Soopersaver Pets

By Stevie Zadara

Published on Nov 26, 2007


Lots more fun, games, frolics and humiliation with tough lads in the supermarket. Any feedback if you liked the story and suggestions for Part 6 gratefully received. Thanks for all the great comments so far guys!

Part 5

McCormack surveyed the stripper's booth. Sexy young athlete Scott entered from the shop side and a small crowd of women started through the window at the scene. They laughed themselves silly when they saw Scott's ludicrous and embarrassing fruit costume. He stood on a small mirror disc about two feet wide, set in the centre of synthetic grass draped over orange crates. Fruit of various shapes decorated the grass. At the front of the booth, the words "MY FRUIT IS GOOD FOR YOU" were emblazoned. Poor Scott had no idea who was looking through the one-way mirror at him, and McCormack went round the back to call at him to start bumping and grinding and to put on a real sexy show for the ladies, stripping to full nudity over 40 minutes before he could take a breather.

"It'll bring a touch of fun and titillation to the store, and you are going to be providing it son," he laughed, as he started up the dancing music, all of it fruit related, of course, and starting with Prince's "Peach", then the "Banana Splits" theme, U2's "Lemon", a bit of "Cherry Oh Baby" and so on. The excited lady shoppers burst into the store as Andy White re-opened the store and rushed straight up to Scott's stripper booth to see him tease them with his sexy routine and shout "Off Off Off" at him. They giggled as he was forced to reveal his sexy, athletic figure piecemeal. They clapped and stamped their feet. They squealed in unison as he eventually got down to just his strawberry shaped jockstrap. One of the women shoppers almost laughed herself silly at that site, but of course McCormack was loving the embarrassment the horny-looking lad was put through. The only thing that concerned him was that while the show was going on, nobody was doing any shopping. He hated to see profits down, so he signalled to the lad to get on with it and whip his jockstrap off. Plenty of oohs and aahs and more laughter as the red jock came off and Scott's giant cock, decorated with the chrome ring in the bell end, was revealed. Scott shook his beautiful bubble butt dressed only in purple trainers, lime green sports socks and a peach coloured baseball cap. The show was starting to get even ruder as Scott's penis got taut and started to erect. The women pointed and whistled.

"Wank it off!" shouted one older woman.

"Yeh show us yer spunk" jeered another.

McCormack was amused that they wanted the show to go that far and decided yet again that the store had to be closed if he was now going to do a wank show. It was too much. Those inside the store now knew what they were getting into and they wanted to see the boy embarrass himself my jerking his cock. He looked amazed to see them banging on the window of his booth, laughing hysterically, as McCormack put the store closed sign up, pulled down the shutters and motioned to Scott to wank off. As he turned the open' sign to closed, he saw a couple of furious women in their fifties with the two girls who had earlier witnessed Dale's performance in the kilt as personal shopper. Well, person in-store sex showboy, more like. They wanted to complain about him and the goings on and demanded to be let in. McCormack let them in and took the two girls and their mothers up the back way to his office. One of the women let out a secret yessss' and they stifled a giggle. They secretly hoped that they were going to get to see what their daughters had seen. All of them wanted to see Dale's cock under that kilt again.

Meanwhile Scott's penis was at full erection and he was sneering cockily at the women from the inside of his little arena. All the women clapped in unison as the insolent lad whacked away on his cock. Without warning he bucked his hips and cum spat out of his balls. Wads of hot cum splattered up the sides of the glass booth and then right up the boy's tight, smooth chest, where it dribbled down lewdly towards his smooth abs. A round of applause and more laughter. Scott teased them even more by scraping up some cum and having a taste of what he had just produced. At that, Andy White let down the `Juicy Fruit' purple curtain at the front of the booth and ushered the coarse, cheering women away from the show. They jabbered and cackled about the disgusting show boy and talked about coming back again. Andy tipped Scott all of £5 after the women had gone, and took a mobile call from McCormack asking him to bring Dale upstairs to apologise to the women. McCormack was still imagining that they really were there just to complain and he was looking forward to rubbing Dale's sexy nose in it. Andy soon found Dale in his sexy kilt, ass in the air, stacking bags of flour on a bottom shelf.

