Soopersaver Pets

By Stevie Zadara

Published on Dec 14, 2007


Lots more embarrassing masturbatiion fun, games, frolics and humiliation with tough lads in the supermarket. Any feedback if you liked the story and suggestions for Part 7 gratefully received. Thanks for all the great comments so far guys!

Part 6

It's nearly time to take doggie for a walk. Andy was preparing delivery boy Shane Cook for that role right at that very moment. Shane was an insolent little punk, 5'6" tall and with a very cocky square jawed face in a permanent pout. His dark hair was shaven at the sides and gelled up on top into two broad bands, one jet black, one blond. He already looked like a Labrador with that stupid hairdo. A barbed wire left bicep tattoo and a nipple ring finished the look. When he had finished unloading the milk, Andy announced to 20 year old bubble-butted Shane that today he was going to play Doggie. Reluctant though Shane was he knew he'd earn an extra 20 if he went along with the game, but in any case he knew it was pointless to try to escape, as he was still wanted having jumped bail at his last court appearance. His forlorn punky look meant he had to go along with the ride. It was now 8pm and the supermarket was closed apart from very special male customers who wanted to watch depraved acts performed my fit, handsome, cocky young men against their will. They could still do their shopping, so that their wives and partners didn't suspect anything, but they could ogle and play with the Soopersava Pets at the same time. The black shutters came down as the last of Timmy's schoolmates left the building. A number of male shoppers entered the supermarket from a rear entrance, their erections bobbing in their jeans. Shane protested as he was made to wear an elastic headband with two flapping doggie ears dangling, a half inch elastic waistband with an erect bushy tail sticking up at the back, and little fur paws and claws on his hands and feet.

"There's a good doggie Shane!" laughed Andy, as Shane squirmed in embarrassment. "Down on all fours for drinkies, that's a good boy!" Shane was forced to drink water from a plastic bowl with his name under a bone image. It was hilarious. Some of the paying customers marvelled at him as he drank from the bowl, his tail sticking up erect above his puckered, shaved little asshole.

"Isn't he cute," laughed one, as he patted him on the behind. A black, shiny doggie nose was attached with an elastic band and he now really looked ready for walkies. Timmy came along to attach Shane's collar and lead around the store, much to the amusement of the customers and the, as yet, still clothed pets.

"It's such fun to watch these little dirty punks made to behave like idiots," laughed 72 year old customer Angus Arnold. "Do you mind if I masturbate his penis? I'd like to see him do a doggie walk with a nice big erection. It would be fun."

"Certainly not, you play with his doggie knob Angus, I'm sure we'd all like to see it, wouldn't we Shane?"

"Fuck off you pervs," shouted Shane in his stupid outfit with his cock and balls exposed.

"Oh dear, Doggie has forgotten that he can only bark and go woof woof," said McCormack, as he strapped a red ball gag to the stupid fuck's mouth so that he could only growl or murmur his responses. He gave Shane's smooth, curvaceous butt a couple of nice smacks two, and the erect tail bobbed about for everyone's amusement. Angus quickly felt under the boy's stomach and started jacking on the enormous cock for everyone's amusement. Soon, completely against Shane's will, his horny penis started to erect and soon reached his full potential of 8 inches. As Timmy embarrassedly walked Timmy round the store, his nude cock bounced excitedly against his abs and helpless Shane trailed a string of precum mess all across McCormack's nice new supermarket floor.

"Look what that fucker is doing to my clean floor" yelled McCormack, as he kicked Shane up the ass, eliciting a loud growl through the muzzle and laughter from the other pets, who were made to fetch a cloth to clean up. Suddenly, Shane stopped and his ass quivered. He bowed his legs out, blushed and moaned through the muzzle as his bright red cherry anus puckered.

"I think doggie is going to have a shit!" laughed Andy.

Shane was indeed desperate to take a dump and the onlookers howled with merriment as Shane's anus swelled and the first turd appeared at the tip. Shane bellowed into the gag as he took his shit, still with a full hardon. Five golden turds plopped out of his ass onto the floor. McCormack was beside himself and when Shane had quite finished, he pushed the lad's face in his own cack to make sure he didn't do it again. With shit stuck to his own face, Shane was paraded around the store. Andy rammed a parsnip up his ass to make sure he didn't have any more little accidents. Then it was time for the doggie fuck. Andy brought out a big latex doggie with it's ass in the air ready for fucking. Shane was motioned over to give the thing a big doggie pounding with his stiff dick as a crowd gathered round. Poor little grunt Shane mounted the obscene latex doggie ass as his butt flexed and the parsnip dropped out. The temperature was high and Shane began to sweat and grunt as he fucked the doggie. The onlookers cheered and clapped to the rhythm, as the ass flexed deliciously and the randy boy fucked the hell out of the doll. He grunted and bucked for the lads. He shamelessly rammed the hole and started to squeal as he came. He reared up and as he pulled his cock out of the rubber anus a splat of cum arced forwards and splattered all over the latex. Shane panted as his balls tensed up and down and more and more spoo bolted out of his dirty cock. A huge round of applause as the doggie spent himself.

