, this spared me from having to taste it, or get it on my face. He held me in place for a while and then tugged out. He pulled back on his athletic shorts and walked out of the room to the kitchen. l quickly sat down at his computer but it was in sleep mode and I didn't know the password. Not knowing what else to do, I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

As I showered I again felt the need to masturbate. Embarrassed that sucking a man's dick made me want to jerk off. I resisted the urge, let cold water splash over me and got clean. When I walked out into the living room, all of the roommates were there, everyone wearing pajamas of some sort of pajamas. l took the only available seat in the room which was on the couch next to Steve. He winked at me and I blushed, though nobody noticed. We were all watching TV, lambently chatting.

In addition to Steve, my roommates were Joe and Raj. I was quieter than usual. I found myself wishing I had jerked off in the shower since my cock was now constantly semi--hard. However, in my baggy sweatpants, this wasn't hard to hide. I found it hard to focus on the conversation, because my mind kept wandering. Something was different now. The thought of being attracted to men never really occurred to me before last night, but now that it had, I found myself looking at my roommates differently.

Raj was Turkish (not his real name but at least we could pronounce it). He was around 250 lbs, tall and chubby and very hairy. Raj was fun loving, nice, and always down to party with anyone who wanted to. I had really grown to like him. He had dark skin and thick hair that creeped up to his wrist line almost like a sleeve. We had usually given him shit about it, but suddenly I found myself wondering about the rest of his body hair. Wondering about his cock. I thought to myself, I had never even seen him with his shirt off. He had on pajama bottoms and a t shirt.

Joe was in our year, but a few years older than us (which came in handy buying liquor). He was a stocky red blooded italian. He had a round face and a beer belly from drinking too much his freshman year. He was on the short side but still, he was a little built. He could be kind of a dick sometimes, but was generally a good guy to his friends. He had a buzzed head which he sometimes shaved completely, which we always joked, was due to his receding hairline. He was laying on his back on the other side of me on the couch, like Steve, wearing only athletic shorts, his hand on his belly. He burped loudly. I snapped out of my stupor and looked at Joe. Nice Joe. Real Classy.

Suck my dick. Now. this is the kind of thing Joe usually says. But for some reason, it sent my mind back to earlier that morning in Steve's room. Back to last night. Again I had fallen quiet. Fortunately Joe was watching the TV and hadn't noticed. I sat thinking about what it would be like to suck Joe's dick. He was suck a cocky bastard all the time I almost wouldn't want to give him the satisfaction. Still I had never seen Joe naked and I was curious.

Again, I snapped out of it. l couldn't believe what I was thinking. I sucked off Steve twice and now l couldn't stop thinking of cock. I looked over absently at Steve, who was smirking, looking at me. I looked down again. Raj stood up, "l gotta take a dump and take a shower." He left the room and a few minutes later I heard the shower turn on.

I wanted to get up and go to my room, to avoid the uncomfortable silence which Steve seemed to be enjoying so much, but my cock was slightly hard and I didn't want anyone to notice if I stood up. So I stayed put. Suddenly Steve said, "Give me a foot rub." He shoved his feet into my lap and set them down over my quickly hardening cock that I was trying to hide."

I shoved him off, "fuck you man. Rub your own feet."

He put them back onto my lap, "give me a foot rub" he was more serious now. I looked up and he had his cell phone out. I blushed and started massaging his feet.

Joe immediately broke out laughing "For real? You're going to give in that easy?" He was laughing at me. I blushed, massaging Steve's feet as he put away his phone. We continued watching TV as I rubbed his feet, Joe looking over strangely every now and then, my cock rock hard under Steve's feet. Raj walked out of the bathroom, looked at me quizzically before grabbing his backpack, "I got to run boys, I'll be home later," and he ducked out the door. When he walked out, steve stood up and took his chair, leaving Joe and I on the couch. I had my hands awkwardly covering my crotch, putting my leg on my other leg to hide it.

To my dismay, Steve said to Joe, "Why don't you see if you can get one for yourself?" He was laughing.

Joe looked at me and I said, "Fuck off." Steve kept laughing.

Joe looked at me seriously, "Massage my feet bitch." He reached his feet over into my lap. He rested them down and immediately felt my hard dick. He sprang up from the couch "What the fuck?" I blushed red, still sitting, covering my dick. "Did you seriously get that hard from rubbing Steve's feet?" I was blushing.

I didn't know what to say, "It's a joke." I knew it sounded pathetic.

Joe looked over at Steve. "Did you know about this?"

Steve took out his phone and showed Joe the picture of me. He zoomed in to my mouth wrapped around the base of his cock. "Bitch is good for a lot more than foot rubs." Joe looked at me, I was so embarrassed. Was I going to have to move out of the house? He was just staring at me.

Then, suddenly, he peeled off his shirt and dropped his pants. He wasn't wearing any underwear. Joe wasn't all that hairy on his chest, but he had a nice furry ass and a long fat cock. He stepped forward and I immediately took him into my mouth. I felt his dick getting harder in my mouth and he was panting as he pumped it in and out. He wasn't talking, just thrusting into my throat. "Who would have thought after all the times I've told you to suck my dick that you'd actually end up doing it. Jesus, Steve you must have been teechin this bitch well, she's a natural." He started laughing. I was gagging a little but it only seemed to egg Joe on. I put my hands on his furry ass. "Let's see what she'll really do." He tugged his dick out of my mouth and I was sitting again on the couch. He walked into his bedroom. "Well come on bitch."

I don't know why I did it. I stood up and followed him into his room. I couldn't help it. I wanted more of that thick cock. Steve followed us, enjoying the show. "Go ahead bitch, lie on your back." Figuring he was going to throat fuck me like Steve had the night before, I did as I was told. My erect cock tented my sweatpants, leaving no remaining doubt that I was enjoying myself. However, I wasn't expecting what came next. Joe turned around and quickly spread open his hairy cheeks and sat on my face. I could barely breath and I was thrashing under him. "If you want air you're going to have to lick first."

I began licking as if my life depended on it (which at the time it felt like it did). His ass was hairy and soaked in sweat but I kept licking as he rocked back and forth on my face, every now and then giving me a moment for air. A few times I felt my tongue cross his sphincter. Again, the reasoning came over me that, if I was going to do something, I might as well do it. I began probing his asshole with my tongue, which he seemed to love.

I was truly eating out his asshole for a good five minutes when he stood up and crammed his cock back into my mouth. He began throat fucking me as hard as he could, his hairy belly resting against my chest, and my head pinned between his legs. He kept pumping as he grunted, "About to cum bitch." I kept sucking as I felt his balls tense up. Semen splashed into my mouth and he tugged out, spraying my face with it. He shoved his dick back in and pumped the rest back into my throat. I held him in my mouth, my hands feeling his hairy ass, as his cock softened. He tugged out "I think that bitch is in love."

Steve had his camera out and was flipping through a whole new batch of pictures. I looked at them both, my face dripping in cum and probably shining with Joe's asssweat. Again I couldn't believe what I had done. I stood up and said "I have to shower again." Joe laughed and slapped me on the ass on my way out.

"I'll say." I heard them talking and laughing as I ran to the bathroom and got into the shower for the second time that morning.

Next: Chapter 2

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