"Oi. Pet Dale," barked Andy


"It's yes SIR".

"Awright. Yes SIR then,"

"Don't answer me back boy," retorted Andy. "Just because you think you're hot shit. There's been a complaint about your cock".

"Never `ad no fookin' complaints before," snorted Dale, sneering as Andy caught a glimpse of his big, juicy athletic ass beneath the kilt.

"Nevertheless," continued Andy, "I think it best we put you in a shorter kilt to see if we can distract them".

"No fookin' way" protested the shaven-headed thug.

"Come with me. You know what will happen if you don't go along with this."

"What?" yelled Dale, forgetting yet again.

"I will turn you in and you'll do time, mate, that's what. Anyway. £10 bonus for wearing a short kilt all day".

"I'll do it". Acquiescence for a bit of cash was a quick fix. Andy was going to enjoy this and went to fit the lad up in a short tartan kilt that barely covered his cock and ass. In his construction boots and white vest he looked jaw-droppingly sexy. No underpants. Every time he took a step the kilt revealed either the end of his cock or a swathe of athletic ass or both.

The complaining women were impatient. Dale's heart pounded as he was led into the office and the lascivious women eyed him from top to toe in his scrumptious, sexy kit. McCormack winked at Andy when he saw the short kilt, as if to say `Nice one, mate'.

"These ladies are here with their daughters to complain about the behaviour earlier today when you were shopping for Mr McCreadie. They would like an apology. So go on, give them one". One of the mothers sniggered, thinking how much she'd like him to give her one. The 5'8" piece of tattooed boysex meat started to stammer out an apology.

"Sorry if I gave any offence".

"Tell them what you were doing, lad", insisted McCormack.

"I was shoppin' for that fookin' poof bloke", whined Dale.

"I think you mean our friend Mr McCreadie," said Andy

"Yeah, him".

"Well that's not all you were doing is it?" McCormack went on. "Tell these nice ladies what a disgusting thing you did".

"Well you made me..." blabbered Dale

"I made you what?" McCormack interrupted. "Go on, apologise for what you did. And get down on one knee".

The women and their daughters giggled as the sexy lad unknowingly exposed his cock and balls as he bent down on one knee, his left leg high, exposing a large amount of ass flesh as the kilt flapped back.

"I am sorry." blurted Dale

"Sorry for what", went on McCormack.

"Sorry I wanked". The sexy boi blushed. The women started to get excited and lapped it up.

"I think you mean `masturbated'", McCormack corrected.

"Masturbated then", sneered Dale.

"And what happened then? Tell the ladies and apologise" said White.

"I shot cum on the floor. I am really sorry," whined the pathetic lad.

"You are twenty years old and still playing with your penis?" snorted McCormack.

"Not normally cos I...." chirped Dale, eager to proclaim how he could fuck whoever he wanted.

"It's pathetic, isn't it Tanya," said one mother to the other. "Grown up boy like him pulling on his cock. Makes you sick".

"I'm s-s-sorry," said Dale again. "It wasn't my fault".

"Oh then whose fault is it then? Sammy Davis Junior's?" mocked McCormack. Everyone but Dale fell about laughing.

"Well, then ladies, we are all agreed that this insolent lad should be punished. What sort of punishment are you going to want dished out?"

Dale looked pleadingly at McCormack, realising he was trapped in a room with four women who wanted revenge.

"Well I think he should admit he's a dirty little boy who needs a spanking", ordered Tanya, mock sincerely. McCormack, but not Dale of course, was beginning to realise that the women wanted a show after all.

"Ask for a spanking then Dale," he asked the humiliated lad.

"Please may I have my ass spanked," spat Dale, reluctantly between gritted teeth.