Shane was led back to the back offices as the gents were told that Angus Babcock's two grandsons were ready to play in the hot room. Angus's geriatric friends, ten of them, were led in and made their way to the armchairs, some with walking sticks, to get ready for the show. Angus's grandsons gulped nervously as they heard chuckling. Sett was 18 and Bobby was 19. They had been caught by their grandfather jacking off in their bedroom while staying over with him during this week while their parents were away. Angus had decided they wanted punishing, and it was either telling their father what they had been up to, or agreeing to come along to McCormack's gang and play at sex games for the older men. Bobby was only 5'4", but cute as can be, just one year older than his brother. The hot room was heated up to over 90 degrees as it was fun when the boys got sweaty. 10 armchairs for the viewers had been arranged around a 12 foot childrens' paddling pool filled with slippery baby oil. Bobby came in wearing a black T shirt embazed with the message "FUCK HIGH SCHOOL", blue jeans and a chunky wrist and neck chain. His cap bore the FCUK logo and he had his hands shoved in his pockets. His brother Sett, cropped blond hair, silver chain and pretty pouting face was just as cocky in khaki cargo trousers, white trainers, cheap sunglasses balanced on his head, with a grey baseball cap, grey short sleeved Nike shirt and a cocky smirk. Applause as they entered the hot room and started to sweat in their street gear, caps and sneakers. They looked nervous. Angus explained that the lads had been off to see their girlfriends and were dressed to impressed in their "best" clothes.

"But I had other ideas and brought them straight here for you. They've both even washed and put on their cheap, shitty aftershave for your benefit!"

Of course, it wasn't for their benefit, it was for their girlfriends' benefit. But their girlfriends would be looking at their watches by now, and dumping their stupid boyfriends by the morning. Angus and his mates thought it all highly amusing.

"Would you like to strip off for us, lads?" suggested Angus. They shook their heads disobediently.

"Well then, there's no choice," laughed Angus, who used toe be a PE instructor in the 50s and hadn't lost much of his strength. He grabbed Bobby's shirt and ripped it clean off his back, revealing a sexy white Y back singlet beneath, and the gold chain that showed off his neck muscles and glistened in the artificial light.

"Hey granddad you fucker, that was my best shirt!". With that he ripped off Bobby's sexy black FCUK top and revealed his smooth, hairless torso. He then suddenly whipped Sett's sunglasses of his cocky head and threw them against the wall, where they smashed in two. He pulled Bobby's prize baseball cap off and threw it to one of his friends.

"A little souvenir of tonight's show, laughed Angus. One of his geriatric friends, Gus, put the cap on and modelled it for the others. Bobby wouldn't be getting that back! As the lads sulked, heir granddad took a pair of garden shears to the top of the seat of Bobby's trousers and snipped them open, clean through the belt, so they dropped to the floor in an instant. The crowd wolf whistled and went wild as they saw that Bobby had intended to impress his girlfriend with a little mauve thong. Applause and laughter as Bobby blushed in his kinky gear, his big cock clearly outlined and the whole of his rear exposed by the sexy g string. Next, the same treatment for Sett, whose trousers were rent in two by the clippers and dropped to the floor, exposing his sizeable package in a sexy pair of sky blue briefs and smooth legs. The audience laughed as they saw the words "BIG BOY" written on the front of the briefs.

"Ha ha! Just how big we will have to see later, teased Angus to a chorus of "Awww" from his friends as the two lads were led behind a screen in their trainers and briefs.