"You don't sound like you really want it. Say it again like you mean it," yelled McCormack as he got the lad to bend over his knee. He pulled up the kilt over Dale's athletic, muscled back so that all four ladies would get an eyeful of the painfully sexy ass being thwacked. Dale repeated the request for punishment as McCormack lashed in and dished out the smacks on the naughty pet's bottom. He made Dale count all twenty strokes as his ass reddened. The punished boy lost count after five -- he couldn't count much higher in any case -- and McCormack had to start all over again, much to the hard-faced women's amusement.

Eventually all 20 spankings had been administered and the punished boy stood up.

"Let that be a lesson to you".

"Sorry sir. I won't do it again".

"Apologise to the ladies, no to me", barked McCormack. Suddenly McCormack and White heard clinking and banging sounds from the back of the store and went to investigate.

"You can head out the back ladies, whenever you're ready. I'm very sorry that pet Dale failed to give satisfactory service this morning". And with that, they both headed downstairs, leaving Dale to his fate with the randy women.

"Twenty quid to wank one off", barked Tanya's friend Donna. She was known as dirty Donna around town and had been desperate to see the lad's cock get hard.

"Wot?" said the bemused Dale, who thought stupidly that they had really come to complain. He had no idea what was going on. But then of course he was just a silly pet in a fix.

"You stupid fucker," continued Tanya, as the daughters giggled. "We're gonna give you £20 of our housekeepin' to see you wank your cock off here. Get it out".

Once again the embarrassed boy had no choice but to do it. He couldn't turn down £20.

"Strip off cuntface" yelled Donna, lapping it up as the boy took off his vest and kilt. He couldn't turn down twenty pounds for a quick whack off. Quickly he got his horny cock up and his metal neckchain clanked sexily in time to his wanking fist.

"Told you mum," laughed one of the girls, "look at the size of his dick". Wait till you see him shoot his stuff.

"Sperm I think you mean," cackled Donna.

"Yeh that's the stuff," laughed Tanya.

Dale was soon at full erection and the women looked eagerly at the young man pleasuring himself.

"Och he's makin' me clitty leak bad," squealed Donna. "Look at him pump that thing!"

Soon they were encouraging him to have his orgasm in front of them before McCormack came back.

"Go on shitface, squirt yer doins' all over yerself" laughed Tanya, excitedly.

"Yeah cum all over yer tits you stupid cunt" yelled Donna.

With that, Dale moaned and his rock hard young penis started to shoot baby batter juice all over his chest. His second cumshot of the day squirted right up over his hard tits and onto his face. Donna couldn't resist leaning over to grab a handful and lick it up before all four decided to make a run for it.

"Quick, leg it" shouted Donna.

"Wot about my £20?" yapped Dale, as the cum dribbled down his smooth, Adonis body.

"Ach ye'll have te catch us first," squealed Donna. "Can't see you's runnin down the high street after us wi' spunk all down yer," she laughed as the four women headed out into the street. They screamed hysterically as they had just got the stupid wanker to cum for them again and left him there with cum all over himself and not even twenty quid to show for it. Dale thrashed frustratedly at the stupid short kilt and wiped his cum down with the vest. He thought he'd better get back on the floor before McCormack found out and slid his cummy vest back on dejectedly.

Meanwhile downstairs, Andy White and McCormack were shocked to discover pets Davey Dick and Donnie Buchanan at the back of the store, loading crates of beer into the back of a van.

"Fuck it's McCormack," yelled Donnie, who obviously hadn't learned his lesson, "scarper". McCormack had mistakenly left the rear delivery gates open and pressed the electronic switch to close them and stop anyone escaping. He ran round to the front of the van to accost the two accomplices in the front.

"So! Trying to lift my fuckin' beer are you? Who the hell are you two, anyway?"

"I'," sputtered the lad in the driving seat, as his mate tried to shy away.

"Sorry? Sorry? You fuckin' will be sorry. I wondered where those crates of Supersava lager were going. Fuckin' full strength, too. Get out of that van and come inside, the lot of you. You realise I could turn you over straight away, don't you?"

"Sorry Sir."

"Get out."

McCormack's jaw hit the floor when he saw the clothes the driving lad was wearing. All he had on was a tight nylon combat vest and matching tight camouflage design pair of swim briefs, a chunky gold chain round his neck, spiky, gelled blond hair, and black army boots with white socks. A right tough little sexy fucker and dumb as could be imagined. Just what McCormack was looking for.

"What's YOUR name, then?" barked McCormack.

"Stevie. Stevie McNievey." McCormack laughed at the stupid rhyming name as he slapped him hard across the buttocks.


"18. Nearly 19 sir. 19 next month."

"You will do nicely." The lad had a perfect, smooth body with pecs and legs well developed for his age and the cutest ass imaginable.

"Nicely for what sir?" retorted the idiot boy.

"You'll find out. What's your little mate called?"

"Adam." Adam was a 5'6" sexy runt of a cocky lad, buzzcut at the side of his head and short, gelled forward on top. He told McCormack he was 19. He was completely bare chested and wore just a tight pair of jeans and Doc Martens, a stud in his left ear and two metal chains dangling round his sexy neck, one with a silver razor blade. A sexy pout and dreamy eyes and a teddy bear tattoo over his right nipple. His abs rippled with anxiety as he took deep breaths and wondered what was going to happen.

"Right, come with me all four of you." McCormack grabbed Stevie and Adam by an ear each and the two pets in their uniforms followed with a forlorn look on their face. Donnie chucked into a metal bin a bottle of lager he had stolen earlier and put in his pocket. He was too stupid to realise that wasn't going to save him.

"Where do you live, Stevie?" asked McCormack.

"Ain't got nowhere, been stayin' at me girlfriend's on an' off, or with mates."

"Oh, well, you can stay here for a couple of days. That should keep you out of trouble for a bit. Mr White will take care of you. What about you Mr Bigboy cocky shit Adam. Where do you live?"

"Bunked off the army. Been stayin' at Stevie's stepmum's."

"No doubt she'll be glad to see the back of you for a couple of days while you face your punishment here."

Punishment? Stevie and Adam looked at each other dumbly. Donnie and Davey looked at each other knowing what the consequences were likely to be.

McCormack led Adam into a room with two bunks at the rear of the stockroom, next to the play room. Stevie was led into the playroom itself. Andy White joined them and wrestled Stevie onto a black leather couch, slapping handcuffs on his wrists, and blindfolding him with the Bunnyboy playboy blindfold.

"Lovely little toy you got here, Mac!" jeered Andy. "Can't wait to play with this one!"

"It's got big balls and a little snub nose. More of a snout really!" teased McCormack as Stevie writhed and protested, shouting to be let go. "Don't get excited, boy, we have a lot of work to do," went on McCormack as he cupped the boy's cock and balls and squeezed them. Stevie flinched.

"Dirty little fucker, too," chorused Andy. "I think we should call it the `piglet'."

"Yeah. Piglet. Nice pair of balls, piglet!" laughed McCormack, looking forward to playing and tormenting their new piece of sexy boymeat. They'd look after him, they wouldn't hurt him, but they wanted their revenge and it was going to be sweet.

"Right, time for piglet to do a show for us!" said Andy. Let's see if he can dance.

"I can't dance, I'm tone deaf," protested sexy Stevie.

"You'll fuckin' dance if I say you will," shouted Andy to the handcuffed, blindfolded boy. "Let's just spike your hair up a bit more to make you look even sexier," chuckled Andy as he smeared extra strong gel in the lads hair. He led Stevie over to a four foot square metal plate rigged up to an electric pulser which sent mild electric shocks into whoever stood on it. He looked incredibly juicy as he stood there in his ridiculous camouflage vest and knickers. McCormack played the music. "Jump" by Van Halen. Suddenly the electric current had its effect and the lad was forced to hop about to the music in a very unrhythmic manner. The two older men laughed themselves hoarse as the lad hopped around and protested. His cock and ass bounced prettily in the tight knickers. MacCormack pulled them up at the back so that they disappeared up the lad's ass crack and two globes shook and quivered in the spotlight. McCormack and Andy looked at each other and decided it was going to be a couple of days watching Stevie and Ryan playing sex games.