Angus instructed the two hooligans to strip off behind a black curtain and slip into their new uniforms. He was going to make sure these two were humiliated good and proper ^Ö his friends had made all this effort to come up and see them and he was going to make damn sure his grandsons put on a good show. The lads squirmed as they took off their underpants and sneakers, so that they stood there in just their chunky gold scally neck chains. Next, sighs of grief as Angus produced their new, sexy little costumes. To start off they were going to be humiliated and made to parade as majorettes in front of the old men. The lads were mortified, but nevertheless realised they were locked in and would have to endure it. Hunky little Sett was given a canary yellow majorettes' outfit, basically like a girl's swimming costume with very brief cut knickers and a yellow pleated skirt which showed ass in the traditional manner whenever the wearer swung round. The hem of the outfit was finished off with matching yellow fur trim. He would look adorable in this, along with his matching majorette top hat with erect feather and his new yellow sneakers. Bobby was forced into the exact same type of outfit, except his was baby pink. That would teach them a lesson. Both of them protested as they were forced into the sissy uniforms, Sidney laughing at their predicament as they were given their twirling batons and told that they were to emerge in front of the audience and curtsey to the gentlemen.

"Gentlemen, please welcome our glamorous girly majorettes, Sett and Bobby!" yelled Angus. Wolf whistles and laughter as the two naughty brothers were ushered out and forced to curtsey to the old homosexuals.

"Curtsey at the rear as well girls, and lift up your little dresses so the gents can see your cute asses! You better play along with this or I'll tell your parents I found your stash of pussy mags and that I found you masturbating".

"Sorry gramps," offered Sett, blushing as he showed his ass for the men.

"Too late for sorry, young fellow me lad. Should have thought of that well before you started playing with those teenage penises of yours. The lads were shocked at being told off like this in front of their grandad's friends, who only laughed.

"Well, here are my cocky lads. They'd love to play at sex games for you, wouldn't you lads?" , said their grandfather. Angus was nearly 73 and he was going to richly enjoy getting his own back on these two cocky little fucks. The two lads gazed down, knowing there was no choice. Angus then started up a CD of marching music, beginning with Colonel Bogey and In The Mood, and got the lads to march on the spot, twirling their stupid batons. The old boys laughed along and the two lads started to sweat profusely in the hot room as the temperate reached over 90 degrees and they concentrated on marching ^Ö "in time, in time girls!" yelled Angus, as the slapped their bottoms for good measure. "Da-da, da-da da dad a daaaa^Å" went the terrible music. Their little skirts flounced and showed their cock mounds as they marched, and Angus lifted them at the back so that the men could get a good glimpse of the boys' tough asses flexing to the beat.

"Start twirling those batons. Each time you drop one you will pay a little forfeit girls," bleated Angus. The lads looked at each other as they marched standing in the paddling pool and bit their lips with embarrassment. One of the old men squired some baby oil in the pool so it was harder for them to stand straight. Laughter rang out as the boys hopped unsteadily about in the yellow childrens' pool. Cute fucker Bobby was the first to drop his baton.

"^Åand stop marching!" ordered Angus, as he temporary stopped the moronic majorette music. "This naughty little girl has dropped her baton!" he mocked,as he slapped sexy Bobby behind the head and on the butt. "What shall we do with her? How about^Å. A pint of vegetable oil down her top?"

"I said SHALL I?" roared Angus, like a circus clown, as Bobby winced and his granddad stuck a funnel in the top of his majorette's outfit and a short stick between the boy's smooth chest and the outfit so that it poured right down inside the fabric and aimed for his cock.

"Yessss!" came back the roar of the onlookers. Patches of sweat were appearing all over the boys' outfits, making them transparent.

"OK then!" chuckled Angus, as he tipped the contents of a whole bottle of oil down the front of poor Bobby's frock. He bowed his legs as the disgusting liquid trickled all down his tight body and rendered the front panel of the outfit virtually see-through.

"Ooh look lads," guffawed Angus, as he lifted up the canary yellow skirt of Bobby's outfit, "you can see her pussy and everything!" Hollers of approval as the outline of Bobby's chunky penis and balls was outlined against the fabric. Even his stupid brother couldn't resist a grin at Bobby's expense. Bobby looked at him disgustedly and muttered "wanker" under his breath.

"Oh, you think it's funny to drop the baton, do you Sett?" snarled Angus. "Well, let's see how you like this. Circus style he whipped off Sett's pink majorette hat, poked a little hole in the top, and filled the cap with whipped cream. The onlookers egged him on. Angus jammed the hat over the cute fucker's shaven head and the cream shot out in a six foot arc through the little hole, like a giant cock cumming. It was hilarious and everyone but Sett laughed, as the hat was pushed right down over his pouting mouth. Angus turned the music up again and made them both continue marching and twirling like stupid girls. Eventually, Bobby came off balance and bumped into Sett. Both of them dropped their batons and slipped into the pool.