"Let me off this fucking thing!" screamed Stevie, in obvious pain, as his cock flopped about deliciously in his pants.

"You had a wank today yet piglet?" asked McCormack, trying to stifle a giggle, as Stevie leapt about sexily on the metal plate.

"None of your fuckin' business!" retorted Stevie. McCormack turned up the voltage. "Ow, ow. No. No, I haven't fuckin' wanked. Ain't fuckin' had a wank."

McCormack switched off the current and let the sweaty boy step off the machine. "Good, because it will soon be baby Timmy's feeding time, and I'm going to need you. You'll come in handy, as it were." McCormack chuckled at his own little word play, as Nanny put out a tannoy call to shoppers:

"Baby Timmy's bath time show will commence in two minutes."

Shoppers made their way to the play pen corner to see the next show. Ryan and his mates had been lifting chocolate and a bottle of vodka from the front of the store and heard the announcement.

"Fuck, Gez is gonna get it again -- let's go and have a look!" They ran to the back of the store and Gez's heart sank as he saw them take up prime positions round the front of the pen so they could get a good look.

"Time to take Timmy's lovely Snugglies diapers off so he can have a lovely bath," announced Nanny, as Andy once again stood by the pile of diapers for sale and pointed out the two for one offer to the ladies gathered behind Ryan and his mates see the young man stripped naked. They cooed and giggled as Nanny detached Gez's diapers and the nude 20 year old footballer's ass popped free. His cock swung loose, semi-erect and sexy as hell. Nanny picked up a couple of bright pink inflatable child's water wings and fixed them one one each arm. He still wore the ridiculous bib and the pacifier hung round his solid, muscled neck.

"What a tit that fucker looks," yelled Ryan, as his mates wolf whistled. Nanny led Gez into the trough at the front of the pen. She turned on a hose at the side of the pen and aimed it at Gez. Warm water jetted out of the nozzle and squirted directly at Gez, who promptly slipped over as the water aimed straight at his crotch at an incredible force. Nanny poured bubble bath in the trough as the pathetic lad slithered and slipped in the bubbly, slick liquid. His gorgeous abs, six pack and pecs glistened as he struggled, and pretty soon he was laying back in three feet of hot, soapy water. He was like a prize fish in a large aquarium. The ladies bent down to see the outline of the sexy boy's body through the glass panel, his giant cock flopping in the water. Nanny soaped up Gez's hair and applied shampoo. She took a huge brush and started scrubbing him with the soap. Under his arms and then around his bubble ass and cock. It was enough to give him a huge erection, which made the onlookers literally howl with laughter.

"Scrub that cunt up good," yelled one of Ryan's mates, feeling up his own crotch absent-mindedly as he did. Gez was stupid enough to ask for something to drink. That was the cue for tea time. There was a large round of applause as Nanny announced bath-time was over and it was time for baby to have his milk. Gez stepped out of the trough to wolf whistles as his enormous erection and flaring purple glans bobbed with each movement.

"The pervy cunt's got a friggin' hard-on lads," shouted Ryan. "Fuckin' get a look of that fuckin' cock girls." The girls were loving it. Giggling and discussing with each other the size of Gez's big cock. Several were moist at the thought of a good fucking from the thing. Meanwhile, Stevie was being led around the back of the playpen by McCormack. Still handcuffed behind his back, with his legs tied together, Stevie protested but to no avail. His shorts were yanked down to his ankles and his delicious dick sprang out. McCormack dragged him along by his ear until he reached the right position at the milking chair. He sat the lad in a leather chair and clamped each wrist on an arm rest. In the seat of the chair was a greased up rubber dildo and Stevie's ass was impaled directly on it. "Phwoaaar!" screamed Stevie as the six inch dildo slid right up inside his slippy boy anus.

"Ride that, piglet. Fuck it. Fuck that cock." Stevie rocked backwards and forwards as McCormack reached for the `sleeve'. The sleeve was what McCormack called the milk pump. It was a little rubber device like a hollow tube about four inches long, attached to a length of hose about a quarter of an inch wide. The hose linked to the back of the playpen and a pump which led to a milk bottle and teat on the store side of the wall, where Gez sat waiting for his little drink. Gez was incredibly thirsty after all the antics and an hour and a half playing baby, and thought that even if he had to sit there nude he'd get a drink at last. He had no idea he'd be drinking Stevie McNievey's cum! Andy and McCormack couldn't wait to humiliate the two lads in this sexy way. Stevie protested as the pump was switched on and a little motor vibrated the slippery sleeve suctioned onto the end of his cock. He was very quickly teased to a full erection as McCormack surveyed his work and told Stevie to produce a nice lot of milk for baby Timmy. Stevie blushed and stared open-mouthed at the contraption literally milking his cock. He was powerless to do anything about it as the thing teased his penis and tickled his balls. As he squirmed on the dildo, McCormack explained what was happenening.

"So get nice and cummy my boy, Timmy is waiting for his feed!" Meanwhile, Nanny clamped Gez's fuckface around the teat, fixing a metal neck brace in place and forcing him to nuzzle the teat. He'd be forced to swallow all the cum, regardless of whether he liked the flavour. The audience at the front were just loving the spectacle of Gez being clamped to the teat. They had no idea he'd be eating cum. Only McCormack, Andy and Nanny knew that. Nanny was dripping fanny juice at the thought. Humiliating jocks was something she loved.

Stevie's cock reared to its full length and his huge overhanging foreskin was gently pulled backwards to expose the full pulsing monster. Suddenly Stevie neared orgasm. "Oh fuck, it's gonna blow. It's gonna blow!"

"Shoot that semen, piglet, feed your little baby boy mate!". The machine tickled and coaxed the lad's cock beyond the point of endurance as he bucked his sexy little boy ass on the straining, greasy black dildo. Huge blobs of cum whacked out of his piss slit and up the hose, flooding into the milk bottle in Gez's pen. The vacuum pump forced it out of the teat and into Gez's waiting mouth. Gez gagged violently as the first of the jets of boy cum squirted out of the teat. "Hmmmph. Hnngg. Yeuch. Hnghhh!" burbled Gez as he realised he was being force-fed warm, fresh cum. Some trickled down the side of his face, but most was forced in between his luscious lips. Being a horny teen, Stevie kept shooting. McCormack beamed as he counted nine big squirts of cum up the transparent hose as he continued to buck and release his load. The lad had shot a huge and shocking amount of cum. The thick, white sperm continued to bubble out of the teat. Gez thought it would never stop. The audience laughed as they couldn't understand why Gez was gagging on the milk so much and laughed and whistled as they gave him a round of applause. Finally, sexy Stevie was spent. "Well done, piglet, you can go for a rest now!" McCormack decided there and then that he was going to starve his little sexual playmate of orgasm pleasure for a few days and see what happened. But not before he had made him and Freddy play at sex games for a while first. McCormack led Stevie back to the entertainments room and clamped him to the leather bench, one wrist at each side, and pulled his combat shorts over his cummy, spent cock.

In the playpen, nude Gez was detached from the teat. "Filthy fuckers," he screamed, as his face was set free. "That was fuckin' cum! Whose fuckin' cum was that?" Ryan and his l roared with laughter as the nature of the `milk' was revealed by Gez himself. Andy told him to be quiet and behave and Nanny spanked his big, bare behind and told Timmy not to use such naughty words. "Timmy is a naughty, naughty little boy. He should be grateful to have had a nice warm drink. It's nearly tea time.

Part 6 to follow

Next: Chapter 6

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