"Dead heat!" declared Angus, as everyone giggled and one of the onlookers squirted baby oil at the two helpless brats in the pool.

"Get out of those costumes and it's fifty nude jumping jacks each!" barked Angus. The lads looked horrified and the granddads smiled with glee. They were going to see the cocky bastards' bouncing cocks at last.

"You know what will happened if you don't!" warned Angus, as the hapless pair stripped nude for the old boys' prurient pleasure. They watched and inspected the brace of youthful cocks. Both had freshly shaved their pubic hair for their girlfriends. Both were full of spunk for their girlfriends, but it wasn't going to be their girlfriends that got it.

"Look at those big cocks, lads!" squealed Angus. Both must have been five inches, even soft, and they looked enormous on these two lads, who were both pretty short. In fact, they were pretty all round. Pretty boys putting on a show for the elderly. Angus was in heaven as he played the Pointer Sisters "JUMP" loudly and the old men clapped along as the lads jumpin' jacked. They counted the jumps 26-27-28-29^Å. The lads got sweatier and sweatier as their cocks flapped against their bellies and got harder and harder with the force. By the time they reached 50 there was a roar from the onlookers as they realised both boys' cocks had reached full erection.

"Look Bobby, your cock is completely hard! Is your brother turning you on, you cheeky fuck?" laughed Angus, as he tied the lad's hands behind his back

"Hey, what's going on?" yelled Bobby, as his cock danced and precum dribbled out.

"He's dribbling!" shouted Gus as he pointed at the teen's wet cock. Angus secured Sett's hands behind his back too and then pushed his cock down to make it spring up and whack his stomach, just to show the guys how horny his stud grandsons actually were.

They're dying to get off, look!" shouted Angus, as he bounced Bobby's cock too. "Shall we make them cum, lads?" giggled Angus.

A huge chorus of "yessss!" as Angus made the lads climb into the paddling pool with their hands tied behind their back. Gus squirted a huge amount of baby oil over the boys as the audience ogled and pulled their armchairs up round the pool.

"The boys are going to play sex for you all," announced Angus. "They have ten minutes to make each other cum, and they have to do it by rubbing up against each other.

"Do you understand that lads?" A rueful nod of agreement from the horny duo as they resigned themselves to squirming in the oil to get each other off and out of their horrible predicament.

"Ready, steady, go!" shouted Angus as the crowd were delighted to be rewarded with the sight of two of the sexiest teenage brothers imaginable squirming and writhing against each other's delicious, lithe, athletic, young, muscled bodies.

"Ooh you filthy fucker!"

"Aargh you bastard"

The two sexy brawlers flexed and showed off their asses, cocks and holes as they jabbed each others' cocks at each others' stomachs and legs.

"The loser gets more treatment!" shouted Angus, as he slid a gelled butt plug up each boy's ass to encourage them to a big gusher. The two teens suddenly realised they could get out of that if they came together. As they writhed against each other, both found that they got most excited as their cockheads entwined. They both kneeled and squirmed back on their pink butt plugs and bounced cockheads as the audience drooled open-mouthed at the young fertile mens' display of dick.

"Ohh fuck," shouted Bobby, as he jabbed his brother's cockhead.

"jab it, jab it, you fuck," shouted Sett, keen to get his cock off. Suddenly and with no warning, both boys' cocks began to spew out wads of cream. It spurted up from one brother on to the other's chest and vice versa. Great ropes of hot cum splattered the athletic boys' chests and dribbled down into their metal nipple rings. Both let out gasps of orgasmic joy as their semen spewed all over their legs and trickled into the pool. It had been a hell of a show. A round of applause form the granddads. Angus laughed, slapped them both round the face and said they could go and greet their girlfriends by running home in their underpants. Sett and Bobby were only to pleased to get out of their naked to avoid granddad squealing to their parents.

Angus, though, promised that the show wasn't over yet. There were a couple more acts still to come. Firstly, Gus announced that he had caught his 18 year old grandson Mick trying to screw his 15 year old underage girlfriend. Gus had threatened to go to the police unless Mick agreed to come along tonight and put on a little show of masturbation for granddad and his dirty old men. Angus introduced Gus, an athletic, 5'11" cheeky fuck with taut muscles and large masculine biceps. He was bare chested with a No.2 crop and a brass ring in each ear. A real macho stud, or so he thought. His sky blue boxers and grey waistband extended three inches above the waistband of his grey jeans, which were slung half way down his ass. Massive unlaced baseball boots on his feet. As he swaggered in, sneering, ready for his punishment, Gus asked for an audience volunteer to jerk the brat off. Hands shot up. Gus thought that the oldest guest, 82 year old Henry, deserved the treat, and Angus whipped the boy's jeans down to fully expose the boxers. A quick yank and they too were down. The young thug pouted as he stood there nude. Gus ordered him to drape himself across Harry's lap with his right arm around Harry's neck, so that the old man had the lad sprawled across him ready to play with. Harry immediately started fiddling with the boy's big cock and lush pubic bush. His balls were big weighty fuckers too.

"Just so the big boy remembers not to cradle snatch, we thought we'd make this a night for him to remember," laughed Gus, as he stuck a pacifier in Mick's gobby mouth and a yellow baby bonnet on his head. The previously cocky teen blushed with embarrassment as Harry fingered him to erection.

"You will act like the big baby you are and address Harry as Mister Henry, Michael," ordered Gus. "You will make burbling baby noises and coo when you are about to cum," he continued.

Mick had little choice. "Tell Mister Henry what you want, Micky," instructed Gus. "Like a nice little boy."

"I want cum cum," burbled the thick jock. Everyone laughed as Harry manipulated the brat's cock to full hardness and played with the head. "Ooh, play with my helmet Mister Harry," burbled Mick, hysterically.

After a few minutes, Mick was ready to explode and his balls drew up to his cock. He cooed and cooed like a baby as Harry wanked on his thick cock. Jets of cum bolted out of the young rugby player's knob and the first one splattered right across the stupid fuck's face. The second went over his shoulder and the third caught him in the eye. A total of nine big spurts roped all across his big chest, trickling into the string of tattooed Chinese lettering down the left side of his torso. A job done he jumped up, yelled "dirty fuckers" at the men, and slipped his shorts and jeans back on to leave the men to pack up the show. A huge round of applause and laughter from the onlookers.

"Last but certainly not least, I would like you all to meet a young wrestler called Chris," intoned Gus. "I am also glad to inform you that this show is going out live on the internet and that we already have 28 fans logged on to see this lad humiliated for their fun and entertainment." A wolf whistle and more applause from those present in the stifling room. Gus explained that high jinks after winning a wrestling tournament had led to Chris being arrested for throwing paint at the windows of a neighbouring house. Gus had liaised with Andy at the local police force and arranged for Chris to be given a bit of treatment in return for not being handed in. Chris had pleaded for leniency, which was fun in itself, but the cruel sport of his own punishment was just about to begin in front of paying spectators who would love to see the young wrestler brought down to their level. First of all a couple of photos of the young wrestler were shown to the men to whet their appetite. Several licked their lips and nodded their approval as they looked at the stunning 18 year old wrestler. Dark blond, with hair swept forward and shaved to a number two crop sides and back, Chris was every inch the athletic hero, A crisp, well defined jaw and melt in the mouth rough boy face, he was going to be fun to play with.

Gus led the lad into the room wearing his stunningly sexy outfit as the chat room went wild with comments of appreciation. He wore a purple Nike sleeveless tank top and blue, silk, Adidas shorts with navy football socks and matching 12 hole construction boots. What was most fun was that his hands were handcuffed behind his back and his legs shackled together with a six inch metal chain so that he could barely shuffle along. It was priceless. Chris hollered and swore at the lascivious crowd, which just made them love it all the more.

"Shall we get this cutie out of his kit then lads?" roared Gus, to a deafening wave of approval. Unable to move, Chris almost sobbed as Gus took a huge pair of garden shears to the lad's tank top and cut it straight up the back, ripping it off his athletic torso to reveal a gold chain round his studly neck. Above the shorts could be seen the waistline of what looked like a very sexy pair of HOM briefs. Gus made the lad turn round so the viewers at home and in the playpen could have a good look at the visible line that the boy's briefs cut right across the interior of the silky shorts. Once again the audience grabbed their crotches in excitement and shouted their approval.

"Wouldn't we all like to see inside this?" teased Gus.

"Fuckin' fuck off you load of fuckin' pervs," retorted the tough boy.

"My goodness we do know some big words, don't we," mocked one of the men in the audience, provoking a gob of spit from Chris right across the room.

"Fuckin' fuck off, twat face, it's not fuckin' funny", continued Chris.

"Oh no but it will be now," laughed Gus as McCormack entered to help steady the struggling youth and tie a bright pink ball gag round his foul-mouthd face.

"That should shut the dirty bastard up," giggled McCormack, as Gus ripped away the boy's shorts to reveal a stunning pair of flesh pink HOM bikini briefs, beautifully encasing his obviously large cock and showing off his thick, athletic wrestler legs to their best advantage. Gus forced the near naked jock to revolve and show his ass off to the crowd so that they could appreciate his firm, taut bubble butt.

"First of all I think we should wash his filthy mouth out with a bar of old fashioned soap treatment," continued Gus, as he took a toothbrush, scraped it across some wet soap and proceded to jab inside the cocky lad's mouth with it, making him foam and choke around the bit gag. The older men present all remember their own fathers washing their own mouths out with soap after using foul language and it was great fun watching this cocky lad getting the same treatment.

Gus then asked a few incredibly simple questions, such as `what is the sum of two plus four, what is the capital of Scotland and where would you find a lady's nipples'. Chris burbled under his gag but was quite unable to answer, causing howls of derision and laughter in the room and on the net.

"Oh dear it looks like we have a bit of a dumbo here. Dumbo the elephant! Well, I wonder what sort of a trunk this one has?" More snorts of amusement from the audience.

"First of all I think it's time for the dunce's cap. Such an ignorant boy and such a wanker!" laughed Gus as the lad's crystal green eyes begged for the humiliation to stop. No chance. A large red and white, pointed hat with the pink letter `D' was jammed over his head, a strap fastening it beneath his neck for reasons that would become clearer shortly. In fact, closer inspection revealed that it was an adapted traffic cone and as such pretty heavy. Here was the school teen idol made to parade in front of old lecherous men with a traffic cone on his head. He looked a rare sight. McCormack stretched the fabric of the lad's briefs at the rear and twanged it against his taut, pink bottom. His tanline from swimming showed that he wore speedoes barely less revealing than the underwear that was supposed to be kept to show to his string of admiring girlfriends. Chris was mortified that it was being shown off in this way. Gus poured some baby oil down the back of the briefs and rubbed it in, pulling the underwear half way down the lad's ass so that everyone could see. Without warning, McCormack then ripped the lad's pants off so that his cock swung free. A five inch uncut beauty with a close knit surround of dark blond pubes showed that this was one sexually experienced hunk.

"Who would like to see this hunk masturbated? Let's have a show of hands!" Of course all the hands shot up and the desire to see the boy shoot his sperm was enormous. Here he was in the ridiculously large ball gag and boots, with the dunce cap wedged on his head, and he was about to be whacked off. Chris looked mortified as he was pushed onto his back and a piece of chain rope from the ceiling threaded through the bar connecting his feet. As McCormack and Gus pulled on what looked like a separate rope, the audience gradually realised that they were tugging on a pulley which was looped through a metal hook on the ceiling and attached to the defenceless lad's feet. He was going to be hauled upside down, suspended from the ceiling and jacked off. What a sight to behold! Soon the ingenious contraption had the 5'8" tall boy held upside down, the chin strap keeping his comedy cap on, and Gus began to manipulate the impressively displayed cock to hardon. Even in this state, it didn't take long to get the sexually fully mature wrestler to full hardon. What Chris suddenly realised was that not only was he going to be forced to orgasm for these men's pleasure, but that if he wasn't careful his semen was going to spray right in his own face.

Chris sorely regretted not wanking over the last couple of days. He had been saving up a huge load of cum for his girlfriend that night and now realised he was going to get his own batter right in his own face. The audience simply lapped it up and chanted in unision `Wank him off, wank him off". With the amount of cum the young punk had stored up over two days it wasn't long before he yelled into the ball gag and streams of hot white fluid jetted out from his swollen uncut penis. He baulked as he creamy liquid slapped straight onto his face in one long rope of sexual released. Huge blobs spattered the underside of the plastic traffic cone and, due to the shape of the rim, trickled back straight into the horny lad's own hair, face and eyes. A huge strand of cum then landed right on the ball gag and slithered into his own mouth. The camera captured every moment as the boy writhed and displayed every muscle and sinew in his bid to stop the embarrassment and the unique spectacle of being made to shoot his own cum on his pretty face.

A huge round of applause and that wrapped up the show for the day. It was time for well earned rest, but not for long. As Chris was unfurled and given a sound spanking to teach him a lesson for the paint throwing escapade, he was let off with a caution from Andy. Soon another day of fun in the Soopersaver supermarket was about to dawn.

Part 7 to follow

Next: Chapter 7

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